7 Isn't The Lucky Number: Man Doubts Wife's Seventh Child (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Sanchez-Brown v. Brown.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Sanchez-Brown, you say that after four years and multiple children together your marriage is now in crisis. You claim your husband is denying paternity of your one-month old daughter Journey, and it is tearing you apart. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Brown, you say your wife kicked you out of the house in order to realize her fantasy of being a middle-aged single sorority girl. Yes, Your Honor. You claim your wife spent that three-month separation with multiple men, and you say it is physically impossible for you to have fathered her daughter. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. This case was referred to me by Judges Dana and Keith Cutler after cheating allegations landed you in their court. Ms. Sanchez-Brown, how have his accusations put your marriage in crisis? Shawn knows that he's the father of our daughter. I did not make this child by myself. And for him to deny her, it hurts my feelings. It really breaks me down as a mother. Um... (SNIFFLES) I'm a mother of seven... I mean, a mother of seven kids, with me and him. He, um... You're a mother of seven children? CRYSTAL SANCHEZ-BROWN: Of seven children. At 25 years old. AUDIENCE: Wow! Yes. And for him to just deny her like that, after... We have four together so why, all of a sudden, would he accuse me of cheating, of anything, when he knows that this is his. SHAWN BROWN: Your Honor, the baby is not mine simply because we had been going through a lot, she ended up kicking me out of the house during this time. And so, respectful as I am, I left the house. Kicking you out of the house doesn't mean she made a baby with somebody else. It do because during the time she kicked me out of the house, this was her time to, you know, have her fun. She wanted to go out, I was going to pick up our other kids, babysitting. She's dressing nice. She's going out to all different clubs. I have people calling me saying they're seeing her with other men. And during the time that she conceives the baby, I'm not even at the house. So, were you living the single life, Ms. Sanchez-Brown? No. JUDGE LAKE: You were not? There was no time to play because I have seven kids. If I'm gonna play, it's with my kids. And on top of that, he was never kicked out. He was back and forth. So, it's like he'll leave and then he'll come back. And we were still sexually active. During that time, Your Honor, a man even approached me saying, "I slept with your wife." JUDGE LAKE: Oh, really? And so a man, just up out of his mouth says that to me, how am I supposed to feel? Who is this man? From what I know, just a person from the neighborhood that knows her. And he just walks up to you and says, "Excuse me, Mr. Brown"? SHAWN: Because... CRYSTAL: He was a family friend. SHAWN: A family friend. JUDGE LAKE: You know who this man is? Yes, I do. JUDGE LAKE: You say he's a family friend? He's a family friend, and he's been around me since forever. But were you having sex with him? CRYSTAL: No. He probably got mad at him for yelling at him or something. I don't know. So why would a man tell your husband, "I am having sex with your wife"? Even if he was mad at the way he was yelling, he didn't like the way he was treated. I don't... There are a whole bunch of more things he could say to your husband, besides... Your Honor... "I'm sleeping with your wife." That's not going to defuse the situation. CRYSTAL: Mmm-hmm. That's gonna make it pop off even worse. Your Honor... I don't know if the man even... Even liked me or anything, so... Your Honor, I got family members, her family members calling me up. One night, Crystal dropped the kids off at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning. "Hey, Crystal ain't been over here to pick up the kids." I gotta stop what I'm doing at 5:00 in the morning to go and pick these kids up. So, where are you at? My friend's car had broke down and overheated, and that's where all this is coming from. 'Cause I literally just got stranded. At 5:00 a.m.? CRYSTAL: Mmm-hmm. How do you get stranded out at 5:00 a.m.? I was out the night before. He's telling the truth. I was out the night before hanging out with some friends. And we left around 2:00, and we were driving. But you just said you don't have... You said the only plan and the only stuff you do is with your kids because you've got seven kids. And you're not out here running around, going out. Now, you're out. I go out. It's just I don't go out like how he's claiming to be, as if I'm like a party girl or anything like that. It's just to get away... Your Honor... Well, if you go out somewhere, and you're stranded out until 5:00 a.m., where else are you except a party? Where are you? I was out partying. 'Cause nothing lasts till 2:00 a.m., but a party. Mmm-hmm. And she was telling me during this time, Your Honor, you know, about us arguing so much and that we got the kids that she needs time to herself. She want to go, you know, drink. And I've been with her for years and she never, you know, wanted to drink and do these things, so what was I supposed to do if I'm seeing a difference in my wife? All of a sudden, now, you want to go out. All of a sudden, now, you want to have your space, and... Oh, so you're believing that this whole kick you out of the house thing, you all live separately, she needs some space, was to give her room... Yes, Your Honor. ...to live out her sorority girl fantasy, you say? Yes, Your Honor. No. But how can I not believe that, Your Honor? I got friends that own night clubs and bars, and one of my friends called me because he's simply seen her at a club with another man. Oh, really? Simply called me. Yeah. They both were getting drunk, wasted, then she leaves with the man. My homie called me up, I'm trying to call her phone, but she's not answering, while I got the kids at home. So your friend sees your wife with another man at the club? Yes. I want to hear from that friend. Jerome, will you please escort Mr. Booth into the courtroom? Go right up here on the left. Stand on the left side of him. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. Mr. Booth, thank you for joining us today. What is your relationship to Mr. Brown? Mr. Brown is like a big brother to me. JUDGE LAKE: All right. I've known him for about ten years. I am also a DJ at the club I had seen Crystal at. You know what I'm saying? All right. So Mr. Brown has testified that you saw with your own eyes his wife out with another man at this club. Yes, Your Honor. What did you see? Around Saturday, September 16, last year, I had seen Crystal in a club with, you know, a guy a little taller than me with dreads. She had a little freaky dress on, a sexy dress on, you know what I mean. She was pop-locking, dropping it, you know what I'm saying? She was pop-locking it, and dropping it? SHAWN: Your Honor, how am I supposed to feel as a man when my homie... This is my homie, man. He works at the club. He's calling me, man, he's seen my girl at the club. How you think I feel about that, man? And you know it... ARAY BOOTH: Not just one time. I've seen them several times. JUDGE LAKE: You've seen her several times with that man? Not just him. Different guys, you know what I'm saying. No. Like, the first time I've seen them... Like, the first time I seen them, I ain't... You know what I mean. I ain't called him. I was like, "Man, that's probably just somebody "she waits with while the band comes and kicks it." But the second, third time, I'm like, "Whoa!" So I got to holler at my man. This is my blood right here, you know what I'm saying? This was during the time the baby was conceived, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So you say it was Saturday, September 16th, and you remember it 'cause you were DJ'ing that night. Yeah, that was the first time. I remember that like it were yesterday. And, Mr. Brown, you say that was during the time when you were separated. That was during the time when we were separated, and that's during the time the baby was conceived. And you've submitted a calendar to the court, Yes. Can I step up and show you the calendar, Your Honor? JUDGE LAKE: Please step up and show us, sir. During the time, at the end of August, me and my wife was getting into it, Your Honor, this is when I was kicked out. Journey was born on, as you can see, June 15th. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. SHAWN: Basically, during the time she was conceived was in September, and I was kicked out of the house. JUDGE LAKE: So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Right in September. SHAWN: Right in September. The conception window would be right in September, during the time you said you were kicked out of the house and you were not sexually active with your wife. SHAWN: And I wasn't sexually active with my wife. And I didn't get back into the house until the beginning of November, and that's when she told me everything. So, of course I denied it. And Mr. Booth has testified that September 16th, Saturday, was the day he saw her at the club pop-locking, and dropping it. SHAWN: Yes, Your Honor. With the other guys. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Which falls right next to the window of conception... Yes, Your Honor. ...which is outlined. You may step back to the podium, sir. So, Mr. Brown, is it your testimony that you were not sexually active with your wife during these months when you were outside of the house? That means the end of August, September and October. Yes, Your Honor, we were not sexual. Untrue. So untrue. We didn't do nothing. So untrue. And then, Your Honor, I want to bring up, when the baby was born, I was at the hospital. We got back on good terms, I signed the footprints. Next thing I know, her family members are coming with the same man that said he slept with my wife. Security had to exit me out of the hospital, and that's why I didn't sign the birth certificate. I got all crazy. He did sign the birth certificate. He signed the birth certificate? CRYSTAL: He did. SHAWN: I got all crazy. I have the evidence right here. He has signed the birth certificate JUDGE LAKE: I'd like to see that evidence. Jerome, can you pass that to me, please? Here you go. Thank you. You're welcome. You've presented to the court certificate of birth, father's full name, Shawn Brown, child's full name, Journey Marie Brown. This is the certificate of birth. SHAWN: From my understanding, Your Honor, I signed the footprints. And, like I said, there at the hospital, I was escorted out by security. Because the same man that said he slept with my wife was there, present, bringing gifts. But you did sign. How am I supposed to feel as a man... Then why'd you sign it? Why are they letting this man up in the hospital to come see my baby if that's my baby? Was he up there bringing gifts, Mrs. Brown? Yes, he was, and... But, like, other people were giving me gifts. But if he had already gotten to it with your husband, saying that he was sleeping... CRYSTAL: I stopped talking to him after that, so I don't even know why... JUDGE LAKE: Further, what I want to understand is... I guess... If he was up there... Stop talking when I'm talking. 'Cause this don't make any sense. A man comes up to your husband, outside of your house, tells him, "I'm sleeping with your wife." You go have a baby. You said you had reconciled with your husband. Y'all were trying to figure this thing out. He's up at the hospital signing a certificate of birth. And this man come up with a gift. CRYSTAL: Mmm-hmm. That don't make no sense. I don't know if he likes me or he's obsessed with me, but he has brought a lot of drama between me and my husband. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, that's some drama. CRYSTAL: That's the thing. But what we want to know is, did he bring more than drama? Did he help bring a baby into the world is what we're here to figure out. No. Never. And the problem is, your husband has stated that he's signed a certificate of birth, that's the little page where they put the baby's feet on it. CRYSTAL: Yes, that's, um... JUDGE LAKE: He says he dd not sign the birth certificate, but you say that's false. That's the truth. This court, actually, located and uncovered a copy of Journey's birth certificate. And, in fact, under her legal certificate of live birth, there is no father's name listed. Thank you. If that's my daughter, then why am I getting escorted out? So, of course, I'm not gonna sign the birth certificate. The reason why he got escorted out was because he was being loud. And I was like, "I'm not gonna have you yelling around this baby." If that's my baby, you should want me there before anybody. Why would I want to leave? CRYSTAL: But you denied her. Okay, but I'm still showing up, though. You were like, "She's too white. She too whatever." You were in denial. So you're saying, Ms. Brown, when the baby was born your husband immediately said, "That's not my baby"? He was like, "She's too light. She don't look like me." SHAWN: Because I'm thinking maybe the other man is the father. JUDGE LAKE: All right. What's it like at home now? It's miserable, because you don't know where your marriage stands, and... Everything with the kids, and him denying, and everything, it's just all up in one where... I don't even know where our marriage stands as of today. JUDGE LAKE: So you just had a baby one month ago. That's stressful enough. But I'm still here as her man, she'll tell you. Sometimes when she's going out, I'm showing up babysitting, right? I'm picking up my kids. I'm there. I'm letting you do you. I just believe that he's trying to get out of the marriage. He's just accusing or poking, and poking at me, so, of course, I'm gonna get up and leave. I'm like, "I can't take it no more." And so, when we're arguing, and she says I'm accusing her, and I'm poking her, then I feel like that's her revenge to get back at me. No. All right. So I can see right now, we're on the path to destruction, in a hurry, going nowhere fast. All these kids having to sit through this, all day. All day. Nobody want to hear that. I don't want to hear it, so I know the kids don't want to hear it. All day arguing, me getting kicked out of the crib, and then, I'm still supposed to... And I do. I still come back and be there for her and the kids. JUDGE LAKE: Well, that's why we need the answer. Because then you all have some decisions to make based upon the truth I'm about to give you. Jerome. Thank you. You're welcome. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Sanchez-Brown v. Brown,</i> when it comes to one-month old Journey Brown... It has been determined by this court... Mr. Brown, you are the father. I just wanted to know the baby was mine, okay? Okay? All right. Can I get a kiss? No. Your Honor, I just wanted to know was the baby mine. And, hopefully, um... I'm still gonna continue to do, um, what I can, but at the end of the day, we still got a lot to work on because I'm always getting kicked out of the crib. You're doing something right now that I usually see the woman do, Mr. Brown. You continue to harp on the past behavior. That's not going to get us anywhere. If you want to be with your wife, you all have got to find out how to trust one another, and how to build trust. And I think you understand now that, look, sometimes, separations work, but it's what you do on those separations that matter. You can't just all of a sudden be out at the club. Whoop, whoop, whoop. Listen, sometimes it works when you discover the grass is not greener. But sometimes it works so that your husband's friend sees you pop-locking and dropping it up on the floor, and the next thing you know, he's calling his boy and saying, "Hey, man. Your wife out here getting it." And then, you end up in<i> Paternity Court.</i> That's what I'm saying. Go out and talk to Dr. Jeff. And he's going to give you the kind of words you need to start saying to get this thing on the right track. You're a beautiful couple with a beautiful family. And too many darn kids to be out here cutting up and breaking up, all right? I wish you all the very best. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: UiumEtcqDwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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