Please be seated. -Hello, Your Honor.
-Hello. This is the case
of Tillis versus Jalik. Thank you, Jerome.
Good day, everyone. [audience] Good day. Ms. Tillis, you are back
in my courtroom today -for a second time.
-Yes, ma'am. [audience gasp] So, you're saying, Ms. Tillis, -he was jealous? Of what?
-[Tillis] Yeah. I would talk
to my friend on the phone. -[Judge Lake] What friend?
-[Jalik laughs] My friend from years
before him. Why were you on the phone
with him living in his house -and that's your boyfriend?
-[Jalik] Thank you. [audience murmuring] Why am I looking at your phone and you got nude pictures
going to your ex -while you ain't with that ex?
-[audience whooping] Well... now you say Mr. Jalik
is denying your six-month-old
daughter Jioni because he is confused
and delusional, but you have no doubt, you say,
that he is the father, -is that correct?
-Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Jalik, you say Ms. Tillis has demonstrated
questionable behavior and until you are given
100% proof that you are the father, you cannot
and will not fully commit to claiming Jioni
as your biological daughter, -is that correct?
-Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Tillis, tell the court why are today's proceedings
so important to you? Because the last time
we were here, he denied our two-year-old,
uh, son and I'm here today to prove to him
that he is Jioni's father. It's very important to me
and him, and I just want
the inconsistency to stop, the-- <i> him being hot and cold
with Jioni.</i> <i> If I have to be
a full-time mother,</i> <i> then he needs to be
a full-time father.</i> He needs to be there the same amount of time
that I'm there with him. And you're feeling frustrated because this paternity question
is allowing Mr. Jalik -to be on and off like a faucet?
-Yes. [Judge Lake]
Sometimes running hot, -sometimes running cold?
-Yes, Your Honor-- [Judge Lake]
Sometimes just running? -Yes. [chuckles]
-[Judge Lake] Yes. So, what is your current
relationship status? What's going on between
the two of you? [Tillis]
Mostly, we're co-parenting but my definition
of co-parenting is, we don't have any dealings
with each other and we take care of the kids,
it's strictly about the kids. Yes.
You all are not co-parenting, you're just co-parenting
and co-mingling? Yeah, co-habitation. [Judge Lake] And co-habitating
too, you living together? -Yes.
-Lord, all right. Next page. So, Mr. Jalik,
can you take me back what was going on
in this relationship when baby Jioni was conceived? [Jalik] We weren't together. I was out of state
during June and July, we weren't even vibing. -Yes, we were. Well, you got--
-So, what she did was, -Your Honor--
-The end of July when you got back, I mean,
the end of June when you had returned,
we started messing around because everything went back
to being cool with us. [Jalik] That wasn't June.
That was in July. -[Tillis] Yes, it was--
-[Judge Lake] All right. Hold on. Listen, listen. Mr. Jalik, you submitted
a calendar to the court. -[Jalik] Yes, I did.
-I wanna go over that. Please step over to the podium. Tell the court what is outlined
in this calendar. What's outlined in red,
Your Honor, is the time that I left
and went out of state to visit the family to go
into the 4th of July holiday. During this time in red, I was not in the same state
as, uh, Ms. Tillis'. [Judge Lake]<i>
June 24th to July 5th.</i> [Jalik]<i> I was out of state
with family.</i> [Judge Lake]<i>
All right, what's next--</i> [Jalik]<i> So here,</i> between the time in red
and the time in green, my son's birthday was here,
July the 29th, he turned two here. So, the week
before my son's birthday, I guess you can say
we cool down, <i> we kind of reconciled
our differences</i> <i> because his birthday
was coming up.</i> <i>So, we may have had sex the week
before my son's birthday</i> between the rest of this,
the red and the black these days right here,
we weren't even dealing with each other
because this is me out of state and right before his birthday
she called me, like, "Is there going be drama
if I let you know," you know, "Come to where he at."
I'm, like, "It's about him, it's not about us right now." So, here is where me
and Ms. Tillis may have had sex, -the end of July.
-[Judge Lake] All right. So... [Jalik] And what I have here, Jioni was born April 1st. -[Judge Lake] Okay.
-[Jalik] 2019. Tell her when
my due date was, though. I don't know.
Uh, she was not premature, she was not born a preemie, <i> she was full healthy
on April the 1st,</i> <i> so when I did my calculation,
I'm, like, "Wait a minute.</i> <i> If I was out of town</i> during the end of June -coming into July--"
-[Tillis] You don't know that. "...and she was born here
on April the 1st, the time-frame don't add up." -That means you was
-[Judge Lake] You counted that? [Jalik]<i> Yes, ma'am.</i> <i> That would put her
window of conception</i> <i>up here around the time I was--
I wasn't even in the city.</i> [Judge Lake] One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. -Without a...
-I feel like it puts it right around the first week early part
of the second week of July. [Jalik]<i> Had to be.</i> -[Judge Lake]<i> And you were gone?</i>
-[Jalik]<i> Yes, ma'am.</i> Basically her conception date, if I'm the father, should have
been back here somewhere <i>to give it a full nine-month run
if she's not a premature baby.</i> <i> If the doctor's saying
she carr--</i> <i> she carried this child
a full term,</i> <i> then you're telling me you got
pregnant in July and boom,</i> straight nine months later
you drop on the 1st of April. It don't add up to me. [Judge Lake]
And she's full term? -Yes, ma'am.
-Uh-hmm. All right.
Thank you so much, sir. You may step back to the podium. So, Ms. Tillis,
what is your response to this evidence? I got pregnant with her the end of July. So, August, September, October,
November, December, January, February, March,
and then April. You know, and before them,
before he left out of town, I wasn't messing with anybody, so I don't care
what he's talking about. If you want more episodes
of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe
and click on
the notification bell. So, outside
of the conception date being off to me, the calculation
is not adding up, I picked the phone up
from my son because he was, like,
"Dada, Dada," and I picked him up
and sat him in my lap, he had her phone, it's open. I directly went to her gallery. In Ms. Tillis' photos,
you have a picture of a month-old fresh newborn,
which is right here, and one of her ex-boyfriend's
cropped together in her phone. The baby ain't even
60 days old yet, why is you cropping a picture
of my daughter with your ex? -Oh, that's a great question.
-[audience murmuring] And I told him, I was on the phone
with my sister, you know, like, I could say,
"Oh, you look like"-- No, none of that makes sense. I could be on the phone
with my brother but I ain't feelin' to crop
no picture of my brother child and put another person on it. -[Tillis] If my sister...
-Come on, now. -If my sister...
-So, Ms. Tillis. -It does it seem a little odd.
-[Tillis] If my sister... I-- I mean, what-- -what would possess you--
-[Tillis] Your Honor, if my sister is not there for me to be, like,
"How does she look like, this person right here?" -So, I puts the picture--
-[Judge Lake] So, wait a minute. -[Tillis] of them together--
-[Judge Lake] Hold on. Hold on. -and I sent it to my sister...
-[Judge Lake] Hold on. You going on and on
when I say "hold on" does not give you any more
credibility. It just makes you look like you making up a bunch
of nonsense. It's not-- them test results
ain't nonsense... [Judge Lake] The truth is-- no, the truth is right now
in this moment. You have a very real issue that you need to be
honest enough to deal with. If you're gonna align
another man's picture up with your newborn
baby's face, you are obviously trying
to prove or disprove something. -Either way, it's problematic.
-[Jalik] Very. -I guess.
-[Jalik] Uh-hmm. But she is--
We should not be here-- the picture is the problem. If you feel like
she's not yours, why come over to her
and hold her and say, "Hey, Dada,"
and kissing all on my baby, <i>acting cool with her one minute</i> <i> and then when me and you
get into an argument</i> <i>it's you just talking to our son
and you would ignore her.</i> -What-- What are you saying?
-[Judge Lake] Ms. Tillis, Mr. Jalik has expressed
that he has doubts, but what I don't understand is, when a man walk through
your door and deny your baby, how you still laying down
with him? You say you're still
sleeping with him. [applause] If you feel like
she's not yours, why do this with her? Why do that with her? Why-- Why say little stuff?
If you feel like -she's not yours--
-Because I'm still a grown... -...why do all this extra stuff?
-Because I'm still -a grown man.
-Right. [Jalik] This-- This is--
We know for a fact, she's Jadis' sister. What we're trying to figure out
if I'm Jioni's father, <i> so whatever I do with Jadis,
I'm gonna do for Jioni.</i> So, she don't feel nothing
but unconditional love from me. I'm a-- I'm a boy maker. -Period, point-blank.
-[audience groans] -Hold on, hold on, hold on!
-[Jalik laughs] Oh, damn. So, Mr. Jalik,
you only make boys? [Jalik] Yes, Ma'am. -[Tillis] Liar.
-As we've heard that said in our courtroom before. All I make is NFL and NBA stars. -[Tillis laughs]
-That's all I make. That's it. That's all I produce. And scholars, that's it. -And scholars?
-[laughter] -And scholars.
-And scholars. And scholars, too. So, let me be clear. -How many children do you have?
-[Jalik] Four. [Judge Lake]
So you have four boys? -Yes, ma'am.
-[Judge Lake] And you believe -you only make boys?
-That's all I got. So do you have
any other evidence to support the fact
that you just make boys? I was told a long, long,
long, long, long time ago... -by a family member...
-[Judge Lake] Right. ...that that's all
I was gonna ever make because that's all
I was producing. And I believe it wholeheartedly. So the fact that I hear
it come out of nowhere, a curveball, which is
a beautiful blessing right here, maybe she is,
maybe she not, and again, the last time
I was here, I told you honestly, -the mom is a little friendly.
-[audience groans] At the end of the day, there are a lot of men
who come into this courtroom and assert they only make boys. <i> This is what they do.</i> <i> So if it's a girl child,</i> <i>they couldn't be the biological
father of a girl child.</i> <i> Because they just make boys.</i> <i> And so this court wanted
to understand more</i> and understand
if this is in fact true. And based in any type
of real science, biology. So we would like to talk to Dr. Samantha Brown-Parks
right now. Jerome, will you please
escort the doctor -into the courtroom?
-[Jerome] Yes. I wanna find out
if this is possible or not. And let's get down
to the bottom of this once and for all. [Jerome] Hello, doctor. -[applause]
-You want to go up there to the witness stand. See, y'all ain't the only one
that can dig for facts. [Tillis] Okay. Hello, Dr. Brown-Parks. -Hi, Judge.
-Thank you so much for coming back with us. So, we have a situation
where Mr. Jalik is claiming that he only makes boy children. So therefore, beautiful baby
Jioni cannot be his daughter. And I wanna understand, is it possible for a man
to only create one gender of offspring, of child? So let's go back
for a little biology lesson. -[Judge Lake] Yes, let's go.
-Women are double X'ers. You got two X-chromosomes. Men are an X and an Y. So that means statistics
being statistics, that it's not over time, or over the number
of children that you have but every shot is a 50/50 shot
between an X and a Y -that he's gonna contribute.
-[Judge Lake] Is there ever a situation where a man's Y
would outrun the X or the X would outrun the Y? So there's lots of theories
about that, and there have been all sorts
of studies, and these studies look mostly
at family trees going backwards. So there does tend
to be a tendency in a family of boys, to produce more boys,
there's no hard evidence. There's no gene
that's been associated. But that would be
more reflective of your family
that you come from, meaning you come
from a family of boys, rather than you producing
multiple male offspring. So, what we're really learning is this notion that a man
can only produce -one gender is a myth?
-Indeed. Don't count out. I drink my prune juice
and lemon juice. -So that helps me create boys,
-[laughter] you know, what I'm saying? Prune juice and lemon juice. -All right.
-[laughter] We learn something new
every day in here. And don't forget
pickle juice, that's good, too. Pickle juice
is a natural remedy as well. A natural remedy for what? Just keeping yourself
tight and right. [laughter] But what does that have to do
with producing boys? You see, I cant--
I can't go-- it's a Southern thing
that we was taught way, way, way back.
Way, way back. -[laughter]
-I got time. What is it? [laughter] If you combine pickle juice,
prune juice, and lemon juice, -you produce more boys?
-[Jalik] Yes, ma'am. Those three juices? I've been running down
through that, Your Honor. I ain't got nothing but boys. Have you ever heard of this,
Jerome? -Not lately.
-You heard what he's saying. [laughter] It's what I'm saying, you got
to have deep Southern roots, I mean, it's not for the--
you know, cities, -it's country.
-[Judge Lake] Well, my family from Columbus, Mississippi.
I ain't never heard of such. -[laughter]
-Y'all should know. [laughter] -Y'know am saying.
[Judge Lake] All right. They left me out of that intel. Well, yeah,
because you're a woman, though, Your Honor,
so it was for the boys. I am obviously not a scholar. [Jalik] I didn't say that,
but I bet you are. But I will say this,
I'm only-- I'm only kidding. Sometimes you gotta laugh
to keep from crying. You just got to take a minute
and just laugh -It's been so tense.
-[scattered laughter] I will say this,
that we really do have some
very real stakes today. You know, I've listened
to you guys go back and forth. And if you're able to go back
and forth in this way, and pretty much not agree
on one thing for the last 36 minutes, I can only imagine
what it's like at home. Oh. [chuckles] -[Judge Lake] No, really.
-Yeah. -I understand that, Your Honor.
-[Judge Lake] So let's get the truth for this baby. And let's figure out
where we go from here. -All right?
-[Tillis] Yes, Your Honor. Jerome, I'm ready
for the envelope. [applause] These results were prepared
by DNA Diagnostics. And they read as follows. In the case of... Tillis versus Jalik, when it comes to six-month-old Jioni Jalik, it has been determined
by this court. Mr. Jalik... you... are the father. [applause and cheering] You got your first little girl. [laughter] Congratulations. You must've drank
a different smoothie that day. [laughter] Y'all have to switch up
your juice. -Yeah, it's, uh-- I'm... proud.
-[Tillis] Uh-hmm. You know, like I said,
I'm human. You show me a newborn
that's supposed to be mine if she cropped with another ex. I mean, that's gonna be
suspicious with anybody. We know
why you had doubt. We're-- That's the past. -[Tillis] I told you...
-What I'm looking at is-- Listen, listen,
I'm not going back over that. I'm sick of hearing
y'all argue -back and forth about nothing.
-[Tillis mumbles] The baby is his,
you have been vindicated again, Ms. Tillis,
this is his child. What are you gonna do now? Same thing I've been doing
since she was born, -April the 1st, be her father.
-Be in and out? 'Cause I'm done with that. -That has gonna have to stop.
-Be her father. Mr. Jalik, you have-- you're a man
with a lot to say. You're a man with a lot to say. [Tillis] You know what they say
about that. And you seem to have answers
and reasoning for everything. You produce scholars, so I am going to speak
to your intellect and your intelligence
right now. -Yes, Your Honor.
-[Judge Lake] You know this woman wanna be with you. I want you to think about it
and I want you to work through it
and talk about. Figure out what you wanna do. And figure out how to do it.
All right? And this time,
you have the truth as the foundation
to move forward. I don't wanna see you all
back in here again. -[Tillis chuckles]
-I wish you the best of luck. -Court is adjourned.
-[Tillis] Thank you.