Booty Call To Resident: Casual Couple Face Fight Over Paternity (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Coleman v. Bennett.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Coleman, you say today you will be vindicated when the DNA test proves Mr. Bennett is the father of your four-month-old daughter, Mar'Leeya. TARYN COLEMAN: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You say the only reason he has doubt is because he's been through this situation in the past. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Bennett, you say Ms. Coleman is a nymphomaniac... (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) ...who will sleep with just about anyone. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: In fact, you claim you caught her having sex with another man, which is exactly why you don't believe you are the father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So Ms. Coleman, you are furious that Mr. Bennett is denying Mar'Leeya. Explain. Well, Mr. Bennett has seven kids, and... (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) ...he treats my baby like the Cinderella step-child. And that's not what's going on because he's mistreating her. He doesn't like to keep her. I would ask him could he watch her while I do my homework? Ten minutes later, he's bringing her back. I ask him for some diapers. He sent some fruit to my granny's house trying to apologize for being such a bad boyfriend and all that, and... He just needs to get his priorities together because at the end of the day, regardless if you're going to be with me or whatever, my kids are still here and you still need to take care of my kids like you try to take care of the rest of them. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) So, all right. We heard that. MARK BENNETT: Okay. So, Mr. Bennett, are you treating her baby like she's a Cinderella step-child? No, I just don't... I can't get no bond with her 'cause I don't feel like she's my child. Why am I gonna get a bond with a child for that might not be mine? And so, you feel like the child may not be yours, and so, you don't want to establish the bond. No, I don't. What for? Why'd you sign a birth certificate? 'Cause... At the time, we was together. COLEMAN:<i> Should say where you was at.</i> BENNETT:<i> Same time, we was together...</i> COLEMAN:<i> All right.</i> BENNETT:<i> You know what I'm sayin'? But, anyway...</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> All right.</i> So take me back. I wanna understand the nature of this relationship. Ms. Coleman, how'd you meet? I met him at work, on the aisle. He stopped me, talking, flirting, making me laugh, swearing he was single, <i> and doing what he do best.</i> <i> He's so friendly.</i> <i> And so...</i> <i> About a month later, I gave him my number.</i> He came over. I let him be my booty call, nothing more, nothing less, that's it. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) You go home. It wasn't no a month later though. Yes, it was. No, it went about two weeks... You said you'll let him be your booty-call. COLEMAN: Yes, and that was it. It wasn't a month. It was about like two weeks... Stay over there on your side. Come on, be honest. Let it be real. I gave you my number at the beginning of April. Come on. COLEMAN: Anyway, so... About a month after that, he... "Can I come wash my clothes?" And he never left. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Oh! (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) And now, I just became pregnant ever since. So, he went from a booty-call to resident like that? (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) He claimed... He claimed he was trying to go back home but he "ran out of gas" and his car stopped, and now he's just been in my house ever since. I just don't understand. Why didn't you put me out then? COLEMAN: I did put you out many times, but you still came back. Why... I'm saying... We've been together almost three years. You never put me out. It ain't three years. It's two. What it is? All right, so bottom line was the booty-call... Yes. ...became your live-in boyfriend. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Were you all committed? Were you using protection when you had sex? I was committed. He wasn't. So it ain't... Committed to what? What you committed to? To our sex life, not to you. Okay? BENNETT: You were committed to everybody else too. COLEMAN: No. Well, were you having sex with anybody else? No, I didn't have sex with anybody else. Who else was you committed to? You just said it. Who else were you committed to? I was committed to our sex life. I'm not interested in no relationship unless you don't do right. Oh, I see what you mean. You were saying you're only having sex with him but you didn't have feelings like you all were gonna be in this committed relationship, <i> boyfriend and girlfriend, because you felt like</i> <i> he was still having sex with other people.</i> COLEMAN:<i> He was. Yes.</i> BENNETT: And you was havin' that too. No, I wasn't. JUDGE LAKE: So, Mr. Bennett, we're here in<i> Paternity Court,</i> so, at some point in time, you believe she was cheating on you. Yes, ma'am, she was. When did you come to that conclusion? What made you believe that? BENNETT: We moved to our apartment. Um, the dude that lived on top of us, that she never communicated with him at all at first, like no communication appeared. We get into it, and then all of a sudden I come back home, y'all, they "buddy-buddy." Like, they real friendly that he knows my kids' names and everything else, like, what's up with that? You feel me? So I asked the about it 'cause see, they made me suspicious about the guy, like, "How all of a sudden y'all talking at first? "Y'all weren't talking back then." You know what I'm sayin'? And then, she calm. And till the time I was home, "Oh, he cool." That's it. That's all and... He was playing games. Y'all weren't cool then. So you thought she had gotten real buddy-buddy with the neighbor... BENNETT: Yeah. ...a neighbor she didn't even talk to before. Yeah, no. JUDGE LAKE: But all of a sudden, after you were gone you came back, now they buddy-buddies? So you thought she was sleeping with the neighbor? COLEMAN: He's only saying it because my baby's dark skinned and that man dark skinned. I'm talking about the hairline and all that. But the man's not as dark as him, and my baby is as dark as him. BENNETT: So what, the hairline and all, just alike. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Well, you know, in this courtroom... I promise. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) They look just alike. We don't go by skin color in this court room 'cause we know it doesn't add up. My first kid has light skin. JUDGE LAKE: We know it doesn't add up. My baby looks just like, a little more like him than the other ones he claimed, that don't even know if they're his. (AUDIENCE MEMBER LAUGHS) How about that? Hey, I'm looking at her... COLEMAN: Okay. JUDGE LAKE:<i> So, Mr. Bennett, what other reasons do you have...</i> You feel like she was cheating. Okay, look, like, one time, um, she went out with a friend, she went to the club, right? Okay, the friend sent me a picture of her car being outside, when she supposed to be spending the night at somebody else's house. Okay, when I looked at the picture, it was, like, four... It was about five o'clock in the morning. So I went to go get a homie, you know what I'm saying? I went to go get a homie, boom, we go over to the house. Can I show you where the house is, so I can finish explaining where it's at? Yes, you may. BENNETT: Yeah, yeah. Cross over to the exhibit. Let me show you. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) (SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. BENNETT: Okay, this is our apartment building. Her car was out here. I told my homie to stay right here, all right? 'Cause right, in that alley, you can't... This is our front door and this is our side door. You can't get out, you can't go nowhere. So I came right here, to this window right here, put my ear to the window, I could hear something, I don't know if they was doing it, or if they was finished doing it, 'cause, you know, you laugh after you get through having sex. Or whatever. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Oh. Just saying, yeah. I'm just saying, 'cause when we get through having sex, she fall out of stuff, like that, we laugh. You laugh? COLEMAN: That ain't even funny. We talk and everything. So you heard a man inside the apartment... He lying, 'cause I was in the closet when he was beating on my window. (AUDIENCE GASPS) She claims she was in the closet, but I don't think she was in the closet, 'cause I could hear her. So you were beating on the window, too? Yeah, I knocked on the window, nobody came out. So, after, when nobody didn't come out, I got in the car and I left, I called her phone. Well, when, uh... Yeah, that's it. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I went... I called the phone. I called the phone. I called the phone. I kept, kept constantly calling the phone. She wouldn't answer the phone. So I feel like she got caught up. So the next day, she gonna hit me up with, "Good morning, what are you doing?" So I was like, "What did you do last night? "'Cause you ain't answering my phone calls or texts." She was also talking about some, um... "I went to go spend the night at my friend's house." So I sent her the picture. <i>I send her the picture, like, "This is your car at 5:00, 6:00 in the morning,</i> <i> "so how you go to a friend's house..."</i> <i> She talking about some, "Oh, I can get around, I don't need my car."</i> "You don't go nowhere without your car." You feeling me? COLEMAN: Okay, he's a liar. But you just said you was at home... I'm a liar, but you just said you was at the house in the closet. Let me tell you what really went on. Did you not just say that? Be quiet. He's a liar. Did you not just say that? Let me tell you what happened. Come on, now. I went to work that day. we was already not on good terms. I got off at 8 o'clock. And I tell him, "Well, I'm going out." Ain't telling him where I was going, I'm going out. So anyways, I go out or whatever... JUDGE LAKE: Mmm. ...and I go back home. Now he was the one up there, messing around with that little bitty girl. That's two different things. Now look, know that they're a little younger and she stay in the same apartment complex as me. Same building. He was out there with her, in the car, doing whatever they supposed to be doing. That's how he knew I wasn't at home. So he came back at 6:09 in the morning, came beating on all of my windows in my bedroom. So when he beat the first time, I thought it was somebody here, trying something upstairs, I was like, "Dang, what they doing?" Window's on the side. Did it again and again... That's 'cause I was sleeping. You was sleeping? (COLEMAN SIGHS) So he beat again, so I went and got in the closet, 'cause I just thought he was gonna go ahead and beat the front door in once he got around there. But he thought you were in there with a man. But then he thought wrong, 'cause if I was in there with one, I would've opened the door and let him beat him up. Okay? (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I'm not gonna mess with nobody that can't whoop you, okay? You would've let me beat him up? No, no, no, baby, I 'm not gonna mess with nobody that can't beat you up. That's stupid, okay? You gonna have a hard time finding him. I told you you couldn't mess with people that can't beat me up. And he be wanting to know why I be fooling around, okay? Like, that's crazy. So you admit you be pulling up... Yes, 'cause you stupid. (CHUCKLES) JUDGE LAKE: So... Can't make this up. went and hid in the closet? Yes, 'cause I thought he was gonna beat my front door in. But you knew it was him. Yeah... So why not just open the door and say, "What's your problem?" No, because he crazy. That's my point. I've been trying to find that answer forever. No, 'cause he like to argue and stuff. He like to argue and come in and walk through your house. You were on one... I thought there was someone else in. You don't stay there, baby, that's my house. No, I stayed there two months... No, no, no, you haven't been there since May, let's get this understood. Yeah, well, okay, that's three months. Okay. Okay, so... (SIGHS) Take me to the time you found out you were pregnant with Mar'Leeya. Okay, so... What happened? We were working at the same job, JUDGE LAKE: Mmm-hmm. and we worked the Sunday through Wednesday schedule, so it was a Saturday night. And, okay, we're getting bored here, it's going down, okay, and he was like, "It's about to happen." And I said, "Two more minutes." And he was like, "I don't have two more minutes," then there, I got pregnant. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Oh, Jesus. (BENNETT LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: Oh, Lord. For real. JUDGE LAKE: I... I do want the truth. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I do want that. But the explicit truth, um... Got the visual. So the bottom line is, you don't do the withdrawal method and you come up pregnant. COLEMAN:<i> Yes.</i> <i> JUDGE LAKE: And tell me how you told him.</i> Well, he told me. So, I didn't have to tell him. So when I went to the doctor... BENNETT: Who else was involved? He was there throughout the pregnancy. He will go to the doctor and stuff. Until he got mad at me, when he gets mad at me, he won't show up. And then, every time he gets mad at me, that's when the baby's not his. And he always say, my baby don't look like him. But the little girl that he do have <i> that don't look like him, be like, "Well, that baby looks like me."</i> <i> He always throws that in my face.</i> BENNETT:<i> See, you do that all the time.</i> Okay. So, other than believing she slept with a neighbor or someone else at 4:00 am, what other reason, Mr. Bennett, do you have to doubt? She done told me plenty of times I ain't the father. Just like yesterday. She told me yesterday, "Don't worry about my kids. "You worry about the other five you got. "These two ain't yours." No, no. I said, "You should never see these two." I didn't say they weren't yours. You don't have to see kids you don't pay for. BENNETT: You say that all the time. COLEMAN:<i> How you gonna change the diaper</i> <i> if you can't even buy none?</i> BENNETT:<i> The same way I've been doing it.</i> COLEMAN:<i> No.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> So, wait a minute.</i> <i> Are you saying, Mr. Bennett,</i> that Ms. Coleman has said to you, "These are not your kids"? BENNETT: She done said it multiple times. She even like... even... She don't even click with my other baby mamas. They wouldn't laugh about me. You know what I'm saying, this is how terrible she is. He wakes up everyday and humiliates me on Facebook. He gets online, I'm a bad mom, he gonna turn me in to the people. I don't do this. I don't do that. He'll go live for like 25 minutes at a time, and like dog me like I ain't never did nothing for him, to him, took care of them kids. What kids you talking about? They come to the house looking like nobody cares about them. I don't ever send 'em home hungry. Off my ticket. BENNETT: You don't have somebody, get grandma to take care of you. I'm a full-time student. When I was pregnant, I started savings and everything for my baby. He sat on the couch and didn't do nothing. He didn't do nothing! I've made a life for my own kids. He didn't do nothing. People be telling him to go get him a little temporary job. He'll be like, "Nah, I'm straight, I'm chilling." No, you not straight. You not chilling. You got seven kids and you got me messed up. <i>That's what's really going on.</i> <i>Tell him about that.</i> Tell me, "Can I get some damn money for cigarettes and stuff?" You can't even support your habits. So why are you smoking? What do you mean? What do you mean? Like, I'm sick of this. I like how you acted it out. What do you mean? You can't even... You can't even get up and go buy you nothing to eat. So then I'm buying you something to eat, no. I'm only 22 years old and he's 30. You should have more to your name besides that damn car that barely even work. What do you mean? Come on, baby. You can't pipe up on me. It don't matter where I work. You don't have a job. She just worked one day. You don't even have a job! You get hand outs. JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Let's get some order. You don't do nothing for me. COLEMAN: No, I didn't. JUDGE LAKE: Let's get some order. Let's get some order. Let's be honest. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Coleman and Mr. Bennett, this doesn't help us. It doesn't help us. We're here for Mar'leeya. It doesn't help us. I wish all this arguing and fussing and fighting and back and forth could go back and change time and we could just know who Mar'Leeya's biological father is and you all be supporting her <i> and raising her together.</i> <i> I wish that...</i> <i> we could do that.</i> But we can't. We're here. This is it. And it doesn't matter how much you bash her or Ms. Coleman, how much you bash him. It doesn't change the fact that both of you all had a part to play in why you arrived here today. You do. And Mar'Leeya is now four months old. COLEMAN:<i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> She's a beautiful little girl.</i> <i> You say, Mr. Bennett is not treating her</i> the way a father should treat a daughter. COLEMAN: No. He's not providing for her? COLEMAN: No. Lying again. JUDGE LAKE: And not stepping up to the plate. COLEMAN: No. I have to ask you, Ms. Coleman, can you tell the court that there was just not one other person you were intimate with during that time where there would be a question about Mar'Leeya's paternity? I was not with nobody at all. Absolutely no surprises? COLEMAN: None. Jerome, I'm ready for the results. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. <i> In the case of Coleman v. Bennett...</i> <i> when it comes to four-month-old Mar'Leeya,</i> <i> Bennett...</i> It has been determined by this Court... Mr. Bennett... you... are the father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) You are the father. That's your baby. Beautiful little girl. COLEMAN: Pretty silent now, ain't we? (SCOFFS) JUDGE LAKE: That's exactly what I was thinking. BENNETT: I'm just ready to go. So much to say, until now. BENNETT: Yeah. It still don't change the fact that you did everything that you did. And you still ain't got to ever worry about seeing her. JUDGE LAKE: Listen... Don't care. No, we're not going there. We're not doing that. BENNETT: I gotta deal with it. We're not doing that. I gotta deal with it every day. Every day. JUDGE LAKE: We're not doing that. Gotta learn how to... JUDGE LAKE: But you know what, Mr. Bennett? No, no. 'Cause this is a good moment for me to have you understand this. You, and every other man, that decide they gonna sleep with a young girl, but then, you go on and expect once you get her pregnant, she's gonna all of a sudden get maturity. But you want maturity from her that you don't show. You can't get what you don't give. You've had a child... <i> with a young woman...</i> who just, last year, got to have first drink in a bar or go to a night club. But now, all of a sudden, it's like, "This is what I gotta deal with." I mean, sometimes you men kill me with this, that, "This is what I gotta deal with." Yeah, you slept with it, you deal with it. (CROWD APPLAUDS) That's it. Shoot, Mar'Leeya be laying like, "I gotta deal with both of them." (CROWD APPLAUDS AND CHEERS) Okay? "What am I gonna do?" I'm speaking for her. You all gotta get this thing together. I want you all to go talk to Dr. Jeff and I wish you all the very, very best. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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