Unwanted Guests: Man Finds Lover Cheating In HIS Home (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. -Hello, Your Honor. -Hello. This is the case of<i> Wilson v. Dean.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day everyone. [audience] Good day. Mr. Wilson, you've opened your case today to prove that Ms. Dean's 17-month-old daughter Jakiah is not your biological child. You say you moved her into your home, laid out the red carpet only to find out she was rolling around -with other men in your home. -[audience exclaims] -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Dean, you say Mr. Wilson has turned his back on your daughter and he welcomed her into the world and signed her birth certificate. You claim Mr. Wilson is her father and his denial is hurting you and your daughter. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Wilson, why don't you believe that you're the father of Ms. Dean's daughter Jakiah? Your Honor, I don't believe I'm the father because I have been fooled by multiple females in the past. -Oh. -What do you mean? You planned this. And I have been going down this rodeo for far too long. I signed on the birth certificate. Um, I'm... I'm not there physically. I just can't handle it because she... Just no consistency. I just want... I just want the answers today, so I can just have closure. So, Mr. Wilson, you saying you've been fooled once, you've been fooled twice, -but you're not gonna be fooled again. -Correct, Your Honor. And, Ms. Dean, you say this is unnecessary. -That this child-- -[Tavana Dean] It really is. -Go ahead. Explain. -It really is. He's been not only belligerent and lying, him and his family, is lying, because not only did we plan this baby, we had concessions. I had my period. -You had concessions? -You know, we... We was literally getting down, doing things besides just... -Oh, that's a concession. -Yeah, a concession. -[audience laughs] -Okay. -So, when I say we having a concession... -Wait-- ...I mean, everything... Everything... Over and... Okay, so, hold on. Mr. Wilson, I need you to talk to me about these concessions... -Yeah, concessions. -...that you were having. Yeah, let's talk about concessions we had. Um, she was on my Facebook page, liking my comments... -So, what? You was my boo. -...and my pictures and she... She hitted me up, like, "What you up to?" And this, that, and the other. At the time, I was taking care of my stepfather. had my own house, car, work, and things of that nature, and because I had a previous relationship with her in the past, I was single, she was single, we decided to meet up, and we met up in... Um, we actually planned the baby. The baby was just not a "coincidence." I asked her could she have a baby for me... So, now you deny the daughter -that you "planned." -...because she knew what I had been through in the past with not having kids, how desperately I wanted to have a kid, and she had me under the impression that she was willing to go through with it with me... And I did. You don't see the baby? -And then, you know... -[audience laughs] I... [chuckles] I see the baby, but I don't see me in the baby. I see the ex in the baby. -[audience gasps]<i> -She posted a Facebook picture</i> <i> of the baby with him</i> and it looks like his baby, not mine. Who is with him? [Judge Lake] Oh! So, hold on. I don't... I don't wanna jump ahead. -Excuse me, Your Honor. -So... No, no. I wanna understand what you're saying. So, you actually say "I wanted -"to have this baby together." -[Janeiro Wilson] Yes. And, so, where did everything go wrong? -If you planned it. -Her story was not "consistent," -the word she used, yeah. -[Judge Lake] Okay. It was not consistent as her storytelling. As the truth kept coming about, the lies kept adding up to it. -[Judge Lake] All right, so take me to-- -He is lying, Your Honor, to your face. Hold on. Ms. Dean, when you found out you were pregnant, take me to that day. I had my period in February. We conceived in March, you feel me? -When you found out you were pregnant-- -I called him, he was acting like he was happier than two jaybirds. All right, so, you called Mr. Wilson and he was happy. Yes, and then when the baby came out, you couldn't tell him that that wasn't his kid at all. [Judge Lake] Okay. So, tell me, Mr. Wilson, you've been informed of the pregnancy. Were you there at the birth? -What happens when Jakiah was born? -No. Stop taking, Ms. Dean. I asked Mr. Wilson a question. I had to be there at the birth, Your Honor, 'cause I cut the umbilical cord for her to have the baby. <i> So, I had to be there.</i> <i> -So, you were there at the birth? -Yes, I was.</i> Did you go to doctor's appointments for the baby, too? She never followed though with them. All right, but at the birth, you came... -[Dean] He lying. -I came. ...and you cut the umbilical cord. I did. One, two, three. -Did you sign the birth certificate? -Yes, I did. <i> -You did? -Yes, ma'am.</i> <i> So, you accepted this baby</i> <i> -as your own? -I did.</i> And at that time when you did that, -you believed you were the father? -Didn't have no doubts. And you basically thought you all had brought <i> the plan to fruition and you had said together</i> <i> that "We're gonna have a baby</i> <i> and here's my baby</i> -that I've been wanting to have"? -Correct. All right. So, you're a proud dad, -this is a beautiful moment... -[Dean] He lying. -...and you're blessed. -[Wilson]<i> Yes, ma'am.</i> [Judge Lake]<i> So, where does it go wrong?</i> Well, we're trying to build a relationship while she's pregnant and in the mix of us building a relationship, she's getting bigger. She's whispering, I hear echoes, she's always in a different room at her apartment, and I'm, like, "Why you never around the kids?" She said, "I can't talk now -'cause my ex is here." -[audience gasps] And why is he there 11 o'clock at night if the kids got school in the morning? And he knew exactly what was going on with the other guy. He just don't wanna take responsibility and be a man -and stand up. -[audience gasps] He came over to visit. -He is lying. He came over to-- -He was there for 30 days? He came... He lying. It was no 30 days. -How was it 30 days when we was having... -[woman] Concession. -Concessions all that time. -[audience laughing] He is lying, bro. -[audience applauds] -Stop lying. You is making me upset. I apologize, but he is sitting here lying. Janeiro haven't help me since day one. Ever since that baby came out, I've provided everything. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. Janeiro was supposed to be living with me. I asked Janeiro to move in with me... I wouldn't have moved in with her when I had a bigger home, Your Honor. -What do you mean? -I had a three bedroom, two bathroom. She was in a two bedroom apartment and one bathroom in a four duplex -that was not... -What do you mean? -[Dean] You proposed to me in that duplex. -And I have my step-father. [Dean] What are you talking about? You're on, uh, trial. I didn't ask you three days ago? -No. No. No. -That proposal mean nothing? -You lying, baby. It's okay. -No. [audience laughs] -You on trial. -[Wilson] Yeah. Okay? Just in case you didn't know. I'm aware of that, Your Honor. -You are on trial. -I work at the court. -Clearly, you don't. -[Judge Lake] And, look, look, and if you have too many concessions... -[audience laughs] -[Dean] Yeah, concessions. ...you're gonna end up on trial. Lord. So, at some point, Mr. Wilson, was it something about the relationship between she and her ex -that made you start feeling like... -[Wilson] Yes. -...Jakiah was not your biological child? -Yes. I-- What was it? I didn't have doubt until she told me, "I didn't have sex with him. He's just laying on the couch." Okay, I went with that. When I ran into him at the bus stop, I said, "This is a coincidence." Now I can man up and ask him face-to-face. What's the story on his end? If it adds up to what she's telling me then I have no doubts. But he said the complete opposite of what she's giving me, and I asked him, I said, "Is you all having a child together?" He's like, "Yeah." I say, "What you all supposed to be having?" He say, "A little girl." He went into details. -So, there, that fueled my doubts. -Lying. Wait a minute, this was before -the baby was born? -Yes, before. So, why did you sign the birth certificate? [Wilson]<i> I'm gonna tell you why.</i> -[Dean]<i> Please. -When the baby was born</i> <i> it was so light and bright.</i> <i> I was, like, "He's so dark, she's dark.</i> <i> It's no way he's the father."</i> I still didn't have doubts, until she caught me on FaceTime with him on the phone and they both confirmed that I wasn't... -And said what? -[Dean] You is lying. -I don't even mess with... -She was, like, "Bring me back my baby," 'cause I was like telling her I'm not, you know, releasing her right now. -There you go. -She say, "Bring me back my baby. It's not your baby, it's his baby." [blabbering] Like, the... [speaking indistinctly] -I said, "Janeiro." -He was, like, "That's right, That's my baby, bring back my baby." She said, "Yeah, yeah, I did it again. I did it again. Bring me back my baby." I looked at the baby, Your Honor, I said, "It's a possibility this could be my baby, but it's in fact, her baby." And until I know it's my baby, I'm gonna give back her baby. -I'm no gonna hold the baby up. -That's not what you said. -Not gonna take it away from her mom. -He lying. I'm giving it back to her. -That ain't right. No. -From there, I dropped the baby off at a couple of weeks and I haven't seen the baby since. And how long has it been? The baby it's, like, 17 months now. And how long has it been since you've seen her? -Seventeen months. -Yeah. [Dean] He haven't did anything, and then he moved away, changed his number, blocked me, same time, -and then he... -But you told him he's not the father. I only told him that because he would not give back my child. Why would he just have the baby? He had the baby, trying to take the baby so he can be with someone else. He... He used me. She watch too many Lifetime movies, Your Honor. -No, he used me, Your Honor. -[audience laughs] After I had that baby, Your Honor, he proposed to me, told me that we were gonna get married, moved in together. He lied, took the baby... -[audience gasps] -...tried to move away... Well, tried to... He had the baby in his care. -He never took her 'cause I gave her to him. -So, okay. So, this is the point I'm getting at. Now, you look at this picture. It just looks like <i> a little daddy kissing the baby.</i> -[Dean]<i> It just came out of the womb. -That's too new.</i> [Judge Lake] Oh, so cute. But that looks like a daddy kissing his baby. You sign the birth certificate, then you go pick the baby up... And then he disappeared, don't forget that. -With the baby? -Disappeared. -With the baby? -Disappeared. -[audience laughs] -So, at some point you didn't know where he was with the baby? No, I had no idea where he was. -How many days was he gone? -Months. Approximately, about a week and a half. -Okay, I wanna unders-- -No. -Approximately, you're lying. -Hold on. You should ask your brother. You see how he put his head down. -Shame. -All right, I wanna hear from you, Ms. Faithful. -Please stand. -Ashamed of making the baby with you. -"Supposedly." -I guess. I guess. -State your name for the court. -Janese Faithful. And your relationship to Mr. Wilson is? -This is my brother. -That's your brother. All right. What do you know about this? -When this baby, when she... -[Dean] You didn't answer the question, did you? When she was pregnant with this baby, yes, I asked my brother, "Why you dealing with her again? She did this to you nine years ago. Why you getting yourself in this situation?" We had just lost our father... -You know what my problem was. -...so he grieved into this baby. -He was in grievance... -Okay ...and it was attachment instantly. <i> Like, "This is my baby."</i> <i> I think that she's attaching to him financially.</i> It's not for looking for the father of this child. It's about what this baby can get from this man. She knew what she had done. When my brother had this baby, we were... We were gonna take it and do what we needed to do for the baby. She came to my home... -[Dean] Lying. -...looking for my brother with her family, throwing things at my window. -That's 'cause you all took my baby. -"Bring me back my baby. -That's not his..." -You all took my baby and won't tell me where you was at. -That's why... -She called my family... I wasn't home at the moment, thank God, because if I was, I would probably have an altercation with her family -about them popping up like that. -I see you. But I heard her father said, "That's not his baby. Where that baby at? Where that baby at? That's not his baby." How he gonna take a baby that's not his? Oh! Through all of that -my understanding is... -[Dean arguing indistinctly] Let's get some order. My understanding of this is somehow Jakiah ended up staying with Mr. Wilson for an extended amount of time. When they didn't bring her back during the timeframe you approved of, Ms. Dean, you then went to the house, but in the process of you going to get your daughter, someone from your family said, -"This is not his baby, anyway." -No. My family didn't have any contact... We have no contact... I don't even got Janeiro number now. -He is lying. -But my point is, has it ever been stated -that Jakiah... -No. ...is not his child? -No, it has not. -[Wilson] Yes, it has. Not... Not by me. All right, thank you so much, uh, Ms. Faithful. You may be seated. Mr. Wilson, you say you have always wanted a baby, and I can see as you look at that picture, I can see how you just stare at it, <i> -because you wanted to have a baby.</i> -[Wilson]<i> Yes.</i> And this baby was new life, as you celebrated and had to say goodbye -to your father. -Correct. -This meant something to you. -[Wilson] Mmm-hmm. -Can you tell the court-- -[Wilson] It was a chance for me to live again. It was giving me purpose because I was so attached to my father... Um, I don't say stepfather, he's my father, and she knew all that, what I had been through even in my past relationships, so I thought that she was willing to give me something that she kinda even regretted not giving me in the beginning of our relationship when we had history. And I didn't have no doubt that we planned this. It should have been that. But somebody was not committed and consistent, <i> and it was not me.</i> <i> I'm more... I'm more gut feeling.</i> It's almost, like, -mama's baby's, daddy maybe... -Yes, it is. ...and it's almost, like, I'm more convinced she's not, than she is. She didn't ask to be here. I asked, but the mother must have not been one hundred. -How? 'Cause I had... -You know? I got pregnant... So, I just want to know... If the baby is not mine, I would like my name removed off this birth certificate. -Sure, no problem. -[Judge Lake] All right. And if she is yours, I want-- [Judge Lake] Listen, listen, listen. We all know where we are now and this is just a ball of confusion, negativity, and dysfunction. I don't even know how you all got together much less decided y'all was gonna make a baby together, but we're here now and we need to get these results. Jerome, I'm ready. [audience applauding] These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Wilson v. Dean...</i> when it comes to... seventeen-month-old Jakiah Dean... It has been determined by this court... Mr. Wilson... you... -are not the father. -[chuckles] [audience exclaims] Ms. Faithful, stop. [Janese Faithful] Thank you, Jesus. I apologize for taking you though this, but I am gonna find out who her father is -and I'm gonna... -You gonna find out? -No, when I say find out-- -You gonna find out? I'm gonna bring him on this courtroom, like I did you at. Oh, good luck. -Yeah. -Listen. Okay, Listen. -He might still be on the couch. -That's enough. That's enough. That's enough. That's enough. -Boy, grow up -That's enough. [Judge Lake] The real truth is, you have literally downgraded and verbally abused Mr. Wilson over this baby that ultimately is not his. And the truth is, when I read the result, you weren't that surprised. I was actually happy 'cause I don't gotta deal with neither one of them. -Excited. -Likewise. -[Judge Lake] Well, listen. Listen. -Exactly. Listen. Because you knew... -No, I didn't know. -...that there was a real possibility that it could be somebody else's... Hey, we say it all the time. You can stand up here and lie all day if you want. Everybody can lie. Plaintiffs, defendants. Everybody can tell a lie. -The DNA is not gonna lie. -I know. When the DNA was read... -[audience applauding] -...you went through your... "Thank you. Thank you." Like you was up accepting an award or something. -[Wilson chuckles] -It was, like, oh, no, no, no, no, no. -We have been through an entire hearing. -[woman] Yeah. [Judge Lake] If you act the way you acted in this courtroom, you're not gonna get the response that your daughter deserves, and I'm saying to you, I realize this, you are trying to make your point and make people understand what you have to say, but I'm going to need you to take a step back and look at yourself and just say, "I want to get this father for my child. I want my child to know her father." -Just stop. -[Dean] Mmm. Just take a breath -and just think about your little girl. -[Wilson] Mmm. We have counselling and resources for you. We want you to stop this cycle and find out who you need to be in contact with and bring him back to this court... -[Dean] I'm gonna do that. -...so we can get a daddy for this baby. -Okay? All right. -Okay. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 865,750
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 7, season 7 full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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