Friends To Foes: Man Says Friend's Name Printed On Baby's Onesie (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning. This is the case of<i> Bruce v. Miller.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day everyone. ALL: Good day. Miss Bruce you say your ex-boyfriend was supportive during your pregnancy and never had any doubt about paternity. It wasn't until your now 17-month-old daughter Neveah was born that he started to deny that he was her father and now does nothing for her. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Miller, you claim the plaintiff slept with your friend and you know that he is Neveah's father because you believe it is medically impossible for you to father children. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So Miss Bruce, you say he needs to step up. BRUCE: That's right. What does he do for you daughter? Nothing. (AUDIENCE GROANING) He hasn't done anything for my daughter all this year. I mean I have been there the whole time that she was pregnant, you know... But this year she is correct, I haven't done much because of the situation being the way that is between her and I. That has nothing to with our daughter. She still needs food, she still needs daycare. And you still need to prove that she is mine. And so you've been pretty much doing this on your own. Right. Right. So take me back. I want to understand the nature of your relationship. How you all met. Got together. BRUCE: I met him years ago at a party. We talked for a minute. I wasn't really interested. We didn't really talk much for few years and then he contacted me on Facebook in January of 2012 and we've been talking ever since then. Talking. What's that mean? Well, we started talking... You've been doing more than talking if Neveah is here. Right. Yeah, right. JUDGE LAKE: And he could potentially be the father. And then quickly, he moved in. And then we started to, you know... So wait, how quickly after you met that he move in? Very soon. Like a month. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So a month after you... MILLER: No, this is... That... Let me stop her right there. I met her technically, like, 10 years ago. So it was like we were already familiar with each other. So, the process just went faster because of that. And is it a committed relationship? Are you boyfriend and girlfriend? It was never committed apparently, ever. Ever. It was never a monogamous relationship. On whose side? I found out very early on... On both sides? BRUCE: No. I found out very early on that he had been doing things... outside of our relationship. MILLER: That's a true statement. Yeah.That's true. Things happen between us, we broke up so there was no more commitment. But we continue to deal with each other on other levels. Right... Deal with each other on other levels. Just go on, tell the story. MILLER: Yes, sex. Okay, so you still continued to have sex. We were... Things like hanging out still, like in a relationship. Living together. We were living together. We were on and off through out the last five years. It was never on the whole five years. Let me say that. JUDGE LAKE:<i> But you were on enough at some point</i> <i>you found out you were pregnant.</i> BRUCE:<i> Right.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> So when you got pregnant,</i> was this during a time you were together and committed... MILLER: No. ...or broken up? We were broken up. We were broken up but we were still sleeping together. So, you find out you're pregnant. BRUCE: Mmm-hmm. When you found out you're pregnant take me to that day, what happened? BRUCE: Him and I both, we both went up to a drug store, we both got a test, we both came back to my house. I took it. Called him in there. He saw it was positive. We got along fine throughout my pregnancy all the way up until the eighth month. So, wait. Was he happy? Yes. We were broken up, she was with who knows. Just because the test come back that she is positive pregnant don't mean I'm positive the father. Right, and we... We discussed... JUDGE LAKE: True. And we discussed getting a DNA test and I was okay with that. Because we hadn't been together. <i>I was okay with getting the DNA test.</i> So immediately there was a discussion of a DNA test. BRUCE: Wait! Yeah, no. Immediately you expressed that you may or may not be the father of this child. MILLER: Yeah. Right. Going in to her... Going in to her pregnancy, she weren't even four or may be five months pregnant before I was like, "Hey we gonna have to get a DNA test done?" But did you said you thought she was yours for that reason? I never ever rule out the possibility that she is mine. Because I know that I was having sex with you, unprotected, so the possibility is there. JUDGE LAKE: So why the discuss, Miss Bruce. Because if I listen to Mr Miller's testimony he is basically saying she got pregnant during the time when we weren't committed. So while I know I can potentially be the father I don't know if there could potentially be another father. Right. I don't disagree with you that he had a reason to want a DNA test. But it's just the way he asked me for it after our child got here. He said, "She just don't look like me. I need a blood test." Is what he said. Okay, but you already know it. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, so you're saying... So I understood. Had I... If I was in his position, and I was the man and he was the woman, I would want a DNA test as well. Because you never know what someone is doing behind your back. So I understood the fact that he wanted the test. So you have the opportunity... We're in court now. So you have the opportunity to testify. Were you doing something else, with someone else? No. But you believe she slept with your friend. Right. Yes. That's what I believe. And it's, like... During her pregnancy, he started to just, kinda, pull away from... You know, from me. I'm not thinking much of it, you know, but it was when she had the baby that things really came into light as far as the friend is concerned because the day that she gave... Well, the day that she went into labor... She had a c-section. And I'm up there in the hospital when the child is born. <i>One of my friends</i> <i>gladly welcomes the child,</i> like a friend will welcome his friend's child. Like, "Hey, let me hold the baby." The one that's been distant, that's exactly how he was in the hospital that day. He don't want to hold the baby but I noticed how he looked at the child. Really? When he came into the room, it was one of those looks, like... He wanted to see the baby, but not be dealt with the baby. BRUCE: He is delusional. Oh! If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. Your friend of 30 years... This is a person you know very well... Right. ...was acting uncharacteristically different. Right. When the child was born the friend, he gave me a gift with some onesies in it. One of the onesies specifically said, "My daddy is the 'blank'." Okay, I won't say the name because the name that was on the onesie is the nickname that the friend goes by. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) What? I have that right here. Thank you. So you say, this friend, who started acting funny, brings you two onesies for the baby. MILLER: Mmm-hmm. JUDGE LAKE:<i> And it has the other guy's name.</i> <i>His... His nickname. Not his real name.</i> But I'm his friend. I know what you go by, of course. She knew it. She is hurrying putting up back in box... He is lying. He is lying. And I never seen the baby wear it. So did you get a onesie that had his friend's nickname on it? No. No. So one of you are... One of you are lying. BRUCE: He's lying. Because it can't be... I'm not lying. He is crazy. Are you still in touch with that friend? No. You confronted him about this paternity issue? MILLER: Oh, yeah, I confronted him about this situation. Well, matter of fact he actually reached out to me. Calling my phone. He is like... Soon as I held the phone, I go, "Hello." He is like, (IMITATING FRIEND'S ACCENT) "Hey, what's this all about? "You think Kelly baby is my baby." I was like, "Oh, yeah, that's exactly what I think." Do you have any other reasons why you feel like this friend could potentially be... MILLER: Yes, I mean... Miss Bruce's... I have also... Since the baby been here, I've had people calling me and saying, "We've seen your baby mom car in his neighborhood." So, in... All right, hold on. So, you submitted an exhibit to the court. Right. To explain... Yes. ...this situation. All right, I would like to, uh... ...see this exhibit. Okay. This is the neighborhood that he lives in. Out there is a residential neighborhood, ain't no stores out there, no clubs, no place but somebody's house. So, you're saying this, her car was spotted in this neighborhood. MILLER:<i> Right. Not once.</i> Twice somebody done called me. BRUCE: But did you see my car? Did you see it? MILLER: No. I never said that I saw her car. Okay. Okay. All right. But someone has reached out to me. BRUCE: So someone else is more believable. They seen my baby mama car in this man neighborhood. So you think she is in this neighborhood because she is taking the baby to see... That's what I originally was thinking. ...your friend? Right. So, Miss Bruce, you're saying that this story is fabricated. Completely fabricated. JUDGE LAKE: Why would multiple people say <i> they saw your car?</i> BRUCE:<i> No one said that.</i> Mr. Miller had said that. Nobody has... No. Somebody said that. How do you know? How do you know, ain't nobody said that? Nobody has... 'Cause I know him. I know you. I know you. Nobody had said that. You're one of the biggest lying (BLEEP) I seen. Nobody has said that. Hold on. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Let's be respect... BRUCE: Right. I didn't have any... Me and him... (MUTTERS) So you deny all of this. BRUCE: Yes. MILLER: Yeah, of course. I'm not gonna admit to anything I haven't done. JUDGE LAKE: So when Neveah was born... No, you did. And Mr. Miller was there for the birth? BRUCE: He was there for the birth. Because I asked him to be. Because a month prior to that he was MIA. He left my house when I was eight months pregnant and he went and got his own place. And claimed it was for her daughter but she never once went to that house, ever. Oh, why she ain't gone there? Why she ain't been there? When I tried... And when I tried to establish paternity... Why ain't my daughter come to my house? Excuse me. When I tried to establish... Tell them why my daughter... Is it your daughter? I signed the birth certificate, so technically it is my daughter. BRUCE: It is. MILLER: Okay. JUDGE LAKE:<i> Okay, now...</i> <i>She has his last name.</i> <i> We are testifying.</i> This is your daughter under the law. MILLER: Right. Right. You are the legal father. We do not know if you're the biological father... Right. ,,,but you're he legal father. That is right. If, in fact, it is determined today that he is not the biological father... BRUCE: Mm-hmm. ...then he can go back to your home state and petition the court to have his name removed. BRUCE: I'm aware of that. Yes, I'm confident. I don't have anything to worry about. I also have a picture that I wanted to show you, since he... JUDGE LAKE: You brought evidence? A photo? Yes. Yes. Jerome, will you please hand me that photo, please. John had said that he was so doubtful for so long, you know. That's just a picture after my child was born. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Of him and her. So this is a picture of you. BRUCE: Right. I just think it's And this is the picture of beautiful Neveah. BRUCE:<i> odd that someone that's really that sure...</i> MILLER:<i> See, that's the whole thing.</i> BRUCE:<i> Can I speak here?</i> It was part of that I'm a man who was dealing with a woman and she got pregnant. And me being the type of man I am, knowing that I'm even the mere possibility, I don't know who you've been sleeping with... But just the fact that I'm a possibility I'd been the one to step up. That's the funny part. You're gonna step up and take a picture? Well, thank you. (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) I mean if you look at... Hold on. Hold on. I gotta figure this out. I can't continue... I ain't going 18 years... All right. Take a breath. Okay. (INHALING DEEPLY) Take a breath. BRUCE: I just, like... No! Take a breath! The look on your face, Mr Miller? (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) <i> The look on your face to me says, doubt.</i> <i>MILLER: Right. So that should let you know how long it's been present. In me.</i> You said in your court file, you don't even think it's medically possible for you to have children. MILLER: Right. Explain that to the court. This child was conceived when I was 35 years old. JUDGE LAKE: But you signed the birth certificate. Right. I never had... I never had any children prior to this. And I'm pretty... Real sexually active guy. You know, I never had any kids, so when she got pregnant, I was just kinda wondering, like... Hey, I don't even want to know. And so you believe, what, you have a low sperm count? Yes, ma'am. I believe my sperm count is low. And I don't believe that I can father a child. When we get to this courtroom, we're about answers. MILLER: Yes, ma'am. BRUCE: Thank you, ma'am. And so we ordered you to undergo a semen analysis. And we have those results. MILLER: Mmm-hmm. Jerome, can you please escort Dr. Jameelah Gater into the courtroom? Hello, Dr. Gater. Hi. Right up to the witness stand. Thank you. Hi, Dr. Gater. Hi. Thank you so much for being here with us. We are here discussing the paternity of beautiful baby Neveah. Mr. Miller has indicated through his testimony, he believes he has a low semen count. So can you explain Mr. Miller's results specifically. Yes, so in Mr. Miller's case, his total volume of sperm in the actual analysis, was quite low. His actual total sperm count was also borderline low at 19 million. So, normal is closer to 40 million. His motility was actually very low. Normally males, 50% of their sperm are motile which increases the chance of pregnancy because the sperm has to swim to the egg, to basically fertilize it. So, in Mr. Miller's case only 24% of the sperm were motile. Which is very low. What is the chance that he would be able to father a child? Because here, we, of course, are talking about paternity. So it's possible still for Mr. Miller <i> to father a child with a low sperm count.</i> <i> But the likelihood goes down significantly with a sperm count that low.</i> JUDGE LAKE: Very interesting. So, when you hear that, Mr. Miller does that in any way affect your belief as you came into this courtroom what you feel about Neveah. You know, when I'm hearing this, this confirms that thought that I had. You know, I don't want her to do "Oh, that's your baby. Oh, that's your baby." Like it was just me-me-me that she is dealing with. Like claiming it. All right, so, Miss Bruce, so has your position changed? Nope. It looks like it's clear from here on out he shouldn't have any more kids. But he is got mine. Well, we'll see. They were swimming fine then. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Okay. Well, that's all that matter, right? That's right. We'll find out. Where they were swimming... At the... JUDGE LAKE: All right. End of the day, I just want him to be in her life. I want him to be father to my daughter. She deserves that. Those are your hopes? Those are my hopes. I just want him to get past some of the anger that he has towards me, in order to stop hindering the relationship with her, once he finds out that she is his. Well, let's get to the truth. Let's do that. So, we can see where we go from here. Okay. Jerome. (APPLAUSE) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics. And they read as follows. In the case of<i> Bruce v. Miller...</i> When it comes to 17-month-old Neveah Miller... It has been determined by this court... Mr. Miller, you... ...are the father. Yeah, okay. (CHEERING) You are the father. That's... That's perfect for me. That's your gorgeous little girl. I really appreciate it and I apologize to her for the way that I've handled the situation thoughout this whole year and throughout the... Just step up and be my baby's daddy, that's all I want you to do. That's it. MILLER: My baby... So when you look at your little girl now, I see you feel emotional. Why do you feel that? Because I'm... I've allowed so many different influences to keep me from me. JUDGE LAKE: Hmm. Well said. Because when you make a child, it is a part of you. Yes, this is weighing heavy on me. So... It's great to find out the truth once and for all, to be able to do what needs to be done. And I see you're emotional, Miss Bruce. 'Cause I know this has been a long road. (APPLAUSE) You understand, that much of this is a symptom of your toxic relationship. Mmm-hmm. Both of you are more than intelligent enough to have solved this DNA situation, months ago. I see you can't even keep your eyes off her, Mr. Miller. It's my baby. She'd been waiting on you. MILLER: Yeah, I know. Every little girl wants her daddy. BRUCE: Yes. We have counseling and resources for you. I want you to talk to Dr. Jeff about how to do this. Co-parenting is not easy. But you can do it. Neveah is worth it. Right. I wish you the very best. Court is adjourned. Thank you. (APPLAUSE)
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: 7gkv97Qrw8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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