Regretting That I Do: Paternity Doubt Cause Marriages To Crumble (Compilation) | Paternity Court

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Ms. Cook, you confess you had sexual relations with your husband, Mr. Edmond, and then cheated with another man. Yes, Your Honor. All within a three-day period. (AUDIENCE GROANING) Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Now you say you're unsure which of the two <i>fathered your daughter.</i> MEGHAN:<i> Yes, ma'am.</i> Now, Mr. Edmond, you say your wife has a history of infidelity, and since there is now only a 50-50 chance that you are the biological father of your daughter, your entire family has turned against her. Yes, Your Honor. So, now, Ms. Cook, do you believe your husband and his family have a right to be this outraged? Your Honor, I would like to start by saying that we have been married (SIGHING) for five months. We, um, are raising a five-month-old daughter named Marleigh. She is the best baby in the world, <i> but around the time of my conception</i> <i> we definitely had some turbulence.</i> And when I say turbulence, I mean cheating. Me first, then him, then me again. It's nothing to be proud of but that's what reality is and that's what we're here today to determine the paternity of Marleigh. JUDGE LAKE: All right. So that was a nice, glossy gift of information you gave me. Now I want to get to the nitty-gritty. Okay. What happened? So, you're in your relationship, things are going well. Okay. Well, things are going okay as far as I'm concerned. But Facebook has a whole another story to tell. All right. So what happens? Some stuff pops up, makes me feel very uncomfortable and makes my trust for him go down quite a lot. What pops up? MEGHAN: A message from another girl. This girl has popped up multiple times. Okay. So you suspected him of cheating. Basically she informs me that he has been writing her and that it's an ongoing thing and, you know, even using my phone to do it while he's in the same room as me. So, I was just outraged. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Then you do what? I cheated on him with a very close friend of his. (AUDIENCE GASPING) Well, okay. Supposedly a good friend. My best friend. Suppose... My best friend. Supposedly his best friend. But the friend in question had a lot of negative to say about Jared. And was basically in my ear, telling me all these awful things about... "Jared doesn't love me. "Jared wouldn't care if he was with me." He, um, didn't understand why I was with him. JARED: You were supposed to be my girl. You were supposed to be my girl and he was supposed to be me friend. And you were supposed to be my man. Okay. So, either way... Either way you were wrong. Okay. Either way you were wrong. JUDGE LAKE: So, you're starting to talk to his friend. His friend is feeding you information, MEGHAN: Yes. making you feel like you shouldn't be with him. MEGHAN: Yes. And a long story short, we ended up, um, hooking up together. It's nothing to be proud of but it did happen. We were... "Hooking up," means... Me and his best friend had sex. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. It wasn't even like sex like in a room or in a hotel. It was like... It was outside. (AUDIENCE GASPING) At a church. What? And somebody else was there that I know and that's how I found out. MEGHAN: And... JARED: He watched it, Your Honor. MEGHAN: Yeah. Well, it's weird. JARED: Your Honor... Because the other person was actually pretending to be asleep and secretly looking over his shoulder. And, um, about a month after this incident happened, randomly the other person decided to tell him. After that, she cheated on me again with another guy. After he cheated on me. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Around the same time that she conceived. Cheated on me with someone very close. Okay, so during the time of conception, when your daughter Marleigh was conceived, <i> who were you sleeping with?</i> <i> Um, I was with my husband...</i> At the time were boyfriend-girlfriend. Um, we were together basically every day. We did not use protection. <i> And the other...</i> The... The second guy, which is embarrassing to admit, but we did not use a condom. The bottom line is, within the window of conception, you slept with more than one man and the sex was unprotected. Oh, yeah. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: All right. So now you realize that, MEGHAN: It could be... the other guy you slept with... It could potentially be him as well. Yes, ma'am. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And once she tells you this, she gets this guy on the phone. You get this guy on the phone? Um, I called him and I said, "I have some news. "It's really not good news "but, um, you know, "I was wrong about my conceptions date. "You are a possibility now. "And just for the record, "I love Jay and we are going to be together "and he will love this baby regardless." Which he also vouched for. He took the phone. He called, uh... He talked to the other man and he said, "Even if you're the biological dad, "I'm still the one making sandwiches. "I'm still the one doing her hair, <i> "and you can come on the weekends."</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> This all sounds great.</i> <i> Matter of fact,</i> you both tell the story almost like it's a nursery rhyme. Or a fairy tale. And then this happened. And this happened. When in actuality, this is a nightmare. It is, honestly. JUDGE LAKE: This is a nightmare. All this smirking and smiling and just telling the story like in a minute you're about to break out into a cheer or something. You slept with two different men during the window of conception, which leads to the fact that, this baby Marleigh, beautiful baby, He... doesn't know who her father really is. Her biological father. You don't know and you don't know. I don't. It's just ridiculous! But in this court it's about the child and you all better take it seriously. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) In the case of<i> Cook v. Edmond,</i> as it pertains to five-month-old Marleigh Edmond, Mr. Edmond, you are her father. (LAUGHS) (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) (MAN WHOOPING) I... I'm happy about that. I'm like... I love my wife. I love the baby. Good. JARED: I love my sister. I just don't want people fighting, you know. I hope... I hope this brings people that much cordial or to get that much closer to be in the same room at least. I want my family to get to know her. What's one person without their whole family? Don't nobody care about you like your family. And Ms. Cook, how do you feel? MEGHAN: I feel great. And he's the best dad in the world. And she is very lucky to have him as a dad and I'm very lucky to have him as a husband. JUDGE LAKE: I'm happy for you. Now, I don't want to take away from this moment. MEGHAN: Okay. But I have to caution you, MEGHAN: Right. because I don't want this to happen again. MEGHAN: Right. You guys have a relationship. You have a marriage. You have a baby. If you have misunderstandings, miscommunications, you have to figure out how to work them out. Okay. Mr. Clark, you have petitioned for a paternity test... Yes, Your Honor. ...for your four-year-old daughter, Jay Leona. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You question whether you are her biological father because of her mother's sexually promiscuous lifestyle. Yes, that's true. You say that her job as an exotic dancer... CLARK: Stripper. ...has torn your relationship apart, and if the results today prove the child is yours you are planning to seek sole custody. Yes, I am. JUDGE LAKE: Now, Miss Propst, you admit to cheating on Mr. Clark... Yes. ...but state your job does not make you a bad mother. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You admit that you are unsure who Jay Leona's father is because you had an affair around the time of conception. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Now you say you're hoping today's results will somehow put your fractured family back together. That's correct. So, Mr. Clark, what is the hardest part about the possibility you may not be Jay Leona's father? Well, Your Honor, I honestly and truly believe, for the last four years of my life, I've been living a complete lie. You're not living a lie. CLARK: Yes, I am. I don't believe she has a clue or idea who the father's name is. JUDGE LAKE: So take me back a little bit. How did this relationship get to this point? You're together and you're happy. Well this is how it happened. I was in Job Corps. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I was working to get my CNA, nursing license. Okay. CLARK: I met her at a party. CLARK: She's a very fun, you know, loving girl at that particular time. Took it easy, fell back. I went to school. Now, I came back for a New Year's party, that was the first time we had sex. CLARK: That was three months prior to when we had sex, everything was cool. Throughout this course and this time, she became a totally different person. So, when you met her she was one way. Yes, and afterwards she was something else. She was just a complete liar, that's how I see it. How was I a liar? That's why we're here today. She's already admitted to cheating, she knows this. That's not being a liar. I admitted to cheating... CLARK: Cheating is lying... ...which means you asked and I admitted it. ...and lying is cheating. That's not being a liar. It's the same thing. I don't even have to look at you to say that. All right, so, Miss Propst, let me ask you. Now, you admit you were in a relationship with Mr. Clark, but then, at some point, you cheated. CLARK: And lied. Yes, Your Honor. I did not lie. You cheat and you lie, it's the same thing. Yes, Your Honor. Basically how this happened, you know, I had went to a party with a friend that I was working with at the time, and I had seen this guy that I like. He got my number and I slept with him that same night and I found out I was pregnant. And this was, admittedly, around the time of conception. Yes, Honor, I have a calendar. Can I show you? I have submitted it to the court. Around Labor Day weekend I slept with this guy, and Anthony. So, right there on the first is where I slept with the other guy. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, so, on September first, indicated in green, you slept with the other guy at the party. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: In yellow are the dates that you slept with Anthony. Yes, ma'am. They told me my conception date was around that time. So, Jay Leona was born in June. PROPST: Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: So, as we count back, that first week in September would be the week of conception... PROPST: Yes. ...during which time you slept with both guys? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: We've established that the paternity is at issue. Now, Miss Propst, is exotic dancing just the career of your choice? Stripper. I'm an exotic dancer. No, Your Honor. I had a rough childhood. Me and my family never got along. My father was never around. I just want for my daughter to have the father that I never had. I had to do what I have to do to provide for me and my children. The money's going to be spent the same way. JUDGE LAKE: Wait, now how many children do you have together? BOTH: Two. JUDGE LAKE: So he's already helping to support and take care of your other child? CLARK: Yes. Until recently, what you have to understand is that whenever I was... From the beginning, you know, when I was doing this, I did lie to him about dancing. I told him I was going to be stripping and I had to do what I had to do, like I said, to make a better way for me and my kids because, at the time, he was not helping me pay any bills. He was not helping me with anything in my apartment. He had so much to say about it but did not have a problem helping me spend I did not want to ruin the relationship that we had. But whenever he asked, like you know, "Your stomach is getting bigger, "do you have something that you want to tell me?" I told him, "I'm pregnant and there's a possibility you might not even be the father." So I told him. He knew that when our child was born that he may not be the father of our child. Should have told me from the beginning. It's not like she's one or three and I'm dropping this bomb that you may not be the father. He knew. He wasn't even there to sign the birth certificate. He was not even with her until she was, like, six months old. So, Mr. Clark, you have known this from birth. You've been aware that, potentially, Jay Leona may not be your child. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And yet you still went ahead and established this beautiful relationship with her. Yes, I have. I think that's wonderful. CLARK: Thank you. I think that's admirable. Tell me a little about your relationship. You obviously love this woman. Yes, I do. I love my child more. And, if I get these results today and the child is mine, I want sole custody. Your Honor, he took my kids away, we've basically... I didn't take your kids away. ...not been together for two months, and the agreement was, "I'm gonna take them till... I want you to find a better job because "I feel like you're making a bad example for our kids." Have you been looking for a better job? And since he's been gone, I've enrolled in school to go to dental assistant school, so I start school in two weeks. I just want to save our relationship In the case of<i> Clark versus Propst,</i> Mr. Clark, when it comes to four-year-old Jay Leona, you are not her father. PROPST: I'm sorry. Don't come over here. I'm sorry, but you already knew before we came that you might not be her father. It doesn't matter. I'm going to continue providing for my child. She will always be my daughter, you know, through thick and thin, no matter what the results. If I wasn't her father, obviously we all know, she doesn't have one. She doesn't have one. Without me she doesn't have one. I will not allow some guy from the club, or some guy from the street, you know, to pick up where I left off, 'cause nobody can do that. So I'm gonna remain being the father I need to be. Mr. Clark, not only is that commendable, that's what real men do. I've listened to many cases before this court and sometimes there's a pause before a man steps up and says, "I'm still going to step in and be her father." But with you there was no pause. And I have to acknowledge that because it speaks to the love you have for her. I have deep love for her. Well, that's my baby. And now I have to keep it real with you. That apology you gave, you're gonna have to do better than that. You've been married to the defendant for less than a year. Due to your husband's trust issues, you're worried you won't make it to your one-year anniversary if you don't prove he is the biological father <i> of your son, Jacob Hatfill.</i> <i> Is that correct?</i> CASEY:<i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Hatfill. You say, sleeping with the babysitter landed you in a marriage with someone you don't trust. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Hatfill, did you have a good relationship before the marriage? HATFILL: Yeah. Did you have trust issues then? HATFILL:<i> Right about the time that we were finding out</i> <i> that she was pregnant.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> That's supposed to be a happy time. What happened?</i> She hadn't told me she'd quit taking her birth control or anything yet. We were talking about planning for the future... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And of possible children in the future, not immediately at that moment. So you have trust issues. HATFILL: Yes. But at one time, this relationship was a happy one. CASEY: Yes. Yes, Your Honor. Mrs. Casey... Take me back to that time. I had started babysitting for his family. I saw him, you know, thinking he was a cute guy. And we started chit-chatting. And he had said they had told me the rules. It was, you know, no running in and out of the house 'cause it was hot that day. The air conditioner was on. Make sure the kids don't go in and out of the house, and no sleeping with the babysitter on duty. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Really? I thought it was love at first sight. JUDGE LAKE: And so you instantly fell for him? Yes. I've been the side lady and now I'm the main one. We're married. And I want this to be a happily-ever-after with my little family. And so, Mr. Hatfill, you slept with the babysitter. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Broke the rules. But it was after hours. It wasn't during the time she'd been babysitting or anything like that. JUDGE LAKE: It wasn't? HATFILL: No. And me and Andrea proceeded to talk from that moment on. So you started dating. Yes. How did you get to a place where you thought she actually had slept with someone and Jacob may not be your biological son? By coming across text messages in her phone. JUDGE LAKE: Oh... (AUDIENCE GROANS) I have... JUDGE LAKE: You've brought some to court? Brought some to court. Jerome, may I see that evidence, please? JUDGE LAKE: Thank you. JEROME: You're welcome. They would be to Ms. Casey from somebody she was with prior to me. And so these text messages read... (JUDGE LAKE READING) They're all questions, with no... Responses. At the time, she's your wife? Before. And right before she got pregnant. This was right after she was pregnant. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. What it signaled to you was, if this was going on right after she got pregnant, was it going on right before. Exactly. Ms. Casey, you remember these text messages? You recognize them? Sort of, kinda, yes. So, who could it be, sort of kind of? This guy had messaged me, asked me to be his mistress whenever he got married. I had told him flat out, "No." When did that start? It had happened after we had gotten pregnant. He was messaging me asking me to hook up. I kept telling him, "No." I kept telling Mr. Hatfill about these messages. Was she honest, Mr. Hatfill, about the fact that this ex was reaching out, asking her to be his mistress? After it was brought up to me, yes, she was honest. But I still felt like there was a missing side of the conversation. JUDGE LAKE: And this was a guy she was intimate with in the past. Am I correct? HATFILL: Yes. When he sent these text messages, you did not respond. Correct. And so, Mr. Hatfill, do you believe she did not respond? HATFILL: No. I was currently staying at her parents' house and I was sitting in the garage with one of her family members when the guy in question had come in the back door and knocked on our bedroom door. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) Mrs. Casey, did you have revenge sex with this man to get back at him because you thought he was having sex with his ex? No. I have never once cheated on him in the three years. So why is it when we saw those text messages we don't see a text that comes after that, that goes, "Stop texting me. I'm married"? Because he had blocked me on Facebook. I had blocked him. He blocked me. JUDGE LAKE: How are you gonna block somebody and you're waiting for them to respond to see if you can come over and have sex with them? That doesn't make good sense. Because his girlfriend had found the messages. So she was looking at him and then at that point, he realized it and blocked it. Yes. This is so messy. You're saying Jacob doesn't look like you. HATFILL: No, he don't. CASEY: He does. I'm fair-skinned. It doesn't have to be the dad's... He doesn't have to be. Like, if you want to... JUDGE LAKE: What color of hair does this other guy have since you say it doesn't look like you? CASEY: Brown hair. When he was younger, it was sandy strawberry blond. Now it's a little bit more brown during more time he spends in the sun. Now, my father and me share dark hair, dark complexion all the way through. I've passed those genes down on into my oldest son and he looks exactly like me, exactly like my father. Mr. Hatfill, you said there's also medical reasons why you believe you're not Jacob's biological father. Jacob has one kidney. He's had to have surgery, he has to see a urologist every six months to once a year now. <i> I've been there every step of the way, from birth to now with the boy...</i> And I can see that makes you emotional, when you talk about him. I just want to be able to take care of him the best as possible and get everything between me and her better, because to take care of him and his brother the best that we can, we cannot have this back-and-forth. It's bad for the kids, it teaches them bad habits. It gets them yelling and screaming at people and then they feel the tension, and they don't want to mind or listen. We got to get this under wraps now, before it gets any further out of control or we're gonna have to step back from each other. I just wanna know what we need to know, for Jacob. And I know it hurts you, I can see that. And so, if a child is born with one kidney, could this defect be considered hereditary and if yes, what's the likelihood that it's inherited? Okay. When we talk about having one kidney or renal agenesis, it is what we call "multi-factorial," meaning, it is multiple reasons. So we're not exactly sure why. It can be environmental. Is mom on a medication, has she been exposed to some toxins? Lifestyle, obesity, drug use, alcohol use. Or very rarely, is it genetic? And that's if there's a mutation. So even if it is genetic, dad could simply be, or mom, could simply be a carrier. Meaning, they could have both kidneys, but just carry the gene. And here, I believe Mr. Hatfill testified that Jacob does not have any such mutation. Is that correct? Correct. And so given that fact, how does this relate to the possibility that this could affect his doubt concerning his paternity? The genetics of it is minimal. In the case of<i> Casey v. Hatfill,</i> when it comes to one-year-old Jacob Hatfill, it has been determined by this court... Mr. Hatfill, you... Are the father. (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) I'm sorry. Actually, I'm relieved, to tell you the truth. You know, you all know I don't know these results, okay? I was like, "Lord, come on." HATFILL: You? It's my birthday. JUDGE LAKE: It is? Well, what a blessing. Really, truly. What a blessing. And I can see it meant something to you. I could almost feel your breath stop as I was reading the results, and then when I read it, I could hear that sigh of relief. And it's a beautiful thing to get the truth. And I'm happy for you both. Because at the end of the day, the genesis of this was something beautiful. And then we let trust issues affect the foundation of this family. And ultimately, it affected the way in which we view this beautiful, innocent child. <i> And I can see that affects you.</i> <i> Because you knew it was affecting.</i> Mmm-hmm. And just as you so eloquently stated, everything that goes on in that house, they understand, they can feel the intention behind the words. So I'm so happy we got this truth today, Court is adjourned. (APPLAUSE)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 514,160
Rating: 4.7769728 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, tv full episodes
Id: sHKG-KxtVg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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