Foolish, Blind Love: Man's Cousin Says He's Raising The Wrong Child (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Travis v. McNair.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Brown. You state you've begged and pleaded with your cousin to open today's case because he's being lied to and taken advantage of by Ms. McNair. You say he's so blinded by the love, that he foolishly signed her child's birth certificate, and you don't believe he's the father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Travis, you say you love the defendant's 22-month-old daughter Mariyah, but you now fear she may not be your child. KURTIS TRAVIS: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. McNair, you say your family has been torn apart by Mr. Travis's meddling cousin, and you claim you are certain he fathered your daughter and you want to prove paternity and get his cousin out of your life. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Travis, what does Mariyah mean to you? Your Honor, Mariyah mean the world to me. She is everything to me. She is my heart. She is my all. And if she is my baby, I want to be her father, and be there for her, the man that I'm supposed to be. JUDGE LAKE: So, you love this baby? TRAVIS: Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Travis. JUDGE LAKE: And you are truly torn. TRAVIS: Yes, Your Honor. Because while you love this baby, and you're devoted to Mariyah, you have some doubts. TRAVIS: Yes, Your Honor. I do. 'Cause I went away, 2015, in December, and when I was gone, my cousin, I actually talked to my cousin, Tierra, and she told me that Ms. Synetra was pregnant. And so while you were away, she told you, Ms. McNair had been intimate with other people, cheating. Pregnant. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And got pregnant. TRAVIS: And got pregnant. And he also saw it for himself. Tierra, where your proof at, baby? I have proof. I saw you. Where is it? Show me the proof. We stay in the same complex by each other. Show me the proof. Where is it? Can we show, can't she show me to proof, Your Honor? Your Honor, I've sent you a video, of how I'm seeing her. JUDGE LAKE: You did submit a video. TIERRA BROWN: Yes, Your Honor. That shows how you caught her cheating. BROWN: Yes, Your Honor. Let's take a look at that. BROWN:<i> Judge Lake, I would like to show you my point of view,</i> <i>from where I'm seeing Ms. McNair getting picked up.</i> <i> She's getting picked up right there.</i> <i> Men are dropping her off and picking her up.</i> <i> From my window, you see her</i> <i> getting in cars, going back up to her house,</i> <i> and you see the cars just coming in.</i> McNAIR: So, you a stalker? So you can see first-hand, her getting in and out of cars? Are you a stalker? Yes, Your Honor. And that looked like a pretty good view. Yes, it is a pretty good view. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) And so, this isn't true, Ms. McNair? No, ma'am. No, ma'am. Cars weren't pulling in and out? It's not. No, ma'am, it's not. JUDGE LAKE: While Mr. Travis was away... No. weren't dating... No. No, ma'am. ...or sexually active with anybody else? No, ma'am, I was not. BROWN: That's a lie. You Honor, she actually told me that she had a friend that she was talking to, and it was just a, just a friend thing. But we wasn't sexually active. We was not sexually active though. He's dropping you off at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning and you claim you just getting off work. And why only men? Why not a friend-girl? Why only men? McNAIR: Why is that your business? Why only men? Why is that your business? Why only men though? So, so a friend-girl, instead of a friend-guy, she needed to have. Friend-guy just means a guy friend... Yeah, too many friend-guys to me. What you got? Where... Do you have, baby? Mind your business. So you say she has a lot of guy friends. BROWN: Yes, Your Honor. And you see them coming in and out. Yes, and to me... JUDGE LAKE: And do you see her coming out to meet them? Yes, at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. Tell me what's open at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. But it wasn't shown on the video though. It wasn't on the video. It don't matter. I have seen you. Okay, Tierra. Whatever. And so you reported this back to Mr. Travis. BROWN: Yes, I have. Yes, Your Honor. Your cousin. That while you were away, Ms. McNair was playing. Yes. So, Mr. Travis... What was the nature of your relationship? Were you all committed? McNAIR: We were. JUDGE LAKE: You were? Yes, yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Boyfriend and girlfriend? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Serious relationship? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So while you were out of town or away, Ms. McNair, you were expected to be faithful. McNAIR: I was, Your Honor. I have friends, but it was nothing sexually active. I'm entitled to have someone else, you know, when he's not around. But we's not sexually active at all. BROWN: Why when he's not around? When you say you're entitled to have somebody else, what do you mean? Um, I do get lonely. JUDGE LAKE: How lonely were you? I mean, what, what, what happened here? Lonely enough to come out the house... Conversations. 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. Conversations, that's it. That's all. Nothing forward. JUDGE LAKE: So why does it have to be with a guy? Why not with just the girlfriends? Someone, a friend, a family member. Why guys? I have girlfriends, but it's just different than having guy friends. (BROWN SNICKERS) I've never seen 'em. Only thing is 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. McNAIR: You just see what you wanna see, baby. Yeah, I've never seen 'em. Because I have friends... JUDGE LAKE: Ms. McNair. Ms. McNair. They're never home. Yes, ma'am. So, you are stating, that these were just guy-friends. They were friends of yours, guys, and you'd come over. Why were they coming over at 1:00 and 2:00 in the morning? They wasn't coming over at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning, Your Honor. Tierra's lying. She's lying. She don't... You. Baby, did you have something that you got going on or something? You're trying to put this child on my cousin when it's not his child. McNAIR: She's his. She's his. Was you there when we was conceiving her? No. Okay, then how would you know? Your Honor, you have children? JUDGE LAKE: I actually do. How many months do you supposed to be pregnant? Well, this is what we're about to get into. I know that. And you submitted a calendar to the court because you said the timeline is off. Calendar? My timeline was on. BROWN: She was pregnant for a year though. McNAIR: A calendar? Am I right? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: But you say, Ms. McNair's timeline is off. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: So you submitted a calendar to the court. Yes, ma'am. McNAIR: No. Oh, Lord. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. Can you tell the court what you have outlined? BROWN: Yes, ma'am, I can. My cousin, he went away in December. We found out in February, early March. Mariyah is born in October. So... TRAVIS: The time just don't add up, Your Honor. If Mariyah was born in October, you count back, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, that'd be eleven months. Might as well be a year. JUDGE LAKE: Which means, the window of conception... You need a life, baby. You have to find something to do and talk about besides me and my relationship, honey. You've been pregnant a year though? Almost a year? It just don't, it just don't add up. It's not adding up, Your Honor. It's not adding up. It's not. It's not adding up. A whole year? Whatever Tierra. Whatever Tierra. You just... BROWN: I thought nine months. That's how long I was pregnant, nine months. No, you was pregnant a year. Was you with me? Was you with me? Almost a year. No. Okay. JUDGE LAKE: So, wait a minute. Even if we relied on your testimony and calculated the window of conception based upon an October 3rd birthday, it would still fall in January. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) I found out I was pregnant in January though. In January of 2016. But she told us in February. Early March. That's when I told him in February, sweetheart. Why? Why? Why is that your business? You're pregnant in January, why you telling him in March? Because I was waiting to confirm that I was pregnant No, no, no. before I let him know. JUDGE LAKE: But Ms. McNair, I do wanna understand, if the window of conception would have been in January for an October 3rd birthday, that's when Mr. Travis was away and you've testified that that is true. That's not his baby. Tierra, you concerned more about me... That's not his baby. ...that you is your own self, honey. 'Cause I know who the baby's father is. Where your man, baby? You got a man? JUDGE LAKE: So, listen, listen. I know who my baby's father is. McNAIR: Well, I'm sure you do. JUDGE LAKE: So, the trust is, for these past two years, Mr. Travis. TRAVIS: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You've been completely devoted to Mariyah. TRAVIS: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You've helped raise her. TRAVIS: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Love her, been her father figure. McNAIR: Half way. JUDGE LAKE: Were you at the birth? Yes, ma'am, I was. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Did you sign the birth certificate? TRAVIS: Yes, Your Honor, I did. BROWN: It's because he's stupid, that's stupid. McNAIR: Just mind your business, baby. So, wait a minute. So, what I do wanna understand Ms. Brown, you are very protective over your cousin because you feel like he's in love with Ms. McNair, and he's fallen in love with this baby... McNAIR: She jealous. ...but he's not paying attention to the facts. BROWN: Yes, and she's taking advantage of this. She mad 'cause she ain't got nobody that love her like he love me. She mad. I just know who my baby daddy is. No relationship. She's mad. So, Mr. Travis, when you signed this birth certificate, I realize you see a beautiful baby, and even if you're hoping it's yours, that doesn't mean you don't have doubt. Did you have doubt when you signed this birth certificate? Yes, Your Honor, I will be honest, I had doubt. But, you know, I asked Ms. Synetra about it, but, she just told me that it's my baby. That's all she kept telling me that it's my baby. BROWN: And he's stupid 'cause he believed her. I had doubts. And then even with the doubt, two years, Mariyah's almost two, you stuck by her? TRAVIS: Yes, Your Honor, I mean, I grew up without a father, Your Honor, and I always told myself, "If I had any child in this world that I'mma be better than my father." I want to be there everyday, every step of the way for my kid. But that's not your child. Again, was you there when we was conceiving? Stop saying it's his child. When you look at the calendar we presented, did that increase your doubt? Yes Your Honor, because to be honest, it don't add up to me. Like, if you was pregnant, why would you tell me towards, the middle of March, beginning of the middle of February, beginning of March. I feel like if you were pregnant, you should have told me then when you first got pregnant. And you found out in January, what she saying right now. And so, what reason would it be to hold off telling him, unless it's just what she said, she was waiting to get a confirmation from her doctor? Because he's not the father, that's why. You don't take that long for a doctor to tell you if you're pregnant or not. So, Ms. McNair, were you dating anybody else? Were you involved with anybody else? No, Your Honor, I was not dating anyone or involved. BROWN: Stop lying, please. I had a friend, like I said I did. But, sexually, no ma'am. But when you say you have a friend, you're just saying you just keeping company. He's just talking. McNAIR: Yes. You'll don't have a sexual interest in one another? No, ma'am. No ma'am, we do not. That's hard for even this court to believe. BROWN: That's hard for her to believe. I don't even know why she's sitting over there lying like that. And they're coming at 1:00 in the morning. BROWN: Right. McNAIR: As she say, Your Honor. She's never seen nobody come to my house at 1:00. This video look like it was in the daytime to me, right? So what you're saying is her testimony is completely false 'cause she's just trying to sway her cousin against you. McNAIR: Yes, Your Honor. Yes, ma'am. She's been doing this since we've been together. No, I'm not. Ain't nothing open at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning, but legs, baby. So, stop it. You, you know, don't you. You know, don't you. BROWN: Just legs. You do know, don't you. Tierra, I got kids, baby. I've been in the house with my kids at that time of morning. I don't have no business being out with no men. Right. You was pregnant for a year, right? Almost a year, so. McNAIR: Yeah. Mmm-hmm. JUDGE LAKE: All right, well, listen. There's a lot at stake here because, Mr. Travis has grown extremely attached to Mariyah. She has his last name. BROWN: He's blind... JUDGE LAKE: Signed the birth certificate. McNAIR: He did, Your Honor, he did. He's blind. JUDGE LAKE: But, Ms. McNair, when you looked at that calendar, you saw that it didn't add up. What is your response to that? (BROWN SNICKERS) That calendar is a lie, Your Honor. That calendar is a lie. Tierra, for whatever... JUDGE LAKE: But her, but her... She just said that she found out in January. JUDGE LAKE: But her birth date isn't a lie. The birth date is not a lie. The window of conception, that window wouldn't be a lie. I don't know... JUDGE LAKE: Is there something you just don't want to say? We're in court now. I always tell people, when you're in this courtroom, it ain't no more shame in your game. Let's just deal with the truth and the facts because at the end of day, it's not for us, it's for the baby. BROWN: Just tell... JUDGE LAKE: You have admitted in this court you were lonely. You've admitted in this court that he was away. You've admitted in this court that that is the correct date for Mariyah's birthday. McNAIR: It is. But you're just saying that you only had friends you just had conversations with. Yes, ma'am. Nothing more. JUDGE LAKE: Jerome. They ain't got nothing to say so I'm gonna let the DNA talk. McNAIR: That's all I'm waiting on. That's all I'm waiting on anyway. That's all I'm waiting on. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: One thing, before I read these results. Because you say you didn't tell Mr. Travis till almost February-March you were pregnant, did you get to see him while he was away? Were you in touch with him? Were you talking on the phone? I was talking to him but I didn't see him, no ma'am, I did not. At this point, this would be a medical miracle. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I mean, really. We just ain't 11 months pregnant. BROWN: Right. See if... And if that's his baby, God is good. If that's his baby... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) If that's his baby, honey, you'll owe me an apology, sweetheart. If that's his baby, you owe me apology, baby. JUDGE LAKE: All right. McNAIR: And I want it. Ms. McNair says she want an apology, Ms. Brown, I hope you're prepared. I'm prepared. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: Hmm. And I just want to know the truth, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And you deserve to know the truth. BROWN: He really do. Young man, you do. You do. Twenty-two months is a long time to love a baby. You can fall in love with a baby in 22 seconds. You really do need to know. And that's why we do this. And that's why I have these results for you. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of, <i> Travis v. McNair,</i> when it comes to 22 month old, Mariyah Travis... JUDGE LAKE: It has been determined by this court, Mr. Travis, you are not the father. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) McNAIR: I'm sorry. McNAIR: I'm so sorry. I am very, very sorry. I know that is not what you wanted to hear. I'm so sorry. Can you express to this court, Mr. Travis, what you are feeling? Whole lot of pain, Your Honor. 'Cause I put my heart into that little girl. And to find out that she not mine, it hurts. (SOBBING) It's 22 months of just pain you could have avoided. 'Cause you know what, Ms. McNair, you weren't surprised. You let him sign the birth certificate. You've let him for 22 months be in this baby's life, love her, take care of her... Don't roll your eyes up at me, honey. You could have avoided this. You knew the whole time. So all this test of lying you been doing, got us here. Soon as I got my hand on that envelope... Oh Lord. Jerome, get her. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) McNAIR: I'm hot, I'm hot. I'm very hot. Okay. Okay, I'm gonna get you some water. JUDGE LAKE: Call the medic. Call the medic, please. I'm gonna die. (MUTTERING INDISTINCTLY) JEROME: You take a few deep breaths, okay? (AUDIENCE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) Okay. She says she's really hot. MEDIC: Ma'am, let me see this. I think you're just a little hot. McNAIR: Oh. You wanna try and stand back up? Mmm-hmm. Okay. Just wipe your forehead. Jerome, can you please stand with Ms. McNair, please? I wanna make sure she's okay. JUDGE LAKE: You feel better? I'm good. Yes, ma'am. There's a lot of things, Ms. McNair, I can see behind your eyes, that only you know, and you can share it when you're ready. But I do believe, so much of this, of this pain, of this hurt, of this entire confusing saga could have been avoided with the truth. Living out with lies, living this out, that's no way to live. That's a lot to carry. Dr. Jeff is standing by. I want you to go and I want you to talk to him and I want you to start working through that, because, you know what, Ms. McNair, I don't wanna see you back in here again. I don't, honey. All right. I wish you the best. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 307,090
Rating: 4.8574314 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 6, season 6 full episodes, tv full episodes
Id: lXWhhCX0D8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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