Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Pitch Meeting

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so you have a Star Wars prequel script for me yes sir I do a surprise to be sure but a welcome one okay right off the bat that sounded awesome and I'm gonna steal it for the script yeah go for it thanks so what happens in the movie well I'd like to gear this one towards kids a lot more you know makes sense that'll help us sell toys exactly so what I did was focus heavily on politics Oh kids love politics oh yeah my kids will not shut up about politics same here they're like dad can we go read some books on trade regulation and I'm like shut up and play with your Nintendo 64 you nerds well your kids are gonna love this movie because a major part of it has to do with the taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems the taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is tight oh yeah so anyway the greedy Trade Federation blockades this planet naboo in preparation for an invasion right okay so the Chancellor of the Republic is gonna send obi-wan Kenobi and his master qui-gon jinn to negotiate with the Viceroy so obi-wan is an apprentice in this movie well in the opening text scroll we're gonna call him a Jedi Knight and at the end of the movie we're gonna have a thing where he becomes a Jedi Knight the Jedi so nice they knighted him twice exactly hasn't he already said that Yoda is the one who trained him though yeah whatever fair enough so is Obi one like the main character in this thing well I wouldn't say that so who's the main character I don't know probably not important to know that anyway anyway so this bad guy Darth Sidious orders the Viceroy to kill the Jedi oh how are they gonna do that they're gonna gas them for about 15 seconds and then send some battle droids to shoot at them oh I like the sound of battle droids is it hard to destroy them now super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah they're really bad at their job in the Jedi cut through them like butter they don't sound very threatening they won't be so what happens next little qui-gon and obi-wan are gonna use force speed to run super fast and escape oh four speed I bet that's gonna come in handy later in the movie they will never use it again oh they won't okay and then they're gonna see that there's a droid army preparing to invade Naboo so they're gonna be like we have to go warm that so what do they do they sneak up to the Droid ships they're gonna try to warn the Naboo of an invading army by flying in with the invading army that's right huh and then they're gonna end up on Naboo and meet this creature Jar Jar Binks so what's he like he's gonna be a fan favorite he's like a giant lizard rabbit thing that says funny stuff what kind of funny stuff like Oh dissen gonna be messy me no watch'n okay and then another point he's gonna be like you sir should follow me now okeyday I'm not sure I get it will trust me people are gonna love Jar Jar if you say so he's also gonna be banished from his society Oh being an outcast is actually pretty badass what did he do he was too clumsy okay never mind so anyway he's gonna tag along with the Jedi for the rest of the movie how come because that works and they're all gonna rescue Queen Amidala from a couple of droids and then escape through the blockade is that gonna be hard to do no super easy barely an inconvenience Wow so then they're gonna go to Tatooine and realize they needed you part for their ship bummer and Jar Jar is gonna step in poo are people gonna think that's funny yeah poop is hilarious well ok then so qui gonn is gonna try to buy the part he needs that one of the smaller shops he finds did they have it yeah the flying bug salesman says he has the only one in town is he telling the truth I don't know why God is gonna take his word for it and not check anywhere else so kawaai god's gonna buy it well all he has is some credits that the guy doesn't want to accept so he's gonna look around town to see if anyone's willing to exchange the credits for other currency no he's gonna set up an elaborate bed involving a boy in some kind of space race thing called pod racing ok this sounds overly complicated it's so you could sell video games oh that's fantastic I love it and this boy is actually Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader oh very interesting like a teenage Darth Vader now like a teeny-tiny little boy Darth Vader no people want to see Darth Vader as a little boy right maybe exciting stuff and he and Queen Amidala are gonna have kind of a mother-son dynamic going on oh that's cute and in the next movies they're gonna bang what anyway so qui-gon senses that Anakin is strong with the force so he wants to get his midi-chlorian count medic lorian's oh yeah they're microscopic life forms that allow the hosts to detect the force so now we're saying that to use the force you need to have a bunch of microscopic life forms in your blood that's right and we're also going to imply that midi-chlorians are what fathered Anakin we're implying that tiny life forms somehow banked Darth Vader's mom something like that I guess that adds to his backstory so anyway then they're gonna ditch Anakin's mom and go to Khorasan for a bunch of politics and meeting and talking and talking and talking and talking I hope that takes up a big the movie oh yeah solid 30 40 minutes I love it and qui gonn is gonna explain to the Jedi Council that Anakin is special and needs to be trained and they're gonna be like nah how come they say he's too old and they sense fear in him and they all just feel really weird about it so their plan is to just hope it all works out pretty much huh then the characters are gonna go back to Naboo so what do they do with Anakin they can't just bring a child to a war zone they're gonna bring a child to a war zone interesting choice yeah and they have to pass the blockade again now the blockade is gone now how come because that works and then we're gonna have a grand finale with a whole lot of stuff going on Oh what kind of stuff well this bad guy Darth Maul is gonna kill qui-gon oh no and he's almost gonna kill obi-wan Oh taking on two Jedi's I can't wait to see what this bad guy does in future movies oh he's gonna die oh he is yeah he's just gonna stand there while obi-wan does a bunch of acrobatics and cuts him in half Wow and then Anakin is gonna accidentally blow up the ship that's controlling all the droids lucky kid yeah he's gonna be like now this is podracing ah that doesn't make any sense yeah cause he's like this this is this is this is podracing but it but it's not podracing right no it's not so so why does he say that because he's all excited so he's like this is now this is podracing okay so how does the movie end well then the Jedi are gonna agree to let obi-wan train Anakin why because qui-gon wanted that right but didn't they feel weird about it yeah they still do so what's changed and it can blew up the ship I guess wasn't that an accident it was huh so what do you think of the movie well I'll tell you one thing if people don't like this movie I doubt we'll ever see any Star Wars prequels ever again probably a good move hey guys Ryan here hope you like that pitch let me know in the comment section what other movies I should make pitch meanings for we also have a lot of these on the channel so check those out you could also subscribe and like and all the stuff thanks for watching and check back soon for a new pitch you [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,068,946
Rating: 4.9572515 out of 5
Keywords: Star wars, episode 1, prequel, trilogy, pitch meeting, phantom menance, sketch, Fun, Funny, jar jar binks, obi wan, george lucas, kenoni, anakin, skywalker, padme, podracing, pod racing, boring, bad, honest, everything wrong, naboo, darth maul, lightsaber, jedi, midichlorians, what went wrong, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment, solo, a star wars story
Id: uAvprzqwbo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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