Black Panther Pitch Meeting

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so you have a new script for me yes sir I do and this one's all about black panther oh very cool yeah so what other Avengers are in it oh uh none none it's just Black Panther oh no no we don't do that anymore what do you mean if you're doing a solo Marvel movie you need more than one superhero in there like how Iron Man was in spider-man homecoming or how guardians is about a team of space heroes or how we put everyone in Captain America Civil War it's just how we sell things now well what about dr. strange yes he that didn't even make it into our top 10 highest-grossing movies so yeah we kind of thought it would sell itself because of the star power of blemish combobox right well I'd still like to give it a try you think a chadwick boseman LED movie is gonna do better than one led by Bernadette Kamber bench I think it could this is Barnacle clamper snatch we're talking here okay you're not even trying to say his name right anymore are you yeah no I stopped trying listen I think if this movie tells a good story it could do pretty well all right so what's the story well the child goes home to Wakanda now that his dad is dead and he's the Black Panther oh and Captain America and Bucky are there no they're not you have to mention them we showed them there at the end of Civil War seriously mm-hmm okay I'll throw Bucky in a post-credits scene I guess yes awesome so we're good now oh yeah now we're gonna be able to sell this movie really yeah now we had that Sebastian stand star power so we're good well great so anyway for T'Challa 's coronation where he becomes black panther he has to drink this thing that takes away his Black Panther powers wait he already has the powers yeah he had them in Civil War right but we're saying he's about to become Black Panther because his dad died that's right and to do that they have to make him not black panther anymore how does that work yeah we're not really gonna explain that in the movie oh but we will explain it in a black panther prelude comics so with fans want to know more they can pay me money exactly money is tight oh are you having money problems no what you said money was tight it is tight okay so anyway to chela has to go through this ceremony where people can try to kill him if they want to be king whoa yeah they don't mess around in Wakanda you think is the most advanced nation in the world they'd have figured out a way to move past bloodlines and death fights well it's tradition so what are you gonna do try not to die I guess yeah but other than death fights Wakanda is a pretty cool place oh yeah yeah they have a bunch of awesome stuff like vibranium weapons and cool ships and super crazy technology very cool also war rhinos did you say war rhinos yea war rhinos what does that even mean war rhinos like you know renowned sources of war if they have vibranium weapons why do they need rhinos that's actually a good question let me check here I think I have an explanation yeah because it's awesome it sounds kind of silly it's awesome yeah but they K look I didn't want to have to do this but if you don't let me put war rhinos in this movie I'm gonna go on a tweet storm of infinity war spoiler so help me God you wouldn't I want those rhinos okay look at me put the phone down we'll put the rhinos in the movie great thanks so what else happens well there's this dude named Klaus stole a bunch of vibranium from Wakanda back in the day and killed a bunch of people and then never aged okay and we see him and this guy kill mongers steal an artifact from a museum that nobody knew was actually made of vibranium how come they know it's made of vibranium because okay and so claw goes to Korea to sell this vibranium to an American buyer we're just kill monger go oh well he goes away for a good chunk of the movie mysterious so the wakandans find out about this deal and they see it as their chance to finally capture Klaw oh yeah get some sweet justice right and this guy what cobby's parents were killed by claw back in the day so T'Challa tells them my man I'm definitely gonna capture this guy for you you have my word I promise this is gonna happen I'm gonna do this for you I swear to God so that's obviously not gonna work out ya know it doesn't work out what happens well they do capture Klaw but then kill monger shows up and helps them escape Oh kill mongers back yeah it turns out he had his own evil plan going on this whole time oh what's he planning his plan is to kill Klaw and bring him to Wakanda to show that he's better than T'Challa and I imagine it's gonna be hard for him to get into what Conda no actually super easy barely an inconvenience really yeah he's just gonna kind of walk in and then immediately run into a kabhi oh that is convenient yeah I mean the very first person he runs into is the one that would have the most emotional response to seeing Klaus body so that works out well for him but I guess T'Challa can just diffuse the whole situation by explaining what happened you'd think so like hey we'll copy we did capture claw but this guy kill monger attacked the holding cell with explosives right that would defuse things yeah for sure anyway he doesn't do that oh okay and as it turns out kill monger is to tell his cousin and his dad was killed by two chalice dad oh so he challenges into a death fight and throws him off waterfall whoa so kill monger becomes king and he wants to send vibranium throughout the world to help oppressed people rise up and away hold on what are you doing what's up you're kind of developing this villain a lot yeah I guess well that's not really what we do here right but maybe we could you know try that you're crazy man all right well we'll give it a shot you're nuts so anyway - child was being kept alive by this tribe called the Jabari and so he's like hey help us come reclaim the throne and they're like no harsh yeah and then T'Challa goes back and there's a huge fight between everyone very cool and right when it seems like everything's gonna go wrong the jabari tribe shows up to help oh good thing they suddenly change their mind at the exact right moment yeah it's a pretty sudden and great change of heart with millisecond precise timing and how does it end well then T'Challa and kill monger have a CGI cat fight and kill monger dies wait are you saying there's a final fight full of CGI where the hero fights a bad guy who with similar powers yeah I guess so now that is a Marvel third act I love it so you think it'll do well well we kind of have to make this movie to set up infinity war but based on what you've told me no I don't think it's gonna do well at all hey guys Ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting if you did please give it a like gonna share in a comment and uh whatever whatever else you can do just click all the buttons also let me know in the comments section what other movies I should do pitches for thanks for watching and I'll see you next Saturday for a new pitch [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,631,678
Rating: 4.9389243 out of 5
Keywords: black panther, killmonger, t'challa, pitch meeting, funny, sketch, parody, ulysses klaw, rhino, rhinoceros, m'baku, okoye, chadwick boseman, marvel, mcu, avengers, iron man, infinity war, wakanda, michael b jordan, w'kabi, vibranium, wakandan, shuri, nakia
Id: e0MvS_NehZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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