When recording sessions get WEIRD (Part 1) - Game Grumps Compilations

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well commercial you showed me before Oh with what's-her-name djent djent Ellie Ellie Ellen Ellen freeze Ellen freeze what the [ __ ] whoa whoa I guess we're waiting eat a poopoo assigned it to PlayStation [ __ ] [ __ ] Brent Brent is playing battlefront in the other room you [ __ ] kidding this [ __ ] oh my god can we bring him microphone as we go chastise him this [ __ ] he's gonna get signed out he's gonna be like oh like are you doing that now no okay I'm not gonna chastise Brent kidding I think that's exactly what game gross is all about yeah these mics actually have some good length Brent [ __ ] believable braking disgrace love you be all right and we're back all right so that's not gonna happen again that was really funny like what is what is happening here this has never happened to me this show is such a goddamn adventure you just never know very minute we're talking about will.i.am in the next minute we're [ __ ] yelling or manager because oh my god and I died because of that Brent [ __ ] taking 10% of our [ __ ] oh my god keep [ __ ] believe that I owe my kin so Brent really loves to play battlefront yes when he's done for the day and you know he's ready to go home he's got all his work done he's like I'm gonna I'm gonna sit down and he's honestly the the person in the office that plays video games here the most which is funny it's kind of the ultimate irony so he likes to he likes to chill out and play like 20 minutes of battlefront online Wow you know before he goes home and that's what he was doing right then and yeah real cool the [ __ ] very courteous oh thank you what's going on and we sure are welcome to game grumps no it's alright no we were just having a gentle moment of contemplation oh yeah and Aaron was getting murdered by spider by a giant fat spider yeah lucky now we got too much word yeah did you do some more episodes one what are you going is this fun for everyone to listen to by the way would you like to hear us our dinner artists a little behind the scenes action oh yeah I wouldn't we is it the shabu-shabu place that's near the sushi place great well see you I'm unclear on what shabu shabu is whoa that doesn't sound like something that you can bring bring me pilot meat no that's fine ah again yeah cheng'er kitty cat gaming oh [ __ ] see you later Susie love you too love you too uh that was for you yeah it's my way did you just die again if your time yeah come on man well man I was just I don't know stalking the wifey yeah I mean if I can get distracted mrs. Tom jokes I guess this is a boss technically did you get your blood echoes back yes this is a boss that rom the course it's a boss so I mean like yeah he's tough yeah it's acceptable by the way can we put out not to go behind the scenes at the grumps office but can we put out a missive to everyone using the k-cups to remove their cake up after they make coffee because I make tea which doesn't require a cup so I don't bother to check then I just keep making [ __ ] second-generation coffee dirt water like five times a day drives me crazy yeah I'd never use that thing so fair enough I wish I could take the blame it's okay I'll put out a em I'll put out I'll put out the word I'm also put on a passive-aggressive note yeah he's my face on it what you seem passive-aggressive notes calm right you I think you've told me about it it's I don't know if that's the exact website but it's it's a it's a second look at you tough guy it's a site dedicated to towards people just leaving really [ __ ] passive-aggressive notes towards people and it's hysterical because it's like hey this is where my bike was but it's cool cuz I guess you'll always be an [ __ ] smiley face you know like that kind of [ __ ] gotcha yeah like you know just [ __ ] say what's on your mind call him up yeah nice what exactly am I looking at with his face I think it's just like a tentacle monster monstrosity with like does it have like a vertical bar face guard like a knight helmet I think it's just like space your mom out to war or something I think his mom is dead dude whoa that's heavy yeah it's a but kids can take it since the monster went crazy mom hasn't come home you're just like your mom's [ __ ] dead dude deal with it [ __ ] suck my [ __ ] dick dude mom's dead I know what boobs look like Aaron it's not a boob it's a nipple gotta suck mine it brought food guys calling oh man can you take care of that sure hey you know what excuse us while we eat some food girl we got Chinese food here yeah that's exciting I'm gonna eat it with some choppy stickers I love it when you go watch this and then deep but we'll come back all refreshed in what will seem like tomorrow for you but for us it will actually be two weeks later that's how we [ __ ] roll weeks cuz we're getting man I'm so excited man we're getting the [ __ ] grump room redone again but it's not the design we're getting it the the actual hardware of it redone oh babe so we're gonna so [ __ ] exciting I didn't even know this was possible until somebody pitched it to me and I was like yes do that it's like it's like a switching system that's on a [ __ ] touch screen oh my god like I can just walk up and be like I want to play the ps2 and it'll just switch and it'll be like BAM there it is you're playing it on the TV and it's recording like holy tip how amazing is that I still have to go back in the [ __ ] back and grab the wires and unplug them and they're all labeled with like tape that says ps4 on it and I'm like okay and I plug it into the thing then some systems I have to put until like an analogue splitter that brings it to the analog TV and [ __ ] this [ __ ] nightmare man it's gonna be awesome and like [ __ ] and and that and then well and the episodes will be self editing so we can finally fire Matt and Ryan well that's not true Oh ignore that ignore that last part anyway I got a low battery so I got to charge this [ __ ] next time later baby the battery from your vibrator what's that takes six double T's come on attack me I dare you I dare you you can't hit me I'm faster oh [ __ ] yeah do you count when I Anakin she has the higher ground that part makes no sense it doesn't but whatever and then he like instantly has the higher ground yeah yeah well he jumps over him [ __ ] you would you believe oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] dick boy Jubilee is quite the tough I'm not I don't know I don't know I was just flailing wildly she's staying away that was my fault holy [ __ ] I can't believe I survived yeah as amazing ah stop I feel like doing better when I could [ __ ] and I can't even blame it on the calculator thing cuz no I think you can't everything was you had full health and then you're at half health and we came back Oh on the plus side now I'm all the way over check out all these calculators I can manage boom BAM baby extra calculators for days why do you have a button for that I don't have a button for that BAM well thank you yeah anyway running all slow with the power takes to run this calculator ah [ __ ] why did I go back to Firelink I'm just a goddamn idiot alright go collect those really having fun with that calculator situation sorry jeez as long as he died we might as well have a good time with it that's true and we go into his shop and there was like just god dammit okay load game [Music] whoops murdered him how did you kill him all you had to do is throw pokeballs at him is the reset the reset button changed game pack okay yes change game fast hey we're getting a really getting really exciting backstage look oh man here we go polka man yeah oh my god I can survive I can survive okay here we go [Laughter] don't bother let me just get my dignity back game [ __ ] we got another we got another minute do we really yeah I'm all messed up we're still renovating the grunt room you don't know how to count yeah so we don't have our usual usual clock happening my internal clocks all thrown off oh you think you're so smart because you have an internal clock you know what I have an internal memory that's a computer joke well done sir an internal hard drive just do this there's another boss hold on stop stop stop stop stop oh come on Dan we're uh could have had some special abilities and powers and what I will turn this floaty magic platform around oh what's up Aaron you want to take your sweet little ass to seat okay all right I guess Aaron will just walk around randomly okay look at your microphone becoming more and more flaccid with the microphone was like hanging by a thread just enough to be like like all sad well we're getting new boom stands are being delivered like tomorrow oh [ __ ] yeah they're gonna be like overhead it's gonna be real nice they won't droop and then won't get in your [ __ ] face well they will but I'm gonna buy some items so I can kick more ass they will go over your head look at all this [ __ ] hands over Eddie this is okay earthquake that's good Thunderbolt well there's all kinds of new items for you to explore tonight it really is Jace's your evasion droopy ask Mike isn't it oh yeah so what's your partner's hip and fib that's the one that you used to have that would droop on you oh I just fixed it now my feel super super shroom I could use a couple of those 15 coins for that super shroom gonna buy it this is so much Oh remember that that's right and then she was like what's your favorite color can I get rid of it now then I don't know [ __ ] droopy Mike dude all right ya know what I like you to stash my dick in your face thanks sure absolutely 15 coins thanks for asking 15 coins what a ripoff dad here well now I know why you were upset about this whole droopy Mike situation it's super annoying right yeah try twisting it around a few times it's just like the clamp isn't tight killer entertainment right now yeah hold them hold it hold the B button no just hold the Mike like as if you were like interviewing me Oh like a bro that's it well it seems to be not moving at all now okay good so we're good not really good we can finally start this episode right welcome back to game grumps hey we're playing Capel papel Mario Appel why have you brought the hammer we're getting close we're getting real close time to take on the Elite Four buddy I know about them from a song we did and you're like yeah right that just couldn't get the same rush as before weird is it's been so long it feels like it's been so long since that album that when I was singing that I was like I hope I'm not singing someone else's song well no dude like remember at the at the Magfest panel when people were like hey can you sing this song from the first star boom album and we were like give me a minute yeah we forgot those lyrics almost after we left the studio that night like while we were at Outback there's enough I think we can get another album out at a star bump Oh maybe even two let's take one at a time cuz I like I don't want to put out an album if it's gonna suck and like we're just out of ideas for it but like there's definitely like a limited amount of like famous video games you can parody you know what woody what we talking about [Music] wait didn't this episode and like five minutes ago yeah okay okay but we have to stop like just [ __ ] talking talking because it's it's such a gray area cuz like we just have conversations but also sometimes on this show we just have conversations so I like forget what's happening when yeah is the last one for tonight right why not it's 2:00 in the morning though because I'm leaving this is the only time I get to go home and eat cinnamon love my wife so I was like baby I miss you I want nothing's gonna show my love more than eating these soon right in front of you you're gonna make a pan I was like baby I love you is there any way I can show it oh I know making sweets with each other is like one of our like it's like it's like really like oh that that is nice I don't know why we're arriving everybody cuz I'm probably gonna hit a [ __ ] Pokemon Center right after I fight this guy and we love you and like those shows are so much fun I didn't what good luck though we've been having a wig that's today they're out today no no that's tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow we'll be doing another promo as you may have just been privy to the spoiling of what I know it was something that was so embarrassing to say but now that we started the episode I can't do all right cool tell me after okay I'll just [ __ ] say oh [ __ ] it's Bergy do you think if you urinate and pre-cum at the same time it's do you see now I didn't want that on [ __ ] in recorded form 2016 oh my political career is over you know what let's finish this with a little video showing us in the grump room as it stands for the last time okay okay bye for now Kevin put this video in now I'm Erin for the last time this is the grump room it's ugly and sucks and it gets hot really easily in here and it's nice it's good for napping it's a great napping room it's so quiet I know me neither that's a weird question alright we'll see you later from the grump room we'll see you soon from the new Grand Prix no alright next time on grumpy games yeah we're gonna play another game yeah Wow love you everybody good thanks for joining us on this one yes me too I am drained you too ooh see you babies bye and so closes another chapter in our lives Erin I know how do you feel I'd rather shove shards of glass in my eyes and have experienced this monstrosity I don't know what you're talking about but honestly there's a lot of fun cool sonic adventure DX is a game alright then well oh no capture oh god oh uncool actually you should probably just reload it cuz you can't be wasting time like this when there's only 24 hours of Frank zombification alright well how do I reload it options I guess I just have to exit it out and then the exit back in oh boy okay might as well alright fine fine fine yeah exit yeah thanks I don't play some [ __ ] dead Rossing yeah I want the dead to rise hey try gold for free iron I don't watch what a deal am i right you're so right gold for free we're ahead that's craziness tonic for interesting Mario Sunshine banjo kazooie like era is collect the phones love me some mario sunshine that was such a nice playthrough that was like one of the first ones we did it's pretty early on it was what we were still doing in her house mam's our house yeah well I mean it felt like my house too I was there so much yeah I knew I needed an office when like literally people were in there every second of every day yeah I was like all right get out of my house Barry was editing in her living room and like Ross was coming in to do steam train that's right we were to know constantly I was just masturbating chronically in your guest room I'm calling when I go towards Dan yeah got it dan direction I think it's weird cuz like a classic drum slake we were in my room yes howís we had like our spots on the couch you and me yeah yeah yeah but now oops I was on the right okay that's where I was but where you are now yes but now we have like this giant couch and we switch it up all the ten and there's we each have our own mic now which we used to share one mic absolutely yeah so many differences now it's just kind of like we said wherever the [ __ ] we want sometimes I just like lay down in the chase you know what even though someone out there will find that interesting yeah I'm still gonna be like cool story Aaron yeah thanks hey Dan nice phone call okay oh hi welcome back okay sorry so I'm gonna get a super important phone quick phone call dentist that's not my dentist doctor but I'd be like whoa whoa pause the app my filling might be falling out as a dentist on the line okay next time I hold on I'm gonna get all up into the audience they said my game girls right have a [ __ ] good I would really like it if she came back tomorrow same time same place um I'm definitely gonna be here I don't know about her and he kind of falls in from time to time whoa whoa what happened there oh did you see that centipede yeah I was weird anyway um I'm glad we had this time together okay I'll catch up with you guys a little bit later I gotta help out thanks gross down the volume on my controller yes oh my god that is a loud [ __ ] controller let's do it let's [ __ ] it let's do a little behind-the-scenes action right yeah don't tell anyone let's do settings from your Wemo all right turn it down oh that's nice like that that's nice that was half volume that's crazy put it up to full okay zero mayhem that controller rocks uh here we go resume a lot of it I got I got to do something first we got to break through that block what do you do I don't know how it's our first challenge what oh god oh god the speaker can't even handle it now alright just a pinch like it all the way pinch dang it control no no it's okay it's okay all right episode we'll get the episode get the [ __ ] controller where is it put Moran you stupid Claude geez I gotta do everything around here this [ __ ] guy no of course it does you can't use that controller oh you can you can I'm sorry this one sticky sticky as [ __ ] Doody you really want to use this one no it's too late all right well there you go okay get the logo scratched off isn't everything that's pretty good what this isn't gonna reach sure it is well then play on the floor okay play on the floor then I don't care okay quick play I'm gonna go back quickly and go back quick play maybe quick plays only maybe I have to [Laughter] your controller doesn't work is that right get another controller oh jesus Dan you're holding up the show playing [ __ ] [ __ ] adventure here you're just standing around trying to be a [ __ ] genius over here trying to fix your iPhone and [ __ ] this one looks good this moment yeah that one looks great whatever okay yeah they exposed wires that makes it better it makes the wires be able to breathe that doesn't overheat what are you you think you're some kind of genius at this [ __ ] I've been playing games all my life okay how old are you 37 I am NOT 37 two players it works okay cool all right I'll be oh I can't be or you should be Roo because you're a little piece of [ __ ] yours my boy all right we'll be I'll be real we'll just be the two tiny guys Rudy what the [ __ ] all right our opponents are who are these people all right welcome back sorry about that that alarm thing that happened in the last episode that was yesterday to them all right seconds ago to us hey welcome back to a show that has literally no technical difficulties breaking the fourth wall with Aaron and day uh thank you for [ __ ] making me look like an [ __ ] man I'm trying to run a professional show here you know got this got this got these dangly microphones you see and like wires and [ __ ] everywhere and can't you see that I'm a rookie doctor during his 47th surgery it got open cups with like pretzel chips porn out of whom I don't need to know about that I mean we're really stepping it up quality very work dr. Strauss yeah just quietly down the street as a piano park place oh the musk yeah it's not musk is too flattering a term in Elon Musk baby oh okay I'll do this cave oh no if this cave I mean very old you good we can just start a new episode do that cave no I just want to do one more thing this is a long this is already a long episode no no but I mean like since we're splitting into two episodes yeah I know this is art this is like way over 20 men oh this is the second one yeah are you counting the time that we pause them yes really no no I mean it's like we got I'm all confused now excuse the behind-the-scenes I do a little behind the scenes action on game terms right now the first pause a bit was about four minutes or the first the first chunk was about four minutes right the second chunk was about twelve minutes go on and then the current chunk is eight minutes my god so that's like 22 minutes holy [ __ ] of game grump egde for one episode I mean two episodes and now we're gonna record some some things that we might use later for some reason next time on game grumps welcome back to game gross next time game Rove's here here comes the the party recognize that one that was at the beginning of the episode means a self high five you're gonna faint he's been using shame to call me my [ __ ] accuracy oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I made the [ __ ] menu come up I'm sorry you fainted busy come back yeah and migrator what done that on the show I feel like I've done that in the show what do you think of that oh and welcome to the very first episode of game grumps specifically being recorded in the new digs do you like it I love it yeah good it feels really good just so you know I didn't I didn't skip anything I just was trying to figure out where to go next so right that's nice oh yes she's real nice she could be friendly I say try to sleep with her oh she brought a friend yeah this is hot sexy ladies please really yeah what they talk about I think they showed a silhouette of them oh maybe because they're delivered by a store Mario and Luigi are yeah you remember the intro in in what game in Yoshi's Island I've never played here she's Island Yoshi's Island is how I Yoshi's Island and Gradius three or how I test new video like like TVs for retro gaming why is that because Yoshi's Island has really thick black lines that are not a that are not anti aliased so it's like really it's really easy to see like the clarity I don't know what anti aliased means it means like smooth so it's just like hard black pixels mm-hmm and then Gradius three has a as a look at arcade style geometry test at the beginning so is like a big grid oh so when I test new CRT TVs I use Gradius 3 and Yoshi's Island so when we were setting up the new setup this is such a long story okay not a whole lot of information it's okay when we were setting up the new setup I had Yoshi's Island running in this nest for like months just because we were using it to test the screens it is what I asked and you answered that yeah so that's why I thought that we had recently played Yoshi's Island because I had indeed recently but I've never played it I don't even know what system it's for Super Nintendo really yeah oh that means I probably love it oh it's it's [ __ ] delightful Dolf story you guys is this is this an RPG golf game yeah that's amazing alright that okay so you're a duck I am NOT a duck a duck is simply in the center of the screen Oh run away which would imply that I am indeed the duck well-worn growth should there be sound of this yeah there is some just turned down can we turn it up a little I feel like we're missing important plots it's a [ __ ] conflagration oh what that means a bit Toey mmm whoa who's sound great okay it was Matt and Ryan and here record and [ __ ] for their stupid [ __ ] Channel super mega youtube.com slash super mega sucks where does it go oh no I hit biodome debris I do I don't know I didn't do it press buttons I didn't god damn [ __ ] bread sign in to my account from what is he doing [Laughter] [ __ ] [ __ ] where is he I don't know he's not here he's not at the [ __ ] oh I hate this guy [ __ ] signs me goddammit all right which one way twitch [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] are you signing ignite you're controlling it wait your your oh my god alright next time on game grows we'll figure this out hey [ __ ] it welcome back planned more deadly premonition I mean whatever I mean I mean Christ cares episode 28 I believe [ __ ] this is the fourth session here we do seven a session and this is the last one of the four session we do one that was like six episodes oh god I don't remember if we did then I am [ __ ] for life yeah you'll never be able to do the math mmm okay weather dull that's that's relaxing stealth an express is rain by turning around that's not a real thing that's not even a sentence that makes sense do all the temples have the same map or am I remembering this map from the water temple this is just the water yeah it's just that we haven't played this in a while do we have not played this in a while you're absolutely correct this is actually am I allowed to say that we were remodeling the grump space yeah I don't mind yeah so we are remodeling the grump space I mean I guess it was too late because I just said it but like this is the last is it allowed for me to blow the thing I just blew yep these this in the following six episodes of ocarina of time will be the last episodes that we record in this space in its current form yeah and that's pretty cool for if I mean for us it's gonna be nice and it's gonna be a little bit more like the old drum room we're more like feeling like you're in someone's house yes it's gonna sort of it's just gonna it's gonna be very clean and it's gonna have a lot of like figures and and cool [ __ ] so yeah it's gonna have a little more character cuz in here it's just kind of like there's nothing on the walls except a [ __ ] ton of soundproofing yeah so it's not it's not like interesting or it's like oh there's a toy on the wall that inspires me that's that's interesting we must be different in that way because it it never has made any difference to me at all where we record this really yeah I mean I know what you mean like I just I heard him coming at me oh gosh that was like my dad like took a wrong turn well while he's driving the car and like I hold on hold on done it took up race car driving and he got like concussed so much that he just like doesn't remember half of his career are you serious yeah that's crazy I know it's scary too yes bring horrible memory and I'm like man I don't want to forget like I feel like I don't even remember five years of game grumps and now that I'm still doing game grumps you imagine in like 15 years when game grumps is still going I'll be able to tell you can you imagine 40 years from now when I die on camera where does it go dang it quarter of the way so now oh I didn't do this one did I do this one I didn't do this one don't stop no Tucker's taking pictures of us is that Tucker I think it's Tucker Tucker's a good boy he makes me feel satisfied hey you Tucker it is Tucker hey Tucker gives me a real SAP dog a real big wiener was the psych-out you weren't supposed to do that one you're supposed do you want to come in Tucker what do you what do you want that man be here probably like another couple hours couple hours I don't know how long this goes back the one that's not game grumps it's Jack jacksepticeye yeah it still might be the greatest tour to be frank jacksepticeye is very talented far beyond us well see later Tucker by Tucker boy that was great that made for a good radio last time on Tucker invades the game gross space yeah you're you're getting ready to go on a trip tomorrow yes I am are you you got to hit that mother on the right side baby I gotta go real good touring represents our boy jacksepticeye so I'm gonna be on first leg of that tour with him which I am very excited for because I love not only do I love being on the road but I love being on the road with my number-one brode yeah goddamn you were so close yeah I wish I was going to miss you guys you're my number one brode Oh Thank You Aaron but he's top three four she's very very close to the top yeah yeah I'm sure if I'm sure if you spent more time together he could he could move into the number one slot really you think he could be not so grump I'll just go [ __ ] myself yeah sounds great do you really think so do you think you'd say yes do you think I'm like what well I want to be supportive of you but [ __ ] that which is like the I'm so done with this tone of voice and it was accompanied by the actual words I'm done with this sounds like I think you might be done with this using context clues well you know there's only a certain point because listen everybody let me let me lift the curtain a little bit here oh [ __ ] there's a difference between play anger or show anger clangor as we call it in the biz versus legit discomfort and rage rang and it was getting to that point yeah which is no fun for anyone she's actually not especially not for me because I I get scared that then I have to like take a break and that's what was that's what happening with Majora's Mask for it was like crossing over into that yes I was just like mmm yeah not not a playful anger anymore yeah yeah anyone's life by the way we're playing okay we're playing guts and glory we actually had played seven episodes of this but the footage was corrupted or yeah been [ __ ] acting up lately so el gato a few whoa oh god oh if you're listening gave [ __ ] together yeah because that's where I got my gold from Oh so I got all my gold you found El Dorado no I'm doing my best that kid's gonna have some trauma but you know it was a strange mixture when we found out because like when Oh God Aaron came to me and said dude we lost seven episodes and I was all bummed but then he said it was guts and glory that we lost and I was like well yes we get to play that some more cuz this really is a [ __ ] joy yeah it's pretty fun it's it's giving me it's giving me the giggles you know well that's past [Laughter] welcome to tricky towers like a tricky towers welcome at Aaron yells at our cleaning lady I respond that way to my co-workers not to you but I you know we're in here about the record and then somebody just walks in and I was like huh man it's probably like Matt or somebody like trying to tell me something so I just as a joke I turn around go what the f-- and then I realize it's our cleaning lady [Music]
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 714,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, best of, best moments, funniest moments, game grumps compilations, game grumps compilation, sleep aid
Id: H2ucmhzX8tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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