Game Grumps: Con Stories

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I'm not suger where the grass do you remember the [ __ ] religious remember the [ __ ] like first Magfest we did together and like the John's cheese nips controversy oh yeah is like like I mean I don't know I never got upset at anyone for like being like oh my god things you know just conspiracy theories all these crazy things but like none of which were ever correct and like the my but there were certain ones were that were just like super ridiculous uh-huh and that was my favorite one of all the ridiculous ones because someone apparently someone apparently gave John some cheese nips at a panel that he did yeah that and later we were at the same panel and I just saw a box of cheese nips down oh sweet cheese nips like everyone's going crazy and I don't know why but like when you're up there you can't you can't make out what people are saying like you can hear one voice but when everyone's yelling at once it just sounds like this garbled mess yeah so like everybody's doing those our jobs and like what who like so like I eat one and people like so funny then then when I finally like heard what they what they were saying like we Afrikaans yeah when it calmed down I was like alright I'll save him for him and they're like reading way too much into everything so bananas if it was like something like horrible and they were like just trying to tell you there should I eat them they're like here I go yeah [ __ ] that's stupid did they just put a coin arrow on the arrow and find it three times the name with this [ __ ] that's what that one yeah thank you I would like to yeah thank you childhood alive I agree we should put more funding into child hospitals detailed a lot it's been kind of reform lately because like of all the events and [ __ ] we've been going to so late do you think I cheese have spent years [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what was I saying oh so Asians am i right [Laughter] I just asked Aaron if I told the story on grumps neither of us could remember if I have I apologize I'll make it quick my friend Brandon is Chinese and though he's never played joke he's never put that PP all up in my co that's [ __ ] up do you yeah I know you should call him out on that I I'm not sure he's really Chinese so like I've been calling him [ __ ] for many many many years yeah and uh without I've been there again I went oh yeah because I forget it's like a slur to some people but to us it's like a term of some people well to many people but you know to us it's a term of endearment and so the the time when I came the clearest didn't focus was when we were at the New York Comic Convention maybe like two or three years ago and like we got our tickets and he got his ticket first me started to walk in and I needed him to hold up cuz I was still feeling something out and I was like yo [ __ ] and like 50 heads like fooling around and it was a very awkward moment and Brandon was like it's okay Oh super nerd huh Vaughn he didn't he didn't bust out the lake don't worry me break out a tiny gun no Yee yeah he could have easily been like what the [ __ ] and like just gotten like 20 people to kick the [ __ ] out he absolutely could have done that why didn't he guys just a good dude yeah and I was his ride oh how about I tell you the story of how I went to a porn convention this past week please I'm dying to know okay I really don't know what what was happening well there's a very lovely crumbs fan name I believe Christina but Christine [ __ ] I have to look that up lovely lovely yeah she's super chill and really nice and she had heard on the show that I wanted I always wanted to see an avian award show you know like how crazy would that be she was like you really want to go like cuz I can you know if you write something for a website I can I can make that happen oh yeah so anyway she set it up and I'll write an article and it would be cool but like so I went to the avian Expo and it was really [ __ ] cool I made a ton of cool porn stars like I didn't know what to expect cuz I just um alright I'll be honest I thought like when I pictured a porn convention in my head I pictured like super [ __ ] creepy like fans you know and like and porn stars that are just like yeah whatever like on their phones and like dismissing them you know yeah and so like but it was the total [ __ ] opposite like that the fans were so respectful and they were like I really appreciate what you do and the porn stars like I mean I can't speak for all of them but the ones I met were so [ __ ] chill and so nice to their fans like really considerate really caring it was like an oddly moving experience if you can believe that Wow yeah so well I'm glad you had a good time and didn't invite me did I you you were unavailable but I went with Brent who was like ahh and that was the coolest part because I never get to hang out with Brent like just as friends it was in Las Vegas so I got to see my friend Nikki and like it was just it was just a cool weekend but like Brett Rossi she's a porn star she is cool as [ __ ] and like we were just talking about our Pomeranians and how goddamn cute they are and I was telling her about princess tinkles and there was a and some of them were game grumps fans what yeah yeah um stars porn star there's a fun story I named Alex Harper and wait what do you know her I'm pretty sure I've heard that name before what hair color when you picture her I don't know okay no she she has like jet black hair but like it's a very porno tastic name you know but yeah so and and like went to the like award ceremony with the red carpet because it was at the Hard Rock Hotel that we stayed at it's [ __ ] crazy it's great that's really great man it was the coolest I met Samantha Rowan who's so nice and I was like I'm I am familiar with your work do you have to get down there or did you all you need is the grapple barrier no okay we check the [ __ ] dumbass dumbass walkthrough so glad you told that story on the page the other one a pax yeah yeah we've told it on the show yeah big shout-out love to the people who came to our packs panel that was that was while is a great panel although it's a funny thing too because I guess packs like it was I want to say sold out but like it was a packed panel like they weren't letting any more people in but I guess like part of their rules are like they leave like the ten front rows open for like packs people you know and Industry folks which is a very smart move like they should do that but they don't fill that space in if like industry people don't show so like it's the weirdest thing like on the videos Ross put up on Instagram like we're walking out on stage and you hear like these these screams and cheers and then like he looks like just chairs so it just looks like we [ __ ] like we sweeten to the [ __ ] background noise like oh yeah there are tons of people there oh I didn't know that they loved us was that a purpose what do you mean like the the whole like looking like there was nobody there and now bosses just admit that way Ross is just brilliant oh sweet Ross was like I'll focus on the empty chairs instead of like the packed rows behind that's really good it's super funny it's a classic Oh Donovan I don't even notice that it's probably because I fell because I I I was in one of my moods before oh yeah right right before Aaron goes onstage he's like you have your head in your hands and and like a guy comes up to you he's like hey man can I get you anything would you say like I pick a high tree and a noose noose in a dramatic tree and then the guy came over to me after it seems like Sam is Aaron okay lady and I was like yeah he when he's like this just leave him alone he'll just give me some space I'll be fine what's going on in that guy's mind when like he experiences that and then I go onstage and I'm like he's living a lie that's the funny thing because like you you force herself to be like that for like three seconds and then you hear the crowd and you see I mean you're like oh now you're and I actually am energized but like yeah yeah that was it was very funny to watch you to go through that it's good stuff you're pretty much my champion you're my special dude people uh people like to be like oh man Aaron he's a man he must be so depressed or something I've always been ya know like I remember the years and years I've been like I've been like oh man I just I just I don't care whatever well there are times like I hope this isn't like saying too much but like I remember when we came back from a convention years ago I won't say which one but like you didn't get to enjoy yourself because it was too crazy and you had too much businessí stuff to do and you were really upset and on the drive to the airport we're all in the car together and like you were like really quiet and like your eyes were like wide open and you were like staring out at nothing and I was like dude you all right and just like got no response whatsoever like not even like a blink you're just like somewhere else and I looked at Susie and I was like this is this all right and she was like he's totally fine just give him some time and that was when we didn't know each other as well and now now I've become that he's totally fine how did you guys meet and why did you guys decide to make videos together I guess gay bar and okay I met you on Newgrounds yeah when we were like 17 yeah and we actually met in person in 2000 2008 and then I was coming back and forward every year just kind of visiting for conventions and stuff and staying with you guys an arien was 16 and then I met Ross and I was seven well that's not the whole story okay I was trying to hook up a friend of mine with Susie cosplayer in Florida at the time cosplay was different back then and his friend had a crush on me and Aaron was like I'll help you like meet Susie and then his friend got cold feet and my babe yeah and he let me learn his errand I was like Aaron be part of my cosplay group I need someone to hold at this time and then I became really good friends with Aaron and we've been together ever since yeah yeah so we've been together for 12 years now I'm married for two almost 13 years actually and then when I was 17 I went with Aaron to Anime Expo after I graduated from high school and I met Ross are you really 17 then yeah no you were yeah because your Twitter oh my god you were sometimes Aaron's three years older than me sometimes he's two years older than me depends time in the year when they had time portals and wormholes my first met Ross cool yeah I had talked to Russell Skype before why do you best oh yeah Ross tried to like lie to me the people not sure they didn't have cars and TVs and stole the drop parent thing that I [ __ ] but Ross gave me a koala when I met him for the first time it wasn't a real one it was really sweet and then his never sweet ever again yeah I had a friend um I used to go to a lot of cons before I before like I got like recognized the whole lot icon stop here I was I was a con goer no and I had a friend who I would always run into at cons and he was sort of like the aloof like Congo or guy and I was like man I hope I see this guy and then I always did and he always said that he he would drop a deuce at a con mm-hmm and I was like oh my god that's amazing because I because I thought my first inclination and I don't know why it was was that he would just like get into a corner and just like [ __ ] somewhere oh but then I found out like three years after I had been like so entranced by this concept that no he just goes into a bathroom and [ __ ] yeah that's what I would have assumed him well it's because like why is that special I think that's why it's not special he was like socially awkward person it's a tradition to to rip a deuce every time it's a tradition to drop a deuce every time I come to a con it's like oh yeah it's a tradition for me too because I poop frequently grace oh that's not a tradition that's just a thing yeah it's just pooping so I was like I was too heartbroken heartbroken and I was so upset so far you used the two adjectives you've used to describe the story are broken and amazing you uh you might have fairly different views of what those words mean dude come on man I mean okay if somebody if if somebody legit camp [ __ ] if somebody came to you and said I every time I go to a con right I find the corner and I just [ __ ] on the floor you would not be in trance do you not be like whoa really that's crazy died is hello again dude my dude he's just dude was like that guy Oh forgive me that if this gets too real do you guys like the guy at like a convention who like you meet and he just hangs out with you way too long and you're like cool gotta go gotta go back to the hotel room or I gotta go eat lunch and he's like okay I'll join you where'd you go sorrow yeah I'd like to go there with you what's the room number meet you there yeah oh I'll bring things such as my do my that I used to see yeah I did see I was at a convention fairly recently like and I saw someone dressed like it was one of those gigantic insane cosplay things he was just a huge metal spider and like it was one of those costumes that's so insane that like the person can't move oh yeah they're like just like a an art installation that they've attached themselves to and and like you see them like near the door like so everyone can see them in like like that's an amazing costume man great job and they're like thanks like you should [ __ ] go into the you could you should go into the main room and really show that off at least please bring me Burger King so very hungry dey's hasn't pulled weeks that's unrelated I mean I've been it for days I didn't poop for a couple weeks but I got into it seen a lot of cheese random in a very blogs have you ever um do you cosplay at all or have you ever caught what I did I cosplayed snake once sweet it was one it was um it's cool because like I like meeting fans like a lot yeah but like there's always like the creepy weird one that like won't go away there's always one yeah and and like and like nobody wants to deal with that like no [ __ ] not even the other fans cool fans are always like this [ __ ] probably giving us all a bad name but there was this one guy like just like [Laughter] like so so when I was just a snake it was like the perfect opportunity to just be like oh no I've been seen and then I just run away and he was like he was like I just didn't it's like too lazy yeah yeah you you ran too fast we need to say faster than three miles so that's yeah that was nice about it but yeah yeah it was fun yeah look see whenever I said I was gonna cosplay I said I would be in character the whole time and I totally was and like it made it so much better it's it's super fun and like next next convention we go dude we should we should do it out alright although I'm gonna need you to be a character from Cowboy Bebop cuz you know my cosplay history my Spiegel and scraggly new I have only for those of who don't know which I guess is everybody I I've cosplayed like 10 times in my life but it's always been a spike from Cowboy Bebop because I'm all [ __ ] lazy oh no I'm always spike Spiegel from the [ __ ] cowboy bebop prism the laziest cosplayer in the world it's like cuz I'm I'm a tall skinny white guy with [ __ ] fro e hair so it's like throw on that blue jacket and yellow shirt you got yourself a costume okay stop speak did I I showed you like some of the pictures right you got yourself 700 Glocks Barry would you throw up a picture of me a spike there it is that girl is Theresa she goes under the name fire lily I love being know exactly what pictured yeah yeah I know one like all my experience with Japanese musicians like you know is it time is it time to tell the [ __ ] Larkin CL story oh man let's do it please one of my all-time favorite moments since I got into like anime and all things nerdy which is more or less since the beginning of my life was I went to Otto Kahn in 2004 I think and this band called Larkin CL was they were there and they they did the music for Full Metal Alchemist that's right yeah and that's right Aesthetica hombre yeah they they did music for a lot of [ __ ] what was it I don't know they did a bunch of theme songs for a man eh yeah lots of different cool anime things that is some Naruto yeah yes and um so like they came and did a show which was incredibly rare so in America rather and everyone freaked the [ __ ] out and they sold out the Baltimore Convention Center and it was like a big there's a big party was awesome and they were into it and I guess the lead singer sweet here we are I guess the lead singer was like he had made the effort to like learn a little bit of English before he came to to perform here which was a super nice gesture but hilarious because like his accent was very strong and so he wanted to like get the crowd charged up so he tried to do the are you having fun thing like but he came out and then like because it was Baltimore and like everyone eats crab there that's like Baltimore's main dish he tried to make a reference to that he was like crap next thing was like something about Baltimore but it was so unintelligible it was like [Laughter] it was amazing you should use your ranks dude my what your ranks oh yeah that's right good call bruh and diagonal yeah and so he Aaron found the I guess the Lord on DVD yeah it's on DVD live and Bolton that actual performance so we are gonna watch it and we will get back to you and see if we could find footage if they left it in of him talking between songs and yelling me too you can rest easy knowing that on that DVD Dan is in the audience oh man I sure was losing my friggin mind cuz I could leave I was drunk at the time and laughing uncontrollably but you were drunk and it like a warped him but like you watch the DVD now and he's like are you guys having a good time it never was like whoo but he's like yes me too me too I'm also having a good time yay but in your mind he's fun that was a fun I can only kill the dark nuts aliens and oh yeah yeah I learned I learn the lessons of the crabs get the California rules [Laughter] screaming situation oh I got the fiddler crabs now son I meet you get the green crap I'm saying Kenny yeah you can get the green craft there you go crap work nice work wonder people are getting tired of you saying crap no why would they ever dude if if you don't know what we're talking about look up Larkin CL latin ontario life as well oh it's live at Baltimore 2012 10 no reason it's my favorite [ __ ] concert no reason of all time did you eat [Applause] I ain't sure someone came out with an article today like the 40 worst Rob Liefeld orally failed comic book drawings you're familiar with him yet yeah yes he did and cable which are you know obviously his good moments but he had plenty of terrible ones and like he really is not such a good comic artist and he was a total douche to one of my friends when we were kids at a convention really yeah oh his douchebaggery is well-documented so again like reading an article that but just trashes him for pages and pages like just panel after panel is really enjoyable Wow yeah well then well next time I get will [ __ ] on more strange targets oh sweet who's next I don't know Britney rears oh my god I'm looking at Britney rears right now that is too [ __ ] funny yeah so goes hey said my gay brother Dan will have been educated someone please draw a fan art of Britney Spears holding a no Britney rears holding a flanged mace yeah I mean like I certainly [ __ ] appreciate it a lot more when people come up to me and they're just like hey men I like what you do yeah as opposed to like you are a god yeah yeah I'm just a guy yeah when they're just like I mean I know you're busy don't wanna think every time I tell you I like your stuff yeah and they're like all right that is all we want to hear this is so nice to hear that's so appreciated ha you did yeah that [ __ ] brightens my day yeah it's well we'll be talking about you for like the next an hour about how cool you were yeah like that guy just wow but if you really knows how to do it yeah but if you come up to me and you're just like can I touch your face be close to your face like that shit's weird I remember there was this one guy I was I was it uh ah not my best effort okay okay I was that a con right behind the booth okay I'd like you know meeting people all day and there's all kinds of people that you meet but there's this one guy who just who could only talk to me in quotes oh boy and like it was the first time that I was like completely speechless because it was so weird yeah because like I've gotten used to talking to people if they don't know what to say anything erisa raver so I'm just yeah you know cool sure you know whatever but like this guy was just like good you'll black that [ __ ] and I was like yeah man yes so so man like how's the con going and he's like go go go sneak that but my [ __ ] lips and I was like yeah man yeah [ __ ] lips and he's like yeah [ __ ] lips I have no idea what to say to you man yeah you're weirding me out so yeah yeah because usually if they if they're like quoting a thing then that means they want you to say and then they're like yeah but like I did it anyway still like let's keep going with this yeah it's very strange plus I have social anxieties do you really yeah so like all the sudden people like one talk to me and I'm like oh interesting alright would you would you consider yourself like an introvert yes absolutely really very much so see that's I'm the opposite yeah I just can't do it uh-huh so let oh let's let that be a lesson to all you out there if you see me an errant attack on assault me first and create a buffer and then you can approach Aaron yeah no no I've gotten very good at being able to like talk to people in a con setting right because there's there's a there's a lot you can talk about there's a lot you can assume and common with them right but like if I'm at like a party or something like I'm just [ __ ] like wow I'm a Wallflower to the extreme that's so interesting dudes like I don't know what to say to these people I just yeah so you know Jar Jar he's who threw this party yes [ __ ] there are specific kind of people that can have a beard yeah you have to power through it and my never willing to mine is out of necessity for two reasons one I don't have a chin you have a beautiful chant well thank you so much that's so nice of you to say but I don't believe you and you're a liar okay number two I have a scar on my lip that I have to cover up with my moustache do you really yes when did this happen when I barked at Magfest maybe some day I'll show you my scar barf to yourself like you barf yourself and your face exploded it's what it's the time that I slammed my face on the toilet oh no I don't remember that must have been a violent bar it was well the toilet seat like fell back down oh that was like no like pushing my face forward to projectile vomit Oh Aaron and it was and it was barfing blood and you poor sweet angel ninja Brian got sick and Magfest and has had a recurring like terrible virus every like a couple of months since then yeah and thinks it's like some sort of like horrible Magfest thing that's never going away these shits yeah so uh I don't know we shouldn't go to Magfest this year I mean you find a new convention yeah for the sole reason of that like okay we die every time we go yeah it for some reason it's it's pretty consistent every year at least like three of us have gotten sick yeah I'm like really serious maladies there and it's just kind of like I don't know if we can afford to get sick again you know I like don't get us wrong Mac fest goers we [ __ ] love you and the panels are awesome and the signings are the best one place to be yeah yeah it's super rad but my god like someone's gonna die oh god oh [ __ ] is going this is probably fine right cutscenes are good beautycon yeah beautycon yeah it's a convention for makeup oh yes easy lifestyle products yes didn't you go with her no okay I took her there that but I hung out outside and cried yeah and then she came out I tried to I was like hey like I like wiped it away and tried to like like had my eyes so they didn't look puffy why don't you cry but they still look puffy do you know why why were you crying because I couldn't go in oh you couldn't you weren't allowed to go into beautycon it was in the it was held in the same building that TF no Botcon was held at which is his Transformers come oh and sorry they never convention for convicted felons called con-com okay okay I should have got a Star Wars to route confound Star Trek - yeah oh did I say Star Wars you did Oh embarrassing yeah you're gonna get comments up the wazoo yeah yeah I love them both I never understood that like you have to choose one or the other wait did you oh oh man I don't think I ever told that story in game revs what's that we were flying I don't remember it was like we were flying a Magfest or like somewhere but we were going there like as star bomb and we were gonna make an appearance at Star bomb and then like I was on the I was on the plane and I was just making like horrible rafts I was like yo yo these people gotta move yo yo let's get out of here some [ __ ] like that and then this guy was like who's clearly also going to manifest it was like wow man you're great rapper you should do some you should do some rats professionally like sarcastically thanks man maybe I will yeah [ __ ] signing at Magfest like we did our game grumps panel and then we had to do a signing and before the panel Aaron was like I feel like [ __ ] garbage and and I kept looking over during the panel and being like wow he's really he's really [ __ ] up and then after the panel was over like you stood up and we were standing backstage and you kind of like waddled over to me and you were like dude I need to sit down I need water I need I need all the things that a person who is not well needs then I was like you you were like I don't think I can do the signing I feel terrible I say dude don't do it like I mean these people care about you like they don't they don't they're you don't want you to like sacrifice their health or your health rather and possibly their health by spreading disease you [ __ ] disgusting mom well I just didn't want to get anybody sick that was the biggest thing right but then you're like no no I'll be disappointing people so see we're like I'll just go until I can't go anymore and then sure enough like the signing was like hours and at the end of the hours plural I looked over and there you were head down in your arms greasy hair displayed all about oh yeah you're a champion dude Moses I was fun day I was really proud and then I went back and into my my bath list room I was like man I could use a bath and then it was it was like the only hotel room I've ever been in that didn't have like a shower bath combo it was just a standard [Laughter] good times poor guy I was in a room with ninja Brian and and another dude and they both snore Wow it was like a snoring volleyball tournament and I actually recorded a ninja Brian's snoring really yeah do I have it I think I just put it on my computer I think I deleted it from my phone really want to see that it's it's all audio because it was too dark though but like cuz I was like it's so I mean like I'm mad I'm gonna give him to Brian [ __ ] about this when he wakes up but like at the same time I didn't want to like it's such a dick move to be mad at someone for snoring because they can't help it and also they don't know you know so I was like I'll at least just like record it so he can at least feel bad okay gotcha gotcha yeah I [ __ ] went in for a deep hug you did it's not what it should just call this ghulam fest no it's not and all that and all the animate Guardian girls would be like this is my favorite game cuz all you get to do is glomp guys yeah when they've got the ball that you want clapping concerned me the first time it happened to me at a convention oh you should because well oh you son of a [ __ ] half of my [ __ ] new t-shirts are fan sent oh that's true I really love it fan sent that sounds like a like a like a mythical bloodline I'm fan sent oh I have to grab them out of this thing there's actually a lot of that at Magfest fan sent to a con every buddy yeah that's important and after you've been at the con for a couple days yeah just keep showering every day yeah but here's what okay here's what this story gets fun so we're headed back home but I'm still sick right we get on a plane [ __ ] up a barricade air lights everyone's favorite Airlines you get on it and they're like oh head off here to a wonderful Los Angeles Airport lax but uh what probably our software is just off [ __ ] you working you know what [ __ ] software you will plague runs a [ __ ] ti-83 calculator bronzer gotta [ __ ] stop boy you gotta reset nonetheless they try to reset the software turns out our flights canceled we have to well take four hours later yeah like four hours and babysit around like this you kept speaking actually towards that all you gotta get the [ __ ] off this plate meanwhile yeah be on the floor writhing yeah Aaron halfway through like sitting all the flights like my stomach's not so good after eating a [ __ ] IP ads hot [ __ ] covered in pretzel yeah hot that covered in pencil that's a really important but eating it was just it was just so am i up to watch yeah you're rude what you're rude she just like nothing yeah except she knows she throws eyeballs oh yeah she grows a view lates nonetheless so Aaron Aaron got really [ __ ] sick I mean like the sickest I've ever [ __ ] seedless guy he's just like all of a sudden he goes through it goes from just like jokey-joke to [ __ ] like I need to see the [ __ ] EMTs like ambulance and they come and they're like you're gonna be fine just easy drink water and then like air just constantly be like oh we're gonna go to the bathroom and they like goes and like throws up no no no ok ok I got to the EMTs what are you feeling I'm like I feel sick I feel like I have food poisoning or something I've had food poisoning before and so they're there I was like should I go to a hospital and they're like oh about the hospital and I was like ok they really let me check your blood pressure I was like ok and they checked my blood question there was like it's fine and we stand up let me take your Brooklyn I was like ok and I [ __ ] they take my blood pressure and then they immediately take the thing off and I like put my hand on her shoulder and I was like and go throw up now he was like oh good and then I went in there and I [ __ ] vomited and apparently people were coming out and they were like okay cuz that guy's [ __ ] throw it uh but he did not say [ __ ] by me yes so so EMT guy came in and he was like how are you and I was like ah so I felt fine for a while and then suddenly suddenly what like after like 30 minutes of like feeling fine it was just kind of like my body was like hey arrogance yeah yeah as like a high there's like almost suddenly he went for fun and games like it was like we're all house frustrating the flights canceled we got to go back to we got to go to a hotel but man it was already kind of that Erin starts [ __ ] like violently shaking really Erin ooh you're right I just take a [ __ ] look at you and you have like five jackets on your the eyes are watering it's just and then all those are [ __ ] scared of can take whatever it is easier and got and then put like he cuts up okay this part this is a very intimate part of the story but I happen to tell because well the [ __ ] buddies disgustingly sad little bits of Everest what clearspan yeah but wait so like you you asked us to go get you a bunch of Powerade and [ __ ] and water I went with Brendan oh it was a joy okay let me just say what I didn't just ask them to get me a Powerade I was in bed wearing five jackets in like [ __ ] 85 degrees air conditioning cause this and shivering are you [ __ ] implying that you of course you were too sick to get it it's not gonna be a douche bag what I would ask you for [ __ ] 7 power is okay just one a big thick cleared you what do you think I was it but I was he I'm very sick at that point you were even employ I don't think you were implying anything I just wanted to be clear but I was sick as [ __ ] you couldn't gotten out of that bed so he got you some time we wanted Suzy to stay with you so we got you a bunch of Powerade or whatever and we came up there and you were and we had like some chips cuz that's all we could [ __ ] fight at that point of the night and then you're just like Aaron do you want pretzels or SunChips and you're just like I just want to make sure that I don't [ __ ] anything up like delirious heads you're like which has less salt I just want to make sure I'm making the right choice you're just like talking and we're like okay salt whatever the people because they don't want to dehydrate I know you're just delirious so then so then you suddenly go everyone please clear a path just like stepped back awkwardly like what happened what happened what happened was I went to the bathroom and the seat was down yeah so I went down to you know in the vomiting position and and I put the seat up and I started vomiting but it's this seat fell back down onto my face as I was pushing my face forward to vomit so while I was vomiting when boom right into my [ __ ] nose and it just like sliced Mike left open and blood went everywhere we went back out to get you a first aid kit and apparently this you weren't the only one bleeding in the hotel at that point because they call an ambulance for someone else they thought that what I asked them they're like we already called Ava what are you talking about oh boy what yeah profusely bleeding in that hotel oh my god well yeah yeah it was it sucked too because it was like it was like blood right above my lip so it was like dripping down and so whatever I like vomited like blood would just [ __ ] everywhere I was like on the floor wasn't like the walls in the toilet and like and like after it was like done throwing up I was like okay [ __ ] it Cinderella because I didn't want a car because if oh nice it's an armored bug cuz if Suzie came in and saw [ __ ] blood everywhere she'd be like oh my god so I still want to freak out yeah go in this thing hello you have to you have to hit the pedal with your foot what so okay all right no we're told a story but this is what how why are you drive he's just dry seriously I don't know what I'm doing no was I was I close out I was still sick during all that so that was one of the worst days of my [ __ ] life here I just say an extra two days well yeah yeah you couldn't eat you had to stay in Maryland in two days anyway thanks type of game grumps we're gonna play the game for real or are we I don't [ __ ] know again [ __ ] football jeez watch out watch
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 475,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps super mario galaxy, game grumps super mario 64, game grumps conventions, game grumps magfest, game grumps pax, game grumps convention stories, game grumps compilation, game grumps convention compilation, game grumps storytime compilation, game grumps story time, game grumps arin, game grumps dan, game grumps, arin, dan, best of, game grumps best of
Id: MDhMZSfH--0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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