Game Grumps: Best of Doki Doki Literature Club

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I'm not su doki-doki literature club okie-dokie literature club all these girls have different color eyes I have the song smell your dick stuck in my head and a lot of people requested this game yeah it's just those are three facts yeah I mean it's just it's just it's just like any other dating game kind of funny so I'm into hopefully you'll enjoy it dude I mean who could look at this title screen and not be like I'm having a good time already yeah well you're gonna have a good time I think however I just sigh an island for the crosswalk it let's say you're he catch you up to me I like to imagine he's just standing on the sidewalk saying all this out loud loudly to himself man say you're interesting some guy with like a briefcase walks away typical see you're because I decided to stop and wait for you knowing me bigger hands after all I guess you don't have it in you to be mean even if you want where are you saying why did you think for a sec [Laughter] well the what is it the lame girl club tiny hand club fine to stop by for a cupcake okay yes let's go ah this is nice we do know each other well we rarely talked but we were in the same class last year she would say things like processing everyone Oh every athlete grades such different girls all interested in the same goal this is my [ __ ] dream for gee I'm looking at right now oh my god Monica must have worked really hard to find these three wouldn't it be a 5g if you were involved yeah maybe that's why were they were all so delighted by the idea of a new member joining I didn't even think of myself being involved I just thought I'm going at it and I would watch on VHS though I still yeah I read I read VHS for my local pornographic shop do you have a problem with that my favorites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds the level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me Twilight mostly you ever read Clifford the Big Red Dog and telling a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive your read Clifford goes to school those are all foreign world for him it was it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop just like in Clifford to the revenge wasn't expecting that one anyway I've been reading a lot of horror lately [Laughter] fine fine processing fine I'm gonna sidle up behind say Yuri sidles up behind not so cute puts their hands on her shoulders not secure you write your own poems you chew this we all sit in silence for a moment it's wildly uncomfortable but then monarch explores okay I have an idea everyone plus now that we have a new member I think it will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other and strengthen the bond of the club let me just crinkle my neck for a second processing processing pain receiving pain ow cool in order to distract you from you thinking that I am a robot and not a human please write poetry I will not Google poetry and bring in a printed-out copy of someone else's work isn't that right friend Aaron hold on there's still one problem yeah what's that where's the literature clear eyes one by one the girl's eyes light up one by one that goes eyes light up first Monica's left lighting right eye then that makes it official eat my hair and Aaron I look forward to seeing how you express yourself yeah the whole way my mind wanders back and forth between the four girls see your Natsuki Yuri and robot well I really well man hi all right I'm in I'm here itís all right look I'm like I'm genuine a emotionally invested now keep going let's keep doing it I am very excited it's happened to every [ __ ] time yeah dude well the story's gonna really pick up pretty soon excellent I hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you when you're not accustomed to it Jesus what were we thinking just push you off a cliff we forced you into the situation huh [Laughter] wait see worried me um not really sure it's really nothing what is it I'll show you would you get me a bag pulls that book I didn't want you to feel left out so I picked out a book that I thought you were worried to Joy it's a clue for the big road episode four it's a short read so to keep your they're stupid even if you don't usually read you're stupid and we could you know discuss it if you wanted this is we could tear out the pages just spread it out of your bed [ __ ] on it call your Clifford that cool do you like Huey Lewis in the news now that everyone settled in I expected Monica to kick off some scheduled activities for the club but instead she's malfunctioning in the corner her head spinning all fast lasers shooting out of every tip of our fingers but that doesn't seem to be the case it's a loan volume of manga manga manga a manga they look juicy and delicious Carrie as I pull it out of the stack not skew snatches out of my head don't touch my [ __ ] she then turns to a box no I said she turns into a box she then turns to a box I know that feel I watched my grandmother die in front of me hey I wasn't judging anything I didn't even say anything it was a tone of voice I didn't say anything club don't judge a book that's clever like at first it though you're an [ __ ] but now I just think you're an idiot which in fact Natsuki grabs my arms and pulls me out of the closet you were in there she then takes the seat against the wall beneath the window cells she Pat's on the ground next or signaling me to sit there it's fun to imagine when things happen seeing them wooden chairs be more comfortable I mean there's tons of empty ones it's part of what the literature Club is you have to imagine the scenarios I could feel her peering over my shoulder much more eager to begin reading than I am she takes a bite of my neck I bleed profusely but only from the one spot where her green tooth enters my my jugular it turns out her mouth is like a komodo dragon with harmful bacteria that's why the truth is green and there's only one just imagine I grabbed these since it's rare for the writing to be entertaining enough for it to make up for the lack of plot so I hate her book pretty meta yeah so what should I expect from this is there going to be a plot I feel like I'm talking to the game designers are you sure this isn't boring for you No look at my eyebrows are doing above my hair don't pay no attention to my goat eyes yeah oh man so cute even though you're just watching me read I'm fine with it if you say so now it's very difficult is breathing through this one tiny nostril [Music] snorting through a coffee shop don't you share your mango with your friends looks like it was crazy [Laughter] [Laughter] clever said Monica scavenger Gavin I just can't win can i I hate it when she runs her jerk protocol loading loading loading jerk jerk Exe she hastily slides yourself a good 12 inches away from me not far all right guess I'll stop here for now guess I'll just unspool this two-foot guy I call it the firehose all right then I stand up I return to where I put my stuff a carefully set the book back in my bag I fly off into space as Rocky say re and Monica enthusiastically pull out their poems see Ari's is on a wrinkled sheet of loose leaf torn from a spiral notebook on the other hand Monica wrote hers in a composition notebook like in imperfect binary I can already see Monica's pristine head it's it's as thick as a dictionary I can already see Monica's pristine handwriting from where I said it's almost as if it was did Natsuki and yuri change things like this further people with nothing to gain from it other than sex with more hot girls so selfless really good people do Thanks sorry I'm not sure if say re sees the full picture of my motive here I just want the cupcakes yeah then again I can't deny that's just part of the reason I joined you will be swimming in muff this puss will be overflowing kissing my father to help me out of bed making me whiskey from my [Music] it's a but it just you two if it wasn't for you I could sleep I can't answer just a little bit to yes or no question [Laughter] little better about myself no friends I do the et finger toast even though you were late to school which is weird because I kind of look like I'm stuffing my face all the time in this pose [Laughter] what was it you were yelling when we were recording the starbomb song like you're always after my voice oh man best-selling product I love the character Starbucks the hardest to restock call up the company directly who's yelling that at our producer Jim Roach who was dying [ __ ] you Jim did you just say a word about Monica like heads completely was a terminator like red grid of like her point of view like what she's what you should do and like a through C is killed hello baby hmm this is your first time writing a poem right yeah why do you ask I'm just making sure I guess so I guess that might be after reading through it uh so it's that bad no it reminds me of Clifford's birthday party mixed with Clifford the firehouse dog did I just raise my voice I'm so sorry I'm as embarrassed as Clifford the Big Red Dog was in Clifford's good deeds needless to say the penultimate copy I googled a list of all the Clifford the Big Red Dog books will be referencing them there's so many different skills and techniques that go into writing even a simple poem here's my God knows your simple saying here's mine and just like [ __ ] smeared on a page say what do you think I've been writing for years welcome back so we just discovered uh huh that uh the piano and the flute or whatever in the background they're that they're like out of they like suck it playing it's just what it's just one part it's gonna take a minute to loop around but like okay so that one's good then to the next it's on dude this one's good too yup very good and it's like alright Timmy you did great at the recital it's just one more one more round to bring it home oh man I kind of love it it's kinda adds to the charm I think I should go before now I say go with Monica hello great choice satisfactory hi friend Aaron a much better off just going with the flow until I'm more settled in anyway arms down program arms down executing want to share your poem with me it's kind of embarrassing but I guess I have to don't worry friend Aaron we are all a little embarrassed today you know except me I don't experience human emotion engage program cheek blush red red red to red I had Monica my poem hmm I like it friend Aaron really it's a lot cuter than I expected how fast yeah oh geez here's my poem I like it I didn't even hand it to you I can see Polian wall it couldn't have been me see that direction the spackle protrudes a noisy neighbor an angry boyfriend I'll never know I wasn't home I peer inside for a clue no I can't see I real blind like a film left out in the Sun but it's too late my retinas my human retinas already scorched with a permanent copy of the meaningless image it's just a little hole it wasn't too bright it was too deep stretching forever into everything a whole of infinite choices I realize now that I wasn't looking in I was looking out and he on the other side was looking in and I was looking out but he was looking in at me looking out do you like the poem I Google I mean I am trapped in a logic loop so what do you think she was supposed to be the good 1/0 oh no oh no oh no here's a fun subject that I use to break the ice did you know that I remember this oh my god Oh brothers - oh no what Natsuki hmm these potatoes sorry but I'm filling up and not [Laughter] [Applause] embarrassing you took it home whereupon I'll find my emergency stash of home potatoes Natchez our own Pope for the desk and storms out on our way out she crumples up the poem with their hands and throws in the trash no awesome in that case we'll do the same thing to mari rue and maybe you learn something from your friends too so your poems will trip battery low battery low out even better sure big friends everyone's nice but does it really need to stop there [Laughter] I'd say already nervously retrieves her coin purse we should nervously retrieve my coin purse with the latch and gets it open she then she turns it upside down and lets its contents spill onto the desk so hot only two small coins fall out I knew it I could see right through you say Ari could you even know it's simple if you had enough money in the first place you would have bought a snack before coming to the classroom so either you're not hungry and want an excuse to take a walk or you plan to conveniently forget that you spent all your money so that I would lend you some [ __ ] [ __ ] but there's one more thing you're always all great and so that only leaves the one option guilty if you feel guilty then that means you deserve to feel guilty ha ha ha this got real so I didn't miss anything did I no not really talk about [ __ ] cookies or something I choose to leave out series [ __ ] miss expert I'm sure that's true you'll end up complaining to her anyway also I left it out cuz it was [ __ ] boring as a story like hey she got a cookie and then she took a bite of the other girls cookie and um and then she was mad are you sure you seem a little apprehensive or that's I'm sorry yeah it's okay it's not that I don't want you to okay this is something I'm not very used to yeah you smell [ __ ] terrible the reading company with someone is it the potatoes I see well I'll just let me know find it distracting you or anything I'm gonna be over here banging pots yeah yeah and it's rolling potatoes down the classroom floor all right Yuri you really apologized a lot don't you sorry I do yes stop I don't really mean to sorry I mean [Music] [Laughter] that's your work very takes her left arm and hold the left side of the book between your thumb and forefinger I do the same on the right side of the book oh that way I turn a page and your slides on our thumb after flip stairs I heard bass put in holding it like we relieve it before it's actually gonna distracted me as if I could peel the word from here its face to the court my vision are you ready to turn the page sorry on this really good their eyes meet I don't know how be able to keep over there that's okay you're not as used to reading right I don't might be patient if it takes a bit longer it's probably least I could do super so patient with me who can sit the first pitch for pence each page almost feels like an intimate [ __ ] my thumb gently let it go to the pitch letting it flutter over to her side she could sit at home thumb hey URI this might be silly thought but the main character can remind you think so how does she I guess she's more blunt in a lot of ways but she looks like gets all the things she says it does like she's afraid she'll do something wrong it's all I got you seen your head or anything I see meanwhile back over here I did the [ __ ] man in that case feel free to finish the first two chapters in your own time all right I stand up I make a mental note of where I left off of the book slip it back into my bag eat a potato or two I can't remember how many oh my god all right well aware that a raccoon is fed that his fed will always come back for more the enticing beauty of my cutting knife was the symptom the bread my hungry curiosity the raccoon the moon increments its phase and reflects that as much more light got to her reflects that much more light off of my cutting knife kind of so hot the very same light that glistens in the eyes of my raccoon friend I sliced the bread fresh and soft the raccoon becomes excited projecting my emotions out to the newly satisfied at nearly satisfied animal alright stop I wanted to express the way it feels for me to indulge and my more unusual hobbies do I kill people but you're always thinking about other people you need to think about yourself once in a while like how stupid you are and how dumb you look if you don't you might have end up getting hurt at some point deeper and deeper my fingers go oh [ __ ] discovering the secrets hiding in the nooks and crannies digging and digging scraping and scraping I mean I didn't expect something like this coming from you Monica taught me a whole lot like how don't be sad and I've really been in touch with my feelings recently waiting a fake magic you say yeah you've gotten pretty passionate about this huh I hope you keep it up yay just don't show me your poems ladies the best it's like magic keep writing it's like I like Jesus spiders that's right I'm not present anymore oh my god Amy a kid singing voice I heard just thinking my favorite love song [ __ ] Amy every time she saved the chorus my heart would pound I hope she died she was spider bites to the with words but she likes spiders that's not enough president but time I hurt my leg really bad Amy help me up and took me to the nurse I try not to let it touch me she likes spiders their heads are probably growths that's why the president her [ __ ] diary I love it amy has a lot of friends I only see her talking to people she probably talks about spiders whatever Fred says like spiders too that's how I'm not friends either doesn't matter of shares of their hobbies doesn't matter she keeps it private it doesn't matter if she doesn't hurt anyone it scruffs she's gross throws better of us spider lovers gross was the only I don't have to explain it hey Amy sometimes you can explain complicated issues much simpler analogies and it helps people realize how stupid they're being for example I didn't pitch Amy I described hating Amy as I hate Amy easy right oh that's funny Yuri wrote about something similar today Yuri he's been dead for three years yeah Yuri don't worry so much about that you do your own thing meanwhile I will be sucking the brain juices out of you while you sleep I mean running the literature Club keep exploring and learn by trying new things but anyway you want to read my poem now I like the way this one turned out so I hope you do too ah let's take a look save me the colors they won't stop bright beautiful colors flashing expanding piercing red green blue and endless cacophony of meaningless noise the noise yet won't stop violent grading waveforms squeaking screeching piercing sine cosine tangent what what kind of queue is that it's like the the symbol for female that's like an ankh like playing a chalkboard on a turntable like playing a vinyl on a pizza crust and endless poem of meaningless load me whoa whoa I think she's actually a robot that would be [ __ ] awesome God could you imagine hmm does it look like a roll why brodien okay everyone we're all done reading with each other poems yeah right I have something extra planned today so if everyone could come sit at the front of the room suite well sort of the festival of brain-sucking I mean cherry blossoms it will require a sacrifice I mean volunteer each of us are going to choose a poem to recite during the event but the cool part is we're also going to let anyone else come up and recite poems to say your ease putting all I say you're shutting down okay slowly do you really think it's that bad of an idea [Music] I still think we should give it our best were the only ones responsible for the fate of this club if we start the event and each put on a good performance powering down then it will inspire others to overheating core temperature nominal do the same and the more people who perform the better we'll be able to show everyone what literature is all about and it's those reasons that we're all in this Club today aside from the fact that your brains are soft gooey and delicious don't you want to share that with others to inspire them to find the same feelings that brought you here in the first place I know you do I know we all view and if it all take and if all of it takes it Natsu can you remain silent Sierra looks worried I guess that leaves me no choice I'm gonna have to dig deep for potatoes I don't know how it happened with my knapsack this case producing situation Oh God potatoes that could possibly fit in and outside my chest no longer expand through the pressure and weight of all these potato I mean I agree it's not that we didn't want to applaud for her but we were caught so of card that we must have forgotten yeah that's what I'll say to her as we implied here holds the poem to her chest and rushes back into her seat she trips over five potatoes and falls she's hurt very badly but we laugh anyway then I eat a monitor Monica uses her healing factor her finger transforms into a syringe I didn't know she had this power she's an interesting girl say yeah Sayuri hops out of her chair and cheerfully walks to the podium they are a begins a poem it somehow feels like your soft voice is made as a perfect match lighting a powder keg of shitty pose everyone has their eyes on me making me feel tired this would be a hard point to start masturbating I recite my poem especially since two of them are looking like sort of disapprovingly yeah come on hair bow girl and robot woman are into it since I'm not exactly confident in my own writing it's hard to put the energy into it sorry I was just punching my fist despite that once I finished I receive applause anyway sorry I'm not really [Music] [Laughter] so thank you sorry I'm not really as good as everyone else it must be a little nice though well turn around all that hot ma let's go already I walk home with say re once more even though it's only been a few days a lot of things have already changed but today say always being a little quieter than usual on the way home my god chocolate no poof I'm sorry to make up for the poof bouncy they already sitting at a desk in the corner of the room looking down at nothing I walk over to her hey se RA I waved my hand in front of her face you're spacing out again I worriedly glance at se re before turning back toward everyone else but the conversation is already dispersed with everyone back at their usual activities maybe I should ask Monica if she's noticed anything let's say re recently since they've been preparing for the festival they must be spending a lot of time together a timidly approach Monica who's shuffling through some papers at her desk I wasn't studying humans friend Aaron what's up like you say that this might sound like a little strange but have you noticed anything up with say recently anything up with her in what way do you mean her brain's smell especially appetizing too much but she seems a bit downcast robot need to eat brain we've been going with it for hours now that the matrix has you know goop of a human you're so funny friend Iran have you thought that maybe you've always seen her as so cheerful because that's just how she is when she's around you not I've said too much I'm sorry what do I know anyway stupid robot stupid stupid I mean stupid human stupid extra stupid I didn't mean to jump to conclusions so you should just forget about what I said I'll try to talk to her so try not to think about it for now all right Monica smiles meaningful my case files may fly no she said to forget about it but I already know that I won't be able to get her words out of my head Monica stands up from her desk well [Laughter] she's made me feel like a jerk so tell me will I mean simian feel like talking about it or anything she's practically mumbles that last part no I'm probably making it seem like a bigger deal it is also I don't care about you huh I've just been thinking about say Ari that's all sincerely thinking about her yeah she's pretty down today she didn't want to admit it to me so I can't help but wonder if something happened to her oh like we [ __ ] last night and she said it really hurt and exactly weird says [ __ ] weird that's icky exhales well first of all you should really work on your phrasing but anyway you're her best friend right sorry we made love last night yeah I guess uh she sure made that to you doesn't she uh don't get the wrong idea or anything we've just been friends for a long time [Music] the robots like have I had it wrong this whole time it is her brains that I am looking forward I pull the first volume apart bad girls out from my bag Natsuki takes it from my hands quickly turns it over presumably check for wrinkles hey I'm not that careless I handled manga all the time you know every time I make a salad I just wanted to make sure do you do the crisscross cups where they come out like little squares yeah mango squares can you blame me for being paranoid I don't give people my manga every day no and you're always eating potatoes you have potatoes in your sack so I thought potatoes Monica's a potato oh my [ __ ] god next time I get happens this is fun top shelf is far above NAT Sookie's head she makes a futile hop tried to figure out how to reach her manga but she can't reach it she's tiny jeez this is so convenient Emilio's back down there's plenty of room on these shelves and besides they're really pretty to look at when they're online damn where did you base it on the top shelf that's Sookie there's a stool on the wall there that's very immature let's clean it up all students giggling you're like if you want I could reach up there and hand them to you I can get them myself that circuit grabs the stool from the wall and unfolds it it must have been a long one it's great how it's all still staying in one log it's hanging from the ceiling you think I'm too short accepted I mean yeah well you know what just watch me that Sookie hops onto the stove which ends up being a little wobbly because of its collapsible design careful hurry up and take this one but then I have to let go of the chair oh that together go the chair that's fine all right let me just stand up you know it's kind of hard to do this physical [ __ ] when it's just words but I slowly release my grip from the chair what do you mean stand up that Sookie looks down at me why are you all the way back that Sookie looks like she just realized something would she lose your powers if she moves no Sookie the box the box that Sookie's like shake the church says Josie's at 6 feet [Music] the seat is in the Kansas split second chair flats running at 6 feet friending they're trying to catch it but chose that raise the book you'll find a guy you [Music] oh my god the full force of not Sookie's body against me throws me to the ground everything goes dark no bunch of propel me in the face end of day two this was all like the opening scene of a CSI episode time passes more time passes slowly netsuke comes to his senses good she presses her arm straight into me to prop herself up Natsuki seems to realize that it's not the floor that's beneath her but a huge flat surface of hard dick gak a fist pounds into my chest she breaks some ribs I think I'm copping blood that's sooo good annoys herself to her feet my lungs punctured yeah is everything okay over there I can fix a punctured lung I heard a loud noise hold on hold on hold on 3d printing a new lock are you trying to kill your Club members or something yes I mean no I looked down Natsuki is kneeling on the floor holding one of the books that are scattered all over there's a large diagonal crease across the pages he's desperately trying to smooth that must have landed on the page what a predicament that Sookie tries a bit more to fix the crease but she can't get it out suddenly she gives up and slams the book shut that throws it on the floor instead of continuing to yell she just lowers her head Natsuki are you know you have a first-world problem that Sookie's voice squeaks business our absolute limit I see tears on her face I'll help get the crease out okay it's partially my fault so she is razor thin on the line separating from her from the psych ward netsuke shakes your head still looking down that sink you sobs again it's fine is there anything you want to talk about chicky [ __ ] let's do q6 ahead tsuki falls silent again I can't press her so I can only I can only do it I know how to do all right well I guess I'll you know move the rest of your manga for you ah I pick up volume 2 of par fat girls this will help you a bit right done here that tsuki looks up with your glossy eyes her lip quiver x' yeah you're really nice to me yeah that sounds really strange coming from that Sookie I didn't expect it at all well I'm just cheating you like a friend you know friend Aaron potato head staples another south [Laughter] [Laughter] being nice is the least I could do the next couple of minutes are silent between us is I'd be good gathering it's the scattered books she's real quiet with that genocide wedged in her mouth she's super enjoying it though you're trying to impress me Natsuki vigorously scans her eyes over my poem one more time then the poem slips out of her hands and flutters to the floor down her thighs monica sees the poem lying in the floor and swiftly picks it up she reads through it her smile not fading from her face I see I hear I taste I am human after all you write this you wrote this poor Natsuki didn't you I mean not really in fact didn't she like your poem a lot the other day too I'm surprised you know her taste so well already or arm up are you sure you're not cheating friend aro on Ching what do you mean by the head never mind I'm just kidding da-da-da-da-da-da-da I didn't understand I didn't understand Monica's joke at all anyway how do you think that Sookie feels about you oh you don't need to answer that it was just something for you to think of everyone if you insist what wait like what like you would submit brazen but hung a vest is now playing kingdoms of castles oh my god his symbol was a vest anyway my poem now and no I won't let you keep it this is my only copy Oh God I'll be your [ __ ] I'll be your Beach some about the beach let's bury your heavy thoughts on a pile of sand is do it read it okay I'll be beat your minds are full of troubles and fears that diminish your wonder over the years but today I have a special place a beach for us to go [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] you're a peach you're on escape you're learning to love yourself again simple topic and then trying to impress me by coming up with something all fancy like I mean that gets might end up being kind of metaphorical to and like better than hers but there's nothing wrong with doing that once in a while oh my god do you want to share your weird poem now yes more than ever Oh God Beach a Marvel millions of years in the making where the womb of Earth chaotically meets the surface under a clear blue sky and explants of bliss but beneath grey rolling clouds an endless endless enigma the easiest world to get lost in is where everything could be found hearted what can we build a sick house where the sand is wet afford it again but was quiet where the sand is wet the tide comes will it gently lick at your foundations until you give in or will a sudden wave send you crashing down in the blink of an eye question mark either way the outcome is the same yet we still build sandcastles that's pretty profound actually kind of relate to that just reading list in your head and you just hear that like that good worried about that I said where the foam wraps around my ankles where my toes squish into the sand the salty air is therapeutic the breeze is gentle yet powerful it told me to write about the beach but I really wrote about something else she didn't say anything weird did she she just wanted us to write about the same topic again I supposed to better compare the differences in her writing styles our thought process anyway it was her idea no I heard it's no surprise she wanted to something like that she probably just wants to show off God you guys it's not like I have a particular interest in a writing style the books of the butt fell in my face feels like it's been a [ __ ] eternity anyway go on sorry Don Todd well you don't need to worry about what I think after you read this for someone else didn't you probably have to Sookie that [ __ ] yeah I didn't write this for anyone specifically maybe that's not really what I meant though it's okay you're making new friends just like I was hurt and you're happy to write in this club well of course I am good thank you free okay I'll see you tomorrow before I could say anything else arey cheerfully walks out of the classroom humming tears anyway we need to figure out the rest of the festival preparation so let's decide what everyone will be doing this weekend I know what I'm doing that's right NAT Sookie will be making cupcakes but we might need a lot of them in different flavors can you handle that all by yourself netsuke my favorite is motor oil for a heater I mean strawberry and as for myself I'm going to be printing and assembling all the poetry pamphlets I mean with a printer done so URI you have beautiful handwriting you know so you should make some banners and decorations to help set the atmosphere atmosphere about that I I love that miss fair your eyes express to suddenly change these stairs their desk at focus starts nodding to herself LaVon the spirit of love your your mind is already racing I see that is great you'll be a wonderful help URI and you will be distracted well I think with this straw close to your head then I'll be stopping by your house on Sunday Sunday what the [ __ ] my house what about church no no no no I just thought it would be the one going to your house since I'm the one helping you you know uh-huh I suppose that makes sense but if you don't mind I'd like to really rub this in your neighbours face I think I would prefer going to your house all right in that case it won't be a problem I decided not to press URI for a reason it's not like it should matter much either way so I'll just need to make sure my room is clean I hope I manage to make myself useful in some way I spent the next two days scrubbing hardened jizz off of every surface of my room my god I got one of those luminol sprays and holy [ __ ] it's like Christmas in there I guess I got a black light and I could see it from space why do I feel nervous to say or he finds out about this it's not like we feel that way about each other besides like Monica said this is about the club I have nothing to worry about if I just go with it then I'll have a good time by the way the club is what I call my day it's all about the club it's a hurry says what she's spacing out I've been getting increasingly anxious about URIs upcoming visit I keep telling myself there's no reason to be nervous but it doesn't help much I wish this game just had Saturday and it's just him watching TV for 24 hours in real time I decided to visit a hurry before URI comes over rather than asking I simply tell her I'm coming over much like we've done in the past once I reach the Aries house I knock in the door before entering it myself again we used to play so often that we made it a habit of simply entering each other's houses like we were family I'm coming the however quiet say your reason anywhere in the first floor so I assume she's up in her room it's already strained to her not to run down and greet me I head up to her bedroom where I finally find her say Orie I sit down in her room say or he forces a smile but it's easy to tell that she's different there's a it's because she told me there's a minute of silence between us I guess you're right has been a long time so you just find out like this I'm dating mister cows Moo you [ __ ] I just wanted to see how you were doing after you left on Friday when something's wrong you can't hide it from me I know you too well so Siri smiles shaking her head [ __ ] that's looking feminine hey Mike hates just be like it sighs Ben this is all my fault fading it's a week and accidentally expressed my feelings I didn't make that all a choice this time the thing is I've had a really bad depression my oh damn it that's a I'd love you did you know that why do you think I'm late to school every day things I can't even find a reason to get out of better than mr. cows I am oh yeah why God it's cool why eat why make friends why make other people put the energy of Jesus Christ this is so sad all of a sudden I don't want to be cared about it's bittersweet when people try to care about me feels nice sometimes it also feels like a bat being swung against my head are you having my brain sucked my robot eternity maybe I'm depressed because half my brain is missing you just feel like a little thing of blood and I was punished by my heart hurting in a way that I couldn't understand and now you came here and I made you hurt too I'm just weak and selfish that's all yeah I wish I could didn't give this character such a dump before she started like pouring her heart out because I deserve every last one without thinking I once again grabs a or his shoulders you're a little early I'm sorry I wasn't home I was damn I can't read who are you waiting for a long time no I just got here but I started to get really nervous when nobody answered the doorbell you always kick we could have texted me he's if I didn't know and I would have reassured you and hurried more on my way home if you'd had done that we wouldn't be in this predicament I cleaned it before he came over so that's very considerate of you to do yeah I know I would be really embarrassed for my room to be a mess while you were here hmm well I do enjoy cleaning I would have gladly helped you clean uh amazing story that would be even more embarrassing wait don't look in there snatch your his wrist which is in the process of opening a desk drawer if my dildo Conclave [Laughter] I wasn't thinking for some reason I was just spacing out like C or E it's fun oh I'm determined to provide an experience I believe them wanting more oh my god that's great easy to forget that you're pretty intense person intense yeah it's just like pulling the knife out of her pocket I guess that's the best way to put it is that a bad thing something that I like about you actually I like that you're scaring me right now is that so yeah that makes me feel relieved and kind of happy yeah no need to be so anxious you can relax a little I am relaxed put away the ax please I brought some things for relaxation I was going to use them during the poetry event oh yeah let's see URI rummages through her bag she pulls out a few candles and a wooden cylinder shaped object this is for your dildo Enclave I did some shopping on the way here so I happen to have these in my bag I plan to cover the windows in black paper and use the candles to light the room I think that would be amazing don't you yeah that'd be pretty neat what's the wooden thing though oh this it's a diffuser for essential oils you put it your butt [Laughter] that's why you're always fighting I'm not farting I'm diffusing essential oils it's one of my favorite country contributors to a positive atmosphere depending on the oils or herbs you you choose you can change the mood of the air itself let me show you you you could even feel it permeate through your body like through your relaxation positive energy romance reflection romance it's almost like magic before that positivity no after that romance no it's almost like magic yari takes the cylinder and pushes a switch on the bottom in just a moment a thin ray of vapor begins to spout through a small hole in the top don't breathe this you'll be dead within the map is that one for she again reaches into her bag and pulls out several spools of thin ribbon where are those four well yeah you know how when you like put ribbon on a fan did you purchase the origami paper I asked you to get okay I'm really sorry everyone we won't be using the paper for folding origami what I'd like to do is write a different word on each paper we'll need about a hundred of them oh yeah all those be used for well I'm going to cut pieces of ribbon to hang from the doorway this is my last wouldn't that be beautiful suffocation no breathing it would also catch the eye of those passing by the room will get the suffocation no breathing part of the essential oils I had no idea you'd be so good at this year I thought you're just an idiot that's oh well I suppose I do get a little intense you know don't give a [ __ ] if I cut my arm bleeding as you put it would you like to hold it with your heart sure I'll check it out Yuri carefully hands me the knife with the handle facing me I take it and turn it around on my hands feels having an extremely solid where do you even get a knife like this curious of its sharpness I feel the point of the knife with my index finger oh friend Aaron why did you do that I just wanted to feel alive I didn't expect it to be that Sh I don't give a [ __ ] if it's my fault I should have warned you ah this knife it's extremely sharp it cut through skin like it's paper oh now small drop of blood trickles down the side of my finger yo he takes my hand and gives the woman a closer look she stares at it and noticeably fidgets if you're squeamish I'll go wash it off now ah without warning here he puts my finger in the mouth him licks the what I feel her tongue curl around me what I started instinctively pull my hand back oh please forgive me I wasn't thinking I URI lowers her head her face burning up URI that's the most embarrassing thing I've ever done how could I do something like that I'm sorry I'm sorry sure it was a little weird but it took me by surprise I guess she she's just trying to help right yeah all right I think you're overreacting a bit she hasn't left her head what if she doesn't recover from this for the rest of the afternoon all right you know what this might be a stupid thing to do but I'll do it anyway I take yours hand and lick her index finger in return friend Aaron did you really just do that and now we're even Fred you're it looks to me like I did something wrong haha I knew that would be a bad idea if not for the sweet aroma of jasmine oil the air would be extremely heavy right now you're so weird friend Aaron for doing that thing I just did Yuri giggles shyly Yuri calling me weird I have no response to that where do you keep your bandages uh I'm gonna throw them away so you keep bleeding are you ready to move on to the next task yeah let's do it for your next physical challenge you must eat an entire pie as you scale the aggregate so I thought we would do something simple that would look very nice I'd like to paint a gradient across the banner starting with the colors for a sunrise then daytime then sunset and nighttime once it dries I'll write an inspirational quote across the banner we can hang it on the wall behind the podium at the front of the classroom Oh neat well are you gonna write anything is a dildo if you're brave enough it will be more fun to surprise you URI leans over the banner to grab an unused paintbrush but I move at the same time causing my head to bump into hers ah my precious brains sister sorry URI reels back and I quickly lift my hands and surprise are you hurt no I'm not hurt could you take my head out of your mouth please sorry I should have asked you to get it for me it's not your fault your face there are droplets of paint on your face and neck is there something on my face yes obviously yes at the aroma of the Jasmine oil giving me this dizzy feeling URIs gentle fingers wrapped around my wrist send a tingling sensation through my arm is she is she incapacitating me oh no she's cast a vampire spell and suddenly her face seems to be much closer to mine that it was just a moment ago you see cats and it's like right in front of the screen Yuri slowly pulls away scared that I might like you more than you like me say hurry it's true is it I was weak and I started to like you too much this is very sweet I did this to myself Brendan thank you so much that I want to die that's less sweet that's how I feel and that's enough say Ari I don't want you to hurt anymore I slide my hand down C or his arm and squeeze your hand in my own do you remember how I said I always know what's best for you do you still believe me wordlessly say re nods even if you don't understand all of your own feelings I know what you need the most right now and that's up that's what I'm going to give you [Music] Oh what do you think can we save it okay time to save there you go Shh okay I'm gonna flip a coin okay I'm gonna flip the animal crossing box okay heads I love you tails you'll always be my dearest friend okay you ready yeah here we go [Music] wow it's I love you boom I love you those are my true feelings so there's no way you could like me more than I like you I should have realized it sooner but spending time with everyone at the club making new friends having fun with you every day it helped me realize that you are truly the most important person to me that's why likes I'll accept any of your burdens as long as we continue like this every day with you by my side then I know we'll both be happy [Music] suddenly say or he wraps her arms tightly around me but I changed my mind loading gay hey do you want to check out the pamphlets they came out really nice yeah sure I grabbed one of I grabbed one of the pan fits laid off of desks oh yeah they really did huh something like this will definitely help people take the club more seriously yeah I thought so too boy I didn't think I'd missed the [ __ ] reggae loop but yeah it's quiet it's all quiet I flip through the pages each member's poem is neatly printed on its own page giving it an almost professional feel I recognize natsu keys and URIs poems from the ones they perform during our practice what's this I flipped to say auras poem it's different from the one she practiced it's one that I haven't read before oh whoa well there you go I read that times fifty get mad before I do I know what is best for you listen everything she said to me show you how much I love you I finished writing this poem but I promise never actually finished it just stops moving are we in Silent Hill all of a sudden what is this reading the poem I got a pit in my stomach rent Iran what's wrong nothing his poem feels completely different from everything else say or he's written yeah it's the [ __ ] all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy from the shining but more than that I changed my mind I'm gonna go get Sayuri so ah well all right try not to take too long okay I quickly leave the classroom don't strain yourself Monica calls that out after me why it's really tough to like do an action sequence in this game yeah I quicken my pace I'm hastily running what was I thinking I should have tried a little bit harder for say Ari are there any classes at this school it's that can you just leave this plumbs yeah it's not a big deal to at least wait for her help her wake up even the simple gesture of walking her to school makes you really happy besides I told her yesterday that things will be the same as they always have been that's all she needs and that's what I want to give her I read say auras house and knock on the door I don't expect an answer since she's not picking up her phone either like yesterday I opened the door and let myself in say Ari she really is a heavy sleeper I swallow I can't believe I ended up doing this after all waking her up in her own house that really is something that a boyfriend would do isn't it in any case it just feels right outside series room I knock on her door say Yuri wake up dummy there's no response I really didn't want to have to enter a room like this isn't it kind of a breach of privacy but she really leaves me no choice I gently opened the door sit what what are you [ __ ] serious [Music] no [ __ ] what oh my god is this a horror game I don't know Dan are you serious what the hell what the hell is this a nightmare it has to be this isn't real oh my god there's no way this can be real say or it wouldn't do this everything was normal up until a few days ago that's why I can't believe this is what happens in tokidoki literature club I suppress the urge to vomit just yesterday I told Sayuri I'd be there for her I told her I know it's best and then everything will be okay then why why would she do this oh my god could I be so helpless oh my god what did I do wrong confessing to her I shouldn't confess to her that's not what seorin needed at all once she even told me how painful it is for the others to care for her then why did I confess to her and make her feel even worse why was I so selfish this is my fault my swarming thoughts keep telling me every time I could have done to prevent this if I just spent more time with her walked her to school and remain friends with her like it's always been [ __ ] God that I could have prevented this I know I could have prevented this screw the literature Club screw the festival I just lost my best friend someone I grew up with she's gone forever now nothing I could do could bring her back this is some game where I can reset and try something different load and try something different I only had one chance and I wasn't careful enough and now I'll carry this guilt with me until I die nothing in my life is worth more than hers but I still couldn't do what she needed from me and now I can never take it back never never never yeah oh my god I'm actually are you oh my god I see an annoying girl walking towards me from the distance waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself that girl is God my neighborhood good friend since we were children you know the kind of friend you'd never see yourself making today but it just kind of works out because you know each other for so long to walk to school together our days like this but starting around high school she would oversleep more and more frequently and I would get tired of waiting up but she's gonna chase me like this I almost feel better off running away however I just sigh and idle in front of the cross walking like ketchup it's an ordinary school day like any other I'm really upset by those 40 clubs um there really aren't any that interests me besides most of them would probably be way too demanding for me to want to deal with I guess I have no choice but to start with the anime club is this a ghoul grumps friend Aaron oh my [ __ ] god Monica oh my goodness I totally didn't expect to see you here it's been a while right yeah it has Monica smile sweetly we do know each other well who we rarely talked but we were in the same class last year Monica was probably the most popular girl in class smart beautiful athletic basically completely out of my league so having your smile at me so gently feels a little what did you come in here for anyway oh I've just been looking for some plies some supplies to use for my club do you know if there's any construction paper in here or markers I'm like stunned right now I guess you could check the closet whoa what's wrong [ __ ] playing PT after I thought we were doing Sakura spirit oh well you know it's like roll with the punches oh my god we're just just restarting life from the beginning [ __ ] Ross he was like you're gonna love it dude there's a twist I'm like you son I thought it was gonna be like a sexy twist like it was gonna be a porn game after like being like so cute and innocent besides how could I ever refuse someone like Monica sure I guess I could check it out ah awesome you're really sweet friend Aaron you know that it's nothing really I wish we had facecam right now so people could see the look on my face it's like do you remember when I told you my Israeli relative who I asked him what it was like dealing with the palestinian-israeli conflict and like the Gaza Strip and he was like it is like someone come into my house and [ __ ] my sister near to my eyes like that's what this feels like well yeah that's no statement on the Middle East situation I have no opinion but this is [ __ ] up well I guess you'll find out more what's going on oh my god are you [ __ ] serious dude oh my god yeah I'm serious my mind is so [ __ ] right now turn off the happy music please I don't but it's just it's just a kid in school he's trying to join a literature Club his friend Monica who clearly is not a robot trying to suck his brain are we are we like is that the reason there's no one else in this school are we like in an insane asylum like reliving this craziness over and over I don't know in our mind I don't know Dan oh my god I'm so unnerved right now well stick it out I knew I should have said we were just friends next I read all words escape me in this situation this club is full of incredibly cute girls oh my god so let me guess you're Monica's boyfriend right uh-huh no I'm not Natsuki the girl with the sour attitude whose name is apparently not Sookie is one I don't recognize her small figure it makes me think she's probably a first-year oh my god is so [ __ ] creepy anyway this is not Sookie energetic as usual and this is Yuri the vice president it's nice to meet you God my [ __ ] compliments whoever created this game they like you are a creative [ __ ] the girls have a few deaths to arrange to form a table as you can clearly see Yuri walks to the corner of the room opens the closet well meanwhile Monica and Natsu Q sit across from each other I'm like so [ __ ] tense all of a sudden still feeling awkward I take a seat next to Monica what the the loopy u reggae isn't no nothing is calming my nerves sure P Kickstarter music isn't helping you calm down oh my god oh yah retraces the rim of her teacup with her finger just like last time my face my favourites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds the level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me and telling a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive URI goes on clearly passionate about her reading she seems so reserved and timid since the moment I walked in but it's obvious by the way her eyes light up that she finds her comfort in the world of books not people but you know I like a lot of things stories with a deep psychological element usually immerse me as well isn't it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop oh damn you self-congratulatory bastard everyone remember tonight's assignment write a poem to bring to the next meeting so we can all share Monica looks over at me once more I was telling our co-worker outside in the office between grumps I was planning to play this on my own and go out with Monica and and jerk off to this game and now I'm now I'm not gonna I am absolutely not you have lost a Jo customer I haven't locked a special pod not like this well I think that's you so I'm not doing the voice today I cut my skin open for the first time it was exhilarating I think I understand how Blanc feels now I'm supposed to be the responsible one though so I don't think I'll be doing it again unless I decide to kill myself I left him a mento of the occasion below oh I cannot believe this is a horror game I cannot well [ __ ] believe it well next time on game grumps we're gonna help write a poem no I don't want to play this anymore and I'm so upset oh my god let us know in the comments if you want us to keep playing this because I think I need a mental break yeah oh my god god dammit what's wrong you [ __ ] know what's wrong how much did you know of this it's in pieces had you played this before no you so you haven't actually seen any of this mmm I've seen some visuals and I knew like the beets oh man so that's why it was like it's kind of [ __ ] happen like they're leading I was looking forward to it so much I thought it was gonna be like something fun and sexy at the festival like ends like a fun surprise I know the girl I liked killed herself and now I'm in a weird [ __ ] mental time loop we're crazy awful [ __ ] could happen at any second yeah it's cool yeah I love it let's go with chocolate and candy yeah and peaceful that's a good poem oh god damn you alright next time again rose welcome back it is many weeks later yeah I have had time to think about and process what happened in the last doki-doki session and my full credit to dan salvato and the rest of his team for creating what I thought was a stupid [ __ ] dating simulator but in reality was a brilliant horror game poof poof that's a good one Massacre she liked that oh oh yeah she liked that one on kitty I'm gonna go with the death of all human puppies well I'm back at the literature club I was the last to come in so everyone else is already hanging out oh god thanks for keeping your promise friend Erin I hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you making you dive headfirst into literature when you're not accustomed to it well go oh I do not like this already so unsettling you read manga great ah sometimes manga is one of those things where you can't admit you really into it until you figure out where the other person stands oh my god she stands in front of me how did you know anyway aren't you bringing it up at some point besides kind of in your face where's the mirror what oh my god it says parfait girls head in my face ah much better take a box in with one of us digging send the world I know that feel also like when your friend dies that's that's weird too right hashtag I know that feel okay that Sookie grabs my arm and pulls me out of the closet we're that easy [Laughter] I just want to grab everyone by the shoulders in this game and shake we can't read at the same time like that oh why is that I guess it's easy to be close together like this did you see they feel weird about it that Sookie crosses her arms and scoot just an inch away from me no don't scooch away sorry scooch towards I didn't exactly expect to be sitting this close to her either not that I could say it's a particularly bad thing I opened the book it's only a few seconds before not Sookie once again inches closer we're claiming the additional space while she hopes I won't notice I whip out my scooch and then I scooch it closer to her skin we scooch oh god the rooms turning again I could feel her appearing of it yeah I think so I think so I don't know now I'm all [ __ ] up I also noticed that [ __ ] Yuri is really into knives which you know seemed cute and innocent kind of like a oh that she's the goth girl and she's in the knives and [ __ ] but now I'm like I don't know I don't know about all this I guess it's not it's fun sharing something you like with someone else I always get excited when I convinced my friends to pick up a series I enjoy you know what I mean not like this one hmm you don't really know what do you mean don't you share your mango with your friends could you not rub it in oh you don't have any mango that's a shame why don't you borrow some from all the friends you have now right every time it goes to [ __ ] blackness I'm like look time passes Natsuki is strangely quiet now I glanced over at her she's glitching it looks like she started to fall asleep hey Natsuki yeah suddenly Natsuki collapses straight into me oh hell yeah hey okay as hot as I wanted oh geez Natsu [ __ ] Christ any case you still need to show me yours right good friend of kiss only because Monica will make me Vic Toews ego Kansas [ __ ] masterpiece monkeys can't climb crickets can me horses can race how else can't seek cheetahs can run Eagles can't fire people can't try but that's about it cool it's really good just as good as I remembered yeah told you that you were gonna like it no it's not that I don't like it it's just that I hate it I like it we're just honest I am why are you so convinced that I wouldn't like it well because everyone hates good things I'm ready it's a bit sophisticated and stuff so people don't even take my training seriously but isn't the point of polls for people to express themselves your writing style wouldn't make you your message a less valid yes exactly oh my god you're so interesting when you talk about me is it hits you hard licking this Punk seeing everyone around you do great things can be really disheartening people can do great things I decided to write about it people can write yeah I understand but the other nice thing about simple writing is that it puts more weight on the wordplay words can't play it might take you some time but it all comes with practice and learning by example and trying new things people can check shows in the club gives you valuable feedback now Sookie can be a little bit biased though and Iowa's that Sookie can be biased the light flickers I flick her back Flicka back y'all ain't no flake back did you like it did you think that [ __ ] was bananas I'm sorry I was such terrible handwriting Wow I thought this was typed semicolon it was perfect I wasn't thinking that at all but it took you a long time to read well that's because it sucks what's this oh that's the tinea snoot you can boot my boot that's new - weirdest happy with Monika right uh well she appeared in front of the text she did she drew a sec that was weird but nothing with her like face or anything no the other girls don't think so right hi friend Aaron having a good time so far uh yeah good glad to hear it by the way since you're new and everything if you ever have any suggestions for the club like new activities or things we can do better I'm always listening don't be afraid to bring things up okay all right I'll keep that in mind maybe to start with you can tell me what the [ __ ] is going on I'm sorry about that I'm starting to think like we should start taking everything sort of more literally yes like when she said I'm always listening I'm thinking maybe she is always oh yeah I mean I wouldn't I think all bets are off at this point yeah I'll keep that in mind if you're interested in that Sookie then always keep a snack on you she'll cling to you like a popper Dada Dada Matt Sookie's dad doesn't give her lunch money or leave her any food in the house so she's in a fuzzy mood pretty often but sometimes she just loses all of her strength and shuts knurled like earlier this is just a guess but I think she's so small because her malnutrition is interfering with her adolescent growth what the [ __ ] and I don't know that she said that last time yeah that I do not recall that but hey some guys are into petite girls you definitely did not say this sorry just trying to look at the bright side hold it wall but he wasn't looking at me confused I frantically glanced at my surroundings but my burned eyes can no longer see color are there others in the room are they talking or are they simply poems on flat sheets of paper the sound of frantic scrawling playing tricks on my ears the mute the room begins to crinkle closing in on me the air I breathe dissipates before it reaches my lungs I panic there must be a way out it's right there he's right there swallowing my fears I brandish my pen that wasn't the one last time yeah also yes yeah he I'm it there's gotta be some code in here yeah feeling like there's some code or something here but confused but our or the me surroundings colored that no all right are there others in this room are they talking or are they simply poems on flat sheets me oh man oh man this is getting weird so what do you think it's very freeform if that's what you call it sorry I'm not really the right person to ask her feedback on it so Kerri yeah there's literally nowhere I want to be less than right here right now I'm so scared across the room Monica's writing something in her notebook my eyes land on yuria netsuke frantically crawling out of a pile of potatoes they gingerly exchanged sheets of paper sharing their respective poems as they read in tandem I watch each of their expressions change not Sookie's eyebrows furrow and frustration is that all that happened imagine meanwhile Yuri smiled sadly oh sorry um did you say something it's nothing Natsuki dismissively returns the poem to the desk with one hand I get tickets it's fancy ah thanks yours is cute I know that I just meant the language I guess I was trying to say something nice no I agree it sucks well I do have a couple of suggestions one stop being a [ __ ] all the time yeah look if it's a chance about someone who actually liked it which people did by the way everybody liked it there's so many people's club Monica liked it Fred added it to the piston that out let it get some kisses the moon first of all excuse me I appreciate the offer but I've spent a long time establishing my writing style I don't expect it to change anytime soon unless of course I come across something particularly inspiring or you cease to have eyes and a mouth for whatever reason which I haven't yet and friend Aaron liked my poem too you know he even told me he was impressed by it Natsuki suddenly stands up I didn't realize this and you prison you remember Yui that's not what I the you just get your adds up as well you're just jealous that friend Aaron appreciates my advice more than he appreciated yours no if I was full of myself there's been a tiny little meas crawling around inside me yeah I would really go out of my way to make it everything I do overly cutesy like bigger since Fred started showing up no no Sookie netsuke that's a little too you know your own insecurities on others like that and their tissue paper boobs you really act as young as you looked at Sookie whoa whoa oh my god edgy oh god this music is getting weird she was just somewhat of your mental age to comprehend see just saying there is that boy my god most people learn to get over themselves it lets go you know oh god I'm freaked out if you want to prove anything to stop harassing all this with your sick a big attitude you think you can counterbalance your toxic personality just right dressing it acting cute oh [ __ ] the only cute thing about you is how hard you try Wow be careful you might punches over the net jury oh my bad you ready to touch you did you just accuse me of cutting myself what the [ __ ] is wrong with your head suddenly airy turns towards me as if she noticed I was standing here what's with all the fuzz friend Aaron she's just trying to make me look bad that's at you she started it Fred okay [Applause] um hey friend Aaron why don't we step outside for a little bit okay yeah why don't we Monica I think I think there's more truth to the fact that we gave her a robot voice then yeah I'm gay like I'm starting to get the sense that like she's like controlling everything or something's not right with her because I think she's like every time the game like [ __ ] up she like just kind of butts in yeah and she's like oh look over here there's no big deal yeah boy oh boy you understand right anyway Yuri is rocking back and forth on her desk with her palms on her forehead Yuri I didn't mean it I believe you I have no idea what Yuri might have set it up to no Sookie or did friend Aaron please don't hate me please I'm not like this there's something wrong with me today it's fine Yuri we know you didn't mean erode besides I'm sure NAT Sookie will forget all about it by tomorrow completely Fred anyway the meeting is over so you can go home now if you want what the [ __ ] does completely mean yeah Yuri looks at me like she wants to say something but she keeps glancing at Monika you can go first Monika I'd like to stay a little bit longer I'm the president so I should be the last one out I'll wait for you to be done I'm vice president so please let me take that responsibility today yeah that kind of sounds like you don't want me around for something you really it's not that it's not that I just I didn't get much of a chance to discuss my book with friend Aaron here just be embarrassing with you listening it's a porno book sigh I guess I don't really have any choice do worry I'm sorry for causing trouble but I really [ __ ] god dammit doki-doki birdie vivid wonderful dazzle marshmallow marshmallow ribbon women lucky lucky she's here from familis bliss disoriented yeah chitty-chitty suicide suicide oh why was Yuri I've gotten a little more comfortable over here the past couple days okay I haven't that makes [ __ ] one of us how about next time on game rooms all right oh boy up your butt [Music] during the club room the usual scene greets you when I don't know what the usual scene is a usual scene the usual scene oh boy I didn't like this at all welcome back friend ern I'm not sure if it's me or if it's your question but the weight of yesterday's quarrel still hangs in the air a little about yesterday I I really need to apologize nothing like that has ever happened before I've never glitched out and something just came over me I guess I wasn't acting mentally sound oh were you not please don't think we're usually like this not just me but netsuke as well Yuri I'm happy that you were considerate and apologized you don't have to worry too much even though I've only been here a couple days I could tell something was off yesterday maybe it was the way that not Sookie's eyes melted off I don't off the top of my head that was weird also remember when you were just your boob a second ago maybe we were just a little extra sensitive because it was our first time sharing poems maybe it's because this whole world is cracking apart I don't know but whatever it was it didn't make me think any less of you boy you should please something for it sometime ha da that's Monica looks at me well I'm working on writing a song but it's not quite done yet maybe once I get a little better I will that sounds cool I look forward to it is that so in that case I won't let you down friend a ride whoa Monica deletes them right Jesus well I guess I need to make sure Natsuki isn't waiting for me after we finished the reading yesterday she she's fine she's reading over there see don't think about her so much she's used to being ignored come on we're going over there well what okay she's so shy and reclusive on the outside but erm I see a new daddy on the inside she's like a rhesus fastbreak ah it's just like this kind of story this kind of story you say that because I I bought one and it's over in the kitchen no I just thought think of it because it has new yet it has like a good combination of new yeah I thought I thought the fastbreak would have a crunch in it but it didn't no it's delicious it's like a three musketeers was like peanut butter it was like too much for me really yeah I took a bite out of it and I was like this isn't what I wanted I wanted something light and we free oh that it is not it is not light like a [ __ ] meal yeah that that [ __ ] like weighs a thousand pounds it's the kind you're e no longer asks me if I'm ready to turn the page instead I just assumed that she finishes the page before me so I turn it by my own volition that's a normal sentence we continue the first chapter in silence then we do the second chapter screaming oh let's feels like it in exchange thanks Monica I suppose I should go get my poem now yeah you go do that but anyway you want to read my poem narrow I like the way this one turned out so I hope you do too whoa whoa this is definitely different save me the colors they won't bright be super color oh boy flashing expand reap reversing red blue the dead lured an endless cacophony of meaningless noise the noise it won't stop violent creature screeches creature piercing cosine sine tangent like playing a chalkboard on order table like playing a knife on a breathing red cage whoa endless of mirror worth keep scrolling down Oh delete her okay like that yeah really good really good Monica I love it like you just gotta this sidesaddle out of the room Oh save me delete her oh that is very robotic isn't that save me delete her the colors they won't bright beautiful colors flat things but red green blue red green blue like on a TV like on TV huh noise it won't stop oh boy sorry I know it's kind of abstract a god it's abstract I'm just trying to UM well nevermind there's no point in explaining anyway here's Monica's writing tip of little verbs sometimes you'll find yourself facing a difficult decision when that happens don't forget to save your Gabe you never know when um who am I talking to can you hear me tell me you can hear me what the funny thing yeah that's my advice um thanks for listening when I saved and see was she just talking to us yes a clock that ticks forty times every time it takes a second time what every second time that doesn't make sense a bolt head of holy snakes tied to the existence of a dock ship to another world a kaleidoscope of blood written in clocks a time devouring prayer connecting a sky of forty years and open human eyes and all directions breathing here bucks breathing bolt head breathing ship breathing portal breathing snakes breathing God breathing blood breathing pull holy stings my god breathing human eyes breathing time breathing prayer breathing sky breathing wheel I love it it's very relaxing Oh short and sweet isn't it doesn't really matter what it's about oh yeah doesn't it for instance I never see you were spending some time with URI today oh boy not that I care you spend time with after all I was how much time never to expect anything from anybody so Stella go it's waiting for you or anything still you should at least look over my palm you'll probably be able to learn something from it I love it oh my god oh no oh boy well it's beautiful never thought I'd yearn for the days of eagles can fly but here we are Lauren why didn't you come to read with me today I was waiting I was waiting for a long time it was the only thing I had to look forward to today why did you ruin it do you like your aim or I think you're better off not associated with her are you listening to me URI is a sick boy it would be obvious by now play with me and stuff okay you don't hate me Fred Aran do you do you hate me do you want wait let me hear the music oh boy oh this is upsetting that's delightful [Music] it's your theme music yeah yeah do you want to make me go home crying the club is the only place I feel safe I don't know don't ruin that for me don't ruin it please just stop talking to URI play with me instead it's all I have play with me play with me you even locked a special poem boy I hate this game it's Monica um really good poem good poem hey Monica okay everyone we're all done reading each other's poems right we have something we need to go over today so if everyone could come sit at the front of the room Oh Sookie don't you want to share your passion with as many people as you can to inspire them to find the same feelings that brought you here in the first place the literature Club should be a place where people can express themselves like they can't do anywhere else it should be a place so intimate that you never want to leave oh boy you know I know you feel that way too so that's why we should work hard and put something together for the festival even if it's something small chip we're like you know the girl is crazy now and you're just trying to figure out a way out of it but like you're not you haven't you're not old enough to be like to have the maturity to be like I just don't want to see you anymore like you still think like there needs to be like a graceful way out of thing mm-hmm so you're just sitting there at dinner and she's just getting crazier and crazier just like you know like that's how I feel that's how I feel mm-hmm I fee I feel like my girlfriend just freaked out at me and totally revealed that she's crazy and now we have to finish dinner that's a big plate of spaghetti friend Aaron why did you even join this club oh boy what were you hoping to get out of it well that's not really something I can be honest about is it in fact if I remember you weren't even given a choice not to join Mont Monica sits down and stares at a desk Monica don't get it twisted I wanted to punish you with my dick just pummel you what what is the point of all this anyway what if starting this club was a mystery Fred no your tonin Natsuki and also my eyes went back and my mouth with that in my neck is it a car to be honest it's not about being honest it's about word choice like honesty besides you have no right to speak for everyone else in the club like that to hang out with a few friends it's a problem with the club being that for me there aren't many other places like that for me and now Monica wants to take it away from me she's not taking anything away no friend Aaron it's not the same let's see what the direction she wants to take you if I wanted that then I could have this chair stupid Cup but this one could you please not move your neck so quickly like that I'm still I'm so torn up about that I'm kind of recovering Natsuki starts packing up her things potatoes fall out in droves sometimes it feels like you and I are the only real people here oh boy you know what I mean not really but it's weird because in all the time you've been here we've hardly gotten to spend any time together I mean I guess it's technically only been a couple days cycles sorry I didn't mean to say something weird there are just some things I've been hoping to talk about with you things I know only you could understand so that's why wait not yet no stop it oh boy that's [ __ ] marshmallow marshmallow shiny shiny is silly a hundred and eleven [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh boy how about doodoo oh I didn't like that no you didn't like that how about Oh melody boop boop doki-doki graveyard Oh way super weird ten minutes pass Yuri said it wouldn't take long is something holding her up oh god no like a rope nice Erin I'm bored just waiting here so I decided to go look for her oh boy let's see the most logical place for Yuri to be would be the nearest water fountain I started heading down the hallway [Music] what's that noise it's coming from around the corner it sounds like breathing okay a sharp inhale like someone is sucking the air through her teeth are they in pain I reach the corner and peer around it oh dear God Yuri oh [ __ ] oh no oh I'm back I'm back thanks for waiting patiently oh she's a cutter old boy a poor girl friend Aaron do you like long tea yeah can we uh oh my god anything's fine very well I take a chocolate candy and pop it into my mouth then I take another chocolate and I hold it up to Yuri she doesn't even look away from the book she's simply parts ellipsis if this situation was completely natural so hot that means I can't stop here I have prehensile e placed the chocolate in her mouth just like that very closes her lips over me Yuri's expression suddenly breaks did did I just yuri looks at me like she needs to confirm what just happened friend era so sorry I guess I shouldn't have done that haha Yuri starts to breathe heavily all right I can't for a darrid suddenly Yuri forcefully grabs my arms and jerks me to my feet oh my teacup gets knocked over this isn't gonna be hot is it friend Aaron oh boy my heart my heart won't stop pounding friend Aaron I can't calm down I can't focus on anything anymore I have to dance can you feel it friend Aaron I suddenly presses my hand against her chest why is this happening to me I feel like I'm losing my mind with the dance fever I can't make it stop it even makes me not want to read I just want to look at you whoa boy whoa Oh actually I liked it when you were looking oh boy are those human eyes there's a very strange eyes huh oh oh oh boy uh-oh I don't like this at all she's just looking at us oh it's time to share poems ah holy crap should I show my poem to first jeez I don't know there's so many [ __ ] great choices go nuts okay but just to be clear this poem means a lot to me and it also makes a lot of sense so really carefully okay oh I don't know how else to bring this up but there's been something I've been worried about hearing that's been acting kind of strange lately you've only been here a few days so you may not know what I mean but she's not normally like this she's always been quiet employed inattentive things like that okay this is really embarrassing but I'm forcing myself to suck it up the truth is I'm really worried about it but if I tried talking to her she'll just get mad at me I don't know what to do I think you're the only person that you listen to I don't know why but please try to do something maybe you could venture to talk to a therapist I've always wanted to try being better friends if you're really hurt and I'm gonna hate myself later for a minute but right now I don't care I just feel so helpless so please if you could do something to help I don't want anything bad to happen to her I'll make you cupcakes if I have to just please try to do something she just can run I don't know why but she's didn't really dismiss them about this it's like she just wants us to ignore it so I'm mad at her right now I'm coming to you about this don't let her know I wrote this just pretending to give you a really good poem okay I'm counting and you thanks for reading oh boy dope oh I changed my mind there's no point in trying to do anything that series don't fault that she's unlikable can you hear me for you boy you would just spend more time with Monica all these problems with URI and I are too messed up for someone as wonderful as you just think of Monica from now on just Monica Oh oh boy oh boy [Music] Oh should I show my palm to next I think Monica would be a good choice I choose that of my own volition hey Monica but the point is you've been cut you've kind of been enabling her I'm not saying it's your fault though but I guess that's why I had to explain it all to you oh boy so I think if you keep your distance that would probably be best for her while you're at it don't be shy to spend a little more time with me oh boy this is starting to come together to put it lightly I at least have it together in the head and I know how to treat my club members anyway I worked really really hard on this poem so I hope it's effective here goes hi jeez that really startled me hi Monica um well I guess it kind of messed up at writing this poem I was just trying to never mind let's just move on okay ah I think she was trying to write code yeah break yourself out of the gamers okay cool Yuri Yuri Yuri Holt's my poem to her chest I'm gonna take this home with me and keep it in my room well that makes you feel good when you think about me having it I'll take good care of it I'll even touch myself while reading it over and over holy [ __ ] I'll give myself paper cuts to your skin or who enters my bloodstream whoa my poem - thanks Harry besides after you read it I know you're really gonna want to keep it here take it I can't wait any longer hurry read it oh it's so good they buried it well I guess we know who gave you the blood-stained poem earlier and then to want to Tet blend octo dan I can't read this it looks like this Dan and Ross right this is relaxing music Harrod turn us to XO cow yellow stain I don't actually want to now EP I don't know I thought I saw like parcels yep extract okay music boxes we can't we're done RiRi and reacts tense cut two tickets okay cool whoa hello why oh Jesus do you like it I wrote it for you in case you couldn't tell the poem is about I give it a little more importantly I've endowed it with my scent see aren't I the most thoughtful person in the club whoa okay I'm going to vomit wolf cool yeah me too I like when Papa is too tired for anything cool okay it's time to figure out the festival preparation I feel like every time I see Monica like I'm like talking to someone who I know is [ __ ] insane and so I like try to act way to yeah Monica you are looking fine and normal good who as usual see you let's hurry and get this over with good to see you Fred what about friend Aaron friend Aaron is going to help me wait you give me this job Monica sorry but that's just how it is holy [ __ ] like hell it is what are you trying to pull I agree with Natsuki no Tony use your work already most suitable for one person but my task is laborious enough to benefit from an extra pair of hands mine too what your cupcakes please look you [ __ ] know oh my god all you care about now is dragging fine and around with you and your stupid books you and Monica hey I didn't even do anything okay then why not that Fred Aaron if I don't help instead of abusing your power I'm not abusing my power yes you are Monica just that friend Aaron make the choice okay okay fine fine is it gonna be like three Monica Fred I know fed up you're with these two by now we can just netsuke shut your [ __ ] mouth and let them decide for himself you shut your mouth Jesus Christ this is never going to end just make the choice okay well I am NOT doing that Oh God it's going back to are you sick son of a [ __ ] you picked me can meet at your house this weekend nothing more than for you to come over to my house Monica is Sunday okay with you friend Erin there's no need to spend the weekend with Monica don't listen to her and just come to my house instead the whole day with just the two of us doesn't that sound wonderful ah wow there's really something wrong with me isn't there but you know what I don't care anymore I've never felt this good my whole life just being with you is a far greater pleasure than anything I could imagine I'm addicted to you it feels like I'm going to die if I'm not breathing the same air as you oh good oh boy doesn't it feel nice to have someone care about you so much as someone who wants to revolve their entire life around you actually I'm pretty limp as a wet noodle you're a I gotta be honest with you this is a unit for me I don't care anymore friend Aaron I have to tell you I'm madly in love with you it feels like every inch of my body every drop of blood in me is screaming your name I don't care what they face I don't care what the consequences are anymore I don't care if Monica is listening oh boy please friend Aaron I just just know how much I love you I love you so much that I even touch myself with the pen I stole from you well that's you should disinfect that first oh I just want to pull your skin open and crawl inside of you cool I want you all to myself and I will be only yours doesn't that sound perfect um told me friend Aaron tell me you want to be my lover do you accept my confession oh she's [ __ ] if you say yes no oh boy I'm scared of what happens if you say either yes or now course I think the monocle will like it if I say no yeah yeah oh boy I don't know do whatever you want [ __ ] no oh boy yeah that's uh oh no it's a bad time oh no oh god it's Clifford the Big Red stabbed know what you're saying [Music] that's a lot of gobbledygook yeah by one [Music] okay she does look happy does she I don't know she looks relaxed well she doesn't seem to be into it oh my god okay and we're back um is it just looping or user we're gonna have to look through a walkthrough maybe you have to hit skip see at the bottom it says skip yeah try hitting skip Aaron I don't want to seem like I'm dismissing the moment though although at the same time really does feel like I'm just missing in the moment right yes it [ __ ] does all right okay okay thank you ooh boy ooh boy oh boy is it just looping ooh boy oh god it was not just looping face change like dying or like deteriorating oh boy the blood is coagulating oh boy she's just have to watcher oh decomposes Oh God Oh daddy no like that oh that's fun okay I will back also swelling it so slowly oh geez Natsuki runs away I'm here friend Aaron did something happen Natsuki just ran past me super barfing Oh hahaha well that's a shame wait were you here the entire weekend friend Aaron - [ __ ] oh jeez I didn't realize the script has broken that badly I'm super sorry it must have been pretty boring I'll make up make it up to you okay just give me a sec I just want to have a cupcake real quick Monica lifts the foil from Jesus's tray since Natsuki got deleted Oh takes the cupcake seriously these are the best I really just had to deleted them as characters yeah since it's the last time I'll ever get the chance to you know before they stop existing and everything but anyway I really shouldn't be making you wait any longer just bear with me okay this should only take a second what the [ __ ] [Music] can you hear me is it working there you are flirting its face with me hi again friend Aaron um welcome to the literature club thank you of course we already know each other because we were in the same class last year and um hahaha you know I guess we can just skip over that stuff at this point after all I'm not even talking to that person anymore am i that you in the game whatever you want to call him I'm talking to you friend oh [ __ ] or do you actually go by oh my god that's scary now that I think about it I don't really know anything about the real you in fact I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl well I guess it doesn't really matter wait how did I know your name is Aaron because it reads your steam account maybe because of my computer oh man that's so far maybe my Steam account I don't know you do know what I'm aware that this is all a game right oh my god I'm so glad I'm not playing this alone could it be possible that you didn't know that go ahead and no point in saving anymore Oh going anywhere oh boy I'm gonna go ahead and quit okay let's are you going into the files to delete her ass mmm no do it [ __ ] her I hate her where is it local files browse local files this is such a weird characters oh man oh man that's so crazy it's so crazy that you actually have to do that alright let's load it back up oh nice uh what's happening friend Aaron what's happening to me it hurts good it hurts so much help me friend Aaron oh boy please hurry and help me whoa oh that is spooky ID you know well Fred I still love [ __ ] I can't help it what's wrong with me how horrible am I for you to hate me this much all my friends I did so many awful things so many selfish and disgusting things I I shouldn't have done any of this I'm just messing up a world that I don't even belong in a world that you wanted to be part of I ruined it I ruined everything maybe that's why you deleted me because I destroyed everything that you wanted how could I do that to someone I love that's not love that's Fred that's not love that's Fred that's Fred baby I've made up my mind I ain't wasting no more time right here I go again on my own I know I said that I deleted everyone else but that was kind of an exaggeration I couldn't even find it in myself to do it even though I knew they weren't real they were still my friends and I loved them all and I loved the literature club yeah it's all about the literature club mmm-hmm that's what this whole games been about really that's the theme the poems it's writing I really did love the literature Club that's why I'm going to do this I know it's the only way for everyone to be happy and if I really love you um she's she's trying you know she's trying we should give her a shot then okay and I have never no [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I'm surrounded by couples and I always tell myself it's about time I meet some girls or something like I start to say what I always do that I'm not interested in joining any clubs but something tells me say or you would take more offense to that if I swear to God if we join anything others in the Chess Club I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind after all how could I tell her that clubs are a waste of time when she's starting a club of her very own you're the friend and that's the only things been talking about thank you for stopping by it's a pleasure to meet you friend Aaron we're the literature Club I hope you enjoy your visit come on Jerry no need to be set firma he's gonna think we're really strict or something oh sorry Natsuki the tall one whose name is apparently Gary seems to be quite shy compared to the others I'll find out she's not in comparison the girl named netsuke despite her size seems like the assertive one i'll find out she's not well it's nice to meet both of you oh my God look forward to working with you rendering to me yeah that's right that Club I've decided to join is yours se RA Oh God say always eyes light up Sayuri wraps her arms around me jumping up and down hey hey Cirie's it's happy I'm sure would be the bed heavier event if there's not serious raw dog [ __ ] in this version I am going to be infuriated I finally bite down the icing is sweet and full of flavor I wonder if she made it herself this is really good my god Thank You Natsuki at this point I wouldn't even wait to find a gun I just place a bullet on the desk and slam my head into a really hard like the Joker and if you were found Erin yeah my favourites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds or games that do the same [ __ ] thing over and over and over and drive you insane okay alright this is this is normally where we'd go next time I game ribs do you know what happens from this point on air I don't know damn like are we just gonna [ __ ] play this whole thing again just without Monica I don't know damn I swear to Christ should we keep playing I don't know Tim I guess we'll find out next time I I mean like where is anything I can put into my forehead like anything what about my wiener [Music] oh my god besides mangas literature too you know so Darren wants to read something maybe they'll try to stop him anything you got it crazy [ __ ] netsuke I wouldn't do such a thing however it could also be nice for us to diversify ourselves a little remember when I said I no one would miss you if you killed yourself that was fun he could take this opportunity to try something new as well wouldn't you agree friend Aaron God you always killed me I've realized my error so if you're willing to consider starting a novel then I'll offer my gratitude by finding a manga to read as well you can trust me to find something you really like okay same here perhaps office at the bookstore after the club meeting then we'll Pat each other on the back I look forward to our next handshake and hug did you did you uh uh would you would like to come along with me if you don't mind not at all I always go alone so [Music] shut up yes I look forward to it best friend right Fred and Fred Fred Fred Fred Sanford you guys are like plurp and Sonic I was surprised when you told me you're pulling it up just fun hey you know I just us now oh [ __ ] oh God world I can't wait to spend every day like this [ __ ] no okay I won't let you hurt him oh I'm sorry I was wrong oh [ __ ] there's no happy after all goodbye say or a goodbye friend Erin could buy a literature Club Oh God oh jesus [ __ ] christ ah [ __ ] dicks she's back that Monica is back for more oh boy I was kind of hoping that I could show you because I worked really really hard okay [Music] oh boy it's really good I love her so much fun this is my photo this is my final goodbye to the literature club I finally understand the literature Club is truly a place where no happiness can be found to the very end it continued to expose innocent minds to a horrific reality a reality that our world is not designed to comprehend I can't let any of my friends undergo that same or louche epiphany for the time it lasted I want to thank you for making all of my dreams come true for being a friend to all the club members and most of all thank you for being part of my literature Club with everlasting love Monica Wow file is missing our club please reinstall the game wow wow congrats to team salvato yeah you guys [ __ ] with our heads nice and good thank you for [ __ ] us yeah that was raw that was a Lube free mind [ __ ] oh it was raw dog yeah absolutely I can tell you that congratulations and holy [ __ ] thanks for joining us on this game everybody oh there's multiple endings really mmm what else can happen no we're not doing it and I want you to go [ __ ] yourself
Channel: Kwheinic
Views: 13,611
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: Game Grumps, Doki Doki Literature Club, Game Grumps Compilation, Dan Avidan, Arin Hanson, Egoraptor, DDLC, Compilation, Best of Game Grumps, Best of
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 14sec (8894 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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