Galactic Paragons BREAKS Stellaris With This One Combo! | Stellaris Gameplay / Meta Build

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are you enjoying the new DLC Galactic Paragons but really wish that all those leader levels got to you a lot faster so you can see all the new bonuses and make a true build all around your leaders well have I got the build for you today we're going to be doing a quick test with the progenitor Hive the paternity Hive is unique because all of your leaders gain experience passively that means every month they get a little chunk of experience for just existing this includes the main hive mind itself and all of its nodes because of course the hive mind doesn't have a normal government because it is a hive mind at the end of the day you get your main leader and then you get the four separate nodes which make the council this means that unlike most of the other Empires you instantly start off with a full Council and with this origin you're gonna get lots of experience and you're gonna get it really really fast I honestly believe this has the potential to be an incredibly powerful build borderline broken but that's what we're going to be testing out today so we have the neural vaults this will allow our leaders to start one level ahead even after all of that then the counselor skill is plus one as well and we get to build the Vault of knowledge which apparently will improve itself once our leaders are above level eight I have no idea what that exactly means but we're going to find out that as well and then we just have subsumed will so we have less Empire size I think using all the different bonuses you can get from leaders we can make our Empire size absolutely minimal while getting ridiculous bonuses for all of our leaders um as for our species we are just the speed little spiders and we have rapid breeders quick Learners and talented everything we do today is for the glory of the Swarm and the glory of our leaders so with that let's get started let's see just how well this build can really do the difficulty of course will be our usual difficulty those don't matter too much since we're only going to be applying maybe the first hundred years just to see how powerful this build can be it's definitely a build I really want to try out as a full playthrough but today we're just doing some testing and so we begin here at the top of the Galaxy and instantly we can look at our leaders all of our leaders instantly gang traits because we just leveled up once this includes our hive mind and our nodes the Deviant suppression node the cognitive node the growth node and the expansion node so straight away from our leader who sadly doesn't really have anything too interesting there well extra Unity is actually pretty awesome and extra experience going for our nodes the growth node will go with extra edicts the expansion let's go with even more Unity no I'd love the extra stability on our worlds the cognitive node more experience sure why not and then finally the deviants node who will give us yes even more experience even more Unity so on year one we're getting all of those bonuses instantly and of course our governor has also leveled up which means not many good options there they're actually much better options at level one but sure let's just get some extra Alloys because why not and quickly level up our scientists and our Admiral unyielding yeah sure more whole points as well so our Admiral is also going to be super high level by the time we go to war and that matters so much more now than it used to so that is pretty fantastic and of course as our cognitive node levels up we'll get more and more research speed so there's I do building the vaults of knowledge which isn't really doing all that much it's just producing a little bit of unity and the Empire modifier is leader experience game plus one percent but apparently this improves itself once we have higher level leaders our first agenda is already activated giving us some extra amenities on our single world and next we'll want you know what counselor experience going let's just go all in super leveling up our nodes now what's interesting is you don't actually see the little experience bar which is a shame but they are leveling up just like normal leaders they're just more kind of hexagons actually no they're not all hexagons why aren't they all the same for growth node leveling up and this time we're gonna go with Dynamic growth increasing our pop growth right by three percent and food gained by 10 as you can see the Buffs are already really stacking up and we're only three years into the game at this point I might have to just skip some of these and get them so quickly so spark of Genius Rector research bead and then the deviance suppression we're gonna go with yet more stability and more amenities so we have two of our leaders now with feedback loop increasing our amenities and stability on all of our worlds feedback loop rank two as our leaders level up you do get the options for this base resources which is what our normal scientists are going to grab so this leader for instance is now giving us monthly energy credits this leader over here is giving us monthly minerals and one of the other leaders is giving us monthly unity all just for free because we have them in our swarm gonna build loads of Hive districts we're gonna go heavy into Tech very quickly this run every one of our worlds is going to get their own Governor the reason for this is purely because what I want to do is go down the route of statecraft but then I'm also going to go down the other leader route which means every Governor will decrease our Empire size by two percent doesn't sound like much but it really adds up by the end at least that's my guess to be completely honest our Fleet is a lot scarier looking than it otherwise should be it's not exactly the most scary since we're not focusing on Alloys but our leaders already rank three and has unyielding rank two so loads of extra hold points and just loads of extra fire arrays oh and already we've done our first of our precursor and this is because our leader here is fantastic with the old excavations so you can probably already see there's a lot of benefits to having really strong Leaders with this DLC and this Empire is just I think it's the one which will give you the most leader levels it's a shame it's a high of mine so with like more personality with my leaders but even so this is still fantastic and I'm going to end that early because once it launches we get 300 experience since we've gone down the route of statecraft so that's all of our leaders just got 300 experience for free so just a blank research speed or research speed Society we're gonna go for this for the extra alternative as well since we want to grab Auto cannons nice and early and I don't really care about either of those sadly not the best right sometimes you just don't get the best rights okay more Unity that's wonderful have any of our other leaders leveled up or is that it from The Experience okay that's it is it just the council no all leaders get experience fantastic so it is at least rocketing every other leader forward a little bit combat brain Navy capacity increased ship's starting experience in Greece that's one I really I really like one of our scientists Hive conduit Rank 2 just some passive Unity from having that leader now we have gone over the max leader cap which means we're getting less experience but it doesn't really matter that much considering all the the other benefits we could remove one of our uh what they call these people the governors we want to but as soon as nightcraft is finished we get an extra leader capacity anyway so not too much of a big deal I'm hoping we'll find other Empires nicer quickly because I think a vassal play style would work really well this Empire this is a silly one gonna go with anyway Transcendent learning giving you two extra lead capacity and even more leader experience gain oh and we get the next Civic point for finishing off statecraft I completely forgot about that well that's lovely we're doing some more Unity right now though we're actually getting a decent chunks of unity considering I don't really have any Unity buildings that's purely because the bonuses from our Council lots of extra Unity bonuses just extra resources from all jobs yes please thank you growth mode okay so aptitude next so this will decrease our leader upkeep and eventually it gives us bonuses for all of our leaders and yeah it's obviously just completely leadership focused extra lifespan experience gain all that lovely stuff and our leaders start off even a higher level growth node is giving us more resources for more jobs we are currently Superior to our neighbor but not quite enough for a willing vassalization just yet but should be soon even more Navy capacity even more ship a starting experience and a governor oh finally oh I like both of these but yeah definitely task manager let's get some extra research ship weapon damage perfect over level up twice well that's kind of mad our scientist in charge of arcology is now really crazy plus 25 archeology excavation speed plus two to their arcology skill and then an additional plus 20 to their speed they are incredibly quick and very high level foreign we need more arcology sites honestly they're gonna get bored our governor here has just reached rank 8 and oh the Vault of knowledge has been improved leader modifier is now plus three percent rather than one percent and it's now producing 21 UMC a month just passively still don't think it's a particularly good Civic but it really does fit the theme of this Empire but also this super Governor is really increasing pop growth you have five production now and it's because our leader has a where is it yeah plus 40 to a pop assembly speed imagine this then add the Clone Vats and suddenly things are looking really good also we have way too many maintenance drones here we should really move those over to the other worlds get some more resource I'll do that soon submit to the will of the hive mind we're gonna start suffocating this first long because annoyingly we've been completely boxed in what I wanted was a nice peaceful run just making vassals and expanding but I was way too slow on the expansion that was my bad and I've been completely Boxed In by two xenophobes so we're gonna be parasites for a while and we're gonna completely devour our name who actually still likes us I think they're just scared of us to be completely honest and that's reasonable give you some more Unity please look at all that resource we're getting now and that's because our Tech exploded a little bit and now we have a really really powerful super Admiral with a really nasty Fleet and our ships start off with so much extra experience so so despite the fact I've played badly this run we're in a very domineering position thank you our ships are now cheaper and a bit faster thinker about it 40K Fleet power before we go to war because when I go to war I don't have any losses so I've just waited a little bit longer oh you know why where's the other Empires I want more friends are never so lonely our hive mind just leveled up again so it's now rank two optimization drone giving plus five percent resources to all jobs sadly they have become violent as well instinctual violence this node is a genetic predisposition towards aggression and violence also data lake is also trusting so we're trusting yet violent it sounds like a mental illness technology I love it ah there we go so hidden resources this is from one of the leaders rights so just extra resource you know nice I'm sending a uh where are you there we are we're sending a colony ship over there to the large Arctic World which will turn into a Gaia World once we've inhabited it and infested it with that presence probably should just go to war soon when I'm having fun just ranking up all athletes I honestly thought we'd have a little bit more Tech by now but I think that's mostly because of the lack of Worlds our Empire size is insanely small and I am going to keep on hiring Governors which will keep on reducing that you can see they're champions of the Empire because of our Governors we already have minus 12 Empire size you can get that really high up as long as you don't mind losing the leader experience which with all that bonuses isn't really slowing us down oh that's lovely there's large empire next to us I've now made into a specialist they're gonna hate me for it and honestly maybe it's not worth it but I just wanted to make them specialist even if we won't get any experience because how much they hate me and as a result we can get loads of minerals Alloys and everything else we could possibly need to feed the Swarm in return We are giving them Tech which is rubbish but it's fine oh a new friend do you like favors friend oh you are already willing to be our vassal yeah this runs stupid it's like cheating this build is ridiculous with the DLC Brian oh my God no now oh you don't like being a Brian um hmm what do you like just want to give us Tech in a more normal way sure all we'll need to do is grab the Ascension bird well first of all oh I know what we should do defender of the Galaxy will massively increase everyone's opinion of you and that will make them a lot happier so it's that and shared burdens those two will make your minions nice and loyal and they'll stay nice and loyal maybe not the fanatic xenophobic though they're gonna hate us regardless plus 30 to 10 speed now to research and don't really like any of those sure let's make our envoys a little bit more pleasant hey Commonwealth how you doing okay so we might claims much everywhere we want at the moment so I might wait until I can climb this so I can get a nice big chunk and I'll turn the rest into a tributary or something like that to be completely honest our main Fleet is well above 50k now shared Destiny not shared burdens okay good you're gonna be loyal yeah it's only you who are going to be disloyal and you're the only one who's a specialist I'm a smart person so for those who don't know Specialists won't level up unless they're loyal I've chosen the only disloyal one to be my only Specialist of course I'll turn the other two into specialists in time but for now I'll leave it as it is you'll befriend us soon enough we are Charming charming and terrifying our Magnum Fleet is now 73k 40 years into the game because our leader is absolutely insane I've also hired a second General a second Admiral who'll be leveling up and of course we have our actual General who'll be leveling up during the fighting as well we really need more food but also I could just get more tests I'm also going to be turning this empire into a tributary of course we have also made loads and loads of clients we're climbing all this chunk here and then what's left will feed the hive and I plan on absolutely draining them dry so we're gonna have very cruel um oh they're the underground Empire interesting haven't seen one of those in ages oh didn't we get to see that fight this is this is what they get for yelling at me they insulted me at one point which isn't really forgivable our general is now a veteran Invader or protector obviously we're an invader and because of going down the genetic route which we'll get after this tradition tree that means we can actually turn other species into our hive mind uh Discovery is probably the best next right although less Empire size is fun to see the Empire size so small but no I think Discovery is probably the best here absolute agenda available let's get some tech like I thought I was really a head in Tech but actually we're kind of equivalent to most other Empires clearly we need some specialist vassals to work as our brains because Lord knows I don't have one myself oh level nine already oh we're not gonna quite reach level 10 by 50 years which is what I wanted to put in the thumbnail I might do anyway because we would have got there if I didn't hire so many leaders uh yeah Gail speed is fantastic and one of our scientists leveled up assisted up Gabe oh extra amenities while assisting research or assist leader sorry assist research efficiency increased let's go with that Annihilator or Zealot Annihilator orbital bombardment damage increased by 75 zealot less combat disengagement chance every enemy ship destroyed plus Unity well then foreign I want some Unity we're slowly bombarding their home World Ah that's just not happening at all is it because they're on the ground okay I'll just build more ground voices then let's go get some Unity by destroying the last little bit of their forces then I suppose and I'll send my ground force to land in other worlds just to level up our general oh more research techno dismantler on winning ground combat as an attacker chance to seal research up on option five percent every researcher on the planet increases that by five percent every enemy Army killed in combat gives us you know what no Unity give me Unity I want the Unity thank you very much what about Admirals once again he's an aggressor so I should be getting chunks of unity from this then it says oh yeah yeah definitely are that is really cool [Music] the war is over and yes another Empire has joined us willingly the Commonwealth has joined us the regime is now our tributary and we are now the proud owner of a load more worlds which I'm really gonna have to sort out I would also I just run out of gas which is interesting because I'm not using any at the moment which one of these worlds is using up gas ah I'm also trying to make it but still let's just destroy all of these I'm only keeping the worlds like the ocean and Continental worlds all of the deserts are gonna go bye-bye it is very satisfying destroying so many things okay none of that spiders none of our spiders none of our spiders another spiders none of our spiders lovely I am just displacing them which will take longer rather than Exterminating them since I don't want the Empire while the Galaxy to like me machines you like oh by the way the reason why everyone is now pathetic is because we have yeah I think if I gave everyone Admirals I'd probably have about 200k Fleet power now 50 years into the game this build feels like cheating and I am convinced of that now why not distance that's annoying uh we go and investigate like there and build something because I would love the machine Empire to join us how about you Nation you were fighting these guys they just surrendered how about you lovely thank you fine you'll be loyal if you get too many disloyal minions it is pretty bad because they can band together to attack you so yeah we're already half and half at the moment probably we bet would be better to try and have more loyalty in our groups I was hoping to get more loyalty things from our nodes but I got pretty unlucky with that in the end oh yeah you are a mega Corp you're gonna be happy because you have Bassy Auto Trade deals with all of my minions we're all friends I think that's how it works check your friends anyway hive mind ranked in plus 10 resources from all jobs remember that's us one of our leaders we have that trade here as well so that's plus 20 resources from all jobs billory to the spiders we have pretty good research made at the moment 102 for physics and then 72 for engineering and Society we sense spaceborne life [Laughter] three more willing vassals in the galaxy over half of the Galaxy is already completely under hive mind control yeah I don't think I will do a full blight photo with this build because it feels dirty a little bit of bribery lighter and the directive is now following suit as well the only group really not joining us is this Federation down here because they would never join us as a federation oh selectionists I just likes and it's mean nothing apparently uh yeah just give me resources then oh were they all max level now no only two of them that's like three of them are off lows very close conceived so like I was mentioning it before the reason why they've all joined us is because of defender of the Galaxy this increases everyone's opinion of You by 200. so basically pretty much everyone except for fnatic xenophobes and purifiers are gonna like you after that as long as you haven't done something horrible to them or you know you're eating populations so because of that everyone joined us willingly because everyone went straight into friendly or at least cordial and one more friend the deviant's suppression node is now finally maxed out and it really really loves its Ground Forces I would have loved some more you know naivey stuff but that's absolutely fine the cognitive node is incredibly close just a month or so and then that's gonna be maxed out as well so then everything there we go cognitive node down maximum level and it likes field manipulation I'm hoping that's energy weapon damage because that would be good oh energy from jobs oh that's a shame still it's something also finally I can start upgrading my stations they're still rank one at the moment which is really weird well that was easy and that's what we want to do to every single Leviathan what's that over there nope just a single amoeba being hunted down well we're not very good versus sure you'll though never mind yeah we're getting the repeatables done absurdly quick five months and we've got another repeatable done we're also about to get Ascension Theory and our people have now been upgraded we haven't yet completely finished off genetics but I went ahead anyway and they now have a bigger brains and they are nice and robust so they can live on all of our worlds and that does actually affect our hive mind there we are research alternative plus one which means we can pretty much always get the exact repeatables we want which are going to be strike craft damage armor energy weapon attack speed and attack damage as our fleets move in athletes actually just got stronger from fight to fight since we're losing so little so we grab that then where's the next one and there's one over here I'm surprised they're not killing the Wrath the rife is super weak and actually gives really good bonuses so that then the right then return home and buy them we shouldn't be strong enough to take out at least one of the Fallen Empires as our repeatables very very quickly stack up our fleets are becoming ridiculously strong at this point in the game and our war against the Fallen Empire will happen pretty soon we're going after Celestial throne and Sky Temple meanwhile our science Nexus is on its second phase at the moment so we've finished off domination we've killed all the leviathans in the galaxy and pretty much the entire galaxy is ours now what we could do is try and make ourselves that oh no we can't okay never mind I've gone we've become the crisis because we have so many vassals I'm just slowly ticking this away so right now we do bonus damage versus Star bases which is nice and once we go to war with the Fallen Empire what we can do in fact we should do it now yeah I'm I'm okay about getting the bonus there there is a bonus against the Fallen Empires there we go bonus damage versus Marauders awakened Marauders Fallen Empires and awakened Empires is plus five percent is passive once it's active it's plus 25 damage are you gonna leave your system good way for them to actually fully leave and there we go so I've ended up grabbing Galactic Contender just make sure we can do enough damage to Fallen Empires plus I wanted the extra diplomatic whites and of course we've just finished off the agenda which means where are you there we are oppose the Fallen which means we're doing another 25 extra damage and with a crisis so we do bonus damage versus Star bases so we should be able to just melt the star base if all this is going to plan and then we just sit here and bombard the world's entire ground forces can do the rest of the jobs oh yes we'll get the ground forces in there nice and safely oh we took it nice and oh way less losses than I expected lovely okay YouTube again bombardment hopefully we can get you close enough we have Cloud lightning and Arc emitters so we're ignoring all their Shields and armor which is the main thing with them so all right how do they get control of the station back then that was weird the station turned against us briefly during that fight anyway back to bomb I don't have I do have Armageddon well get to work and so we win that's a lot of repairing we're gonna need class 4 singularities though are definitely worth it because that's loads of free energy for our Empire don't really think any of the auto forges but I'll turn them on anyway you know what I'll prepare everything because I can then make sure we have The Offspring nest for our drones oh yeah we're currently using them as livestock no we want the points so we're going to exterminate you that should be a load of Crisis points and that should really fast forward this to Galactic Nemesis which is the bonus ship damage which is what we're after anyway and then we'll be calling it a day because I've got my first megastructure just about to finish with attacked and successfully taken from the Fallen Empire we've taken loads of space we're in just a truly wonderful position now if I was going to go against the NM crisis what I would have done is rather than grabbed Galactic Contender I would have grabbed Galactic wanders once the mega structure was finished plus I would have used the edict to speed up its pre its uh construction so I would have got that earlier I didn't do that because I wanted my Unity to constantly upgrade our worlds our home world is already ranked in our second world is already rank nine well after a hundred years here we are the Galaxy is basically ours our fleets are now 600k and our science is so ridiculous we're getting repeatables done several times a year by the time the NM crisis arrives we would be so powerful I doubt even a contingency World in our borders would be able to even slightly contend with us and yeah I will admit that we did of course have mid game scaling so this would have been more difficult if you didn't use that in my opinion that's my default setting I absolutely love mid game scaling because they don't cheat straight away the AI because you can't really do all that much at the start to make yourself stronger if you didn't have mid game of course that means you wouldn't be able to vassalize the first Empires quite as quickly so so you might end up as a weaker Empire but honestly we still would have been able to fight off even non-scaling because the start was utterly ridiculous although we didn't get as many worlds as I would like we instantly run into our neighbors and so we could decide how to deal with that if it wasn't scaling I probably would have ended up going to war with them to weaken them then vassalize them but I think I've proven the point this Empire is utterly broken so I really do hope you've enjoyed today's video because this is a different type of video I'm trying to do more of on the channel at the moment less of the full playthroughs although I do love the full playthroughs and of course they will be continuing they do also take a very long time and exhaust me something fierce especially with my speech impediments so more little one-offs like this or just have fun testing out things and trying different builds I really do hope you enjoy so with that if you have enjoyed then likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out and they helps out a channel and most importantly shows that Stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so much for watching have a lovely day do take care and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 60,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lRsOdp2bYrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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