Ep21 : This might take a few Tons : Oxygen not included

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and we're back with some more oxygen not included and today today we've got to finish something we've got to finish a rocket now there is some problems with this as we're going to need stuff like say uranium to make this rocket work if we're going to stick any clear reactors and unfortunately we don't have a lot of uranium on this map we do have some but I don't think it's enough to be really running a reactor flat out for a long period of time we could probably keep it running for 40 or 50 Cycles but we would prefer to run a bit longer there's another batch over there but that's it so I'm thinking we're going to send out a mission to go grab us some uh some nuclear bees as far as I'm aware there's actually a bunch of radioactive bees over here on smear really and similar whatever it's called however that will have to wait for now I want to get a start on this rocket we have viewed other people's designs it's time to now take all of that information and make our own rocket first comes the airflow tiles down the bottom to at least give us something to walk on damn it Matthew get out of there yeah man oh how does this day get out of it and Matt Matthew some of the magically escaped others not so lucky one little side project we need to take care of is sealing in the research reactor inside our capsule the smart way to do that or the semi-smart way is to put a big thick layer of something around it instead of putting in say something like lead tiles or plastic you'd have to put in about two or three layers to stop all that radiation Escape it's just so much of it instead what we're gonna do is we're gonna check on a whole bunch of refined carbon there's a nice way to make refined carbon however there's good ways and bad ways to do it because there's this sort of uh lensing effects that can happen it's very weird so let's just uh take this example here this is 9120 rats this is nine thousand 120 RADS it's just the distance it is away now if we were to say grab 6 000 kilos of refined carbon and we were to paint it in right there boom we have stopped that radiation from getting through however there is a weird other thing that can happen if we say paste another 6 000 kilos right here suddenly it all comes back and we're back to 9120 rats now the exact mechanics behind this orbit you know what let's uh try this we're gonna put in 3 000 here and we're gonna paste it back in and you'll notice the Reds have dropped to 1224 as opposed to nine tests so by putting in less refined carbon it's actually gone down now all we've got here is theories as to what's actually happening here but the simple way to look at this if you see you put in about 2500 kgs actually 2545 we'll just actually sample that area and we will paint that in there and it drops hugely what's going on here well it turns out if you block this off with just exactly enough to give it 100 radiation resistance as in radiation blocking is a hundred percent at this amount it works just fine and you can double triple quadruple layer it it doesn't make a difference no radiation will escape it's Grand but if you start going above that say let's just go up to three thousand and we start painting that in the first tile will be fine putting in the first size ground but the moment you double it up RADS start to leak out because we've gone beyond 100 Mark theory is what's going on is uh it's an integer overflow or something along those lines you go past the 100 Mark and you double it up and it's sort of like switching it on and off you can't actually make the radiation any stronger it seems well if you might have been testing here all you can do is basically turn the radiation on or off and you can reduce the amount going through or not this is just all sorts of weird for example we've reduced the RADS here by putting in a couple of 3000 kilo tiles and we've got a 10 to 164 or so rats however if we say stick in a big 9 000 9900 that blocks everything then we put another tile and suddenly it's right back up to where it should be which is 7680. so I don't know exactly what's going on here but I do know that all we have to do build by 2545 kilos of refined carbon in the correct locations and if we do that it doesn't matter what we put after that or what we do we should be able to block everything and let's just put that there that can go there that can go there and you'll notice that even if you have one or two or three tiles it makes no difference we've blocked all the rats if we go higher than that we have problems if we go lower than that we'll have problems so let's just stick to the 2545 or whatever it was [Music] this is how we're going to boil ourselves some cool we take the cool and we heat that stuff up until it's about I think it's 250 something degrees give me the properties there 276.9 degrees once it hits that melting point the coal will turn into refined carbon and with exactly that much refined carbon in that spot we can block out all the radiation from the reactor we're going to stick in here however heating up 2.5 tons of coal is hard that's a lot of mass you got to dump in a lot of heat and using a metal Refinery you could do it it'd just take a long time instead though we're going to use a liquid tepidizer however there's two other problems you face one is the thermal conductivity barrier you see we've heated this thing up to about 80 or 90 degrees tepidizer has problems going above that in fact let's just turn on the tepidizer now if we go into automation we can click on this and say if the temperature is below we want to say 300 degrees actually 305. still 305. turn on unfortunately it can't go above a certain temperature so it's just gonna sit there anyway that is a problem we'll solve in a second the second one is this stuff in here is sitting on top of tiles that are very very hot however the temperature's not going up very quickly and you notice that's some of this stuff is a little bit harder because it came in hotter but by and large the temperature is moving incredibly slowly so let's say take this one here the one right underneath the colon here is at 34.3 degrees and very very very slowly Rising we were to go up here though and say hey why don't we just Chuck in oh I don't know a bunch of petroleum grab some petroleum Chuck it in there that petroleum will fall in there it'll roll down to this section we only need about 30 or so kills we want to create a liquid membrane that'll gonna connect with these storage bins which will help dump the heat into them and cause the temperature to go up faster there we go and you know what that's enough for now we'll stop you then what we can do is most of that oil is going to flow down here uh what are you at oh wow actually not a lot got down there I think we need a little bit more while we're waiting for that board you can see that the coal is now actually going up at a reasonable Pace temperature it's actually going up really fast and the temperature in here has gone from down from 90 to about 86 that's because it's dumping all that temperature into the the coal that's around here it's going to require an enormous amount of heat to make this the 25 ton refined carbon cap uh you 200 kgs perfect I was using a little bit because I had a wrong Thailand yeah that's perfect we'll keep the rest then what we can do is we can deconstruct both of these we don't need them from what I can tell either having the debris lying on top of the tile submerged in liquid or having them inside smart storage bins it results in the same thing now one other thing we want to do is drive up the temperature in here even higher which is why we've used to steal tepidizer it can go up to 325 C however this tank will shut off at any five automatically just like going above 85 degrees however that's where automation comes in and we are just going to well straight up Chiefs because of course we are uh you come to let me see was it this way ah no no I remember now you come down there you go up here and you get snipped here what's going to happen is due to this thing being a memory toggle this is going to send an automation signal reset the toggles that it switches to Red unfortunately this thing will switch to red but then it immediately switches back to green because it keeps getting a green input so it just keeps flipping on and off on and off on and off like crazy which means the tepidizer ignores the whole on off thing and just keeps going and going and going driving the temperature up even farther and further and further you can use this to do some truly horrifically broken things like do you want infinite power you can use this to get a liquid above boiling point so that you can run Steam turbines forever and the amount of power you get out of this is from the steam turbines is far more than the amount you put in actually running the tepidizer I'm much are these temperatures 960 Watts okay they're not cheap but they're definitely you can run an awful lot more steam turbines on these than you need and you can just build more and more of them however I think when the game restarts these things break and you have to actually do a manual reset on them but uh yeah this is one of the reasons I avoid them they're very explosive in my opinion all right one thing we will be doing though is we're going to oh actually I want to sort of brick this off here so that we can put in more petroleum on this section and how are these bins doing you know let's do maybe a little bit of a control setup once we've got this set up we'll remove one storage bin and leave one piece's debris on the ground and see which one increases in temperature faster my from previous testing I think it'll be pretty much identical I think this is done well enough we've got this at 52.9 and this piece of coal is at 50.3 so this thing's about three degrees behind so this piece of coal is three degrees behind the piece of coal in this smart storage bin and then we'll just let them leave them to it this is set to 276 now because I don't want any of these turning into refined carbon just yet I want to get them to just below it and then what I want to do is rip out all of this junk so that when they do turn into solid refined carbon pieces there's nothing behind them to be submerged or anything like that well except for the piping yeah conveyor or the conveyor belts uh also the gas piping no any automation we need to worry about no I think we're good on that front though we need to really worry about is the piping and the conveyor belt actually so we'll just leave that there for a bloody long time actually that's gonna take ages reason being is just the the temperature exchanges so slow and the sheer Mass it's just gonna take forever so I think in the meantime you might go and Hunt ourselves down some bees so while this slowly ever so slowly heats up because it's okay just that's 25 tons I was kind of expecting it to take a while one way or the other uh in here we're making some changes we're gonna go and get ourselves a b now to bring the B back we need to keep it well either somewhere incredibly cold because it can't survive anywhere below anything above zero degrees will kill it so I'm thinking we keep it in a vacuum we'll Chuck it in here I think we've actually managed to vacuum it out there we go perfect so we vacuumed this area out we can deconstruct this then when we get to the other side we drop off the b in there deconstruct the Critter drop off and then fly back we just gotta make sure we bring enough stuff with us and how is this looking yeah yeah you can dump off that stuff when you get into space after a little bit of a rethink I realized we needed to get two duplicates to the other side so we had to put in two cots two dining tables and we're gonna have to make sure we carry enough food to keep them going now the reason we need two duplicates is oh we gotta Land Two Trailblazer modules we don't have a landing pad on the other side so if we want to land we gotta Land Two Trailblazer modules deconstruct them and make ourselves a landing platform so we can land this thing should be reasonably doable and you can come down I think one more notch perfect and fuel wise we have petroleum on the way how is that oh yeah some of that petroleum is definitely getting burnt off you know what let's just uh right off the petroleum generators for a minute there's no need to have them active we can dump all of that into the rocket once the rocket is full we can pick two uh sacrificial duplicates to go on the way this is going to be slightly risky see we're gonna get them to bring two Atmos suits and then sort of wing it on the other side if they've got enough oxygen in the atmosuits we should be able to go down and grab a B we just want to go to the go there get ourselves a radioactive bee dump it in that section and then bring it home immediately so we don't need a lot of resources here just say about 10 kilos of food a whole bunch of ox light as well the team is assembled we have Whoopi 14 and yes the Bose and this is a very very just Jerry rigged sort of setup all right what we're gonna do is unequip their suit and this is the second time I've had them do this because the first time the atmosuit only had three percent durability left now that has how much oxygen f in it 72 kilos of oxygen and that one this one has 71 kilos and they've got enough durability that when we get to the other side they should still be able to use them pretty decently for a while and now it's takeoff time we are going to change your trajectory you're gonna head over um you can't land two tiles no matter what way we do this we're gonna have to go two towels I prefer the straight line looking one and this is what the Rockets could look like raising a small petroleum engine we don't need anything fancy here uh then we've got a solid oxidizer with 225 kilos of oxalize you need half as much oxalate as petroleum you need equal amounts fertilizer as petroleum so fertilizer do but actually fertilizer is harder to get your hands on than oxlash uh in my well depending on what way you're playing I suppose we've got two Trailblazer modules and a little bit of solar going on let's launch this sucker begin the launch sequence please and off you go access now well that's on the way let's have a quick check in here how we doing you're up to 123 degrees and our temperature is still flicking on and off like crazy yeah I should probably go a little bit over this uh this again this is just turning it on and off on and off on and off and because of that it always the liquid taborizer for some reason always starts Once you turn it on with an automation signal it starts heating up the liquid even if that liquid is hotter than the 75 degrees it's targeting or say the 85 degrees it's targeting so you sort of keep clicking it on and off on and off on and off constantly and it's done that's pretty much it to try and grab it up to temperature and then all we have done is hooked it up to a temperature sensor this is just going to keep going and going and going in the meantime we're gonna go check out this other planet we have hit orbit it's time to get the duplicates loaded up all right what's their schedule looking like you are oh you know what that's that's enough work time you can get some stuff done today where like they're right here I would have preferred if it was just as they got out of bed but not everything's perfect all right YouTube it's time to get you loaded up into your suits and yeah I suppose Perfection oh now that you're loaded up into your little here we're gonna go ahead here we're gonna select a duplicate uh we'll be I would like you to deploy oh this is our first look at the planet can anyone see any bees any bees at all let me explore my preference here would be either this section or this section is deep down into the asteroid as we can possibly get however bees only survive below zero degrees this looks like it's got melted so no this place over here however looks still pristine and Frozen so let's land you right there and then we're going to land the other one yeah suppose you are going to land down hey pause please uh where can we fit you oh come on does that actually work uh you know what I'll check back on you in a second for now we're going to deconstruct this sucker you deconstruct that immediately and then oh that actually worked okay deconstruct that please good job now do we see any bees no we do not damn it okay that means we're gonna have to start digging that is mildly problematic but it's not the end of the world let's pick out a plan here right now we don't have much choices so oh damn it how did I manage to isolate us up here and what to get that ice while you're there perfect then we can trick down a rocketry landing pad so that we can bring down our base you can go oh actually how tall is that oh there's plenty of space we got all that space in the world uh right there and I think right there is probably better also need to get your hands on some ladder segments what have we got for that we have mavic rock that will do yeah we're gonna want you to start building that ladder while you're here also and somehow you've managed to track yourself that's uh wonderful just just dig that down it will put another ladder chunk right there I suppose you should be able to hop up onto that and we're probably gonna need even more mavic rock God damn it we are almost done perfect I want you to land here and you I need you to get out of there um we also probably want to dig it down a bit further uh we're gonna go with the digging method why not uh that'll get you in there that'll get you down one tile and then we can access in this area walk through and hopefully get a better idea of what's over here then we're going to break over this direction we want to explore this asteroid as quickly as possible and go as deep as possible we're in a very limited we're Limited in how much oxygen we've got to work with this is going to go very problematic if we're not careful hopping and clapping and get out of the way of the burning exhaust and we've melted a bunch of that well that's great missing resources um yeah we're gonna need your tip put that down otherwise we can't get into the rocket module action schedule wise we are looking at three downtime blocks perfect let's see what we can do with the time we got left after A Hard Day's Work the duplicates are gonna head back with only this much digging done but it's fine tomorrow we're gonna dig just about straight down I figure once we get to about here we should have enough resources or material harvested that we can put some ladder segments down no we'll have to start deconstructing tiles and hopping and uh this is going to be a little bit slow we just have to hope we've got enough oxygen inside the suits uh you there I want you to unequip the suit how much we got left in that that will suit your ability is way down we got 39 kilos of oxygen what do you got going on uh unequip that suit please 75 you're a bit much better 38 kilos of oxygen yeah we're gonna have to be real careful about this time to get these two Muppets back into their suits uh which one of you is said to be the Digger I've forgotten uh hopefully we can get through this pretty quick it's all mud and slime and dirt and stuff I mean how hard can it be and once we get through the last this Abyssal light uh the other guy can start helping out as well and let's do this and what why are you digging that up don't even you don't care about democrit we're just here to get through this as quickly as possible people and why do we have no ladder components yet don't do not trap yourself up there don't don't try not to do anything more stupid than normal regular stupid is fine but excessive stupidity will be frowned upon uh sedimentary rock perfect that is excellent ladder material we are going to need that and we're also gonna do that and that come on come on come on let's hurry this along oh and that or football tour is good because what we can do is it's actually some oxygen in here isn't there yeah there's a little bit of oxygen but I think there's more oxygen down here so once we break into the suction we might be able to dump the suits for a bit and just stretch our supplies a wee bit that will slow us down they are cutting through this at crazy Pace what we're doing is you're just sort of zigzagging through this uh it's one of those ways you can unfortunately it would be a lot better if there wasn't just polluted dirt and muck everywhere and we could depend on these to be solid tiles so we have to replace these tiles with well a ladder segment but I think I think we found the radioactive biome there's uranium ore we just need to get a little bit deeper all we got to do is find just one one b and then make sure we don't flood the B and kill it and that would be preferable what do we add on the schedule wise uh time's running short time's running short but it's fine it's fine we're getting closer well looks like they've run out of oxygen in the suit they have to go up and gasp now every so often this is going to make things more interesting but they're still protect it I was worried they were gonna end up dead because they've changed the Gasping mechanics now and they need oxygen to survive if you keep doing the vacuum they will die so they now have to wander back and find some oxygen somewhere or it's a schedule looking like oh you're actually heading back up to base great don't worry once you get up there we'll get you to take the suits off uh it's gonna slow things down but I think they'll still be fine I think we can still do this we just gotta make sure we don't destroy all of our uh our bees when we get there we are back down here and there's our beta Hive just gotta make sure we don't flood it so I need to get rid of all of this water that's here which means can I try and dig out this section to let it all flow down and then maybe uh I think across here we we gotta start something out though and why are you sleeping there now Collective Mac okay yeah yeah that's I keep forgetting that everyone's an ecliptic and they just keep falling asleep all the time come on chop that wall down well I think that's the end of the day for this credit they're gonna have to go back up to the rocket and tomorrow should be our final day I'm just gonna dig down here and that'll gain us access to oh my God there's Saturn traps down here and the southern traps have eaten all the bees there'll be more bees along they'll hopefully be one tomorrow and what's the temperature like down there minus 48 it's plenty chilly all right we'll uh we'll take them out of their suits for the night let them get a good night's sleeper they're not choking and it'll be grand these two are just having the worst time and oh great all of our food went off well that's a problem what's your calorie levels at we can get you some bad food oh that's just not good hey what are you at in terms of stamina are you nearly ready to go okay once your stamina level is sorted out we're gonna send you all out and we're gonna have to actually start picking up uh yeah there's definitely a friend lying around the place so take it all grab everything you can find lying around the pace because you're gonna need the food you know this whole gas big for Bretton come on do it do it do it do it stop we need this nuclear fuel or we need the bees so that we can power our rockets and our rocket just won't be the same if we don't have the bees to run it it's just we don't have enough uranium back at our own planet to make enough to fuel a rocket for any substantial period of time and we want to make sure that this thing's like fully loaded up before we send it out because we were coming up on the end of the shift I decided that you know what no but we're not ending this now we're gonna like let our duplicates stay awake just a little bit longer they are going to make sure that they get this done in fact there will be no sleeping no sleeping maybe after you get this thing wrangled you got a Wrangle this thing and then we're gonna make sure that it gets put inside the rocket once it's in you can fly home you can sleep on the trip back well you would Wrangle it but unfortunately there's no Oxygen down there so they have to like go back up again come on come on you got this uh you know what no sleep for anyone it's trapped just nope nope nope get down there Wrangle it perfect now I need someone to bring that back up to the rocket immediately yeah that's that's fine that's fine come on and is that a narcoleptic neck yep yep that's a narcoleptic nap which means you could improve your stamina a bit but that's okay that's okay we can wait someone's gonna grab the B someone anyone seriously you've got to go to the toilet so close this this is incredibly incredibly frustrating between the Gasping for breath and the narcoleptic naps trying to get them out of here they just keep dropping them again and again and again it's it's so frustrating you just want to punch them in the face but you can't yeah that's right okay okay they're grasping for breath get it all the way to this shuttle if you can get it all the way to the yep I suppose that's just what it is okay come on maybe you should have made a massive ladder system that they could drop them dead and they've dropped one okay okay okay okay okay damn it oh look at we could just keep them awake because they're they're stamina wouldn't run it they're down to seven percent stamina they're gonna like have to collapse into a cut are you are you just oh my um it's fine it's fine I just need to like tweak some stuff right we've managed to convince yes suppose to go grab this this be tiny unfortunately uh would be 14 has decided to have a bit of a nap um and this be tiny is about to die and no never mind Whoopi's got a gasp for Breath Again okay okay okay Wrangle that one right okay now can you grab it can you what what are you doing [Music] oh yeah they're gonna take a nap you know what I'm gonna leave it till tomorrow I'm gonna leave it till tomorrow and I'm gonna get him to leave the suits behind they're gonna do this oh natural because the suits are not helping um yeah hopefully there'll be another be tiny spawned by the morning because you guys gotta go back to the rocket you're just uh yep and this be this be tiny is already at minus 27 actually maybe maybe we can get one of them there all right Whoopi's got it whoopies got it they've got to be tiny now all they have to do is make it back to the ship without collapsing into an narcoleptic nap or running out of oxygen and dropping to be tiny right or dropping to be tiny anywhere in the ship that's not where it's supposed to be oh my god it worked okay okay okay uh move over here immediately yeah drop the suit drop the suit unequip it that's perfect uh deconstruct that when you get a chance everyone that be tiny what age are you you are one once it's 2.5 we gotta make sure that that thing's out of there uh everyone back in the ship um true back on board right now we have hex and fruit nutrient bars and swamp chart I know it's not tasty but you know what I don't care you'll be fine come on where's there where's your other crewmate where are they finally they're on board okay okay that's everyone important yeah you can drop the suit unequip it unequip it it's fine okay Homeward Bound now they've collapsed into unconsciousness well you understand that gun too low all I need you to do is get us off the ground buddy get us off the ground we'll be on our way back home no one no one oh deconstructing that actually that's a good idea seriously why is no one blotching the ship you're killing me here people you're killing me oh it's the auto deliveries it wants to try and finish the the Trailblazer module so we just have to cancel those and now they should want to launch the rocket come on give us a rocket launch seriously oh finally you're leaving they're leaving that's that's excellent now we can put you back on a normal schedule we'll give you some uh we'll give you some down time so you can grab a snack and we'll give you some bedtime go for it you did well you did very very well these are the two hardest working dupes Of All Times their stress levels are absolutely cataclysmic but it's fine it's fine probably yeah just so long as you last all the way home and don't do something stupid like break the vacuum seal in there uh tiny baby what is your temperature minus 18.3 and they've made a beta hive hungry well suppose that kind of works um right well but not matures it'll start spine spawning the Chinese which we can then move around the place so it's not the end of the world still a little bit weird all right we'll let them home we'll figure it out when they get back they have returned and they have brought with them exactly what we were looking for oh you two before I can let you out let's make sure you stay crude for the moment we better stick you into at mostly so you can make it back uh yes suppose is a little bit stressed they're up to 54 percent possibly just because they had a really bad time there uh you I want you to hop into a suit and then you're gonna get back to the atmosu Ducks let's see if they can make it all the way back without having to gasp we've got a much more efficient transport system here oh damn it close you got you got to the door all you have to do is just a few more steps a few more perfect uh we're probably Gonna Wanna stick you uh yeah you're going straight on to the the massage tables that is perfect yeah let's see what we got into duplicate yeah copper or I'm literally I'm not looking at these anymore we're just gonna take whatever resources they're flowing for now though we need to get a a place to install all those bees and along here this is where we're going to put in our uranium enrichment facility yeah we might extend this on a bit further as time goes by you know as it's a vacuum deck it's good to go all we need to do is make sure all the uranium gets evenly spread out we're strip mining this part of your patch of uranium here and we're strip mining another patch of uranium down here once both of those are stripped mined out we should hopefully have a decent supply of uh nuclear bees to go around and then we can do the refinement oh and over here when it comes to the actual space Fair module how are we looking on temperatures 125 degrees seriously you're taking your sweet time here buddy taking your sweet time indeed our beat tiny has appeared the beta Hive has matured it's not going to start producing wouldn't be tiny every cycle we're going to come in grab the B tiny and move it somewhere else so it can turn into another beta Hive and we'll just keep using that to make more and more beat hives until we've got enough to produce what we need I think it takes about three beta hives producing uranium to run run react one reactor we're gonna make sure we maybe produce a little bit faster than that our next B tiny has started turning into a hive as well this is wonderful we've dumped about a ton of uranium besides that way it has something to eat when it wakes up in fact we can start deconstructing all of these there's a ton of uranium ore in each one of these which is will get turned into about 900 kilos of enriched uranium how many that's 90 cycles each of that's enough to keep a reaction going for 90 Cycles a piece and then we've got 10 of them so 900 cycles of uranium and once that production is finished we should have more than enough uranium to power reactor forever and ever and ever and you yeah you've dropped all your stuff there perfect soon the great thing about these hives you can expand them so quickly now I I don't have to do this this manual way I could just put doored areas and if the bees wander back and forth but that's just a little bit slower and right now we want to do this as quick as we can so we're going to expand these tonight once they're done we're just going to let them sit there and do what they do best oh we've got our first B excellent now they can start feeding the hives we've got about 10 tons of iridium in there should be fairly handy now while that was going on there was a few things I was taken care of in the background uh namely it was finishing off this uh 60 Ranch we started ages ago we only had one molten sticker so the progress has been slow so far we're only up to three and no eggs yet but we do have these three they're groomed they're tamed they're happy and we should start getting more eggs out of them they should start the population explosion well I wouldn't say explosion but you know a reasonably fast population growth type scenario and we don't want to grow them too fast otherwise they'll die at the same time as well and you're just stuck with the same problem just 100 Cycles from now that should slowly expand that and once that's done we can start phasing out some of these hatches it's just oh and the Swedish I'm not even sure what we're doing to swedes I think that was just more for kicks in the meantime while we were off galavanting on another planet trying to secure those radioactive bees the petroleum here is up to 137 degrees and so is the cold Cold's just about there 136 or so it's a few degrees behind or a half a degree behind or so we still need to wait on this to finish and it's got to go up to 277 or well actually 279 is what it'll take to actually flip eventually into refined carbon it's just there's so much of it 25 tons at 0.7 specific heat capacity that's a lot of heat I might want to bring in a metal Refinery and then just start running the output through here maybe that'll help it's just for now this is this looks like it's going to be about another 30 or 50 Cycles maybe more I'm not even sure enough everyone the timer on it oh and over here 100 kilos of enriched uranium and here we got 126.99 on 90 and 81 72 what do we got oh damn it I had clicked to be 72 there's just loads there's so much uranium we got another 54 in there another 54 in there we have just all the uranium were ever good well not all the uranium we're ever going to need but by the time these guys are finished we'll just have Buck loads of uranium and then what we can do is once our uh our exploratory rocket goes out we can bring back as all the uraniums find other planets for the uranium bring it back here dump it into the beehives it'll convert it all to uranium and we can just keep our rocket running forever as for the rocket itself we've got the bottom layer done got this section in we haven't got into the actual core storage area but I've stolen a bunch of ideas from all the suggestions that were provided and I think we've got something that will look a little bit ridiculous while also being quite functional you know just exactly what you're looking for but uh that's that's all I've got time for today sorry about delay getting this episode out it's just there was a lot of Kinks getting all of this sorted going to the other planets again the reactor set up all that stuff however I am confident by next episode we'll have the we'll have our reactor rocket out and about exploring the planetoids we definitely do have to get our hands on some super coolers but we can do that in our rocket anyway I'm going to cut this out here I hope you enjoyed them good luck foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 9,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ep1, lets play, first episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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