2023 Stellaris Beginner's Guide | How to get started in Stellaris Tutorial for 2023

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This has been the easiest video lesson I have ever seen for Stellaris. I've never gotten very far in the game but these have been such a huge help. I just wanted to share to boost him a bit because they deserve more viewers.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/herpderp7yearsago 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what's going on everybody it's max here and today i'm bringing you a video series that i've probably been requested more than anything else i have ever made on twitch over the last three years and that is my total beginner's tutorial for the forex strategy game stellaris made by paradox interactive we've been part of stellaris events for the last three years or so basically since i first started on twitch three years ago and uh they have most recently actually asked me to produce a really quick beginner's tutorial that ran on the solaris steam page so that people could see what the game is all about and get a good head start i did about 30 minutes there and it wasn't enough to cover everything that there is in the game so this marks the very first episode of a multi-part tutorial series for the game updated all the way to the overlord dlc if you want to see more solaris gameplay outside of this tutorial you can join us on twitch where i stream the game and we try out a bunch of different strategies a bunch of different empires and i talk through similarly to what you're going to see in this video basically everything that we're doing you're free to ask questions and don't forget you can ask questions down in the comments below as we go through it i'm going to do my best to explain as much as i possibly can about the game over the next few episodes and i hope you enjoy it let's just jump right into it let's click new game and let's just choose one of our empires let's even take one of the base empires that comes in the game maybe the commonwealth of man they're a little bit more uh let's let's do united nations of earth they're a little bit friendlier a little bit nicer and uh press next and i'm just gonna jump into a base game with the bass settings all right so when you first start the game there is a lot on the screen it's a little bit overwhelming but i'm going to orient you to everything that's going on in the very center we have earth this is our home planet it's the first planet that we've ever colonized the only planet that humans have colonized but we have space travel ability now and we can go out and take other stars and gather and expand our galactic uh our galactic empire from now on earth of course orbits the sun which we have in the center of this star system here and we've got all the other planets around the star system as well you'll notice that some of these planets like saturn have a little icon underneath them and that means that this planet has the ability to be exploited we can exploit resources off of the various planets in the galaxy uh we've got titan the moon that orbits saturn here and it's got a little bit of research that we could exploit as well if we built a star base or a uh a research station on titan and this would allow us to gather the resources here resources that are displayed in green we've already gathered the game is preceded with a variety of resources that you've you're already exploiting and resources that are white are unexploited so you're going to need to build a station over them in order to exploit them i'll explain that in a little bit but this is the system view and inside there's a whole bunch of icons the most important ones are your chips which you start with three little corvettes here if i unpause we can see them flying across the galaxy there they are little cuties there uh we've got our star base which sits at the center of our star in this system and houses a shipyard where we build ships and and can actually be expanded with future technology to make it larger to make it more capable below that we have a construction vessel this is what actually builds those those research stations and those mining stations on planets inside of a system we can actually do that now if we take a look around the system i see that io has three potential energy credits and with our construction vessel equipped i can right click on i o and choose build mining station and our construction vessel is going to jump over to this planet and it's going to start building you can see the blueprint for it sitting right here and in a little bit when that station's completed we're going to have more resources that are added to our empire that we can use for various production and then lastly is your science vessel it's this vessel here it's got the little science icon to represent it and your science vessels are your most important early game ship because that is what we're going to use to explore the galaxy let's take a look at what that looks like if i press m or click on this button here to go to the galaxy map here we have soul and of course the planet earth and if we scroll out we have the nearby star systems to our soul system and each one of these star systems is represented by kind of a dot on this map and connected by lines called hyper lanes which your ships travel across so a ship can't go from seoul to this unexplored system here it has to travel along the hyper lanes to get there if we scroll out even further every single one of these dots is a star system full of planets full of astral bodies asteroids all sorts of things for you to find and explore some of them aren't even stars they're black holes at this point and we are going to go out and explore them and our hope is we find new planets that humans can inhabit as well that's the goal now in order to do that we've got to use our science vessels to explore and survey these systems we want to learn more about the galaxy that we exist in and it just so happens that next to the soul system is alpha centauri with a potentially habitable world on it and that looks pretty juicy to me whenever you see this icon here it means that there's a planet that you may be able to colonize with your species in fact i know i'll be able to colonize it because our habitability on continental worlds is very high it's 100 it's usually 70 or higher and i can tell just by looking at this in our little tool tip here that this is a continental world so my best first bet is to take our science vessel right click on the system alpha centauri and choose survey system now there are two ways that you can use science vessels you can use them to explore and you can use them to survey you'll notice that some of the star systems around us don't have names it's because we've never explored them before we don't even know how to get to them we know there's a path but we haven't actually investigated it yet so we could take our science vessel and right click on that system and choose explore which would allow us to find out what planets are inside of that system maybe are there aliens inside that system what's going on in there but in order to colonize or take a system under your empire's control you have to fully survey it using the survey action so that's what our science vessel is doing here at alpha centauri and if we actually scroll in we'll see that actively happen our science vessel little guy right here is scanning each one of the astral bodies and trying to figure out hey what is this what's on this planet what's going on are there any anomalies that we might want to explore and what resources can we exploit from each one of these star systems that's very important for us as well so that's going to take a little bit of time while that happens let me orient you a little bit to the user interface there's a lot on the screen right now in the upper left hand corner at the top bar we have uh kind of our resources panel if you want to call it that and our three basic resources are on the far left we've got energy credits which is sort of like a galactic currency whenever you sell resources you'll get energy in response for that we've got minerals which are used to build new buildings they're used to expand your planets minerals are really the basic building blocks of a lot of your empire and of course we have food which we need to produce in farms to be able to feed our population we are eventually going to have multiple planets in this in this game we're going to have you know multiple colonies that we take care of but know that almost every single resource in the game is i almost said global galactic it will cover all of your planets so if you produce food on a single planet your other planets in your empire will be able to eat that food you don't have to worry about the logistics of transferring food from planet to planet anymore used to be a feature is no longer thank goodness after food we've got our two advanced resources these are consumer goods and alloys consumer goods are sort of like the luxuries and gadgets like ipods and and walkman if i'm dating myself here i apologize but consumer goods are generated typically created from minerals and they're important for your population it keeps your population happy it keeps them complacent so that they don't start rioting very important to keep the consumer goods stocked all of these resources technically can go under zero in terms of production if you have too many population they're going to start consuming a lot of food they might cost a lot of energy credits to keep your planets running they might consume too many consumer goods and if you go under zero in terms of production you'll start losing consumer goods which you don't want to have happen so you gotta you gotta expand carefully and make sure that you're uh that you're making smart decisions there alloys are pretty simple you use them to build star bases to build space structures and to build spaceships as well which we're going to do in just a second after that is influence this is a resource that you use to take new systems you'll see us use a little bit of influence take alpha centauri once we've surveyed it but for now our influence gain is plus three this is a resource whose gain and loss doesn't fluctuate like your other resources do very often but you should be careful about how you're spending influence because it's a pretty limited resource for most empires next up is unity this is what we use to unlock empire-wide bonuses called traditions and it also allows us to hire new leaders to be admirals for our fleets to be generals to lead our scientific endeavors you'll notice that we actually have a leader fiona riley riley rayleigh however it's pronounced uh on our science vessel here and leaders have traits so if i click on this little leader icon you'll see our scientific leaders here and each one has a trait which is this little green circle that shows if they have any strengths or sometimes a weakness that might actually make their job a little bit harder to do and your leaders and managing leaders is pretty important in the early game especially because they give you bonuses to things like the speed of your research if we take a look at this one that has the maniacal trait our society research leader is able to research technology five percent faster than other leaders would be able to and we're very lucky in this but our surveyor on our science vessel has an anomaly discovery chance so she's really good at finding strange things out in the galaxy to find out what's going on with them what's out there right so that's the big stuff at the top after unity you've got just a couple of indicators here that tell you how well you're doing and and maybe how uh how spread your galaxy and your empire are we've got research which is uh the income of research that we gain every month this is pretty important uh to keep track of and we have special resources which you make it later in the game but we don't start with any of those right now so that's the that's the overhead outliner at the or sorry the overhead thing at the top the next one is the outliner which is on the right side it's a really quick view of everything you own in the galaxy and this outliner gets bigger and bigger and bigger as your galaxy and your empire expand your galaxy doesn't expand your empire expands one of these days i'll get that stuck in my head uh we can see our planet earth and we can actually access the management of our very first planet of our home planet we can also go to that star station that i showed you about it's actually called a star port right now because it's been upgraded and we can manage it here so we could choose to replace some of these buildings uh and some of these modules on the star port if we'd like to or we can upgrade it when we get the technology to do so so your outliner is really really helpful i use this basically every second in the game you'll see as we play but you get a really good sense of what's going on what's happening and we'll notice even that our construction ship that we went to grab the energy from io has completed their job here they are sitting here and here is the station that they built that is uh sitting over io and is generating three energy credits for us just because we can't which is pretty sweet so that all has been done that's the user interface there are a lot of things on the side here to access some of the panels that i'm going to be opening up but you can access these in your own game you'll get a sense of of what all is in there there's a lot on the left but first just below our resources we have our pop-up area this is where different notifications will pop up to let you know maybe there's something you need to do maybe there's something you are forgetting and when you very first start the game the most important one before you even unpause is to choose your starting technologies in each of the three trees so let's do that now by opening up any of those icons opens up the technology panel and the technology panel is split into three trees physics research society research and engineering and each one of these is a branching tree that branches out into different types of technology there are paths designed for building new ships or in front of us we can actually see two specialized paths the covert operations path which allows us to engage in espionage and covert up covert activities and the energy weapons path so if we want to have a really strong laser-based fleet we might want to go down the energy weapons path these are just guidance for you you don't have to go down a technology path but you'll get a sense of what technologies these unlock if you research them cool so the first thing we want to do is pick a research we've got three options in front of us they're actually very nicely spread which makes this tutorial very easy the top one here global energy management gives us an energy grid this is kind of an economic research right if we build this energy grid on a planet we will get more energy but if we take a look in the top left here we've got an income of 83 energy that's that's pretty high for for the start of the game we don't really need an energy grid this is not really a uh a pressing matter for us you'll notice it also unlocks something called an edict i'll talk about edix either in this tutorial or in the next tutorial i'm going to skip quantum theory because it's the one we're taking and we're skipped down to blue lasers which we've covered a little bit this is let's improve the technology on our ships let's get our access to a laser turret on any one of our ships in now or in the future that allows us to do more damage to other people's ships pretty good technology if you want to be kind of aggressive that we are a peaceful human species and in the middle here the one that we skipped is quantum theory and i recommend that you take this one as a starting technology unless you have a particularly aggressive neighbor that you're aware of this is going to give you a plus 20 increase to your physics research speed now and into the future it's just flat out good and the earlier you take these technologies the more benefit you get from them so i would recommend taking the tech that looks like this there's one in every tech tree but we might not be so lucky that it's there click on the technology and you'll see how long it's going to take you to generate it and and research it fully taking a look at society research we got lucky as well we've got society research from researchers plus 20 as well i'm gonna take this it's just flat out good it's really nice one to take the other one that i would take in this case is probably planetary unification because it gives you a lump sum of unity which allows us to unlock traditions very early but for now i think it just makes sense to take the the base tech increase it's kind of boring but we'll have more interesting decisions to make in the future and we got lucky enough that in engineering we have the same thing you'll notice in engineering we have the corvette build costs and build speeds so this is another aggressive technology that we could take to decrease the cost and decrease the time it takes for us to build uh ships military ships and then we've got our powered exoskeletons which is sort of our economic one if you wanted to go the robotic path if the future of your empire is that you are going to be replacing your body parts with exoskeletons or maybe even replacing your your population with robotic population in the future possibly you might want to take the powered exoskeletons because that will lead you down that path for your empire i'm going to take the nano mechanics technology it's a it's just a flat out it's the same thing as we're doing for the other ones and you'll notice that our technologies are pretty similar between the three trees not half bad one last thing to orient you to technologies really quick if i click on this little change research button i can see our options again each one of these technologies has an identifier it falls under a type right our nano mechanics is an industry type technology our corvettes is a void craft and our powered exoskeletons also is considered an industry type technology these technologies usually branch into similar texts uh that at two to one another as you unlock them so if we unlock nanomechanics we may also unlock an additional industry technology not always but often but the thing you want to be very aware of is your leader so we took a look up at leaders when we saw our science vessel earlier but i'm going to click the recruit icon here we got very lucky that this worked out this is this is going wonderfully actually here is where you recruit new scientists or new leaders they might be admirals or generals in the future they might be governors who govern sections of space but inside of the leader panel there are three possible leaders that we could hire the cost in unity that it costs us to hire them right we've got 213 unity right now and our third scientist has a trait all these have a trait but our third scientist has a trait specific to an engineering research they are really interested in voidcraft they're really interested in building new ships in building new new weapons for ships as well and because of that they will be able to research voidcraft technologies 15 faster than any other leader would be able to which is really good behind the scenes underneath all of the game code this leader also makes voidcraft technologies show up more often in the technology panel when you research engineering research so you may want to take this leader if you know you need to build up a big armada you've got a really aggressive enemy on your borders you should take this leader likely and start researching voidcraft's technologies with them it's going to allow you to find those technologies more frequently there are other traits that are more general like maniacal gives just flat out five percent research speed and this leader could be in any of these jobs honestly any of these jobs would be totally fine for them you could you could sort of min max the game and take one of these leaders early but if you do so it's gonna take a portion of your unity and you're going to be that much further away from unlocking a tradition okay so uh i would recommend don't hire any new leaders except for one exception which i'm going to show you now we've got a single science vessel out here exploring the stars but look how many star systems there are there's tons of them so instead of just relying on a single one of our science vessels we're going to build a couple of new ones and this is my recommendation for anybody to do because it really really really is important in the early game to explore and survey as much as you possibly can so i'm gonna go to our station again i could click on it here in the outliner right the soul station or i can click on this icon to the right of our system name because i've upgraded it to a star port it was upgraded for us by the game when you first start and because we have a shipyard module we have access to the shipyard tab which i can click and i can build new ships here's our corvettes which we could build a couple of up but i don't think that we have many aggressive people on our borders so i'm not too worried about it yet but we can build new science vessels and we can see the cost is 100 alloys we've got 204 right now and it's going to take us 60 days or 60 cycles to be able to build it but i'm going to do that now because i want a couple more science ships out there in space in fact i'm gonna build two of these because we've got a pretty branching area of space there's a lot of different directions that our science vessels can go the more directions that they can spread out the more science vessels you're gonna want but typically in the early game you want no more than two three maybe four science vessels maximum unless you have a very specific plan of how to use them cool so i had the game paused our science vessel hasn't completed alpha centauri yet but i have noticed that we've gained a couple more minerals here we've got 305 and we still have some resources in seoul that we haven't exploited yet remember how we used our construction vessel to go specifically to io and build an energy credit planet right an energy credit uh mining station over io i can do that much much much more simply from the galaxy view and you can actually use the galaxy view for a lot of the same functionality that you would use the star view right uh but i'm going to take my my sorry my construction vessel i'm going to right click on soul because i can see that there's three minerals and two engineering research that we haven't exploited and by right clicking i've got the really quick hey go ahead and build the mining stations or in order to grab the engineering research go ahead and build the research stations very quickly at the click of a button i don't have to specifically go to every single planet and do that so i'm going to have them build mining station and then i'm going to hold the shift key you can't see my keyboard but i'll hold the shift key and right click and i'll choose build research stations and now in their queue they're going to build the mining station first to grab the minerals and then they're going to build the research station to grab the energy research it's quick and easy i can forget about it and i can move on to other things like the first of our two science vessels that's just been created now science vessels in order to survey systems require scientists or leaders on them and so i've got to go into the leader panel once more click recruit and recruit a leader from this list unfortunately none of these leaders have traits that benefit a exploration scientist right maniacal and that research speed is only for researching new technologies in the technology tree the only one here that has some benefit kind of to us is the eager trait which not only reduces the cost to recruit that leader it's 50 instead of 100 but it also reduces their upkeep keep in mind for every leader that you have they cost an amount of unity and if you hire too many leaders at once you're not going to have any unity to gain to be able to purchase new ones so it's always a balancing act in solaris between those two i'll take louise though i don't think he's a particularly good leader for this he's somebody that will sit in a ship for us and keep in mind you've got to after recruiting him click on him to assign him to the science vessel and now we can send this vessel out this way to survey some of these systems i had a sense that this system connected there was a small little line here that i saw that showed me that it shot out into this portion of space so louise is going to go that way uh we've got who is this fiona heading out this way let's queue up some for fiona as well and here we have fiona's trait actually in action which is awesome to see fiona remember has the trait which allows her to discover more anomalies now anomalies are out there in space and there's a percentage chance every single time a science vessel researches an astral body to find an anomaly on that astral body and anomalies are things that may lead to more resources on those in those systems that we can exploit in the future they may lead to uh a pirate faction attacking or some kind of alien crawling out of an asteroid there's all sorts of different anomalies out there in space we found one that's relatively easy for us to research we could do some quick research on it it'll only take 120 cycles but that's 120 cycles that fiona won't be working to find out about space i would recommend when you first start the game ignore anomalies and come back to them they're permanent they'll be there for you to research in the future most importantly is to find out who are you up against who's nearby who are your neighbors so i'm gonna say leave for now and we can always bring a science vessel even a new science vessel like the one that just got created in our home system of seoul to go and research that in the future right but for now i want fiona kind of focused on surveying alpha centauri so that we can grab a new colony right off the bat we've got that new science vessel oh sorry that's louise actually i lied in five cycles we've got a new science vessel here it is and um on the i thought this was the tchaikovsky it's very close we've got to put of course a new scientific leader on it let's choose recruit we've got a list of new leaders which turns over i think this might be every i want to say every month i could be wrong about that we're on we're on january 28th if we just wait two days no it's not every month i'm not sure exactly when this turns over but it gives you a new selection of leaders every so often none of these resources are sorry none of these traits are particularly good for a scientific leader that's that's going on exploring the galaxy yet again unfortunately but we can do a little bit of a swap here that might be beneficial for our empire over time if we take a look at our existing leaders right now remember we've got a society researcher that has maniacal i like it they can stay there we have a physics researcher that's got a trait that increases the amount of experience they gain which is pretty good and we've got a physics researcher that we can recruit that allows them to research more about particle physics quicker not half bad not that bad we've got an engineering researcher with a lifespan of increased 25 years they're very resilient they're very healthy and we have a engineering researcher here that could research more about materials materials is a very very very good specialization for an early game researcher because it allows you to grow your economy stronger it'll give you more technologies that allow you to get access to more minerals to get access to more energy etc so i'm going to recruit this leader okay and i'm actually going to put them on the engineering research but first i'm going to take that engineering researcher who's on there right now and assigned them to my science vessel and because the game wants to be very sure that you know what you're doing we got a pop-up in the upper left-hand corner that says hey you think you're researching engineering research but actually nobody's researching engineering research so you can click on this icon and assign a new scientist you'll have to do this when your scientists die which they will eventually that was very dramatic your scientists will die eventually but i'm going to click on our brand new materials expertise scientist and assign them to the engineering technology you can always go in this panel here on the left and choose technology and see who's assigned and what the progress is for each one of those techs cool that's going to be the start of your empire but there is so much more to teach you we've got to cover traditions and more empire customizations some strategies for how to expand out into the galaxy and we haven't even talked about how you should administrate planets there's a lot more to learn for this game and i'm really excited to teach you all about it if you enjoyed it if it was helpful don't forget to leave the video a like and hey let me know down in the comments or maybe i didn't explain something well enough i glossed over something that maybe you'd like a little bit more explanation if you leave me a comment down below i'll do my best to answer and i would love for anybody else who knows dolores to provide answers down there as well i'll see you in the next episode see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: MaxTheCatfish
Views: 220,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Stellaris Beginners Guide, Stellaris Tips and Tricks, Stellaris for beginners, Stellaris Overlord, Stellaris 2023 guide, Stellaris quickstart guide, Stellaris guide, Stellaris guide 2023, stellaris beginner tips, stellaris beginner empire, stellaris beginner tips reddit, stellaris guide reddit 2023, stellaris beginner strategy, stellaris starting guide, beginner, guide, tips, tricks, stellaris for dummies, 4x space game, stellaris tutorial, stellaris beginner tutorial
Id: gBiiV-ktVZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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