Stellaris 1.0 Was a 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄

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why did people buy this this is a quality of life nightmare everywhere I go I see his face I just really miss him Stellaris is seven years old and that requires a celebration because it's also the amount of years that my channel exists yeah basically the channel launched together with Stellar seven years ago when it became big due to this game and what sort of Journeys we have gone through all the way from the removal of the tiles to the district system the removal and changes of the hyper lanes and all the warp drives and the overall gigantic amount of quality of life improvements has happened over the years but what does Stellaris 1.0 look like again because my neurons have not been activated in that regard for quite some time but in the meantime let's dive into Solaris 1.0 and see what it's like ah this this does take me back though this original background the version 1.0 of Solaris man it is it's been a while this version of the game came out seven years ago seven years ago as of you know making this video it's it's kind of crazy to see how time has progressed so let's start a new game and let's see oh my God the nuclear missiles warp travel and mammalian ships I completely forgot about this but this right here Fanatic individual list does have to be my favorite version here and uh Wormhole travel screwed we're gonna go for the Commonwealth of man uh mankind strikes again the game details seems to be a little bit more compact than the last time as well at least the version that we have now at least we've got Advanced AI starts but uh allow FTL method any I think is probably one of the more interesting ones uh let's let's start the game here and see what we can do uh 1.0 has been a while since we've played this and um it's definitely going to be an experience my Lord um the entire interface seems to be on the top of the screen rather than having an outliner on the left okay well at least the outliner itself is still still there so that's at least something okay uh this is just a standard cluster Galaxy that's fine and uh we got ourselves a wormhole station yeah a wormhole station in this system ain't that something okay we'll just going to go ahead and um start surveying around here I know what happens here so basically this is like a uh a pseudo Gateway where we need to build a wormhole from point to point so a ship can go into one place and then only go back so they can't just jump from system to system they always need to go back to a place where there is a wormhole station so for now we're just gonna go ahead and start surveying uh closest okay so the shift select stuff still works so those hotkeys were in from day number one but uh we're just gonna go ahead and just queue up systems here because yeah this is just absolute Bizarro um solar panel Network I'm pretty sure that you get those for default right now um plus three energy oh and it costs minerals all right Alloys are not a thing yet it's crazy okay so uh consumer goods and Alloys are not a thing in this version of the game um leader lifespan sure and um mining Network too cool let's do that let's go to our cat Little Worlds okay there's Unity okay not much has changed here visually it's very much the same oh and there it is the gloriousness that is tiles beautiful beautiful what can one say what can one say this is the system that we had before we had the joys of all districts Shenanigans and buildings uh yeah this is a system that allows us to move pops around from place to place it's pretty darn rudimentary and uh it basically allows us to move Pops to jobs and these particular areas we can build buildings on these so including science labs and stuff like that so yeah districts are not a thing at all um but we started sprawling slums just give us a pop no sprawling slums does not give us a pop that is unfortunate it does give us access to an energy though is currently not collected [Music] um food is local isn't it I think food is local uh Unity food yeah yeah food is definitely local that is a problem uh we actually need science really can we get some science um always get science I guess energy we only get plus five and plus seven that's crazy let's cancel this we need more energy we always need more energy in these games I think that's that's relatively straightforward but in the meantime though uh we should probably where how do I build how do I build ships designer oh wow okay that's that's chunky um how do I build ships do I I have to click straight on the station Okay so there doesn't appear to be a station in the outliner for me to build ships there's also no ships as a fleet designer which means that all ships have to be built by by hand and they're made for minerals which is definitely curious there goes our signship let's just uh set the speed to plot because that of course is still a thing but wow okay all right signship we don't have any icons on the map so we actually don't know that this is a sign ship just by seeing it so that's that's another thing we just saw something out there there's an unidentified Empire we just flew through space and uh we need to get a leader uh we have to spend influence to get a leader uh uh an archaeologist okay and we're just gonna go ahead and just survey as much space as we can because we need more planets because oh boy once you see how we claim systems that is that right there is going to be a doozy an absolute doozy because as you can see right now we've got this space under our control that's actually the space that our station in the net is generating so once we actually go ahead and say Hey I want to build a uh a frontier output as it is called which will cost us a hundred and two we actually need like 200 influence for this uh we can actually go to these systems without even ever scouting them this is not a hostile just flying by uh yeah we got control of the system so what we can do here we can just build mining stations over here more aliens just flew by I don't know what's going on over there but they're supposed to be a party nearby and a leader is leveled like stuff is going on pretty much all the time science ships are flying around doing a thing keeping within brains okay that's good that's good we have no hyper Lanes or anything like that um we actually do we have this is the only map mode okay first Contact there's an arid world over here okay uh uh okay we got we got ourselves some mining drones so those were already thing now there's a sound effect I haven't heard in a while hey we got ourselves two potential planets to colonize um it requires a colony ship so we can't just say go ahead and say colonize no we have to go back to Unity click on the station then build a spacecraft um okay how do I build a colony ship how does that work again I I actually forgot how do I build a colony ship again that's not very clear colonize requires a colony ship do I need to get Colony technology oh my God I need Colony technology okay that's a problem this video is entirely made possible by my endless drive to get a decent shed for those of you who've been with me for a while now I've been in the process of converting my yard from a cold war Relic to something that is actually presentable and the good news is the last beat bits of concrete foundation from the old shed were removed last week about six cubic meters of it in fact which is about 18 cubic feet of concrete that I had to dig out of it and uh yeah we can now say to burn out the critical stage for shed construction and you can be involved in that on my patreon I've added a special tier where people who participate as part of the patreon look at a special little plaque on the building itself to commemorate its construction when it's done so support the channel and one man's dream to have a decent shed get involved Link in the description below the video uh we need to unlock Colony ships before we can do anything okay I did not see that coming uh that's a neuron in my brain that definitely did not trigger I don't know what's going on in this planet as well I got some service overview it's a lot of food here so it could be a good food world he says if food was shared uh all over the place but it's not it doesn't go into a global pool Bravo Bogies I don't really care about the Bravo bogeys I also don't care about Strike Force one of them at the moment so yeah um I could go ahead and say oh yeah this would be a great plan for food uh it doesn't work like that in this version of the game because um food and other things outdated in fact you can share all over the place so let's I I cannot believe that I have to research Colony ships before I can do anything man Solaris 1.0 was a slow starter so many quality of life things that we're just not here also like how the science and the top is just their own science and everything that's that's definitely cool and now it's just a case of failure oh my oh I forgot about that you could fail anomalies right okay so failing anomalies was a thing at the time so uh yeah be careful with your scientists you could you can totally fail those uh you cannot set a system to don't go there which is just another fascinating little thing style Fleet you can build a frontier updated we got ourselves some tajanki quite a lot of Worlds actually quite a lot of Planet spawned around this time it's not bad actually but uh right now we're just looking for some more space to expand into really like we need more we need we need more area really to expand into and get our Frontier outposts going but we simply just don't have all that much because you know we don't have the science the note the technology to do anything with it which is just absolutely bizarre absolutely bizarre that this is still that this is a thing research complete I need mining outposts I guess but batherian power plants uh that was a thing around this time uh yeah okay so habitable worlds is still here seven years later this is still the game it probably needs some love Paradox if you're watching like give it some love please there's power plant and physics lab like I'm not going for any weapons technology because I don't think it's going to be helpful at all uh but at the moment I've got all these obviously standing around not doing anything I got a reasonable amount of of resources I can upgrade this Building Systems it's a mining station too because that's the thing Okay so we've built this I'm not gonna build a frontier Outpost over here I've done a bunch of scouting uh yeah there's nothing to really that guide me and this is the kind of the thing about hyperlanes that I really enjoy like there is no like perceived route that you can take you're kind of stuck in this weird circle at the moment and sure I can send Wormhole stations to all these places but ships have to go back and forth from back and forth as you can see here it says back and forth to the area uh one thing that's also really interesting back then uh ships didn't have to fly across systems in order to jump to where they wanted to go um it's kind of similar How uh or at least the uh the the the portals you can build or whatever uh where you can just go from the corner of the system to the corner of the system which means tactically it didn't make all that much sense what do we got here another dessert world that's not very cool I would like to have this mining station over here I do need more mining energy by itself also pretty high on the list of things I really want to watch some of my old tutorials now because man ah Colony ship finally okay um propaganda broadcast it's an edict okay edicts are already thing there Frontier clinics already terrible back then so what do we got to do now well can I actually click on the planet no I cannot I have to manually navigate there I can't colonize automatically so I have to go back to Unity I have to go to the Spaceport and I'm going to need to build a colony ship which I need minerals for but I can't because the market does not exist so I cannot buy minerals and the game is Just oh system survey complete people who pick up Solaris these days feel blessed that you don't you didn't have to deal with this because it's now 22.50 at 2205. I haven't colonized any planets yet I would be on my way for my second planet by now if if this was a a 3.0 game uh sure the game has changed quite a lot since then like the biggest change was probably around 2.0 uh with the apocalypse change or the system survey complete chains of warp drives and stuff like that but this is pretty silly evading hostile Fleet oh yeah hostile Fleet can I build a colony ship no in three months in five months I can build a colony ship all right I guess that is something I'm gonna need to continue surveying even though my science ships decided to go back in Action did you notice by the way there is no such thing as Traditions at this point in the game it's just completely nothing which just blows me away in terms of you know evading hostile flexibility could you please stop going to the system okay I know that the I know the miners are there okay I can build a colony ship excellent when I've made first contact with the visari star hegemony this screen is very very basic uh we should assume the worst because uh they are in fact the xenos man this is this is wild this is so wild it gets even worse when you're starting to um where's all the anomalies by the way I just realized I haven't seen any anomalies in like ever so strange complete but yeah um I could screw these guys over by building a frontier Outpost over here and how big is that space going to be normally found there we go World Two Worlds were a bad thing then back then already alien mural wow okay that's probably one of the oldest ones in the game priority priority hotkeys were already a thing back then I am going to build a frontier Outpost and it looks like my Colony ship has finally been built that is exciting for everybody involved uh there is a continental World here I don't know how big it is um I guess it's you your size 12. and you are a size 15. cool well just uh let's send it oh yeah okay I get the place um where the colony drops and this has long-term effects basically on like adjacency bonuses so I'm just gonna go ahead and uh place it down there also instantly I believe we get a maintenance modifier because our currently ship there's a pretty high maintenance modifier on it which means that a colony ship at the start of the game is really expensive to to set up I'm normally found all right so we're dropping the colony ship cool the first human Colony uh we don't get the name the planet apparently that's all randomized so that's cool I guess uh updated leader leader life's food plus 10 percent production targets I guess it's good research speed always good powered exoskeletons should take us to robots but I'm not even sure if robots are even a thing in this version of the game I'm very confused uh this guy's building an outpost over here um just to show you guys how this stuff works by the way it's just very very strange and I I cannot just I cannot balance my economy by selling other Goods which is just wild to me absolutely Wild I'm normally found okay cool I normally failure systems are sent amazing the fact that this is a thing is this absolutely blows me away but also blows me aways apparently I'd have no shields on these ships and only lasers and also uh apparently I've got multiple fission reactors that I can put on this ship let's actually take a look at the ship designer uh the Corvette oh yeah yeah we could just we can just fill this bad boy up with fission reactors there's no standardized reactor on top of this there is the James Bond intro item by the way that's a good looking down a barrel uh that's the warp drive oh don't don't you dare did that did that just cancel my Frontier Outpost it did didn't you oh great and we instantly also get space piracy we don't know what a space piracy is established uh we do know that we've got a new Colony over here for Less blessings we can actually see that uh the one thing is that we got the planetary summary right this is just an overview but the more important thing the tab for the surface uh is actually over here so I'm not entirely sure why that is anyway we're going to build a Hydroponics Farm here and move this guy over there uh we've got minerals now as well as energy so we're just going to go ahead and just start mining out science out of the side of a mountain because that's something that you could do in uh this version of Solaris for some bizarre reason and I would like to clear you as well uh yeah but right now we do have a big upkeep cost for just Colony colonizing the planet everything I think station under attack you got it oh wow okay the mining stations have Firepower and are actually quite beefy so yeah this seems a bit basic I just lost my Corvette Fleet wait wait what like completely okay I just lost my actual flight in one yeah okay that was that was not very cool why why is this a thing who designed this I I guess I guess the bills to invest now which I can I just have to do it by hand let's add a solar panel Network why not right we need more energy a defense plot robots please robots we need more of them ever we cannot do any assisting research because that's a technology in this version of the game um um I have oh right I need to build a dedicated Wormhole station don't I yeah okay I remember this okay so I have to build a wormhole station outside of the gravity well within the space that I'm operating in which is just again it's it just blows my mind I mean I have to oh I cannot right click on the system to do a mission I have to go into the system and then click on the special mission why did people buy this this is a quality of life nightmare [Music] construction complete station under attack it's just so bizarre oh and these pirate fleets are just floating around healing things like they're not staying in one system they're they're actively using my warped Wormhole Drive Network system survey complete what on Earth is going on oh I do need I don't want I know it's engaged situation am I allowed to take dating hostile okay I can at least I can build a frontier Outpost from from here and I don't appear to I do have a limit on how many outposts I can have or these how many directly controlled oh right I forgot about that oh and there's unemployment for this cool suitcase um what do you want you can do science you are going to do uh energy I guess um I forgot about the fact that you could only directly control five planets in the 1.0 version of the game which means that at some point you basically have to say Okay this and this planet now goes into a sector uh that's not a thing in in three point uh three point whatever why is this why was this a thing literally if give me a give me down in the comments below I'm fascinated by the by the idea behind this because I have no idea why they even did this as a game design thing oh this pytharian Stone over there oh wait a minute did I just oh a neuron just activated this version of the game had like nine different strategic Goods didn't it and they would spawn in like clusters around the Galaxy so we're in like the bitharian stone area of the Galaxy apparently construction complete absolutely absolutely bizarre fascinating but bizarre keep on wanting to right click and I've individually select every single one of these to do all the special projects what what what fresh new hell have I walked in on ES we are we are just like not even not even considering custodians or anything like that but we are uh we are spoiled with the quality of uh stuff that we have in uh is there an upkeep thing here idle okay uh do I need to send you back is that a thing special project complete [Music] okay let's get some new ships research merge thankfully way my home system is not surveyed but that was also a thing you have to survey your home system first before you could do anything and because I built this additional Wormhole drive it means that I can just bounce around a little bit and just get access to some more space and basically I'm just going to need to continue extending the Wormhole network uh kind of like Stargate in order to get anything done around the Galaxy my Lord's research completely like this video has been running for 25 minutes and I'm already blown away by all the stuff that I completely forgot about and I'm kind of glad that I forgot about I forget about the fact that UE used to have uh tiles as part of our stuff like the absolute quality of life nightmare that 1.0 was cannot be understated my God it's so bad oh like it's it's okay for a launch version but we're seven years later now and I can I can totally see why certain things have changed I'm gonna build a frontier Outpost I want the Barbarian Stone uh sure we've got some more people by the way you want to see something really cool like really really cool we are a military dictatorship click on this button we can become a plutocratic oligarchy a despotic Empire a military Junta or a military Republic and even better later in the game we can find Advanced forms of those particular Empire types I I kid you not there is some real weird stuff going on there is a plan to complete there is a continental world and I need it construction ship where are you uh let's go to the NAB let's get a construction ship up and running uh I am allowed to do that yes I need more minerals I think that's pretty clear and I also have robots so I would assume that I can build construction local factories question mark replace I am not oh wait a minute message complete anomaly found wait a minute I have to manually build robots for 150 energy and 50 minerals rather than them automatically being built in a robot Factory okay again my brain is just full of stuff that is currently just neurons being triggered all over the spot and it's not all sunshine and rainbows everywhere ladies and gentlemen there's a lot of stuff where I think by myself cool Wormhole drive on the other hand my Lord what is going on all right let's uh let's do some research on some xenos yeah maybe maybe we'll be able to find something interesting because we've just surveyed our Capital when we found like eight a million minerals on there okay cool Laser Technology that's a really old one research complete okay so we finally got Shields there is the what is now the signs one building but it's the physics lab number two Colony development speed that has never changed the deflectors primitive Society what is this first Contact situation log updated oh it is a it is a jungle world Tropical World size 25 how far away is it oh it is it is within my grasp and I do need that that system like why do I have so much energy if I cannot spend it to buy minerals this is so bizarre absolutely bizarre [Music] and like I've got these weird islands of space all over the place and I I'm expanding the the xenos don't seem to be expanding all that much but it's just it's just so bizarre okay we're getting the Therian Stone what do we get out of Bavarian Stone don't know the game doesn't want to tell me what tool tips oh border range plus 20 yes I will have me some of that I would also like to claim this pla this area please by building a frontier Outpost over there uh even though I don't have enough planets to begin with wormall Drive really bypasses things though so I can jump over other Empires but if the enemies of this Empire's border ranges extends over the system they will claim it yeah that's the thing which is just again like I've said like I've said it a couple times now bizarre absolutely bizarre okay cool Wormhole cessation been built we can do some more uh exploration there's a pulsar system over here by the way uh Galactic terrain does not exist in this version like at all so Pulsar doesn't actually do anything aside from it just being hella pretty there's a lot of foundational stuff on this particular version of the game that a lot of things were built on later down the line it's just not done yet like this this Pulsar system it just doesn't do anything except for being pretty I I kind of I kind of really like the fact that they build on top of that can I build I keep on wanting to go to this this place and just say hey um give me give me additional stuff so there's the construction system survey complete oh they've claimed the system oh they cleaned my stuff well complete this just means war relative power at least all of that stuff is still the same but research complete I will need uh see this is a thing right because I've got Wormhole drive I can project my my power really well and can I do it military station designs all right I'm gonna blow your mind let's build I cannot build a military station because I probably don't have the technology for it yet um speaking of which uh there's a defense platform that's awesome oh my Lord okay uh let's build ourselves a level two um system survey complete this bill is another Colony ship we are literally 20 years into the game and we still have not built a second planet yet and this is just 32 minutes long and it's just 90 of it it's just me being absolutely flabbergasted by what on Earth is going on going from system to system and is wondering by myself I have no idea what's going on anymore and at this point I am just too afraid to ask like why do I have first contact with an Empire across the Galaxy like why is this even a thing like I don't why do I know that they are there did I get first contact with them I don't know I I don't remember anything I I oh there's policies sure why not it costs one influence a month are all three Sciences here's my policies this does this now exist in the leader window it's I love this don't get me wrong but I wouldn't want to play this every day anymore not after with what I have wow I think that for now we can we can leave this here um I'm not gonna go play a full game maybe if you're interested then I can do so but this 1.0 version of the game foreign tiles sure like a lot of people always talk about oh I wish we had the tile system back it's simple it's easy to understand I will give you that the warp drive system I can totally see why this would be a massive pain in the ass for anybody really trying to design a proper system because try to counter this I can just jump inside of an enemy territory and like good luck balancing that with hyperdrive and Warp warp gonna just go anywhere it's just slow uh hyperdrive is fast but only point to point and Wormhole Drive will you need to build a wormhole station uh that's very source of the Stars too uh by the way but dang what do you think should I should I just continue this uh should I should I continue to hate myself playing this particular game with all of this weird resources where are my Alloys where are my consumer goods where's my policy bar on the left side of the screen I don't even remember that they're not being a policy bar at the side of the screen I I just have minerals where's my Galactic Market it's just I need it well let me know Down Below in the meantime though if you want to get involved in building a shed for a person who desperately needs a or at least is in the process of building one feel free to get involved on the patreon yes we've actually set up a patreon for the shed now and we're doing a couple of really cool things for all the people that get involved at a certain tier level um I believe it's called a uh a shed of respect um you get a little plaque on the shed when it's done so yeah that's the thing uh make sure that you go uh go up there because there's shed updates there all the time so that's something anyway solar is 1.0 should I play more of it don't know is it painful absolutely take good care of yourselves and don't don't roll the game back there's there's Horrors in our past
Channel: ASpec
Views: 25,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, ASpec Stellaris, Stellaris 1.0, Stellaris 1.0 FTL, Stellaris Edited, Stellaris Gameplay, Stellaris Gameplay 2016, ASpec Shed, Wormhole Drive, Hyperdrive, Warp Drive, Tiles, Planet Tiles Stellaris, Stellaris is a nightmare, Stellaris 1.0 Was a 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄, aspec stellaris
Id: C7h2rkAQo8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 16sec (2236 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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