Dreadnaught against a Server (for 1 year) | Space Engineers

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hey what's up it's time for some space engineer stuff apologies if i sound a bit weird i don't know what it is but my voice is all kinds of gravelly today and i can't get rid of it no matter how much water i drink so apologies i'll try to drink a lot of water throughout today is how a dreadnought battleship or just a battleship fared in about one year of space engineers pvp without ever being truly lost that is completely destroyed a couple things to clarify this is based off of a space engineers rp pvp server so while there is role play elements it is not hard scripted it's very free flow and the outcomes that you'll hear about in this video weren't at all set in stone this was very much emergent gameplay if you're interested in this i'll mention it a couple times it is a series on my channel called outlands it follows the events of the ship as the ship is the focal point of this series if you are new here the server isn't a 24 hours a day seven days a week server like a typical space engineer's pvp or survival server would be instead it's far closer to a thing we do every friday that more mimics say d and d dungeons and dragons or turn based style game but instead of you know rolling a die or having a gm tell you what happens the moves or the events are played out in space engineers as the medium say a faction attacks a base we play that base attack out free form in space engineers however getting to that base will typically be handled outside of space engineers if this sounds interesting to you i have a video pinned on my channel or you can just watch the series to get an idea of what exactly this entails got that out of the way let's get started the eternity's advent battleship is the ship of focus today it's the dreadnought that is mentioned in the title i use the term dreadnought semi loosely here yes i'm aware of the real-life meaning of it i have a degree in that but sci-fi typically uses the word dreadnought differently than irl right usually dreadnought means larger than battleship class and sci-fi so in this case lore wise she's actually just a battleship from the earth federal navy top of the line ship however in an emergency she had to flee earth space and go to a backwater system on a one-way trip that she can only get there she can't come back however the units deployed there of our are much lower quality or lower scale size hence i call it a dreadnought here because the other battleships in the series are typically actually quite much smaller so she's about 24 000 blocks while a typical battleship doesn't even break 10 000 blocks we distinguish this gap as six generational versus fifth generation one final thing to understand the circumstance of this event was obviously planned out as the premise of this entire playthrough so the eternity was designed and built obviously to mimic a specific halo ship but also to be immensely survivable have multiple bulkheads be incredibly tough have resources and the ability to manufacture and keep herself going by herself but she was also never really meant to be the super ship that takes on everyone by itself she was meant to function in a fleet so she has intentional weaknesses and you'll see them develop some that we designed and some that we didn't realize would manifest throughout this retelling so to speak so of course the scenario starts the eternity ends up in this new system no way to get home and with no allies no relationships nothing whatsoever and that creates the interesting dynamic this entire series is based on all right finally we got that out of the way apologies but for some people a lot of people that watch these videos typically they don't know the backstory and that's kind of important to understand i'll go through my thought process because i don't know if you know i am the one the captain of the eternity's advent and i go through a lot of my thought processes because we have about a week between moves and we have to plan things out so on and so forth so as the eternity landed in system we found ourselves in between a minor or major war between two of the main factions the cdf civilian defense force and the riders upon arriving in the system we ended up in an interesting situation where we were mistakenly attacked by a rider squadron who thought we were a cdf vessel and the battle was quite interesting we were very inexperienced rolling into this with only one or two mock test battles before this to kind of get a vibe for how the ship handled going into it my current battle strategy was very much to leverage our very high effective hp pool for the lack of a better term to move fairly slowly in space engineers term only about 30 meters per second relative and to rely on the main batteries of 10 barrels each of the 400 millimeter weapon the largest turret in our server and to engage enemies with that it has at this point fairly terrible accuracy past 100 meters even though they can range out to about 19 000 meters however due to the combination of at this time destroyers being the dominant enemy force with most capitals really only being brawling style vessels we found this tactic worked very well so in the multiple times we were engaged the plan of action was simple we stay fairly still and stationary you know about 30 meters a second and we range out our manual fire weapons to about 1200 meters and you know farther if we get a chance the end result is that we were not very hyper offensive and we weren't that lethal but enemies would eventually need to commit to the fight or suffer slow attrition early on most factions did not know how to deal with us thus we would win most battles simply by being a behemoth of a force and this early tactic worked quite well and our first battles proved quite successful as the cdf and rider war progressed the eternity was in a weird position we were not allies with either side because we didn't really trust them however there was one big fear that was beginning to materialize the reality was quickly forming that the cdf was not happy with us just waltzing through their territory so we begin to devise emergency contingencies to fight the cdf myself and ace my exo discussed the reality of this war and we had several plans laid out we were already observing the effects of the rider versus the cdf war and the riders were very capital ship centric and they used a very similar strategy to us not necessarily slow moving but a united single squadron moves slowly together and unleashes heavy firepower however the issue is the cdf quickly found out that even with a inferior force they could surround this slow-moving relatively slow-moving clump of ships and close in at the same time and while one of the ships might take the brunt of it typically the one that got there slightly ahead of everyone else the surrounding nature of this attack would quickly overwhelm the capital ships in the center and they would get attraded sometimes they would win sometimes they would just get really messed up but at the end of the day the cdf was able to leverage destroyers to take out cruisers and hire because the strategy functioning didn't work we view this as very similar to what we were doing initially where we didn't very move very much and we used heavier weapons to kind of leverage that into a win we decided this wasn't going to work even before the first bat the first cdf battle was fought our goal was to do what is functioning called a spoiling attack we noticed that the cdf like to surround their target and then close in simultaneously we theorized that if we allowed the cdf to begin surrounding us and kind of played into this they would want to use the strategy however before the trap was sprung because there were fairly new at pvp as well we could do that spoiling attack and go immediately out of nowhere all in on a singular target and then we would go from one target to the next until the battle was one functionally putting the cdf on the back foot in practice this worked exceedingly well the cdf who had never fought the eternity to this point were not ready for us to switch up our strategy while we were heavily outnumbered we ever we were able to put on heavy pressure never allowing the cdf to spring that noose or fully surround us and attack simultaneously instead because they were spread out and trying to collapse upon us this ended up in a situation with a lot of their ships being spread out and we could use this to our advantage and go from one ship to the next this victory allowed us to heavily damage the squadron that was deployed against us in the opening stages of the war when the cdf declared war on us and resulted in the famous destroyed cutlass destroyer which ended up actually being a rally cry for the cdf for the rest of the war remember the cutlass because we we blew it up pretty bad however after this battle there were some concerning signs beginning to set in we had received actually moderate damage against what amounted to be a destroyer only squadron while we won this battle we were but a lone vessel deep in enemy territory and our most successful battle was one destroyer destroyed only at the time the cdf this was unaware to us had about 60 destroyers available to them while they had no capital ships at this time and 20 of these destroyers or so were tied up in the rider war that still left a large amount of destroyers available to ruin our day in retrospect it was about two to three distorter squadrons that were dedicated at containing us and the results quickly materialized even in this first battle and for sure with the second battle that followed up almost immediately the eternity was not being defeated but we were beginning to feel the effects of prolonged combat without a support fleet while the eternity did have the ability to support herself by her own assemblers large crew and we had about eight people we were beginning to burn through our ice reserves which was harder to get ammo was down to thirty percent main battery was down to ten percent about two thousand shells and our metal grids which ended up being a reoccurring theme were almost utterly depleted for those that don't play space engineers metal grid is what is needed to make heavy armor and the ship really relies on our heavy armor more so than our shields for balance reasons the eternity actually has almost no shields they're mainly there for convenience factor so we made the decision that we needed to focus around resources to potentially win this war so we headed over to a moon and went into orbit and deep detached a ground team to well to get resources however while we were in orbit of the moon before sending that team down we decided we needed to buy more time if we just hung out in the orbit of the moon with half of our team on the ground well we would be in a very vulnerable position so we decided to preemptively strike since the war was already going and attacked a nearby staging area another four destroyers and now a forward operating base this time however things did not go nearly as well and we may have bitten off more than we chewed we tried the same strategy again right we do that spoiling attack when the cdf tried to surround us however the cdf was a cunning foe and they've practiced this and they saw our previous strategy which in retrospect maybe we shouldn't have reused but this time they were able to spring the noose really fast we're talking under two minutes and this was not this was too little time for us to try to counter it with a spoiling attack we weren't ready for it so while we were kind of able to get on ships it happened roughly at the same time as we got encircled at about 2000 meters and fire would begin to pour in from all directions and while the eternity is an immensely powerful and survivable ship we had multiple issues on hand number one destroyers were actually really relief really fast especially if the ship was moving laterally relative to us and our gun battery was trying to engage it that's a lot of relative movement we also found out that the eternity's ass her thruster pack in the rear was also a massive weak spot which was an easy location for ships to swing behind at and hide in and rest quote unquote like get get re-established or simply deal a lot of damage in an unprotected area with no armor this is about when the capital killer ddk a destroyer 1000 was deployed by the cdf this is a destroyer that instead of its medium weapons that destroyers are known for instead had a large capital-grade axial weapon the 1000 millimeter lance it is and while it is extremely less accurate than the 1500 millimeter lance that the eternity possesses it proved to be quite devastating against a very slow vessel like the eternity deployed in mass while the eternity would eventually go on to destroy the fob and another destroyer bringing us up to two destroyer kills the call was given that the eternity was taking unsubstantial unrecoverable levels of damage and the eternity retreated about the same time the cdf looked to bail out thus we actually did end up having a small window in which we could resupply on the moon while trying to repair the eternity itself ultimately we were able to get a lot of raw resources on the moon which was good we got about 50 of it onto the ship and we were attacked again and while this battle was largely confined to the lunar surface it was a really close call and the eternity once again would not be at her full store levels she was roughly at 50 now at this point it was becoming abundantly clear there weren't many strategies available to us as a large vessel against a lot of smaller vessels our goal now was to get allies and the riders would prove to be that ally so we began to transit back to the rider hq for exactly this purpose however before getting there we would link up with a rider ship a armored cruiser the midnight oil this was being chased by a cdf squadron which once again three destroyers but also a brand new cruiser that came off the line this was the autumn heavy cruiser i've actually made a video on how successful this ship was i'll have that video up here but this was actually her first deployment and it was not one of her better ones while it would prove to be one of the more successful cdf ships this would be a pretty bad day because it turned out with another armored cruiser present the eternity was able to flip the strip script from the previous destroyer-centric battles destroyers were incredibly nimble and while they couldn't really hurt the eternity as much they were able to easily suppress her however with a cruiser it turned out the eternity was actually well designed or well suited to destroying slightly slower slightly larger ships and she did exactly that upon entering the field the attorney was able to turn her main battery onto the heavy cruiser and destroy her in under 20 seconds while she would go on to limp out out of the battle it was a rough wake-up call for the cdf as their their first cruiser essentially on this front was wiped out in under 30 seconds the oil which was now acting in concert with the eternity would end up being very useful at keeping the destroyers occupied while the eternity dealt with the capital threats and then once the destroyers were all that remained the escort it turned out while you could dodge fire from one direction quite easily as soon as you had crossing fields of fire two ships the destroyers were torn apart rapidly thus with this event and the ryder cdf war going quite poorly for the riders at this point the efn eternity and the riders entered into a mutual alliance as our goals now aligned as we needed the cdf out of our hair from here several back-to-back battles occurred that led to the finale of the war we continued using a similar strategy which now was kind of revitalized as a useful strategy the cdf was still trying that noose closing technique and the eternity would simply strike before the news could close and it kind of became a battle of who could set up first however the new adaptations here came into both maneuverability strategies and changes right how to turn the script on the cdf if we allowed a ship to come in behind us we actually came up with maneuvers such that we can come about rapidly engage that ship and then kind of flip the strip on it and kind of get a cheeky kill in we also figured out how to maneuver with other allies which ended up being incredibly important as the eternity is a very much a force multiplier and that really was about it it was very small changes to a basic strategy that both sides were trying to refine however ultimately the eternity with a support fleet that was actually supporting her ended up being too much of a force multiplier and the cdf were not able to figure out a way to defeat the eternity thus the war began to conclude however before the final all-in the cdf brought something quite unique it was a ford operating base with a massive amounts of thrusters strapped to it and then four 1500 meter 1500 millimeter lance batteries these are the heaviest weapon in this universe they're quite hard to hit but they do devastating amounts of damage this combined with even a basic destroyer escort was actually enough to rapidly incapacitate the eternity these weapons would hit slightly after each other creating a staggered explosive effect and would largely mitigate the whole eternity's staggered hull design punching through multiple bulkheads into the squishy interior at this point the eternity shields were nothing but a formality and none of them ever lasted for more than 20 seconds into a fight the eternity would join up later with the battleship ravinger from the writer to finish the job against this fob with destroyer escort however this time the fob had multiple cruisers in tow and a hell of a fight broke out i'd love to give insight on what our strategy was and we we tried to come up with multiple ideas here but the end result was the leviathan kind of had us outmatched for reasons i'll get into but the only strategy that really made any sense was to take the eternity and drive right up to the fob and try to kill it faster than it could kill us so while the leviathan had similar firepower to what the eternity did what she didn't have was a massive superstructure so the eternity could take several times more damage than the leviathan could while the ravenger kind of supported us with against the cruises or the leviathan and that's basically how it played out we drove right up next to it and we basically gambled that we could take more than the leviathan could and that the leviathan would bleed out faster than the eternity which it did barely though thus with the war concluded leviathan destroyed and the cdf brought to the peace tables the eternity was towed barely alive to a rider shipyard to be repaired however in this repair we decided to introduce some upgrades to make her more adept at fighting this war while we couldn't up the shields because we didn't have the requisite materials the system just doesn't have those we were able to do some slight alterations to kind of get her up to snuff especially the last three to four battles really begin to illustrate massive fundamental issues with the eternity as a solo or duo ship the big issue was eternity relatively speaking was not dealing out that much damage she was very slow and a very big target so while gunnery crews could expect maybe 10 percent accuracy or lower at optimum engagement ranges about 1500 meters hostiles we're expecting somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 to 30 percent hit rates even at 1500 to 2000 meters which was extremely high simply because the eternity is such a big target and we would regularly even get hit at five thousand or ten thousand meters at roughly five percent hit rate this was a problem that needed to be solved the other big issue that was illustrated in this war is that the eternity actually with very little effort maybe eight destroyers ten destroyers total could be easily attributed down over two to three battles and either deplete her ammunition reserves or destroy her ability to recover or just simply attack her so fast she has no time to recover or a combination of all of these would result in a situation where the eternity function functionally would be attrited and combat ineffective after two to three battles so while she would win those battles it would not be such devastating wins that the cdf with their massive destroyer reserve couldn't keep us pinned down or hypothetically any enemy the eternity also had no allies at this point the riders had a large change in ethos and leadership and left the efn alliance while forming a new alliance with the cdf the coa with that there was a huge russell on the efn side of things myself and the officers had to discuss had to figure out how to solve these problems rapidly on the combat side of things we did a couple things for starters we really went all in on the eternity's main battery it was the main casualty inflicting weapon and it also gave us breathing room because ships would be especially novice ships pilots would be unwilling to close to close quarter ranges with us so we added five more barrels to that her main lance battery that axial weapon while less useful is extremely niche but relevant when preventing other capital ships from just vibe checking us at point blank range if someone comes super close we just hit him with the lance which is about the effective range of it and we upgraded that from two barrels to four most importantly however eternity's targeting and tracking computer was upgraded and we had an automated script for us such that when targets closed within a certain range we could switch to computer tracking uh and our guns would be very accurate in cqb which is actually weirdly enough where pilots or gunners have trouble aiming because they're so close and the traversal rate just doesn't work out we also this is a real life thing the the weapon pack we were using had the velocity of the main battery weapon buffed by a significant amount alongside secondary weapons also being buffed across the board not just for the eternity but for everyone this had an interesting scaling effect in that the eternity was already being hit so much that an increase in accuracy by the weapons going faster actually didn't end up doing as much to the eternity as the eternity would do to other ships because now it was actually feasible that we could take out destroyers in rapid fashion on the flip side we also switched our strategy while most of season one our goal was always centered around how do we win battles at this point it was discussed upon the with the officers what we should do and the ultimate conclusion was we can't win battles anymore we cannot win 1v4s so well we could maybe squeak out a win in the first battle we would almost certainly lose the second battle due to attrition so our plan is completely flipped however let me back up a bit and kind of spell the situation i mentioned that the efn was kicked out of the rider alliance but it's important to understand how that exactly played out in the opening stages of season 2 a hostile faction had attacked the coa peace conference and branded itself as the new enemy the efn actually was very on board in joining this war and plans were being drawn up on how we would integrate with the coa command structure right the riders in the cdf however we wanted some assurances that we would get something out of this war because ultimately this wasn't necessarily our enemy and the cdf and writers weren't necessarily our friends this was just an alliance of convenience and we wanted something to ensure we would get something out of this and not be taken advantage of in taking the brunt of the war right we were here to reestablish the gate back to earth that is our ultimate win condition and this war didn't really further that however the return communication right this was all happening in real time in real life right we're sending information back and forth was very spicy it was a triple whammy for the lack of a better term number one effective immediately eternity was removed from the alliance making her once again a lone faction and a lone ship the coa issued in no uncertain terms that we may not traverse coa space which for the record is all the space the eternity has been in thus far she will be escorted to the edge of the system for her safety and have a large force escort her at all times as something to protect us air quotes however from the efn side this was very much viewed as a babysitting force to prevent us from doing anything we obviously declined that babysitting force however the real fear became when the cdf also began construction on a battleship myself and the officer corps viewed these actions as hostile in conjunction in nature and while once again that battleship would likely and could likely be used in the current war against the cons we had almost zero doubt at this point it would be used against us after the fact so the question quickly came how what do we do right we have our mission and that's build the jump gate we have a higher purpose that is to get back to earth and reconnect the system however at this time we are presented with a very difficult problem to solve we cannot beat the riders we cannot beat the cdf and we certainly can't beat both of them together right it wouldn't even be close that much was clear the cdf was building a battleship which would absolutely even prevent our ability to navigate through the system and would functionally spell lights out we came at it from both angles on the diplomatic end we offered to help build multiple cruisers that would sum more than the battleship offered once again to help in this new war that was forming however this quickly went nowhere the cdf insisted that the single battleship was critical for this new war effort but also in the same breath said the eternity was absolutely not needed for this war effort and it should not consider coming to the front line simultaneously three cdf squadrons were returning from the front lines to intercept the eternity who was patrolling near the cdf shipyard where this battleship was being constructed on the back end we came up with a contingency plan we opened up secret communications with the rider leadership we still had some relationship with though not nearly as much as we originally did and we requested that they stay out of a potential ensuing conflict while we weren't technically allies the riders did have some benefits in the cdf being taken down a notch more importantly as long as the riderships were not present on the same tile even if they went back on their word we would have a reactionary period to get things done thus we developed a plan that what we would put into effect a secondary ship that we had at this point called the constellation would destroy a local trade station followed up by pushing up one tile and then detonating herself against a local ford operating base the eternity would destroy the fob and the battleship that on the tile she was currently at which she could do fairly easily this would instantly the cdf's ability to have a functioning war economy however after that instead of continuing to fight or surrendering we would engage in a guerrilla warfare style thing something we've never done before we would never stay in a location long enough for a squadron to kind of pin us down in a fight and if we did get pinned down our goal would not be to win it would just be to disengage the goal was simply to destroy the cdf infrastructure enough to bring them to the negotiating table all before the riders would change their mind and potentially join in luckily and ultimately this never came to pass but it was an interesting case where the efn navy us the eternity crew had a drastic shift in our gameplay and strategies gone were the days where we could realistically even take on half of a faction and ahead on conflict instead we needed to shift our game plan from to be much more smart and precise with our moves however the cdf eventually relented probably seeing the writing on the wall of what we were planning to do or maybe even the writers leaked what we were going to do which ultimately ended up being for the better because they relented and the efn was in conjunction with the coa rushed to the front and the battle strip was under our eyes deconstructed our first battle of the season would come soon thereafter it's worth noting at this point we had almost no experience fighting the snow f new foe and we decided to go back to an old classic if the enemy comes at us we aggressively try to isolate a single enemy and kill one move to the next kill the next kill the next kill the next this was obviously a very basic strategy but this foe had never really fought us before so we thought it could functionally work this obviously no longer works against the cdf riders but we were hoping we could get a free win out of it here and we were very practiced with this strategy so ultimately it ended up working however it's important to understand when we fought the cons with this strategy it was one cruiser and frigates it almost didn't work and this much weaker formation compared to what we were used to fighting compared to the cdf a far bigger run for our money and we really struggled to convert it into a win they used very clever jump side tactics developed on the spot to kind of evade us constantly while slowly inflicting damage while eventually we were able to flip the script and catch them on a jump and force them to retreat we would get heavily damaged in the process and lose a friendly cdf vessel present on tile that being said we did knock out four ke frigates from here it was rapidly obvious that the coa ke war was going down the drain that is the larger coa was losing heavily to the ke it was decided once again uh in the office of court that instead of pushing to the front line and trying to kind of peck away at that stalemate we would instead if we'll trade in the back and do what we knew how to do best be a pain in the ass in the enemy's rear soon thereafter upon arriving the ke while they weren't able to deploy heavy assets as ever all of them were tied up on the front they were able to deploy multiple frigate-based qrf forces and while none of them were really able to bring us to our knees they were able to atridus deal damage to our hull use up our ammunition use up our valuable hydrogen and more and this was quickly looking like a ray one of season one where we simply lose to the lose because of our inability to continue the fight over a long time however the script once again got flipped metaphorical script by the way it wasn't actually scripted the cdf faction fell to the ke in what is at this point the largest military operation to date 15 ships alongside two battleships wiped out the cdf faction at their capital and the faction functionally collapsed with this red flags went off we had to get to work and we made a beeline for the con capital because no longer would the slow attritional behind enemy lines thing work to destroy this faction because we knew those battleships were probably coming towards us with our name on it so we tried to get to the the capital to force a uh a rapid surrender it's worth noting at this point we actually linked up with a rider vessel called the armored cruiser vesuvius or armored cruiser vesuvius and she would tally along with us uh crewed by rider pows which we discovered at ake shipyard when we approached the doorstep of the khan capital ward we were met by a cruiser two destroyers and then a second contingent that went planetside for something that developed we sent the vesuvius to deal with the planetary forces and the eternity would handle the cruiser and two destroyers on paper this was a fight we were not very confident in taking we've had fights like this in the past and the cons proved very adept at dealing with us with just frigates so now that they had real firepower on the table we were pretty sure our old strategy would not work we instead developed a new strategy this doesn't really have a name we just came up with it it's called the the circle battle doctrine i guess if you want to call it typically what would happen is we would gage in a circle battle with the enemy one ship if you can imagine it one ship is going clockwise and then directly across from it that other ship is also going clockwise so we're doing a giant orbit path around us while engaging each other the orbit size with the diameter would be roughly 1500 meters to 3000 meters give or take of where in that circle we were and we would trade blows it's kind of like a fighter one turn battle however unlike with fighters where enemies try to get behind the enemy we would not want that to happen so while we could potentially get behind the enemy or they could potentially get behind us our goal was to preserve the circle battle to always continue that circle strafe thus anytime they tried to close the circle we would extend the circle and anytime they tried to extend the circle we would close the circle thus always keeping it at that fifteen to three thousand meter range this heavily played into our strength because while we were a bigger target and while we wouldn't win in these straight up fights anymore because we would get fire saturated what we did win at was gunnery skill we had the best gunnery cruise in the series or in the the server and we were able to at a dictated range of about 1500 to 2000 meters we were able to bring more fire upon an enemy than they were relatively speaking on us functionally speaking it ended up roughly being the same because our ship is so large but we were able to take that damage while the enemy was not but we also did a lot of practice with our pilots to do a circle battle with our nose turned towards the enemy and using inertial dampeners off thus if our nose was profiled hot on the enemy but we were going sideways we would continue our circle battle but we would prevent actually a very small profile to the enemy due to how the eternity is designed not much larger than a cruiser at that point in theory all ships could jump us simultaneously but in the opening couple battles that we tried this at this proved incredibly difficult to execute on and often would lose a ship that attempted to do this a while later down the line the battleship squadron finally arrived from transit and we tried this tactic one more time however we had learned from season one don't do the same tactics more than twice and we put a slight spin on it this time we try to get into that circle battle again however when the call was given instead of trying to maintain the circle at 15 to 2000 meters we closed the circle to as close as humanly possible the goal was when the decision was made and the opportunity was right we would close and kill the enemy battleship and this worked out okay well ultimately we were able to force the enemy battleship and cruiser to retreat thus kind of winning the battle air quotes we weren't able to destroy it and that was ultimately the goal and we gave up a lot to do it we took a fair amount of damage in return but more importantly we were doing something else at the time escorting civilians from the cons and we lost three out of the five civilian vessels only two remained this taught us another valuable lesson with respect to the cdf and riderships con ships are something else they just don't die and while we were able to very often take a con ship from 100 functionality to 20 functionality basically combat ineffective going that last 20 to kill the ship took three to five times more effort than it took to get to that point thus far thus we were quickly finding in battle after battle committing for a kill would often lose us elsewhere on the battlefield this led us to the final iteration of the eternity battle plan engage in a circle battle at optimal weapon range trade blows that we could afford to sustain but the enemy could not and once we decide we would close in and go for an air quotes kill however once the decision was made we would disengage consolidate with the rest of the formation the vesuvius and close in on the other enemies and repeat the process this would lead to a situation where we wouldn't kill any of the enemies but we would have put effective fire down in a rapid fashion that most of the enemy forces would be weapon stripped and they'd be forced to pull off the battle space thus winning us the fight this happened in practice this is exactly actually how it happened in practice we got into a circle fight with the battleship then we began to close with the battleship and she obviously wanted to reopen the circle because they've kind of mimicked our strategy to a degree and obviously developed their own she would then begin to flee we would engage her she would begin to really start to flee you know our circle battle turned into just a straight line chase and then we would just about face and consolidate with our cruiser and we won that battle and this brings us to the finale the final iteration of the battle plan that i actually don't want to spoil you'll have to see it because it will probably be coming out fairly soon after this video there's something to be considered here that it's very hard to put into video form and the retelling of what we did but the eternity for starters has never been part of a larger squadron so we can never really implement highly sophisticated strategies all of our strategies thus far by design have been very simplistic because a simplistic battle or simplistic plan is versatile and more importantly it's easy for everyone to follow because most of the complexity of the eternity battle plan and ability to win or lose comes with how our crew works together and how we execute on a basic plan thus we always make sure to have extremely simplistic plans compared to perhaps one of the other factions in the series and our success generally doesn't rely on the quality of the plan although it does to a degree it relies on our ability to handle curveballs and mistakes so that's kind of where we've come so far hopefully our journey isn't over yet but this is how the eternity has throughout straight up a year of this stuff never been brought to the point where she's utterly lost now we have lost fights we have retreated from battles but we have never gotten to the point where we've been cornered and destroyed and i think a lot of that involves our flexibility in the battle space our ability of our officers to talk together come up with variable battle plans go back to old battle plans and more all right that's i've been talking for quite some time thanks for watching if this was interesting to you consider watching this series where these events occur organically and regularly who knows this might be entertaining to you for those who are already a part of this adventure and have watched it for some time now consider supporting it to continue the existence of this thing it isn't cheap to run the server and it's a lot of time and effort however every little bit helps so if you're feeling generous cool and if not no worries regardless thanks for watching i appreciate the support thus far later guys
Channel: GetBrocked
Views: 1,415,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space engineers, survival, letsplay, funny, chill, roleplay, story, series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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