ANVIL Vs. CAR from 165m Swiss Dam!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Force = mass*g = 35kg*9.81m/s^2= 343 N
Potential Energy = mass*g*height = 35*9.81*165 = 5659 J
Since PE at the top is converted to KE at the bottom, thats the energy the anvil is carrying

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/James_its_valtteri 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2022 🗫︎ replies
you won't believe it we're back in Switzerland and look tiny dab everyone look how hard that is we have a mega series planned here and the first is a beauty we're starting with a giant game of dance or something it's like we've got a big there was always dancing this is a pseudo dart board sudo there's a hoop everyone needs to talk at the top folks is a serious array of items which are going to do some very big time damage on all these things so competition but who's gonna go first [Applause] yes I will Ascend I'll get the first selection for winning The Rock off I'm selecting part three I really like having the Rock and the hammer let's get into it pretty much the s'more the item is the more points it's worth so you're getting 20 for the drums the dunny shaving cream spray paint 10 for these big horses five for that monster 20 for the hoop but triple 20 if you make a shot Rexy bullseye's 50 25 for the Gerald mannequin bowling ball will be in hand first up there's something classic about the bowling ball in the stand Karen we are good brother far away three two he's off we're away it's down there it is guys there it is whistling whistling oh backside a car the car bomb I saw something something went flying bowling balls gone ten points Aaron you've hit the car on the board first up not a bad start what are you gonna go next big rock coming down big rock in hand boys three two one rock out there it is folks oh he's collected trampolines trampoline got absolutely KO didn't stand a chance oh he's put a hole in our match the dog that's five points buddy straight up to 15 after two throws thank you next up watermelon oh and I've heard it's a horse yeah she's a big girl give me a white guess how heavy I'm struggling to hold it in one hand I'm gonna say it's in Double Dead Oh double ditch Milly three two one melon foreign that's more metal drum kit oh [Applause] no it hasn't it's knocked the drums over but it hasn't hit them look at this crater that'll be 20 points for shaving cream I mean he might have almost hit the shaving cream I don't know where that was boys did you see the cans fly about 30 meters that is conclusive that's 20 points to get the points you do definitely need a direct hit We Believe most likely that was a direct hit we can't overrule it it wouldn't be fair it wouldn't be right Aaron you've been good so far what's up next yeah three for three now go four for four with my hammer it's a blacksmithing Hammer that's actually been brought to us all the way from Germany by Nicholas and Philip from Angeli they've driven four hours to bring that and also but probably more importantly the anvils that we're going to be dropping so I want to say a big shout out to them if you want blacksmithing stuff there you men Hammer Time see what's falling pretty good oh could be a juicy donut no points of water for Mr Heron just miss the car literally by a whisker boys 18 kilo dumbbell coming down next oh dummy Dumbo I'll do some damage send her down oh dumbbell Ahoy oh there it is what's it doing what's it doing that was close to Rex very near oh he's middle the spray paint and Rexy mannequins it's in the Bermuda Triangle thing boys got my last item Anvil is up it's 35 flipping kilos heaviest and the weather they had on the channel it's gonna be like a three two one and then I'm just gonna push it and shove it and see what happens all right two one that could be car oh Jeepers Creepers it's down yes oh look at the flipping Crater where is it so I know what I'm up against later [Music] a lot a lot sometimes like these I wish I went to the gym you got a zero however we've decided each person's gonna get two anvils so I Anvil number two coming out now last chance for points from Heron he started hot just developed a little bit of a cold you know yeah he has tested negative to covert though it's been good three two all right what this could be Anvil versus car hit that car hit that car hit that car yep coming down oh definitely got car but a bing butter boom that will be in the back seat where is it oh there it is oh it's in there ah Jeepers it's made of mess of it unlock hey we're in Golden's getting a call on the face time hey just don't get in the car on the way up when Michael's not talking it means there's a lot of effort oh well done sir Harry and I award you 10 points 45 on the board hopefully it'll be enough parents coming down who's going up bang bang bang oh no you know I just thought Ganson has been going to the Rock a bit lately the important thing is that I will get my turn I just need to wait this is my pile I'm gonna kick it off with the exercise ball full of a lot of water probably 30 liters in this bad boy and if I can meddle something points are plenty Sonny's around and Scott is just baking in the sun Lord fill me with vitamin D thank you Lord amen by the way can you guys seriously consider buying my sunnies can we get the price down a bit yeah I could drop it even further what are they on now I think they're at 44.95 what do you want come on give us some value we got a 20 us you want drugs what if I give them 34.95 USD no no 32 32 45 49 USD 3220 32 25 it's done 32 25 years eight two one well that's a good line that could be Rex you know oh my God yes there it is oh boy oh boy George [Music] what just smoked Rexy first up you dog hold on 75 points it is a manic scene at the moment he really middle the thing I'm not sure but I believe I've just collected 75 big ones what the heck are you on about you don't get both did I miss Rexy that means you get 50. you don't also get the 25 of the mannequin get stuffed I've taken them both out you proved to me I haven't hit the mannequin I mean think about in dark Snapper you hit the middle you don't also get the outer rim so you are fair income taking the 75 away from me at this point I am not taking anything away from you I am giving you 50 points for hitting Rexy go on so are you on board with this Heron thing absolutely I mean zero doubt I mean you should be thrilled with 50. instead he's spitting chips because he didn't get 70. the cheek to immediately think he's in 75 is beyond me viewers I'm gonna put it over to you hit us up in the comments was hashtag Stanford treated unfairly do you think that warranted 75 I think it did is anyone with Stanford on that anyone at all is there anyone in the world and if you are with Stanford you're also wrong [Music] Rex has been murdered the Danny still worth 50 but if he collects both he's not come on settle down Stanford 50 only it's what you hit first if you hit Rexy first 50. 20 there will be no aggregation Lads I'm going the bowling ball three two one there it is it's out give it a good push the whistle oh hey drum kit he is on fire the boy cannot be stopped that's that is that 20. that's another 20. I'm up to 70 here I'm flying up the board I mean that's not right is it this one that doesn't work anymore no as you are probably already well aware Stanford another 20 for you somehow turned off as you're probably well aware Stanford it's good feeling that's to be honest yeah good one yeah yeah whatever up next is the Kettlebell give me a home among the gum trees at this road I'm gonna have nothing to aim at 16 kilograms I'd hate to pick this up at the gym but happy to drop it here this is quite like a masculine video isn't it just smash stuff yeah just throw stuff down smash it watch it your testosterone pumping I think it's peaking I'd love to have a live testosterone graft put it on my fancy watch what's testosterone measured in grams per tonne does anyone up there know what uh testosterone levels are measured in here we go boy [Applause] we'll tell ya there's a donation there's a donut I think you fell short which I could have predicted with his little yesterday little Olive arms so that's what getting zero feels like hello is um Dr Mike there yeah how is it oh good yeah thanks I am well yeah bro I just um I've got a telephone down here so I'm just having I just called you up that's some that's some good that's some good work boys right for Stanford to get a donut after his first two whereas all up and about you know it's a bit of a reality just back down the planet Earth welcome I have a javelin up here and I dearly love to throw it I'm a hot wind from the desert a cool breeze from the south what song is that I'm the mountain in the valleys the city of Australia are you writing episode I think I think so whoa that goes jabby hey come see it damn can't see it hit the damn oh is it now a shepherd's little that's a circle Little Hook it's a hockey stick it's the hockey stick it's a sickle no oh this is what the dentist use oh and the plaque out it does actually look kind of like my toothpicks or does it get the nose it's a ski oh it is a ski go on some ghosts that's the best one yet go on and if you can catch a piece of melon of any size on the full I'll give you 10 points to kick start your round what about Heron oh yeah he can have ten too I will happily Shake uh hand yeah deal three two one oh no I just missed a bit this could have been mine except it's dirt oh there is Stanford's melon Landing what is the absolutely 90. yeah it's big is that it is that it for him no I still got I can handle to come a couple handles too how about we give a negative 100 if your name starts with B boys I'm about to pick up the Anvil I'm actually gonna have a go at the swimming pool swimming pool why is that Sanford honestly I just want to see a big splash I feel like you're really overconfident and not backing in how good Scott could be well I'm also looking at length and like I just don't know how I'm getting anywhere else that is true noodle arms and I mean I'd rather hit the pool and hit the car would you want me to having to go with the triple 20. uh you're backing yourself in Stanford go for the pool especially would be cool three two one oh I've missed right no oh wow crater stand for zanfill number two coming down now it's out boy oh boy that doesn't get old how's the noise oh wow couldn't explain it wasn't aiming for him but we'll take it stuff me stand for the 110 and Scott with a lot to do I will head up and also tuck into a succulent Panini couldn't quite get the Panini out but never mind gonna have some fun before goingson starts throwing I don't have any more fun you beat me hey it's true we hit 1 million subscribers in 2017 and to celebrate we sprayed up a car and then absolutely destroyed it and that sort of inspired this concept now we have super sized it because we've added in all these other things recently we did pass 10 million subs and we should just spray paint the car just a little we're not going to go overboard we've got to sneeze thank you Lord maybe a follow-up yep just a sensational job by Stanford and Heron we've got the 10 plus million because you know we're already on 11 something we have Heron gonson Stanford 44. we've dropped a how good anorexia on the back I can see a clear 4-4 from up here it's fairly glorious boys first up is going to be the sporting basketball and this folding appears we're off hey settle down oh no oh go on some starts with the donut when life gives you donut spores you give watermelons in the large variety back so you're like trying to go the watermelon lemon sort of vibe then there's a weird analogy that's right Derek the watermelon is equivalent to the lemonade and the lemon is equivalent to the donut [Laughter] s to them and boys do I explained that principle again oh oh what the hit go on son you have had a trampoline frame schnicko Five Points to you you're off the Mark or was it a 20-pointer boys I definitely also collected the exercise lucky we have a high speed camera in the back of a car we will review it is absolutely conclusive that it only hit trampoline frame and then fragments pushed the exercise ball oh what's wrong Mama some exceptional work from here right I gonson what item's up next you've got 105 points to go I'm gonna go the bowling ball boys take my hood off for super Focus mode here we go you good thing no that's another five points that is so stinky I know there's a spare bowling ball up there gonson so my proposal to you is you can have another attempt at a bowling ball but you have to go back to zero is it worth it the gaunts and brain is a mysterious Enigma I'm going to take you up on the offer boys risk it for the biscuit let's do it oh good I think this one's going through the hoop surely not surely not oh no five more points trampoline is cooked he hit the twice for no points those he ends this I'm fine after all money he didn't even have to his school that trampoline looks mangled it is but it did bounce that makes me really happy good because your neck game from the bowling ball is zero points I had fun there yeah and look sometimes that's the most important thing if you don't want to win these people are gonna be like what the heck is he doing this damn's kind of public and there's just people about and I'm just I've got a log in my hands and it's just it's a real awkward conversation it's like YouTube Do You Know YouTube we make video uh please Don't Judge Me these gentlemen ready how we looking ladies Here Comes groot's leg cousin of groot's bum konichiwa oh I've gone big oh that's trampoline surely congratulations next one will be a shot put boys jack I think this one will be a good one to frame up the basketball hoop it I'm going for 60 points because let's be frank everyone I need it shot put it big boy shot the pot come on do something good oh boys that is so close to being good and yet so bad here we go folks without oh it's a big hoof oh hello oh straight to the dust boot that has collected car oh he's knocked the door open and the fuel cap right on the 44. go on some because you can't actually win no matter what you hit we're coming up with anvils and we're bringing a few people with us to rain down bowling balls I'm going to do a big throw down all at the same time it's gonna be epic yeah I fully agree there's no point me throwing for nothing everyone is here and we have an artillery that could take down a small army hope you enjoy it hope you've loved the video let's go three two one go [Applause] and Stumpy wow Sensational video more coming to you from Switzerland subscribe is going to be flipping epic 44 Club love you bye
Channel: How Ridiculous
Views: 18,050,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how ridiculous, rexy, 44club
Id: qL1CCn4bplo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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