Fusion 360 - Whats New Sculpting -Season 3

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welcome to what's new in fusion 360 sculpting this is where you get to laugh at my artistic skills as i said earlier i have been on a 12 month holiday break from fusion 360 and this is the chance to catch up on all the awesome work that the development team have been doing in that time period but we're going to slow down we're going to make sure that no man or woman is left behind so uh with that skull please [Music] hello everyone my name is lars christensen and thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video my goal is to get us all caught up in what's new in fusion 360 because let's be honest unless you're a power user there's a chance that you missed a couple or maybe you just wondered why you will need any of these if you like this video do me a favor give it a thumbs up if you don't that's okay give it a thumbs down leave me a comment i'm back and reading the comments so please go ahead and do that and also down in the description area there's a new way you can reach me by email if you so desire so with that let's jump into fusion360 and talk about sculpting all right so as in the two previous what's new i am going to add a little bit more on it here just because i feel like that some people if you're especially if you're new uh maybe the sculpt environment might be one of those you never really have played around with and i i warn you up front and say that you know i am not uh the best person in this workspace either this is definitely something the more you use it the better you get but what i've done is i took a picture of my daughter's uh little rubber duck for uh bath time and i have imported these images in this canvases and i did this um in last video so you can go and watch that and kind of see how you done it so what i've done is i brought one in here as kind of the front view there is also if i turn another one on over here we have a a front view and i've kind of just lined them up the best i could size-wise just kind of scale them up to what i think that the side view kind of fit very well with it with the top view and then there's also a uh kind of a top view here and i just took these pictures with my cell phone uh it's not the greatest quality um but it should be good enough for us to uh to kind of have some fun with uh hopefully and uh hopefully you'll learn a couple of tricks or two if you are already familiar with the sculpt environment then um then maybe maybe this video is not for you but all right let's dive into it here and i'll show the what's new functions as we we're going along i'm gonna go ahead here and just uh hide um our our two of them the front or the the front facing one will be the left side and the top view for a second and we're gonna jump into this to the sculpt environment or create form environment sitting up here so i'm in the standard design menu and i'm just going to go ahead and create new form and you get a different options in there and again if this is a new workspace for you just lean back sit down see kind of like what you can do with it maybe you can pick up a couple of tricks um and i'll highlight some of the new functions as we're going along the main thing is that up here we have some i don't know what we call those perimeter shapes we already have some existing shapes and then the biggest thing is this modify drop down here there's a lot in here we're going to be using some of the different functions in here and this is really kind of like the toolbox for this um folders here i'm going to start out by just creating a box so i'm going to left click on that i'm going to select the kind of the top plane here and i'm going to sketch out what's going to be like a rectangle and i know that i want to keep it around 100 millimeters and i don't really care about the width so i'm just going to hit ok to that and we end up getting getting this box now um let me hide this side you will see me click over here all the time so um there is generally three different ways that we can manipulate this one in here right click and you have this added form tool that comes up and there's three kind of ways that i normally do it one is to just select the face and when you select the face you get this little dialogue you've probably seen that before you can grab a arrow and you can start pulling that way you can grab the op arrow it's not pulling that way what you many times will see me do is i actually grab this little box here and then you can kind of drag it wherever you you kind of want it and also be aware of that this little soccer right here on the corner is actually a scaling function what can be uh be kind of handy too so that's how that little triad works but you can use it on a on a face like what we have here you can also select an edge and kind of works the same way but now instead of selecting the whole face you're only pulling on that edge ctrl undo to undo that or the last one that i use a lot is actually a point so now you're only pulling in that point that is the general ways that we are working with the sculpt environment now another thing that as i go up to kind of like an isometric thing another thing that is nice to know is that symmetry can be extremely helpful in this workspace and you will see me turn that on and off from time to time it's sitting right up here it's kind of a mirror function and what it means if i click on that function then you would answer be selecting two faces and whatever faces you select in between that will be the mirror line so if i select this face and this face you see that i get kind of like a green line around here and that will give me um that will give me symmetry around that axis what means to show it easily if i right click and hit edit form and i select this face and i drag this arrow here you can kind of see that i get this symmetry going that way same thing if i went up and selected here i would get the symmetry on both uh those those sides so that green line kind of like becomes the the divider for symmetry so that is a good thing to kind of like know when you're working in in this environment all right so i'm going to turn our side view back on here and what you will normally do is that you will start kind of grabbing things and start moving uh these things around so if i right click and hit edit form i could select this edge here and drag that little square up and you can see how i can kind of work with the tail um and i can grab a point and you can try to move it but the cool thing about sculpt this you can see everything is kind of staying tangent so whenever i select something everything is staying tendon to it so i can kind of start you can start dragging things around that's what you're doing in this workspace you're really dragging things so now i'm kind of trying to match um this shape here with my silhouette of this rubber duck now as i'm getting down here to the tail where i started out i can see that it's getting a little difficult for me to kind of get this arc here so you can insert um you can insert edges so let me just go up in an isometric view here so what i can do is you can go into modify and you can insert more edges to uh to this now i have the symmetry on so this line actually also going to happen over here but what you will notice is that when i'm clicking i'm just doing this by eye when i'm placing this line here you will see that everything changes shape let me insert another one right click repeat insert edge so now i'm going to select this edge and hit ok you will see how everything updates in relation to that because it's constantly keeping this continuity in this workspace what is what is great but it also means and this is where the more time you spend in here the better you're gonna get it also means that all the adjustments that i had done into this point could potentially be ruined because i'm inserting in more lines so you will find people when they are working in this workspace and at a form that you many times find yourself going ahead and kind of re-organizing things after you have inserted a few things because you kind of almost almost have to do that um so so i guess that my my point with this is that you you kind of almost have to rough it in and then kind of come back later on and insert more points and finding out kind of like how you want to how you want to work with this now a new thing in that that came in this year so you've seen me now using this edit form quite a bit and i think you kind of got a feeling about how i can pull with it well we actually also now in the edit form sitting right here in the modifier there's also now an edit curve so this is a brand new tool uh in in this and what that will do is it would actually create more like if you're familiar to working with splines so what i can do is if i select this edge and hold down control and i select this whole almost like a spline edge here let me turn the dock off for a second um you get spline handles like you maybe have been seeing before like if you're working with splines so now i can actually kind of control the shape by dragging um these handles instead and it works more like a spline than it does when you are just pulling with it and can give you maybe a little bit more control as you're working as you're working with this so this is new and um i think that's kind of super super cool you can you can use this especially if you're familiar with splines i think that you will you would like that this tool is here so that's what's new that you can now edit by curve and not by creating these different points now back to kind of uh the introduction of this so this this here um it's not perfect but i kind of like the shape of this and and kind of happy with this now what you will notice is that if i turn on our top view and we go and look at that that this looks nothing um like the shape the shadow in here so this is a perfect example of when you start messing around with this even if we turn on the front then we maybe go and look at the front view here we can also see here that we are definitely not following these so this is again what we just worked on was the side view now where we are looking at in the front we're going to have to edit everything again so i'm going to do that just because i want to show you so i'm going to go in here and select um some areas in here to work with so maybe i go in and select kind of this faces here and kind of start dragging that around a little bit so what i'm thinking is that this rubber duck it kind of looks like it has some shoulders right here now these wings i might try to do those um as a separate kind of um that would maybe be a separate entity right i'm kind of just working with the with the front here and that maybe lines up pretty good with the body and then i could always um add some some additions to this here now if you go and look at the back i'm clearly that's a wide wide connection for for the back of a dock uh again maybe i would go in and insert some edges maybe from here i can select two edges here you maybe insert some edges here hit okay now again that updates everything what can sometimes throw you off but that might gives me give me enough to kind of start making what i would think would be more of what i would be looking for here maybe we take kind of make it a little narrower and select all right kind of bring that up a little bit on the back there so it looks like that if we go up and look at the top view so we kind of have the wings there that definitely shows me that i got to do something around here now again this is the area where i could just be spending so much time trying to to figure out kind of how i want to how i want to line all all this up here and this is definitely where practice practice makes faster another thing i want to show you that is a kind of a neat tool so now i kind of almost have like this the chest is almost it's not hard enough um another tool that can be really handy is to actually you can change display modes in here and that can give you a little bit of a a nice little little handle maybe i need to come back to this a little bit later but if we go into display mode and we select this uh box selection we were here if you select box selection then you kind of get this box here and that can i can actually kind of help you to find out exactly where maybe you need to to pull some things back see if we can maybe make let's go back to display mode and see that maybe pulled out this so it wasn't so so sunk it in um i probably still want to do something around here i'm thinking oops i make sure you hit the right box here still think this needs to be a little narrow all right i'm gonna i'm gonna leave this uh right here right it's not definitely not not uh not our perfect perfect duck body but um let's just let's just move on here i kind of wanted to show a couple of other what's new things and like i said could simply finding myself just sitting here all day modifying this all right another thing i wanted to show is um another trick i wanted to share with this is that now we if we wanted to insert the head here uh we could go in and use the the quad ball here and what's going to happen is i'm going to select the plane to do it on so let's like this plane here and i'm getting kind of this box here and let's just right click and do edit form and select that oh that's might be a good thing to show so i don't know if you guys knew this trick or not if you if you select by left clicking to from left to right you see how the color here is like orange where if i'm doing it from left to right then it's yellow you see that the color of the box so inside here it's orange here is yellow if you didn't know this this is super helpful so if you if you do orange box then anything that is within the box will be selected so let go right now then everything within that box gets selected if i do yellow then anything it touches will be selected so that's a good way to kind of like select this so let's say i want to select the whole thing but it's it's a little bit hard right now i can probably select it right there because i can get underneath it but if i couldn't it'll be good enough for me just to do this and i can select the whole thing just so you know all right let's scale this one up to about there and i'll get to the next um the next what's new in a second so i've created let's turn the cameras off so now we have a head and we have this thing here but it is now like we would think in standard um design mode this is two bodies if we want to combine the two um then we can actually go in and we can select i'm just going to select these bottom faces here hold down control and select these bottom faces if we hit delete you can actually delete those and now it's it's hollow so now it's a surface body if you've watched last week's um last week's videos you would have seen that now it became a if it's not a sculpt environment that is enclosed the bottom here is if i hit ok will become a solid but this one will become a service let me just do that so i'm going to click ok and it's going to solve everything and you will see that this here is a body because that was enclosed but this is a service body because that is um wasn't enclosed we made it hollow so just so you kind of keep that in mind here all right so let's make these two come together but one of the problems by doing that is that you really want the same amount of sections that you have up here to have down here so i'm actually going to go in and kind of split this up so i'm going to go ahead and insert a couple whoops that's selected i'm going to go ahead and insert one edge there okay right click now again you see i'm doing that you will when i do that insert another edge the shape changes because i'm inserting more points there's not really any way to to avoid that but what this will let me do is if i do this like this it looks a little crazy we'll adjust that in a second what this will let me should let me do is it should let me kind of match up edges to each one so i'll show you what i'm talking about here move this one back so what it really means is that if i delete this face here delete oops wow hang on insert this edge again what i was trying to do was i was trying to move this point here back a little bit like that and then if i delete this face hit delete on my keyboard so that goes away i can start looking at this edge could match up with this edge and if i just want to make it a little bit easier to look at i could select this point and drag that over a little bit so i kind of i can start making count so this adds to this edge this adds to this edge then i probably also need to delete that face here leave that face so now let's see this adds to this edge this end to this edge this edge so that and then this last one to that that will make that will make it all match up now i'm gonna get rid of the symmetry because that's going to mess everything up so i'm going to go into symmetry drop down and i'm just going to say clear symmetry so i'm just going to select this body and the green line will go away so now there's no symmetry anymore so one of the tools we have in here is that we can merge edges so i'm going to click on that and i'm going to double click on this edge if i double click it will select the full chain and go down to the second one and double click that edge and then i can hit ok and then we will see that those gets merged now again when i do that that messes up kind of our neck here a little bit you will see that it became one body when i did that but we could work with this if i just go in and say insert edge double click so select that chain hit okay i could do that again right click insert another edge double click so it select that whole chain and drag that one down hit okay you will see that it kind of it kind of starts pulling pulling everything in then i could go back to edit form double click maybe i select this face whoops let me just select this whole face here around here like this and we could now try to go in and we could either just grab the arrow that would move everything we could hit the scale and then we could kind of pull it in a little bit like that all right so here we have the the the head here now this is still not very pretty but i want to show you uh another new tool that came inside of of the sculpt environment and that is um that is this straighten tool right here so the way that works is we're going to open a sketch right in the sculpt environment and i'm just going to select that front face i'm going to hit l for line i'm just going to draw a line up here it's just a sketch line that is now running all the way through through here we can use that to actually pull these different points together if we want to start modifying this because we have added all these different things this whole model have kind of like been pulled together a little bit right so we can go in here and say straighten and then we could go in there's different options in here that's just a fit function but that is actually a parallel to line so if i select that sketch line and then select this t-spline vertices you will actually see that it's going to start trying to pull these lines as close as it possibly can um to kind of make them parallel to that line that's a that's a super cool new tool and when you don't need that when you don't need this anymore you can just delete it but let me just go ahead and do that straighten again so that's sitting down here in the modify i'm going to select that same line and you will see i can do the same thing over here it was literally try to pull these points parallel to that line so that's super good and can kind of straighten out some of this it also of course works if you're on a on a side view here you can kind of start pulling things together so that's another thing that is what new another thing i like to do when i modify things like this personally sometimes i actually like to go out of form because that will give you something like this where you get a a warning and the reason i'm getting a warning is actually that there's some overlapping geometry in here now what you can do in fusion is you can go into repair body select the body and then if you hit the auto repair you can set a tolerance you will actually see that it will they will try to fix it and then when i go out now then it's good so just kind of giving you some of them some of these some of these tools here now again so we we applied the the head here um and i've showed you how we can edit by curve and we can straighten uh some of these edges now i'm going to go back in here and just turn our our dock back on here and i'm thinking i'm gonna before we move on i think i'm just gonna try to make uh see if i can maybe make this a little bit more what we maybe kind of would like it to be right so it's going to keep a lot of this same here this back end here got pulled up a little bit i'm just kind of going around on this view here you know what i think that the head is not completely round but i think you will forgive me but if we go to the front view and we look at it from the front um we definitely need to do something with these wings now look at let's it looks looks pretty good let me turn the symmetry back on that should probably have been on before let's go ahead here and look at it from the front here um i think i would like to pull this up make a little bit more like this and again keep on repeating myself but this is your option to kind of work with this um through the best of your of your capabilities now definitely got a lot thinner than that let's try to go out here hold on there looks like this these top ends here became very all right i'll probably be able to work a little bit more on some of this like i said this is definitely more practice than anything let's try to turn that back on and see how that looks actually looks i think i'm gonna be i'm gonna i'm gonna leave that um i'm gonna leave that there and then maybe i'll come back and and play a little bit more with this at another time uh the last thing i wanted to kind of show on this thing here was because so i showed you kind of how you got started and we added the head and i kind of showed you how to do that another thing i think is really powerful in here before this is becoming too too long is i wanted to kind of show you um how we can work with this as a combination of what we somewhat are used to and that's maybe going into if i turn the duck back on let's look at at this beak here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and create a flat plane so before we created a box and a circle now i'm just going to create a flat plane here and i'm really just going to sketch on that same top face here i'm just going to scan to draw over here right so i'm making like a flat little little thing right here i'm gonna right click edit form and then now i can literally drag up this b to wherever i think i want it so i'm going to put it somewhere up here i'm actually going to make it go into um into the head of it and if i go to the side view it is looking like it's about center so that's good i'm gonna hit okay on that so that's there now it looks a little long right click edit and select ease and pull it back to about where that is there so now we have something that could be considered a beak just select so this is still i'll make sure it's all the way in the inside of here um but it's just a flat kind of a plane but what we could do was if we hide the main body so this is back here we could right click edit form if we just select these three points and go and drag up at it we could actually kind of create the round beak there that's my beak um and then be aware of that so this is almost like just a surface just like we have in solid we can go and we can thicken this we can go and we can select this and uh we can we can add a thickness so let's go minus one millimeter here maybe 1.5 these things should be a little thicker and um and we now have added some thickness to it so now that will become a solid another thing we have in here is we can crease or uncrease so if i go in here and i select this area right there see how now i can select these edges and it actually uncreases these edges right here on our beak so making them making them actually somewhat round like we would think of hit okay so now it actually starts looking a little bit more like one right click edit form what would happen if i select these two under faces here and pull down then i'm actually giving a little bit more some more thickness here turn the rest of the body on you can kind of see that there if we turn on the canvas we can see that it's a little bit higher maybe than it should be um i want to wrap this up in just two seconds so what i'm going to do is actually i'm going to go and take this body here i'm going to do a control c control v now i got a copy of that body and one of the things that is kind of neat about i think about this environment is that it it's very it's very easy to kind of work with so if i right click and say move copy i can actually just spin this around so now i'm making our our under beak so let's just move that up a little bit and maybe we we rotate it a little bit let me move it in here and it's actually smaller on our our picture it's okay we can right click edit form and just select that whole select that whole body and then we could grab these and we could scale it down a little bit and that might look kind of decent now when i hit okay here and you will see we're ending up with three bodies out here now this doesn't look very pretty right now i i would i would agree with you with that but that's because we're looking at it right now uh with a visual style that is shady with visible edges in real life we're probably looking at it with shaded edges and then it starts maybe it's still not great but you get what i'm saying then it maybe looks a little bit a little bit better let me just turn it back to to a shade of visible mattress here because we still have something to do here we have three bodies well you can just use the standard the sign and we can literally join all these bodies together and then they become one so now it's one body like we would and we could actually go in here maybe and try to see if we can add a fillet to it so now we can actually add a fillet all the way around the beak here let's see if we can also add one around this one like that and we could literally use the standard fillet tool to work with this this is one of the things that i think is important uh to know is that these tools out here works when we get into a body so to finish this up i'm going to go to visual style go back to the shaded and it's not perfect but for a few minutes that's about the best i can do um let's go in here and i'd already pre-set some some some colors let me just delete those and show you actually sorry show you how we can do that so if i take this one here let me delete it all i did was i went in here and i searched yellow and it gave me yellow i think i paid a yellow mat i pulled that on the whole body that looks like that then i right click here and i duplicated it over here and then whatever that one is that is the dot and right click and hit edit and then up on the color here we can actually go ahead and make one that is a little orange get done to that and then instead of doing bodies i can do faces and now we can drag that potentially onto to whatever faces we want that on all right i hope that this might have been the long way around for you to ever watch a what's new video but i thought this was kind of cool maybe you hopefully learned something uh there's one last new function in scott i want to show you but i'm going to have to go over and show you that i think that would be best shown on a generic design pile so let's just finish this up and then you can leave me a comment if you haven't fallen asleep and hopefully some of you guys this made you uh wanted to try sculpt send me your uh would love to see what you create here so that is my uh my lame attempt here it's about as good as i'm gonna get it continue working with it and at any point you could go right click down here right hit edit form and now i'm back and because they were not combined now i'm back to here so i could keep on working um with with these different ones all right i'm gonna get out of this and say that that was my attempt to show you some sculpting and some so what's new the last thing i want to show you i want to save this let's save um maybe i come back and play around with this a little bit more um let me go into my data panel and let me just go to my team folder in here i haven't switched my single user over yet and in here i just did a series of videos that you maybe have seen going from in bender into general design fusion and go back again and the last function i want to show you that is what's new in sculpt i think is probably the most powerful one for anything in in here in general design so this part here is a it's a robot gripper and it looks funny because i never turned this back to shadow visible um so this is a robot gripper that i did with genetic design and one of the things and general design also outputs things in either 2d or organic 3d like this so here you will see there's these construction pillars a new function in here is a cylindrify and i don't think that's a word i mean this is a word cylindrify is that a word um so i can select that now i want to show you a tool that you may or may not use so we have the selection box up here that we used before right orange yellow um have you ever tried to go in and select to paint paint is actually pretty cool now it almost works like a paint brush you can just paint all the areas that you want it's kind of a fun way to select like sometimes it's not the right solution but for something like this where we have all these different sections this is actually a pretty cool way to select so select this now there's a lot of calculations going on in the background right now so this might just take a second for it to calculate but pretty much what this celentified does is that it will um it will straighten out these columns as you will see in just uh just in a second here we'll all go straight wait for the program don't hit close program just didn't wait for the program to respond it's just because i double-clicked a couple of times i wanted to hurry up so that's gonna take that's gonna take a second but while that is running i know this was a long way around showing you the straighten function the data by curve function and the cylindrify option but i truly hope uh that going in and doing it the what's new this way at least hopefully makes you leave with something all right there you go you see that it turned in it had over 408 of these that it turned into to become straight here again you let me know in the comments area below if this is just way too much uh hopefully you're picking something up hopefully this inspired you to do something uh i definitely appreciate you taking the time for everyone who's left to watch these um i'm gonna end it with that so we covered last week we called and the week before we covered what was new in sketching and modeling now we have the sculpting now maybe we do sheet metal the next next week maybe thumbs up if you like this thumbs down if you don't that is so that is okay and leave me a comment and also don't forget down in the description area you'll find a new way to connect with me by going to lastchristians.org forward slash contact me i hope you have an awesome awesome day take care folks
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 19,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, autocad, design, inventor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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