Making a Rocket Nose Cone with Fusion 360

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hey folks today i'm going to be showing you how to make a nose cone for our rocket project using a program called fusion 360. so to start things off if you are in fusion 360 and it's asking you to sign in and you're not sure what's happening you need to make an account uh this is a program where uh you need to make an account to be able to use it it's actually a paid program it's usually uh i think it's like 80 a month or something crazy like that as students you can use it for free for the entirety of your school term and you can also sign up for just a one year free trial which is a like a non-commercial trial so as long as you're not part of a company or anything like that anyway the important first step is that you need to create an account so uh if you haven't already done so go to google type in fusion 360 and get yourself going and create an account you need to either verify that you're a student with the education license or you need to sign up for the free one year non-commercial one one of these two options will enable you to use this program for the rest of the course if you don't do that you only get the 30-day free trial so if you're in i'm going to start with just a new design because this is where things are going to be for you it's just a blank screen so we're modeling things in three dimensions and so like we're starting off in an imaginary white blank plane i always start all of my parts with a two dimensional sketch so in order to make things in 3d we could just like put a blob down and start sculpting it but that's not really what we want to do here we want to measure out where everything goes so i'm going to make a sketch you need to make this sketch and start it on one of these three starting planes so this corresponds to either the front of the part the top of the part or the right side you can see that all up here in your navigation cube i want this nose cone to be printed top up and down so i want to start on this top plane right here so that brings up this screen and you'll notice that the buttons on the top have all changed so right now we're in 2d sketch mode two dimensions you can't do any three dimensional things while you can see this button that says finish sketch here we can do all sorts of lines rectangles circles anything that's in two dimensions so i'm going to start with a center diameter circle and make sure it's the center diameter because we want to start here on what's called the origin the origin just means like it's 0 0 in an imaginary plane and so this is sort of the middle of everything it's important to start things on the origin in case you want to use these origin planes for a like for a mirror if you want to do a complicated part like you want to design a car and you don't want to have to do everything twice on either side if you want to make something like a snowflake and have 12 of everything then you can make a pattern and you would want to pattern around the middle of your part so we're going to do a center point circle you're going to start here in the center and let's click and drag this over now you'll notice that there's a number that forms here there's 40 millimeter 60 millimeters i want this first circle to be a specific size i want it to be 21 millimeters so that's pretty small it's like this and you can see that we're snapping to 20 and we're snapping to 40 millimeters so that's the snapping controls you can turn it on if you like but it's usually handy to leave it on what we should do is zoom in on this part so if you hold down control and you scroll with the scroll wheel it's a bit backwards you're scrolling towards you to zoom in it just feels a bit counter-intuitive okay so now we can snap on these grid lines which are a little more detailed so there's 22 millimeters i could scroll in a little bit further and see that grid line there there's 21. so that's one option another thing you could do you can actually just literally type in 21 and hit enter and your circle will be 21 millimeters in diameter right out now i want to make another one so what i'm making here i'm going to make this bottom part of the nose cone first and i want these two to be a certain distance apart really the important thing i want this part of the nose cone to fit inside the rocket tube and i've measured the rocket tube and i've done a couple of tests and i found out that 24.4 millimeters is right about the right size so make your second circle at 24.4 sorry if that dimension's a bit off there you go you can see that a little easier so the first circle 21 millimeters the second one 24.4 millimeters now let's finish this sketch so now if i rotate around i hold shift and hold down that middle scroll wheel and this lets you pan around okay we can't really see anything this is still just a 2d sketch so what i want to do now i want to extrude this part this window should pop up if you don't see it it might be like sort of hidden off on the side over here like that you just need to open it up and bring it in you need to select the profile that we're going to extrude we want this one okay and you can either just click and drag to bring things up you can also type in the number so if i want i don't know 12 millimeter sounds good hit enter ta-da so now if i rotate around yeah cool looks like a ring sure whoa all of a sudden i'm lost i rotated too much that's okay you can always find yourself again over here in the navigation cube you can just hit that little home button and it'll take you back to the first view that you were looking at all right so we've got our first parts down next up i need to make the well the interesting part the curve part so let's do a more basic version of the curved part to begin with and what we're going to be doing for that it is sort of an extrusion but this one's going to be called a loft so i want to make another sketch this time though instead of picking one of these three planes to start on i want to start here so this is i mean the basics of making any kind of complicated part in three dimensions you make a 2d sketch you extrude that part out and then you make more sketches on top of surfaces of the parts that you have extrude those parts out make another sketch and so on the whole thing just basically continues like so uh so on this sketch what i want to do i want to make one more circle it's got to come a little bit past the other one so 26 will do the trick let's go there 26 and now we're going to finish the sketch now what i want to do it was easy enough to make a sketch on this plane where our part existed i want this nose cone to go up to a point up here so i want to make a sketch somewhere out in space that's kind of tough because we don't have a part to actually sketch onto so this time what i want to do is i want to make a construction plane similar to these planes that you see when you sketch we want to make a new plane to make a sketch so click construct we're going to make an offset plane i'm going to offset it from say this surface here and let's go up i don't know how about say 40 millimeters you can click and drag you can also just type in 40. that does the trick okay so now what i want to do is make a sketch on this plane and with this sketch what i want to do is i actually just want to make one point that's all and so you see how everything's lined up on that origin we're way off here but everything actually straight up and down it lines up on that origin so it's always handy to center things on that origin because now i just want to make a point just right there that's it so finish that sketch that point should be sitting 40 millimeters above your part here now i want to create go on to create and i want to make a loft so with this loft i want to loft this and i want to loft it up to that point right there you want to make sure that your operation is a join not making a new body we want this all to be one part and you don't want it to be cutting out of your other part so make sure that it's on join here we are so our most basic nose cone this is cool i mean it gets the idea uh but i kind of like the curved version more and i'd like to show you this one so let's go back into here and i don't really want to look at this code anymore it's going to mess me up so what i actually want to do i'm going to go into the history down on the bottom left here here's all the parts that we've done so far so there's sketch one where we made our first couple circles there's extrusion one where we extruded this part out and then the sketch where we made the 26 millimeter circle there's the offset plane we made there's just that one point that we made here's the loft so with this loft i'm going to right click on it and i'm going to suppress this feature for now and you see now it disappears so after we've made a loft of sketch 2 and sketch 3 the ones where we did the circle and the point they no longer become visible so if you want to see them again you just need to go click the arrow beside the sketches click the little i beside that and there you see the dot and our first circle show back up if i want to make a curved part here i want this loft to follow several circles on its way up so let's make another offset plane we're going to go offset from the top here let's go up sure 20 millimeters the sizes don't really matter now we're talking about the designy detailing kind of stuff and i'm sure everyone's just going to turn out unique so hit okay we're going to make another sketch on this offset plane and this one i mean it needs to be a little bit wider than the straight line would otherwise be so 16. let's try 18 millimeters let's just see what shows up finish that sketch and i'm gonna make a new loft and this loft is going from point one to two to three and hit okay oh that looks pretty slick i think i'll keep that so we're almost there we have the basic shape but if we look on the inside you'll notice the first part that we extruded out is hollow but this part here is solid and it's probably going to be too heavy to really launch this thing so i want to hollow this cone out so i'm going to show you one more tool here it's under the modify tab and this one's called a shell and shells are handy when you want to just hollow parts out and you don't really want to do a whole lot of uh thinking about it so we want to select this face here sure and the inside thickness so this is the thickness of the walls on the inside of the cone let's call the two millimeters and hit ok now maybe you can see maybe you can't but it's hollow on the inside let me show you how this works by i'm going to make another sketch i'm going to cut a part of this away so you can actually see what's happening so let's make a sketch on the bottom plane here sure whoops sorry wrong button i'm going to make a rectangle it doesn't really matter where you make the rectangle let's just cut like say half of this shape out make your rectangle bigger than half of the shape like this finish that sketch extrude that rectangle up like that make sure that the operation is a cut not a join otherwise you're just adding a block to it so we're cutting away half of it hit okay and see what happens ooh slick i like it okay now i want to make sure that i don't leave this extrusion in the park before we print it i don't want to print half a nose cone so i'm going to right click on that and delete because that was just to see what was happening okay so i'm happy with my shape for now at least i might want to go in afterwards and change a few things like i might want to build a few supports in here or something like that maybe you know put some ribs in to make it a little bit stronger so what i want to do i want to save this i want to save a fusion file of it so that i can go back and edit that fusion file later so how we're going to do this go to the save button here and just remember this needs to be your own account if you're on somebody else's account you're going to be saving this to somebody else's account this is specific to you i'm going to save this let's call this nosecone and save it sure in your first project it doesn't really matter where the location is because where you're going to find this again it's in the data panel here and if you click on a tab that says my recent data you're going to find all of the recent ones that showed up so here's my most recent nose cone that i've just made so if you need to open this again you just double click and that one's going to open up radio so what we've done is saved it we haven't actually made this ready to print yet what we need to do is export this and slice it there's two more operations that need to happen this is just a series of lines and shapes and a mesh it's really nothing yet so what we need to do we need to export this body to a slicing program called tinkerine suite 3. the easiest way to do this if you click on the arrow beside the bodies here and you'll see body one shows up hopefully there's only one if there's more than one we'll need to fix that by combining things together but you're going to want to right click on body one and select save as stl stl is a file type it's a very old one and stands for stereo lithography or something like that but basically it's just a really simple 3d shape and this is the standard sort of 3d file type that 3d printers use let's call this uh nosecone dot stl it's probably a good idea to put your name in it so i'm going to put mine here at the beginning of this part is to be nosecone.sdl voila okay so the next part after we've exported it i guess i could show you the other way to export it you can also go to export you can call it nosecone version one and just need to make sure that you're saving it as an stl file you can also save things as other type of files those can be handy for other things you want to make sure it's an stl okay so at this point we're done with fusion at least for now until we want to redesign this now we need to go into a slicing program called tinkerine suite 3 to it's called slicing literally what we're doing we're taking this part and we're going to turn it into a bunch of layers that the 3d printer can understand because it needs to go layer by layer it doesn't really understand just a block of stuff okay but at any rate that's it for this tutorial there's going to be a different tutorial to show you how to slice okay so i hope you have enjoyed this we've learned how to extrude shapes we've learned how to make an offset plane we learned how to make a loft we learned how to make a shell there's all sorts of uh good tools that are going to be useful for fusion and 3d modeling in the future that you've learned in this video and hopefully your nose cone works in the end that's it for this one see you next time
Channel: Building With Buchanan
Views: 11,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SCbaZhM7kLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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