Fusion 360 - Tube Notching

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[Music] hey YouTube Kevin from mechanical advantage comm let's switch gears a little bit in this video and let's look at fusion from a fabrication perspective if we're used to other CAD programs that we come from another CAD program say such as inventor you're used to using something called a frame generator and with frame generator in Inventor we can easily create frames and miter and cope and do things like that fusion isn't at at its point in its life where it has those tools yet but that doesn't mean that there aren't existing tools that we can use to make that job fairly easy so I thought I would go through a couple examples of how you can make some copes inside of fusion and we'll use some couple simple examples to explain the difference between the two and then we'll look at drawing up more of a frame design so the first method I want to talk about is the split body method we're gonna use a body to split another body let's take a look at the bodies folder and we'll notice that there's a body one in a body to body one body two so we have our two bodies on screen from the modify menu I want to go and choose to split a body fusion wants to know what body do I want to split I want to put the COPE in this part so I'm gonna go ahead and click on that it wants to know my splitting tool is going to be I'm gonna select my splitting tool and in this case I want it to be the outside surface of the second body here the body one I guess in this case I'm gonna click on that you can see I get a color coordination showing me which is the which is what and I click OK and we don't really see anything happen other than we add a third body onto the screen so if I shut off the first body you'll notice that we have the original body it is broken into two bodies now if I shut off the one body you'll see that we can see the COPE and if I turn on the other body you'll see that we get a perfect notch around that part a couple things I don't like about this particular example is that if this is going to be welded if we can keep them a constant material thickness or close to constant we're gonna get better weld adhesion and here you can see that we're kind of getting you know a different amount of wall thickness there it's aesthetically not quite as nice either just a little bit crappier to deal with so let's go take a look at a different way we can do the same thing I'll turn this back on let's go for the split face method so I'm gonna go to the modify menu and choose to split a face in this case I'm gonna split this inside face of this tube and the splitting tool is gonna be the same outside or that same body that we selected in the last example and we'll go ahead and click OK now if we look at the bodies folder here we still only have two bodies if I shut off body one you'll notice that it doesn't really look like anything has even changed on the second body but if we look on the inside you'll notice that that surface is broken into two halves and that allows me to do something called the push-pull command so I'm gonna right click and choose press pull and I'm gonna choose this inside surface now and I created these tubes I made a point zero nine five wall thickness so I'm just gonna go negative point zero nine five and click OK hey cancel sorry press pull - point zero nine five I'm gonna click OK and there you can see we have a nice notch on there and if I turn on body one note no longer do we have the extra material the kind of pointing material we have a pretty consistent wall thickness as well if you've ever done anything on a tube cutting laser the the center of the laser is always pointed at the axis of the tool so we look at this straight on the center of the laser would be coming straight down you know pointed at the center of rotation so if we were going to cut this part the laser wouldn't rotate the part would rotate around to the laser and this edge would be completely compliant for a fourth access laser so another bonus for doing things this method turn that body back on and there you can see what we have if I do an interference inspection I'm gonna go and choose interference click on body one click on to Intel to calculate you'll see that we have no interferences and if I come back to this method we can do the same thing inspect interference body one body two felt to calculate again no interferences were found so there's a couple different ways you can go about making copes let's take a look at a different frame design that will do it from scratch making the the tubes and everything so here you can see I have a fairly simple sketch let's edit the sketch and take a look at it I made it 36 inches long 14 inches on center made these two ends be eight inches on center and then added a 60 60 degree angle call load so let's go ahead and stop the sketch now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna start adding pipes to this so from the create menu I'm gonna choose to do a pipe and I'm gonna click on this bottom line right there and I want the section size to be two and I'm gonna go with a thickness for the wall thickness 0.095 now once I click OK you see my sketch goes away I don't have to go back and redraw that again or anything I can just go to my sketches folder and turn the light bulb on so I can keep reusing that sketch so let's do another pipe of command so I'm gonna do a pipe I'm gonna choose this top line and again I'm gonna do two inches in point O nine five for the wall click OK now we'll put out a little support pieces in and we're gonna go a little smaller with those so we're gonna choose create and pipe I'm gonna grab that line notice the first thing fusion things is that because this body is intersecting the other bodies that it wants to do a cut we don't want to do a cut so I'm gonna make this an inch and a half in diameter and again the same point zero-nine-five wall and an important choice that we're gonna make here is instead of cut we're gonna say we want to make a new body so we'll go ahead and choose ok and one more body to create so we'll say pipe one more time click on this section size of 1.5 wall thickness point zero nine five and we're again going to choose to create a new body so if we expand out and look at our bodies folder you'll see that each one of these tubes on the screen is its own body if we do in inspection of this as a section analysis its turn on the origin plane for a second so we can use that to cut this in half you'll see that when we look at this straight on that clearly these pipes are interfering with each other and that's just not gonna work out for what we need to do so let's go ahead and hit cancel we don't want to accept that and we'll turn our origin visibility back on off and now we don't need to see our sketch anymore either we're kind of done with that for now we'll come back to that in a minute let's turn that off so what I want to do is I want to start splitting these phases on this part from the modify menu I'm gonna choose to split a face try that again the fusions being a little difficult split face that's the face that I want to split and the splitting tools are going to be these two splitting tools actually we can do those both in one shot so modify split face I want to split these two faces and I want to use this and this is my splitting tool we'll get a little more efficient with our workflow here go ahead and click okay so now if I turn off body 1 and body 2 you'll see that we have our cope there I'm gonna right click and choose press pull grab on my services that I want to get rid of and then again type in negative what the wall thickness is so negative 0.095 and I'm gonna go ahead and click OK so if we turn this back on looks like we're doing pretty well but let's go ahead and do a little inspection here so from the inspect menu I'm gonna choose interference again and I'm gonna click on the things I want to participate and I'm gonna tell to calculate and you'll notice that we have for interferences so that's not gonna be good for what we're trying to do a fairly easy workaround to go and take care of that though you can kind of see it what we would see a little difficult to see is that the inside lips on this are are what's interfering kind of that inside edge so what we can do again is we can repeat that process one more time I'm gonna turn these two bodies off just to make it a little bit easier for now and I'm saying modify and I'm gonna split a face and this time I'm going to split the inside faces of these two tubes go grab that face in that face and they turn these back on and the splitting tools are going to be this and this and I'll click OK and again we'll turn off body 1 and body 2 now you can see we have the additional edge on the inside so we'll right-click and do our press pull again select the edges that we want to get rid of grab these different faces one more to go and again I'll type in my negative point 0 9 5 look look okay and now when we turn those two bodies on we would have something that would be interference free we could cut these to support angles on a fourth access laser so we don't have to sit there with either a grinder or hole saw or whatever trying to do this so pretty simple and effective way to create frame members now once we do do this we'd like to be able to document these different things so what we could do is right-click on these different components here and these different bodies I should say and create components from them Summoner right click on body 1 and I want to choose the create components from bodies and I'm gonna rename this bottom tube and let's do the right-click on this one create a component let's call this top tube let's create a component from that body and call this little left support and one more let's right click on this one create another component and we'll call this right support and be careful when you get to this point because what I can do now is click on these tubes and move them around anywhere I want to which is probably not desirable so if you need to we can just come and ground these I'm just gonna highlight all of them I believe I can ground them all in one shot and choose ground now they're all grounded but they won't move around anymore there they're stuck in place so what happens if you want to go back and make design changes that actually works out pretty well go edit our original sketch let's change our angle here to 50 degrees we'll make this distance be 4 inches and let's change this to be 15 inches on center so we made some changes we'll go ahead and stop the sketch and what we'll notice is that everything in our our frame updates automatically so if we can put a little design intent into this and draw this out we can turn our sketch back off now that we've done that you can see you have a frame that's pretty editable follows along with the modifications you do and it is pretty simple we can now we could create joins of each one of these components build material we could give these material properties so we could find out exactly how much this is going to weigh things like that so we don't have a frame generator in fusion yet but don't let that deter you there's ways that you can get around it and they actually work out pretty well hope you've enjoyed this if you have any questions leave them in the comments below if you like the video go ahead and give it a like and let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in the future thanks for watching
Channel: Mechanical Advantage
Views: 31,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 360, Tubing, notching, cope, tube laser, split face, split body, weldments, metal fabrication, Frame Generator, master sketch
Id: R5V0_A9lRAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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