Wood Carving Into Fusion 360 — Tutorial — #LarsLive 188

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to last you number 188 clock is ticking up there I am a little early so if you're watching the recording I definitely will not blame you for fast-forward just a couple of minutes then we will get we will get into things we should be live on YouTube looks like Isaac is here so we are there and if we do a quick refresh on the on the Facebook you should find me there two of you if you looking for me on Facebook ad mister or last Christianson that's why you'll find me there yep we are live both places haha that is absolutely awesome today's topic is wood coming into fusion 360 so I was planning on doing a best question answers today but somebody sent me an email that got me kind of like thinking about this and again my email address is down in the description area I'm sure we got some lighting here my email is down description area you can absolutely email me I'm not good at responding to my emails I'm trying to be better at responding on YouTube comments and facebook comments but I read them all so so this was kind of like what triggered but took at this I did think though as we have people trickle in here I can see we got Bernie sniffing Sweden FML from Germany absolutely you guys saying the time I didn't think I won't answer to questions that I get quite a bit number one is about licensing with fusion 360 there is against there's four types of licenses I think there is the educational license then there is the startup license those two are free those two are the ultimate version of fusion 360 so if you're looking at what I'm doing inside of you three-sixty besides that one button with the G on it what is their design you have the top line if you are a student or a startup then there's two paid versions there is the standard version $310 and then there is the ultimate version but is I think $1500 but be aware of you have to start up or you have the the student license you're not missing something you have the ultimate license as we're sitting down here I'm gonna save the second one for for another day let's get in and talk about wood carving get wood carvings into to fusion 360 so let me just there get rid of the clock and let's get going okay got a bunch of people good to go hello everybody my name is Lars Kristensen and thank you so much for taking the time to join today's livestream in this number 188 it is July 18th 2018 absolutely appreciate that you're here if you're in the livestream either on Facebook or on YouTube thank you so much really appreciate it and of course also if you're watching the recording because some places is very late or very early in the day what we're gonna talk about today is these types of wood carvings so here is one looks kind of that looks kind of fancy here is another one looks kind of also kind of fancy we're gonna talk a bit about how you can get those and how you can work with them inside of a fusion 360 if you look at this one and you think that it's actually not as shiny as this one that is because this is a solid where this is X is still a hollow shell but I'm gonna get back to that just in a second because there's a funny story about this so you've seen there the two we're gonna work mostly with this one today I think so let's get out on this I'm just gonna exit out of all this so we get the blank screen inside of fusion because I like I don't like to cook too much stuff inside these live streams and have it's not a cooking show where you pulled something out of the oven we need to stop some what was that green with it put there free slave but what I did though was I went to Google and I searched 3d carvings download that gives me that gave me two different models the first one called carving 3d models now you can use whatever you want this one here cost it cost money to get these files and you will recognize this one here because I actually paid $10 to get one of them and I want to talk a bit about this later on but I also searched one that has three free 3d carvings and you can notice this one here was that other model you looked at so you can absolutely download these different ones and then you can you can use them inside of fusion in the end I'm gonna show you of course also how you can create your own but let's start with the easy one and excellently let's start with it with the let's start with with the free one because everybody likes free so you click on this and you get to download it when you download it it came down as a sip file and if you watched yesterday's live stream you will know that when it comes to unzipping extracting I might have certain things to learn about Windows that's okay I want a youtube video on that it's not a somebody they could teach me about that but what I ended up with was a folder and I actually had to download in this case WinRAR to make it work was a little annoying but whatever in the free model this model you see over here I extract the two files an STL file and an obj file so let's get into fusion open up our data panel here let me get out to my livestream archive here and let's load those files in so I'm gonna hit I'm gonna hit upload and select and let me just make sure we get the right ones here these two STL and obj file open those up and click upload so just take two seconds to bring these into into to fusion three two one and actually if I was gonna insert them into if I was gonna start these into another file I should probably that was complete I should probably actually shoot down and looking back and I should probably use the insert and insert match that would probably been actually another way to do it and then save it that has a size issue but enough of this so you get two different ones you get a you get an STL file you get an obj now I'm gonna open both up so let's double click on the obj file first it was up there let me open up the STL file okay now if you're wondering why my files are looking I don't have like lines in them it's because I turned that off to be more impressive before in down on the TV monitor visual style normally you will see I'm using shaded with visible edges right now it looks more like what you normally see with an STL file and here is we do the same thing for the obj except when I normally made when I many times go in and change this is if I don't feel like rendering it because this is not how the file will look in real world it would look like shaded so that is just a little tip there but one thing I wanted to prank quickly bring to your attention notice a difference between these two files if you look at this one besides the color I give you a hint the here is a quat mess meaningful points where an STL file is a was that a quad quad quad three this is rectangular man is not my language is triangles see this is triangles and this is actually not triangles but squares of rectangles quad that is what an obj and obj is normally something preferred in here if you're bringing this in now when you bring it in if we click on the the drop down here you will see that it comes in as a mess again remember this is the free version that I brought in it is a is still a mesh file so obj your STL we have talked about it before from a 3d printing but it could actually also be from a scanning environment that you did you seen this but let me show you something cool I'm in the sculpt environment let me just get rid of the data panel I'm in the sculpt workspace here if I'm right click on this it will give me an option to convert it and what it will let me convert is it will let me convert a court mess that's the the rectangular mess style into cheese flying into a new body I right click here and it again I right click and say convert that's a t-spline kind of command from a core to 80 spine hit okay give fusion just a second and you will see that now it turned off our original mess but gave us this here and this is a sculpt body per se what means that if I select on a point here right click and do edit form I can completely work now with this as a ssh sculpt environment we talked about this before inside of fusion many times now if it is well if it is now it is flying that means it can also become a Charlotte right that's kind of like a user so if I go in here and select all these hold out shift select all this out right click again and I say convert again now it will do from a t-spline to what is called B rap what means it will do it into a new body what is a solid right hit okay well kind of kind of right but wrong because what you will see we now ended up with is surfaces and you're like well wait a minute I thought that that t-spline became a solid well notice this see this back the back of this it is it's like almost like different kind of shape it wasn't flat on the back like if I go back in and look at same thing with the STL file this was just a a shell but that's okay I'm okay with that I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve to work with this and turn it into a solid if that is what I want and that is what I want so what I'm gonna do is well if I'm done with the sculpt workspace now it's it's actually a patch in here so I'm gonna go and say all right I'm gonna I'm gonna create a boundary that's gonna make this an enclosed body so I'm gonna select a sketch on this back face and I'm actually just gonna do a two-point rectangle boom like this and then I'm gonna make that a patch okay so I just added another patch see that I kind of like encapsulated it now with this I'm happy I'm gonna go and hit the create button and I want to select this boundary fill we've used that one before boundary Phil's gonna highlight the whole thing and then I'll see that I get all these different cells though I known as one thing and that is everything is green except this see this area right here this is uh this is gray and that tells me that something is up let me just cancel out of this for a second everything looks pretty good but I think I might want to go in and investigate just a little bit so I'm gonna uncheck on light bulb the pets area I just created and then maybe I also get rid of this ring here hide that for a second and then this ear oh and then I start seeing something let me find the other ear oh yeah look at this there's a gap between these now the reason I wanted to show you this of course I'm gonna show you how to fix this but this is extremely important to remember I said it before good things in good things out Oh as negative people like to say garbage in garbage out this was imported from this website that I have absolutely no control over so when you bring something in and you will you might run into issues and I'm gonna show you that later again actually with what I paid for so you remember this was free but we'll get to that so wait a minute there's a gap here but I can probably fix this somewhat easily I am gonna go into the create and I'm gonna select a loft right here and then I'm gonna select the first two edges so this edge and this edge on this part and then I'm gonna go onward I'm gonna select around the edge on the other side just make sure I select the right edge now there's more section to the other side here that is okay and now you will see that it kind of creates a loft between them um in here that's what I want so I'm gonna hit OK to that so now I actually just added another loft so with that let's try to go back and see if I just fixed it by attaching these two to each other with the next aloft so go back and turn them all on creates boundary fill let's just select everything and now you will see that everything turns green in there but means that that is perfect now if you watch my other live streams it shows left everything if you watch my other live streams you know that you then it clicks cells and then you go in and check whatever you want but I'm lazy did you know you can XE select cells you're gonna actually just window and it checks them all haha so let's go ahead and hit OK here and when I hit okay now body 13 is actually a solid body that's what we can see in that little white one there so let's go in and uncheck these now I'm you could in theory delete these now but this is actually how we got here this is now a complete solid body and you can see that because we got one body and if we went in here we did something like a sexual analysis so it's some kind of an organ on here you will see that that is completely solid all the way through and this was actually the first model I showed you now what I did was I right clicked when it's appearances went into through the wood finish and select one of these and drag on the pine or maybe an oak and then like I showed you just to get to the end here that I turned shaded on so it looks more real that gets rid of those lines well those lines are called visible edges so this just shows you all the actors but in real life you wouldn't see those but here is that solid model that I was kind of like after and that brought in a a solid model using the obj now you also saw that I brought in the STL file and and I wanted to show you that one because well somebody's gonna email me again my email address is down in in the description area I know somebody's gonna email me and say well I only had an STL file I didn't have an obj file think about a cool website like Thingiverse for example but again and you know some of you guys 3d printing my eyes you don't like when I say this good things in good things out one of the reasons I don't like STL files is for the fact that up till this point I have had no control over this triangular this triangular shape here right like how big these triangular are so you're kind of somewhat in at the mercy of of the accuracy of an STL file however um one other trick I want to show you though is that if you go to your name you go to preferences you go to preview you can turn on the mess workspace like this and then you get a mess workspace for some reason on my Mac and I'm not sure if this is a Mac thing you don't get this but what you get is if you right-click and you click edits on I don't have the icon here but edit then the mesh tool bar will show up so but in the mess toolbox here and and this is really to me this is one of the reasons that I love fusion because I used to use I've used all the cat systems like inventor and SolidWorks and there whenever we got an STL file who like can't do anything with it kind of sucks sorry but we have these mess tools in here one of the things that's really neat about this is that there is a closed mesh so if I click on that and I select our mesh file it will actually try to to make it a closed mess if I hit the preview button you will see that it will close up with a button one of the things you need to be aware of here though is that when you do that you are modifying the density of the messy if I just do an undo hopefully you can see this the triangular shape here but when I hit the preview see how it exit updates here now you might have a tendency to say give it the most accurate it can be but but realize that it's it's not it's not gonna become more accurate than when you what you brought in it's just gonna take those triangles it's gonna break it down even even further and fusion has a limit on how many triangles you can convert into a solid somewhere in the help file says don't go over 10,000 triangles I have a pretty good luck around 50 a little bit under 50 I'm gonna make this a little bit lower here I'm gonna bring it down to about 120 and what I'm looking for is somewhat a unified if anything shape here let's try 120 and hit OK now it did modify the model right if you're looking at our converted solid then actually some some clearances between the ring and this curve we're now on the excel file you can clearly see that it kind of passed it up but if you do this we and we have a a closed solid mess not a closed solid and a closed STL file we can go into model workspace and we can try to right click and say mess to be wrap select our STL file hit OK now this one is telling me that I'm just on the edge here fifty thousand four hundred fifty thousand four hundred and eighty six conversion has been aborted so if you make it over 50,000 you don't get a chance but it's okay if we go back into the mess workspace there is a reduced function in here and I'm actually just gonna change my selection to a window and I'm just gonna select the whole model and instead of doing Denton's density in here you can exes change it over to face count so now it gives you a face count and now we can show it here like I'm full it would be what we just saw but now we can bring it down so let's bring it down to like thirty five thirty six thousand or so that should be a little bit better hit OK and let whew should kind of do its thing here okay so now it's been converted down let's go back into our model workspace and let's try again right-click mess to be wrap hit OK and now it realizes that we have down to 36 and it says that we are still high on the numbers of triangles but do we were to proceed let's say yes and if it is a watertight mash then and now fusion is thinking hard about it then it does become a body just like this we can turn the light bulb off turn the light bar off here let's just let fusion just think about it for a second okay and now it is a now it is a solid body however you're looking at this right there like ooh this is very tessellated over there you want to call it yes and that is because we converted a mash directly into to a solid now if I go back and I turn off my visual style to shade it it's that look a little bit better but you will see that it's still pretty bad in here but this is a solid it means you can stop cutting we can working with it what is neat about this mod the first model that I brought over is that even though that let me get the visual this was where we started out if I had converted this to be rep before I brought it into T splines then that would actually also look more in this regard here but because I converted into the T splines first the purple ones then T's trying to keep a constant curvature and that is one of the reason that that is a better step down here okay so this was all the stuff I wanted to show you with with the with the free version from I found on the turbo squid downloaded the free version here um is that I brought it in as a solid obj first converting to T splines then I had to to create the bottom on a pet some things together but this is a good good model right here I'm definitely happy with this one and then of course if you have an STL file then then you can get it into something that looks like this and I know that I could have tried to go close to the 50,000 and a 36,000 it's just changed the appearance so this and just see how how this looks now it is a solid so yes this looks maybe a little bit more carved out of of of something but it's still solid it's still okay you could go in and work with with these areas in here now I showed you the free version first because then I thought all right that is all cool but there was also a paid version right and I thought you know what this model here looks pretty dang cool it is ten dollars I that is definitely worth for me to kind of show that and here comes the funny part this time let me actually bring it in through the insert mess it's not gonna change anything let's bring in the obj here so here is the model that you you saw in the beginning so this is the paid version now you will see that the pay person as an obj is it's the same as my free version was that it's kind of like don't have it back but that's okay I'm thinking all right I'll just work with it the same way I work with my free version what means that in kind of the de pets environment in here we can go and right click in here and here we get the added function in here so this is one way we can this is what I want to show you with the Mac X I wanted inside of the skull environment I'm just going to open up the one I had before hey same thing so what I did before was I went in here and I said all right right-click let me convert it from a obj to the t-spline hit ok let's fusion do the thing and again this looks absolutely absolutely awesome but when I started converting this is all right so you saw before I selected them all and now where they are t-splines convert them into beer app in this case is gonna be services you would like to see that it it actually failed on a few of them you like well wait a minute this is the paid version and why did why did it fail so you can see that these have failed so I'm just hide all the other ones so we can take a look at them this one here you like wait a minute why did this one fail on me right click convert let me just do it one more time in exit gives you an error message and since active faces may be crossing and I protects his seat on the model here that there was a portion that was rad and I'm like Oh see what happens here this is crossing over this is crossing over and I thought oh well let me just try to delete this I selected his face hit the lead what does open up the t-spline but I'm thinking maybe I can fix this later and then I right-click again and say convert t-spline and then it says cease plan serves X in a second that was when I realized what I'm kind of like info here and what I'm in for here is that these C spline are crossing each other and these lines are crossing each other and that means that even though that this is the paid version it goes back to - to my comment before about garbage in garbage out right that even though that I pay $10 for this for this file that there is something going on here where I makes it gonna have to go in and and do some repairs and as I've said before I do have limited time for preparing for these live streams yes you could absolutely go in and start working and we could probably get I well I don't probably I could get this file fixed up and and be good but it will take to go in and start working with these things um so to wrap this up so again this was my paid version there was our free version then I thought at the end somebody's gonna say ok lares this was all great thank you hopefully thank you maybe not thank you but thumbs up if you liked this thumbs down if you don't yeah but somebody can say well what if I wanted to create my own and I thought I wanted to show you that in the last two minutes and we're open up the last file and then what I did was I look around my house and I could only find one place in my house where I had something that is similar to this and that is on the baby's crib so I snapped a picture with my cell phone and that what if you wanted to make your own so what I will do and we're going to do this fairly quick but we have live streams on sculpting but what you could do is say insert an image select the face select that image that's gonna come into into fusion here bring that in something like that there so there's the image that I just took with my cell phone now you know me I would probably go in here right click so I will calibrate this image so I don't know how long there is from here here but let's just say that there is 300 millimeters so now it gets a little bit a little bit bigger and then what I honestly probably would do was I would break these down into different sections now you could start sculpting are right on here but I would actually probably prefer to create a little bit of help so I would probably go in and create a spline and if we just concentrate on the midpoint here oh let's create a spline that goes from here to here to here this definitely looked like this I can't believe if this is an Conor though there's got to be done by a machine somewhere but I will create a spline look someone like this and you know how we are talked about splines we could go in here we could modify it we couldn't tweak it so they kind of look nice and then what I would do was I would not try to follow the find that I would probably just right click and say fix now with that I didn't fix it for this is blue right click is it fix definitely not face right right oh I got out of this guess that's why edits catch right click fix now it's green uh-huh and then I would go in and I would say I want to create a t-spline form so now we add C spline that's where we were with the other one and I'm a big fan of these already pre-made options so purposes like the sphere here and select the face and just draw a ball so now we have a kind of a ball like this and then one of the best advice I've ever gotten was now you can just kind of like stop deleting things of you don't want so good let's delete this side off let's delete let's delete these sides here get rid of the spline just these faces [Music] leave that off there another trick you sometimes see me use is symmetry so like - so now one side is gonna do what the other side does now you could right click Edit form and now I'm in an area we have done live streams on before if you have asserts maybe I'll select the whole line if you have a search something like this you break that out to about there now we are in the in the spot where we have definitely done live streams on this before on the sculpting environment but in this case here we could we could kind of start playing with with the shape here maybe insert another edge boom like that there right click Edit form and I don't want to take too much longer on this but I think you can kind of start seeing other get a little wedge up here but I'm kind of stopped creating half of that standoff there and and then in the end if we finish this does collapse on itself up here repair it No you gotta be careful that you don't collapse and collapse this one up here am i over I'm over time now insert a CH boom boom boom boom I just wanted to get that hence there something in that is showing something and we would have to to kind of close this up but what I would do to this point why does it keep on collapsing on me doesn't like that edge okay this is not gonna be your sculpting tutorial clearly now is this going okay what I would do in the end close this up and then now this here is another surface body and now I would go in and use other tools as you're familiar with we could mirror this over wherever the origin must be create an origin out here mirror that across and then we could end up with something that looks like that alright looks like that might be that might be the next the next live stream we will we will do something with with this that is gonna be more that's gonna be better than that but that's okay dad it's all bit of a show today I hope this was useful give you a couple of options to import the the the outside formats in how to work with them that was what I I think that's probably the easiest option then if we get into the sculpting then we we will attack this and another point but before I end tomorrow Toronto so I will be out for the next for the rest of this week and then also next week I'm going to Montreal and I'm going to Boston Boston Massachusetts all right folks that is all that I was planning on showing on this wonderful what is it's a Wednesday it's gotta be Wednesday 188 is is over that was it thank you everybody for taking the time to watch this if you liked this thumbs up if you don't be honest thumbs down and definitely give me give me those comments and those emails that's where we're gonna end today hope you have an awesome week and a half and until the next time take care folks [Music]
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 55,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, Wood, Wood Carving, Carving
Id: X5pht-8EHqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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