Funny Moments from Seasons 11 and 12 | The Big Bang Theory

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hello Leonard I was going to write you an email but I'm a little drunk and spelling is a sober person's game so I feel I owe you explanation I'm sorry explanation Penny Penny Penny Sheldon go away I'm making a video I'm sorry I'll come back when you're alone no no no I am alone I'm just telling Leonard why I broke up with him oh he knows the video I want to see is why you went out with him in the first place went out with him because he's great if I kept going out with him I probably would have married him and I it's a little scary because I just don't think I'm ready for that you know plus I have got to learn how to spell hoffstead I I know there's a D in there but it keeps moving every time I try and write it Sheldon what do I do try to pass out face down so you don't choke on your vomit I am not going to pass out but thank you anyway wow I know there's like two more hours of her just lying there a you love me so much I married you jackass I know and not just out of pity like everyone said to their wedding toast you want to see the part where she falls off the chair totally Dr Zayn Dr Harris this is my fiance Dr Sheldon Cooper that's the first time said that and it kind of give me the Goosebumps Dr Cooper we are so excited to meet you oh that's very kind of you but if you'd like I could autograph your menus after dinner but I better not see those on eBay no no no we're just excited to meet the man who landed This brilliant woman here oh that wasn't hard she threw herself at me now getting the universe to show me its naughty bits that that took some doing Sheldon's a physicist oh oh that's nice Amy I recently read your paper on lesions and the olfactory receptors in the brain it was inspired oh well I guess it didn't stink if it did that route wouldn't have known it I'm sorry I'm sure you don't want to sit here and listen to a bunch of work talk oh no I love it no but let's talk about work Amy's work my work yeah why don't we start with my work actually I do have a question for Dr Cooper when Amy first told you about her approach to synaptic tracing did you think it was going to revolutionize the field really that's your question what are you Entertainment Tonight you know what I'm going to give you a better question here um Dr Cooper I heard you were working on a top secret project for the US military why don't you tell us about that see that's a great question okay what was that like I can't tell you that is top secret hi you wanted to see me yes I wanted to talk to you about the email you sent me last night I sent you an email you bet you did hello Shalom and Aloha from the grave of Richard Fineman oh it's coming back to me please accept the following retraction I know I said physics is dead but it is the opposite of dead if anything it is Undead like a zombie speaking of which if Richard Fineman came back as a zombie I would totally let him bite any chance that's the end I got bit by a squirrel once I had to get rabies shots I cried so much my mother said don't be a baby in conclusion physics is great squirrels suck and someday I'm going to put my mom in in a cheap nursing home Yours Truly XOXO Dr Leonard hoffstead I I can explain PS can you come pick us up the Uber driver won't open the door because Sheldon is covered in blue vomit oh I don't care you know me I just go with the flow Beach public pool both sound awesome on second thought Beach I'd like to befriend a SEO that is crazy yeah will you email that to me have you played this for him no I'm worried he'll say I violated his privacy listen to how happy he sounds I'm up for anything as long as I'm with you what are you listening to nothing oh come on I want to hear we don't need GPS let's just see where the road takes us I see why you turned it off that guy sounds like an idiot honey that's you don't be silly my voice is deep and sonorous like a Caucasian James Earl Jones Luke I am your father see it is you I recorded you in your sleep oh look a hitchhiker I bet he has some interesting stories that's me it's you so you spied on me in my sleep Sheldon I'm sorry you've been doing this every night I couldn't help but wonder if it meant something well it doesn't are you sure I mean the prefrontal cortex regulates impulse control so it's plausible that when we're asleep aspects of our personality that we repress might come out don't try to put science lipstick on your new age Pig and for the record you make noises when you sleep and I've never accused you of repressing your inner chainsaw if you want me to object at your wedding just give me one of these just wish I could make Howard feel as angry as I'm feeling well maybe you could do something he likes and make him jealous like what what you ever read Tom Sawyer no chores he likes chores oo what kind of chores well you could change the batteries and the smoke detectors that would drive him crazy great oh he'll be so mad smoke will be coming out of his ears yeah then the smoke detectors will detect it wa hold on why' you ask me about Tom Sawyer I'm just interested in you what you are sweeter than your applesauce okay I put new batteries in the smoke detectors did you do the laundry I sure did oh he's going to be steamed just like his dress shirts at least he could still clean the oven so that's something no that's what he thinks where's your steel wool right here we may quite the team okay you ready yeah almost I'm working on my facial expressions see uh I've got interested I've got very interested and enraged why would you be enraged better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it okay and rolling hello I am the thetical physicist Dr Sheldon Cooper auditioning for the role of Professor Proton now Excuse me while I get into character hello I'm Professor Proton and today boys and girls we're going to have fun with science did you know you could calculate the mass of an electron using household items it's true all you'll need is a pencil some paper dry ice rubbing alcohol and a spool of 50 Micron thick Cobalt 60 wire and remember don't put it in your mouth or instead of becoming a scientist you'll become wildly radioactive hang on I have a question do you have any experiments that aren't life-threatening come on that was a perfect take and you ruined it oh look hey I did need enraged oh boy what the cast the new Professor Proton is it Sheldon not exactly we turn it's will eat I don't get how you can enjoy Cricket it makes no sense did you just come here to complain yeah that's a sport of my people oh that's rabi Chandra and Ashwin he's amazing he makes hardik panda look like baneswar Kumar whoa whoa whoa whoa save some syllables for the rest of us hey I think that's Bernadette's friend over there oh yeah hey Richie I I hope this isn't awkward the last time we met I kind of embarrassed myself let's see if he can go two for two hey guys he are you here by yourself yeah I couldn't convince anyone to come watch cricket with me tell me about it I had to drag this guy you're more than welcome to join us if you'd like thanks what' she say a that clears that up she's telling the bowler to bowl a yker it's the most brutal ball in cricket I was at the match when sh bow back to back ykers well I was there too what a coincidence well there were 120,000 people at that match so yeah India right everywhere you go there's like 120,000 people so what do you think of our chances at the World Cup uh World Cup you know it'll all depend if CO's batting in form I know it doesn't even matter how many all rounders you have isn't that the truth you know I was the best leg spinner in my high school yeah like I bow the meanest googly speaking of googies I'm going to go before Sheldon gets here last time we did that he didn't talk to us for a month so do it hold on where is he according to his text he was on the second floor then he stopped to tie his shoe all tied and hello hi sorry we're late Amy took forever tying my shoe all right who's excited to see a documentary oh I know this one nobody ever hey this one's going to be great this is about the Rivalry between a cool Renegade scientist Nicola Tesla and his arch nemesis Thomas Edison it's the greatest scientific Feud of all time I mean you can forget about Liz and Newton done so Tesla is the one that invented the electric car no Benny no the car is just named after him okay you don't have to be so smug about it you know you went to see the movie it because you thought it was about scary it guys Tesla was a genius who invented our electrical grid Edison just wanted to get rich and famous didn't he invent the light bulb that's what he wants you to think but without the foundational work of ebenzer kennersley Warren De and James Bowman Lindsay you wouldn't know Edison any more than you know Ebenezer kennersley Warren De Lao or James Bowman Lindsay isn't he sexy All Fired Up it really gets my current alternating if you know what I mean Addison was kind of a publicity hog and a bully yeah he electrocuted an elephant named Topsy just to make himself famous if I had an elephant named Topsy he would want for nothing also he'd be named jumbo and worse than that Edison filmed the first onc screen kiss so he's basically a pornographer although every time I put that in Wikipedia someone takes it out is your current still alternating we're lucky there aren't any elephants in here want to grab some lunch you know what I don't think so let me guess you're not eating because the Mean Girls circled your chubby bits and marker no that that right there that's the reason you're always making fun of me well those are just jokes it's my way of saying that we're friends and it wouldn't hurt you to drop a few see no wonder I don't have any confidence come on you can't blame that on me why not 15 years of constant ridicule I I think our relationship has become toxic what are you saying I think you and I need to spend some time with away from each other look I I can see you're upset but I'm going to need some ground rules while we're apart can I see other needy Indian men get out on today's episode we're going to start with some viewer emails oh take off your glasses so people can't see your password in the reflection oh sure okay our first email is from uh Brad or Brian I don't know maybe it's Seth all right put him back on oh oh my gosh it's from fmy Lab in Chicago ah not surprising the windy city great flag town no no it's about our paper a team of physicists confirmed super asymmetry our paper was right we did it we did it we did it we did it it we did it we did it we did it a remember when they only did it on her birthday oh it's freezing out here do you like me to heat things up no I want to get in the hot tub before I lose a toe oh that is bright yeah new neighbor put in flood lights so shall we no I don't want to take my robe off under a spotlight this is a candle body howy neighbors we haven't met yet I'm Andy oh hello nice to meet you you know your new balcony kind of looks right over our fence you might want to put up some trees we can see everything you can but it's okay if you don't so can you turn your lights off sorry they're motion sensored they'll go off in a minute just try to stay still what are we going to do about this I say we wait until his lights go off and then I make hot motionless love to you don't move it's go time where's Raj uh he's working with Bert they're probably cutting their stupid meteorite open with her stupid diamond saw you okay yeah I'm I'm just a little run out it might be a head cold pel purel purel purel can I top anybody off why don't you go to bed I'll run out get you some medicine oh it's okay Stuart gave me some when I was at the comic book store really you're taking medicine from Stuart doesn't he need like all of it he has got plenty his pill catd is like this big all right well why don't you go to bed I'll sleep out here on the couch no no no you take the bed I'll stay out here even better sweet dreams snot bag believe they're going to cut that with this punk ass diamond saw Leonard what are you doing showing you that this is the better way stop whatever's inside there is [Music] dangerous oh and pretty what is that ah are you okay ah yeah I'm fine I'm just feeling a little hungry stop eating but keep eating [Applause] B Leonard Leonard what what you're having a bad dream oh thank God I was eating my friends well one friend and one acquaintance that you know what B's okay two friends let me see if you're running a fever yeah oh yeah you're burning up jeez are you okay it depends what color are my eyes I don't know Brown no green no wait Brown oh good I'm awake hello baby are you having a pleasant day oh my god this is my entire childhood Leonard Leonard you're chaining my data it's like word for word how much time is left 35 seconds oh really he's not reacting at all Sheldon he's a baby that's not how you talk to him okay just just watch hey har who's your favorite uncle un cool I got a dud let's switch keep trying it's for science is that all I was to her just an experiment Michael Michael you're making me look bad interact with me he grabbed my finger oh he's smiling I'm doing it that's time oh really can we do one more now I think these guys need to get some food by pushing a lever at the end of an obstacle course that we design no by opening the door to a hanger and letting the airplane fly in although Sheldon maybe it could be an experiment are you suggesting we color code their food so we can examine their diapers later sure these diapers are going to be full of data never thought I would see Sheldon enjoying himself around baby so much yeah how about that so he just happened to stumble upon a book about experimenting with them the same day we were hanging out with Howard's kids yep don't overthink it oh my God at Sleepaway Camp my cabin was called control group and the absence of side effects means that inflamex can be taken in conjunction with other medications It's a Brand New Day such a good tagline I forgot who came up with that you did that's right I did okay I know it's late I'm working you guys really hard heart so I have a little treat for you we get to go home no you get to stay here and get vitamin B12 shots oh my God you guys are still here we're happy to be here it's a brand new day it's 12:15 it's literally a brand new day everybody go home all right fine go get out of here go on I think things are going pretty good are you aware that Dave's in the break room crying yeah told him if he's going to be a crybaby go to the break room just really want to be prepared for this conference you're going to do great you really think so course they're scared of you you're scared of me the system works hi I got you a surprise oh what's the occasion I heard you tell hie that story the other night and I thought it was so sweet that steart and I turned it into a book The frightened little astronaut that looks just like you look how tiny and scared you look and the best part is steuart showed it to a publisher friend of his and they're interested in it that is so cool absolutely not why because I don't want the whole world to know I was the frightened little astronaut maybe you should have called it the little astronaut [Music] once upon a time there was a little astronaut who was sitting in a rocket waiting to go to space and while all the other astronauts laughed and joked he stayed quiet because he had a secret he was scared he had another secret too he was only pretending to be scared to trick the alien [Applause] king Howie fine there was no alien there was a bossy wife though we'll get to her later hey good news they're inviting several Noel laurates to our reception how great like who uh makota Kobayashi what I may have been less than kind to him about this Nobel Prize win why I was jealous angry and new to Twitter it was a dangerous combination okay okay so scratch Kobayashi uh George smoot's on here we have a history Soul pearlmutter oh what about Kip Thorn yeah we now that was a misunderstanding I didn't know he was right behind me so you've alienated everyone we need to help us well Amy if I'd known that someday we need them I would never have insulted them well well that doesn't make it better oh well that's also not true it's for the Nobel laurates we need them on our side but unfortunately Sheldon no unfortunately Sheldon that's all you got to say well so you need these people's support and you're sending them baked goods yeah they're pretty smart don't you think they're going to realize it's just a bribe no You' think but sometimes brilliant people can be painfully oblivious to social cues thank you for pointing that out Sheldon [Music] anytime Sheldon Cooper Sheldon Cooper pass Sheldon Cooper a oh oatmeal raisin oh it's from salul pearlmutter he sent me a picture oh let me see oh he arranged the cookies to spell out thank you Sheldon that word isn't think it's got to be them hey put it on speaker hello hi well this is Sweden calling is this Dr Cooper and Dr fow yes congratulations it is my pleasure to inform you that you've won the Nobel Prize in being [Applause] suckers his Swedish accent was very convincing this is it what do you want Howard we were just calling to see if you'd heard yet we haven't but thank you for getting up so early to call that was very thoughtful oh please we have two little kids we've been up for an hour did anyone get to slap Sheldon no all right we'll call us when you're here right now what oh why don't we play a game to pass the time here uh I am thinking of a number hint it's a cube of a cube of a prime there's an infinite number of possibilities what you got somewhere to be oh that's me hello yes this is Dr Fowler I see okay thank you we won congratulations oh my God we did it I know can you believe it that's a good point what if I'm dreaming we won the Nobel Prize [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Big Bang Theory
Views: 269,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, TV, Funny, The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon, Penny, Leonard, Laughing, Warner Bros.
Id: looMyVTPOn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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