Office PRANKS but they are just hilariously subtle

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go all right first name is Tom no no names no names no rhyming no sound Alik okay you're getting into my head first name is blank and he goes on a cruise he goes on a Caribbean cruise I don't know Katy Holmes no but he's married to her oh Do's Greek no no it has to be a real person Jim come on okay no no I'm going to pass I'm going to pass uh okay um rhymes with parnal rhyming really a rhyme another clue another clue okay he is the governor of California he is The Terminator those aren't helpful Tom Cruz no God Does anybody read the paper hey Jim Jim come here do you know who that is no look at him look at them t-shirt jeans is it you I am flattered that's Johnny de where'd you take that in my condo complex oh my God that's right I read in People magazine that he was looking for a two-bedroom condo Grand I'm flipping out man well you remember my idea for the fourth Pirates mve sure that they should do one hey Jim Jim where where do I find a black pearl who's that Captain Jack Sparrow Captain Jack Sparrow JY John Dillinger no I'm Captain Jack Sparrow Captain Crunch crunch okay okay hey oh uh Pam can I see you in here for a second it's uh important so okay what what is this I found Dwight's wallet in the parking lot oh my God what are we going to do I don't know I don't know I don't know what the best play is uh do we tear everything up or do we buy a horse on the internet I mean I don't know what to do what do you think I know I I know what to do okay what okay put everything back exactly how you found it okay hey Dwight Jim and I found your wallet in the parking lot what did you do to it nothing I'm serious what did you do to it Dwight I swear we didn't do anything nice try cancel card cancel card cancel card well well well look what the Cat Dragged In from Stamford hey Dwight fact I am older I am wiser do not mess with me okay sounds good what are you doing I don't know what you're talking about I have a smude on my forehead no look good why you looking at my forehead I'm not meet my isine Jim I am stop acting like an idiot okay hey buddy well well well H boss for what was it oh 4 and 1/2 hours new record low previous record Henry Roston boss for 9 years 4 months and he only left because he had Family Matters to attend to and he what Michael oh my God I can't believe it I just wanton an art contest thanks I still don't understand why you wanted me to say that shut up I got her not cold why not cool [Laughter] man why are you here when darl was coming you said you wanted me here for protection that I said not that we just have a lot of stuff down there that could be stolen that's ironic what that you are afraid why cuz I'm from the hood Dink and flicker Dink and flicker I Tau Mike some uh some phrases to help with his interracial conversations you know stuff like fleece it out going Mack five dinking flicker you know things as Negroes say Okay greatest strength okay okay a doglike obedience to Authority nice that doesn't sound good okay okay um how about the Ultimate Team player Dwight is special but I don't believe that his talents are being used in this office so Pam and I have put his resume on Google Craigslist we're really interested most in jobs that take Dwight out of state um preferably Alaska or India he's a gun Knight sticks to his guns Cumberland Mills and how did you get my resume oh no no I'm very flattered don't get me wrong I'm just not sure that it's my official resume or if it's something that maybe a satisfied customer posted online what does it say under Marshall arts training oh okay I'm going to have to supplement that could I have your fax number let's see I had an aunt that I was really close to she was this amazing female boxer um anyway she was injured in a fight and she was paralyzed so so you can imagine how upset I was when I found out that she asked her manager to remove her breathing tube so she could die wow if you want to cry that's okay thanks um few years ago my family was on a safari in Africa and um my cousin Mufasa was um he was trampled to death by a pack of wild beasts and um we all took it really hard all of us kind of in the audience of what happened do you want to talk about it anymore oh it would probably take me like an hour and a half to tell that whole story me me yes okay um I was trying to throw this party once and everyone was over for the weekend and then my Uncle Bernie died and so me and my best friend we had to pretend like he was alive so wait a second that's Weekend at Bernie's Dam okay Jim what what's what's happening oh she's asleep narcolepsy probably okay now open your eyes and describe it to me uh I don't know it has four bedrooms in the law oh my God now she's up yeah and she's trying to describe how to correctly butcher a goose but she's having trouble coming up with it okay Sydney go Sydney Sydney hold its neck back insert the knife beneath the jaw bring it all the way around there's going to be a good amount of blood don't let that bother you have a bucket there for the blood and the the inerts and the feathers hey you know what Dwight maybe we should get our photo ID taken together that doesn't make any sense well it saves time you know cuz we could just meet in the parking lot every morning walking together Perfect Smile no I never smile if I can help it showing one's teeth is a submission signal in primates once someone Smiles at me all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life this came out really well there you go this is humongous I am not a security threat and my middle name is Kurt not fart what did I write I expect to do very well tonight I have an acute ability to read people Jim for instance has a huge tell when he gets a good hand he coughs uh I will raise thanks it's the weirdest thing every time I cough he Folds hey guys Jan is ready for you okay bring it home now and don't forget the new black man phrase I Tau you pippity poppy give me the Z yes sir remember that I'll be right outside if you need me all right yeah I T Mike some new phrases I want him to get the raise just can't help myself care for a piece of chocolate chocolate where did you acquire it that is a delicacy in the Amazon but it has not yet been imported to the United States who is the king of Austria Joseph II who is the King of Prussia Fredick Wilhelm the third who is the king of England why the Tyrant King George of course I don't care what Jim says that is not the real Ben Franklin I am 99% sure great is eating an apple I found a potato hey Creed hey nice okay so Dwight in your own words someone replaced all my pens and pencils with crayons I suspect Jim Halpert everyone has called me Dwayne all day I think Jim Halpert paid them to yes five bucks each and it was totally worth it this morning I found a bloody glove in my desk drawer and Jim Halper tried to convince me I committed murder I think he may be the real murderer Jim Halpert said there was an abandoned infant in the woman's room when I went to save the child I saw Meredith on the can okay every time I typed my name it said diapers by the end of the day my desk was about 2 feet closer to The copier yeah I just moved it an inch every time you went to the bathroom how do you spell animalian animalian yes why none of your business I'm writing something you're writing something forget it I'll look it up myself no you know what you do it no I'm not going to do that uh yes I'm in charge you have to look at but I know how to spell it so tell me only if you tell me what you're writing forget it I'll do it but you're getting written up so now you're writing two things Oh Hey listen Jim here's a little tip for your performance review tell Michael that we should be stalking more of the double tabbed Manila file folders we don't have Double T Manila file folders oh yes we do yeah it's a new product so you should just suggest that to him and then he'll be sure to give you a raise all right well I'm not asking for a raise I'm going to actually be asking for a PID decrease uh that is so stupid what if he gives it to you then I win you know what I am going to Zone you out for the rest of today okay I need to stay focused and I don't have to see you tomorrow or Sunday and please don't call me and we'll see how things go on Monday stupid wait one thing um but tomorrow you mean Saturday right uh duh duh today is Thursday but Dwight thinks that it's Friday and that's what I'll be working on this afternoon Michael and Jan definitely made out oh maybe more oh also it is Thursday but d i thinks it's Friday so keep that going yay this is Jim it is about 11:15 and I wanted to know what you were up to tomorrow which is the 15th and that is a Saturday Saturday so just let me know what you're doing tomorrow Saturday for lunch okay talk to you soon hey Jim hey how's it going oh my god did you see The Apprentice last night of course it's on every Thursday night so how could I miss it can you believe who Trump fired no that was unbelievable who who was it who did he fire you didn't see it no I went out and got drunk with my laser tag team last night crap never go out on a Thursday night what the hell was I thinking hey it's 1220 where the hell's D um no idea never missed a day my ass I'm here I'm here I'm here it's okay okay uh you want to do this the hard way we'll do this the hard way you wrote down those fake diseases didn't you no was that the hard way I know you did then why are you wasting everybody else's time well because I want to know who wrote those diseases down I want you to write something down okay I Jim Halper committed Health Care fraudulence wait one second cuz that sounds really good is jackass one word or two one right cuz because of the show it's one what is Dwight abetes it's awful the problem Jim mhm is that people who are really suffering from a medical condition won't receive the care they need because someone in this office is coming up with all this ridiculous stuff count choculitis sounds tough why did you write that down Jim is it because you know I love count chocula do you I think you need to confess the fact yep that what are you doing what those are my keys good luck what Jim damn it no Jim let me out Jim let the light gray hello hello this is Dwight fruit from the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company W that's great cuz I need paper excellent then you are in luck because we are having a limited time offer only on everything wow this is my lucky day ask him his name what is your name sir I am bill butlicker really that's your real name how dare you my family built this country by the way be respectful Dwight please yes Michael could you hold on one second that's my other line what no but I hello yeah no I'm just on the phone with a stupid salesman he's so dumb probably just going to keep him on the line forever and not buy anything okay it's up to you to change his mind sorry that was a family emergency oh no what's wrong you know what that's private boundaries twight come on I'm sorry Mr buter as I was saying we're having a limited up a little bit louder I'm heart of hearing he's hard if he's an old man okay as I was saying right now we are having talk louder okay our prices have never been lower you have to talk louder never been lower louder son buter our prices have never been lower stop it stop it he that is totally inappropriate you never yell at the client you never you listen to me sir here we go the three words I would describe you as is aggressive hostile and definitely difficult I rate right now please give me another chance give me the Mr butlicker give me the phone I have to put you on with my boss well I should hope so who is this hello this is Michael Scott regional manager well this is William M buttlicker hello Mr buttlicker how may we help you Michael I like the sound of your voice you know what I'm going to do I'm going to buy $1 million over the paper products today see done thank you very much sir I don't think you'll regret it you what I did you are the master there is one condition Michael yes you have to fire the salesman that treated me so terribly don't do it Michael it's a million dollar sale man what is taking Toby so long oh I'll just time him later and you'll compare the times yeah are you ready now my greens are really tight I can't am I being mean to Dwight I don't know I did just make him run around the building and I have no intention of timing him this isn't even a stopwatch it's a digital thermometer he does make my life harder sometimes and on purpose like he tried to put meters on the bathroom stalls as a way of bringing in more money for the company hey three more laps to go you got to pick it up if you're going to beat [Music] Toby I should probably get back to work three sorry sorry quick thing so is it true that if you can't get out you don't want anyone to help you I will get out oh yes I will so we shouldn't help you no matter how much you might beg and please no all right just this is getting hot so let's just do this okay ready three two one go is everything okay Michael yes all right let's get started um oh first off we're supposed to be pushing card stock this week so let's push card stock this week uh also what is this take qu for what for recording Michael is on vacation and he has asked me to record all meetings and to type up the transcripts okay uh Karen any news from that law firm yeah the deal closed yesterday it's a six-month commitment oh my God Dwight what are you doing what you're not allowed to take off your pants in the middle of the office I'm not why you know what just back off okay that's making me uncomfortable this is sexual harassment by the way oh my God he's got a knife I do not have a knife no let the record show that Dwight K Sho is now completely nude and is holding a plastic knife to Stanley's neck let the record show that Jim Halper is a liar Dwight shw is now wearing a baby's Bonnet I am not oh Jim Carrey just walked in Dwight get his autograph from Jim car did not just walk in okay why what is that on your stomach is that a Muppet baby tattoo oh my God Kar you're right that is animal from the Muppet you can't see my St I am now chopping off phyllis's head with a chainsaw you ready you kidding I was born ready wait wait um I don't know how to tell you this but we have a little bit of a problem know what the minister just told me that it's tradition for the besti mench to be older than the groom oh come on I've never heard of such a thing I haven't heard of it obviously but I'm out because I'm significantly younger than you not significant as a big word well okay either way either way Dwight I can't be there for you I'm sorry Jim I just really wish there was something I could do Michael I can't believe you came that's what she [Laughter] said best prank ever [Music] C
Channel: The Office
Views: 87,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the office, the office full episodes, rainn wilson, john krasinski, steve carell, michael scott, the office fire drill, jim and dwight pranks, dwight schrute, jim halpert, the office funniest moments, the office cpr, the office parkour, Best The Office Moments, the office superfan, the office videos, the office funny, the office season, the office ending, the office deleted scenes, the office intro, the office us bloopers, the office theme song, the office wedding dance
Id: P063-lps8JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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