Funniest Test Answers BY REAL KIDS (2018) | TOP 80 SCHOOL FAILS | Alonzo Lerone

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get a dictionary listen i haven't done a kiss test answers in so long and i think it's been over a year this is part three so i'm finally doing that and speaking of part three i just released the part three video of senior quotes a few days ago and it has over 6 000 comments so thank you guys for not only liking the video but also commenting because it really keeps me entertained alright after this video i'm go i'm going to go over these funny school films by real kids but before i do do not i repeat do not get distracted by this shirt let's focus on the main thing all right and do not forget to subscribe to this channel take that two second break to subscribe to this channel it will give you instant notifications on when i upload because i'm going to see you in a few days with a brand new video come up with an equation that is true when x equals 7 be creative you can make the equation as simple or as complex as you want he said x equals seven and the teacher said really what is a six-sided polygon known as a stop sign and he drew a stop sign what is that wrong or something i know i haven't been in school in a while but is that wrong cash is that wrong right there cash right cash right oh man i can't even snap with my left hand someone said someone posted so should i talk to my wife about this or just let it go this kid said my mommy's job is doing the dentist in this history exam teacher marked this one up question one explain how the cold war started he said no salt is commercially obtained from seawater by the process of evaporation and crystallization the main component of sea salt is sodium chloride oh my gosh i feel i feel like i'm the scientist just reading that what type of attractive force or bond holds the sodium ions and chloride ions together in a crystal of sodium chloride james bond write any four properties of white cement it is white in color did you say you don't say i'm just dying to see his answer for number four explain the role of gypsum in setting up statement now be careful on this one how many valence electrons does is every is every question about science how many valence electrons does he have two why did i ask you to be careful on this one what is the most common incorrect answer probably two and a tester y'all man if y'all gonna cheat make sure next time you copy you copy the answers of your statement on the right numbers teachers said zero out of ten cheaters never win what do you dislike about high school people what is purpose of adding dilutes what is purpose of what is purpose what is purpose of adding dilute sulfuric acid to confuse the students according to the information from the jail which of these suspects committed the crime bob sue john or lisa this kid said i'm not snitching hashtag 300. what was the hashtag for this is jamal's paper what has been your greatest accomplishment why kevin read english what has been your greatest accomplishment so far starting the homework what hasn't happened yet that you are looking forward to what haven't you done been experienced i haven't started question three looking forward to it number three what have you been given to support you on your journey a pencil how many salt pots may be filled up from the spec taker man i don't cook so i don't even know what they talking about 12 number four about money which is bigger 42 percent of 47.50 pounds or 3 over 7 of 47 50 pounds you must show working to explain your answer i don't know did you give him credit for the 12 though come on what's the difference between red blood cells and white blood cells some are red others are white he drew a red blood cell and a white blood cell this one is red and this one is white how do you identify athlete's foot it's on the end of athlete's leg or are you are y'all printing these are y'all copying these kids homework and putting on social media like that do y'all have no shame at least he drew a bomb shoe man that is flopper and he even got the hair on the legs if miss mohab eats a lot of ice cream will she gain inertia but i don't even know what inertia i need to go back to school she'll get diabetes that reminds me of the bob one bob bob has diabetes appointments have been double booked change them the perceptionist did not know which staff were in the building when the fire alarm started start looking for a new job this ninja protects question 9 from being marked as incorrect yo why are you going to give him a zero and say so so you should be sorry for not giving me i would have given him at least 10 points for that he do a whole ninja give a reason why people will want to live near power lines you get your electricity faster hip three ways to reduce heat loss in your home thermal underwear move to hawaii and close the door i feel like my parents are here somewhere telling me to do that this holiday is in welcome lord voldemort and then you're going to cross it out and say does that mean two points determine the volume of each of the two cones show all work to receive full credit um while i was reading that i had a flashback of me in sixth grade is this sixth grade what is the ratio of their volumes i have no clue but if you write 12 and another 12 under it it could make a bunny and this kid this kid literally drew a bunny with 212 negative six man you must have been caught on a bad day greater than paper water is a polar substance all right explain why the water molecule is polar include a suitable diagram and your answer because water is found in antarctica and that's where polar bears are found and there's a polar that don't look like a component but they look more like cash than cash i give you three seconds to come here one two two and a half two and three corners oh oh he's right here hold on you cannot tell me that does not look like cash right there tell me that don't look like that exterminate vocabulary word to get rid of meaning i want to exterminate my mom combine gf ftf equals 6.3 i'm trying i can't answer that and we have another smart kid over here this one says do not write your essay on this page this kid said your essay what is the dotted line called the elder wand uh something tells me that is a harry potter thing and let me tell you about harry potter so according to you guys i was doing the senior quotes on my last video a few days ago and there was this harry potter thing that i didn't understand let me tell you something i'm gonna confess this right now i've never watched a harry potter movie or read a harry potter book in my life so y'all y'all can do whatever y'all want but i will tell y'all i did go to universal studios two years ago and i rode the ride with a harry potter they were in a castle but i felt like i was flowing miso middle latorro side draw ethel propionar what i can't remember so here's a dinosaur instead so close that looked like the dinosaur from the land before time there were four ghosts that one ghost flew away how many ghosts are left four minus one equals zero because ghosts aren't not real explain why phosphorus chichasha is polar god made it that way cash what are you doing you doing the mannequin challenge or something and if i was in school again this would be my question what is a microphone true or false i guarantee it some people don't look up until they are flat on their backs this quote means some people can't look up because something has happened to their necks so they can't look up for example if a person gets kicked in the neck by a kung fu [ __ ] they will not be able to look up what a [ __ ] for what would you rather be stuck on an island all alone or with one person you hate why did the teacher run out of print i would rather be on an island with someone i hate so i have something to eat i am best when seduced what come what grade is this kid in mr fancy wells says this is correct he's clearly a well that knows his accountant all right so are you going to give me credit for that or not find the exact value of 10 in the middle of sin negative one to the three over seventh power ravioli rally only give me the formula feature squeeze pattern detection how that that's how the other teacher ran out of eight because this one using all the ink to draw some brains how is the brain like a cantaloupe list seven ways number one it is delicious so all work for the questions in this section circle all of you okay find the volume and surface area of the right cylinder i don't know but that looks like sushi oh this did he just say sushi omfg sushi and what what is on that surface is that wasabi sauce the average person passes gas from the anus 16 times a day why i am dying to because our brain need new air so we pass gas and want new oxygen listen i don't even know if that's right or wrong but what kind of question is that i love my dad because my dad is pretty my dad is really nice my dad is a sausage but most of all i love my dad because he loves me so much does it until he reads that paper your dad is a sausage date me please are you you about to get their teacher in trouble miss i can't read the question there's a bear in the way mr boom with this lovely picture help my grades have fallen they can't get up y'all this reminds me of that kim kardashian man kim so kim kardashian let me explain kim kardashian released the little yeezy and caption it like butter the internet grabbed that picture and roll with it but that last picture that picture had me fall to the ground i if y'all don't remember that commercial y'all y'all are too young for this video height of the eiffel tower really tall like taller than a giraffe and you grew a tree too the teacher said yes how many points is he gonna get for doodle and all that this is a magic penguin and he said all my answers all right oh is this the same person doing i need to meet that kid right they can probably draw my next logo man date me please oh my is that y'all y'all gotta stop trying to date y'all teachers cause some of these teachers gonna say yeah and then it's gonna i have zero dollars i need two but two billion just a small loan of two billion dollars your presentation is the worst i have received ever well damn the teacher didn't need to go in on him like that at least he presented it and my anxiety would have me sitting in the chair with my head on the desk what else i can do here here's a table my mom is 13 years old she has brown eyes and black hair her job is work on a grilled computer how do you cook a turkey put in the oven for two minutes and eat it happy thanksgiving are you satisfied with your results why or why not yes because i paid attention if i could be invisible i would go away for a while and have fun i would go under the ground and talk to the doc to the devil the devil done caught my throat i don't even know what this is a conjugated right coming in like el nino el nino is spanish is the spanish word for child like all things spanish it is dangerous jeremy please a little less drama write 200 000 in figures 200 000 in figures draw a sketch of the situation you could have at least drew snooki too complete the number sentence show your thinking 53 plus 25 equals 78 and this kid drew two girls with the question mark and the exclamation mark what does the bunny got to do you have made choices that have caused you to need to stop and think about it what was my behavior being disrespectful to students because this girl named july is going to call me ugly so i said she shot that old navy and her tea shop at the gap i remember reading that list and i don't even know what this is do this don't have anything to do with kid creations first name carol age 14 name of creation worm that is my science project in one picture is miss having a girl or a boy what should she name baby wanda rooney alley sawyer dog [Music] balloon potato who eats the most at a picnic mosquitoes or the dog my dad he is chubby he has a problem tracing write the word say it out loud as you write drink complete the sentence by writing the word in the blank drink plenty of water when you exercise what is wrong with that write a sentence with the word drink my mom drink scentsy you didn't need to call your mom out like my mom drinks hennessy she probably drinking because of this you bring all them paper you bring you bring in your grated paperwork at home or your teacher submits it to you i don't even know but if i'ma see that every day i'ma have to drink some hennessy too explain the word wholesaler someone who sells you whole items like a whole cake all right see that's not even right but i'm gonna give you half a credit for that what causes thunder clouds burping you that is a nice cloud though define enzyme superhero of the cell define c enzyme and zom sidekick write these words in alphabetical order i'm sorry for laughing at the kids work but this is genius dustin was late in the class because batman made him late you made the kids sign it too my seven-year-old's homework had me baffled for 10 minutes it comes with no instructions or questions just as is i got it it felt stupid give it a go and let me know if it takes long or is it just me let me see hey [Music] laura you better drink some hennessy too i prefer to read non-fiction since it's not real i was correcting the tests we had and saw this let me tell you a lot of teachers beat some enemy stuff too so i'm just going to put that out there it's not just a parody what is the tropical depression and how does it form it forms where i go to the trumpet john is staying at oh oh oh no that's not gonna no i refuse to do that mel sees a raft a boat and a ship on the water they are all carrying people which holds the lease fart a fart a far stop and on that what's up with all these kids loving farts all these bodily gases and fluids and another behavior sheet what well i don't even know what these are doing on this video but this is right here that as a consequence for my behavior i received demerits because i wrote none of your beeswax on the sidehouse sheet i received five demerits rat six hat std you write about that with the style but the sad face would be that too choose a topic then write some sentences about it topics gangs they smell bad they are soft i agree thumbs up if you don't thumbs up anyway because you will thumb thumbs up as you cuz you cause you real thumb thumbs up but with that being said thumbs up
Channel: Alonzo Lerone
Views: 9,072,365
Rating: 4.8654447 out of 5
Keywords: Alonzo Lerone, Alonzo, Lerone, Dumbest Fails of the Internet, Alonzo dumbest tweets, dumbest tweets, get a dictionary, fails of the week, comedy, comedian, Alonzo Lerone dumbest fails, Alonzo Lerone snapchat, best clapbacks, facebook fails, bone apple tea, funny kid test answers alonzo, funny detention slips alonzo lerone
Id: L-BAH6hMywM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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