TOP 40 Hilarious KID Letters to Parents | Alonzo Lerone

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get a dictionary so it's my birthday oh my gosh now when I bought this it looked like did I look what did I look like a plastic bag is this what it is this one I look like the Holt now I asked my grandma checkers earlier last week what video should I do next now a lot of people said cooking now the reason why I can't do that right now is because someone ate all the meth so I'm gonna have to settle for this hilarious kid letters - Parris now I did a few before but the people that are asking about cooking and want to see me cook look nine times out of ten I fell that cooking so I don't know what y'all like to see me cook there was only one time I did it right which was baking treats for cash alright and I think it was for his birthday last year I'm not sure but it's my birthday now and if y'all want to give me something join my channel by clicking the link in the description bar alright it's only $1.99 a month and for the people that saying that they can't afford it that they're broke that's funny because I just seen you at Starbucks behind that ariana grande $6.99 drink that is like three months on my channel for is my birthday I'm not trying to do any math but as you can see on my TV I have balloons now every year for the first five years at least I've done videos for my birthday on my birthday now this is just gonna be on my birthday March 7th but right now I'm going to do this hilarious kid letters to parents now I did probably one or two before so I probably have came across one of these already but you know what don't call me out unless if you have a pre NIC shanira by your name alright do not call me eyes not the time is my birthday I met a new friend named Sarah we became friends because I kicked her in the face and said sorry and we Tara Sarah probably looked over his note and said yeah you kicked me in the [Music] dear mrs. Micmac Hong you're a good teacher but not my most favorite see if you paid attention to class you can you know what how this does look like a second first grader like I said I didn't know the difference between your your till I hit like 14 or 15 years old and that was only because I want to CSI Miami that's the only reason it wasn't because of my teacher sorry because of nothing well done dear Tooth Fairy I lost my tooth on 23 of October now it is November 12 I lost my tooth in pizza I lost both today you owe me $1 not to be harmed but I need money I need some in our money and she needed nap you know times are hard when you count how many teeth you missing and how much money the Tooth Fairy oh you and looking at how old this letter is week I still look like a bit through World War two Anisa probably in accounting by now and she's still trying to get her dollar from that - dear dad I'm so glad that me and Isaac are staying with you me and Isaac miss you I hope you and mom will get back together but you and mom won't because my mom does not like you with the kids but you didn't have to call your mom out like your god oh dang thank you for the baby brother but what I prayed for [Music] cuz your baby brother probably looking at you right in that light really well you gotta play me like their mom and dad don't bother to give me dinner I'm not that hungry love actually scratch love I'm from the saddest person I'm sad too when I'm not hungry I'm sad I actually get hundread now I posted this on Twitter this was me on a panel thinking about four I was literally thinking about what I was gonna eat for lunch and I'm sorry for the people that came to the panel for me but I was hungry but I wasn't the saddest person in the world clearly because I was the one that was hungry I feel like I was thinking about food I didn't hear anything and if you were there you can actually hear my stomach growling actually I didn't have a microphone on me I'm glad I did it because if I did you could have heard you could have heard my stomach growl mommy I love you some time what was the explanation boys for one what a surprise you Brody miss P made me write you this note all I wanted to say sorry for is not being sorry cuz I try to feel sorry but I didn't I thought if that was me if that was me I probably would have wrote it like hey Brody I'm just trying to write this letter because Miss P is looking at me right and she thinks I'm actually apologizing to you but I'm just taking up time thank you for the amazing squirt girl I will shoot you with one thank you for the amazing squirt gun I will shoot you with well gesture Julian have a great day love mom Julia reply I will knock I won't love you if you make me clean my room set every kid in my most interesting person alright now I know type this I never know how to type on a computer till I guess I need to stop telling you a lot about my life because I feel like all of this is gonna just come back and bite me here my most interesting person I think my dad is the most interesting person I know it was easy to pick my dad over my mom because she is more like a regular now she's gonna she's she's a wreck Lamar nautical I am running away because you think I bought it when I did it PS yummy Brendan thank you mom for making me food so I don't die mom dad I love you but you can't cut my hair if you do I will never forgive you I love my hair and guess you don't love me enough to do what I want for a change this is my heart is broken and these are the buckets of my tears because I thought at first those were salt and pepper shakers but now I think I need a bucket for my mom I love you more than rainbows and beautiful blue skies I love you more than buttercups and wings of butterflies I love you more than cow this could have ended so nicely Eric and mom do not take because mom has a butt problem and ever it takes too much what look this hairy take Eric takes too much but when I was 8 years old my neighbor's dog kept pulling on my yard so one day I pooped I put a boot on his head if you're if you are not picking up over your I was gonna say children though if you're not picking up over your pants i'ma go and poop on your yard to this lost horrible Oh God I'm thinking about the last video I did if someone said I need to learn how to read children's letters I'm trying this tastes horrible if I did that my mom would slap me in front of everybody when I grow up I want to be a dog saying saying cuz my dog don't every time clean the house I just look at cash just chilling in the window and I'm like hat you gotta pay what you weigh now you've been on this earth for five years and his birthday just passed by like my birthday my birthday March 7 you guys I'm telling you from my birthday what I want is for you guys to join my channel that's all I what I gave 10 years of my life the least thing you can do is accumulate a dollar ninety-nine every month for your boy it's me it's my birthday so click that joint button beside that subscribe button or actually click the link in the description box on the top all right yeah Ashley would you please be my girlfriend I liked you a lot Ashley said no not maybe but no she was straight to the point PS please put yes no or maybe I'm sorry I already have a boyfriend Kyle but when we break up your next choice PS that will probably be your mother too I never in my life heard of a girl know when exactly she about to break up with her boyfriend and were you wrong for the positive ways our family handles stress suck it up I don't you family's like that but Ben you ain't good you got to lay amputated I don't care oh gosh oh my god always trying to clog up my attention this is my day my birthday alright my one wish is for it to rain tacos if the new genie would have had that I guarantee it would have been a dud them hard shell tacos to knock Aladdin out good morning I see my assassins what is it why does a little kid know what assassin is and how did she know how to spell it I see my assassins have failed oh my gosh you're Valerie get out of my life this is too much Game of Thrones going on y'all need a garden eNOS to Papa John kid dad remember father in Sunday not father sleeps on his bed day he understand this day and by the way y'all need to stop making fun of my laughs I am NOT boiling tea all right my mom likes drinking wine oh this videos gonna be the death of me but thanks a lot another year I hope you get a lot of presents and a happy Merry Christmas and you are fat happy Christmas to you too bah bah bah I'm going to run away tomorrow at nine third when you and Dad are sleeping be sure to say goodbye forever PS I will be packing tonight Emily was probably in the room right now while mom and dad was cooking breakfast and she was like I'm not talking to you today and tomorrow PS all day PS s I still love you you better bring my pony this year or there will be consequences yeah that pony's feet are here see that pony gonna be so big if you didn't make his feet into stay back hope did that pony walk and get their cardio our mommy don't come read with me I am mad at you and I will tuck my own self in oh my god what my parents don't about social media is that kids really get bullied and there is a lot of inappropriate things and nudity a lot of kids have secret accounts or sent inappropriate things well you go ahead now see not all heroes wear kate's over here here God may be Cain and Abel would not kill each so much if they had their own rooms it works with my brother alright so that's it for this video I hope you guys join my channel by clicking that Jordan button if you guys do not see it the link is in the description bar alright joy today on my birthday or for my birthday and I will see y'all in a few days thumbs up if you don't thumbs up anyway cuz you feel dumb thumbs up because you [Music]
Channel: Alonzo Lerone
Views: 1,371,594
Rating: 4.9627771 out of 5
Keywords: Alonzo Lerone, Alonzo, Lerone, Dumbest Fails of the Internet, Alonzo dumbest tweets, dumbest tweets, get a dictionary, fails of the week, comedy, comedian, Alonzo Lerone dumbest fails, Alonzo Lerone snapchat, best clapbacks, facebook fails, bone apple tea
Id: mAZh5_3Q-m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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