Seizures on the Beach - Scary Moments for Lifeguards

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i'm glad you came around when you did i was a little bit worried you've had a few kids before oh you're right yeah hey ryan all right just played it again we had a phone call from the boat ramp and saying the kid slipped over hit his head pretty much mashed his head up and he's had a seizure lifeguards are at the change rooms tommy is unsure about what to do next so i just had to pause and think of how i was going to deliver it on the radio and let the boys know it was serious but not cause any mass panic or anything essential two life guards across the road we've just had a kid take a heavy head knock on ben buckler uh so if we could get you guys back here that'd be good thank you the young man is not epileptic seizures caused by head injury require massive force like out near the boat ramp yeah there's sort of mixed things that go through your head you know we're sort of going there i'm just trying to picture how bad his head knock would be for him to have a seizure [Music] on arrival they discover year old dom severely concussed you could just tell in the eyes he was out of it he had the eyes where he was looking straight through you and you'd say something he was delayed response can you tell me what day he's done um after him not being able to tell me the day it that sort of escalates a little bit more you know you're looking at you know potential brain injuries you know could be internal bleeding he just he needed an amber he he'd had a good head knock as an ambulance is called lisa a woman at the scene reveals what happened i looked down and he was fitting so i just ran down and just lifted his head up and i could see there was like blood everywhere um then he was starting to turn blue because his mouth was full of foam head injuries can cause bleeding on the brain can you tell me what day he's done um do you feel dizzy or nauseous or anything like that are you all right now because he had such a big hit to his head he um he was very out of it he didn't he's i don't even think he knew that he'd fallen over so it's hard to get information out of someone like that first year trainee tommy isn't accustomed to serious first aids some trainees it's really hard really difficult to know how they're going to handle the pressure you know some guys go quiet everyone handles things you know we've differently the public up here have already called an ambo we've just taken him up in the car park on ben buffer and um there's significant headquarters had a seizure so we're just gonna wait for the ambos up here with him just those things that aren't standard and you haven't trained for they're the ones that you get most nervous about here we go the professionals biggest comfort for him probably was this you know young lady my mum's like a really severe epileptic so i grew up with people work with her fitting all the time so kind of yeah knew what to do it's unclear if lisa knows dom already he seemed pretty content um you know he's getting a lot of attention from you know his the good samaritan that was helping him the whole time you know lovely young lady sort of bear hugging him and sort of making sure he was okay and i think that sort of eased it a bit dom is transported to hospital for a brain scan a few days later lifeguards receive news that dom will soon make a recovery from his concussion and another question is answered the identity of the mystery woman lisa so the two girls that were there apparently i i've just read this in the article there they poked on big brother i had no idea okay you know what you need you want to come in with us so you've got type 1 diabetes and you know you you know you obviously have it um we need to get you a soft drink do we yeah okay i was told that he was having low sugar levels i've dealt with diabetics and low blood sugar levels before and i know that they need soft drink or they need something sweet to bring those sugar levels back up what is ginger beer good yeah in extreme cases people can die and they will die because their blood sugar levels drop too low this has enough sugar the car what is it and then he pulled out from around his neck that he also was an epileptic okay gotcha i don't know do you want me to call an ambulance for you or anything matey [Music] i might need some help here we might call an ambulance what was your name again what was your name again mate he's having like an epileptic seizure all i could do was hold his pulse and i was just basically waiting to see what would happen next [Music] epilepsy and diabetes quick smile [Music] i've never been confronted with anything like that before he's had a little episode you were the lifeguards welcome back scare me for a second there pete i think he knew what was going on and he's been through it so many times that when he comes to and he rides out the other side that it's you know am all right now so much better oh god man turn this cruise out here we're having a type 1 diabetic and what it does it blows me sugar so i can go into a hypo any kind anywhere and it drops very quickly i can go into cardiac arrest as well it's not a bad spot to sit through the action anyway [Music] it wasn't for these guys here i wouldn't be surviving very well i'm stoked that pete cain to ask for help you know he was a really interesting character to meet on the day i don't have too many bad days but if i do you know i'll look to pete it was a really steamy hot day you just know hot day something's going to happen so i headed down to the northern end of the beach and out of the corner of my eye i see a guy fitting and he's literally i seen him falling yeah guys come down north i've got the homeless [Music] [Applause] i knew i knew it was going to be really difficult i had to get back up just remember that board of coff no nick the jogger notorious for his white speedos is having a seizure at the north end he's still breathing but he's unconscious yeah coffee mates i'm getting the number harry's is already there uh luke's gone down as well and jesse's there we're lucky we've got an ambulance parked across the road um out in front of bombay surf club so we're gonna try and see if we can get those guys to attend i saw them there earlier having a coffee and then yeah we're really lucky because they're attending they're right here hey guys hello buddy how are you feeling it's the ambulance we got the paramedics down and then it just pretty much snowballed from there so next we're going to get spine building behind him see how we go mick well known for avoiding human contact is about to find himself surrounded by half a dozen people as soon as he regains consciousness i knew he was going to be hypoxic when he woke up it's lack of oxygen to the brain and on you or hell was going to break loose he needs to be examined by doctors lifeguards restrain mick while paramedics administer a sedative it must have been pretty hard for me because we had him strapped to the spinal board even with five lifeguards from two ambo offices we were struggling to to keep him down we're trying to help you help please promise we're trying to help you mate it's extremely upsetting to see someone like me complain and i felt like we were inflicting the pain to a degree eventually mick is sedated and can be transported to the ambulance for further medical care counter three one two three let's go no we do a lot of rescues with people you don't know and you know mix a character that we see every day lifeguarding is emotionally taxing even more so when the lifeguards are dealing with someone they know i need to sit down then get me breath back it's very physical and it's and it's emotional too you know so i'm a wreck but you don't get it out of me much but that was full-on i just had a couple of tourist approach to buggy and just tell me that there was an incident about 50 metres up the beach [Applause] yes sorry mate i'm back on deck a woman is in poor condition but the situation quickly escalates reedy checks vital signs hey uh south rhino you have a fig in the back of that vinyl i think having a d fib ready to go is a huge advantage to us should we have to use it again defib early access and you got a big chance of surviving [Music] the woman's condition is a mystery and well beyond lifeguard medical training so when she came to on the beach i guess it went from like a level nine to like a level five because once once she was communicating with us we could try and figure out what was wrong do you know what your name is angelico do you know what day it is can you talk to me friday it's friday friday do you know what's happened angelica reveals that she suffers from seizures get copy made i'll relay that to the uh lifeguards don't know what is causing angelica seizures it's really important after someone's had a fit that we get paramedics to have a look to make sure this person's okay [Applause] copyright i've got all that i'm just on the phone mate i reckon we um just get her out of here straight away yeah you all right you're right hold the on seems to have passed so greedy plays host on the drive to the tower where you're from africa south africa all right we're about to south africa johannesburg are you um you holiday yeah dude i'm glad you came around when you did i was a little bit worried you've had a few fits before oh you're right yeah hey ryan right just plain it again once she passed out the second time and i i was getting quite concerned you're right you okay i wanted to get her into the tower pretty quickly um but to carry a dead weight like that even though she is only about 60 kilos he's quite hard especially to crawl in there rip her out of the buggy and get her up the stairs to the tower as suddenly as she lost consciousness angelica comes to again [Music] just did the best i could good do you usually have them this regular uh and yeah it depends on what happens okay a lot of people who have had fits have maybe had them before and they can indicate something else is going wrong so we need to make sure that they get just a set of eyes over them and if the paramedics are happy they can clear them i'll leave that here we've caught an ambulance for you i really don't think i need one well you've just had two feet yeah i don't want to go anywhere yeah they'll just check you out okay we're a bit worried about you then that was pretty bad on the beach sorry no no don't be sorry it's just like we just want to make sure you're okay before we let you go lifeguards have a duty of care to all beach goers angelica's family arrives with much needed medication so you've got some medication for her angelica's here thank you okay that's fine all right the ambulance is in the car park they're coming they're not tired once i heard the sirens of the ambos coming down the hill i went to go meet them at the top just to give them a little bit of info on the patient angelica feels the ambulance is unnecessary angelica's condition says otherwise [Music] not a great strong pulse and i'm just going to do whatever i think at the moment hi you had a few seizures today do you know where you are at the moment bondi yeah paramedics check angelica's vital signs and recommend a trip to hospital it's probably a good idea to pop up to the hospital it's quite possible could have a further seizure you don't want to come no paramedics can't force angelica to go with them and she's left in the care of her family if someone is giving you their expert opinion like the paramedics want you to go to hospital just go to hospital it's not worth you walking up the street having another episode and falling over hitting your head because who knows what that would result in
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 8,772,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seizures on the Beach, scary moments for lifeguards, seizure on the beach, seizure caught on camera, seizure video, seizure caught on tape, seizure first aid, seizure while at beach, seizure while swimming, bondi rescue seizure, bondi rescue epileptic seizure, bondi rescue mick seizure, bondi rescue woman seizure, woman has seizure at beach, woman has seizure bondi beach, woman has seizure on tv, bondi rescue 2021, bondi rescue, bondi lifeguards, bondi lifeguards first aid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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