Man Plunges 40 Metres Off A Cliff | Bondi Rescue - Season 2 Episode 3 (OFFICIAL UPLOAD)

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on bondi rescue a man plunges 40 meters off a cliff you don't know if a person is born if it's a fisherman a busy day for bondi's two rookie lifeguards as brooke handles eight rescues while blake deals with two beach goers in a different kind of pickle so where are you girls from i'm from vietnam and bondi is visited by one of the most googled people on the planet i can't see anything there's just microphones and cameras everywhere on australia's most eccentric beach welcome to its craziest morning hey you're bright and early about uh four to five and uh there's not a lot of people on the beach it's fair for you up in the south corner still but mate why are we up this early cruise people all over the beach oh well it's monday the 1st of january 5 a.m a little bit too early but yeah we're just starting now so just about to get out on the beach and set up and see how everything's going it's blake's first new year's day on bondi and one the young rookie is unlikely to forget happy new year [Music] on the morning after the night before revellers are paying the price of a big night out yeah you good kerbox blake and dino do the rounds [Music] but what may first appear nothing more than a bad hangover could be a drug overdose or a serious assault yeah the boy's just doing a bit of a routine check to see uh wake a few people up see if there's any problems quite great on here what give me a bit of twist on the old air huh snoring is he all right hey there we go how are you i want to make sure you're feeling all right come on what's your name oh he's gone again i think he'll be all right hey he's good now who's out for counting sure look at him [Music] blake is given the honor of planting the first flag of the year on bondo beach you're fine no new year's day passes without someone getting their gear off and on a beach full of tourists it's always midnight somewhere in the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're celebrating the new years in new york city so it's 12 o'clock am while most people are still in party mode lifeguards scan the water that might have been in trouble two men are struggling and backpackers rip yeah boys you're gonna have to go for sure both of them yak must act fast they're doing that really well yeah they were i've seen them go under do i spot it don't they whippet pulls the smaller man onto the rescue board as yak deals with his large friends nearly back to the beach while yak's still trying to get his 100 kilo plus friend onto the rescue board if he lies too far forward the board will nosedive paddling a combined 200 kilos of weight is a slow process grab the oxygen set with there's quite a bit of water there oh you had a bit of a blue nose but that looks like a stop it's going to put a little bit of oxygen on you all right that'll help your breath a little bit and help you relax your copper whacking the nose out there no no no i just you slide a fair bit of water started blue here that's it mate nice deep breaths for these two melbourne cousins the new year nearly got off to a tragic start i was trying to help this guy um get back to shore then uh uh webb caught us so i couldn't get back thanks alrighty thank you take it easy thank you thank you rich or poor hip or hopeless it doesn't matter who you are down on the sand [Music] but at bondi some people just don't want to be equal truth is bondi is a magnet for freaks fruit loops fashionistas and posers not to mention a who's who of celebrities the first major celebrity sighting of the summer is british billionaire richard branson so you're based at the lifeguard place over there now we're based we're with waverly council we're and we're um the full-time paid professionals yeah you had a busy day any and about an hour ago we did four rescues sort of right on top of each other yeah that hasn't been knock on wood it's not too bad everybody's all right yeah everybody's alright so yeah not too bad good to see you nice to see you thank you everyone who's anyone sort of comes to bondi i guess i don't even really take too much notice of who comes down there anymore they've always got a huge entourage following them and every little groovy guy and chick around following them around trying to touch them or being there now bondi is being visited by one of the most googled people on planet earth i can't see anything it's just microphones and cameras everywhere there's only one thing more chaotic than seagulls chasing a chip beachgoers chasing a celebrity uh paris hilton's just popped on the beach there's like a thousand people around up i'm yet to spot up a couple people looking all sudden everyone's just seeing what's going on just one person's watching i think there's about fifty thousand there in ten seconds if you'd probably bring security down here we wouldn't worry about it is i'd love to go in after i cause she's hot and my girlfriend are cringed seeing me say that the way for getting all the cameras quite wet though it's like the whole massive football team isn't it [Applause] it's not a bad office is it bondi rookie brook was a lifeguard on the new south wales central coast no celebrities no tourists no crowds she couldn't be working at a more different beach like i'd get up for work every day excited to come down the beach every day is different you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world today fitting into bondi is one thing fitting into an all-male environment is another it's getting easier but now that i know the boys themselves yeah they're starting to get used to having me around it's he's nice doesn't it does looks gorgeous be like yourself [Music] i wouldn't date any of them with the sun out and the rips pulling brook's about to get her first taste of a busy bondi she's been stationed off backpacker's rip a notorious danger spot [Music] she sees an exhausted swimmer clinging to a surfboard amongst surfers there's an unwritten law to help swimmers in trouble this is my second day in sydney you know i'm not familiar with the waters here well you can look out to sea see the waves breaking over here yeah so the waves come in on the shallow bit break and then the water's got to go move back out to sea so it finds little channels along the bottom is it the sanders literally yeah deeper where it's deeper and it'll go back out to sea there so if i can get cutting a rip again the way you go sideways with the rip yep yep swing straight across from there across just you can go on this way yeah and heading to where the um where the waves are kind of breaking yep sure good job i know i think thanks blake got a taste of dealing with drunk party goers on new year's day now the rookies got the job of dealing with these two on his own what happened i i fell look why are they actually sore anyway what about your head yes yes very tender and your shoulder yeah yeah you do and this is here so what have you got in your case oh say that yes cylon so where are you girls from i'm from vietnam i've been me i'm victory you want me to help you up you get me right blake's encounter is far from over yet brooks drying off after her sixth rescue of the day funny enough for brook everywhere i've sent her today she's stumbled onto a bit of action she spots a swimmer in a rip not in great trouble but struggling nevertheless but this girl gives brook the brush-off she refused to get on the board she could come in heaps easy but she wanted to swim it out sometimes we paddle out and people don't know they're in trouble so they just brush us do you want to lift him up head over this way yeah it feels like just wasting our time but can only point him in the right direction that's where you want to be yeah blake's still dealing with the two irish nurses that have sampled too much of the local brew nick how old are you i'm 18. oh they call home boy that's the most strong i've ever seen anyone oh they told me oh i've like loved you okay come on yes patching them up was one thing getting them safely off the beach is proving much harder they literally couldn't walk they couldn't get up those steps it's just stupid this is why you don't have glass at the beach rescue number seven for brook this time she spotted a swimmer with an injured arm caught in a rift another man with a boogie board offers to help with an injured arm it's proved impossible to get the man on the rescue board brook lets the waves push them to shore the man with a boogie board seems determined to get his moment of glory and escorts the rescue victim from the water is he with you yeah they're waiting to take him out there with a broken heart mate no he went back without me and i got caught in i am from poland yeah you know what it's about this country yeah i'm the young lifeguard yeah and i know something about this yeah i'm working today save him you know what i mean yeah know myself yeah you know what i mean bro yeah so how much surf is there in poland no no no we've got just seen not the ocean so it's pretty dangerous swimming in the ocean yeah you don't look like you're very strong to go in the water yet take it easy yeah when you go for a little swim go between the flags yeah yeah sweet he was rude when i got to him how many yeah compared to up on the central coast there's a lot more tourists down here a lot more people don't speak english they don't understand the beach at all they get straight off the plains come straight down the beach and just about drown straight away on a day like today a quiet beach up the coast looks an attractive proposition bondi has days that no one sees on the postcards or travel shows today and even the die hard surfers head for home [Music] we just prepare for hot busy days and if it comes like this you know we just spend a bit of the day doing a bit of training we might do a bit of first aid simulation this afternoon with the mannequins and that might be where we do that pretty regularly oh probably more looking at a game of dice but even quiet days can suddenly get very busy danny and quiggers head for the cliffs at north bondi it's unclear whether the accident victim is on the rocks or worse still in the water there's quite a few uh precarious cliff faces up around the north and south end of the beach where any inexperienced people can usually have a little peer over the edge and slip and down they go [Applause] okay so you don't know if the person's fallen if it's a fisherman or do you have any details like that somebody was reported off the cliffs near the golf course thank you that was the information that i was after as police and paramedics arrive at the cliff top lifeguards make the first assessment from the water yeah copy that danny the precarious cliffs are popular amongst climbers surviving a fall from this height would be miraculous it's impossible to tell whether the man is still alive i wonder how far he fell from no because that's a big drop isn't it massive absolutely massive is it good oh you know 30 meters not a record police rescue wrist means you know they're in the word but they're gonna have to get him up somehow depending on how bad he is might just bring you around here that's what i mean like the boys will have to get him there goes the chopper a rescue chopper with paramedics aboard joins lifeguards and police at this stage we have a seriously injured male who has fallen from the top level of bondi golf course he's not in a real good way the man still hasn't moved the lifeguards have been an integral part of the whole process they are actually in the water they've been making assessments of the patient as the process has gone through and they've been communicating what they've seen and what their experience is through to us through the police and through the westpac crew an approach from the water is deemed too risky a paramedic is winched down to the accident victim he's alive but it's still unclear exactly what happened to him so we'll just have to wait and see the the wash up what really happened finally he's on a spinal board then safely wenched into the rescue chopper you know what i was riding out here today the first thing i thought beautiful easy day as soon as i thought that straight away i thought hang on no way in the world something's going down for sure sometimes bondi's surf can be as fearful as its cliffs former world number six surfer rod kerr has never shied away from big waves [Music] in the water kerbox is fearless on dry land well that's a different story box has got a bad phobia with heights and uh i've offered to take him skydiving before he blatantly refuses so i thought i'm about to go to lunch he's about to go home so we've got a bit of time together i thought might as well chuck him on that slingshot or whatever it's called and uh i don't know whether he'll do it or not but if he doesn't at least you'll have something to bag him about see that come on buddy i can't do it yes you got it the 11 year old sister did it come on you're coming okay let's go we'll get you fear i'll catch him if he does that anyway seeing an open door curvox bolts it's over in one second if you die you die on national television [Music] [Music] the recent cliff rescue at north bondi is still the talk among lifeguards he was a rock climber he actually fell like about 40 meters if you fall 40 meters you're gonna be pretty lucky to survive i'd fall off the bed i can't even at nearby prince of wales hospital adrian smith counts himself lucky to be alive and i just stepped on the wrong piece of rock i can remember when i bounced i whacked my chin and went blank then i'd come awake when i hit my back and then i remembered rolling and then that was it all i felt was fallen i remember just going shhh and i was like this going through the air just like i can't believe this is happening it just went blank and then i'll wake up and i see my feet and i just remember looking at it just going oh no like i could literally pick my feet up and swing around in a circle adrian suffered compound fractures to both legs and a broken jaw but he's thankful to be alive at the end of the day the only reason i am here is because emergency services got there because the lifeguards the police rescued and the chopper got there you're doing it whippet's been having trouble getting kerbox to conquer his fear of heights he was in the change room before and he couldn't even have a shower he was talking to himself telling us that's why telling us to feed him still has to get away from him he didn't want us to be near him so all right let's go yeah at least he's agreed to conquer his fear of watching the slingshot but that's it this is awful what am i doing can't box [Applause] how long you do that fearless surfer elite lifeguard and now confirmed acrophobic he's a coward you know people got fabulous about different things and that you know i mean you'll pull into a 30-foot wave because there's water at the bottom but like you said there's no water at the bottom of this unless you end up in the harbor so i don't know we'll slingshot you that far all right back to work next on bondi rescue a flash rip from nowhere means drowning swimmers everywhere at least 15. no there's no boards on the shore you've got to take one from up here there's that girl there there's aggro on the beach love in the water really i love you so much
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 875,827
Rating: 4.9571457 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi rescue 2021, bondi rescue season 2 episode 3, bondi rescue s2 e3, bondi rescue season 2 full episodes, bondi rescue full episodes, watch bondi rescue online, watch bondi rescue online free, bondi rescue online full episodes, bondi rescue online free, bondi rescue online stream, bondi rescue episodes, bondi rescue cliff, bondi rescue death
Id: iVdxfZ9G3tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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