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[Music] [Music] [Music] what wu5 tonight's video really fool ya Mar steam ya mass is a really cool Pokemon and it gets a gala forum with Runa riggis as well so I thought I'd make a themed team on it now if there's any other evolution teams you'd like me to do please leave it below in the comment section I love to see your creative ideas if you want to check my streams our people they are on Twitch I've got a for battle special tonight so we've got four battles back to back if you like these sort of things maybe let me know in the comment section and I could do it again so get some popcorn some food and chill out because we got some vandals to do this was a battle on my twitch chat this one was against Mars and I'll kind of wish my name is Uranus at the time so we've got a rapid Ashley here and rapidash is gonna be shiny and we got my yam Astley here now before anyone says it in the comment section I'm gonna beat every single person to it I'm probably going to call ya mas en masse at some point in this battle I just did then alright so this is a trick room set and it's pretty actually handy - my whole a team strategy now obviously you've only got four poke all right so I've got to think about how I can maximize the amount of damage I can do a four pokéblock so we got trick room destiny bond Shadow Ball and magic coat now Shadow Ball there is to get some damage there and most of the time I'll be sitting triggering up and going for destiny pod now I'm the magic out there obviously is to set up on any Pokemon that attempting to set up for me like a bounce those statuses back and maybe help my team out a little bit so we got the RB we're coming in here with the Zen headbutt I'm gonna take that one pretty well and I've got them obviously I've got the mummy ability to so I'm I'm gonna see bang goes mummy and I that ability is gonna get swapped around so now I can go for a destiny bond here I knew that'd be where probably wouldn't be able to take me out in one shot I had a focus on regardless it was a crit or not and I'm gonna be going for that move there men are so like creepy with that mask on the bottom of the young master as well but it looks like the face it's got the really we'd our pokedex entry as well it's scary one okay sit down guys wear your mask and the yeah mask on I did it again and I'll be where is gonna go down to now it's like okay this thing solely runs around for it room right now trick room is quite handy on this guy Vegas let me explain why we've got a special attacking cop Rigas beautiful under Turek room max health and the max special attack quiet nature zero IVs and speed so we've got nastyplot we've got psychic we've got shadow ball all the nice coverage moves there and that's gonna take the frost layer easily in one shot you know I thought it may have a focus that's there but it didn't of course that critical hit didn't matter there and accompany this special take isn't too bad but with nasty pot it makes it pretty you know a pretty potent our Pokemon come against so we've got Frogger hopping into the battle here which is the Venus I think they've got two full shiny team so the other mobile got his body pressed to I tied I sort of made it a little bit of a mixed attacker to because it's got such a great defense that I thought hmm if us like a steel type comes into this I can go for a you know a body press in case I don't have a nicely point upright Sophina so it's gonna come in it does take the psychic reasonably well and now it's gonna be going for a toxic the only bad thing about that is I can go for another psychic and Venus or is most definitely going to go down then I don't think maybe it could go for life and protect and try and stormy out a little bit of toxic for a goalless it does it definitely doesn't have you know enough help to live the next psychic form cough rigors Mitsuko freakish does a really cool shiny - I really like it so we got the trick room of running out for me unfortunate thing I'm gonna go for another nasty party I can set up and then they're gonna swap out their Venus alright and we've got the sigilyph coming and so sigilyph ride is normally a very bulky pokemon and it couldn't run that near that cosmic power set and are stored palaces like okay we've got the nasty put up it we're good to go right we've got some bows nice special attack foods so I've got the toxic here and I pretty sure I can one-shot this very very easily unless it's got something like a focus session something like that I've got to be pretty right so we got the carmine from single leaf here now after one carmine I was thinking man that's not gonna be enough to take you know to be able to hold like us it gets a super effective Shadow Ball anything like that it's like I'm going to see what this item actually is so go for the Shadow Ball there I really love our conference puts his hands out white use Shadow Ball looks so cool and sigilyph is going to go yet so copper occurs is causing a lot of problems my opponent at the moment it has taken out a couple of pug Club it's nothing take it up three Pokemon so it's like okay bina sauce probably gonna hop back into the battle now that there's no trickery on the field right so always thing for venusaur is toxic I see okay what is it gonna do is it gonna heal herself is it gonna try and set up leech seed you know what is it gonna do is it just going to attack me the grass I move its gonna be go for think you can race again terrain does a little bit of damage mean not too much I'm 44 the venusaur that is not gonna be enough I sustained for it's allowed to living this psychic right and the psychic is going to take the fina sort out all the item of my arm cough Regas is weakness policy as well so you can essentially have it under the trick room right set up a nasty plot get hit by a super effective move and man you better watch out under tricking because that thing will roll you right okay so we've got the rope attached coming in here as I okay well it's partly gonna go for like a flare blitz or something like that if we're for a poison jab and poison chap actually isn't very effective and I'm gonna be able to live man run away coughing I guess I would run away after this thing this one so we got the poison which is gonna take me out in the next turn obviously I'm just gonna go for the psychic I did it real I didn't even think that I'd even like live that I thought rapidash with this flare blitz me I'm gonna take it out with a crit so rapid ash is gonna go down and it so is my cough riggis I don't know if this that is that point in the battle actually didn't make a lot of effect on the entire game as you'll see as you might you know you might think it changed about all bit but it actually really did so now we've got the primer inna as their last this is a 4b six at the moment to so we're gonna bring in my yo Marci IEN I did it again my en masse my yeah mask my mother is gonna call it mask my mask right is gonna be going for a premier we have a Dynomax primer eater so if you haven't noticed they didn't Dynomax until are now now primitive the only members kind of worry about was like a water-type move that would be super effective against you know not copper extra greenery guess which was my last plug foot outside of my baby Brunner Rigas too so we got the big old premier in here it's gonna go for definitely for a water-type move but instead of going for a water-type move it's gonna go for ice we are guessing that's coming up ice beam now the problem with that my game bus has a focus sash as the item now the focus sash is actually going to go away after the hail damage that's really bad I can't go for a desk ebon I can't go for any other moves like that this one's actually a physical sets got earthquake so getting the trick room up that was the most important thing there and allow my Runa riggis to actually outspeed everything in the next term so the hole is going to take my MRC out it did its job it set up hail but in some of the other battles coming up it actually did a pretty good job so the only good thing about the hail being on the field it is gonna land on the pre marina so bring in the runer riggers here now this runner Rigas is a physical attacker with the salt bears we got shadow claw body prints earthquake and facade if it does get poison or burn so I could go dynamic see I can go for a max quake yeah and boost my special defense and do some obviously some nice damage to the primary in the process right now prep arena has one sorry two turns of time to make said I was kind of hoping I could leave the next attack so then order only have one and you know hitting me of a much weaker ice move or water type move whatever it's gonna throw at me right so going into the big Runa triggers for any Riggins looks awesome but this evolution light is like super cool in my opinion I don't know I just I just really like all the designs them they're really really cool I like our rigger sort of goes into that what would you call it sort of like a um I don't know what the word for it is but so like when you put all like the dominoes together anyway so we got the yard I think that was that was the earthquake of course their trick room is still up it's a 3d ko against the Dynomax / marina so getting a nice special defense booster which is absolutely awesome and instead of going for a water type move they went for another eyesight move and this does a lot of damage smells like wow that it's so much to me and also critically it's about harm man that actually did a lot like if they fire a water type move of me next I'm gonna be in a really big a lot of trouble yet so I can go for another max quake here or boosting my special fence but I was like I don't know if I can actually win this at this point because um you know I'm gonna have to take them out I'm gonna have to probably nearly take them out this turn so go for another max quake there on the premier premier is gonna leave that one just and I'm gonna get another boost into my special defense there's like okay I'll definitely be able to live a water-type move and now premarin is gonna go for another max house so I'm like okay I'm gonna live that easy I get critted twice in a row by that that is unbelievable like that is the unbelievable ending to a bell there and yep that's pretty much in I'm salty as yeah I've got created twice in a row at after all those boosters well it wasn't even stabbed like it was ice babe they can about Omar's go Bob go buy a lot of ticket my man all right let's get on to the second battle now the second battle was against Trevor this one was also on my stream as well but once again people who haven't watched my live streams you can check it out on Twitch their link is in the description of the video now Pikachu it's gonna be the lead poke one and Pikachu has the ash hat now this isn't bad right because the yin mask will try to feel my Pokemon can easy take a picture too out so Pikachu's gotta go for the bolt tackle there once again I've got the focus sash it actually doesn't take me it out of my sash and I'm going to get static and Pikachu's gotta get mummy guys I'm finally gonna see Pikachu's mom I wonder what she looks like pick a pea all right so I'm gonna set up a trick room ride which is gonna be very handy for basically my entire team now sinking okay should I just go for a magic coat I really don't have any other moves to hit the Pikachu with I mean I could attack it with a shadow ball but I don't really want to waste like too many turns against the picked you I want that our trick room up and I want the yeah mask off the field then I can send in copper aigis or Runa Rigas to get as much damage why that rooms up right okay so figure who's gotta go for a surf there it's a mixed set and down goes my little mask unfortunately now I've got three more poke one to go Pikachu has got leftovers only on pit my channel so we're gonna Bowl we're dealing with a bulky Pikachu here people sometimes you just got to deal with these threats right you gotta you gotta face these threads so instead of going to rune riggers and copper ingots I went into Yanmar selves like maybe I can get a yen master suite so go for the earthquake it's gonna just body that Pikachu in a one shot now when I mentioned before I was gonna go for a sweep you may have guessed they've got a full Pikachu hat seems they got all the Pickers units they can possibly fit on one team so we got another thing coming and Pikachu is gonna have a focus that unfortunate for me now I also ever focus ash myself to some okay what are they gonna use surf instead they use iron tower men pick a new style turn like it turned like gray then what's going on so we got the wandering spirit and static I've got static on my end Mars now so I can go for any type of move and I went for an astonish on this one this is my other attacking move now these are the sets on these ones you're probably wondering all I ran on them was max attack and on the other one I ran max special day that's all I did right I wanted the like zero Ivy's in defense special defense so they took like a big hit see I want a destiny bond to work that railroad so we got another picture you coming it's going to be go for a surf unfortunate use do have surf and Yan mast is gonna go yeah mask okay he's going to go down someone's gonna go through and like count all the times I messed up that Pokemon time alright so cough rigas is going to be swapping in and copies is gonna be a pretty nasty Pokemon to come against so we got the big all funder Bob there that's pretty good damage but not anything really took off triggers I'm gonna go for a body press here I'm gonna sit on Pikachu and it's gonna live man that Pikachu has some bolt they're bulky Pikachu again so I've got the static and picking Pikachu's got a citrus Perry man what are these Pikachu sets now a little fun fact here I have done a full picture tutti before and I did do all the Pikachu hat so maybe if you like your Pikachu's you can check that video out after just you know give type it into youtube search so we've got a I'm a pig I'm seeing Pikachu's mommy again I'm gonna go for the Shadow Ball and that's most definitely gonna take the picket shoot out there so we've got three more Pikachu's to deal with I've got a copper agus and I've got a Runa rigger slim now I my Rena Rigas is paralyzed it's gonna be a bit of a problem here sorry Mike inferring us now it's like okay are we gonna get a big piece or we gonna get out like a Pokemon sorry a Pikachu P like both of them sound a little bit different they still got a big P though and little people so we've got the big old our picket you with the hat on I like how they kept the Hat on them they look super cool and the Dynomax and I was like okay well it's gonna use it so probably use like electric-type move and get the terrain on the field right so we've got the max lightning bomb the Pikachu and this is gonna drop pretty hard and I just live there on 9 health so I was very actually are happy about me I'll lift that one right so now copper agus can either go for an attacking move or I could just get paralyzed right that was pretty much my officers so go for the shadow ball Shadow Ball almost um I mean if I had a little bit more special attack I probably could have taken that out for the conferring especially because a little bit shaky right so I get 3/4 damage on the Pikachu I don't even mind and I'm gonna be going down to a surf so at the moment it's raining and there's a electric current on the field electric arts right so my last Pokemon is runo rig as you guys are probably thinking well Pikachu can go for a boosted our max geyser now this is really bad for Runa riggis now my Runa riggis does have a soul fest I was pretty much my only saving grace here and I was hoping I could get enough special defense boost to actually take out the remaining Pikachu's right now his hoping was gonna turn out that in the last battle like I got all those boots right and then I got credited to Lake oblivion let's go so like hoping that didn't happen again so I remember my Dynomax Kenny's on my Runa rigas which is good and now we got the Max Keiser from there Pikachu obviously coming off sir front alright good now I'm picking you but what it is when you give it a light ball right it gets some pretty good coverage like a hits hard with electro type move it gets surf it gets grass not there's some really good coverage there you get some other good moves like nastyplot to the problem about pickets you're right it's it's not blisteringly fast it's not bulkier so usually it just goes down in one hit so it's hard to get an initial setup on it but man it's electric-type moves it very hard with a light ball it's ring waters that's alright all right so that picture is going to go down we've got two more picot ood to deal with can we deal with these Pikachu I don't know now it depends if these Pikachu sets are running surf or not I noticed some had surf and some are like physical sets so this one obviously is a physical said they can't even be electric type move cuz I'm arena ringers and now I'm gonna go for a max quake and that are fits Pikachu is going to go down it's like okay does the last Pikachu you have a water-type move like cert that's the only water type moving again and if it does I could be in a bit of trouble if it's a crit if not we're in the green right because I've got two special defenses so we've got another iron towel set and that my friends is the second guy had actually dropped my defense set which is quite funny I can go for a max quake here and I was like that's pretty much gain right because Pikachu is gonna get one try to buy this every time and that was the second battle people hope you enjoy this one really cool team their dollars a Pikachu team and I thank you for the battle Trevor I'm gonna grab a quick little sorry about that I'm gonna grab a quick little drink break my drink break actually occurred no prior to me saying that right so the next battle we got against Daniel Pickers like man is Daniel pig I've got to bring another picker to team what's going on here okay so we let out are you with the the Charizard and will he let out with the Charles I shiny Charizard never ever seen one of them before and I've got my game our sleaze game asked him to do the usual white trick room setup now these fellows were against I believe they'll against my chat so I sort of put a code up in our life you know guys code I said what the code was and you know first in best-dressed get to battle so you know there's a couple of hundred people there and I basically picked the first one that came so I go for the Destiny Vanya I wasn't trough every single one of these battles was against summon my chat that's possible that someone could have typed that code into so if you did partake in one of these battles and you battle me let me know in the comment section always like to are you don't know who I burst so we've got a double K here with the Charizard getting taken out by my own mask and you know an eye for an eye now which wasn't too bad Charles I was pretty dangerous too now my option here is to go pretty much with this toy right oh I'll break it down right so my en-masse pretty much allowed kafra Cassandra Negus to wreak havoc on the other team basically they had to take out you know - Pokemon each and then the young master would take out one each and that usually resulted in me winning you know one zero or losing you know zero one I really have to get some chaos with these pokéblock so we got the Lola right - and the orbit orbit is gonna be swapping into a boosted Shadow Ball and man orbital ain't gonna be living that one no way that's a really cool shiny by the way I really liked actually the G max orbitals really growing on me so I actually really really like it okay so there are no a lot of trouble here I'm actually like dominating their team and we've got a Loki toxicity sliding in and they actually gonna be have a G max top Tristan now it's like okay they get go for a diet type move or they could just straight up go for the G max move but clock Rica's is really bulky right so they're gonna probably need to go for a super effective food now I've got that big boost there if they do go for a super effective move weakness posse could come into effect so go for a psychic almost taking out it was very very close there I guess yeah if it was stabbed I definitely would have taken up but it wasn't so uh I'm gonna hit by you guys super effective move there that is actually going to activate my weakness walls new so I've got plus two and specialist re plus two in Special Attack plus and nastyplot so they are in a world of pain the only bad thing for me right is the trick room is gonna run out so now they can go for a G max ton shock I know that's gonna be enough to take me out 40 like if they had one more turn a trick room I would've been in a real I would have been very difficult for them taking me up okay so half my team's gone I've nearly taken out half the team so at the moment things aren't too great right because I still got another fall Pope on deal so we're gonna have a back start and said that yeah the only thing I was going to worry about there so if they went for their arm they went for the signature move right because my arm my focus would have kicked in but they could have poison me right and then focus our could have you know that would if our focus session would have been gone so it's really lucky that actually you know just went for a super effective day so I've got my trim up which is pretty good they've got the top tricity going down after it's read to it of G max to now instead of actually just you know go for the Destiny bod I've got earthquake and astonish on this set for some coverage and that's going to take out a Pokemon without using up a destiny once that's really really big if the N Mars could take out a Pokemon with the out using destiny bug that was a really big thing because that was another Pokemon that Capri Cassandra norges didn't have to take out so now flapper is gonna flap into the battle I could go for the decimal here I was hoping it was gonna go for like a grab a pool or something like that and you know take me out and my dreams came true flat bald basically threw itself at me and that's gonna land on my little head that's gonna take me out and it's gonna take the N mass out at the same time which is really good so now we're pretty much on par got one more pokemon that and they have got two so a very very close battle at this point considering I only fought for Pokemon to the game right okay so last point are my last hope it's Bruner ringers I am under the trick room and are things are pretty good right now we've got the cute mouse coming up now Qube Mouse really can't use like two minutes like I use any electric-type moves to starter so it's probably gonna be using like a psychic-type move right which is probably like psycho for something like that now with the assault vest attached I'm gonna be extremely bulky and with the obviously where the d-max is well I'm gonna be hitting guard very very hard to the shiny um Johnny really reckless that's pretty cool too I like it it's a nice both to be honest both from look good like the red and the is that pink no sorry it's more like purple on mobile whatever so go for that was like the max darkness coming off shadow claw and that is going to take out the like you so there's one more Pokemon that and that last Pokemon I believe is incinerator syndra's so I can go for a ground type move but coming off earthquake there's like does this have a focus sash or doesn't knob and it turned out it did have a sash and that my friends is the third battle a very close bike like battle the whole time they're like I was about 1 or 2 Pokemon down the whole time but those young must really got me back in the game especially the young master used earthquake and then went for the Destiny one taking two Pokemon out was a really big thing there ok let's get into 4th oh man it's been a long time since I've done four battles in a video I'm trying to remember the last time I actually did that I think it might have been the guy gantu max Pokemon team I think ok this was again check asuras on my twitch stream and I think all of them were on their my twitch throat to be honest but I'm not sure about that last but I don't believe that was to get someone on my twitch that or they just didn't mention it and you should I asked you know who that was afterwards so we got a gal a li there and Gaillard is gonna take me up the ice budge I would have been insulted that actually froze me that would have been really bad so once again setting up the trick room here allowing my Pokemon to wreak havoc especially my Couric's against the opponent so now I'm gonna go for the Destiny bomb there that's creepy how it holds up it's like little yellow master and when it does its moves it's cool but it's creepy so we've got a big ol eyes punch they're taking my young master and that is also going to take out the galilea at the same time most battles right if you look at most battles if you think about it most battles I could always get a destiny bankai Oh unless the opponent sort of predicted it which most of time they didn't because you don't often see a young master in battle now maybe on the second yin Martian you might predict another one after seeing what team I was running but still you could get a sneaky one in there if you could so we've got another ilallah right to you this time it's gonna be a shiny one so I went for a nasty pop there and we got the right you going for a nasty plot as well we both wavefront nasty pots oh and that made me think hmm does this have a focus that's right there because this would be really bad if it were for something like shadow but even thought about will be doing a lot of damage after you know a nasty pot unfortunate for them their pancakes is gonna get eaten and it's gonna be going down and that's good for me because I took two Pokemon outright so I need to take probably one more out of coffee Regas so mallomars going to come into the battle shiny pokemon and all these battles starting to go for a shadow ball against the malamar melon that's kind of bulky so I thought it probably gotta live this one and I gave on a special offense drop this had contrary I was like there and that's such so we're gonna foul play there fair play isn't gonna do too much damage coming off my attack and I'm actually gonna get contrary on my copper riggis which is actually quite good and I'm gonna give mummy to the malamar now my weakness policy is going to get activated there and malamar is absolute toast and it's got leftovers as the item to it that's not gonna be enough to be able to live like another Shadow Ball I've got +4 in Special Attack and it's got +1 from the special defense boost that I gave it with shadow 4 that's pretty unlucky like that's the only thing about I like Cointreau if you've got it someone uses like a move that could drop your stats and then actually you could change the whole battle really so mallomars got to go down I'm in a very good position at the moment already taken out half their team so indeed he's gonna come in here the trick room is now gone and the psychic surge is on the field so all that I really had to do against the DD was body press all my other moves weren't gonna do like like modes and loads of damage so we got a shadow ball here and I was like okay shadow I was definitely gonna take me out indeed he's got a lot of special attack I'm not exactly on a high amount of health fever so go for it cuz it's gonna go down for copper II just did a wonderful job they're taking out like half the team we've joined masters help so into the second young master I was a little bit worried they may predict a destiny Vaughn but I really had to get that trickery of up regardless right so going all the way down to my sash like I knew I would and that's pretty good like this team actually worked out pretty good like considering if you have to heavily rely on cough rigas and rune Erica so to get some Kos okay so instead of going for an attacking move they went for a swap so they've probably predicted you know this probably has destiny bond on it now I wear for the testing bond it's gonna fail you can't use destiny bond in succession now I have to make the chance our choices should I go for another one it's gonna probably fire or should I go for astonish to try and get a fleet I went for the astonish hoping for the French look at the damage that did is a three hit ko and then SB on goes for a flat that my are no now I had to make the choice do I go for astonish to get the flinches or I dress to go for another destiny button I decided to go for another destiny bond and I you know throw a spanner in the works and they wear for another sip a babe in a size job and then yeah mask is gonna go down and the Espeon is gonna go down as well so that's really good that's good we're getting rid of the SP on to esperança quite a good a special Tucker there and if it had any way of boosting its stats or for that light screen those sort of moves can be quite annoying so there are Freck is still up on the field I've got ruiner Ricketts left so I was like okay reflectors on the field I have to get some sort of boost in my stats may be trying outlast this Enzio see how it goes right I do a shadow claw which can actually get around that with a crit but the chance of that happening a pretty small right okay so in Dedes are gonna be coming in here I've got the I could go for Dynomax here I pretty much am forced to go for Dynomax they do have one pokemon that I was really really worried about which they haven't brought in either so go for Dynomax I was hoping if I can get some bars special defense boosts because all the Pokemon the headlamp with special attackers right unless they'd like a sneaky a physical you know beam set on their last Pokemon so getting me a big old buffer an attack there I can go for this and get some are definite special because also hoping for like if I could get three off right that'd be like super super handy so go for the max break on the indeedy - it's gonna take it out which is gonna be really good and I'm gonna get my special defense boost now I knew that we're gonna go for a shadow ball there I was like okay well shadow Bose good it won't do much damage the only you have to worry about it's like a special defense Rob and they got a special defense drop there so my first boost was actually it was wiped clean so like okay I'll just go for another one then and then they got two in a row this is like deja vu - the very first battle in case like I wasn't getting credit this time but my boosts we're getting removed right so go for a second one at this stage right I've used two turns of Dynomax and I still hadn't got a single boost in special defense like I need this like levelled up the you know the drop drop stats so the last pokemon is the hey Doreen and guess what guys they haven't dynamics or G max yet I was in I was pretty scared because I knew that ever special attacking move now my last hope here was to go for just an outright super effective move or go for another like you know max quake to try and boost my special defense so of course we got the big old G max had a rain here I've actually tried think I've done that sweet I believe I've done a G max hello maybe I didn't do it the G max I know that I've done a had a rain sweep before okay anyway regardless I sort of just musing on that subject we've got a G max mightier and this one is going to be doing some pretty good damage to my Runa rig it's not taking me out though but the problem about this is actually going to confuse me so I got some big chickens flying over my little while cop and they're and we've got like a light bulb set soup so now I'm gonna be getting confused I'm gonna get past the confusion and go for the max phantasm and this doesn't really do fantastic damage and that's pretty much it I could not do anything at all to this how to read I'm on my last Turner Dynomax ooh so copper I guess there's got to be a burner it's gonna be small again I've probably called the coffee custom Rodriguez like the other opposite names are in there quite confusing and now we've got the max Mindstorm there there's no way I'm gonna be our live that one because I've got no boost from special pets and that my friends is the fourth fat or hope you sat here did you guys sitting through all four battles let me know in the comment section maybe you want to see this again I'll catch you guys next time some really fun battles peace [Music] you
Views: 99,513
Rating: 4.953083 out of 5
Keywords: Yamask Evolution, yamask evolution sword and shield, yamask evolution cofagrigus, yamask evolution sword, yamask evolution galar, yamask evolution pokemon shield, yamask evolution level pokemon sword, yamask galar, yamask galar evolution, yamask galarian, yamask galarian how to evolve, cofagrigus sword and shield, runerigus evolution, runerigus, cofagrigus, Yamask, pokemon yamask evolution sword, pokemon yamask evolution, Pokemon Theme Team, pimpnite sword and shield, PIMPNITE
Id: Y6j1O4mrdds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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