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that Pokemon team fourth generation 8 what I did is I picked the six higher speed stat puck one and I put them together in one team which is pretty issuing I did these battles on my twitch me but we want to watch our me stream there I do all my live streaming there and I thank you to all the people who have actually come over already I really really appreciate the spot so today it's good to be back with a theme team as well if you're hyped for the theme teams drop that like people today we've got two battles and there were a super super fun now the first part we got was gets hot down and we got a theme TV I wonder if you guys can guess what this thing team is so we've got a samus enter lady and now what it did right as I notice armors inner and JSON right both with their items they still had out without their items and with their items they were still on the top six speed stat Pokemon so I decided to take their items off and do something a little bit different like use the other ones right because we had a fear repeat team members on this theme right so go for that moon flies they're almost taking drag a bolt out in the one-shot it was very very close and now Drago it's going to be for a light screen so a bulky drag a box I knew that as soon as I out spit it - so we got max speed and Max special attack on this head obviously I can't go for anything else here the move lies imagine escape go for moonblast because it's got to be super effective so the Drago pole is going to go down that's going to give me a nice lead now fortunately for me these armors in is gonna be hitting so hard under the light screen however it's still gonna be doing pretty hard against another dragon phone you guys may have guessed this team is a full drag a pop team I've actually got a full dragon ball team coming up on the channel eventually - all right so go for another lupus and man dragon Baltar's eats that moon plus it's a solid 5 hit ko so we got to be a drag ball going for in your fest station this they've trapped me in right so that's not too good are they I was thinking okay they've got some form of recovery maybe on this set I know that it can get rest and that sort of thing but a thorough look to track up all right I'm making a dragon ball team my own like I basically no other moves that it gets so I thought okay we'll just keep going for moonblast and see what its gonna do right and I know we've got no the protect so it's got infestation and protects like okay um does it have an attacking move or it does have like another move to do any damage to me or they just relying on infestation at the moment to uh you know do as much damage to me as possible at this point I can't swap either but I know once the infestation runs out like you know I can definitely swap out my Zama Xena which is quite funny considering I've got choice specs and moon glass and it's still tank you so go for another moon blaster that's my best option and my only option because I'm trapped in and that actually it's pretty hard to concerning to the Dragon Balls so probably about five to six CKO now so we're getting an amazing special attack drop it's gonna be going for a curse Oh curse it's a really cool move right if you're a ghost type and you use it you get a boost in um you don't get a boost in attack and defense and a drop in speed you actually you sacrifice half of your health ride and put a curse on the opponent so me being the opponent it's gonna drop that curse of me doing a quarter damage to me every turn which is a lot like when you take into account the infestation and the curse damage right threat very nasty so the next day I know that I'm going to fine here because I can go for a moon place but I know they're going to go for protect right so my Zama Center is going to be toast people Mars Amazon is going to get sent to the moon instead alright so pause amazeen ago from the Moon Pies it's going to hit the Drago pod to protect but I may guess it did pretty well right it nearly took out to drag a pole to self well in actuality the second one nearly took herself out cuz they did lie half damaged because but anyway it's the same thing anyway are these our Center it's got to go down to the curse and then the infestation damage curse it's a really cool move when you use it on ghost types - it could actually add a really good dumb dust more set with curse and paints but it's actually like super super good maybe I think I did a dust north sweep on it on my channel arm would have been back in gen7 anyway so we're gonna bring in as a see on here man I've got an amazing set for you guys so I was actually dreaming the other night right and I was dreaming I could do a struggle JC on set I could swap it in get a plus one at attack have an animal nature and still be pretty good in speed too and take stuff out with Ty plus damage so going for that struggle and dragged apart is gonna go down to a struggle that felt so good people now the interesting thing about this is I would have loved to have like a normalization right with the blade but you can't give it the blade right or the sword right because you have to have a salt vest as the item and a status time ooh so that's actually impossible to do unfortunate what have love today anyway so we got that maybe we can do a sweep with this set would you guys like to see a I struggle sweet was a sure and I've done a struggle sweet before with rampardos but I don't think a lot of people seen it because YouTube me and didn't send it up regardless let's get back to the battle we got the third dragger poll go for a dragon dance I can go for a struggle obviously and no struggle is actually gonna do some pretty good damage to Dragon Ball it's a clear three hit ko so now they've got the light screen wearing off which is good least my special moves will do something now and I've got Dre obviously I'm thinking well dragon boats gonna definitely be able to take me out there so it's got to go for a quick it's a so I knew after seeing dragged a pot that someone as well some Pokemon on this thing was someone that was gonna eventually bring a quick attack tracker bot to me and here you go people the me misrule normal Jim quick attack now for cheap on me I actually had some recall damage and I went down to my own recall instead of finding that quick attack but it doesn't matter I got rekt instead so we're gonna bring in the ESCO here now sq obviously in its with its ice hairdo i spaced on there isn't gonna be reaching 130 base speed it's when it actually gets rid of its ice head and it goes into its I think I'm not trying to say there's no knife swarm or something like that it's gonna actually get very speedy and very much more offensive so this is gonna be a belly drum I school see a set and this is actually made to have Kings Rock on the set but I had scope leather said so just pretended that Kings robe so I've got a flinch except there was in here button waterfall they've we've got a flinch shed so it doesn't matter but I want to make it the isil's fear actually I have a flinch dance so dragon boats gonna be go for the thunder wave here and it's gonna paralyze me and I couldn't it take after the belly drop that was very very mean there and very very heartbreaking because now draggable it's gonna be able to go for a boost in hex there because it paralyzed me hex is gonna get like a double base power and sq is gonna get turned into a nice lightweight it's already nice but nevermind it's gotta get turned into a puddle of water so the next point is the bearer of scooter now bounce scooter has very very high speed 136 base speed so this set is probably the most standard is sent on my team I guess I sort of had it on there in case I got in trouble against some really really sweaty teens right this is a choice banded set we've got liquidation Aquajet close combat or what was the other movie a psychic fangs of course I just used it awesome so better scooter couldn't really do too much to drag report outside of going for psychic things so that's pretty much what I did and I sort of hope for the best I get like maybe a two year KO on Drago poppin unfortunately me right the dragon part actually paralyzed me so now I'm gonna get hit hard by like a hex however we got the dragon boxer swapping out and we got another dragon bolt coming in so this is dragon pop man this got to be fun for CAFTA edit this he's not even gonna know what dragon is what so we've gotten on the psychic banks here and psychic bang Zeus to do some pretty good damage see the drag mode however dragon bolts going to out flee me and it's going to go for a fly it's gonna be a fly power herb set look how good fly looks like look at this guy's look are theirs it looks amazing so I'm gonna hit by dragon ball to tail which is kind of impossible it's it goes but it doesn't matter going for the psychic banks here and doing free quarter damage was actually really good now if it does have any other sets that are to turn it's not gonna be able to get them so it's gonna go for a fly again and it's gonna fly high in the sky now this could be like I could swap out here but Barracuda isn't the greatest against this theme I mean all I can do is psychic bang so I'll say it doesn't really matter I'll just let it faint to a fly and I know it'll go down and I can send something in that's gonna be more appropriate so all up take it out at the moment is to drag a pulse we're still got like four other tracker bolts are in on this panel so we're going to swap in a my own Drago pop now the reason I didn't swap this in and so earlier on right because in case you know my opponent a focus sash it took me out early like I would have been in a world of pain so we've got the tracker ball coming in here obviously I'm gonna go for the shadow ball and that's gonna take this and the Paris scooter world probably my our most solid sets on this team I kind of needed a couple I'm you these guys to see what sets I'm running so I need a couple of our more stable sets this is a jet a jet pack dragon dragon pop and we've got the tray called media here we've got five ass hydro pump and Shadow Ball just for coverage really and say I use Drago Draco meteorite I dropped the Draco I take them out in my stats drop the eject pack will come in in and into effect and actually swap me out of the panel so that way I'm not into a situation where I'm at negative in Special Attack mode so we got a detractor agar Bowl coming here oh no and I get through the attract and I get the Draco meteor off man if that attract actually work I don't even I don't even want to know what the other set was for them like it probably like something super super squirming so that dragon pot is got to go down and we've taken out half the drinker port army hope you guys enjoying this dragger pol team so if I actually we've taken up more than half the dragon pot army now if you think about it wait when you look at dragon boats head there's babies on there too so it's essentially like more than six both were right okay bringing in the damn manager now Dom Anton has been on a couple of these themes now the only way I can get the 135 base speed is by going into Zen mode so I love Zen mode so let's go for a substitute here and I get myself into there so we've got the drape I'll go for a thief it creates me as thief and it's gonna put me in Zen mode at the same time so it's gonna steal my scope lens this is I focus energy scope lancets am i okay fine I've got my sub up and I'm gonna be able to go into Zen mode so this is actually really good right so I've got Zen mode and the sub I'm gonna be like super super fast and hitting like super super hard so I've got flame wheel and I spank on this set that was like okay I can easy go for a are a nice thing here or I can even go for a focus energy and get my crits up like now I could go for ice bang and easy take out the striker bolt then I've only got like one left to actually deal with there which could be dynamics and dinner go from ice bang like announce bed by infiltrator quick attack - well it's the same one bourbon for god dammit infiltrated quick thing that better be the top cover - something's gonna be going on in the comment section it's gonna be bad alright so I've got a yacht dragon party as my last Pokemon as you guys know and I'm not on my desperation stage I've got to go for dynamic and are gonna take this drank a bolt out man there's tribute II dragged a pulse on the screen is like one it's like seven of them right then you count the babies is like I guess they like to in the yeah there's two up the top there's like six seven all right 70s or 14 so you add that together and that's all the drag a pot you got on the pill or you count the baby drag bolts so guys that are big old dynamite Drago pot there I did actually rim my Dynomax Kenny's clap-clap people and now we've got these shadow ball that's easy gonna take care of er last or certain the second last Drago pop okay now this was the thing right they have one more drag opponent I had one more drank pot but those like wondering are they running a positive in speed stat and Max and speed ride so I was like this could definitely be a speed tie right and they have a dynamic so I know they're gonna Dynomax as well right then you know obviously would make sense so I could go for a shadow boy I could go for the Drake or media or the Dynomax fur versus those moves and either one of them is going to take it out unless this thing has like a focus band or something like that don't you you never know in this battle to my audience does it very much it laughter trolley okay so we've got two big older Dynomax I drank a pot on the field here and pretty much this one was going to be up to a speed tie we both have the same speedster and I managed to get out of the first attack offer guys feet are there and that's pretty much the game hope you people to enjoyed this first battle a full drag a pop team a very very close and exciting battle there and a speed tie at the end as well well I think we had a chat at the end about on stream and it was i i+ are speed nature track well alright let's get on to the second battle and the second battle was just as entertaining as the first one so make sure you stick around also I've got I'm gonna say this now I've got a very entertaining bonus partly you don't know mrs. Wong people it's a super super funny ok next photo we got his kids ugh I think I say you say good is it sounds that good and they've got a grim snarly this one was also done on my stream now Grimstad could be a little bit of a pain here I've got to swap out my Dragon Ball and I've got a swap in my other Pokemon which is gonna be my diamond it's like I might be able to take a hit here though they cooker for a sucker punch instead of doing that they went for a light screen it's like okay light screen that's fine I'm running a physical sense now unfortunately they went for a tour no pranks at all so I can't use substitute at all I thought they died just attack me right because it's demented and you know diamonds and don't sit up too much it just spams like you know high school crash of stuff like that okay so swapping into my zombies in it this is a choice spec set they're getting a +1 defense which will be handy if it's got a physical movement normally it does so it's good it's got taut it's got reflect and light screen so I'm yet to see a are any sort of physical wards any attack you move whatsoever so I thought they may have liked both surrender or power play or Sucker Punch something like that so moonblast does a good amount of damage there the grim sell and there's gonna be the foul play set which you're gonna need absolutely nothing to mysamma Center I'm gonna resist it and I've got a +1 defense so it's gonna be super d so go for that move I'll say grim so it's gonna be it's gonna be a 3 here ko against the grim saw dropping its special thing which doesn't even matter at all so now we've got another foul play from the grim style and I can easily finish off this grim style with like a moon life but this time has decide to actually swap it out and go into my sq so I'm actually trying to force my s Q into its nice form right that's what I wanted to do like all battle so I wanted to get these dumb ant and Zen mode into its form and the you know s go into its form too so I can actually use them at their full of speed so go for that um excuse me for that icicles fear there and grim salt is gonna go down I was actually gonna wired for a second that wouldn't take it out I need a crit I need it no no I don't need a crit I need a drink how do you get and drink McDuck okay so the next point were coming out is the excadrill next row is a very very good pipeline and you know very very scary Pokemon too so go for the waterfall hoping I can get a flinch against this thing and it's not really gonna do much damage oh it's not gonna do it I like a flinch ever so poor poor pingu got sent back to his igloo bad boy so we still got five more Pokemon czar to deal with here and I've got to take out this extra man I've got to take it out such as scary Pokemon so now we're gonna be going into diamonds and the live screen has worn off I'm gonna pop that sub shoot up because I know I'm not gonna get taunted at this time right so sup sup we got the iron head here XQ table does have any stand up or anything like that so it's not gonna be like super super fast if I do take our iron head from this thing without our sub sheet I'm gonna be going down like a sack of potatoes right so getting a second substitute up there that's gonna put me over the Zen mode limit now and it's gonna change me into the Zen mode for them so I've got plate wheel on this set I don't have any room to really set up a focus AG to get that a hundred secret ratio with the scope lens but I thought you know what there reflects now god I can go for a flame wheel on Zen mode it's step even it's like a really lows based Power Move it's gonna do like a lot of damage to external so go for that flame with that next real guitar it gets flame wield and that's gonna be gone down so we've taken two pokemon out so it seems a pretty good at the moment next smoke will go to ease a mutase as they are good at Mewtwo now I was thinking okay I might be able to get a nice bang damage against this or like a flinch on the ice bank division maybe a freeze that'll be awesome too so go for I think I didn't miss which is good and it's close to a 2 hit ko and look at ahora sphere-cone from you two and me to is gonna absolutely destroy my gala diamonds in Devon if only I had like a better move I reckon I saw crash would I recognize he'll crash probably nearly would have taken it out actually you would have taken it out next beau-word is the beerus scooter now i can go for a liquidation or an aqua jet i decide to go for the liquidation I'm running an adamant set with max speed and choice fed and Mewtwo is going to get absolutely dominated by that we've got three more popcorn remaining but man it gets interesting here so we've got the cloyster coming out now usually this would be a great swapping for closer it could go for a freer shell smash and you know really set up on me so I decided to go for the Dynomax and then go for close combat giving myself up plus one an attack now the thing about closer ride if it does have shell smash which Isles like our 99.9% bar you know positive it did it would have to either dynamaxx if it if a Dynomax it would lose its ability to go for a skilled in move right you would have to go for like usually they've got isil's fear Rock blah shell smash and like another coverage move so I would have to go free you know a rock type move right max rough fall or they go for a kings rock rock blast and I was very confident that I could live that one or both of those attacks obviously with the Dynomax give me a little bit of extra help too and they're not being super figley so we've got the shell smash there it doesn't have a arm actually doesn't have a white hair I said it's got a focus - because that didn't activate and now I can easily go for another max enough we'll take this out right so I've got two plus one an attack that's case you're gonna really help me out a lot and closer is going to be going for that a rock fly so as you can see it'll who don't like a lot of damage to various goody if I wasn't in dynamite so that was a forfeit there yeah those are for thid and skilling is gonna bring it up to the fifty bit so I needed probably two more it's taking me I need like seven years that would be crazy if you get imagine if you could do like rock blast would you like to voice her in like that'd be crazy my parents will bond and skill link at the same time anyway so we've got a closer going down for a yard wall to a max knuckle there and that's really good getting rid of that puggle no that was actually really good when you look at like honestly there's like external music oyster and in comes a very big problem here now Dino's gonna come in right it's gonna copy by Barry scooter and all its booster that's got pride I've quite a swap out here you might think that's a funny play but I thought no I've got to save that polite Iran right because I've got that banded Aquajet which cook up in like very very handy right against a even a better scoot it'll do a lot of damage to it's not exactly what you call bonky right anyway so we've got the Dino go for a dynamite so dinner's gonna be a very scooter and this is going to be doing a lot of damage so I decided to go into my dragon ball here I thought okay they'll probably go for I'd say like a close-combat right that'd make sense instead of go for a Zen headbutt because one Zen headbutt accuracies a little bit shaky and even though Dynomax right it wouldn't make sense to go for that so instead of go for a close-combat they went for the max - orb and that's gonna take out my art drag a bolt in one shot there I think I don't know if I predicted that swap in there but if they did that was a good that was a good play there but maybe it was to say pure light unfortunately they're the psychic trains gonna come up so my Aquajet is gonna be completely useless now right so it says Armas enters osama's enter ride is gonna get a plus-one defense which actually gonna help me out a fair bit here I might be out of tankers like a shop so go for the focus miss focus miss is got a crit Dido desire actually gets out speed there and it's gonna focus that's right oh I knew someone would have focus off right so we've got another maximized storm they're powered up with psychic terrain and there's no way I'm gonna be our live that one so that sucked unfortunately for me hang on I was like okay I can't swap embarrass kuda here I could go into my own zombies enter or not mysamma center mice AC on right we struggled so I can go for a struggle and take the dinner out with a struggle I've actually got to struggle chaos in this are couple of battle sounds amazing take out the dynamite spoke on with a struggle I reckon not many people could say that and Down Goes the Dido so there's only one more poke wallop and I've got my struggles AC on and I've got my Barracuda still while waiting there with a very powerful aqua jet or liquidation so the last poker was a tokus I'm actually very glad they didn't Dynomax this I would have been in a world of pain so going for struggle struggles about a 4 here ko against the tokus toki is gonna go for a dozen things like okay that's going to do a lot of damage and it didn't actually do too much damage so this thing is definitely the bested in bulk as well right instead of more offense so this is about a 4-year ko against our the toka stokoe is gonna go for another dazzling gleam here and dazzling gleam is gonna take me out the last Pokemon I've got is varus scooter yeah we got the Train actually disappearing from the field but I was very confident the liquidation was gonna be enough to take it out anyway there's no point go for Aquajet I'm a zero for the power with liquidation and the choice ban and this ad switch them to offer didn't mention that so tokus it's gonna go down to that our second attack there are will first take for the barrel scooter and then my friends is going that was a crazy match there and pasting some really really big threats with this thing alright people I'll catch you next time peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 109,497
Rating: 4.9507885 out of 5
Keywords: Highest Speed Stat Pokemon Team, highest speed stat pokemon, fastest pokemon in sword and shield, fastest pokemon speedrun, fastest pokemon ever, fastest pokemon in the world, fastest pokemon in pokemon go, highest pokemon stats, highest pokemon stats non legendary, highest base stat pokemon, top 10 highest base stat pokemon, Pokemon Theme Team, Pimpnite Theme Team, pimpnite sword and shield, pimpnite sword and shield theme teams, PIMPNITE
Id: h7_OY25_8JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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