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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up youtube fun today's video with a full baby pseudo legendary pokemon team this is my 900th theme team on youtube back when i started in october 9 2014. thank you everyone who's been watching my theme teams and of course my channel that whole time has anyone watched all of my theme teams before like every single one let me know in the comments if you do want to check me out this is where i take all my battles at twitch.tv rt i also take pokemon sweeps and team team battles and stuff there so go give that a check out and let's get into today's video i've got a very special video today since it's my 900th theme team i thought i'd do three battles for you people and all these battles are straight fire so we got a ballet the first one was against rose and he's got a persian right now what i wanted to do on this team right is i wanted to make use of all the pseudo-ledgery baby pokemon so i actually did a couple of teams split up right because obviously i can't fit all of them the nine pokemon into one team so i had two teams and i sort of shuffled the pokemon in between them throughout the battles obviously i gave all the individual pokemon i go throughout the battles in this video so we've got the persian here it's going to go for a fake out i do predict that one with the protect which is kind of nice because i am running a focus sash it didn't really matter that much because persian obviously doesn't have like a huge amount of attack and lavatar is actually quite a good tight match up for there for a physical step right so go for that stone edge on the persian almost taking out there with a credit at the start of battle which will be absolutely amazing if i got that ko unfortunately i didn't and persian is gonna have a berry too which is gonna be very disappointing because i could have actually beaten that with the stealth rocks if it did go for that u-turn there so lava tar is gonna go down that was a max attack and max speed set with uh adam and nature right so persian is going to be swapping out there and now we've got the slap up coming in so i thought hmm slip up this is a very very dangerous pokemon as you know the pseudo legendary babies right a lot of them are dragon types so i had to really watch out for ice types and fairies right etcetera so we're going to go to beldemur this is a choice specs beldon with steel beam and modest nature and tackle right so we're going to go for a steel beam here most of the time sometimes i could go for a tackle you never know right so we've got the slip up go for a belly drum here this is going to be an unburned citrus prairie belly drum set you've all seen it 69 million times right we know what it's going to do however if i fail to take this out i am going to get absolutely destroyed so belgium is going to fight i think it finds steel beam out of its eyeball i'm not really sure but slope off is gonna go down and that is the main thing so i'm gonna take that whopping 50 recall from the build on but you know what that's fine i actually run this set a couple of times on my a few videos ago this uh special build on some good surprise factor so now we've got the magmorta coming in here it's going to take me out with a choice because ember or ember and our belgium is going to be going down there right nothing i could have done i'm a very slow pokemon so you know what i got rid of slap up that's a positive right for running a special building next pokemon is my ghibli now i did think about going for earthquake here for a bit but i thought you know what i'm going to do i'm going to go for a scale shot i've also got focus sash on this i've got rock smash only i'll peel right shadow and i've also got air away too now rock smash and air erase are mainly for dynamite right so this is purely made for dynamax's gibble rut now that was a uh sand slash swapping alola with the air balloon i'm guessing they're expecting me go for an earthquake or a ground type move right however i went for the scale shot which is going to allow me to out speed this sand slash unless it's running something crazy like choice guy pride now stan slash alola is a very very threatening pokemon too so i got five hits off there with the uh scale shot which is actually really really nice doing a lot of damage to that sandstache at this stage i'm like you know what i cannot afford this pokemon to stake around so what i'm going to do right is i'm going to go for dynamaxx giveaway ride and go for i'd say for earthquake right i was thinking i could go for uh the max knuckle coming off rock smash 2 but i just want to make sure i actually get that ko right off another pokemon swap scene i don't know if i want to get like a plus one an attack uh versus like a lot of damage right from another pokemon so i decided to go for the earthquake because it was the best all-round sort of move there i was doubtful that persian would come in i was very doubtful that magma would come but i thought one other pokemon may come in i was sort of scared for going for a physical uh you know fighting type move there actually we'll probably see as the battle goes down so we've got a dynamic sand slash here a lolla i went for the earthquake which is going to come off the opposite there it's going to be the max quake it's also going to make me like a little bit bulky too not that it really really matters gimbal isn't like super super bulky right that is enough to take out the sand slash and the scale shot oh definitely would have enabled me to out speed that if they were running speed eb now the eevees on this cable i ran this as a adam at nature and i gave it uh max health and max speed i relied on scale shot to boost my speed and aeroace and dynamic suit and of course rock smash in dynamics now this was the pokemon i was scared about that could easily come in to my max knuckle right if i started spamming so what i did right just in case there was one other pokemon i thought that in case that you know that magmar could be choice guys so i want to make sure it outspeeded right it was obviously a very very small chance because they did swap out there but just in case i want to make sure however dusk ops is going to be going for a willow whis and it does land on my gimbal now gimbals are focus is gone however that didn't stop me doing some sort of damage there with the max brake i mean this is definitely an everlighter dust off let's say even if i didn't get burnt right dust cops was easily going to be able to leave any attack i'm pretty much through it now dust scops is going to go for a poltergeist here it's going to see that i've got a focus ash and it's about a two-hit ko there i'd say if i wasn't in dynamics that definitely would have taken me out right of course so gibbel can go for another earthquake here there's no point going for any other attacks like rock smash isn't gonna do anything and uh we're gonna go for earthquake and pray for a crit right so we get dust cops blow half off which is pretty good right uh dust cops is definitely going to take me out with the folder guys there i believe even if i went for earthquake earlier on gibbel was always going to lose the dust club and i don't know if this desktop has anything like rest or pain split or any sorts of recovery right so we're sort of unaware of that now we're going to go to routine here this is a rest thunder wave rap super sonic set now there isn't much i could do with rap but i thought maybe i could go for a thunder wave here and paralyze it however the dust gobs initially enough is going to swap out and we've got the pershing coming it's like oh it's just got charlie didn't like guess that i had like limber or something like that but uh it's got to miss i was like i'll never know i guess maybe maybe it didn't have technician maybe i'd limb but anyway so we got the fake out here faker does a lot of damage to me i'm definitely guessing that is a uh technician set right due to the damage of the fake out now this draftini was a max health max defensive set and i've got everlight and shedskin and rest on her right so the idea is to paralyze the opponent trap the minimum wrap and spam super signing now the only thing about supersonic it's very very poor accuracy so it's best to get that paralyzed up to buy you a little bit of time if you do get a couple of misses now the next pokemon is the dramp here they actually had a pretty interesting pokemon team um i will say that and i'm going to paralyze that drampa not that it's like a super super fast pokemon i thought i might be able to get a rest off eventually however it's going to have a lumbery and it's going to fire a dragon pulse right up my team now dratini was heavily invested in defense but not so much special offence i still think that probably would have one shot of me there because drama's got like an enormous amount of special attack right next pokemon is droopy sweepy i made my troopy so we got draco media infestation round and that's all the special moves it really has like outside that now i've got this as a throat spray round set so i definitely don't want to go for the throat spray because i'm thinking that dragon balls is going to be coming away so go for that draco media on the uh drama does a lot of damage almost taking it out unfortunately it did not now i'm gonna get a drop in special attack now the thing that worries me now after this car miners like if i go for draco media right now and miss i'm pretty sure i've most definitely lost the game right because my last pokemon has a negative priority move so what i did instead of you know going for draco media and that could have missed i actually went for the cursing cutting half of my health down and uh dramp is going to take me out the dragonfalls so you probably wonder you probably thought why didn't you just take the risk i'll be able to explain that in a second right so the curse is going to take out the dram for there so i thought a worst case scenario curse will take out trap right and i won't be left with one pokemon with a negative priority move right that is weak to a drampa with a plus one a special attack and my last pokemon is jagmo right so i would have got absolutely dumpstered by that pokemon so that was definitely the right choice there next pokemon is the dust cops and magmod are the last ones to go so this was a bit of a problem right i know this thing has willows and it is a ghost type too now this was actually meant to work with my lava tar this is a bulky dragon tail like phasing set unfortunately i wasn't able to make super good use of it because i brought it out right at the end and my own opponent only had two pokemon remaining be able to see the gifts of the set anyway so we're gonna go for bulk ups here uh they went for a paints but to get some of the health back i was actually a little bit worried they may have rest that was a problem too now i know right is even if i can get six bulk ups up against this desktop it's definitely not going to one shot all right my ebay investment on the set was max south and max special events with the everlight as the uh as the item and i've always got the ability uh bulletproof as well so i'm spamming bulk up here dust cops actually got really unlucky here they actually missed with willowis a lot of times here allowing me to get a couple of free bulk ups right now i hadn't revealed that i'd rest in sleep talk either so that was sort of gonna be my thing up my sleeve there now magmorta was pretty much the only thing that was really worrying me here i know that it's got firebase but that's about it then i'll start to think well what moves can magmorta really really do to be like can that actually take me out in one shot i was very doubtful that could one shot me unless it had like a super effective move i was actually trying to think what i actually would have right so we got the dust cops finally landing a willowist there i think i missed three times in a row and it's gonna start by using poltergeist against me now poltergeist is gonna do no damage at all i got a lot of bulk ups there in the meantime but they are getting damaged from the bird and the obviously the willow is there the willows and the poltergeist right so dust cops is gonna swap out and mag mortar is gonna swap in now on this swap well i didn't know they were gonna swap but i just went for the rest anyway the only bad thing well there's a good and a bad thing about keeping my health high right if i keep my health high i believe that mag mortar wouldn't be able to take me out right and if i kept it low uh dust cops wouldn't be able to take advantage of plane speed but if i kept it high um it could keep getting its health back but i sort of had to deal with that so mainboard as i thought didn't have anything to hit me outside the fire blast i believe that's choice specs magmorta judging on the damage there that is a solid three hit ko so go for the uh rest and sleep talk i need to i need to attack right now i get the dragon tail right on the first one that was so lucky there i would have been in a lot of trouble if actually let's say this if i actually got rest on both them or i didn't get dragon tail that was gg right there the last pokemon is the duskbox here so this turned into a very very interesting matchup right so at this stage i know that i can't take dust stops out right however dusk ops can't really do anything to me outside of burning me and using uh pain split right um i don't think it's got any other attacking moves it's only showed three of its moves off so far so i'm sort of curious what the other move would actually be right so here comes another portal guys now polygons doesn't have a lot of pp it's only got about let's say that max and it's got eight at max right so we're gonna get hit by that a couple of times and i pretty much just need to wake up here and get some health back and then i get credit landing on six health there that was so close i wake up dragontally and it misses man that's the problem about dragon tail too now in when i'm sleeping right i can get priority well not priority i can get dragon towers off that aren't negative priority right so that's really good but the weakness is i feel like it's going to be out of three to four hit ko against dust cops so even let's say i land two dragon tails right under the uh rest and sleep talk that's really great but then i go for the third and then this thing can just go for paints but again if i'm on a decent amount of health so i pretty much here had to keep dust cops on a low amount of health and i also had to keep myself on a low amount of health too so it couldn't get anything back the risky part about that was i was taking damage from the poltergeist and i was taking damage from the willow west too if i wasn't asleep and of course if it did burn me again so it was very very close to the stage so at this stage i'm gonna go for another sleep talk here and i get rest i'm like man i just can't get i can't get a single dragon tail to actually land against this desktop right the dust spots just continue this fan poltergeist going for a crit obviously and it was doing no damage so we've got two minutes left on this battle it's going to go for a yet another paint split there and it only does a little bit of damage to me so i'm like that's fine i'm at the stage right now where i can't do any more damage right let's go for a dragon though dragon tail does absolutely nothing this dust cops is like it has to be max out the max defense forever light it's huge right absolutely like huge bulky i can't do a thing to it but i can actually drop it down to enough help without actually uh going for a rest right so that was my plan there's a dust cop still has the advantage and then it pulls out protect so protect was its fourth move i'm like okay it's just a stalling stalling set right so going for dragon tail that's not gonna do any damage 60 seconds left of this battle i am not going to go for rest right because if i go for rest it's going to steal my health and they are going to win having more health than me right so i really got to watch out here so at this stage it's got a little bit more health for me we've got 40 seconds of the battle to go i went for the dragon tail i am burned so my attacks aren't doing a lot of damage now dusktop is going to go for a final paints for here it's going to get a little bit of health back there dragontail he doesn't miss thank god i get another bit of damage there i'm gonna take some more burn damage i'm down to 24 health the battle hits zero and i think i just won that by a couple of health thank you rose for the battle whoever that was on the white cob that was crazy close and you didn't disconnect either thank you for playing out the whole battle i know that was a very very long end all right let's get on to the second battle this is the battle against skylar and we've got a legendary lead here being a shoddy magic up like real talk this magikarp absolutely destroyed me so the first pokemon here we got is baegon i decided to run a shia force uh special bygone now fagon doesn't have like a lot of special moves to make use of sheer force that are decent so we've got the fire blast and we got mud slap right now i thought about this for a little bit i don't know if i want to go for drake or meter because it may have like a full boosted flail so i don't want to put it down to one health however magikarp's gonna fire a hydro pump out of his tail and look at the damage that it did to me i was like damn that did so much that's got to be choice specs right so go for a shear force mud slap it does a lot less some uh magikarp snacks i'm like i've got to swap out of this right so going to drippy sweep here i've got to finish off this match up magikarp is going to go for another hydrant pump it connects and look at the damage that it did to my drapey i'm getting absolutely destroyed right now so draping right gets out spend magic up he lands this like the third hydro pump in a row and drapey is gonna go down man this is not good magikarp is absolutely destroying me like if i lose this magic up i'm gonna have to quit pokemon guys next pokemon is my dino so i didn't get to use this the last game this is a choice banner set we've got head smash crunch outrage and fire bank i need a little bit of power on this seat we got max health and max attack now magic up is gonna swap out there and we got the zero coming in it's like okay that was a good play there i almost went for outrage here but i started to go for in the end to go for crunch right crunch does all right damage considering a resistant but i think this thing is probably running everlight right it took that a little bit too well we're going to go into detain here i'm going to see if i can trap this singer right with the rap and then it's going to pop out the perry song right oh also my opponent was running a theme team here so see if you can guess what the theme team is now give you a little clue right because it took me a little while don't pay attention to what the nicknames are the nicknames don't have anything to do with the team i believe right so that's a little close so i went for the rap and then it went for the whirlpool we actually trapped each other into the parasol so both of us are doomed to go down to the parish song within three turns right unless i can take out this azure right now i was thinking right maybe if i got the wrap up right and i got the super sonic up i might be at a dynamax and go for dynamics right right only up in my channel but since i didn't have any attack avs right and i was fully invested in health and defense i was a little bit worried that i would waste my dynamax and still go down to the paris song right so we're going to confuse the zero and i actually get a hit which is really really nice not that it does like lots of damage right so i'm gonna hit by the whirlpool there and the zero is gonna get hit by the little purple worm actually looks really cool the green and the purple maybe like a cool shiny like that that looked fine so we're going to the last turn of the parashong here i went for a final rap there's no point dynamaxing i i couldn't risk that like i couldn't risk wasting it there i'd say even a crit on max strike rat wouldn't have taken that out right so bad so azura boom is gonna hit itself again and i'm gonna get hit by the rap and it's gonna get sorry i'm gonna get it by there i'm getting all these trapping moves mixed up i'm gonna get hit by the whirlpool and it's gonna get uh hit by the ramp i'm spinning around people i'm getting a little bit dizzy at the moment so uh the time is gonna go down to uh the parasol time it's gonna go down to zero and we both are going to faint now it's actually pretty funny like i was like if i could track this in there were really good and then i got trapped in the same time so interesting plays there so next pokemon is bygone i thought i need to redeem it a little bit and get some damage now the next pokemon is bound sweet i haven't seen this for a long time thing is i popped a fire blast and a mist right and i looked at bounce swede's face like look at that smile that that smug little smile now it's gonna go for an acupressure there it's boosting its attacks there might no if i if i get done by this pokemon that'll be super embarrassing and fire blast is gonna land and that's gonna take it out with a crit now that was a max health max special offense bound suite with everlight so i don't know if that one actually mattered or not i was a bygone with max special attack modest nature choice specs and fire blast right so you let me know if that actually matter not if someone see the damage calls i got nearly taken out by a disrespect thundershock there but i lift on one health and the merchant available i popped the fireplace and it does a lot of damage to reggie leki and reggie leckie is going to take me out with a son of shot oh thunder sorry thunder shot i thought i said another ball thunder shot reggie lecky right next pokemon is my gimbal i thought you know what i can easily take this out and i wonder what other moves it's got apart from thundershock right however i'm gonna get a swap zone maybe it only has thundershock as it's only attacking move i don't even know anymore so big brain's gonna come in there i'm gonna be going for a scale try right now scale shot's gonna hit it a couple of times there getting a nice little cred and i actually get some i actually got a lot of hits on scale shot in the battles that i did right i did a lot of damage getting two crits there and getting four hits now the dart management is actually not gonna be gorilla tactics it's gonna be zen mode right now this might give you a clue as to what the team is just have a have a look at the screen of that that's my clue so we got to go for a blizzard there it's a special set blizzard is going to miss and i'm going to take it out with the earthquake that would have definitely taken me down to my sasha possibly could have frozen me too so that was a very very lucky miss there on my kibble next pokemon is eagerly bob eagley buff you don't say that one time though i'm going to swap out give my giveaway i smell something a little bit fishy right we're going to go into gumi you haven't used my goomy yet and it's going to go for a counter so okay counter hmm i was thinking if i can go into dino right this is probably going to have sash so if i go into dino go for a fire fang and get a flinch that'll actually get around this or at like worst case scenario i could get a burn and it'll go down right so i went for the fire fang here and firefang is obviously gonna hit the protect so now i could go for firefight again hope it lands with hustle right and it does land does enormous amounts of damage to iggly buff eagley buff is igloo buffs only got one defense anyway and unfortunately for me i don't get a flinch i don't get a burn and it gets the counter off so down goes to dino there nothing i could have done but at least this thing is on one health so i can easily bring back in my gimbal now and go for a disrespect rock smash on the eagley buff i i at this stage in the battle i actually um sort of started to figure out what the team was right i'm going to give you another clue if you haven't got here if you look at the opponent's pokemon up the top in the little squares that should give you a clue like that that like if if you can't guess it from there i'm not i can't help you anymore so we got the matching up out speeding me again go for the hydro pump and that does three quarters of my health so we've got the gimbal going for a scale shot here i was hoping to boost my speed here uh to take out the magic up and i don't however i do get another speed boost that will enable me to out speed the magic up here right so what i could do is go from the rocks match and take out arceus himself man that that magikarp absolutely destroyed me now we've got one more pokemon left right and i i actually have to admit i really really do like that reggie leckie's name right because the 20 minute timer goes so fast do you get it anybody we've got dynamaxx reggie lecky here and i know that it's got thundershock right i'm shocked i love my wheel where i'm contemplating what other moves gonna have apart from thundershock now i know that reggaelicky can get some a couple of normal type moves it's moonpool's actually kind of shallow on the attacking and special attacking side right now this sort of gave away what it could be it's going to go for the max strike and it's got the normal gems like okay does this have explosion right so here we go i've got the gimbal here and gibbel is going to get out speed because reggie leckie's speed is crazy it's off the charts right so even after those scale shots imma get out spent last pokemon is the gooby this was a max health and max special defense set we got toxic infestation rain dance and skitter smack right to drop the opponent's special attack um this is very very bulky of everlight right now i kind of played it for a minute whether i should just go for the dynamic skidder smack now i thought if there's some sort of powerful move up at sleep i want to make sure that i get a poison on the right then i can dynamics right so here comes the electric move for coming off the shot there and that's going to put the electric train on the field now it's very very good right that i didn't go for a rest or anything like that because that wouldn't have worked so maybe they suspected me going for a rest and the rain dance hydration that would have been nasty right so putting up the toxic there on the field or on the um regulating not the field but might as well be the field because it's so big and now right i could go for the dynomax with my goomy there i think i did dynamic scoot me on here a couple of videos ago it's not often you see uh dynamite scooby but here we are another dynamite scooby so goomy can go for the max blotter by here and that can drop the reggie leki's special attack dude now i definitely don't expect it to take it out right because i wasn't running any evs or anything like that right and it's not gonna be like super super powerful anyway so regularly he's gonna go for the max lightning making use of the terrain on the field however since i went to the dynomax it's not really going to matter too much right and i'm going to get that big health bar so go for the max spider bite on the reggie lecky it doesn't do a lot of damage and even with the toxic on there the next turn is going to be enough to take it out now reggie leki is actually on its very last turn of dynamics here too so it's going to have to use its attacking move outside of dynamics the next turn and i was very curious of what it was however since i'm definitely not a troll i'm going to go for the max cup there and let the reggie lecky go down to the toxic it had hyper beam up and sleeve all along doesn't actually have sleeves i'm not sure but reggie leki is going to be going down and what a crazy battle there oh actually i was going to tell you what the opponent's saying moves but i want i want to let you guess let's see if you can guess okay that was the second battle thank you for the battles guys so two amazing battles so far however we still got a third and final battle to go uh this one was against mr garcia and we got a pretty interesting team right here now out of the both the battles that i did there i got to use all of my pokemon teams which is like all the pokemon on the teams which is really good so in this battle i sort of just use the mix of the pokemon and here we go so we've got an incineroar lead here and i've got my lavator oh my opponent also had a think tank to see if you can guess what it is it's actually sort of a mix of it could be a mixer too i'm not sure but i definitely know that's one so we got the incineroar going for a bulk up here right so it's like okay intimidate bulk up i'm in a very very bad spot here like all i can do is set up the stealth rod now we were actually contemplating lavatar's tail right i know this is going off track a little bit but lavator's tail sword looks like it sort of looks like uh i think it's like uh zetrom or reshiram sales still looks very very similar to that but obviously a lot smaller right but it sort of looks like a half a pineco too what do you think about that i want to hear your thoughts and feelings so we've got the uh cinderella here it's going to be going for a heat crash so sort of i'll give you a little bit of a tip here pay more attention to what moosa b so go for stone here i've got like negative one attack and i got a plus one a defense and i get a crit there lavatop popping the crypts off and his center always going to be going down that was so so lucky there i'll be the first one to admit next spike up one is colossals like okay cool colossal let's go for a stone edge and let's get another crib so klaus is going to take your damage to the stone edge uh so the stealth rocks and the stone edge is going to miss i guess that was payback for me getting it quick that's fair enough right and it's going to take me out with a heat crash as well hmm hey crusher's use tries so i've lost my lava tower not that it really matters right next pokemon is the dino i thought okay this is prime this is prime real estate to go for a head smash and a mess with hustle which you know there's a pretty good chance that now colossal's going to go for a tar shot tar shops are very cute uh not tar shop tar shop but you can go to the tar shop to get the tar shot get it anyways this is going to go for the heat crash again and it hits me for a lot of our power there so tar shot not tar shot is actually going to make you weak to fire moves it's a very curious move it's pretty pretty cool right next pokemon is dratini i've got to swap out there because i'm going to get outside by colossal which probably no one's ever said before but this is pimp night shower right so we're going to go to rotini right and i thought maybe i can slow this thing down with thunder wave you know get that uh really really slow speed and get the uh super sonic and all that sort of stuff happening now it's gonna go for a tar shot again there making me weaker to the fire type moves right so i did have the resistance but now i don't ride it's actually really really cool i actually would really like to see more moves like tar shot forest curse so uh trick or treat those sonomas they're very very interesting i love them so here we go the heat crash from the colossal it does a lot of damage to me there it's about i three here okay so i've got the paralyzed and i've got the rap happening so all i got to do now is go for super sonic and the strategy is going to be complete but it misses now we've got another heat crash here from the colossal and this heat crash was actually enough to take out my detainees that was unfortunate now i've got one more roll of the dice on my dino and that's pretty much it because now i can out speed it right now at worst case scenario i connect and i take it out with the recoil damage and obviously my go down too so colossal is going to go down i finally got one to land and bye bye colossal and bye bye dino so a double ko there but that's cool i'm i'm happy with that right dino finally getting a ko there like you missed a lot of the time with hustle like especially when you use moose like like low accuracy moves but when they hit man they hit hard so now we're gonna go into beldemir and we've got pikachu coming in here so okay this is a bad matchup anyway it's a pikachu though so steel beam should still be a two here ko right wrong so it's gonna go for a calm idea and it's gonna boost his smash tag and of course it's special defense so i knew that i definitely would struggle with this pokemon and it was boosting its stats so so i was like is this gonna be like a a bulky pikachu i don't even know right now so still being still managed to get half itself there which is quite funny actually and now we've got dynamaxx sorry not dynamics gmax pikachu are you ready for me i'm going to do the peep are you ready i gotta i gotta line it up with this cry right this is like the pikachu sweet video undercover did you watch that one did i do it right like you really got to get your voice low like at the start right when i first seen it i thought it was going to be like super high pitch p but it was a low pitch peak anyway so i'm going to hit by the uh the bolt crash there and beldum is gonna be going down like that definitely that would have taken me out in one shot now i've got to take this pikachu out right though what other moves you reckon i actually would have here because if you notice they've used a certain style of moves so far and we're gonna have the pikachu swapping out here so that may have uh may have put you on guard to what sort of team this could be so pikachu's gotta swap out their kibble forcing a g-max pikachu to swap at plus one which is awesome and we've got the weevil coming in here now weevil's going to take some damage there from the stealth frog and the pressure is on right now so i went for the scale shot here i thought well this would be really really cool if i can out speed this weave all right so getting that scale shut up we've got a lot of speed too i only get two hits but you know it is what it is right i was happy to get that speed boost right so giving a look at that the nice little plus one in speed there and i'm gonna go for a dynamax gibble here so i thought what i could do right i've got the plus one and speed let's go for dynamax rock smash on your people shuttle and then get that nice juicy plus one in attack right so look at this beautiful giveaway i have to say i gotta say this right shiny gibble looks really really good like as the shinies went up like gipple goodbye the shiny's really like i think the guard chop that the shinies got bad luck archon was like nothing why didn't they keep that cool color escape anyway so we've got a reflect weevil only on people shut up and i'm going to go for the max knuckle there and weevil it's going to go down like man reflect weevil when i when i do my battles right i always think i haven't seen anything i've seen everything now but then i like battle some people and it's like wow we just go to a whole new level of memes right next pokemon is the pikachu it's come back in now pikachu right pikachu's gotta get hit by the cellphone watch this so i went for the earthquake where i was like pikachu's gonna get absolutely demolished here i went for the max quake now remember i've got a plus one an attack right and there's a reflect on the field but it's a pikachu right pikachu tanks that look how much it tanks it you tanked it like a snack now uh we got the uh obviously to protect uh stopping the uh max crate from taking it out so that was amazing that was reflect and protect stopping the earthquake on the kibble and i went for another rock smash there just for a little bit of insurance there so the pikachu is going to go down but man that pikachu tanking like you don't see pikachu taking earthquake very often on a low man health that was that was something very special there now the next pokemon is the drag azole here so this is a very very scary pokemon too especially for my team right ice pokemon completely destroyed this thing outside of like beldum and lavata stuff like that right so what i'm gonna do is gonna go for the rock smash hope for a defense drop and see how we go right there i do not get the defense drop from rock smash on bocce and here comes the isil crash now remember i do have the focus to attack so i know that i can live that one plus i outsped it so there was no chance for me getting flinch right so the sash is going to kick in i'm going to live on my one health there and i'm going to go for earthquake to finish off this pokemon i would have loved to get the negative in defense but it didn't happen at this stage i still feel like if it could have possibly lived there under the reflect because that sort of got rid of my um uh like attack boost from rocksmash now we've got the last pokemon here which is the dumb manager not my damn mata i was like is this gonna be zen mode what's it gonna be so i had to go for rock smash there look at the damage rock smash actually did unfortunately there uh for the darnmented i get a defense drop but unfortunately for me this pokemon is also gonna have our iso crash this is going to be great i think this is gorilla tactics has that's so mean gibbel's entire family tree plus the one that was buried underneath the ground plus the one that was still a seed was taken out next pokemon is jagmo it's my very lucky last i went for the bulk up unfortunately for me i still crash is gonna land there and say goodbye jang mo you tried thank you everyone for watching my 900th theme team i really hope you enjoyed it it was such a fun team to use all the babysitter legendaries i'll catch you tomorrow i believe for another team thing 901 not 9001 peace [Music] you
Views: 145,863
Rating: 4.9546165 out of 5
Keywords: Baby Pseudo Legendary Pokemon, pseudo legendary pokemon, pseudo legendary pokemon sword and shield, pseudo legendary team, pseudo legendary pokemon ranked, pseudo legendary tier list, pseudo legendary pokemon battle, baby pokemon, all pseudo legendary pokemon, all pseudo legendary team, all pseudo legendaries, pokemon pseudo legendaries, pokemon pseudo legendary team, pokemon pseudo legends, legendary pokemon, legendary pokemon theme, legendary pokemon battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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