FULL UNEVOLVED LEGENDARY POKEMON TEAM! Hacker Trolled By Cosmog - Salty Rage Quit !

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[Music] [Music] before we get into the battle people you need to make sure you've got enough energy to watch this and what do i mean by that get yourself some g fuel using code salt for 30 off my favorite flavors are dragon fruit and peach iced tea there's a bunch of other flavors you want to try you can get starter kits you can get tubs a whole bunch of different range there for your energy and caffeine needs or non-caffeine needs link in the description of the video people come and check out g fuel with code salt if you missed the salt it's not my fault what's happened to you five days video women not fully evolved legendary pokemon team cop bison this one is for you so we got seven candidates to pick from here i can't use finoni but i'm going to put poipolin to pick up the slack for the last six pokemon i've got a very special video today we've got four battles of just pure salt and i really hope you enjoy them now the first battle this one was against arachne balls i can't really see their name right but i had a rack knee balls on the menu today and i was like what is this i found out it was actually a little rice ball i thought they were going to get a spider and put his balls on a plate so the first poke we got here is the uh seal valley not the silva the type scum we got metal sound air slash icy wind and hyper beam there who's had arachne balls before be honest put your hand up now i've got this icy wind which will do a lot of damage here right oh the only thing i was worried about icy winds actually is a little bit shaky and it's only 55 base power i do have the nice four times weakness but i was expecting this to actually lift the attack and it dropped it in one shot like a stone so that was a very very good start to the bell there getting rid of the lettuce well larissa's elite i've never seen one of them before next spot gotta come in here is carping right now carbing is a fairly passive pokemon cool to see one by the way and i thought let's swap the silvail out and let's go to melton right it's probably going to use something like stealth rock or maybe moon blast so it's going to go protectively okay is it seeing what move i was going to do that's good because i take no damage now the next move i can use here is either steel beams thunderbolt or toxic i was thinking i could go for toxic and then i could go protect i was like i should go for steel beam here that'd be really really good right now we got the car being setting up the reflector it's going to get those uh very very big boost there i'm thinking it might be light clay and sometimes people you just have to release everything that's inside your nuts right so throwing that steel beam off there it left on one health with sturdy but the good thing here was it was only on one health and it's gonna be easy pickings one of my other pokemon now i thought about this for a little bit carving has to have some sort of coverage move right do i want to lose my melted the steel beam or just get out sped and take it out let's go for protect and let's see what it's going to use it's going to go for a body press there which works pretty well with its high defense right so i thought let's swap the melting out use it for later on right and then go into my cosmonium which is holding a rocky helmet with no arms so here comes the body press it's like two little circles hitting each other and karpic is going to go down to a very salty rocky helmet cosmo the mvp there people now that's two pokemon doubt and i preserve my melting it might be out to be used as a meat shield later on then they swap in a very very naughty pokemon a shiny marsh shadow man this naughty naughty hacker we got to get rid of him so we got cosmic power splash and teleport now i thought about this for a hot minute right i'm thinking let's go back into type scum and i'm guessing they're probably going to go for a ghost type move right so they went for scumptual thief right so okay i got a little plan inside my massive galaxy brain head so what we're gonna do right we're gonna do into a cosmo and then back into a type scum over and over again right now the thing about this cosmo is a max health max defense set with the bold nature it doesn't have everlight it's got rocky helmet however it is still pretty bulky right and marshad is going to take some extra damage from rocky albert it's also got the life orb as the item so if i can do enough swaps into these pokemon and get the right maybe predictions i might be able to take this out purely with just a rock right so we got the double swap here back into cosmo i was thinking after a couple of leaves my opponent may be starting to guess what i'm gonna do but i thought i might be able to get maybe one more out of this before they start overpredicting and maybe going for a close combat on my silvally swap then i was thinking okay they're definitely going to go for another move right here um i've done it twice them i've trolled them twice what i'm gonna do is instead of swapping i'm gonna go for teleport right now teleport's gonna still teleport me out of the battle however i know that i'll go second so now now they're gonna go for the close combat predicting my type scum swapping they didn't get it and they took additional rocky helmet damage plus life off however i'll still be able to swap cosmo amount and go back into my type now and then they'll have to make a decision then whether or not to go for the close combat again or go for the spectral thief right i was confident they'd probably go for another close combat here right because close combat takes both the pokemon so what i did right is i went for the swap back into cosmo and they're gonna go for the close combat uh once again on my cosmo and that was amazing i purely took a marsh out about just with rocky helmet only on hypnotized channel people now i thought i thought for a second they've got to be salty after like you'd have to be a little bit salty if your shiny legendary hack pokemon got destroyed just by a little rocky helmet and a tiny little pokemon that weighs 69 million kilograms but they didn't disconnect them they stayed in the game and i was excited because i was having a lot of fun in the moment so the next pokemon to come into the battle is slow bro so i went to poipole here and i was like man this isn't the greatest matchup in the history of pokemon right i've got this venom shock dragon pulse nasty plot toxic spikes red card strategy so i set the toxic spikes up then go for the veno shock and then all the pokemon sort of get poisoned but uh i don't think i'll i feel like i won't be able to set up in front of a slow bro uh any psychic type move is going to hit me really hard so i went for the venice rock just for a bit of damage here and now it's going to go for psychic and that's going to take my uh my venom shocking poipo out i think my opponent's got french pokemon too i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure i know my french pokemon by now correct me if i'm wrong all those are awesome french people out there let me know so going back to the melting and going for the thunderbolt does very impressive damage coming from a melting right unfortunately the slowpro is going to eat a citrus breed and pretty much get most of their health back but it's all good though i've got a little bit of a stretch yeah now slowbro is going to open its mouth wide and swallow oh never mind it's going to take my nuts out so the next pokemon to come in here right is going to be cub food now this comfort right is a pretty interesting set this is a probably one of the best sets on my team we've got reversal in dual acrobatics and thunder punch well it's the best set on my team when i can get it to work now the item i've got this is weakness policy i've got max speed and max attack jolly nature right now what i'm thinking of doing right is getting max airstream up because there's a pokemon there that's going to be able to outspeed me it's probably going to like destroy the rest of my team so i need to get a plus one and speed bare minimum right the thing about that is i'm going to need to have to live a psyche if i do live a psychic i can get a weakness possible this has no investment in bulk or anything like that it's not ever lied none of that sort of stuff it's just a pure sweeper so i had to rely on the power of dynamics just to leave this next day so unfortunately i didn't get a crit that was i was kind of low-key hoping for a crit but i was like it's probably not going to be able to take out slowbro slowbro has got some nice fence here comes the psychic comfort just hangs on there on 32 off and weakness policy is going to kick right in baby now that's going to give me an insta plus 2 in attack now the good thing about this i can go for another max airstream i just decided to go for the max lighting i just wanted to get rid of that slow bro light that was a big big counter there so bulky so bye bye slowbro and the electric terrain has been put on the field now too so that's gonna be hitting pretty hard right now i've got two more pokemon remaining right i was actually pretty confident now i can win the battle next pokemon is regular i was like okay i can just go for a max knuckle hear this i can go for that max knuckle right now however reggie rock does like a donkey swap and goes into blasting so nice play on my opponents are half there uh swapping in the ghost type i went for the max knuckle you know what that should hit the trainer and i should insta win the battle there by um on a technical knockout so next pokemon to come in here was the blast john i thought okay let's go for the endure let's see what this thing's going to do i should be able to speed it right it may even go for a mind blown and uh here comes the psychic sorry kung fu is going to be going down to one help there that's only going to help out my reversal power even more reversal obviously the less healthy uh how the more powerful it is right so go for the acrobatics out speeding the blast feel and taking it out with an acrobatics which is great now i'm at the full base power after my weakness policy has gone the last pokemon my opponent has here is the regular which we've seen before i'm gonna be able to take this out super easy i thought they made dynamax there but they didn't okay there's a string and they've got sturdy another sturdy pocket i was like i wonder why they didn't do that before right and my question got answered very very quickly this also has the weakness policy right and it also has rock policy like oh oh this this is bad this is going to be on out speed all of the rest of my team this is bad and it's going to hit very very hard too so the electricity is going to disappear from the field here and now we've got a dynamax reggie rock on one help now it is a meme it's on one health but it's gonna do a lot of damage i've got no priority at all like none of these pokemon get any priority at all so this is very very bad there so old um spider balls are gonna throw out mount everest out of a pokeball and it's going to be shining and it's going to be all one healthier now i thought there was a good chance they'd go for dynamics so i went through i had absolutely nothing to lose here unless it went for a rock type move that's the only problem here so it's going to go for max knuckles okay that's not too bad there um that's gonna boost the attack now i do have another pokemon left which is my cosplay now cosmog actually has the unaware ability so i'm actually going to be able to ignore those boosts so let's go on the cost bulk here cosmog obviously has no attacking moves this one is max health and it's max defense right here comes another max knuckle from the regular red like 69 million attack already and it does very little damage me so okay it's probably going to go for i'd say like i don't know if it's a physical set i'd say it would be like stone mist there and that's gonna definitely take me out i've got sticky barbers the item here i can't do anything at this stage right i've got to swap crosstalk out next bike i'm gonna come in here is my titan i was like maybe i might be able to uh just stall another turnout with this and they went for another max knuckle and my type note is going to get decimated this this thing has so many attack boosts now cause smoke is not going to be able to live an attack there um like a rock type move i've only got one option here i started to go over this plan as i was thinking about cup four one health and on the cosbomb right now this thing has got um obviously it's got some sort of physical moves i'm guessing it's definitely a physical set judging on the set they've used already and they're gonna go for body presses like okay that's a good that's actually a good thing there because i know what they're gonna do now so i've got the endure so what i did right i swapped the couple out i went into cosmo which has a sticky bar remember my opponent has used their item up now which is weakness posse reggie rock's going to stomp cosmo doesn't take it out right the stinky bombs gonna transfer onto the riggy rock and reggie rock is gonna fight due to the stinky bump only on pimlico channel with the salty dc right there pebble this is pure content i can't i can't deliver you any more content that if this video hasn't got a like already i don't know which does let's get on to battle 2 that was beautiful cosmog the absolute unit our next battle i'm not really sure this uh trainer name is maybe someone can uh translate in the comment section there's also a cool bunch of people that always do that right okay so we got a lycan rock lead here i've got my poipo hopefully i might be able to get this strategy to work right this is the venom shock toxic spike strategy i was talking about before i only need one layer of toxic spikes too because my aim is to poison the entire opponent's thing now we've got lycarock setting up a stealth rock there i'm going to set up a uh toxic spikes there so we both set up an entry hazard each right i was waiting to get attacked by this thing and now it's going to go for crunch crunch does a fair bit of my health there and red card is going to kick in swapping out the lycra so all the other pokemon that are incoming now if they're not poison or steel type right or like flying and all that sort of stuff are gonna get poison right which is gonna be really really cool so a lollan executor is gonna come in here it's gonna eat a lamborghini on incoming there so it's not gonna be poison now on the swap there on the red card swap i went for a nasty plot so i've got plus two in special attack now this is a max speed and back special attack playpod right i obviously uh put the evs on this to do something particular as you'll find out so go for the dragon pulse there alolan executor gets dropped right those coconuts are going to fall right down to the floor now the cool thing about this i evade it so b space would boost its speed so i went um i think i did a timid nature on this one right so it boosts its speed and obviously i had nasty plot to boost its special day so in comes pikachu i'm like okay uh pikachu maybe they're gonna go for a gmax p or they're gonna go for a fake out i don't know right i couldn't take any chance here so what i did right i dynamaxed my uh poipole and i just went for max who's wrong i thought this would be like a lot of damage pikachu isn't like the bulkiest pokemon in there you know the history of pokemon either i was thinking what's pikachu really gonna do to me then it went for a fake out that was really good that i didn't actually uh you know hesitate go for the dynamics right so go for the max who's pika p is going to be peaking no more so that's going to give me a additional plus one in special attack there so i've got plus three and special attack at the moment so things are going like swimmingly you know what i'm saying so getting another piece booster in speed i've got plus two in speed i can pretty much outspeed everyone on the uh team now next pokemon is the lycra i'm thinking are they going to dynamics or are they going to go for a cell rock if i was them i'd probably go for a solar or dynamics here comes the predictable cell right doesn't scratch me at all baby i went for a max oozier i almost went for a max wormy but i thought they might try that a cell rock business so i've got a plus one in special attack once again so i've got plus four now special attack and also my opponent's got some additional poison damage there too i could go for another max seuss yeah they can't dynamax as they will not out maybe as cell rock fails to take out my poipole i went for another max ooze and the lycorot is going to go down that's beautiful this people this content so i've taken up the alola's economy i've taken a pikapi and i've taken out a lyca rock so i've taken out three pokemon so far one two three massive pit knight right now we've got three more pokemon left and i'm i'm juiced up baby next pokemon azari is interesting they didn't actually try and hide it maybe i thought it was like too obvious with the pokemon that had remaining right i wouldn't be able to guess it anyway right so poipole is going to be out of its dynamics i can go for a veno shock now venustrok is actually more powerful than me being a dynamic size a vena shock if the opponent is poisoned the double uh base power kicks in so normally it's 65 he times that by two it's 130. massive hitmob right it's a very very powerful attack so zorox is going to hit the sand and the next pokemon is primer in it they're done they can't do anything this poipo is sweeping their team so i thought maybe they've got like a scummy aquajet or something like that but they are not going to use aqua jet thank goodness and uh primarina is going to faint to it they would have done like perimeter in his entire family tree that was going down there or all of them like even the ones at the berry now the next unlocks pokemon is the uh dumb manager so i was like okay well man even if these dynamaxes this is going to do an enormous amount of damage right even if they're choice scarf they're done so here we go we've got the desperation dynamics right at the end of the battle here and i was thinking this is going to do a lot like is it going to take it out or is it just going to leave i wasn't sure this is going to be the point boss i've done a profile sweep before yes it's already on youtube and here we go people it's a big old dumb man today grinning down at me and uh thinking he's gonna leave my attack hopefully i can take it out better shot takes it out of one shot that is the full point ball sweep right there plus a bonus baby bolt a double baby bottle i can't deliver the content fast enough people there we go two baby bottles in a row and a profile swing man this is content let's get on to the third battle this one was against cop bicep and i'm sure he wanted to first his own uh theme team correction man these battles have been fired so far all right so we got a rookie d lead here and i'm starting things off once again with point ball right now point bolt the same thing goes here rather thinking let's get the toxic spikes up and let's see if we can get a sweet ride so once again putting those little purple spikes on the field there and rookie d is going to be going for a torn so that was really good uh that i got them up first right because it's going to be taunting me and i can't use nasty scum anything like that so now right i'm gonna do it instead of going for that sweep right i'm gonna go into melton right i thought melton could hit this pretty hard with the thunderbolt run now rookie is gonna go for italian boosting the speed there i mean let's be real uh melton was not gonna be out speeding anything right so here comes a pluck it's gonna try and pluck an item but i didn't have one right i didn't have a pluckable item right so go over the thunderbolt rookie d almost goes down but it doesn't go down you know what i'm saying so here comes another taunt there i wasn't going to go for a toxic or anything like that i went for another thunderbolt and rookie d is going to be going down that's beautiful so one pokemon down there now i believe my opponent is also running a three team here as well if you can guess it right next pokemon is going to be torchic right so another small little bird if that's not a hint enough for you now toxic is going to kick in on the torchic i'm scared it's going to drop me like it's hot like an empire so i'm going to swap that out right and go into cosmog right now it's gonna be going for a focus engine like oh oh no i think i i got an idea what this set could be right i wasn't 100 sure but i had a little bit of an idea now torchic is gonna have a uh a crit right here of two right i'm not really sure what its item is and it's also going to get the speed boost up now sticky bob is going to kick in there obviously uh sticky bob is a really cool item by the way if um you don't have an item say your opponent doesn't have an item and they attack you with a contact you move it'll contact and go to them and it'll go back and forth like musical chairs it's a troll item basically so i'm gonna get absolutely scorched there by over this is bad because say over it drops your stats right if it's going to be always critic it's going to ignore that and continue to do a full base power every single time plus torchy has got speed boosts every time i i could be in a bit of trouble here right so uh torch is gonna outspeed me here it's gonna go for the overheat poi pole gets dropped this is bad i'm getting swept by a torchic at the moment so you've seen the pointball sweep and now you're seeing a reverse torchic swing only your hypnotized channel paper i can't deliver this content i i don't i can't deliver any better than this now the next pokemon thinking okay i to swap melton in right it's my only saving grace if overheat misses right i know like i know i'm hoping for a small thing but sometimes you're going to go for a big thing right if you know what i mean so what we're going to do right is we're going to get hit by ov oh no this is really bad so melton is gonna go down there and that has melted my chance away from melton taking out the torchy i've got three pokemon and it's an absolute unit of a lineup cosmog cosmolium and guess what people in these battles right i didn't bring type no because i actually forgot about type now in this last two battles so i only had cosmog a cosmonaut left now my opponent taught me with a quick little feather dance right because i know i don't have any attacking moves so go for the cosmic power they're right it's going to matter so much against 100 critic pokemon however it is going to do one stage of toxic damage however there's a lot more stages to go but then i had a galaxy brain idea i'm thinking hmm i could dynamaxx cosmo or cosmog like something he's got to give here right so here comes the torch with it's over cosmo lives it's beautiful it is a clean to hit ko so go for another tossing power here because it's gonna change the entire game right now i'm starting to think right togjik has like two two more turns left of toxic right if i'm left without cosmo all i'm gonna have is a cosmog right and i'm gonna be splashing for the whole battle i've some i've gotta do something right now right so i'm thinking okay this is it people i can go for a desperation dynamics max guard like you can pick you you can pick your max card there's like max guard max guard max out but then i had a thought right remember that blissey kid right they've got like four protects in a row this is going to be me i've got to get unlucky like that i'm right so what we're going to do is go for the max guard here and i'm going to try and go for it as many times as humanly possible right so getting that extra boost there from the dynamics giving me 102 health it's it's thumping and it's big going for the max guard there that's going to work on the first one right and overheat is going to get that's another pp expended and that's another little bit of help expected on the torchic right now torching is down towards the last bit of health there i get two max guards in the road and torching is gonna go down to the toxic which is beautiful the crisis was averted there people i almost got swept by torchic there after sweeping with the poipo getting destroyed by torture it couldn't happen only on peptide shadow you wouldn't read about it now the next pokemon to come in here is a rowler right this is a small bird team right and i don't want to get swept by these things so i went for another max guard unfortunately there it's gonna fail however i did get some beautiful rocky helmet damage off this that was pretty nice now uh cosmo here right it's already got a couple of boost up i'm thinking hmm let's see if i can get some more cosmic power syrup right so the only bad thing the thing that could possibly go wrong here would be leaf blade critting me right so go for yet another cosmic power on the cosmo right and i've got like a lot of defense right now like this thing is already maxed out max the imagine if i ever ever lie right that'd be crazy but getting some more damage there from the rocky helmet too and once again go for another costume i think i'm down to my last turn here on my cosmo right because even like a non-crit is going to take me out so rowlet is going to go for the leaf blade and my cosmo is going to go down wait i didn't have a cosmog i didn't have cost mode left it was already fainted roast be the last pokemon i had was was kub fu how could i forget i mean if you stick if you stick like say you got comfort right and you put kosmog's head on there that'd be an amazing like like face swap there it'd be like cosmo with guns that'd be a mate someone better do it someone tweet that to me so anyway we're gonna go for a acrobatic say rowlet has popped an endure and it's got a silic brewery the problem about that is right it's gonna be out at speed yours truly and it's gonna take me out with a leaflet oh you wouldn't read about it although my friends is the third battle i got trolled by a toy i got swept by torture almost there and raul are coming tonight it's barry and finish my comfort off of the end man oh man i thought i could make the big bad clutch there all right let's get into the fourth and final battle this one's against mr garcia i don't know what team is going to cook up this time but i'm sure it's going to be amazing now you may have noticed that it's going to be a uh five versus four battle i'm still at the disadvantage though all right i've got cosmog and cosmo now the first pokemon here is scorpion right it's gonna use protection which is very very good sometimes you've got to throw a couple of raincoats off so we've got this ask or bunny using projection and i'm going to go for toxic spikes so it wasn't a bad matchup right i got a free and easy toxic spike up but then i'll start thinking you know what normally i try and get one toxic spikes up but you know two's better than one right and i got both of them so that's gonna be very very handy i'm gonna get some very nice damage there so now we've got another overheat oh not another over i couldn't stand it i'm getting i'm getting triggered right now by ovi so anyway score bunny is gonna have its stats dropped and uh red card is gonna kick in there imagine if that credited me imagine just imagine now we got the score bunny swapping out there and we got a reboot coming in this is my favorite out of this evolution line it is a uh score bunny evolution team i've actually uh gonna do this one in the future too so we got that uh nice poison that's nice and juicy going for that renaissance there it's so thick like this is the thickest rabbit ever like you wouldn't believe it right so it's got libero and it's going to be going for a acrobatics acrobatics obviously he's not going to do a lot of damage there's only 55 base power and point ball managed to live there i could have got a nasty plot up there that would have been really uh nasty so go for a better shock he doesn't know you know it doesn't take it out but however the toxic aft that turn will be enough to take it out so it's going to be a double ko so point ball fighting and the reboot fighting as well so i mean the good thing is there at least i took one pokemon out there that was very nice so i'm thinking here well melton's probably not gonna be too much help in this battle let's send it in now anything is good like any sort of damage from melted is gonna be better than nothing even a life of damage so next pokemon is nesquik right who's that nesquik before you can get this in strawberry chocolate banana i i don't know that is that the only flavors you can get ness quick people let me know right so it's gonna go for a mud shot you wouldn't read about it right because what i did is i went for a thunderbolt to try and go for the paralyzed but since it's a ground type right now thunderbolt is gonna fire oh that's i got trolled again people like this it keeps happening so i never would have uh expected that so anyway we got another mud shot from syd race mud shot cinderella's only up here on channel there and uh melton is gonna go down i'm gonna get some mark got some mud on my nuts sometimes it happens so melton's gonna go down i've still got a couple of pokemon left but man this is looking bad because there's a cinder race right but there's another cinder race there's the normal cinder race and the g-spot one right so i don't know how i'm gonna get around this so they went for a sucker bunch just to troll me there just you know it was like there's the torchic earlier on feather dance it was a troll just to try and make me salty right i'm not salty at all right now right so what i can do right is i can go for a cosmic power that's all i can do with its pokemon now nesquik seems to be a um not uh maybe it's just a physical attacker or it's a mix attack i'm not really sure at the moment so regardless i'm getting those cosmic powers up and we've got a mix set here with libia right so i'm thinking well i've got quite a few cosmic powers up here uh cosmo is already quite bulky it's not going to do much to me all right the only bad thing is maybe i'll get like a possible burn so that may slow my stalling capacity a little bit right i feel like uh let's be real game freak made the 20 minute time because of me right so now here comes another flamethrower and all i can do is cosmic power i was thinking about this right now imagine if i never did the cosmo sweep and the cosmog sweep in the gym before i never would have been able to do it right so it's actually really really good that i got these sweeps out the way you know what i'm saying also people if you like g phil it's 30 off with code salt right now people go grab yourself some sonic g field that's like this new one looks super funny anyway quick little promo there for your boy uh we got some uh poison damage on the nest quick and it's gonna go down however they did manage to get a burn of me from flamethrower which is unfortunate um we've got four sorry we've got four pokemon out of the four pokemon got two left the next pokemon is cinderbyte my babe cinder babe you know this is sean tarr on on tv it's it's quite old it's called baywatch right i'm imagining cinderella running down the beach in a bikini that sort of stuff so anyway we got the um we got the uh sid race go for a gmax there and this is this this this could be real people because this thing is going to hitting me really really hard and i'm actually i was contemplating at the moment i'm thinking do i have the opportunity to go for a dynamaxx cupful or not right cinderace is going to be out spammy maybe it'd be a better play to dynomax cosmonaut right so here comes the max darkness i lived it and i lived it pretty well considering but and uh that's gonna be one turn of the cinderella she's done there's still two more of dynamaxx or gmax i've got to get rid of and i'm thinking maybe right i could go for a max guard that'll burn another turn up and i might even be able to go for another max guard there and completely stall the rest of the cinderacer's g-max out all the time that scummy poison is gonna be racking up beautifully there so go for the cosmo i got to say this right now cosmo is the pokemon i dynamax mostly in this team i don't know why but i just did i feel like a lot of the time i had to stall the opponent out right because this team is just a smoking pile of trash right a lot of the time i was like stalling the toxic spikes out or just simply getting extra damage on the rocky element or just simply getting rid of the opponent's dynomax right so here comes the g-spot fireball there um it's really good that i blocked that one because that would have done a lot of damage rise that's good now what i'm going to do is go for another max guard here and then cinder babe my babe will be out of those g maxes right so taking a little bit of damage here from the burn from the flamethrower from earlier i'm right i went for another max guard unfortunately it failed there and here comes the g-max fireball uh from the cinder race there um that that that ball was like tiny compared to my cosmo cosmo actually lived that one really really well right there must be all those causing powers and of course the dynamics too so cinderace uh actually is going to be going down very very soon right i managed to stall out so many turns so coachbomb is still uh on the field at the moment right here and it actually actually went for a withdrawal saying man that really sucks is i believe i would have better get like around that right so i went for my final max guard here the score bunny is gonna get us a poison they're swapping in and max guard's gonna fail right now i'm gonna be out of dynamics here right and i'm also gonna take burn damage from the cinder race early before but guess what people i lived on one hell from the bird like this meme never stops right so cosmo is on his last legs here if it has any and here comes a that was that's actually that's bullying that's a that's a disrespect reversal when i've got one health left that's something i'd do so my cosmo is going to go down there i do get a nice juicy bit of rocky helmet damage there so that was good that was good very very good now the pokemon left we got us cosmog and kub foo right kafu is uh pretty mvp right here but however i'm going to go to the cosmos i thought i might be able to get a little bit of uh you know damage here with the poison right so we got another overheat from the score bunny but not another op over is a clean two heat care on my cosmog there if it if it is a crit right if it's not i feel like cosmo could probably just live there so i went for a little splash there a nice little splash on the beach there i like going to the ocean you you jump in in the morning when it's really nice and ice cold like it's at first right you dump you like you jump in right and it's freezing cold why are you like why do i even want to be in this waterfall but then after you come out you feel like revitalize it's the best feeling like jumping into cold water afterwards i don't know you have to try it out anyway swapping out the cosmo they're gonna sorry getting a little bit sidetracked there by cold water and kufu's gonna swap into the reversal there i knew i'd be able to live reversal because scorpion had a lot of health back right so what i'm gonna do right i was a little bit scared that i might get out spared by the score bunny there so i went for the reversal and that's gonna put me on one health there the merchant's available there and it's also gonna hit me at full health with the reversal there so it's gonna be doing a lot of damage and also the score bunny is gonna fight to the toxic which is great so there's one more pokemon left here it's cinder blade now cinder bite cannot sleepy however i can swap out my cub food and into the cosmog and then i might be able to take this cinderace out with the toxic damage who knows right i'm still in the game so here comes the iron head here from the cinder race i wish cinderace did had like a consumable iron or didn't have one because i could have passed on sticky barb there to know about cosmo went down i don't know how they took cosmo i got i don't know must have been hacking all right so i've got one more pokemon here it's my cub food right cinder babe's got half health left this is it people i'm gonna go for uh my endure here i can't go for a reversal because i'll get out spin so go through a duel then it's good are they for a high jump kick if only that miss that would have been amazing now high jump basically i'm gonna get kicked in the face and somehow live there that that was actually really mean so now cinderella is gonna take extra damage there from the light bulb and it's gonna take additional toxic damage if i can get a two more endures i can win this unfortunately endure fails on the second one i already got lucky with the max guards they wait i didn't get unlucky that blissey kid got four of them i needed five anyway so the fourth battle is dark people hope you enjoyed it and i hope you enjoyed this whole video i'm absolutely destroyed after this narration and these battles man that was absolute content today peace out people [Music] you
Views: 120,263
Rating: 4.9589934 out of 5
Keywords: Unevolved Legendary Pokemon, Not Fully Evolved Legendary Pokemon, legendary pokemon, legendary pokemon battle, legendary pokemon theme, pokemon hacker, pimpnite salt, pimpnite salty sweep, pimpnite salty hacker, legendary pokemon battle royale, top 10 legendary pokemon, pokemon legendary battle, pokemon legendary theme, pokemon legendary, pimpnite cosmog, baby legendary pokemon, pseudo legendary pokemon, pokemon salty players, pokemon salt pimpnite, unevolved pokemon
Id: OMrevlbeEJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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