FULL POKEMON FLINCH MOVES TEAM! ( Double Iron Bash , Fiery Wrath , Zing Zap )

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with you for today's video women fall flinching moves pokemon team four years ago i did a flinching moves team and i thought you know what it's time to do another one because there's quite a few new flinching moves and there's quite a few new pokemon to actually implement some cool strategies here so i only use moose to attack that had a flinching chance and i used some other status moves to help out my strategies in the battle as well if you do want to come and balance me or if you do want to come and watch the battles theme teams pokemon sweeps all that kind of stuff you can follow me on twitch.tv yt uh the link is in the description of the video come and drop me a follow if you haven't already that's where i do all my streaming so today we got three battles and i really hope you enjoy them these were absolute fire these are some of the best battles they have with this team so my first opponent i've got no idea what their name is at all i'm not sure what it says maybe it's a roast maybe they're saying i love pickles or something i don't really know so we got a grim style lady here definitely not going to use reflect and pranksta and i've got my male metal right now this male metal set has got three flinching moves we've got double iron bash we've got rock slide and we got the mighty headbutt right i had to include headbutt now what i did on this thing i tried to include as many flinching moves as i humanly possibly could right so go for that double line bash does really good damage there to the grim stuff now looking at uh my little uh menu there obviously i cut this bit out i can see that that's going to be going for eight turns the reflect right so i need to stall it out or get rid of it somehow right now the grip starts gonna be swapping out and the mel metal is gonna be coming in so it's a shiny one it could be it could be gmax anyway so go for double eye and bash here hoping i can get some flinches and maybe stall out right the couple of turns we got here a little bit more than a couple of turns off the reflect right now i've got quick law on this bell metal jolly nature only up in my channel and we've got uh max attack and max speed right and i've got thunder wipe too so this strategy is going to be super super all based around paralyzing the photo out speeding with mel metal and hitting him hard with headbutt and and of course double line bash and i've also got rock slide too so that's the strategy or base around mel metal now what i needed to do here right since there was like six more turns to actually get around the reflect right i need to get as many flinches or like paralyzes as possible right so we get a nice little paralyzer on the memorial at this stage i was like okay well there's no way i'm going to be able to take this mel metal out but if i can stall out those you know maybe like five more turns that'll be really good because then i can swap something in and take it out here so getting another flinch there on the memorials are cool let's go for a headbutt but go for headbutt instead of using its nut right it uses fists so it's like a i don't know a fist butt anyway a fist bump okay so we're gonna go for a headbutt again but we don't get that second flinch i was a little bit disappointed there and another earthquake is gonna take me down to 69 sorry 29 health right there so i've got to basically get i reckon i've got to get about four or five flinches to take this thing out right but uh yeah the chances were very very low at this point right so we're gonna get two hits there and i get another thing she's like okay that's cool the reflect has now worn off which is very very important so mission accomplished that go for another double line bash here obviously we're gonna go for two more hits there and i get another flinch on the male metal which is absolutely amazing i need to get one more flinch on double iron bash then i can go for a disrespect headbutt i mean a hand butt right so go for my second uh double iron backs there on the mountain it just lives there and guess what people we get the flinch so i can go for the mighty hand but there and the great thing about the disrespect head butt i mean hand but i get a critical hit too they have got to have been salty about that one like did you honestly think i would have won that 1v1 matchup at the start there's no way you would have thought like i was i was doubting myself next poker want to come in his grip style instead of going for effect that's going to go for a light screen so like okay it didn't really matter where the rent for reflect on it i was going to take it out with a double iron bash regardless right so mel metal takes out dr wheely there thank you dr willy for that light screen reflect and we're gonna take two pokemon out so we're off to a flying start here right now the next pokemon that's gonna be uh coming in here is milotic the best thing i can do against this is go for the thunder wave unfortune uh quick claw does not activate and mel metal is going to go down not that i'm complaining i had an amazing run against the opposing murmur so i'm happy with that right now my next pokemon to come in here is my together tomorrow now together has got quite a few flinching moves we've got zing zap fake out and zen headphone now the eb's are similar to mel metal right we've got max speed and max attack and i've got jolly nature here too right my ability is sturdy and the item is rocky helmet so i can play some games with uh you know spiky shield and rocky helmet damage and of course fake up too you can rack up a nice little bit of damage roll chip damage against the opponent so income scumber on there it's going to be a bulky stolen set we know that already nice shiny though i've got it it's my favorite it's my favorite shiny out of all the eeveelutions so swapping out my token tomorrow and we're going to go into scum kiss here this is a serene gray set obviously i had to run at least one serene grace pokemon here right now this tokyo set did have air slash but it did have some other cool moves as well so we got air slash we got nasty plop we've got um twister ride twister so i've got extra century on this one as well so i could go for twist now twisted is like a horrible horrible baseball so i really need to get that nasty plot up to get some fire damage right now in this one i add max speed and max fish stack toxic is going to miss it which is very unfortunate for the umbreon normally umbreon would have got hit by a very tight move now so sort of lucky about that that i didn't go for that uh however we got the thundurus coming in and thundurus is going to take the air slash which is not going to do a lot of damage right so now thunderous is going to be going for a thunderbolt here tocus is just going to live that one on a hell which is great because that's going to enable me to get off a extra century damage right so putting the thunderous below half elf which is pretty much mission accomplished there it's a very very good pokemon like my opponent scene was very very good compared to mine uh as you can probably already see right so down goes to tokus there and the light screen's gone which is which is good if that light screen wasn't there i'd say i would have taken out the thunderous next pokemon that's coming is tokyo it's not tokens together in my togi pokemon mixed up and uh we've got the monadic coming in so okay marta dick's gonna be coming in uh to this right so i can go for fake out and then i can simply go for a zing and then a zap and hopefully take out this milotic right now milotic i know has got skulls so they're going to obviously try and go for the burn there and make my attacks do nothing right but hopefully i can get some zing exact bleachers soon right so go for that zings out there does half elf and we don't get a flinch which is very very unfortunate now minor tick is going to go for a skull so we do about the same damage to each other like real talk maybe the minor ticks got a little bit more sustained there with the leftover right so i can go for another zing zap here i thought the thundurus might come in but i was like you know what let's go let's risk it for the biscuit there go for the zing zap and milotic gets flinched which was perfect now it's a little bit riskier to go for another zing zap or should i go for zen head but decide to go for this uh the zings out there and milotic is going to be going down i almost went for zen head but expecting the uh thunderous to come in there maybe they didn't want to risk any more damage in case they went for another move next pokemon is umbreon again that and i can't do a lot to umbreon at this stage all i can do is go for zing zaps and hope for the best now you're probably thinking why didn't you put iron head on to uh together for like why did you do that for another pokemon has got iron head on my team right and i didn't want to double up on flinching moves on my pokemon i did actually try and put as many flinching moves on this team as humanly possible now what's going through the list as well it was surprising how many of the flinching moves actually got removed from the game i was a little bit sad how many got removed but uh it is what it is right hopefully we'll see them again so this umbreon song and dance for it with a little while with a wish here i went for spiky shield because it had uh payback as its attacking move right normally they got foul play sometimes you'll see them with a payback though most of the time foul play out classes way back but uh you know that is what it is right so we're gonna get some more damage there on the spiky shield and umbreon's gonna get most of his health back now i really need to hit umbreon hard and i need to hit it fast right together it doesn't really hit hard you're mostly relying on flinches from zing zap and it's good for scouting and doing some nice chip damage it really couldn't break through a real like you know quality stalling pokemon like umbreon right with wish support as well which is nice now i was thinking maybe they'll go for a wish pass on to thunder sia i'm thinking they're going to swap into thunderous very very soon because all i've done is zingzat really i haven't really done zen headbutt a lot and incomes are thunderous here now i know they're going to get a bottle absorb here but i was thinking well we like wish is going to get most of their health back anyway so i wasn't really you know too cut up about that uh you know swap in there they were always going to get their health back eventually from bro now at this stage togo tomorrow seemed fairly useless i couldn't do a lot against it so i'm just going to let it faint there's no point in actually keeping it in there it had runner's race in a juice right so i've lost half my team they've lost half their team but i feel like i feel like i've played pretty well so far right so bringing in my yavana where i'd really had to nerf this thing down i was running a mix set on this one it's actually quite fun so we've got dragon miss sky miss dank pulse and home claws so her claws are there to obviously increase the accuracy of my first two moves and then we got dang pulse on there to get a couple of finishes too so we can make it like a mix set right at this stage i had to get rid of this thunderous all the umbreon they were way too bulky right i just wasn't simply doing enough damage now i thought the thundurus may be inclined to stay in here i could go for the dynomax and max airstream out speed at the next turn get some damage on and take it out with a physical dragon time move they'd probably expect me to be special as well so go for that dynamax hibano it's a big flying piece of bacon i had some bacon this morning it was straight fire it was really really good okay if you had to make a choice right what would you have you're only allowed to make one choice you can have bacon or you can have smoked salmon what what would you prefer personally i actually quite like smoked salmon a little bit more but i did enjoy my baker this morning anyway back to the battle sorry about that let's get a little bit hungry looking at your bottle so go for that uh max airstream there and scumbrian lives on a little bit it lives on one health the merchant available people below check that merch out okay so we've got the uh discovery on living on one health i'm gonna go for a double max air stream there and umbreon finally goes down which is finally gonna put an end to their boring stalling capacity which is great now we've got another really great pokemon left on their team too i'm very very scared of it uh outside of thunderous so as you'll see in a hot minute so we got the thunderous go for the desperation dynamics now they have to go for it there's no other way uh they're going to get getting back into this battle right now i've got one more turn of dynamax left but i had a sneaking suspicion they were going to go for max guard and bernard wanted a dynamic so they wouldn't take any damage right this pokemon was a very very big problem if you notice though when you take out together uh a fair bit of my team was actually weak to uh electric right which i was a little bit scared about right so go for that max wormwind coming off the dragon rush there and it's going to be protecting you've got to use protection sometimes people so i've got my uh i've got my yavano i can go for the dragon miss here um we're going to land it actually it does pretty good quality damage now i'm quite happy with that and here comes the max lightning we've got three minutes left this battle basically because their umbreon stalled so much uh at probably the mid point of the or probably the three-quarter part mark of the game right so your vital is going to be going down here obviously and there's one more turn of dynamics left on the thunderous now we've got two more poker remaining and in comes the unit himself reggie steele now reggie still this set is absolutely wild right we've got on this one stomp fling rock polish and iron head now i had to be speedy and had to get it fast right so i went for the rock polish here i thought i might just be able to leave uh one of the electric type moves on a little bit of help there but they went for max guard so i was like okay we got the speed up that's very very good um they're definitely going to be attacking me in the next turn right so they're out of their dynomax now they've got uh one more pokemon off this and i was very very scared of it so two minutes left this battle i'm gonna go for the fling here now fling doesn't have a chance of flinching at all however if you attach a king truck or a razor claw to it it's got a hundred percent chance of flinching so three damage right so we're going to go for a stomp reggie reggie's still only up in my channel here we're going to flinch which is beautiful so i'm going to step on that thunder just again look at those feet look at those feet and we get two flinches with stop in a row you wouldn't read about it i could just imagine my opponent's face at the moment they're probably thinking what is going on so then they swapped they salty swapped out their thundurus and then in comes the marshall i tried to step on a ghost but it just slid right through so we've got 49 seconds of this battle i'm gonna go for a scumbag iron head here hoping for the best hopefully the fleece it doesn't happen martial is going to go for a knock off here it's not going to knock anything off because there's no item there like you can't knock the item off if it's not there so they're going to lose some uh help there from the light bulb i can go for another iron head here i feel like i could leave a drain punch badly here too so go for the iron here martial is going to take lots of damage and then we're going to flinch people that my friends this game i can outspeed all of their remaining pokemon 20 seconds of the battle left and then they salty cancel at the end instead of waiting 20 seconds hope you enjoyed the first battle and i'm not sure what my opponent was thank you for the game hope you enjoyed all those flinches i sure did okay so my next opponent is camo joe this one was also on the wycombe and of course we've got another very saltfield battle now the first pokemon to come out here right is the uh what's this name potato jack okay it's not a was it was a potato jack anyway i actually feel like a potato right now so go for a big jack not potato jack a big jack like the burger wasn't there something like mcdonald's that the big mac right and then hungry jack's at the big jack and then they sued each other and then i don't know maybe no he's just made up i'm not sure anyway i'm sure someone knows about that so big jack's going to swap out there and then comes whopper money joking in comes howard so how would the trevor right is going to be coming in here and it's going to be taking very very little damage from my zen headbutt got to swap out here i smell a willow miss from a milo right so we're going to go into togekiss because we smell a will or miss now i do have the lumber on this if it did hit and it did use it i would instantly heal off there which would be kind of nice not that i really worried about being burnt anyway because i was running a special set so lumber is going to kick in there nicely now i can either go for a nasty plot here or go for air sash i decided to go for air slash because i wanted to see what uh item they actually had whether they were going to be running like a berry there i do not get a flinch and uh treven is going to be having a citrus spray oh it's like that it's like that executive from the other day all over again here people trust me trust me so they're going to go for a horn leash there and they don't leak very much help back at all now the problem about this is i can go for a nasty plot here and they're going to get harvest back like straight away so i almost need to one shot this thing or flinch it to take it out forever it's going to be swapping out here and in comes the sylveon so it's like okay silvion's very bulky on the special side and if they go to salt bears or something like that it's going to be even bulky right so i get a nasty plot up here unfortunately i can't use twister i like i wanted to try use twister on the front just to use it but i couldn't so go for the airship it's a solid three uk toxic is going to miss that was very very unlucky there that would have been quite annoying if they did poison me now i had to make the big decision in life here to go for the air slash the turn after this or to go for the extra century so getting a flinch on the ss with the serene grace obviously serene grace uh doubles the chance of the flinches happening right so we've got leftovers on the uh on the silver instead of assault best there go for galaxy brain exocentric and it doesn't float you oh damn it i want to get the extra century flinch off and some salt but it didn't happen unfortunately there this sylveon is to poison me i mean slash could have missed there too like when you look at it that way it could have missed so silver's got a little bit of help that it's pretty much useless they can't really do much with so i can easily take it out right the only bad thing is tocus is poison dude so go for another extra incident here i wish i could have gone for uh a twister that would have been amazing right don't worry don't worry we got some more tokyo's action in a second so together is going to take some uh more toxic damage and the next focal to come out here right is going to be the porygon z so like okay it's twist the tie people so go for twister absolutely mad animation there they must have spent ages on that one and it doesn't flinch man i would have loved that deflection uh porygon z is going to come in there and take me out with a try attack and uh tocus is gonna be going down i lose my first pokemon i was sad people i wish i could have got that twist to flinch anyway in cup's token tomorrow here we can get some free chip damage with the fake out but but my butt i knew they'd expect me to go for fake out right so i was like you know what i should go for zen head butt expecting that and zen headbutt misses which is really unfortunate so go for zen head but again this time it's not going to miss unfortunately it just isn't doing any damage to that like trevor there's no way i can get around this trevor right it's way too bulky um it's revealed that it's got horn leech it's revealed it's got willow wisp and it's revealed uh obviously that's got uh like a ghost type moved i'm guessing it's got his ghost type move for its last one right i'd say maybe uh i know shadow claw or phantom or something like that so i'd say that's going to be like the four moves it's going to be using right so going for zen here but here at this stage elite sheet is his other move of course so that was its fourth move so it's got a lot of stalling capacity right now now together looking at the rest of the team in the team preview really the only one that i could maybe be handy to use against is um concur but then it could use drain punch and just get its health back right so i didn't want to use that as a sacrifice for uh you know conquered i was happy for this thing probably to fight against the trevor if i couldn't do any good damage to it after a while right so i swapped out i thought if i do have troubles with treven for any longer after this moltres i'm just going to let it faint and swap something else and so we've got this shadow claw coming from the treven it's going to do very very little damage right obviously it's not very effective now this moltres set is fire what we're going to do first is go for a substitute right now i didn't actually get to explain this in the first one i believe no i didn't so this has got fiery wrath it's got rest it's got snore right with throat spray now the whole thing about this set right is to go for the fire when i can obviously right but i really want to boost my special attack and you snore at the same time so the uh obviously the ability is berserk so you can actually deliberately make the opponent damage you below half elf get berserk to kick in and then rest off again and then spam snore and get the flinches throat spray will kick in there and you get a plus one in the uh special attack and then do the same thing over and over and over again and then go for a fire wrath whenever you need to say you're bursting a ghost like treven you can do that right so at this stage trevor pretty much uh couldn't do much to me at all i could just keep spamming fire wrath i only really had to get one flinch here and then trevor was going to be going down right so doing some big damage there and at left on one health again the merch is available and it's going to be going for a whole nature desperately trying to break my substitute right and hoping that the harvest will kick in for them they got a 50 chance they've actually had pretty good harvest like throughout this whole battle here finally we're gonna be able to take out this uh treven it's been stalling us for like half the game here and fire wrath is gonna end its entire career so we've taken out two pokemon which is good now that's so that's fine we've got treven on um zero health we've got the silvia on zero help we still have the conquered out in the paragon sea left now income star mana today i thought all right let's go for fire wrath and see how much this will actually do to dumb manager right that's pretty good help we do have a half health there we don't get a flinch of fortune and now damanta is going to go for the flare blitz and that is going to take me out the only good thing about that is darmatid is going to take some recoil damage there and i know that it's not choice scarf either so that was some information that i got from that encounter next pokemon is together here i was hoping i could maybe get some fake out chip damage or that to finish it off and then rocky helmet but they didn't want a bar on that one at all swapping up so if the zing zapier zing that does pretty much no damage to big jack at all is is a big jack actually tastes nice or is it just like a whopper anyway back to the battle i'm gonna go for the spiky shield here i don't any of that sort of food so i'm just kind of curious right for how it differs so we got to go for the spiky shield here and big jack's going to take some more damage there to its bun and uh i'm going to go for a uh a zen head buddy and hopefully i can get a flinch and then go for it again and get another fleece 4g zen headbutt does this super it does so super effective damage but it doesn't flinch and conquer is going to use drain punch like i knew it was going to run now the only good thing about that is i didn't have a lot of health right so we've got a bit of health back but then rocky on it sort of takes that health away so it's about in the same position it was before and hasn't revealed that punch yet so maybe it doesn't have mac punch now we're going to be going into reggie steel reggie still has absolute gold the last battle so i had to bring the big boy back in so go for the stomp again look at the animation and big jack is going to get run over by a car it's going to get stepped onto the store one time when i was in the store right i seen this kid step on a burger and he just went i over tea and just like slid everywhere the chips went everywhere the coke went everywhere he was crazy anyway diamond is going to go and come in and go for a superpower now if that wasn't choice banded that was actually uh that crit actually mattered that if that wasn't choice banner so i don't know what my opponent's item was there but they were lucky if it wasn't choice band right next pokemon here is ubarto and we're gonna go uh i could go for anything here i thought maybe i could dynamax here and go for max airstream we got the darn method swapping out here and we got the uh porygon z swapping in so i thought you know what i'm going to go for home close here let's do home claws and we'll see what they have i think they're choice band though i'm quite confident that they are trust me so go for home closet i can go for a 100 accuracy sky attack now sky attack has a chance of flinching and it's got a very very high baseball too now the item on the irvana was power herb so i could activate that uh real quick there it's going to be out to being the porygon and porygon z is not going to be liking that one it's going to be getting destroyed there so all they've got left is two more pokemon and diamanton is one and the closer is the other now i know they're gonna go for a desperation shell smash here go for the dank pulse underestimating my mix set they're gonna live on one helmet i flinched them i flinched them off one health and it lived on one health and then they baby bottle cancelled the battle there we go two people that is two cancels in a row there man that was some love i'm harvesting salt today all right we got one more battle here this is against uh hiato okay hey yoto let's do it my man so higato is going to be heaven oh it's going to be heaven a shock alley so unfortunately for me right i'd leave with no metal this time so i could go for a double line bash all night long baby right so let's go for that hopefully god doesn't have rocky helmet or anything along those lines right so go for that a double eye bash and shuckle is going to be having a berry which is a little bit annoying there very annoying to say at least because now it's going to be able to get a stealth rock sticky web up you know one of those two things unless you get a flinch right and i didn't get a flinch which is unfortunate now shocker's gonna be putting that sticky web down there but it's gone that's that's fine it's a very bulky pokemon um i mean if i didn't have mel metal i might have had a few troubles actually taking this out so i was quite happy that i live with that and i'd live with mel miller right so there goes chocolate which is going to give me a very nice early little lead there now the next pokemon to come out here against my medal was the cinder race now syndra's can use literally emperor here to take me out i get a quick animation right it was hype and then i went for the rock slide it landed right and that did so much damage to this interest almost taking it out there and getting the flinch that was a very very important turn there now swapping out the male metal right i'm thinking right quick i can go into the togo tomorrow tank the pyroball right and then go for a fake out or a spiky shield right so here comes the parable the only bad thing is if i do get flinch spot sorry not flinch fight burn by it um it's going to be sort of a waste there so i'm going to get that sturdy kicking in real quick and then i can go for a fake out and take it out so go for fake out and cinderace is going to be going down there i thought that was worthwhile doing that because i didn't lose a pokemon and i felt like mel metal was going to be a little bit more important than togo namara in these battle matchups right so income zachary zaccio himself is going to be able to take me out there with the karate chop there's not a lot i can do right here so go for the spiky shield there trying to get a little bit of damage on my opponent and that's pretty much all i can do right this thing is a stacked with its plus one in attack right so getting some nice damage here on the spiky shield i went for a double scumbag spiky shield but it failed off fortui and they're gonna go for another a sacred sword here and together is going to be going down there it would have been good if i got another one then the rocky helmet because i almost would have got half health there that's a fair bit okay together you did a great job there let's go into mel melo now i was hoping here i could get a thunder wave of the uh male metal quick law strategy right unfortunately it's gonna be over a close combat i'm like what it's got sacred sword and close combat they were not playing around with their fighting type moves right so i'm guessing they've got behemoth blade is another move and possibly like you know crunch or player up as the remaining move there so going into your bottle now i'm hoping they don't go for a behemoth blade i don't think they will i think they might go for a player off or something like that so i'm going to be going for dynamax here and i'm going to be going for a maxi string to boost my speed and then i'm going to take this thing out this thing is a very very threatening pokemon like in any really any battle this thing is just overpowered right with its ability so i go for that uh dynamics your bottle here i got it i gotta say if someone did randomly battle me and looked on my team they probably thought it was like quite a sweaty team but i tried to put in the some memes there to make it like fun to use right so they're gonna go for a close combat boy that still did a lot of damage there if i didn't die to max i think that would have taken me out or very very close right so go for the max airstream there that's going to give me a plus one in my speed and another pokemon live that won't help the merchant available people it happen again that's like the third or fourth time in this video so now i could go for a double max airstream and that is going to take out zacc on there goodbye zachary you were a worthy opponent there you took out a lot of my team so i've got plaster and speed and i've still got one more turn of my dynamax here however my opponent has on dynomax themselves so this battle could you know this battle could turn around really really quickly if things go bad so in comes the uh zera or here that is why i went for another max airstream two i knew they had zero aura in the back zara or is the extraordinary fastest so it still would have been out of out speed with plus two you know i was going to be right at rain there so we got the uh dynomax azera aura there looks very nice shiny i've always liked this pokemon trying it looks good like that the white the black and the uh the yellow really like sort of uh you know protruding out of its white paws and head so go for the max worm wind here hoping for an attack drop there hoping to go first and getting that track drop so everything sort of worked out there and if this thing does attack me i feel like i could maybe out to live this badly and then go for a dragon miss afterwards hopefully so they're gonna go for uh i say plasma this there it does really really small damage but that's very very good there i tanked that very nicely so obviously i won't leave the next one but i stalled out one turn of dynamax which is going to be very very good right now i can go for some more damage and then that'll only have like one more turn of dynamics left so i could possibly send in maybe maybe reggie still could come in here i was thinking that because it's bulky enough you know and they're only gonna have like negative one and attack two right so that's not gonna take me out even if they go for a plasma fist ride so your final is going to go down there i do a little bit damage and i'm happy with that match up right that was fine into reggie still now the mvp and reggie still i i got to get that rough polish up right that is my strategy so here comes the uh the obvious max knuckle here max knuckles not going to do much at all there it's it's not going to do much it's about a three here ko right so they're going to get uh plus one attacks the original attack is now back i can go for a rock polish and hopefully i'll be able to out speed this right i've got max speed and you know that normally puts me around in the 400s of speed right zero aura is going to be out of a dynomax and now i've got the ability to go for iron head fling or stomp so firstly straight up i want to stall out that electric terrain if things go nasty so we're going to go for the fling and fling that king's rock over instantly they're gonna get flinched that's good now i'm gonna go for the stompier and hopefully i can get a flinch to stop or live the next day stomp almost takes him out there unfortunately i did not get the flinch and close combat is not enough to take out reggie still there which is great so stock can take out the zero or artist and once again reggie still was stopped there better be some comments about this reggie still a stomp like i'll i'll be quite sad if there isn't and uh they're always gonna go down to reggie stop i should have called it reggie stomp that's actually a really good name for it now that's four pokemon down the next is giratina well i can't stop this thing as a ghost and it's gonna be go for this shadow stick and reggie still is going to unfortunately be going down there now i've got two more pokemon left here i've got together with twister so i was like all right i might be able to get a nasty plot up set it up in its face then go for a twister so out speeding giratina which is very very nice there and getting a plus two in special attack so the time is now to go for twister and then the guillotine is going to go for a shadow force i'm like oh oh this is bad because they when you think about it now they sort of got the advantage they can go for shadow force hit me and then go for shadow sling right afterwards right so i'm gonna have to withstand two attacks which is i don't think is going to happen right so here comes the shadow force there's a lot of damage there i just lived on 15 health however now they could go for a shadow seek and take me out there i could look for arguments like i could have gone for a twister there and they may not have got flinched anyway i would have done no damage last pokemon is moltres once again i can't use snore on this thing however i've left a special little bonus at the end of this video with moltres in action with snore i do hope you watch it it's just a little blooper there which i found quite funny anyway you gotta check it out i hope there's something about that in the comment section too so uh we got the uh giratina not doing very much damage to me at all we're gonna go for the fiery wrathy and that is enough to take out the giratina so there's one more pokemon left here i get an unnecessary crit there and this last pokemon is going to be quite threatening right because it's going to be out at speed me it's a dragon balls it's like okay it's going to be physical or special they're going to go for a dragon darts here so the first start didn't do much damage however the second dart is going to put me in range of berserk berserk's going to kick in real quick they're giving me a plus one in special attack now i can go for the fire wrath i was like this this should take out dragon pop from this range with plus one and it does in one shot and now my friends is all three battles i really hope you enjoy this i'll catch you tomorrow and enjoy the bloopers peace out folks [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you
Views: 94,228
Rating: 4.9572778 out of 5
Keywords: Flinch Moves Pokemon, pokemon flinch, pokemon flinch team, pokemon flinch moves, pokemon flinch build, pokemon flinch strategy, zing zap pokemon, fiery wrath pokemon, dark pulse pokemon, double iron bash, double iron bash sword and shield, double iron bash melmetal, double iron bash flinch chance, pokemon moves that flinch, air slash pokemon, fake out pokemon sword, kings rock flinch chance, kings rock fling, iron head flinch rate, serene grace flinch, PIMPNITE
Id: TQqVIJomkpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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