30 Minutes To Make The BEST Pokemon Team From RANDOM EGGS ! - THEN I BATTLE !

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[Music] [Music] what W we are back with our random egg hatching challenge you people express some interest in the last video so I thought I'd do another one here and see if we get that same sort of interest and maybe I could introduce this to my channel on a more common basis so the rules are as follows basically what I do right as I get six random eggs on my twitch stream from six random people I build a team out of them and then I battle and see if I can get that big W or just a good battle in general so we've got 30 minutes to make the team after they hatch no nature mints allowed I'm not allowed to modify any nature's got to use what I get I note you Pokemon no getting rid of a Pokemon no rebreathing the Pokemon and no knowledge of what I'm gonna get and then I battle with the team I get and see how it goes it was pretty fun are these challenges are really good the reason why I make this rule so restrictive is because I want a challenge right so I had a couple of people I question some of those rules why they're so strict okay so the first egg that I was actually gonna randomly trade off I tried to trade for this person but they had trade it ended up trading me a hack dig so it couldn't trade so it must have been like a unobtainable like Pokemon like I don't know it's probably like a legendary egg or something like that so a lot would have been very funny to hatch that it never would have gone online right so I gave another chance and I trade them off a shiny Charizard I'm just trading like just pure random ones that I got off the GTS or surprise rate I can't even remember where I got them from now I just want to I show a little clip of me actually getting all 66 this is arm this for the six people or gave me the eggs if you would like to maybe you know have a chance to send me an egg you can check me out and twitch this is where I do all my live streams and I do commonly I do this sort of challenges on there too I may do some offline too so I could get like a straight 30 minute recording rather than having to clip everything out from the stream of me talking to people but we'll see I am gonna be working on the video formatting a little bit more as well now also I included two battles in today's video instead of one I thought that you people would probably appreciate me seeing well seeing more battles and me making the team doing the tedious things everyone pretty much knows how to do I sort of streamlined it a little bit just showing like my progress of each Pokemon like a little sneak but and then you'll be able to see like the full set and everything as the battle goes on so I hope that's alright and I hope you sort of like prefer that sort of thing I just imagine mostly you want to see a battle if you've got sure if you've got any feedback please leave below - I'm sort of working on how the formatting of these videos and stuff like that as we're sort of we're sort of in a alpha stage here at the moment are making this style of video they're a little bit different to my other ones or you know whatever like that so yeah any feedback is I definitely welcome there I think I trade off a couple of our naughty months I got from surprise trade as well also if you haven't checked out my very first one I did do another video there should be a playlist at the end of this video too and I'll try and link it below this video to maybe if it comes to more serious I'll started like just you know a big old playlist of these videos I'll do each week okay so that was my last Pokemon I traded off there and that was the Sharpedo and we got my six egg here now what I did right after I received all six eggs I put them in my party with just a flame body Pokemon here I had the volcker on I think I just caught that one in the swampy marsh land it's interesting how the eggs actually Nick died or what it's not nickname is in another language how do I say this Hugh Bo did I do that right I don't know someone over Cabo section anyway I so we could put like five eggs in a party but I've got like sort of leave one in there so I have to like sort of like you know hatch one and then come back and get the other orders hatch the five whatever that is oh it's very very curious to see what I was gonna get as well okay so we've got this flame body Pokemon and now we're gonna be going hatch the eggs obviously sped up that part you guys don't want to see me riding around in circles for like the 69 years so we're gonna be adding the first Pokemon here and we're gonna be seeing what we're gonna get is a very first Pokemon on the team and we've got a popular so popular is a pretty interesting Pokemon now what I was thinking about a future rule right I don't know how you guys think about this rule I was thinking I'm not allowed to use the Pokemon I've used before do you like that raw or do you think it's too just like restrictive let me know anyway okay so the second Pokemon I got was a Eevee there so we got popular and v's like okay Eevee say interesting popcorn because Eevee can be a lot of different Pokemon there as well so as I hmm I was sort of like running my mind like what am I going to I'll weed into like this so many evolutions do right so now we've got the third egg hatching year and it's a dead new so I was like okay that's gonna be a shrink we've got a little electric mouse pokemons used so so far the team was a kind of interesting we had sort of like potential for a like a special attacker and like a physical attacker as well and I was definitely thinking something along the lines of maybe making the deadening like a physical attack at this stage so the next Pokemon I got is coughing so like okay this might be able to be a tanky support or an offensive sort of special attack or something fun like that okay so the next egg was hatching so we're to feel I like in my mind rather so I think we had a fairly good balance of pokéblock and then we get three pieces like okay I knew drape we would probably come up eventually so we might as well get it out the way right so droopy is the fifth Pokemon that was the very first egg that I got that took ages hatch so the last Pokemon that I got this was the six Pocoyo was another Eevee so remember my rules of the start I wasn't allowed to use the same Pokemon now there will be the argument people saying like you know Eva can be different Pokemon right and that's true so I was a little bit conflicted to what to do here so this time I said look I'm gonna get another egg because that was my rule I wasn't allowed to use that but maybe I'm not sure let me know in the comment section what you people think am I allowed to sort of you know forget that rule if the pokemons got multiple evolutions like Eevee I'm not sure like I'm not I wasn't really sure about that one I was sort of like stuck what to do there because I wanted to stick by my rules right you know for the challenge so I don't know so in this video anyway I decided to put the Eevee back and go get another egg off someone else because that would be like my my seventh egg right so I stuck with that one and I was like okay we'll get another and we'll see if we'll hatch this one and you know see would do here so it once again I could have done two eeveelutions that could have been fine maybe like I don't know it like I was sort of really stuck on the rule so the last egg we got here but that was our seventh week and this is gonna be the last member of our team once again if I did get another Pokemon that was exactly the same my team I just go back on the chat and get another one and another one after that into I got six individual Pokemon that sort of was my thing in this challenge right I won to use six different Pokemon or okay so the last one we got is drifloon so drifloon was definitely not a punk what we had in the scene so we had a really like interesting matchup a pug quad right so now I was like one to go through and actually have a look at my team right so I put the volcker on her back and had a look at the popular so the stats weren't really the greatest in the world for someone but some of them pretty good so the drapy was pretty good the pop leo is pretty good on the IV side and we got some fishing really we had torrent infiltrator drifloon was pretty good on the stats to it a couple of bests in there yeah it was sort of like a mix in IVs right we had like look at the Denny that was horrible so is the coughing so I really was thinking I'd have to probably bottle cap those ones later on to get their IVs like you know somewhat decent because it's gonna be hitting like really really like stop right so then I was like okay I'm just gonna like check in the summaries and see what sort of like moves we got that sort of thing so we had a torrent pop though pound and growl so no real like moves there at all for me to use with the infiltrated trippy astonish infestation quickly I can buy it I was starting to think after seen buy it maybe I could make a flinching set or something like that that was in my mind what to do then we had a minimize a drifblim a drifloon sorry and I was like maybe we could make a troll set with that I'm not sure I had Flair busuu and then we had any as I was actually thinking as I seen that hatch I was thinking maybe I could do a physical one and then we had the coughing there and the Evi with Eva this stage like what am I gonna change Eva into like I don't even know evolution I'm gonna do right there's so many different options and then I was like okay let's check some of the nature so we had Eevee with timid gentle docile modest and DOS like DOS I was really really bad too so once again I wasn't allowed to change these I was looking at dripping and thinking that could be a good special attacker right there but do I want to make you some minimize and make it into a troll set we also had modest nature on the poplar hour which was pretty good to us that definitely told me I can change pop though into a special attacker gentle was horrible and coughing like just for general bulk right because you're dropping your arm you're dropping a taffetta stats and dropping like another defense that's like one of the worst nature's to get at least with like a nature of dose I like nothing's getting drop right so there's a good look at the nature's that I had and the Polka live I had before I even started you know doing any of the moves I so I'm gonna quickly go through you and show you my thought process right this is gonna be very very brief because I want to get to the battles but I just want to show you like a snippet of each pokéblock so first thing I'd the primary Natori evolved it up with the canyons stuff and what I was thinking right is I was thinking about making a set around throat spray over and I was thinking what could I do a throat spray I noticed to get hyper voice right and hyper voice could be like a fun move to get my special attack up on him cuz I got a lot of special attack right so I actually went back there and I got hot voice back on my pre Marina I thought about giving you a couple of other special moves but I was thinking about using sing with throat spray as well like scene could be a really really fun move anyway I said looking at the drippy now I did do a couple of levels ups on these poke one and what I was thinking with 3p right initially we had a bite I think we had bite and quick attack I was very much tempted to go for a bite and it will quick attack like the mean but then I was like no I'm gonna go for like a fleeting step so we had dragon rush I was thinking about maybe going dragon rush and bite getting rid of like any special moves I was thinking I go dragon ROG bite that's good chances of flinching right I mean the only it's a cost of accuracy but it's still pretty pretty hard but that that's what I was thinking about anyway and then I was starting I thinking well maybe I should make it something with kings rock and flinching at the same time and I already know that Drago polt actually gets beat up right so I was thinking okay maybe I could insert a dragon rush I could do like a multi heading move like dragon darts and then beat up and then maybe bide as well for flinching so they something along those rights like obviously when it evolved it that that's sort of like came to me what I should do that so I ended up getting rid of I've got dragon policy I just got rid of that like straightaway and I taught the Dragon Ball tae dragon dot and not sinking but easy so I could run like a speedy one and yeah oh wait you're also have to take a quick little trick that I find beat up as well which is kind of funny um it's quite at the start of the game it so I gave that to my you know dragged up on there anyway now we're looking at next Pokemon here which is the pimple in now people if I was thinking about this for a long time what do I do with it right do I make it just a full-out special attacker or do I make it into a mean set with minimize right I really really wasn't sure you know about what to do here but just quickly flashing back to drapey sweepy also I'm last people a last time in the video you people were like I'm you should definitely do your nicknames before you you can and in time so I did the hatching and then I basically did the nickname so I feel like the nicknames you know didn't need to be count at the end at the time I will put a time clock next time I'm just wondering about the formatting and that sort of thing you know okay so looking at I drift limp anyway there are first thing I did level it up and I gave it Shadow Ball upon leveling up with the candies and stuff either you go through so many level up candies doing this right so he had memento I didn't really want the mint I was thinking like this like my thought process was like shadow bulb minimized and then I was like maybe we could give a band pass something like that I could maybe baton pass on some evasion to make people salty something like that that's what I was thinking about I was like no no I wanna pound Plus that sounds like yeah I do so I gave it the quick claw as the item and then I was seeking maybe I should make it into a really bulky set right so like bulky but offensive so Mac self you know Mac's special attack right I could have enough bulk and then I could stockpile up and maybe past a couple of stockpile zone or maybe past some minimize on or just go straight up be tanky an attack right next Foucault's I looking at was dead near this thing really isn't great on the physical side there we had play rough a super fangers of options and I toyed with the idea of giving it dig because it could be funny but it was a little bit late limited as well like I was going down through some of my TR zones like what can I chase this thing maybe to make a bulkier and I was like maybe I Intel could work on it maybe I could give it a Intel I wasn't really I wasn't really like really confident about this set the motorized thinking maybe I could slide a choice band onto this set but then I had super fang on there I was like maybe I could pop the air balloon on there instead at least I could swap into a grant I move like the coverage on my team wasn't all that bad like when you look at it well when you when you look at random teams right now with the coughing ride I was also thinking about what I should make into that cuz when I'm looking at my team so far it's fairly tanky with prim arena drag quads reasonably tanky and there we had drifblim so should I make a coughing into more of a tanky set as well so I ended up I ended up keeping or putting on towel onto my Dendy anyway cuz I what the heck it'll be good against fairies it's not very good actually but you what the heck so we're not to buy copic now lever that up with a couple of my candies they're also um I will say one thing to I have to do like a lot more raids because I do a fair for you right sorry but I'm going through a lot more raids doing this site you know this series weekly right because I'm going through so many experienced caddies so we had sludge from beers for a smokescreen and then I got Bell she's like I want to do a belch that belches kind of cool right belch obviously is a more powerful than sludge bomb but it's at the cost of activating a barrier right so it's a little bit more situational but I you know I was kind of interesting to try that like a little bit of a different scent now commonly with poison-type pokémon right they come in the still types just come crawl in so I thought I probably have to give it a fire-type move and I might go in give it a misty explosion as well and I was actually looking through some of the other moves that I got through you know the Tudor moves too and I was thinking maybe I could teach you some of them as well then I was like okay we're gonna go onto the Eevee now armed with the Eevee I also checked several times what they'd like to see but then I decide the end to give leaf on a chance it's like fun I'd say he probably is one of the least more popular evolutions and I thought we're starting to swing towards a special set right now I knew that I got where the ball right and notice that the ability chlorophyll says like okay maybe we get like some wacky sunny day set going there so get the Sun up and then fire off the weather ball right now I did get some special grass so moves a gear like arm energy ball and it got lease time so at least on was pretty powerful and I was sort of concerned about the drop in the stats but I did come up with something amazing okay we did some bottle caps people and here we go i streamlined the training and we're gonna get straightens the bowels now I'm gonna be explaining all the sets that I finally came up with in the end and I hope you enjoy that process that's like a little bit more streamlined let me know how you felt alright this is a bow this one was getting Patrick and he has a boot so straight up we were bursting pretty good Pokemon right so creepy sweep he was a lady the final droopy sweep he set was max attack and max speed then right also I wanted to check on I want to check the type exits up there for the water so here dragon darts dragged and dance quick attack for the memes I kept it on there and beat up so the item was Kings Rock as the item now in this matchup I was like okay it can't use a fighting-type move what is gonna do nothing with surging strikes I think I can feel to go for a dragon dance here to get me a plus-one an attack and speed right now this actually didn't have a bottle cap on speed I think I ran out of bottle Cup something like that so I was like man I'm just gonna have to use what I can and now the tyrant is gonna come in so it's like what can I do against this tour and I can't go from my initial beat up Kings Rock strategy right what can I do I mean all I can do is go for it maybe dragon dance and get a flips right and fling should do like you do some pretty good damage I was estimating you know maybe I around half health it would be a to UK on the taranta the only thing I was worried about with the Tyranitar right is it was gonna be Dynomax and as soon as I was think of that as soon as I said it in the chat it Dynomax so commonly with Dynomax taranta I see a lot of weakness policy on this set so it's like okay well I won't activate weakness policy but I'm not going to be doing a lot of damage plus right my Kings Rock strategy well the wheels are basically falling off right because I cannot flinch Lee spoke one it's very very hard to swap in towards well it's a very good poker all right so our dragon art is going to do only a little bit of a damage there man dragon darts and dragon dance sound kind of similar only just notice that so I think that just hit me with a crunch or something like that and that is gonna take my dragon ball down unfortunate something I could have done there and there was no way I would have known there Dynomax so earlier on the battle so I thought okay let's go into Singh arena Singh arena was so absolutely clutch in all the battles I did so I've got Singh I I was thinking about going for a sing for a bit and I was like if this drops a Max Rock follow me that's probably a very good chance I won't live so my only option here to leave the hit right would to be go for Dynomax now gonna decide do i attack it with the Max Keiser do I get rid of the sand or do I go for a max garland leaving Tyranitar with only one turn of Dynomax left right so I opted to go for the max guard and I was like I slightly to formulate a plan I'm ahead I'll say okay primer and he's probably gonna get out spared right it's got max L max special attack Ivy's right I don't even think I had I'm not even sure about its speed it was best in speed like in IVs but that didn't really well them it like bother me like you know is either than he here or there right so I went for the max guard here to get rid of one turn on the taranta it went from max rock ball like I knew it would right pretty you know they were doing fairly predictable plays you know at this stage in the game so I took a little bit of sense on damage doesn't matter I knew that I could take the next act so now is thinking if I go for max strike I could drop it speed by one sight and then I could attack it with a max guys the next turn because in case I go for max geyser this turn it's somehow leaves right weakness Posse activates that'll be really really bad right because I'll get out spared and I'll go done so I went for the max right it does like no damage whatsoever but the main thing we're there it actually dropped higher engine speed by one stage now after a negative one in speed I knew that I'd be able to outspeed a break and then obviously the Dynomax is now gone so tired as big health buffers now god I knew that I could fire off a very powerful max geyser and take it out and if it's like okay fell out of sash its sash is gone by nothing was gonna save this point well maybe except the focus man but I mean I feel like they were definitely worrying like best or weakness policy right so go for by a really powerful water type move there and down go so Toronto now I get rid of the sand too which is really really good so I played that really really well to get around the Tyranno to there which was really nice I'm also get that getting rid of that sand was good right now we got the God's room coming out here I think I said that right is I'm not sure if that's the nickname for if it's another language you guys can I'm sure you guys in the comment section will tell me so I knew you like even before this Pokemon came out it was going to go for a grassy glide right now / marina is out of dynamics now and grassy glide will most certainly one Chadha a sudden the thing about options here shall I risk a sing oh sure I'd to swap out I couldn't I couldn't risk singer Rena right I couldn't risk singer anis I went in to let it rip which was the wheezing so I thought at least I can go into this and least I can tank the you know to hit that it's gonna go with the grassy glide and grassy glide still does a lot of damage now this set was Mac self and match special attack there was a crit there too so would have done you know a fair bit less let me explain how what moves I've gone on this right so we had belch as I explained before fire blast corrosive gas side decided to give a corrosive gas for the ILA Varma tutor as well as misty explosion now I know that it was raining right but I'd really could I couldn't whose belch I I didn't want to use Missy explosion because I knew that will live because there's no misty eyed terrain in the field so I started think maybe I should go for a corrosive gas well maybe you should just go for fire blaster nope for a bit of damage so then they swapped out their real a boom right I thought I made wall them and now they went in a corner I knew that a cough right on their team now Corvin up was a big big worry right to my team but I did have a couple of poke one that could do something unexpected dodge now since the rain was falling down Corvin eight takes that one really really well right now however the good thing about a right I actually got a burn so but it's running like any physical type moves it wasn't gonna do very much damage at all like say for that brave bird or I don't know iron head or anything like that he wasn't gonna do much right so now I was like okay maybe I should go for another Fire Blast I'm pretty sure at this stage most corporate if not Oliver will have Roose right so we got the Corbett I go for the iron head here it actually does a fair bit of damage considering its burn and I'm very bulky so I went for corrosive gas right so the gas is going to take away the cooperate slept over it sounds really good right because that means burns gonna get some extra damage each turn and not just be healed up by leftovers every single time so we're getting caught and I dance a quarter health downs like okay let's go for fire blaster I've got pretty much nothing to lose here I can't go / belch it's not gonna affect it and I can't activate it anyway and miss the explosions gonna do nothing right so corporates gonna continue going for the iron head try to fledge him they're getting a pretty good seal pretty good damage and I'm gonna eat my sister spruce oh now that was my item too so I could use belts so now I could use belts when I wanted to but that was the thing if I was gonna be Alberta user or not like whether they'd swap out or not was another question now I had a sinking feeling that they probably had Roose on their set like most happen to have that and then even with no rain on the field like fire blast was probably still gonna be about a two to three here ko you know being wheezing special AK isn't great right and it's not steps that was my thought process at that time so now co-operators going to start stalling here and going for rusev like men this is this is a really difficult team to deal with like they were running fairly met a team and you know I didn't even have max IVs and a lot on my stat either so I was pretty impressed with that damage but after the recovery there and you know the access to resource like men what should I do here it's gonna pp stormy out of all of my fire blasts right then I had a little plan like formulating in my head it's like okay maybe if I swap out my wheezing and I try something interesting here so I had our nervous world in that mirror Armas was kind of funny that you know I Barry activated you - wheezing - bill T and then we went in the pimp bleep ear so people Eve I decided to make like a meme slash offensive set so safe the mean didn't work I can still go for like a shadow ball or whatever so max health max special attack you guys send the nature already now let me show you what moves gods who got minimized Shadow Ball right so I decided to go for minimize I was like if I go from one minimize he I might be able to add some stock pulse happening right they go for brave bird brave burst gonna miss a okay that's that's kind of cool there so I've got it like a free turn their bravery wouldn't have probably done too much to mean you know regardless II so now core flight is gonna swap out and now the rule of boom is going to come back in so straight away think okay the only reason riller boom swapping into Griffin would mean knock off right that that's the best move it's got to hit a triple in like that I could you know possibly think of at the time so I went for a second minimize there at this stage I had four stages of evasion it was really really scummy right but then again I was missing a really good tip so it's not like made up for it I was actually contemplating God for a stop all else I know let's go for another minimize and unfortunately I get slapped by the knockoff I am managed to live which is really good just due to my like Mac self there so we got the another like i minimized off and I lost my quick loss I was hoping quick Locker coming to a fake and I can get my baton passed off now I started to think maybe I could use leaf on right knock off miss I get the baton passed off and now leaf on is gonna get past all those stats because with this leaf on set I needed a fair bit of setup right and with leaf on you don't get a lot of turns to set up especially against like we're put when opponent brings like really sweaty teams like this right so I've got focus ng where the ball sunny day and Lee stop I did opt for the least on because the item is going to be scope lens and focus energy right to make it a fully quitting we fought so they're gonna withdraw the real of em right and now we've got the crime all coming out hope I said there I wish is the Corvo so normally this would have been a great swapping for leaf on right but since we're running in this is people on Channel people remember we are running a special leaf on right we're gonna be able to get around that so first thing we've got a hundred percent critic now which is beautiful and I'd say they're gonna be definitely under estimating Miley font and this point in the game run not thinking that I can easiest all this out even if I burn I could land a few brave Birds off I've got Roose I'm all good that was their thought process in my opinion at this point in the game right so setting that Sun it up I've got chlorophyll now get out speed that you know any other Pokemon coming in and our brave bird is gonna miss that which is nice not that it would have taken me out anyway because you know even a sweepingly phone has pretty nice base defense front so everything set up here I'm gonna go for the weather ball which is gonna turn into a fire type move I knew that it wouldn't take it out but I thought it disappeared damage with 100% crit it almost takes out in one shot I know they are really really surprised by that and now they get the brave bird off it as I actually this is really good right this is fire right because it only does a bit of damage they take some recalled right and then the burn is gonna take them out before they can roost off it was so good it was perfection there so Corbin right go sound completely dumped stirred by a special leaf up so the fun keeps going people so real of Em's gonna come back in as i okay well it's probably not gonna go for a grassy glide right it's probably just gonna go for another coverage moves to try and take me out it could also go for knock off as well stuff like that now it's like okay I can go for another weather ball and see if I could make real a boob out I thought it was a pretty good damage I wasn't sure what their bill was and there was a chance to kill live but there was a chance that I could take it out one shot and relevant gets absolutely dumpster there with the hundred-percent crit there and our down goes at the irrelevant man that was so good though this leaf I was popping off sorry the good thing about this sue the grassy terrain actually is gonna boost my grass no moves and here we so now cinder a slow boot lobello he's gonna come in here so this is a problem if I got hit by one horrible I was gone so we're for the leaf storm that does really really impressive damage there with the crit with the grassy terrain and my stats are gonna drop it it doesn't matter right because we're creating all the time Paul is gonna miss there and I can go for another lease table to take out the sin grace here which is so so good and I can even sweep through the rest of the team and guess my people they hit the baby bottle button and we gonna bleep eat I'm editing there with a special Leafeon man they raise good is hard we played him like a fiddle there people all right let's get on to the second battle but specially if I work there people that was really really good you guys got to see the full extent of that set obviously that evasion that start did allow me to set up a fair bit but I've I feel like that team was like a thousand percent better than mine so and that a very good starter so I feel like they could definitely definitely should have stayed and played the battle out they team was still a lot better okay next battle we have here this is really really interesting so we have a gossip Fleur Lee now gossip flare is going to be going for a protect right so it's like okay it's the first time I sent a gospel are actually used in a battle which is great go I love seeing this sort of thing so it's got the quick lure as well so what's this gonna use and then it uses Charmin like why does it have charm out of all the moves to have so this is a physical set as you guys know so play rough is gonna do monkeys I think they're running and ever light cotton down gossip Fleur so nice job there that's shiny looking fresh though man like they actually looking real fresh so obviously my attack was basically scum so we're for a super Fang super Fang at least didn't fix damage I thought I'll sing in this stage of the game okay if I go for super Fang a couple of times even if my you know my tax like negative six or whatever I should be able to eventually take this thing out I mean does that rest or something like that I really wasn't sure doesn't have an ax form for a cover so they can't use dim protector I feel like they just did that the anointment which is you know fine like mitral audience like trolls me all the time so we're for another super Fang here and we're starting to get the gospel earth down to like below a court help so my hopes are high right it's nearly gonna take this gospel am saying gospel is gonna go for another job now I just say just think it's kind of funny they haven't healed off yet why haven't they healed off there's like maybe they're trying to drop my stats and then they're gonna set in a Pokemon afterwards to set up on me I wasn't really sure they were sort of like I'll so like just thinking about you know two different shreds so I went for the play right there and as you can see it did nothing so I think my speed there is that negative five or six lumps something really small like that like cut down sort of like I guess cotton down is very similar to like gooey right so we're gonna go for another play Ruffy and gossamer actually goes out I thought of my level one health and you know Patras not patch arrested any mana get my electric mouse mix-up is I'm gonna take the gospel or out so I'm I had to swap out here and Dido is gonna come as like okay wait wasn't it oh listen today transforming for and then dinner use this sludge Bob it's as Arawak people and Zara comes in two trials me of that man as to one of these days because I thought my after seen the gossip flow site this kid could be like they could be like trolling me hard right they could have like a limber Dido right now you never know if it we seriously never know after that late so now Dino's gonna get the Gopher in host lunch mom and it's gonna be about a three Hicker Singh arena right is gonna get that thing off I'll deal with this is so cop right so Singh has an accuracy old 55 it's very very bad right now see and throat spray actually work in unison together right so you can actually activate that not that many people would ever use throat spray and sing but maybe something new you learn in this video most people use a sound bass move like you know hyper voice or something like that okay so go for that hyper voice and are taking out the zorro zorro IP is still asleep there when it's illusion was worn off I'm not sure I actually I think away from a moon blaster regardless zero Arcas down at Robley like at Rodney the start and then I like I reverse scroll it with the icing right but but but but right the trolling did not stop there so be nice alright is gonna send up the Sun you know sun's out guns out so I went through here sing right Venus saw it's got to get hit by the sinks that's two sings in a row right I've got a pretty good voice at the motor I've got a good singing voice people so - sings as land and it's like okay well none of my moves are gonna be doing much right so I was like let's go for hyper voice that tutors been pretty good damage hyper voice was a clean clean to uko after the boosting special tank with the modest nature Venusaur doesn't wake up and sing premiere owners absolutely dumb stirring the opponent right now i couldn't even like imagine this actually hit some ice on the road so next Pokemon is Umbreon survey okay okay for seeing here but you know I'm gonna get I could just go for moonblast and take it up so I Browns gonna go for a focus but right I'm sorry not a focus buy some focus minutes that'll be cool forgets focus Faso and moonblast is gonna one-shot it's like okay they didn't ever fight us kind of expecting us ashes on like that so I've taken half their team out now a lot of their team and incomes dinner the actual Dido this times is like wait a second this did I was gonna copy all my stats right and it's got access to seeing right seeing so they're gonna go for this thing I'm gonna go for the moon blast fraud I'm glad seeing actually didn't connect then and I say okay move like should take them out and ditto just hangs on there now adido is gonna go for a sing and that is gonna put my premarin asleep so they oh no this is really bad so see arena right has to wake up right here now I knew they didn't have a choice scarf right because there's using my different sort of moves like wonder what item this dinner actually guises if I go I don't know a sash or something like that so we've got to move bus from the opposing do you know their skies is my prime arena Singh arena and that is gonna take me out I was like thank Fotolia good play there with a dinner unfortunately arm that Singh actually worked against me this time so I thought okay let it rip moving pretty good to swap in here because of the typing and then I was like wait wait a second I can't use but for a secondly I thought I had sludge bomb but then I remembered all this is a memes that I've got built so I can't use belch I can't use corrosive gas I don't want to like go boom because that would be a waste because dittos Lord the denno is on one health so like I've got to go for a disrespect fire blaster now a fire blast misters right as you can see belch doesn't work if fire blast misses I'm gonna get hit like really really hard I could possibly go down right so okay let's go for fire blast and see what happens hopefully I can land and take it out and five blast does that and I do take ghetto out with the disrespect fire blossom that felt good that felt good that's like you know reverse cut so dad goes to dinner right now the love I think the last poco on the head it was the meows it looking fresh for that shows I like some fresh IDs on the team I got to admit that yeah this is their last spoke on so I had a pretty good lead at this point now it's like okay well they haven't died in a max yet they're probably going to go for some sort of psychic type move against my wheezing now I really wasn't expecting wheezing to live this move but I think I went for the misty explosion this turn that's what I went for and then I was like if I swap in another Pokemon afterwards I could probably take them meow stay out or I could even you know Dynomax myself right so we've got the well let me let me read that nickname again it was it was that critic crits thing I think was anywhere regardless I could take it out by I think that would have been a psychic a size shock as then head but I'm not sure and the psychic terrain is on the field there so that's fine I mean I could swap in probably my drift limb to go for a shadow ball that goodness a good damage I can even Dynomax it as well I do have quick floor on my drift limb to so like okay let's see what drew Flint's gonna do I don't want to burn my Dynomax just yet I've got on all of options they've got their last poke quad you know it might be smart just to let their Dynomax wear off right because they're gonna be hitting pretty hard with their psychic-type move and I was hoping that maybe I could get a quick ball here though to get around that are getting around that terrain work with a nice bat chatter ball so we're gonna max mine saw me oh man I love its eyes sort of go likes why don't you like a psychic guys it's sort of like I go like like totally one that's crazy so I went for the shadow bullsh animal is actually a 2 hit ko against this thing and I can go for another shadow ball here as I've still got two pokemon off this I can definitely take it I've got the Drago pole and I've got the leaf on silk so we've got the UH no outs fee with a quick cloth out of all the battles that I did with people in bright the quick Lord never activated once and I believe I did I'm trying to guarantee turns I were to play with least man a least tender like at least 20 turns plus if I play with the rods that's press that's fair they're lucky when you're thinking about odds right so we got the X it was extrasensory after all I was hoping it didn't flesh me and I got the sunny now I'm gonna be out out speedy music and now I could go for whatever move I like to finish off the meowstic I can't even Dynomax it I felt I didn't need to because I could just go for Li stop and that my friends is both of the battles I hope you had fun watching this video and I took a fair bit of work to do this so if you enjoyed it please drop a like on there if you want to see this sort of thing again please leave a comment below I'll share it everywhere and I really appreciate you guys and yeah there should be a playlist coming up around here quizar I know I'm assuming I'll probably do another one of these but yeah I think that's all have to say just thank you to everyone for watching this video next time I might put like a timer and stuff in like that I may put a little bit more extra editing there we'll just say I'm so once again I'm still trying to like figure out the formatting and that sort of stuff for these sort of ears alright people have a great day or night wherever we live in the world and I might catch you tomorrow for another themed team I've got a 1 or 2 thing team you actually coming up they're quite good ones alright people I'll catch you next time peace
Views: 184,082
Rating: 4.9468384 out of 5
Keywords: 30 minutes to make the best pokemon team, we have 30 minutes to catch a team then we fight, we have 30 minutes to catch a team, 30 minute pokemon challenge, 30 minute pokemon battle, 30 Minutes To Make The Best Pokemon Team From Random Eggs, Random egg pokemon, pokemon sword and shield random eggs, 30 mins then we fight pokemon battle, can you beat pokemon sword and shield with only, pokemon sword and shield wifi battle, PIMPNITE
Id: MgoQirJaXnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 17sec (2177 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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