FULL WOLF POKEMON TEAM! ( VS Salty Hacker Bonus )

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with you for today's video with a full wolf pokemon team woof so what i did right is i did six woof looking like pokemon and i put them on one team now i did do a dog pokemon about a week or two ago so it was quite a fun conversation trying to uh say this is a wolf and this is adult but uh so don't roast me too hard for that if you want to check me out in the uh description for my twitch you can this where i do all my streaming which is where i take battles and all that sort of stuff like theme teams pokemon sweeps come and drop me a follow that if you haven't already and let's get into this one now today i'm going to be spoiling you with three battles and this is a really really good battle so now i did first a little salty person uh throughout the video so you're gonna have to watch that one it was a very good battle okay so my first opponent hit this was a uh against dan this was actually on my uh twitch stream now the other two battles i did were on the wycom i did them about an hour ago so we got some fresh content here so i've got like a rock here now i've got a cell rock firefang uh thunderfang set and we've also got focus energy on there too so firstly what i'm going to be doing is breaking mimik's disguise because i don't want to allow it to have that free uh sort of setup there if it is going to go for a sword dance or whatever it's going to do right but instead of doing that it went for fan of forces like okay feather force is it got a power hoove or is this going to stay in the void for a turn and it's going to stay in the void for return so i thought you know what let's go for focus angie it's not going to go for itself right so now i've got 100 crit uh ratio onto my museum i'm going to get spanked there by the phantom force that's about is what i probably i thought i'd do a little bit more than that but it didn't so i'm thinking maybe this mimikyu actually is running some bulk to her right so i went from the acell rock regardless i knew this wouldn't take it out and it kind of does a little bit of underwhelming damage even with the crit right there obviously it's got low bass power and stuff so that sort of uh was probably the reason and the bulk right there so mimikoo is going to go for a leech life there and it's going to get some health back but unfortunately i'm actually going to be able to live that one so what i can do is i can go for another a cell rock there and a sarox should get pretty close to actually taking it out or if i put mimikyu in a low man health i could just bring in one of my other pokemon to take it out so it's all pretty good but i go for that to sell up there on the mimicry and mimika gets dropped there so like that's really really good so that's gonna sort of give me a nice little start to the battle there now i've got to own priority move for myself so if i priority move pokemon does come in uh it's not really going to matter too much so incomes that toxicity is like okay well cell rock's my most powerful movie i may as well go for that now the evs on this one were max attacking max speed iran and adam and nature on this one for a little bit of extra uh bolster in his attack so we had the crits and the adam and nature so income stock is going to take me out with a throat chop so it's a physical set so far and it's got shell belt as the item only on paper challenge people shall build toxicity so my next pokemon is like a rock again obviously there are a couple of lychen rocks on this team because they're very wolf-like right and uh i went on i actually did some research into some of these pokemon too so we got the sandstorm set here this one was actually really cool this is like a sand four set to actually uh make it go super super fast right sorry sand rush getting my sand abilities mix up there so a sand rush like rock normally i like rocks very very fast so i thought you know what i should do i should run a max attack set i give it adam in nature and then i'll give it max elf right and then it'll be bulky in the sand and also a little bit more bulky there uh with the health investment and i might be able to disguise it right because it's already quite a fast pokemon this has tail slap sand attack and rock blast and the item actually is a king drop so go for the rock boss and it's gonna miss so that was a bad start there and now toxies is gonna go for a hex so it's gonna be powered up by the toxic that it did to me earlier so like that's an interesting set hex and toxic uh interesting so anyway it's like a mixed set too with a throat chop so some wild sets here from my opponent at the moment so i'm going to take a little bit of damage there from the toxic i can go for a rock bass this time i'm confident it'll take it out it's just going to land right that's the thing about rock blast so it can always miss those times so we're going to go for rock bass here and i'm going to need about three to take it out that is the second one and we are going to get the third one and toxicity is going to go down so two kind of interesting sets here with the mimikou and especially the top stristy now i'm all set up at the moment here which is really good i'm probably going to last maybe two more like two more turns if the opponent doesn't actually lay any like attacking move on me at all so ah jumps the bulba thor i'm just i'm just trying to mention or think of my head like uh venus right holding like thor's hammer we're going to hold that on the flower anyway so go for the rock blast here roblox does some sizeable damage to bulba thor right i'm going to go for my third rock blast there i needed five to take it out unfortunately i only got three hits and uh i'm gonna get take it out by the giga drain there nothing i could have done i sort of expected to go for giga drain or just any sort of grass type move right so uh thor's gonna get a little bit of uh healing back there from the giga drain and i've lost two of my pokemon now the sand is gonna get a little bit more damage there too and it actually does help out a couple of pokemon on my team too so i see it's got the black subs here i thought let's go into magnetic now i did some research on man actually it actually is like a pokemon which or like it's from like a japanese mythology thing so that's why i put it on this theme for this is a trospec set i'm gonna go for overheat and uh thor's gonna get absolutely destroyed there so my move said on this was uh thunder overheat mud slap and switcheroo with a choice spec so we got max speed and max special attack there i gave it tip in nature because i want to be going as fast as possible and with the specs i'm hitting very very hard too so income chandelier there's no way i can go for an overheat i've got to swap that out and i'm going to be going into lychen rock here so midnight so we've got all forms of the like and rock in here basically so here comes the flamethrower i thought they may go for another like a shadow ball or an energy ball expecting a swap but they didn't so i've got this bulky lichen rock set right it's max health and max special uh with the meringue berry and it's got bulk up rest sleep talk and stone edge the ability is no guard right so that way stone mist never misses so we got a swap there from the chandelier and we got the dragofish coming in so that okay what is this guy is it going to be scummy as render are they're going to pop a water gun a mystic a mystic water water gun on me i don't know so uh go for that bulk up there giving myself a nice boost in defense and attack and i thought well if it is the uh ladder or the the fishiest red one i better get some damage all right it's gonna outspeed me and lock and rock is going to get dropped there's like oh no this is really really bad right so that's gonna go down this is actually very strong against a lot of my team so i thought okay my only poke i'm gonna swap in here to be able to tank this one is gonna be my zamasuna now this zamasana was a special set i've run this a couple of times it's actually quite fun to uh run as well it's got some good surprises we've got moon blast still being focused miss and hyper voice moon blast off with a stab and same with uh steel beam two with steel beam i try to like sort of use it to a minimum because basically after user i would normally go down so since i go first there i'm running a uh i think i'm running tim and i'm running timber nature on this one this is actually going to allow me to outspeed the drag machine i think that dragofish is running a choice band too which allow me to outspend it so now they're gonna swap out drag fish and they're gonna go back into chandelure so i was like okay chandela what can i do to that i've got a very tight move i've got a steel type move and i've got a normal type move so i can't do any damage to that at all i just sort of hoping here for a special attack drop from the moon blast but of course it did not happen so uh shane lew's got the leftovers item too i was like okay this is an interesting item on chandelure maybe like uh maybe it's got substitute or something like that anyway i regardless i gotta swap zamasana outright and i'm gonna go into mainetrigger i feel i can live a like a fight like a fire a flamethrower not a firebase but a flamethrower and a shadow ball really badly and i do on 22 health now i thought this could the time could be absolutely right to go for i just not my microphone then i mud slap right so a dynamax might slap on 22 health it's a risky play here but i feel like i'll definitely get the ko i'll get like a lot of damage on this thing and then i could probably swap him you know zamasana and go for just a moon blast and finish it off i believe it won't have a lot of health uh left if i do farther take that so go for dynamics normally i wouldn't do this on such a llama and health but i felt you know what let's go for the mud slap here mudslides actually out of all the battles that i did with my metric mud slap served me pretty well because a lot of the time right the opponent wouldn't expect my network to have a ground type move right and you know if they even if they knew that may network learn much like you know who's really going to run it right so i go for the max quake here max quake is also going to be a plus one and special defense not that it really matters being on 22 health but uh chandelure goes down in one hit there which was amazing like man was that a crete and it was a crit did it matter i'm not really sure maybe someone wants to do the damage galaxy of course you don't uh calculate in the choice specs there so regardless i knew it would do a lot of damage so i was really really happy with that we had a dragonfish as the uh last pokemon and one other so i was like are they gonna swap in dragwish i don't think they are and then comes flappy jack the toe kiss i was like ah okay okay so i can go for a max lightning here i don't think they're going to dynamics their dray wish i believe they'll dynamics their flappy jack the togekiss right but then i was thinking maybe it's bait though for a weakness policy and then they'll go for max airstream and the final start from there i didn't really want to do that but at the same time i didn't have a lot of choice so i was like let's just go for an electric type move and do as much damage to this thing as possible i still do have uh zachary's ac on in the back there and my steel beams are zen if things get uh hairy i can't really spot any here on toe kiss but they could get hairier right so i'm going to go for a max lightning coming off of my thunder out speed which is good there and it does a really nice chunk of damage there so i'm happy with that it you know tocus is very bulky in dynamics so we've got that electric terrain of flowing there nicely on the field obviously i'm going to be going down this turn to whatever move together uses and it uses max flowers like ah okay so that's going to be coming off like i'd say flamethrower and that's going to be really good against my last two pokemon it's gonna be super effective against them so i need to make sure i can out speed there so optimization you'll probably think swap that in right that'll be easy i've got a really weak steel type movement i believe it's not going to take it out so what i'm going to do right is i'm going to go into zamasana which is my uh tim and nature one and i'm going to go for a steel beam here to try and finish this flappy jack off right i could actually take it out and maybe take the dragon shot with the moon blast that was my strategy so go for the steel beam there and flappy jack you know ain't gonna be flapping anymore and that one is gonna find so that's really really good there the last pokemon we've got left is the drag wish and i already know that i can out speed this from my earlier encounter from it with the moon blast there so that's pretty much uh the game here i can just go for moon blast and that'll take the dragonfish out unless it was like a speed tire or anything like that and i believe it wasn't i definitely believe this was choice better because of the damage and the speed versus my like a rock midnight more like a rock midnight though i didn't get a lot of luck with it when these battles right so we're going for move last there and dragosh is going to get dunked i'm sorry i just had to do that because it's nickname hope you people enjoyed the first battle let's get on to the second and third battle these battles are absolute fire i saved these ones for actually last because they were so good thank you dan for the battle if you ever watch this video too and i've got a battle here against can someone translate that for me i gotta i gotta try and learn this language right i gotta learn like other languages that's gonna be like my 2021 sort of goal there but if anyone does know what the trainer's name is please translate in the comment section i'd definitely appreciate that so we straight off the rip here on the wolfgang we've got a um lead so it's got a plus one defense this really isn't the greatest matchup in the world for my lycanroc right so i'm thinking what should i do should i set up sandstormy i don't think that's going to be a good idea let's go for sand attack so sand attack i'm going to throw a little bit of like i'm going to pick some stand up on the beach and i'm just going to throw it at zamasu if you can imagine that in real life just picture that in your head so what i'm going to do right is i'm going to do it again so i hit 2 center attacks on it which is which is absolute content right now the thing about this right they can't desperation dynamics either because it's a zamasu right unless this is a hacker expo but anyway so we're going to swap out there into manetric and behemoth is going to miss i thought they'd go for that and i thought even if it did land against me i'd be able to resist that right so once again we're going to go for the dynomax maintrick this time the different thing about this home is i'm at full health right and hasn't even had a single scratch on it so i'm thinking i think it's time to hit this with a uh a max flare right put that uh put that sun up there and go for the max flare i don't know if it's going to take i believe that it's not going to take it up but i do believe it's going to do like a whopping amount of damage right so go for that max flare there on the zamasu there to look at the damage that it did there i was very very happy about that getting another crit there i still feel that it would have been a two-hit ko with the sun coming up on the next turn so it may not have been super it may not have been a critical hit that really changed the course of the battle that much anyway i'm gonna go for the max lightning here i thought you know what i might as well put the uh electric terrain on the field there and zamasana is going to go down so that's a really good sort of uh you know start to the battle there i guess the only bad thing that came out of this is i did have the dynamics kind of early to take it out but it's very bulky pokemon right and um yeah it's like a uh maybe there's a mix sort of mix that like uh might well mine wasn't like mine wasn't a mixtape it was especially right so i thought right i thought this will definitely draw out the nargha nadel if i went for electric type move in a fire type move i was not wrong about that one i went for the mud slap there in uh dynamaxx and it almost takes it out too which is very very good giving me a special defense rise too i thought they'd go for a like a special attacking move like draco miss or something like that but instead they went for a toxic it's like okay they're running the bulky uh you know set up one properly uh that's cool and i almost took that out so i was very very happy about that one too so uh magnetrik is gonna take some poison damage there but it's pretty minimal at this point in the game now since i'm running the tri-spec set i'm gonna be going for a mud slap here to take them out and also i just wanted to show them what the move was just for a little bit of actually extra added salt right so down goes the nagano and you know i just want to say one more thing great job on the um on the sensor with uh taking out uh all those naughty hack pokemon you did a great job here we go again i've changed it to doc now oh my goodness oh man okay so income sandra said i'm locked in the mud slap i ain't going to do much and it's not even going to touch the bottom of the cloud so i've got to swap out right so going to like and right this time i thought i might be able to go for a stone missy it's got to pop a superpower and like a rock is going to get super powered out of this game what like a rock it just hasn't had any luck so far so my locker rock midnight is going to go down it might wake up at midnight at this point right so my next pokemon swap in i thought you know what uh we got the sun off the field right the electricity is flowing beautifully let's go for a thunder ride this will do a heap of damage can i leave the next attack if it goes through superpower and it does it pops the superpower may network manage to live on 13 health which is absolutely amazing right because not only is it going to be able to land that thunder in the electric terrain the toxic will not take it out so i'm actually able to leave another turn right so the thunderous is going to get absolutely annihilated there by thunder choice specs on the electric terrain that was popping and i'm going to leave on four health there with the toxic which is beautiful right now the electricity is going to go it worked out so well the sun went then the electricity went next pokemon is usher so i smelled a priority move here from like a mile away right so i thought let's swap it out and maybe i might make use of it later for 110. so going into zamasu i thought i could fire a moon in it and uh first before we do that we're gonna get a plus one in defense and now i'm actually really really forcing i was right about that too they went for aquajet i was really really pressing them here they i thought they're either going to go for a dynomax this soon or the next turn because i taken out so many of their pokemon already right and i'd really only lost one so here we go dynamics urshvu and it's just normal ursh feels like okay it's not g-max it's normal okay that's fine i think what they're gonna probably try and do is set up maybe max knuckle against me and this is gonna become quite a problematic pokemon so i need to do some sort of damage here so out speeding first going for the moon blast does some good quality damage there it's about a three hit ko right so here comes the obviously max knuckle from the urge through here and that does a lot of damage okay the next one's gonna drop me i can go for a moon blast this turn and it's gonna be a range to take out then i'll start and think wait if they're in dynamics right that means i can't go for aqua jet that means i could swap in mainetrick pop a thunder and definitely take them out there like from that sort of range there zamasan has put it in a nice juicy range there and i'm gonna get taken out by the max level the only way they could do this was either go for max guard and then you know my main entrance goes down the toxic that's about the only thing i thought they could do here if i do swap monitoring but if they do that they've wasted the last third of dynamics it is what it is right it's a good gamble so we're going to go into my naturally i'm going to go for thunder under mrs oh that hurts so much that just hurt me inside to miss that and poor man trick no justice there for it is going to get taken out by the max knuckle man if i took that out maynard trick would have taken out so much like monetary would have taken out four of that team that would have been four pokemon down there that was wild anyway a magnificent effort there for maintenance regardless of the missile right and we're going to go into lychen rockets that is their last turn so i thought you know what i'm going to make them think that i'm going to maybe go for a cell rock but go for thunderbang here uh they could go for aquaculture but i know aquajet will not take me out so i went for thunderfang and urshfu foot is gonna go down there so that's really good getting rid of that thing that was crazy i thought they may go for a jet but i thought i may just deliver there so next pokemon is buzzwell there i don't really yeah that was like another strange nickname again going for the fire fang hoping for a burn here i don't get it but i do get some pretty nice damage now buzzwords going to go for another another super and uh lycorot is going to get dropped in one shot there so it's going to have a uh attack drop and a defense drop and i was like okay what's it going to get a defense or a uh like an attack drop like sorry rise from beast boost and it gets the defense rise i'm like damn that sucks i'm hoping for like a uh maybe the other way around so it could keep its defense sort of low anyway i was like you know what this is a prime opportunity to stop the sad sob on my leica rock and see if we can get things rolling here all i've got left is zachary's asian and he's got to come and clutch here because if i get hit by one or two super powers i am done so i just managed to lift that other suit power due to my bulk and the sand which is really nice to see and what i can do right is i can go for the rock blast here and i've got a chance of flinching and doing some good damage rock blast miss man those two that thunder miss and that rock bass this really hurt me there they were they were bad misses so lyca rock is going to go down i guess the only good thing that came out of this was the fact that uh buswell had continually used superpower right which will allow me at least a swap here if they do swap or it'll give me a little bit of extra bulk as well and at least be able to get me a couple of sword dances up right so some more damage there from the sandstorm and in comes zac i haven't used this one yet this is my metal claw set this is a full trolling set so we got max speed and max that jolly nature want to go as fast as possible so i'm going to be going for a sword dance here so the other moves are tails slap bites and metal chloride metal claw has a 10 chance to boost my dad it's gonna pop a reversal hoping that it'll leave the next attack it's gonna do nothing right because i went for a setup move so that's good that's gonna allow me to have another clean sword dance i know that i can easily leave another superpower outside of maybe a critical hit that could do a lot of damage but that's about it so here comes the superpower from the buzzword it does no damage at all and the battle is continually dropping at stats so i'm in a very very strong position here uh with zach and even with a very very weak move right but i know their last uh pokemon is quite bulky so i need to have as much up as possible i don't really want to go i was thinking do i really want to go for a tail slap against their last pokemon or do i just want to go for one metal core right because i needed all these boots so the sandstorm is gonna actually finish uh there which is i think that was like five yeah it was five turns because they never uh extending item there and i'm gonna finish off bus well with the metal club which felt good i love that middle class they still um obviously i'm not going to get any boost there because we're already at max last pokemon oh my god more nicknames uh is a reggie draco so let's go for the top here and it's going to take it out with one mighty middle scratch there you go people hope you enjoy that battle man that was crazy my network was the nvp there if my network didn't do what i did there i'd say i probably would have lost that one okay the third and final battle yeah this one was also against an opponent i can't read their name so uh just let me know in the comment section uh there if you can translate both of those it's interesting to see uh in the comments section who can read that too so first pokemon off the rippers free free bots come on they're they've got to be taking the fish now so we're going to aeroduct the lead here come on seriously good job guys she did a wonderful job cleaning up the hack pokemon good stuff 10 out of 10. i'm always going to say so it's going to go for a stealth throughout the first turn i can't stop laughing about that no i i literally i was laughing like for a good five to ten minutes over that one so we're going to go for a sandstorm regardless and that's going to boost our speed so our speed is going to get doubled and now right against the aerodactyl i can outspeed it and go for a rock blast there i thought about go for sand attacks like nah i gotta get some damage against this thing right now they did take a little while to make their moves here so i did cut do some little cuts here but uh i sort of did a little bit of our talking between these so i could explain what i was doing right so we're gonna get two hits there unfortunately an aerodactyl is gonna go for the sunny day i'm like what so it gets rid of my sandstorm so i i will say i didn't expect it to go for sunny day there so it's got the sun up so like okay well i can go for the sandstorm here re-put that up i'm sure air i can lift an attack from aerodactyl and then it's going to go for a taunt like what the heck stealth rock sunny day and taunt does this have an attacking move it's so weird anyway i can go for rockfast and take it out anyway that's that's fine i mean it's no real big loss there uh so going for the rock blaster i was sort of waiting for them to make the move then they went for stealth rock again i'm like this aerodactyl doesn't have any attacking moves it's just a full setup set so down goes aerodactyl there that was such a weird you think it could have like earthquake or something like that or a rock type move like stone mist anyway uh the aerodactyl is going to go down there which is good that's giving me a nice start to the battle now in the team preview i did see this more grain and i'm thinking i reckon they'll probably just run like a prankster reflect light screens that we've ever liked that's what i'd say they're going to do right so firstly they're going to set their reflector up like i kind of thought so that's cool um with the airline this it should be reasonably bulky so go for rock blast and the reflectors up it's still doing pretty good damage then the second one crits i was like nice that's really really good there and i get another hit off and that's three so like that's pretty good i should actually set up the uh sandstorm now that the torn has actually worn off so uh going for this sandstorm here once again and then they went for torn again on the second poker were like what so two of their pokemon are taught so obviously your grimsel can carry torque so i guess it makes sense i just didn't think they'd run like two taunt pokemon it's kind of uh interesting so i can go for another rock boss there once again it doesn't really matter that they went for tour i can out speed this and take it out with rock blast anyway are they going to go for a light screen here so they set up the reflect the light screen and i had taunt i wonder if that actually had an attacking move as well so go for rock boss and morgrim is going to go down there so i've taken two out of lycanrock so far so pretty good start to the battle i mean i guess they achieved setting the screens up for a limited amount of time and a stealth rock there did it weigh up them losing two pokemon i feel it i feel it didn't so this is where things start to get really really sweaty oh here we go this is just a full hack pokemon team let's be real so i've got a rock bass here to do some super effective damage here cinderace is going to go for a focus energy turning it into a normal type with libero so i was like okay rock bass won't take this thing out there's not much i could have done there either because i was still taunted right so i go for rock blast hoping for five pizza even five fits is definitely not going to take this thing out without a crit there and i only get two and i shake the tone off so like okay that's pretty good maybe i should go for a sandstorm here and then be able to use that to out speed this end race cinderace is going to be going for a g-max i was like okay here comes a fighting type move a thousand percent now when you do remember my team right a lot of them all the majority are actually weak to fighting and all the other ones are neutral so it's not really going to do like too much uh like it's going to be really bad because it's not really bad for the opponent right that can go for max knuckle against pretty much all of my pokemon are coming off like hot i guess high jump kick ride and if that connects on all my other pokemon out speed me it's gonna be very very bad there so here comes the max knuckle and that's gonna absolutely annihilate me now remember they did go for focus energy too and that's a critical hit so i'm not sure if they got 100 chance if they're carrying like a scope lens or something like that or they just went for the uh you know 50 chance on the uh on the uh critical hits right so the reflect is going to wear off i'm going to bring in a main entry i thought you know what i could actually go for a uh a mud slap here myself or i could go for dynamaxx it's funny i dynamics this all the time on this team i could go actually go for a max guard and stall one of their turns out and then i could go for a max lightning right and hit it as hard as i could i don't know whether it's gonna i definitely know that it's not gonna take it up but it will do some pretty good damage so choosing the dynomax main network once again i guess it's the fact that i've got zamasana and zacchaeus on my teams that only leaves me with like four pokemon to choose from dynamaxing too i guess that gives the opponent a little bit of advantage too because i can sort of predict what you've got a dynamic interesting so i've got my miniature here it's all ready to rock and roll first what i'm going to do is go for a max guard right because we want to stall this thing out i don't want to let it get any more um you know max knuckles up so max knuckle is going to fail i'm thinking now they're probably going to go for a fight it's gmax fire type move because they probably want to take me out uh before their gmax ends right so i could risk going for max guard again i really could but i thought if it fails i might miss my opportunity to go for max lightning if they do indeed go for another max knuckle ride i knew that i wouldn't live their signature move there so go for the max lightning i couldn't take any risk right now and here we go we got the gmax our fireball coming from the cinder race right so this is going to hit me very very hard in fact even my like like zama zenta zayceon it's gonna absolutely destroy them too and will i be able to take out this cinder race no i won't be able to take it out with them like i've got metal claw tail slap fine they're not gonna take it out in my move zamasana what's that gonna do they can't body them right so i've gotta make sure i can take this out so since i sort of waited here right i thought magnetric would be a good bait right if orwell's fails were monetary i thought i could center my lychen rod right bait out that fire type move and then go for a nacelle right which is going to be super effective this should almost take it out or take it out right so go for this cell right and it is going to get dropped that worked out very very well at the cost of sacrificing my mana trick it is what it is right that was a very powerful pokemon um so i had to sacrifice big there to take it up so at this stage i'm in a very very good position right now they've used up their dynamics pokemon uh and we've got another total legit pokemon coming out here right so at this stage we got a spectra right so spectra is going to try and get um its special attack boost up by taking the rest of my team out i thought i need to get some sort of damage here let's go for a star rock i might be able to get two of them in judging on the damage that it does without the shadow ball right so shadow ball is going to hit me very very hard there i do manage to leave on 15 health which is very very good so that's gonna enable me to get another a cell rock up and put this spectra on a low amount of health right which is very very good now if you remember right my zazeon actually has bite so i should be able to deal with that maybe i could even set up a sword dance with the two and prepare for these uh maybe those last couple of pokemon so uh down goes my locker rock there but a good job there uh getting rid of the cinderace and softening up that spectrum right for another one of my pokemon so it's obviously going to get a special attack rise there next pokemon is asean so like okay should i go for sword dance or should i just go for the ko here right i don't want anything to go wrong because if this faints i'm gonna be in a lot of trouble right this is sort of like my speed control so i've got bite it's super effective let's just go for i've got a plus one at a time anyway from my overpowered ability and spectra is gonna go down so that's four pokemon down now so it's a very very even battles like toe and toe at the start there um like at that bit when syndrome's coming out that was scary i really had to you know i use my metric and i like or i'll take that thing out next pokemon we got another hack one this is uh uh i nearly called that cellar stealer there for a second katana right so i thought you know what let's go for a sword dance here and let's go for the bite we should be all good to go right there and i think i've got this because salamance is their last pokemon right and then they baby bottle right there people so uh bites asian is just too much people hope you enjoy this battles let's get some salt down below and i'll catch you next time peace [Music] you
Views: 126,332
Rating: 4.9517722 out of 5
Keywords: Wolf Pokemon Team, wolf pokemon theme, wolf pokemon sword and shield, pokemon wolf theme, pokemon wolves, zacian and zamazenta theme, Lycanroc, lycanroc midnight form, lycanroc dusk form, lycanroc pokemon sword and shield, Manetric, manectric, manectric pokemon sword and shield, all wolf pokemon, all wolf type pokemon, dog pokemon, dog pokemon team, dog pokemon only, dog pokemon sword and shield, pokemon wolves amv, wolf pokemon song, PIMPNITE, zacian pokemon, zamazenta pokemon
Id: BKX457NBa3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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