HACKER EXPOSED! 3 DYNAMAX POKEMON LOL - Naughty Troll Uses 3 Dynamax and Shiny Locked Pokemon!

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[Music] what's up youtube just before we get to the battles i just want to introduce elgato's stream deck because i've been using this for quite a while now and it's super super handy on my streams and outside of my streams too basically what it is it's a big old hub and macro board for all your needs right now i use this as i said for streaming a lot so you can assign buttons for certain functions so you can have a cool little background on there you can assign different buttons for streaming or just any sort of macro you can think of right so say for example i want to boot up the software right here i've linked my obs which is my streaming software so i can press that obs button and then the program will pop up now i've also got functionality to start and stop the stream at will i've got a mute mic function i can tweet out a tweet just by press the button and i can do a whole bunch of other stuff like uh be right back screens you know stream in stream start on and off for my elgato lighting here in my room so i can turn that on and off control the brightness whole bunch of really really cool stuff i like that too now voice got i have a couple of other things we've got a screenshot functionality counters backgrounds so many cool options that you can use whether you're streaming or you're just using it for a hub of big old macros on your pc or laptop at home i found this very very handy opening multiple windows at once and doing certain functionalities that sped up the process of work and just made life really really easy so if this does interest you you can check it out the link is a description of the video there i'll also pin it in the comment section of the video too all right people let's get into the pokemon battles what's up youtube for today's video we don't have a theme team we don't even have a pokemon sweep however we do have a new hacker exposed and i can tell you what people this one has come back with a vengeance now imagine if you could use dynamaxx more than once in a pokemon battle or have more than one dynamax pokemon that would be crazy overpowered right in generation eight you could have the new dynamax mechanic and what it did right is actually gave you a massive buff in health and it allowed you to be dynamaxx for three turns allowing you to use max moves some really powerful moves like max knuckle boosting your attack max airstream boosting your speed and max ooze boosting your special attack so giving you a ginormous advantage pardon the pun now i haven't seen anything game breaking as multiple dynamics since generation six when i come across someone using seven mega pokemon and actually mega evolving one of their mega pokemon then in generation seven i came across someone using 12 z moves right and that was crazy but ever since then there really hasn't been any other real game breaking hacks in the game usually it's just been people using shiny lock pokemon online so this one was pretty crazy and i really hope you enjoy this battle now this battle was done live on my twitch here people so what i was doing right as i was streaming and taking random battles online as you can see so i went on to the y com and i started searching online for a single battle i was testing out some of my theme teams here against some of my viewers and stuff like that i did some battles against the chat then i was like let's do some battles against some random people and let's see what we get right so we found a train there online and we find a trainer called hey so it's like okay this is going to be an interesting battle amazing name i've seen a couple of people just have random letters as a name like there's been some crazy ones out there if you've been to some of my streams right so what i did right is i just picked the rules as normal rules that's a normal single rule so it puts the poke one set at level 50 and it's a single battle and that was pretty much it we went into the battle there i did obviously take out the team preview right there because i don't want to spoil anything because it was pretty funny okay let's get this battle started i was actually using just a random theme team right as well let's see if you can guess as well so the first pokemon i sent out there was a ponyta right called easy so like okay this is interesting they're using a ponyta rod now i was starting off with a wishy wash here now this wishy washy was actually quite a decent set and it was a schooling wishy-washy as they all are and it's going to be a physical set with choice band right i ran this one as maxwell and max take with adam and nature now the moves i was running on this with flip turn u-turn got to get those turns baby and we got earthquake and we got iron tail at the same time i thought i might be out of dynamics later on to make it really tanky then the point is that pops a horn drill and thank goodness it misses right so go for that u-turn there and i'm going to take easy out very easily if you know what i'm saying that so ponyta is going to faint so it's like okay wishy-washy is going to come back to me and now right i can choose what poker want to swap in now ponyta in the team preview was the least pokemon i was worried about right there were some other interesting pokemon on the team i was like man i don't know how i'm going to beat that right so now we're going to go in to throw another really awesome pokemon there and we're running a gut set on this one right so this throw is a max health max attack atom in nature with the guts ability holding the flame all right so this thing hits very very hard and it's got a lot of bulk there and then comes out the shiny locked victin he called legit mons dot i you and i was like oh here we go anyway so i have done a video on shiny victini as well i'm sure have you seen a shiny victory online i have before and i will stress this pokemon is showing a lot there's no events with shiny victim so we got protect facade storm throw and payback right storm throw was a hundred percent crit and payback was just there to sort of like hit go stop right so i went for protect because sometimes you need to use protection in life and we got big creators like oh man v crate that's gonna very very hard there it's rose very very thick though you know what i'm saying actually i usually nickname my uh my throw ernie from like sesame street if you remember sesame street you know i was thinking about swapping into the stone giant i was like nah i'm pretty sure i can just leave this one and you know hit the victini with the payback and hopefully take it out right so here comes the v create here from the victini that move does look really really cool too and tro actually takes it like a champ on 47 health which is absolutely amazing now big 10 is going to have a lot of drops there for using uh v create and now payback is going to come into play and victory is going to get dropped like a stone so we're off to a very very good start at the moment sitting that ponytail down and sitting that victiny down right now throw isn't what you call the fastest pokemon in the world i mean it's it's not sonic the hedgehog right so any pokemon's gonna be able to slide in there and easily take it out right so i was waiting for a while thinking are we going to get like a dc here is the opponent going to send a pokemon out are they going to time a stall and then they send my giant out and the pokeball was in the air and it was already dynamic so i was like what is going on here they didn't even dynamics it was just purely dynamics already i'm i'm looking at that mage i'm thinking what is going on right now now if you do know something about the maijana if you notice that it's got like a normal health bar so it's like it's dynamaxx but it's like it's big you know what i'm saying like big like something else but the hp bar sort of looks like a normal pokemon so i was like what is going on here like how did they already have a dynamax without you know doing the dynomax animation or pressing the dynamax button you know what i'm saying like at this point i was sort of just flabbergasted i was thinking okay well i can use storm throw here that's really my only play against this thing now in dynamics it use shift gear look at the animation you couldn't even see it so if this thing can use normal moves in dynamics as well so it's not forced into using uh you know dynamics it can use stuff like shift gear like this is absolutely broken so throw is going to be there on night enough i'm absolutely going to get destroyed by this thing so storms right did a good amount of damage there i was laughing at like this so much that i accidentally misclicked my moves like it doesn't matter anyway you know it's going to be able to take me out maybe i can start i don't know is this going to last very long like is dynamites gonna last forever then it used tackle and tackle is actually an illegal move on my jana which is really really interesting right that um it can actually even use an illegal move on like if you search my jar up it cannot learn tackle trust me i know however there was one little instance about maijana having tackle that there's a possibility that it could have and i'm gonna explain that after this video so make sure you tune in the whole way it's really gonna be interesting that so majana's got a rest and sleep talk it use rest in dynamics and at a chester break so close as robotic eyes and open it right so at this point i i didn't really know what to do i was just completely like this thing is going to destroy me i just picked any move so spro's going to go down i just sort of had to throw it away you know what i'm saying so it's going to get a soul heart there it doesn't have any special attacking moves it's obviously got physical move right hopefully right now and the other pokemon i've got is wishy washy i've got rotom i've got stone journal stunt fist and miractus right this is the upcoming theme team too so i thought let's go into rotovia i can probably uh i might be out of dynamics here but i think if it's got a steel type move i'm going to get the stripe so i've got blizzard rising voltage something else is rising i've got hyper voice and i've got nasty plot right this is a throat space special attacking set and it's absolute fight then it uses roll out the animation was in the clouds you couldn't even see like you couldn't even see the animation like it like disappeared behind the arena i don't even know what's going on right now so it's got shift gear up right plus one an attack it's using riley now rollout as you know gets exponentially more powerful so i'm like man i'm going to get i'm going to get swept by a roll out tackle my channel only on pimlice channel right so here comes the the second roll out here i gotta shut this down baby so the second roller hits me really really hard the next one is easily going to take me out i went for the rising voltage there it wasn't enough to take it out however i do have one other pokemon i could swap in after this i may actually have to dynamics here just to counter the uh the dynamics magenta right so here comes another roll out here this is the third one and road time fridge is gonna go down there but don't worry people i'm gonna get another drink out the fridge later on trust me i needed a cold one after this so it's gonna get another soul hidey i wasn't worried right because it was a physical state and now it sort of became clear to me like it was starting to come clear to me that this person was definitely a troll right they were a thousand percent of troll now i've got wishy washy i've got stone giant i've got stunted some miraculous i'm thinking wow like i think i may have to uh dynamax um stone journal right stone journey is an absolute unit now this is in defense right so this is a max speed uh max um attack pokemon right and we've got our choice golf in this but i had the dynamax here and i had to go for a heat crash right because that was super effective now stone journey is my second favorite generation pokemon right slow like cram rat just beats it for me like they're my two favorite generation of pokemon so we got stone journal on the field oh it's very confident that i could easily leave a roll out here right you know this thing is an absolute unit and it's got like a big buff on the dynomax so first before first i went for the max guard i want to shut that down then my controller started running out of battery i'm like oh no i'm going i'm going to dc from my controller so i have to quickly like um get there grab my controller find a power point stick it in the hole and charge it right like sometimes you've got to do that you know what i'm saying so i had this max flare max rockfall and max knuckle right now i've got max flail easily take it out right i've got that one in the bag right now i've also got max knuckle too but i was like you know what i just want to take this thing out because it is a giant threat so here comes a tackle for a mage it did nothing why does it have tackle for so they were obviously just showing off that they could use moves that were you know obviously illegal on the poker you you search it up you can't use tackle but i want to say something at the end of this video we're going to dive into a special research why the magenta might be able to use tackle it's going to be super issuing anyway so my john is going to faint it goes into his little pokeball but people is that the end of dynamaxx or do we have more to come now i was waiting here i was thinking maybe a little bit salty after that and then we got event 69 coming up which is a martial so obviously i'm going to say it right now obviously it's becoming increasingly more apparent that this person knows that obviously i'm streaming they're watching the stream and they're really really trying to stroll me because obviously i say 69 is a joke all the time right so here comes a close combat there from the marsh shadow and i took it like a piece right stone jr is an absolute unit right weakness policy it wasn't choice scarf my bad is going to activate here um i was like okay i've definitely got this i think i've got this game right now firing some fire out of my pp there sometimes you've got to do that and it had a focus it lifted one health the merchant available right so uh machado not the uh majana has got the uh focus that's right so i'm out of my dynamax now this thing can easily take me out here because i don't have as much bulk as i did last time right now i don't have a rock polish up um i've got like stone edge body press none of these moves are gonna be very accurate or body press ain't gonna attack it at all right so here comes the uh close combat and stone joint has got to go down nothing i could have done then martial has got very very good speed and very very good attack there but it only has one health back so there is a chance i could still take out so bye bye stone now i've got my stun fist left and i've got my wishy-washy and i've got maractus so unfortunately on my maractus i didn't have spiky shield i would have loved it if i did but i've got like this meme bulky set like stalling set so i was like okay wishy roshi is really really thick i'm gonna go for a disrespect flip turn i'm gonna flip them up and then i'm gonna swap it another pokemon you know what i'm saying i like how wishy washy's animation the schooling animation looks so so cool this is one of my uh favorite generation seven uh pokemon too so we got an event 69 on one health and we still got two more pokemon remaining so who knows what's gonna happen now right so we got the close combat from the martial again wish you actually be kind of thick and taking that very very well there so at this stage my shot has got like uh negative three in defense and we're gonna go for that flip turn there and marshall is going to go down so so far we've seen a majority that was already dynamics didn't even need the dynamics button and we've seen like multiple mythical shiny lock pokemon so i'm thinking okay we got stun fisk here i've got my assault best stunt fist it's good to rock and roll let's see how this one is going to go right now this is a really really troll stun fist set too i really like sunfish so i have to say like this sort of a combination of some of my favorite pokemon but that's not the thing team though okay next pokemon is salt night dot are you clearly this was directed right at me because you know how i was always roast those dot-com websites this is definitely a roast directly uh you know throw it at me so i've got discharge spongebob feature and stopping chatroom max attack and make special a day i've got the item as a selfish there so what i want to do right is i want to go for a fissure now fischer lands great but if it misses i can go for a double bass power stomping tantrum it gets a double bass power if you do miss right so it's a really really cool move stopping tension so here comes the steam eruption from the um volcano in the sun there i've got the assault s i take that like an absolute unit so go for efficiency unfortunately i couldn't get the fissure on saltmate.iu it would have been absolute golf and now the sun is gonna fade away so i'm thinking right here wow i don't know if i can live a steam eruption it's gonna be super super nasty and super super close if i do live right so here comes the uh steve eruption there from the volcano and i lived on two health there and unfortunately i got burned onto him this was absolutely bad for me right because that stopping tantrum everything went right there but i was burned i'd say i would have nearly have taken the volcano out in one shot there if i didn't get bit now unfortunately i thought like for a second i was like well paul cannon's got weakness posse but it had leftovers and said so uh stunt fist is going to go down so i've only got one more pokeball left here apart from my wishy-washy can wishy-washy leave the volcano or we're gonna need to go into miraculous i'm thinking maybe we'll go into wishy-washy i've got earthquake on this set i could go for the choice bandit earthquake run i've still got the bulk of all the fishies as well right so we're gonna go back into our schooling form there we've got to school them people you know what i'm saying and uh i could go for another earthquake here right now does this have any other moves to hit me outside of a you know watertight move in a fire type move or do they want to swap into an earthquake right because i know what their last pokemon is and it is not going to like swap into that so it's going to go for endurance said so it's got endure and it's got steam eruptions like okay all right so here comes the earthquake obviously they're not going to go down to the earthquake there because andrew is going to say that would have worked nicely with like a uh like a weakness possibly or like a pinchberry run so salt not i actually i just noticed something that's like a weird sort of text i think right that that text right there was i was either traditional chinese chinese or korean i'm not really sure um on the text that was used in that name but it was crazy anyway so getting hit by five blaster clearly that i didn't have any other coverage moves to use against wishy-washy and i'm gonna go for the earthquake here and take out the shiny volcano once again is shiny lock as well okay people we are down to the last poke one and you're probably wondering right well we've seen a pokemon with dynamics but it hasn't that's one dynamics pokemon what's gonna happen so my unfortunate for me right i'm back in the schooling form here so once you get a low amount of health with wishy-washy um you know you can't use it and then comes out another majority called pimpnite dot are you clearly this is a thousand percent troll roast towards me after you know obviously continually erasing all the dot-com websites in my videos so that's two dynamics pokemon right now so i've got earthquake here i've got choice fan um i know that it's not going to do too much like will i even outspeed it and then it pops out of zapkin it opens its arm and fires zap cannon out and lands it i was like man i hope this doesn't have like no guard hacked on or something like that so down goes wishy-washy and then majana is going to get a soul heart here i was like oh no all i've got left here is maractus and things are looking very very grim right this is like a um a heavily walled set right i can get the leech seed up but that's going to be about it right i've got max health and max fish that's ingrained cotton guard and you know that's it i've got leftovers ingrained and leachate all giving me health facts that was the strategy then i could fire off the giga drain right and then the dynamax pokemon it dynamaxes that was three dynamics pokemon in a pokemon how does it work so the majana somehow went back in the ball and then it got thrown out once again so that was three there in one battle that is crazy how does this get all right seriously like all memes and jokes was like like how does this get like this should not go online this is absolute bull so here goes the max star ball there and miracus gets absolutely dominated i tried very hard there people but man majana like triple dynamics like come on like i tried my very best i was very very close to getting the dub there unfortunately maractus was not going to uh be able to beat a majana there if i had the type advantage or maybe a speed advantage i could have possibly won the battle and uh yes whoever you are i might like you your your ass is going to get banned like that's that's real talk like if you get if you see anything like that or like try anything like this online you are you're a thousand percent gonna get banned don't don't do it all right so that was pretty much the end of the battle however right i'm just gonna cancel the battle here but we wanna do a little discussion right about that magenta remember how used tackle in the battle and i said that you know it can't learn tackle essentially it can't learn tackle but there was a period of time right where it could have the move tackle and i want to explain this one real quick because you might be interested in this too and i thought this would be like a really cool little test we could actually do so let's get on to that test right now now magina pokeball was given out to people for completing the national decks right when you first could get this right you had to shift your whole pokedex into the boxes in one session otherwise you wouldn't get it right now opposite has changed since then but that's how it was at the start initially now this is where the original majana with tackle comes into play and this is where this theory comes into play here right i believe that when this gift was given out at the start it wasn't quite ready because it actually got released initially by accident and it was a level 10 meijana that had 15 ribbons and new growl and tackle right which was kind of interesting obviously the rollout for this one stopped however if it was still in your you know mystery gift box you could still actually claim it right that was really really interesting now there's also some reports that it could come out as a pokeball one at level 10 as well with the same moves just in the different form so basically it was a complete mess up right however i was really curious whether this pokemon would still go online so it's fortunate enough to actually come across someone who wanted to have a testimony and see if we could get this pokemon to work online and let's see what those test results yielded all right people it's time to see whether maijano will work online with knowing the moves tackle and growl so i connected to the internet here i searched why com i'm just gonna run through this slowly i don't want to cut any parts here just to show you you know that it actually is going to go online or not online so i match up with someone called awesome man hello awesome man if you ever uh see this video there now i want to select a battle of no restrictions right so you could say that it was indeed the uh level uh 10 and maijana with all the ribbons and all the tackle and the growls right well growl obviously was on the move already had already we're looking at a tackle so we got a no restriction value they picked us like okay that's great what i did right is i just put it into my party here on my like lizard team little spoiler there for you people and i want to see it work and it actually let me pick the teams i was like what now i did have this pokemon trade to me and the trade did go through online that sort of told me that it would work online in the battle and here we go like you can use it online so they've just got a stacked sweaty team here um i'm just going to select my magina because i just want to show you that it is the one with tackle and growl right this is really really interesting i've got a couple of theories as to why they still would allow this online too apart from some of the obvious ones which we'll say in a second so here we go i just picked one pokemon and of course awesome man picked all six of his team knowing that i only had a level 10 pokemon come on and to top things off right awesome man actually had a a very interesting team right here right he started off with another hack pokemon here so these pokemon are everywhere right so it's funny they can they can get rid of a some of the dot com pokemon but they can't get rid of a pokemon with a a move that shouldn't know so here we go here's the major oh first i'm going to get intimidated by the scum i'm not intimidated at all here we go people here's the maijana with the moves tackle and growl just with tackle right so there you go tackle majana currently works online at the moment i mean it was essentially it was a pokemon that was given out by them it's not a hack pokemon it was a pokemon they got given out but they stopped giving it out right because they realized it was a mistake it was very very similar i'm not sure if you can remember you know about on pokemon home the alola forms uh when you transfer them on the home um they had moves that they weren't really allowed to know and then that got patched out of the game but this actually has not been patched yet which is interesting i feel like i feel like they just don't care that tackle is on my giana like no one is going to use it except for probably someone like me but there we go people maybe we could come across with a tackle strategy in the future level 10 majana i don't know but uh this meme is allowed to go online people as you think i just tried it online there i do want to give a couple of quick shout outs to slayer thank you for helping out some of the research and my other buddy for the trade as well and that's pretty much it that's gonna wrap up today's hacker expose entertaining battle some very interesting research at the end there with the uh tackle majana i wasn't able to get my uh obviously get my hands on a pokeball one but i say it probably would have been the same like um and all the hacker obviously did was was you know level up the majana and you know change into a shiny form so i'd say that's how he got through there anyway people thank you so much for watching this video if you did enjoy it make sure you hit the subscribe button and the like button i really appreciate that always helps and i'll catch you for another video maybe tomorrow all right people peace out [Music] you
Views: 337,172
Rating: 4.9194384 out of 5
Keywords: Hacker Exposed 3 Dynamax Pokemon, hacker exposed pokemon, hacker exposed pokemon sword and shield, pimpnite vs hacker, pimpnite salty hacker, dynamax pokemon, dynamax pokemon theme, dynamax pokemon battle, dynamax pokemon sword and shield, shiny locked pokemon sword and shield, pokemon dynamax, pokemon dynamax theme, pokemon dynamax battle, Can You Use Dynamax More Than Once, hacker pokemon, shiny locked pokemon, pokemon you cant get shiny, PIMPNITE, gigantamax pokemon
Id: OXq0j-06O-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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