30 Minutes To Make The BEST Pokemon Team From RANDOM EGGS ! - THEN I BATTLE !

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[Music] what W for today's video we got something a little bit different we're gonna be doing a 30-minute hatching egg challenge from a random people so I went on my stream I've got six random eggs from six rounder people and I'm gonna be doing a battle at the end so the rules are it's 30 minutes are touching the eggs I need to make the team known hm it's allowed no Juke Pokemon so I gone to another one if I get a dupe no getting rid of a Pokemon no rebreathing and no knowledge of what egg I get of course so these are the rules maybe I can do a little bit more editing into the next video this one's actually done live my stream so I had to do a few cuts in my team building process so if you guys like this sort of video please drop a like and let me know in the comment section I'll definitely do on next time I maybe can put up like a fancy timer and all that sort of stuff it's up to you guys if you'd like to see this I'm just trying some new things out so here is a little compilation of me actually receiving the eggs here I traded a six magic up away on my life frame you can check me on twitch if you like they're linked in the description of the video and I thought I'd do some more challenge videos tonight and it was actually pretty fun I'm definitely gonna try this one again for sure whether I do a video of on YouTube I'll just do it casually on my twitch stream so we got some more eggs coming in here and they actually we did a little like a little shout-out for everyone oh you actually given me the eggs a so are these six people you are lucky because I did to surround them code on my twittering I put it in and I traded the person we actually had one person try to try be a like nada egg was actually pretty funny so there you go people this is the last egg here and I had all six eggs ready to go and ready to get rolling so what I'm doing is I'm gonna be showing what actually hatched out of the eggs to start with right it was pretty cool right so once again when I do a 30-minute challenge obviously I've got to wait to our hatch the eggs right because that'd take up like a lot of time actually building the team and stuff okay so the first burger mine that was a side arctos I talks a pretty interesting Pokemon it can now be run a multiple ways right and it all depends on what nature I get to what moves I get like people good to straight-up give me like absolutely breeding scum or they can just give me a Pokemon with no guy good IVs or EVs and moves or anything so it's a very very cool challenge and I relish the challenge people you know that next spoke alert is a swine up here so - interesting Pokemon so far I mean we could have a good special attacker a good physical attacker but what's in you really can't plan that out - you actually show up there you know the stats at the Pokemon as well so I ask people just give me straight random stuff not specifically anything right so the third Pokemon is the Abra so some very interesting Pokemon so far now I want one thing with Abra right I was allowed to I wasn't allowed to get rid of Pokemon but I was allowed to get a rid of a Pokemon and get it back so if I wonder trade a Pokemon I sort of decide those rules were cool to do that cuz just be kind of lame not involving a right so we got the Olalla Bob picks as the next Pokemon as well and all the rules are basically as it is so anything I didn't mention there is yo on the table obviously I can't use any hacks or any that sort of thing right so we got the last egg here and this one was a pretty interesting Pokemon to say least that was a bola by so bulla boy you don't see too often either and I thought this would be pretty fun Pokemon to use as well of course I was allowed to evolve the Pokemon if I wanted to if I didn't want to bother them I didn't have to either so there's some other rules maybe I could do up like a more specific rule set at the start of the video next time I'm not sure once again I just want to see if you guys like this sort of thing and maybe we could have it as a Saturday sort of video series something a little bit extra on the channel right okay so miles Pokemon II was the SQ s Q is a nice Pokemon okay so let's have a little look what the site actually adds we're the damp ability there which is a pretty dank dank DEP and are the other moves that I had were scratch and toe up so the person who gave me this egg they gave me nothing man I've got scratch and toilet I've got modest nature though so that's pretty good so we can run a special taking gold ruckus that's kind of nice I'm kind of up for that one I was thinking here we could maybe go for like and choice specs one or something like that that was my thoughts at this part of the video right now this isn't a live narration next time I'll do them as a live narration right that'll be super cool so we've got the out of a nature abra it was a oh no this is this is not good so it's running through a head man I've got to bring back the classic people like physical Alakazam we've got to do it again people and of course they'd like teleport and confusion so not very a very good moves there for any like you know a physical one but there were a couple of I was actually starting to run through in mind that I could actually use right we had inner focus as the ability of course as well and you guys can see the sets okay so the next one was a swine up here we got snow cloakers building we got tackle mud slope ice crash and curse so some really really cool moves there once again I'm not I'm not really I think I feel like I should be able to you know add some moves to it and stuff like that and that'd be kind of cool I was a bit a little bit boring if I just said like tackle on all the Pokemon right so that's what I was thinking about while is doing this challenge as well so we've got some really interesting moves there I can either make this a physical one or a special one I did at the jolly nature on this so I decided to actually be running this one you know as a physical I'm definitely there and as you can see that's everything about the swine I've got that premiere Bowl as well and now the next Pokemon here we got is a lot of Opik so there's we got the snow cloak there which is kinda dishing we got a lot I spoke on powder snow tailwhip all those sort of moves there so some pretty nice things there baby doll eyes and freezes a freeze dry as well so some cool moves there next one we've got its lullaby we got Gus lair and roost that's pretty much it and we got overcoat which is gonna be kind of nice on ice team so we've got a lot of I smoke pot but we do have a fair lot of weaknesses on this team too but I'm definitely looking forward to this because these are a whole bunch of ran a pot god I didn't breed myself and basically you sort of get like thrown in a Depot because you're gonna like think on the spot if someone gives you like a Baird ability like this sq this was powder Stowe barely trumpet at modern H I'm like oh man what am I gonna do this one I was like do I go for like a physical set get a belly drum off but with modest and try and make up for that drop or do I go for a like a special one and get rid of belly drop or do I go for something a little bit different okay so let's go through this once again I did a couple of cuts in here because I was streaming so I did sort of allow for those are you know me doing like a shout outs and things like that so our side up obviously could learn the move blizzard so I'd open let's give it blizzard that'd be a really really nice ice move to use since we're running modest nature's well I thought that could be right really really handy on it too now I also go at hydro pump too so we've got the blizzard and the hydro pump now I'm gonna be working like pretty well with side up right now our side like this get some other kind of like moves so at the moment we got blizzard hydro romper action talib so we've got to get rid of scratch and tail with right I was thinking maybe psychic or something like that my first initial thoughts are maybe to make it like I don't know like a choice effects Pokemon something along those lines right so we're gonna use so much experience Candy's here and just get it up to level I was thinking if I even need to get them to level 100 just in case I needed to do some bottle capping or that sort of thing I did actually change my mind later on this so I just sort of just didn't them to over level 50 but later on I did get them to level 100 as well so we had to sign up evolving now and they did get some moves on evolution too which was kind of nice but I definitely allowed me to have like moves or like TRS and I went back to the movie lunar as well I thought that was sort of like a fair thing too you know so I could get some interesting sets gun so now we've got the gold act so go look it's the first pokemon on my team that I've got I've still got two more moves remaining that need to do I was actually thinking of running psychic or psyshock on the set I really wasn't sure right I'm also thinking like it does kill get eggs maybe expanding force from the move tutor or is like oh well that would like be super nice as well so we've also got our sake I'm gonna be giving that to God I was thinking about giving it psychic and then I was like nah I'll make it a mix sweeper then I'll start to think maybe I should make it a bulky set instead of choice books right cuz I do have a couple of a soft base to give it I actually gave it soaked as well arm upon like lever now Paul said wonder room on their backs you replaced but I changed my mind after a while and I taught a sigh shock and I got rid of that move as well so that's what we're doing for the gold up now once again the Eevee's I'm not gonna show like every single little thing because this was obviously from a twitch stream right but I will in my 30 minute process right on the next thing so we've got flipped-turned as the other sort of move I gave it I was like okay assault vest three special attacks and flip turn just in case I come into a situation where our completely world like safer chance he comes out right I just flip turn and go into a physical attacker or just general scouting I thought that it could like be super super handy there on my god so garlic's moves were pretty much decided there which is kind of nice and we're pretty much going to go on to the next Pokemon here I gave it the assault bear so attached to that one so it's gonna be pretty bulky on the special side which is going to be like really really nice right so now we're gonna move the gold arc actually gonna give you guys a look at it there so we got all those moves I'm having a V training at this point of the game yet but there is a moves and we've got the modest nature there so you guys can see it's you know definitely the exactly the same one that I've got from the egg okay so we've got level 84 I decided to call it I actually asked a channel like you know guys what sort of names should I give the gold up right and the name I was it was quack quacks I think those quacks though that was the name of the gold I care no quack quackity quackity it's quacks Oh quack I think that's quackety or quack stuff there we go he was quite sure it was quacking guys quacker Quackers like like crackers you know those biscuits you eat so that's quite that's our that crackers the goal right now it's that's the first Pokemon I also wanted to nickname as why I thought that a giving him a nickname would be kinda nice and maybe I could add that into the challenge I mean maybe if I'm on the clock I maybe won't and nickname them I feel like nickname doesn't have to be a thing so I could maybe I don't know what do you think guys would I be allowed to sort of like nickname them after they hatched or would I have to do that in the 30 minutes I feel like that doesn't really change how they'd go on a battle so maybe I could do that before I decide on some nicknames before then start the clock I don't know once again any um sort of feedback or advice on these rules what I've done so far just you know there's any positive sort of advice that would be right in the comment section you know once again if this is a serious you guys would like to see okay so we had the kidnapper here and that's the app were gonna evolve that with the you know the candies there now once again I did say at the start I wasn't allowed to trade Pokemon away but however I did trade the Pope went away as in just war bobert so it did come back to me as a Alakazam and uh Thank You Roger Leir for that one doing that one on the stream I actually was gonna do this on stream that I think oh if I trade this away to a random I'm not gonna get it back so we got the al exam I call that one 69,000 IQ everyone agreed that was a pretty dandy name there and I mean I think the second one was 17 IQ but I thought 69,000 IQ was uh a pretty good name for the Alakazam there so we're looking through a somewhat smooth delenn and it's a physical set with adamant they're pretty much the only good like other than Xena I think with Zen headbutt or psycho cut so I gave it psycho cuts as I get like some crits and that sort of thing now also I knew I learned rain punch because I've done a physical Alakazam in the past so we gave a drain punch which is kind of nice also I could Dynomax it maybe go for up like a boost and attack there now I gave an ice punch as well for a little bit of coverage and the last movie I was thinking you know what should I give it and then I sort of seen Metron armasight I've got to give it Metrodome guys I got to get rid of teleport and give it Metro so we gave a nice bunch there I scroll down to Metro and gave it pretty much when you're building a physical Alakazam it's hot smoking trash so it pretty much doesn't matter what you do in the in the case of me giving Metrodome I thought I might get a really powerful physical move or I might get something like saw dance which would be crazy and so it's just like you know hope my luck sort of like gets something really great would make even if I got explosion that would be crazy something like that okay so the item I obviously gave it was focus Asia Alakazam really can't take a hit really well so I gave it focused ash I thought it would be quite nice I could go for a psychic card but you know I can at least go for one metronome right so here's the Alakazam 69 thousand IQ and yeah that's pretty much it for the Alakazam okay so I started nicknaming some of the other Pokemon money got through the ESCO the chat and me decided was called happy feet right this was kind of hard actually cutting all these little bits out sort of like a merger into 30 minutes I believe I pretty much would have done it into 30 minutes when I took out all the stuff of just um you know talking to chat and locating a couple of things so I'll probably have everything like prepared before so I have a lot I'll have enough bomb I've enough bottle caps I have all the stuff I need so I don't need to sort of a race around and do that so when I take all that stuff out I most definitely did this one in 30 minutes for sure okay so the next one we had right was this will oh this was a very very very naughty name that the person who actually trade me the swine up called this filthy Swan that's a very naughty name but it's pretty funny at the same time okay so we're gonna have that as the Mamoswine we decided on Mamoswine because I kind of need it on my team right now the other Pokemon we had right oh we had a Vulpix writin this is I seen a lolly babak's right I was thinking sheer cold and then I was thinking of that salt that froze a song let it go let it go so I thought that'd be a really good name to give it right and you know when you hit them with sheer cold they just gotta you know they'll just have to let it go you know what I'm saying that's what I was seeking anyway so the last Pokemon I was thinking of he R oh he was not many buzz with the better the vault of Allah by so obviously man diverse as usual name is Mandy buzz but we had a good session I believe it's from scholar to call it our man DC buzz so hopefully I could get a you know a DC with this Mandy buzz um you know one way or another I didn't think I'd make like a bulky said I thought I make like a different kind of set because you know it's an old one okay so now we gave some experience to the the swine up here we evolved it and I gave it some extra extra moves so I got rid of tackle to teach it I should I know it already had ISIL crash but we were actually thinking and I was thinking of making a weakness policy set within doer now I was thinking weakness policy and it actually got fly or earlier on I got rid of flail so I had to probably like get flour back and you know on top of the swine up to so that was a sort of set I was running with and you know I gave it max attack you know and max speed as well now the goal that was max health and Max special attack the alakazam was max speed and max attack in this I didn't want to show like every single little thing about me feeding them items like vitamins and stuff right that's gonna be for what I do like a raw recording live right so be like me doing the 30 minutes and then after I'll do the battle right now depending on how it goes I've actually in today's video I've got one battle I don't know if I could do two battles and what it was sort of depend like I don't want it to be like a really really long video I was sort of just thinking basically to get a like one it like the best battle they had with the same and leave it of that just one solid really solid battle cuz the video would be quite long when you add a like a like another battle on the team right okay so we finally got the mammoths one we had to go through and teach your ancient power to actually evolve it as well then I got rid of Angel power and retorted flail on earthquake those sort of moves to run alright because I wasn't thinking at the start to give it flower then I sort of like changed my mind okay so now we got happy feet now happy feet I was thinking about doing a physical attacker right with belly drum and then we started to think like and I was thinking maybe we should go for like a mix taking a road because I could get up like a physical move for belly rub and then a special move on the sq2 I was thinking like like an ice beam or something like that okay so we evolved I'll let it go any way with the and I gave it bright powder as the item there too so I thought bright powder Hale and I just be like a really like scummy set in the hell right okay so the last button sorry the last two Pokemon at the level up was the man DC bus right and that was actually gonna be a sweeping set it wasn't very fast so I actually noticed that I learned tailwind our our porn actually evolving and sup and levelling up so I decide to I teach that I actually deleted it early on then I went back and taught it afterwards so yeah I decided to go for nastyplot dark pulse air slash and tailwind tywin would also our up some like the other Pokemon my team too so I thought that would be like you know kind of nice there okay so the last Pokemon that we're gonna be living up is happy feet and I was sort of thinking should I run substitute on it too or should like I run another movers caught it was actually really difficult to run I like what to run on a sq with modest nature to you I was thinking actually starting to run like just a special one but then I thought like no I'm gonna run like a mix one okay so we got the mint man deceive us here which is our Mandy buzz and it's gonna be fairly bulky I'll actually would have liked it to that way come of it you know you beggars can't be choosers when you receive an egg right okay so while leveling up that 257 - and we're gonna give an ice beam for the Happy Feet escu and I was actually searching Dells like liquid a shouldn't be a really nice move for the you know any fire type Pokemon as well and then I work really good and we have belly drum to obviously to boost our attack obviously it was gonna do much even after a belly drum with modest neisha it wasn't actually gonna do like a lot of damage right because it's it's modest nature and it's not even stabbed either so I pretty much had to get to my other form to do any sort of damage so I decided the end to give it a sub to you and I gave it a Selleck berry - and we had a couple of people suggesting some items and stuff in the chat - so on yep that's pretty much it I went through and gave it tailwind again I was like you thinking about giving of Rousseau's like nah I'd rather just have Tywin so I'm super fast because I don't have any weak armor and you know that's gonna be what my set is right okay so now I went to the bottle cap so I have to obviously get them to level high to give them some training and I just went through and gave some of them some max that I didn't max every single stat there was right I just went through and I did a bit of hyper training for all of them but pretty much here's the team here we're all ready to go to do some battles we've got psyshock flipped in on the gold arc you guys can seal the moves I'm actually gonna go through all the moves in battle anyway but this is a second look like a quick little scroll through all of them there and there you go that's the exact Pokemon I received if this was one of the poker while you try to be you should feel special because let's go people we are going to be doing a battle this is a AR battle against David David if you ever see this video mad damn you I don't you had a really really powerful team okay so this one was of the unnormal arena and of all the arenas I quite like this one the best I know it's kind of boring but I like it okay so we had a mage on elite in the Pokemon I was like man this is gonna be really bad right so we've got my Alakazam here I'm thinking for a minute should I go for the free sacks and ice punch I'm a good go for drain punch here and then I decided to go for Metro I was really really hoping right I could get maybe flare blitz or something like that or like a really powerful physical fire type move so I'm gonna wiggle my spoons and I get psychic out of all the moves right then I get from Metro I get cycling side this point I'm like well I just can't do this anymore and then we had our flash cannon from my Janna and that's about a 2 hit ko so now let's actually start think if I go for a tre punch here I could actually restore a little bit of the health right and I could live the next one and then maybe go for a you know a metronome afterwards because my moves were doing absolutely nothing I was max attack as well so we got some a little bit of help recovery back on the Alakazam focus sash is completely useless now I did actually think about doing life orb on the Alakazam instead but I was like nah it's gonna do no damage anyway so I may as well focus that's just in case I get like a sneaky arm it's like a really good move of metronome you know that could be like super super good so I locked in the metro Mia and I wait for the little wild metro I'm hoping I can get like a physical move this anything good but instead of getting an attacking move I got Claire instead now Claire wasn't all that bad I mean major Anna isn't the fastest pokemon in the world but I might be able to make use of so instead of using flash gun at this time the major Anna actually goes for an energy ball and down goes my alec is then so my John is gonna get a soul heart and I'm thinking man this battle is probably gonna be over at the moment so I was thinking what can I swap in like all of my Pokemon I've got to get absolutely Shrek by this and I was thinking about maybe Mamoswine can come in and go for indoor than flail earthquake sort of combination against the rest of the team or maybe I could just Dynomax it straight up and just you know see if I could body through the opponent's team and yeah that was what was running through my head at the right man look at the size of Mamoswine South so these are the Pokemon that were left there I'm once again people if I do this do this in an edited style of video I'll probably cut out all the sort of camera angles and stuff like this once again I'm just this is a like a trial video right so we may go back to definitely go back to the obviously cutting in between the turns and stuff like that if there's any sort of like empty space so we got the earthquake here I was thinking maybe go for Dynomax orange or I really like thought about this for quite a while because I had a couple of our pokerbot on the team which I thought could out speed me as well or they could have access to our priority move it could be like you know really really bad there and I thought in the end let's go for Dynomax are a Mamoswine if i take the major iron out which I thought I definitely could I could get a boost special defense suit and I could be like really really like BC there and maybe get like a you know a weakness policy off and I just three through this team right now this is definitely this is not the first battle I had either I will say that before this I had about three or four different battles I believe but none of them are really good at all so I wanted to pick the best and most entertaining paradigm okay so well I did remember all my Dynomax candies well I went through and did all of them so I yeah you guys def where the stream could see that and we get our first KO with our random egg teat which it's really really good there and Manas ones got to get a nice buff and our special fed suit that you guys might be able to see me use a couple more standard it's sort of sense as well it's probably got kind of nice to see me using them but once again sometimes the Pokemon that I got weren't like they weren't the greatest pokemon so it's sort of like even it out as well and there was no like sort of synergy on the teams either as you can see with all my iceberg okay so we got a lolly marowak now like the thought I was like is bate right is this like focus sash badness I'm late or like will-o-wisp eight I realized well like I really really wasn't sure right so I just went for max quaking and I say I'm just going to go for it because this Pokemon is like bringing a really really strong - and I took - Pokemon I was like man this is actually going really really well right I've taken to poker without Mamoswine was definitely the best Pokemon my like hands-down easier the best Pokemon my teammate like way way better than I practically everything okay so I've taken two Pokemon things are like things are rosy right now I've got four pile or left the only bad thing is I have Dynomax by a Pokemon and they conceal Dynomax themselves okay so like a rocks kind of come in here it's like okay like and rock what should I do here should I just go for a max quake eeeh or what traduz right just try and take it out I decided to go further max quake there I thought that was sort of like the right thing to do then David Wright he swaps his like and rock out and then he brings in he's Mandi buzz so he has Amanda buzz too except this one looks like it's been out in the Sun a little bit too long okay so that's obviously not going to affect Mandi buzz because there's a flying-type and memphis white is gonna go back to normal now I knew right without icicle crash on my set there's no way in the history of mammoths that I was going to be able to take this out like 69 ice shards is probably gonna that's probably what was going to take right so I thought instead of me getting you know any damage poison anything annoying like that I should probably go into my Mandy buzz and maybe set up on their many buds to take it out because usually Mandy buzz doesn't have a lot of presence about it's normally got like you know foul play a roost a defiled toxic all that sort of stuff right so obviously we got the knock off its gonna get rid of my sister spray which is a little bit annoying but it's not the end of the world right they probably didn't predict me for going for like a you know a tailwind and setting up here also can add tailwind as well that's quite a good move on so I knew that I out speed there Mandy buzz already since I was running a max speed and Max special take Mandy was not that it was really fast but I want to make use of that Tim and a truck so amanda bynes is going to go for the toxic against me and this is sort of that this is probably the longest section of the battle Mandy buzz was really really really bulky to get around here so I got hit by the poison and I'm like okay I've got a couple of choices here I had to swap out and through another Pokemon and try and take this absolute unit out in on the special side of a physical side but I really was worrying right because these Pokemon lacked a lot of base power right so they went for a ruse they're predicting me they'll attack them they're really really slow I was stalling me very very hard in this match I ride that throughout the whole game there's that they had a couple of salty Pokemon right so I thought I probably need four plus four right so I need two nasty plots at minimum at bare minimum I woulda really loved like six but I knew that I wouldn't have the luxury of getting six up because that toxic ride and many buzz was doing a little bit of extra damage with the unknown knockoff as well so poison was standard you know get really like dangerously racking up here I probably had about you know two more turns they have to actually do something to Mandy buzz and then I was going to be extinct literally so go for the air slash they're on the menu bus and unfortunately it only does like under half help I was really really disappointed I was hoping I could get a flinch there to take this thing out and it's also got leftovers as the item says no way this is going to take it out in two shots I dated in a crypt or a flinch at so many buzz it's on its last legs literally it's going to be going down so I either need a flinch here before it uses ruse or I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble basically so go for that flickshare only magnifies and many but takes a lot of damage and I don't harm and I do not get the flinch and it gets the roost off I don't even crit nothing like that so things are looking really bad right many buds almost has all of its health back after all that effort with tailwind and nasty pop that's really really unfortunate so they were stalling me so so hard like their think was actually really like that they had a very competitive team right they definitely had really the competitive moves on their Pokemon so this is a this is a massive challenge for me right and I already lost my best Pokemon easily like like after Mamoswine I'd say Mandy buzz was probably one of the second best Pokemon there okay so now I was thinking should I go on to let it go and let them share cards go and give it a go that's what I was thinking anyway in like if I didn't go for a let if I didn't go for the let it go sheer cold I could possibly go for the hilum lizard right so I was thinking here maybe I should look at the MU said they're all icebergs I was like let's get the hell up first so probably wondering why wasn't have like snowboarding and stuff okay so we got the hell up that's gonna heal it like allow me to lay in 100% actually blizzards right now this one was this was a timid set right so they're going to knock off my bright powder which really really sucks I would have loved to miss their don't have been great because that would have sort of set me up you know for later on the game maybe force their hand to Dynomax right to hit me as hard actually sort of moves that you know the dynamic stuff so go for Blizzard I knew I wouldn't probably take it out in one shot but I knew I hit it pretty hard and mani bus gets hit really really hard now it's gonna be going for the default gear so default a little bit of a scam you out there they're gonna drop my a base in its fine they probably can't do a lot of damage to me and they probably don't want to swap out either they're probably thinking I got like moonblast and stuff like that but the funny but the funny thing is I've only got four ice type moves right and Blizzard was pretty much of our only option yeah I could not go for sheer cold basically because I had to get rid of Mandy buzz Mandy buzz was like priority number one to get rid of so finally I got rid of Mandy buzz I was so so happy right um that I took it out and I like she did a fairly good spot so it wasn't bad it was I mean it wasn't great but it wasn't bad right so now like a rocks gonna come in like man this is gonna be really hard because he could go for a stone edge on the swap or I could just straight-up go for a snog like what's my options here actually at this point in the game I was four three up it gets a pretty dang good team so I was like let's go for the bail this actually might help me out a little bit more than go for a sheer call and they went for the sell rock fair and man I just got absolutely wasted I don't think ninetails actually had max in anything there not that it really mattered or anything like that okay so we're gonna get some ah hail on the like a rock which is nice if a dad likes ash it's God now we've got Quackers right we've got Mamoswine and we got happy feet now happy feet really wasn't the greatest pokémon in the world definitely um I had max attack and I had max speed on this thing right now a sudden the thing okay if I go for a liquidation here liquidation should be a 2 hit ko in this range but I am gonna get hit pretty hard by it's like rock type moves right so I've got to do some damage so we got the assail rockier that is going to hit my little icy face and unfortunately it was like really really unfortunate right because with the hail right you could actually get the ice space like right back again I was like that'll be really good to get the ice face back you know right off this but then the hail stopped that was really really bad unpaired for me and I'm fortunate because now like and Rob can freely go for like another a cell Rock and take me out there wasn't much I could do either and I just had to take the ax cell rock to the face sometimes guys you're gonna take it a cell rock to the face bright so I went down I've only got two more focal lengths I'm starting to get really really worried here whether I could actually do anything now I've got Quackers the bulky go light and I've got Mamoswine so I thought okay Mamoswine is probably gonna be the go-to here I can either go for an eye shot or an earthquake now I knew on their team there was a really really bulky Pokemon yes they had another really annoying ass saw Lee Bogg like bulky Pokemon looking at a team it was a porygon too right and they had a had a rain too so I sort of worried about that I'll start think they're probably gonna expect me to go for a nice shot right that's what I'd expect um so they swap and they went into the porygon too so like okay that was good right they're going to take a full-powered earthquake now about porygon tip Oregon 2 is a fantastically bulky Pokemon with this team right this was such a big ass for my team to try and take this out like let alone the mani buzz look looking at the porygon time I'm thinking a man was like walking at it what are my options here acai shocks are gonna do nothing flip turns going to do nothing bliss is gonna do nothing or gold right like maybe I should get myself down to maybe flower like a max flower I decided to keep like pummeling it with earthquake and you see what I can do right I was wondering what though it's sort of a tacky moves ahead maybe like try attack ice beam you know those sort of things like discharge recover all the sort of moves up Oregon tune like Norma's gets so try attacked us is a clear to ek so I was like I was sort of getting it's not I'm like okay if I enjoy here get that up and then get a flight we should nearly almost take it out right this would be very very closest flowers very powerful one health and instead of going for a Toki move they went for a cut all right that was a really really annoying thing there because I like men there's nothing I can do here I've got to get down into flower range there's like okay maybe I should swap into quack is here I've got you're selfish why might be able to take that try take a little bit better and maybe hit hard with like a Hydra pop or something like that right oh I could flip turn into our you know into my Pokemon from before so I get here by the tree attack and it does basically nothing it's like a solid like four to five feet code like garlic is very probably about a like a four here go around there so I was thinking okay my only way around this is gonna Blizzard like free sex so I don't see that I actually taking this out anyway so I went for the blizzard there and I've got a free sex first I was like there's no way this happened I got a free sex so now the porygon right it's frozen this was my only chance to actually take it out so although okay go ducks probably not gonna do as much damage I don't want to go for a shaky hydro pump I mean hydro but we'll do a lot of damage right with modest nature five I feel like Mamoswine could be a like a better candidate right but this would go for earthquakes like over constantly and not like missing now it already blown my Dynomax are earlier on the game so I couldn't go for that so though okay let's go for earthquake and hope I can take this poor goat out before it uses like recover like for this you know million time right okay so program was like look how much that did I was running jolly nature and Max is hacking max speed that did absolutely monkeys always assuming ripe that they were running a max health and max deferred they had to be running max health max defense they're also doing like way too little damage so porygon sue is gonna stay frozen so it's like I only need them to stay frozen and let it go for one more turn right and we were all good so go for an earthquake here on the Paragon - I knew wouldn't take it up was very close it lives on one health the merchants available and then it thought our people in thawed are on one Hill could you might think of a worse time for it to thaw out so dad goes mammoths won the heart of my attack force and all I've got left now is gold like Rises like okay well I'm gonna go for a dishes wreck flip turn here and flip off this paragon for taking me out right like seriously so all I got left this flip - and I've got two other Pokemon the dealer they always in dire straits now so go for that flip turn there and porygon goes down I mean I'm going to be honest right there if I didn't get the free sex there was no way in the wild world of Pokemon I was gonna take them but this is no way it was like way too bulky like for the poke I was running run okay maybe a crib with hydrants might might have taken it out okay so we were had a ring coming Henry it's fairly bulky on the special sights like Oh what can I do you should I go find your pup let's go for Blizzard again likes let's see if I can get her like a free sex again on the Henry right so a for the blizzard this half hearth and a gun either kind of like a free sex together like what's going on here like I've got two free sex like that was two out of three free saxs or blizzard like I'll pop one off right now I was like super popping off now so okay if I go for higher on this this will drop pretty hard with modest nature on so I fired at our hydrant right out of my beak and that lands man that lands and had a rainy almost goes down and then the tallest right at the last moment and use this mystical scholar me miss Lewis comes gonna drop my special tackles like that that didn't happen okay so it didn't range right it's like this flip - I'm gonna take it out or should I just go from Flickr go from Flickr and a hydrophone I didn't want it to leave writers really worried that I'll actually live so I went for the Hydra problem and hydropump land and I took the Hat arenas like man this is not happening so how do I read it's gonna go down there and if you guys remember the last Pokemon is Mike and Rob but I was like okay I thought like I've got a big choice here right because if they died to max which I'm 100% certain they're gonna do I feel I could I feel like I could take this out of flip turn right here but if they die no max I don't think I'm going to say I have to think about this one for a long time Mike hydro pump will like you will most definitely take it out right it could miss blizzards probably going to miss and psyshock well I don't know about side stroke even taking it out and Dynomax like honestly my only way to take this out in Dynomax was a hydro pump that was it like sighs shot I had a negative one as Special Attack - right so it wasn't gonna be doing like as much damage and with Dynomax I had to hit it with the super effective attacks that pretty much only left me with hydro pump I have 30 seconds to think of it like I was really fretting over this ones like I think they're gonna be able to take me out the rock time move but maybe they maybe I'll be able if I go like has reasonably bulky right with the sulfus I was running a bulky one I was running our max health and Max special tanks it was pretty bulky right and I only lost a reasonable man to help but like nothing like so they go for their desperation Dynomax er and we've got a big old life and rock that doesn't look really really cool in the blue I really do like that a very nice focal on them so obviously I knew that I get out spit right it's whether I could leave the move on and take them out the only it's such a small amount of health left as well so now we've got the we got three minutes of the battle left there it's Adam axe rock from Mike I don't know if I'm gonna live this and I'm fortunate I didn't end up living and that my friends was a game but man that was a crazy battle it gets all odds I really clawed my way back into it and I thought that's a really great battle if you guys enjoy this please drop a like and a comment on the video if you want to see it again and you've got any suggestions I love a comment and something below there and I can definitely do some more editing and maybe do it live next time get a counter going like a whole bunch of other things alright people have a wonderful day wherever you live in the world and I'll catch you next time peace
Views: 130,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 minutes to make the best pokemon team, we have 30 minutes to catch a team then we fight, we have 30 minutes to catch a team, 30 minute pokemon challenge, 30 minute pokemon battle, 30 Minutes To Make The Best Pokemon Team From Random Eggs, Random egg pokemon, pokemon sword and shield random eggs, 30 mins then we fight pokemon battle, can you beat pokemon sword and shield with only, pokemon sword and shield wifi battle, PIMPNITE
Id: YwKltjmc5d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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