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video where they fall rarest Pokemon team for generation 8 I shall be using at some of the Pokemon listed there as the rarest Pokemon to find in the wild I put them all on one team and it was pretty fun if you guys want to check me on twitch for all livestreams make sure you do that I'm also a little announcement there I'm gonna be doing the DLC on my twitch stream they're going to be the full DLC so make sure you are follow me on Twitch it's gonna be hyped in a couple of days all right we got a triple battle special tonight and the first battle have ears get scholar and Men this thing was crazy because all of them basically weird little cut Pokemon and a lot of my ghost types to it so we got a dino lady at this dino is a hustle choice band set we've got crunch outrage superpower and facade now not sleep I mean you don't see no sleaze too often but when you see a nurse leave you better watch you we're gonna saw dance one it's gonna be boosting its attack it up spent my dinner now this set is actually a max health and max attack one so it's slow but it hits really really hard so we got in a slave living r1 health with the focus there so the next attack is going to hit me really really hard now in this theme you might be able to guess what theme tune they're running let me know if you guess it in the comment section of the video once again people if you like the Athene teens and the triple battles drop alike as well I couldn't actually swap out of that situation cuz my team was sort of like um you know it's not the swapping because I know I can get a dark-type move as well so I just let my Dino uh you know absolutely faint there's nothing I could do so we're gonna be going into the road time now this is a choice scarf thunder hexing Rotom so what the idea is is normally you can trick away the choice guard in this case I did not just bolts wish the enough sleep and then you can trick your ID away go for the thunder paralyze the opponent and then go for the hex right it's got bolt switch and thunder as you know stat move - I stab musu and the hex of course as well with a thunder so now the next Pokemon going to do is the Phoebus now Phoebus is also very rare in the wild as its Rotom and as it's dinner now to start the video the percentages and start to put there - so we got our bulb bulb always thinking what should I do to Bob Bob it's very very bulky this is a hypnosis enjoy our set with Phoebus and Phoebus is absolutely horrible so we're gonna go for the under there and see what it's going to do the item I've got on Phoebus was actually weakness policy and weakness policy is going to get activated by the Giga Drain from the orbital so this is really really good so a rare opportunity for me to boost my stats now this was a max attack and max speed fevers um it actually has a little bit better special attack but I started to go for a physical one hypnosis is gonna land which is absolutely hot so we've got plus two winners special TAC which is really really nice now sol is thinking now oh I might be out of make use of my ability Swiss room right if I go for Dynomax Phoebus now this is a really really risky play right because Phoebus is on one help very easy to take hours at Dynomax Pokemon and you know pretty bad as a DynaVox poke or two but I wanted to go for a Dynomax even I thought you know you guys probably know centered on attacks female all right all right go into that big old fishier and man peepers is like looking it's kind of intrigues like looking down why it's a Dynomax gotta fight so go for the max guys here what this is gonna do not only is gonna hit Bob it's not going to hit that hard but I get a very good critical bit off the staff there and that is going to put the rein on the field and it actually activate my ability which is swish swim as well so Phoebus is very very fast under the square swim plus its water type moves are going to hit go pretty hard so orbital is going to stay asleep which is absolutely awesome that means it cannot wake up so go for the max guys here again on the hill on the orbital and all of it'll actually goes down to the second here I can't believe that I better orbital and the orbital is actually max defense and I had assault vest too so that creditor start definitely mater phoebus's popping off right now so slide return is gonna slide in here now there's not a lot I can really do to it right I was thinking okay inside they got Swiss swim or it's got water absorb I don't really want to take the chance so I'm gonna go for a max cart there and wait for Dynomax right now now the other move I got on Phoebus is flower which is gonna be a full base power and that does a lot of damage the sides between and now sighs both it's gonna go Prairie earthquake and take our fevers out but man Phoebus was popping off there it took out an orbital and seriously dented that size between two I've lost two of my team so far now we're gonna go eat do del mais now I thought to run a shiny del mais on this thing because it's such a great shiny pokemon let me know on the chat at the comment section if you have a shiny device because boy it looks really really super cool it's got like a 1% chance alright so go for the power whip here and size rotate or Wally wall guy ain't gonna be like on that one where's wally has got to be lost I meant I'm every one of those Where's Wally books for ages you know you got to up you open the book and you got to find the guys dog and the bed dude called odd Lord do you guys ever like I'm not sure if it's a TV show but it was definitely a book right yeah you're fine where's wally anyway so back to the battle we got Duchenne sliding in here I'm gonna be swapping my Delmar's out here and it's gonna be going for our iron defense now I had a little bit of a feeling that it was gonna be your ever lives here right so as I okay if I go for choice scarf get really ever light and get the illusion a choice scarf that could be really bad right this lends a lot of like like boosting moves like carmine and I in the pits so it's gonna go for a psychic I was hoping or go for a status light move and I psyche its right really really hard but this is got a lot of special attack so go for the hex here a new hex wouldn't take it out even with the ever like got it still is able to live and now if you go for another psychic and take out my rotor I mean at least I stopped it from setting that's right I'd say it would have had something like recover our iron defense it would have been really really bad to let that thing set up so I'm going to tell my snout I could go for virtually any other tack I've got anchors shot on this one power web I've got error waste and I've got brick breaks so a really good dynamic smoke one and I'm gonna take it out with the steel worker anchor shot would still work at anyway anchor shot looks absolutely awesome one that's got in the animation okay solutions down we've got the hip on Lee as the fifth spoke one and he Polly is gonna be go for a bulk up prices okay it's a uh it's a physical sense and it's gonna be fairly hard to get around I don't think I bout a one shot it now so go for the Airways it just does over half else but okay I should be out of take it out with an ex run right now heat well he's gonna go for another bulk up so that's got plus to an offense and plus two in attacks like okay the only way it's probably gonna take me out is like a ghost type booth and arrow ace fails to take out the Hitmonlee and now hip only is gonna go for a rest it's a bulky it's a bulky hip only man look at Hitmonlee size words close it looks so hard like the axial inspire anyway so instead of being a wrestling type it might said it's gonna be a Chester berry set it's gonna wake up out right away so go for another anchor shot here actually anchor shot and arrow is pretty much did the same amount of damage due to I still work out boosting anchor shot right with that one point five times so we've got hit by Lee going for the toxic air it's a bulky it's a box that I'm guessing I'm assuming their other attacking movies well they're only attacking move would be like a a fighting-type move right that would make sense so go for another anchor up there and the hit one Lee is going to be going down in one here I was actually thinking are they gonna go for another rest or are they gonna swaps it's only had two other poke but I thought they may go for rest and try and topped it saw my del mais out now I was in a position where I could swap here but I thought nah this is probably my most powerful pokémon at the moment let's go for the anchor shot and let's take this one it's still a solid three here ko right and I've still got a lot of health right toxics only into its early stages right of our damage so we got the hip on Lee it's gonna be a sleep there it doesn't have sleek talk cause I'd rather Chester pro I have seen people run Chester Bruins take tot though which is pretty savage so taking some more toxic damage there I reckon I can stick around for maybe three more turns and then my anchor it's gonna sink if you know what I mean man alright so we gotta go for the Airways again and a Hitmonlee is gonna go that men Airways actually looks really cool too I like that animation so that's their first Pokemon down and this time I'm actually starting to really rack up that poison damage from our from the poison so the last Pope quite obviously this theme team is it's fairly obvious by the nicknames down we're going out guys I just realized something oh this is this is a monumental moment right this little bug come out right and it's going to be dynamic this is the first [ __ ] on the moon this really that's the first buck on the moon on pit rides video NASA we're hit me with a sponsorship right so we got a big old ah look at that we've got the big old big old bug here now I can go for an arrow ace I can go for anything against this thing I'm gonna be running a yard speedy set to there so I'm actually able to outspeed that so we've got a little bug go for a max flutterby there that is gonna be way too much for dorm eyes and that's gonna take me out in one shop now the Eevee's on Delmar's were max feed and Max that girls actually running a jolly nature on that one and I allowed myself if I could dine the max then I could go for the max air stream or I could go for like the max knuckle it's actually boost my type now I've got this creepy this is a focus that's creepy I've got try cometa I was actually worried this would me so I was thinking if I go for infestation least I can get some sort of damage against it at the end of the turn and you know they're not gonna bring them may be my last poke what if I do fight so we got our backs guys here from the little baby bug there I like calling up moon man that's a pretty good name I call my um actually forgot the name but I've forgotten the name at this point come on don't man this is where this is really annoying me now I've forgotten the name of this Pokemon man I can remember arachnoid but I can't remember the little bug Pokemon name matter I'm having a mental blank right now anyway so go for the Drake or meet it this is gonna this is gonna annoy me the whole video so down goes I'm just gonna call it all on my dad goes little Oliver bug and I was still forgotten the name of a man it's my forgetting Pikachu stone thank you for the battle scar that was a super super cool team there manda Phoebus was popping off like that battle that Dynomax fee was actually really I'd say it won me the battle given Matt that early lead alright the next battle he got is against mr. Kyle sword and we got a shoddy inkay lead man I knew you're paralyzed child so we got famously TLC's papers popped off the last battle you know let's get into it let's use this thing so I'm thinking let's go for hypnosis here and hypnosis is gonna miss it does have really really shaky actually so I in case gonna go for a psycho cut and haha phoebus gets absolutely dominated in one hit I can't believe I remember the polka was name is jupyter how could I forget that it's like one of my favorite gen7 Pokemon with like ever light anyway so I'm grossed me in the comments you feel free to oh we're gonna hit by a knock off they're getting rid of del Mises not tell my sister knows choice been there actually fails to take out the inkay because it took the choice band off right now inkay right is going to have a wiki rare that's gonna boost it some health a little bit back there and now they're gonna swap I wear for another I think a way for another crunchy ur and Bob is gonna come in Bob is actually the the trubbish right and I was like does this have sash does they ever light I think with baby poker right there's always a chance they can be running ever like so instead of a meat arts feeding it's rubbish I gotta get taken out by a bin to em I just got taken out by a squid and now got taken out by bin alright I've got two Pokemon down I've got to take this tropics alright so droopy as you guys know has drake or meteor that's about the only good movie that a has right up in their estimates moves of trashing under your arm you probably notice that after the the droopy sweep that I did so I were gonna in case sliding in here now the good thing about this was Drake orbiter actually landed so yeah I'm actually gonna get I'm actually gonna fight their Pokemon finally so finally I took it in K out in Pokemon I know hype guys I need a drink by the way all these little always little squids and rubbish bins right so the next Pokemon company is our Bowser which is the Dreadnought actually really it really does look like Bowser so we've got infestation you guys thought to go for that instead of Drake or Vita I was like I'm rather some damage to no damage right now we've got a dragon towel frog the Dreadnought and it's gonna take me all the way down to my sash I did actually thinking about running another item this but I kind of needed a couple of stashes on my team if you notice a lot of my team is ghost type two so I was very very weak to a particular cause still like sort of Musa so we got the synesthete obviously this is our on this thing the authentic sinister this is a very young your rare chance to get that one and we got the notice the Dreadnought has left over suit so go for the especially this is a sweeping set max speed and Max special attack a book you can train shadow ball and of God baton pass and she'll smash so I thought I could run some baton passing to my other drapey right because drapey um I thought if I could go she'll smash a baton pass and drapey draping it under the sash and then spam franco media for a couple turns right okay so we got my wake armor activated there and however indeed dropped my speed but weak armor sort of like made up for that which is like super cool so now go for the Giga Drain on the Dreadnought and Brenda's gonna get absolutely bodied by that there's nothing it can do are being super weak to grass there unfortunately it doesn't get all my health back but not that it really matters anyway every used up my SAS right so since they pretty much get off one shot or buy anything so I got to make as much damage here as possible so in comes that rubbish again I can't go for the shadow Paul I've got a sneaking suspicion though it could have focus that I wasn't sure shadow ball drops hard and trubbish gets I was gonna say gets thrown in the bin but it or it is a bin it's like a little a little hefty bag alright so next five wat is togepi man look at these pokemon coming out right now you never ever see some of these spoke so we got the shadow ball here I was thinking if it's a togepi it's probably gonna be bulky on the special side right now this thing it's gonna go for a play rough ride and that does destroys me it's extra fear one shot I didn't even get a chance man sinister is our it's gonna get wrecked okay so we got Dell mighty I thought del mais I can anchor shot and this togepi's gonna go down that's gonna be Superman look at that shiny I love shiny dome eyes I reckon shiny dome eyes I might actually rethink my top 10 shiny pokemon list now I think dome wise has got to be right up there we've got this super cool or shiny I can just it's the best shiny in gen seven alright so we got the high drag on coming it also this is another theme team so if you guys can guess what the theme teams are in each battle please let me know in the comment section I want to see how many you guys are actually I think Oh remember what it is or know what it is okay so we've got the big old Dynomax Delmas here the big double D if you don't I'm saying I could go for a max airstream I'm not gonna go for a Mac cynical right this set is probably the best set I've got in this scene it's not the most capacity to sweep right probably a little bit more than the Schultz - steena Steve because soon as they can easily be our you know revenge carrier and stuff like that and I can file to take stuff out so go through their max Airstream there I'm trying to boost my speed duper high drag guns actually a quite a fast pokemon itself now hydreigon actually went for a focus energy they're boosting its crit chance and now we've got a a Dynomax high drag I was like oh man this could possibly be a physical set I don't think they'll be running especially there's not really too much benefits going for a focus energy on a you know a special set right so I'm thinking okay well the best thing approximately doing is a crunch that'll be its dark-type move I'm not really sure I know what it could have dragon rush to the Dragon type move as well so there's some good stab there so max knuckle is gonna hit the max guard on the high drag on and that was pretty good for them because actually I dodged me i boosting my attack now we're gonna max max i I think that's coming up Iron Tail like I'm just starting to think what move that cover my Intel so they're gonna get a crit there and they're also gonna boost their defense which is really bad for me because I'm not gonna do as much damage with the Knights knuckle right actually how does now let's tell most still most even doing max tackle it doesn't even have any fish I'm guessing it's coming off the little one the chain part day anyway so del mais is gonna finish this Dynomax returns it's now up only got to attack twice quick sucks so I'm looking I'm staring down that high dragon I'm thinking I'm probably gonna get out speed here and now it's gonna I assume it's gonna go for a crunch and that is gonna take del mais now right unfortunately a lot of my teammates weak to duck type moves as well which is really really bad now we've got three P sweepy left right briefly sweep is only on one help so the best I could pretty much do here is go for a quick quick attack and could get those gonna do nothing right cuz up I'll actually put on there for a meme so go for book attack it does two damage to two damage to the hi dragon and now it's got steel wing as like is it steel wing or as I Intel I can't quite remember as one of the two and they're gonna get a +1 in steel wing as well oh man that was lucky um also it's a crit on top that's it so steel wing landed they got a crit and they're gonna +1 defense that's pretty lucky ok so Roy Tom's my last Pokemon hex and thunder are not going to do I'm not going to be very effective at all I popped that thunder and hydro god is going to go down thank goodness at roy scarf actually gave me then okay so they've got one more pokemon left now the problem about the last Pokemon is I'm locked in the Thunder right and it's going to not be very effective so I was thinking my only way to get around this will of bird right would be to paralyze it because I think I'll do all right damage to it depending on what this set was so suddenly it's pretty hard there I'm actually really happy with that and now our lab is gonna go for the drum beating which is gonna drop my speed and I'll possibly take me up there and I hang on by like a little bit of hell five help I would have liked one okay okay so it's got the light bulb there and it's gonna be a touts Primos hope you can out speed it but it's a fast umm it's a fast set there and actually drop my speed sort of got rid of my Troy Scott thank you for the battle mr. Garth odd I've always got cool teams there Matt and let's get on to the third and final battle man I've got a truck another drink write down what are you guys sitting on right now okay so the third and final battle this one was against a J now these battles were also done on my twitch stream if you guys want to follow me on Twitch there we do all the battles and spoke up on sweeps and shiny hunts and other games so make sure you check it out so we've got a swiggity swooty err I'm leaving off the Dino so it's like hopefully Dino can get some sort of justice like out of all the battles that got like completely wrecked sorry instead of are we attacking move we could have trickier from the sway base it's like okay what's it gonna give me an ax gives me a god damn flame up like man this is one of those days right with Dino so go for the crunch there thankfully the flame orb doesn't kick in and our swoop at is gonna get raped now the only good thing that came out of me actually getting burned here was right I could go from Assad so I wasn't completely useless all right so this thing was that this thing was really mean so we got a scum tank sliding in here I can smell it from a mile away so it's gonna go for a tail stock right now tail slate hits me a bunch of times and it's pleated me some I oh this is like a is this like a stench set you know what I'm saying right so we got another tail slap here and I actually got hit a lot of times by this said too and I'm worried been so so that crits me on the last one and that's gonna take me up like I didn't have a chance against that thing likes can take absolutely destroyed me now thinking here what should i do is i swapping creepy who like maybe a little bit of damage for Draco meteor then I'm thank I let's just go for I don't even care like Lisa can't go for the towel slate right so I try call me there's some really good damage there over well over half help to these contact and now scan tank you go for a bite so it's a full fleeting set I'm assuming they're probably running King's rocket I don't like winner tails the tailslide they've probably definitely I nearly said tail would then with the tower site they probably our kings Rock as the item so now they're gonna swap out the scum tech and go into say placement okay guys save lights gonna have like a bunch of dive time moves at least I can get some damage or Drake or me do they could have recover though so it's always hard to know a Sableye what sort of movie can outwait sometimes it can run those are the standing your moves but it kind of some like you know little hidden gems up it's late so now it's not gonna go for a practice that at all it's gonna just attack me I guess I went for another Drake or meter I know almost took it out to it that's hitting pretty hard considering I'm at like what negative for now so now so bright is gonna go for a knock off okay well creep he's definitely gotta go down to that one so it's got knock off that's all it's got so far I don't know if it's got any sort of like other prankster move so I was like okay let's go into wrote on me and see what Rotom can do I went for a thunder in case I swapped in thunder missiles like oh no that's so bad now we're gonna say fly go for a trick ride now that's actually going to get rid of my choice guy hit the safe light choice cough and my wrote song got a freaking loud and Taylor's like are you serious and now say but I can go for a knock off and take my ride to Batman wait I just sort of something how does Rotom how does Rotom hold on exists owl right what do you think about a lagging towers literally onyx right woods now let's test take onyx is head away that's the tail anyway so I'm going to bring in the mighty Phoebus and man we've got a battle against God fish and goldfish so go climbing up that waterfall there with a fevers it does like to damage I've got a swap out of this battery before I swap I've got to go for the hypnosis on the seeking so shaking the slate that's pretty good this is content guys so Phoebus its redeeming itself right now I'm not that it needed to redeem itself too much because the first battle is fire so swapping out the Phoebus I was like okay if I got to tell my eyes go for the power wet fever should get like absolutely destroyed right and hopefully it just think you know it stays asleep it didn't slow sleep and it's going to go for the drawer for a second there right like Mike you know saltiness kicked in because I thought you know my audience does try to troll me right so I thought I saw a horn drill for a second alright so we got I think that was smart strike there it's kind of interesting using it's a steelworker I del mais and down ghost is seeking to the power Maine seeking really didn't have a lot of options against the Del Mar's it's pretty world hard right I mean I'm trying to think like what we girls could've used maybe megahorn that's about it okay so chuckles gonna slide in here go for the anchor shot I want to get rid of shock or like a set right because chuckles very wrong but like bulky right so we got a power split here that's gonna average are all the attacks and those special attacks out there and I can go for a another power whip and not power whip and anchor shot and take it out I mean struggle can't swap out this point because anger shots are a really cool move right it does a lot of damage and it traps the opponent and it's got a badass animation to so chuckles gonna go down or shucks he's gonna go down maybe those that I think I was named after the Gentoo one you get on oh what's that island what's that island called oh man I I can't believe I forgot the name but anyways the site was gonna come in with this frickin choice carpet store for me and take up my there are my delmas you know the guy on Olive on and he tried you shocked me miss Chucky they think you don't act you don't actually have to give it back to him either all right so we got the sinister living that armed living that knockoff there I've got to take this a black saber has become a real threat with this choice scarf I've got the weak armor right but even when we combo that's not going to be enough I'll get a little shelf smash on top of that sack you take our dogs it's a bike now the only good thing is I mean say if I could have shadow stick it could have sucker punch but I know that it's got a choice cup right so it's either gonna have to swap or just take the hit but it may not have some of those moves right so go for the Giga Drain and say boy is gonna go down so that's really good say bye was a very big threat day so all we've got left now is gun tank from earlier which was like this super super scummy tails tail whips it not tail whip tail slap said and we got here Louis's last Pokemon so at this stage I was like the only way I can take this out is to go for the Dynomax right I can't go for Shadow Ball I've got to go for the Giga Drain ride I mean the worst case scenario is it's it's like some meme bulky said or got a sash right I was pretty confident I could actually take it out so going to the big sinister again if I got to sit as the dynamic I think I have I think I did feed this way I did Phoebus tell Myers and now yeah okay so it's like a different Dynomax in every Pokemon that's pretty cool and I remember my candy soon so go for the big old Giga Drain there Mac so the group and helo is it's gonna go down plus I'm gonna put the terrain in the field too so they actually got to give me a little bit of help recovery - so last pokemon is the scum tank now if I didn't dynamaxx then which I thought was interesting because I if you remember at the start of the game right I seriously injured that scum tank now scone Tech is reasonably bulky right so thought okay well max over go should do a lot of damage right I've got a shell smash up I've got a fifty-cent power boost from the terrain the field and scope that doesn't have much shell so I should be be able to take it out I might get very close to missing it but I've got one more pokemon left actually you're bringing him so well go for the max overgrowth anyway I've got that on my sinister and hopefully this will be enough to take it out if it's not nice to add one more pokemon in the back and it was just enough to take it out and that is the third battle people thank you so much for sticking around did you stick around for all three battles let me know in the comment section off the video man this was a really really long video but super fun to do all right people I'll catch you tomorrow for some more videos peace out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 216,340
Rating: 4.9190793 out of 5
Keywords: Rarest Pokemon Team, rarest pokemon to catch in sword, rarest pokemon to catch in sword and shield, rarest pokemon to catch in pokemon shield, rarest pokemon to catch in pokemon y, how to get the rarest pokemon card, Top 10 Rarest Pokemon, rare pokemon sword and shield, hardest to catch pokemon, hardest to catch pokemon sword and shield, Pokemon Theme Team, rarest shiny pokemon sword and shield, rarest shiny pokemon caught, pimpnite pokemon sword and shield, PIMPNITE
Id: mPfvGUO2OfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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