FS2020 G3000 and Autopilot Tutorial with TBM 930

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hello everybody today's video we're going to be taking a look at the g3000 suite this is a glass cockpit system for this amazing tbm 930 turboprop aircraft so first things first we're going to go ahead and take a quick brief little look at the functionality we're going to fly a flight uh today we're coming out of orlando executive airport and we're gonna be flying over to cape canaveral going ahead and doing a landing to mix things up for us of course we're gonna use the entire flight plan built inside of the simulator here as opposed to the flight plan builder i know there's one that's already there but we'll actually go ahead and create it ourselves as well you're also going to get a chance to see some of the kind of i don't want to call it hidden functionality but it's not might be where you expected it to be kind of technology so first things first let's go and take a look at where we're going today so this is the website skyvector.com in case you're not familiar with it it is awesome we're going to be ticking off from here we're going to be intercepting there's actually a vor station here feel free to look that one up if you're new to vor it's basically a radio navigation system we're then going to take that radio radial from the vor station and then fly all the way over here and land the aircraft so that's a pretty straightforward thing what i do want to do though is i'm going to get the number for the vor and that's going to be 12 112.20 i got to remember that value okay let's start getting set up so first things first i want to go ahead and set myself up with that particular vor station so it's ready to go right now we're actually slaved into the fms system if we want to change that we just go to where it says active nab and you can press that right now i've got vor1 selected of course what is it selected to 110.50 which isn't going to do as much good we need this to be the vor station that we just talked about a moment ago so how do you get to vor well this is a bit of a process unfortunately so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to come down to this little touch pad here click on navcom and now you notice there's nothing here about vor there isn't this is basic communication as well as your transponder so what you're going to have to do is actually come over here and you're going to see this is audio and radios left click on that and now you have access to your vor stations you can actually scroll down if you want and even have adf in here which i think is amazing yes you can get adf on this aircraft so anyway i'm going to come here i'm going to left-click right here it's going to pop up what frequency i'm going to turn to if you remember we said it was 112.20 let's go ahead and press the enter key and now you'll notice that it's in the standby but we actually wanted to go ahead and get into the active we know it's in standby still because this number is still the same number as this so i'm going to press and hold this for a second you let go and it should swap the two frequencies over if you hold it down long enough of course there it goes look at that you also notice that this needle immediately went flying and we also got some dme information it actually tells us we're very darn close to where we need to be which makes sense because that vor station is actually at the airport so now you can see we can go ahead and set our course so what is our course going to be in this particular case well doing the math really really quick and actually checking over on sky vector comes out to be one zero tree so i'm going to go up to my course one knob go ahead and re-center real quick make my life a little bit simpler and we're going to scoot suit all the way over to one zero three yes that needle just went flying so what does this mean to us well let's take a look if we were to take off right now we're trying to get here but we're using a radio station to actually represent this so this is actually not where it's going to be we can tell that we're facing in the opposite direction of where we need to be ultimately and that we're slightly off to the right of where we're going to need to be so when we take off we're basically going to be taking ourselves a really really long left turn and then coming around and intercepting this moments later of course we could try to cut this very very aggressively like with a right turn but again that's going to be kind of awkward for us to go ahead and execute so that's pretty easy to do next thing i want to do is i'm going to go over to my heading hold i'm actually just going to push the button in so it lines up with wrong way heading just simplifies things as far as kind of what i need to think i need to do coming over here we'll go ahead and set up our altitude for this particular flight we're going to be traveling at 3500 feet perfect now what we want to do is tell the system how we want to get to 3500 feet in this case i'm going to be using my flight level change mode and you can actually come over here like this and just squeak in the exact flight level speed that you want to we're actually going to be using a cruise climb today of about 150 knots that's going to be a very fast climb and it's going to get us up there sooner there's a new button on this autopilot which you may not be familiar with this is yd that says yaw damper basically what that does is it's going to stop the aircraft from jerking left and right if we run its turbulence which in today's weather we're probably going to get quite a bit of so i'm going to turn that on obviously don't turn the automatic pilot on i'm going to come over here for the nav hold button i'm going to turn that one on as well now note that the automatic pilot is not on at this time the flight director certainly is you can tell by the little pink line like we had on the g1000 basically i'm going to fly the first part and then i'm going to let the autopilot kind of take care of the rest of it for me keeping things relatively simple so now that this is all set up this is all set up this is all set up now a moment ago i was mentioning the fact that you can control all your communications down here so for example if you were to bring up the atc page you could see that i'm currently on 118.70 you know if i wanted to change this to another frequency i could just click here dial in the new frequency like for example i'll say one two five zero zero enter and it would actually flip to that new frequency so if i want to go back to the other one i could just hit transfer again and now i'm back on the main frequency i'm actually going to flip to that one so this is a handy dandy feature here so what else can we do well we're going to get airborne first and then we're going to take a look at some of the other features that we have at our disposal one thing i am going to do is shut off the initial separator don't need that for today all right looking pretty good looking pretty good it's actually a little cold outside give myself a little bit of temperature i think it's a little bit too much yes an air conditioning on an airplane what a novelty all right let's get rolling i'm gonna make sure the parking brake is disengaged i'm gonna go ahead and give it almost mostly full power and we're going to pull right off the runway because this is a very powerful turbo problem and i want about 100 power if i can get it oop too much yeah that's pretty good right about there lovely all right rotate speed in this particular aircraft is 90 knots there it is give it a tug and we are in the air like nothing landing gears up flaps are going to be going up in a moment now it's considered bad form to start turning your aircraft before you clear the end of the runway so it's a good idea to kind of you know take your time to go ahead and make sure you get a good decent climb before things get crazy notice how fast this aircraft accelerates it is unbelievable all right we'll clear the runway let's go ahead and execute that nice left turn all right we're pulling back just a bit too much here remember we want to be climbing at about 150 knots looking like a pretty good turn this is a pretty aggressive turn for having just taken off but we're moving okay everybody go ahead take a look right down at the bottom where you can see the little green line that says vora one on it now remember we're getting that information to operate that vor directly from a radio station we're not getting that from our gps so what's going to happen is when i get very very close to where i need to be again vor is a much more advanced topic i just want to show you how you could use it it's going to immediately swing from left to right again automatic pilot is not on at this time i'm basically going to do my own little thing here there it goes go ahead and start correcting now you probably wonder why the flight director just dropped off the bottom of the earth the reason is is we're almost up to 3 500 feet all right starts flashing at you to let you know that you missed your altitude we're going to gently start pushing the controls down i think i'm going to overshoot it a little bit but i'm still getting the hang of just how sensitive the controls are in this particular version of flight simulator all right i'm going to start picking up quite a bit of speed here push down gently gently trying to get used to the trim the nice electric trim is always very fast compared to the old-school trim all right you can see that green line is starting to re-center now telling me i'm only slightly off course and i'm slightly off course to the left down just a little bit more beautiful let's go ahead and swing the other way picking up a lot of speed here and notice that the gps course is not coincident with the vor station course the two different courses that looks pretty good i'm actually gonna go ahead and reach over and press the automatic pilot button now since we set everything up on the ground we're pretty much ready to go and now we can start taking a look at some of the other features of this particular system so right now the automatic pilot is going to try to center this line as best as it can and again vor is a relatively advanced topic i just want to kind of show you the two side by side all right let's take a look at some of the other buttons that you have on this display so first things first you're pretty comfortable with all the stuff that's on here if you needed to change your active nav you can press here if you need to go ahead and change your range you could come over here all the rest of the options unfortunately are just for your own sense of humor but the good news is a lot of them we can still control let's go back down to this touchpad pressing pfd home this is going to give us the ability to set our navigation source in this case nav one is a vor1 we can also turn on bearings for example i could set this to be the adf bearing we don't have an adf station tuned that we can actually get right now so it doesn't do as much we could actually set it to nav one and you'll actually see how far away we are from that radio station that we were just typing into right now this is again very similar to what you have on the g1000 you also have the ability to select specific speed bugs now a speed bug is going to be a little line you get on here for example when we go to land this aircraft in a little while we can actually set the v app which is going to be our approach speed and you'll see a little blue line a little later on when we're coming into a landing you could also come here and actually change it if you needed to as well you know i could say 85 for example enter and it will go ahead and remember that later on again that's a super cool feature that a lot of older systems did not have you be able to change easily other options you have of course is you have everybody's favorite timers this is a pretty straightforward timer only it's a little easier to use i simply click here you go ahead and type in the time for example if i wanted two minutes and then you press enter and now you can choose whether to count up or count down start now the nice thing is that timer is now displayed right over here on the right again this is more for your instrument pilots who are flying things like holds and need a little bit of extra help to go ahead and make sure their timing is correct you can always use the clock too if you need to going back to the pfd we have a couple of the settings we have minimums and again this is for instrument pilots we can go ahead and set it to the standard 200 feet if we wanted to and we could leave that alone and then finally you have pfd settings which is just kind of little customizable pieces you have aoa which is this little thing right here if you shut that off boop it goes away if you turn it back on it comes back now the nice thing is you could set this to auto and the theory there is it's not supposed to come out unless you're in situations when you need it to come out in my case i leave it on you have the wind display three different options your first option is going to show you current crosswind which is an awesome feature because basically this will tell you how much the wind is pushing you in this case the wind is pushing us three knots to the left and it's pushing us one knot from behind so the wind i would say is basically coming from right around here it's a really really easy way to see what the wind is personally for me i like to go ahead and set it to option three because it's going to give me the direction as well as the speed when i need to do things like you know pick up what runway i want to land on or something along those lines so you can also set your calm spacing i never feel the need to do this especially since you can dial things in directly but it is there in case you need it so that's it for the pefd settings let's take a look at the mfd settings all right now it gets complicated so if i just clicked on map settings nothing would happen if i click on weather you actually turn on the weather display on this big screen here now notice if you want to control the actual range you have to use this knob here simply hold your mouse over it and wheel back and forth you can see i've got quite a bit of interesting weather looking up ahead now if you were to press that again you can actually switch to the rather radar in this particular case you have this one which is a horizontal weather display we can see we have something nasty over there on the left i don't know what they're talking about but okay and we can also see that we can switch it to vertical mode so you can see what the weather looks like vertically as well again this is a really really handy feature if you're trying to avoid nasty storms to get out of that mode you just go back to nexrad actually go back to back go to weather select oh sorry my bed go back to the map option sorry and you're good to go in this case we have a couple other features down here as well we have a direct to option which allows you to literally type in where you'd like to go so for example if i want to go ahead and select waypoint i can go ahead and dial in where we're going directly and actually travel to there immediately so for example i could go kxmr enter and press activate enter and you can see it gave me a new little piece that i can actually use to get to my destination in this case i'm actually going to use that all right beautiful so now we're navigating towards that new point that i just selected you also have the option to do flight planning and this is super duper cool because you can click here to set your origin so for example let's say we actually started at mcl come in here like this dial it in press the enter key and then you could go ahead and change your destination as well notice when i did this it deleted everything so you have to be very very very cautious about that so i could say kxmr which is our destination enter and of course i could add an on root waypoint if you remember we used o r l uh which one's closer that looks good bam and you're able to build your entire flight plan just from that little display changing options keep in mind when you're done with your flight plan you can go back up to the mfd page you also have things like proc which is your procedures in this case if i wanted to i could go ahead and pick a procedure that i appreciated in this case i would prefer to have rnav won the tree but tree one works pretty well too and again this is exactly the same to those of you who are familiar with other navigation systems like this we also have speed bugs that you've seen waypoint info which unfortunately only provides us with airport information if you go to this page we can now click select airport and you can go ahead and type in anything you want so in this case we'll do mco again just for fun and you can see all the usual details it even tells you how far away it is and you can even do things like getting the frequencies you can even get the runways it gives you a lot of control as far as being able to research things the real unit by the way will actually have almost every different kind of option you can look at for waypoints you can even put your own waypoints in last but not least you have the nearest page if you click this one you can go ahead and find the nearest things in this case i can see that there is a ndb station at bearing 909 and its frequency is tree one tree now if we wanted to enter that into our radio we could click navcom audio and radios scroll down and you can see i have my adf right down here so i could just say that one boop transfer and now we've gone ahead and swapped to that adf station that quickly and that easily you can see we're getting a little off course here why because navigation mode got shut off the moment we switched what type of active nav we are you do remember that right on the flip side this actually makes my life a little bit simpler because now i have to do the land is basically line myself up perpendicular i should say parallel to where i was just a moment ago we have to actually start descending so i'm gonna go ahead and select myself a new altitude of a thousand feet i'm gonna select vertical speed mode i'm gonna go ahead and get myself a thousand feet per minute reduce my throttle and that's exactly the heading i like to travel on heading hold mode on beautiful oh we can actually look at the window now hey look at that it wasn't actually an accident i was just line myself up for the runway so that is the basics of the g3000 system and the g autopilot again it's very similar to the g1000 there's not a lot of surprises there the big thing that is great is you have this little touchpad down here in order to enter data it works great i usually leave it on pfd mode or i leave it on nav com mode if i need it depending on what's going on it all works very very very effectively watch out for this by the way because this is what you're going to be using to control the zoom of your pfd if you're in mfd mode this is going to be controlling the zoom of your mfd so kind of watch out for that as well when you're landing so uh somebody in the last video asked to go ahead and do a landing with a sucker unfortunately we do not have anything fancy as far as ils or anything along those lines so we have to actually land the hard way you know like a pilot would let's go ahead take a look at the window all right runway straight ahead on the right that should be more than enough runway for us now you're probably curious why i went down to florida oh look at that the vab that's about how big that is too and then of course the space shuttle will take off it'll be all the way down on that end and they're going to get very grumpy for me violating their space so but flagrantly but we're here so let's go ahead and land the plane i'm going to shut off the automatic pilot reset my view and let's get ready so what are the quirks of landing a turboprop well first thing you got to really really watch out for with the turboprop is the fact that the engine doesn't instantly respond to anything that you do because you have a gas turbine that's spinning in tens of thousands of rpm so you have to get that thing to finally slow down before you're going to be able to do anything with it so in this case i'm just going to kill it and let the whole system slow down and then i'll go ahead and get myself all stabilized once i get a little bit closer to the runway let's sit up a little higher looks pretty good actually going to lift my nose up just a teeny tiny bit here down it was over just a little bit we actually have reverse thrust on this aircraft which is really really cool actually i want to pull up just a little bit we're just much too high much too fast again this is a very aerodynamic aircraft trying to get that nose up just a little bit trying to waste a little bit of energy so i can get those flaps all the way down that looks good unfortunately we do not have speed brakes on this one there we go as long as we keep our air speed good now do you notice this little thing that just appeared right here that's at 85 knots this is app that is our approach speed bug that's the one we actually set in a little menu a minute ago so theoretically if we weren't in such a terrible position to try to land this plane we could actually try to maintain that speed properly all the way down to the ground but the reality is we're basically kind of cutting things short here now you're probably wondering which one of the two systems do i like this system is a lot faster to use the g1000 is the only one that i've actually used in the real world so it kind of changes things up just a little bit oh yeah we've got plenty of energy to execute a really nice landing here kind of coasting in we came in way too high all right nose up watch the angle of attack indicator in the bottom left it's going to get very grumpy at me in a second ah that was nice go ahead and flip on the reverse thrust of course if i put reverse thrust on now i'm never gonna make it to the end of the runway because we're just gonna have way way too much energy and go ahead and kill the reverse thrust and we made it all right hopefully this video is helpful again i'm just trying to kind of see the similarities of the two systems as well as how they work this is a really really solid aircraft and it's great because it's fast but you can still land on kind of normal runways with it as well other than that enjoy and if you guys have any questions throw them down in the comments otherwise keep flying and i'll let you know if there's any updates
Channel: P Gatcomb
Views: 108,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FS2020, Flight Simulator 2020, G3000, TBM 930, Tutorial
Id: JbdmBcsk6OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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