ILS Landing Tutorial - MS2020 - TBM 930 - IRL Pilot

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all right welcome everyone to a quick tutorial on ils instrument landing system approaches easiest way to do that is using the ils of course there are other different approaches but i'm going to teach you how to do it here in the tbm microsoft fight simulator 2020. so to get started we're going to do a quick 10 minute flight super easy take off from avon park executive and go international here at orlando which is a very large airport so all we have is we parked here at small we'll just go automatic right now and i'll show you the best way to do it so the first thing we got to do to do an ifr approach we had to be on an ifr flight so there we go ifr fight there we go we'll start cold and dark and i'll show you how to set up the airplane for this there are multiple ways to do an ios approach and my opinion the easiest way to do it is go pick a runway let's say i want the ios for three six right there we go approach and you're good to go we'll follow the coordinates there are multiple ways to do this we can go to the arrivals we can do the goofy or whatever it is goofy for three six right sometimes they'll bring you to all sorts of crazy places um there's the goofy there's this other one i mean so they're all a bit ridiculous there's an awl works for all runways this one here i mean all these seem so crazy to me so i'm not going to do any of that we're going to go direct okay and we'll go from there now you can go automatic and you can ask for an ils for a certain runway and then you can all tune in while you're in the air and i'll show you how to do that as well but for now we'll go expect the ios for 36 right we'll go ahead and pop in one thing that is very important is to know what to expect on these ios procedures for that i recommend going over to sky vector sky vector is a website that has the full world maps for all of the flight charts and everything and you're going to want to use that to know what to do and know what to expect so we're expecting ios localizer 36 right and i'll show you what that looks like on screen now and this is the approach plate for the ios and localizer at the top left you'll see the channel and the channel is 110.7 that's important and we'll go into that here in a second i won't i can't teach you everything about the ils approach plate but there are a few things that you would like to know from it go more in depth on that in a minute so we'll go ahead so we'll start up here cold and dark in the airplane we'll turn that off for now the first thing we want to do is turn our strobe on we'll go crash bar up battery main aux boost pump on and we'll turn on our starter from there you'll watch your n g rise up at around eight this will start spinning here and you're going to watch itt for the hot starts and ng for the hung start so you don't need to worry too much about that just keep an eye on them at around 13 we'll introduce low idle we're already past 13 that's fine and at around 53 or when it gets in the green which should be around 53 that'll actually be green by 51 we'll introduce high idle there we go high idle to avoid having a hot start you want to go up and over the gate to flight idle and that is a good start we'll go here we'll turn on blue swim to auto selector auto turn on our autopilot without this we cannot use the autopilot so down here we'll go ahead and turn our heats on in our inertial separator and we'll turn our bleed on won't go into too much detail about what those do just yet maybe another video um then the last thing on our lesson is parking brake no worries there first thing we need to do is tune into the weather also known as the alpha victor oscar altimeter is 299.99 there's our inertial subredditor warning no worries there we'll clear that and we will get an eye of our clients we want to take note what they said alpha sierra x-ray golf sierra alpha ifr to orlando ready to copy their alpha sierra x-ray golf sierra alpha is cleared to orlando airport as filed climb and maintain 5 000 feet departure frequency is one three four decimal five five squawk three five three five clearance point thirty minutes from now turn that on and we're squawking that our altitude mode which is what we want we'll acknowledge the clearance dare alpha sierra x-ray golf sierra alpha cleared to orlando airport as filed climb and maintain 5000 feet departure is one tree four decimal fight five squawk tree 535 clearance void 30 minutes from now so we're going to do now so everything's plugged in we've got 5000 feet and departure is this right here we'll go to that uh later there is no ground here um we'll just announce our attack taxi and everything uh and we can take off wherever we'd like um i'm assuming we'll vote probably just take off this way we'll tax you back and take off on this runway here and then we'll go get in the air and get on the gps um so for now let's go back here we'll go back to um we'll go ahead and plug in our next frequency so 130 455. we'll click enter not transfer because we don't want to transfer just yet so we're good to go go back here see how far i can zoom in and we will turn this off we'll take off from runway let's say it's gonna be the south runway i guess so that'll be i don't know which one is which actually because we can take off to the east that's fine all right go ahead and start our taxi i'm not going to use the um frequency right now because it's an untoward airport it's not really a big deal um it looks like it's going to make us taxi anyway and i'll meet you guys when i line up on the runway okay welcome back we're now holding short of the runway and um we'll go ahead and set up some important things one important thing to note here is we want to be on the active nav of flight management system which is our gps okay next thing we want to do is set up our autopilot so that after we take off we're good to go we have 5000 plugged in here we'll go vertical speed and i like to go 2 000 oh not negative 2 000 feet per minute it's a good climb speed one thing i like to do is i like to take off in heading mode and then we'll switch over to nav later and then yaw damper on we usually want to wait to take off but for now we can leave it on and we should be good to go another thing i like to do in the tbm and the garmin 3000 and 1000 system is go to pfd settings we'll turn our gps on here and our nav one on here more on that later other settings wind option two so now we can see our wind just like that we're good to go go ahead and turn our flaps on down on to take off we're gonna have lights on and our any lights so everything looks good to go for takeoff we're taking this is two three or two eight this is definitely two eight take two eight and we'll say departure to the north kilo alpha victor oscar traffic day or alpha sierra x-ray golf sierra outfit taking off runway two eight north departure line up hold here for a second i'm going to go into heading mode and i'm going to bug my current heading right here heading mode will fly out in heading mode then we'll turn it and then we'll get on the gps i'll explain that later so we told everyone in the area we're taking off and we're good to go so hold the brakes full throttle pull back the throttle just a tiny bit so we don't overheat our itt positive good to go i hope that taxi ribbon goes away x-ray golf sierra alpha is climbing through one thousand one hundred feet just to confirm our the fms which is autopilot gps autopilot y'all never gone too hot i'll go to climb power vertical speed of 2000 feet per minute up to 5 000. that is really annoying i'm gonna go ahead and turn that off once we get up so essentially we'll follow this all the way in to orlando now back to what i said in the beginning on the approach plate our localizer number our frequency for the localizer we need to tune in to our nav one now as you can also see i like to show you this well let's see our flight plan it takes a second to load in you can see we're going pretty much direct there no way points not much going on pretty simple flight so we'll go back procedures mode and approach you can see that is not correct although it says it's correct here i don't know what the issue is it says ios 36 right which is what we selected right here it is not we want to go to the ios 3 6 right and we can take the transition i don't know yet looks like that's the only transition oh 3 6 right now we want to be careful when we click load and activate it's going to reset our fight plan and it might kick us off the autopilot oh all good there we go that's what we want on fms we're good at 5000 everything looks good to go so you just want to make sure we had our procedure there working and good to go and continue to follow the gps the gps will take me all the way in we do have a couple miles to go so what i'll do is i'll skip ahead to when we get near to the airport and we start setting up okay guys before we get to our approach we still just took off i forgot to mention one thing before we get there is the navigation on the frequency so we'll go to the home page on our nav one we want to plug in that localizer dme frequency number as you'll see the top left of the approach button one zero seven in my case you can click enter but you might as well go ahead and transfer to the active frequency there you go one ten seven now whatever airport you're going to they're going to have a specific frequency you've got to get on and we're too far from the airport so on the nav one has no data it doesn't recognize what our navigation is set to don't worry about that just yet this ios approach is used by radios and frequencies not by gps so that's why we don't see it yet it's because we're not close enough and again i'll catch you guys when we get there all right guys welcome back we're still on our nav profile we're now turning direct to as part of our transition um the only thing you missed is we have now contacted orlando approach and they told us to expect the ios that we chose to get a transition which we already did and um i told them that we acknowledge just to confirm that we have that in here you can see ios via tram very simple don't need to change it it's already in there we're good to go now the tbm is a very fast aircraft so we want to make sure we maintain and manage our speed appropriately because we're going to come in very fast now we want to capture our ils at 5000 as you can see on the approach plate and hopefully the atc will tell you what altitude to go to you just listen to them so we're going to start pulling back our speed a little bit we only have eight miles to go here i don't know one start slowing down the aircraft here i really do want to be under 200 knots as we get into their air space that's the air space speed limit and uh 250's the speed of 9 000 and then over 10 000 as fast as you want go down here back to our mfd and we'll go ahead and zoom in so we can get a better picture of our different transitions that looks like a good distance to me i don't know if we can see the runway just yet having trouble spotting it but no worries we'll get it inside soon enough so still holding at 5000 we're on our fms that flight management system or gps now what you can see though is now our nav is working our nav we're not close enough to the airport that it can detect the airport and we're only 20 miles away we're almost at we'll go ahead and continue to slow down and then as you can see here if you click on this button down here or click right here you can actually zoom in you can see once we turn the it's straight in all the way to orlando go back clear that out so one thing we can do now is we can go to heading mode we'll click here i'm heading to bug our heading we'll go to heading mode okay now we're going to switch our active nav to the localizer now it says localizer now because we're close enough and it spots it the localizer is the runway heading as you can see we're right of the runway here's the runway the center line more or less and as soon as we get in line and maintain four thousand feet okay we're gonna go to four thousand there's no problem there descend and maintain four thousand feet day or golf sierra alpha we'll go down around a thousand feet per minute we'll be there one minute you can get vectors if you need it no big deal um oh oops looks like i passed the localizer there it is okay so i clicked approach mode it's no no big deal i overshot the center line not a problem switch back to heady mode on accident so you click that approach button once you're close enough and make sure you're on your active nav here if you stay on the fms you won't capture the localizer i do recommend going to heading mode before you change this because you'll then use your gps so now this is what you want to see you want to see green localizer and gps if it's still white don't worry that means you haven't captured the localizer or gps yet and you will so no big deal there so now we are you can see here this diamond you want to keep right in the middle here if it's above you that means you're too low if it's below you you're above the client slope this is the glance and we want to keep that matched with our altitude okay there we go there's our runway three six right we're looking really good now is the time that we want to start slowing down kind of landing light on this is about the time you want to start getting your gear down and your flaps in so pull back that power and you want to slowly speed down all the way in one thing that's kind of helpful south of orlando contact orlando tower on one two four decimal tree when inbound on the approach one two four tree will acknowledge first let's be done tower on one two four decimal tree day or golf sierra alpha all right switch to tower tell them what's up orlando tower day or alpha sierra x-ray golf sierra alpha niner miles south inbound ils runway 36 right approach and our approach speed is alpha orlando 85.00 cleared ils runway tree six right approach altimeter two-niner decimal niner to win two seven six at three all right so it's important info here we're clear cleared ios runway six and it'll give us the winds just a few knots of wind off to the left here no big deal and then your altimeter now mine's nine or two which is standard that's because i turned off all the weather and turned off everything else because there is a hurricane here at this moment in time so i turned off all that didn't want to fight through a hurricane or my lesson we're now under 122 we can do our second notch of flaps we're gonna really slow down so we want to manage our speed all i'm doing is just making sure everything looks good and taking care of my speed everything else will be taken care of by our airplane so just to confirm we got our landing light on we got our flaps are full and our keywords down so we're good for landing our separator is on don't worry about that if you ever find through clouds or debris or anything you want your separator on once you're up and out of the clouds and you're trying to go nice and fast you can turn it off you'll get a little bit extra power okay going a little too slow here watch my speed wants to be at 85 whole way in sierra alpha clear to land runway 36 right now we are cleared to land cleared to land runway trees six right day or golf sierra alpha it's really simple you just gotta take it slow and it's really important though because sometimes when you go ahead and you go loading the approach here it won't always tune your nav radio to the localizer and ios approach here so make sure you look it up make sure it's all tracking right doing as it should and that's all you have to do is just monitor the aircraft will take care of the rest you just make sure it's doing the right thing you want all right we're looking good we're right on the glide slope we're still on the runway center line we're holding our exact speed we need and there's nothing else to do besides land the plane and we can let this approach take us all the way in to around 50 feet i like to turn it off the autopilot as soon as i get over the the numbers right there or if it's bad weather i'll turn it off as soon as i can have good visual contact of the runway i won't go into minimums or anything right now there are minimums altitudes that you can go to um if you can't see the runway at those minimums you have to take off and get back out of here go around as you as they say everything is looking really good here right on speed right on the center line and we're right on the quiet sleep and for a smooth clean landing you want to aim at the numbers point your aircraft right at the numbers and keep the numbers right in your horizon or pick a spot in the windshield and keep it at that spot as soon as you get over the numbers you pull back the power turn off that autopilot here i'll turn it off here just a few moments and then i want to touch down that thousand foot threshold doing good on the speed here get my hands on the joystick here get ready to cut off that autopilot go ahead and cut it off now aim for those numbers bring it back to flight idle and we'll pull up lost a little bit of frames there no big deal hold it off and let her just fall to the ground just like that ahead and lower the nose and we'll put it in the beta reverse put the props the other way around push the air instead of pull it that'll help slow us down and not harp harm the brakes there go ahead put our flaps up sierra alpha turn next tax away go ahead and turn here just like that guys you've completed an island sierra alpha contact ground on one two six decimal four really simple stuff nothing too complicated you just got to make sure you set it up right and it should take care of the rest for you press a couple buttons that's really all it is so i really hope you guys enjoyed this it was helpful um give me a like let me know if you have any questions i will get to your comments uh stream a couple days a week acknowledge last transmission all right all right okay and um one two six decimals sierra alpha thanks for tuning in i'll see you guys
Channel: Diggy Powell
Views: 23,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FS2020, Flight Sim, TBM930, RNAV, Tutorial, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, ILS
Id: Rd1mAC3eqSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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