Quick RNAV Approach Tutorial - FS2020 - TBM 930

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hello everyone welcome back to another fs 2020 tutorial today we're going to do the rnav approach i'm going to start up in the air here make it real simple four minute flight we're gonna show you how it's done um and you don't need to do everything here in terms of navigation you can set it up here pretty simply but you also need to make sure you go over in the cockpit as well i'll show you how all that's done i'm going to hop in the plane here midair and set up the approach and fly the approach all within a few minutes to be quick short simple and uh teach you how to get on that rnav so i'll catch you guys in the air all right so here we go i'm about to start up in the air it might be a little complicated to get everything set up uh jumping right into the airplane mid-air but we'll see how it goes here should be very simple to get on this approach only a few button clicks away and i'll see how it goes so bear with me here okay we're fine at a good speed here a little bit too much throttle run altitude mode okay so we'll go yaw damper on we want to go to 3000 feet and i will show you the approach plate um but i'm not going to go over how it all works uh so we're going to go hold altitude we'll go down to 3000 feet okay vertical speed we'll get down to 3000 real quick we'll go pretty fast okay now on the fms here we want to go to procedures mode approach flight plan looks like we're going to orlando approach you can see here it says rnav 36 right which is what we want you click on that though and the approach is loaded in wrong so you want to make sure you go in here and you go r nav 3 6 very bottom here three six right and we'll do this transition um because i already know it's a simple one and i'll show you that here so it wants us to get on the gps we'll click on nav mode get on the fms it's gonna swing us around here and we'll get on that glide path or on that uh nav profile here all right so now that we're all set up let's go ahead throw the separator on just so i don't cause any do issues quick 360 and we'll get back on the path and we're going to get down to 3000 feet i will pull up the approach plate now on screen and this is the rnav gps for runway runway36 right i don't need to go over too much but towards the bottom left you can see the glide path and how you're supposed to approach it and you can see our different fixes you can see silky and jack or you can also see that on the plate at silky we're supposed to be at 3000 and at jackco we're supposed to be at 1600. if you don't want to pull up the approach put you can also go to your flight plan and scroll down let me zoom in and make it easy on us you can see here silky at 3000 jack quartz 1600 this is your glide path profile and the airplane is going to follow these altitudes all the way down to the runway elevation at 147. okay so we're getting on this nav profile we're going to follow this all the way in we're holding here nicely at 3000 i'm going to press the b button make sure the barometer is correctly set which it is and you can see if i move it up and press b it'll put it back down to standard or whatever the pressure is it's important that you do have your barometer set correctly so that your altitude is reading correctly so keep that in mind so we're holding here at a good speed and we're going to follow this in now unlike the ils where you needed to change your active nav you need to plug in the frequency and turn on approach mode and there's so many button clicks to make it happen um this one is really really simple what's important here is i can already see my glide path is here it's already showing up what's weird is that the diamond where the guide path is under us we at least want it to be above us so that we capture it or we want to be on it so we'll see what happens here as we approach a little bit closer but again at silky we want to be at 3 000. um and it's fine if you go a little bit less i can i can even demonstrate that now we'll go let's say 2700 and i'll show you why that's important so we'll go down nice and easy here we're getting on that nav profile now it's really important you stay on your fms that's your flight management system or your gps because this is going to help you stay on the center line and follow your path all the way in so we'll zoom in here to get a better view and we'll just keep the speed where it is we can even speed up a little bit to make it a little faster on us so it's okay if you're a little bit under your glide path it's not a big deal and i'll show you how to turn on the approach so right now we're only on fms mode and we're going to hold our altitude here at 2700 so so far everything's looking pretty good we're holding on our gps and as soon we'll turn onto silky and um we'll go from there so now's a good time where we can turn on the approach what you're going to see there you're going to see this white line let you know you're on approach mode you're going to see the altitude and the glide path the next thing we want to look for is that this turns green and we're going to follow that glide path for now i do not see the glide path it's way below us which is inaccurate at the moment let's see what happens when we get a little bit closer so we are six miles from our first fix which is silky and sometimes this game can be a little finicky sometimes the autopilots can be a little screwy and won't always work so it's really important you pay attention to what's going on and make sure it is working correctly for your environment and your airport you're using to do this approach just you really gotta monitor your instruments and make sure the game is is working correctly you can see that that glide path is still sitting down here we should see it above us up here but maybe it's just not tuned in correctly or maybe we're not close enough so we'll have to keep an eye on that for now an important thing about doing these approaches is it's not going to be totally simple and it's not going to be totally hands off you're going to want to make sure you monitor everything and everything's working correctly that's kind of part of the sim and it's also a good thing to stay on your toes as a real pilot as well so we're going to be on this turn here um just to confirm i'm going to click approach again and make sure we're on the fms just see nothing changed there it's not really an issue but what we can see here is our next transition our next fix is at 1600 feet so let me just go ahead and put that in here in case i need to do it manually okay we're on that turn for final we're still not seeing that glide path approach mode is on as you can see there got that uh white line letting us know you can see the glide path here and it doesn't seem to be working so how are we going to fix this again our next fix is at 600 feet let's go ahead and go vertical speed we'll go down a thousand feet per minute and we'll slow down a little bit here you can even go a little bit faster now we should have been on the glide path by now and now you can see it it's still stuck down there and i'm not sure why this is part of fine-tuning this game and making sure everything's working correctly okay so there we go the glide path is now moving up i'm not positive on why it was stuck down there why it was way below us but again that's all part of the sim right now it's not all working perfectly but um and as you can see now we're now below the glide slope approach mode is on and we can see here we're going to hold our altitude until we hit the glide path so coming in nicely on the runway we'll go ahead and go gear down first notch of flaps and slow it down a little bit here and we should see as soon as this diamond reaches our altitude there it goes our glide path is on now for the sake of the tutorial it would have been nice if everything would have worked perfectly but it might not work perfectly in your case so it's important to be aware of what does this profile look like what is this glideslope post supposed to look like and it's important to make sure you follow it and if it's not working figure it out yourself and figure out what should my altitude be am i too high am i too low and what can i do to fix it so in that case i kind of had to do a little bit of manual work and force my plane to get down to a certain altitude until it caught it now if i would have done a straight in approach and added another fix back here maybe it would have worked but i did the transition it gave me so it is a little odd i'll go full flaps here and pick up our speed a little bit but for now i'm hands off it's fine right on the heading for me and it's on the glide path for me as well and you can see it's now following that and descending me properly just got to watch our speed here get back up to 85. and i'm not using atc today if you watched my last video that caused me some trouble and it kind of blurred out my audio so hopefully it sounds a lot better today now i i would recommend you do use atc maybe not for your first one just focus on flying the plane getting it all set up but the atc can be fun it can also be a little screwy sometimes so that is up to your own decision there looks like that plane's actually holding for me which is kind of cool even though i'm not talking atc so we got flaps down we got gear down good for landing so again i'm not sure why that glide slope wasn't working correctly i'm hoping it'll work for your application and your airport you're trying it on um but if it doesn't stand your toes figure out where you need to be and uh hopefully it'll correct itself and get back on it all i had to do is make sure i was at the right altitude at the right place and i'm still on the autopilot i'm gonna go ahead and turn it off and hand fly it now but that got me all the way down to around 50 feet above cut the throttle we'll flare it out and we'll let it drop itself down to the runway we can go into reverse slow it down so a little funny how it didn't work the first time but i was able to use my resources in the cockpit there to figure out where i need to be and uh it did work the second time so for the sake of the video it's not necessarily great that it didn't work the first time but that might happen for you and hopefully you will be able to fix it yourself so thanks for watching i hope you guys enjoyed it and learned something and uh go have fun and try it at your local airport or anywhere you want and hopefully it works for you guys and for anyone who watched my last video i want to say thank you for the amount of support and likes i got i was not expecting uh to get so much feedback on in my opinion a bad video i think the quality was okay in terms of what i was saying but the audio quality was all messed up so hopefully this one sounds better and is working better and again just thank you for the feedback i got more to come if you guys have any questions or would like to see any other tutorials or the same tutorials and different aircrafts i'm happy to do so just let me know in the comments and if you guys have any other questions i will get to you as soon as possible thanks again for watching and you all fly safe
Channel: Diggy Powell
Views: 39,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FS2020, Flight Sim, TBM930, RNAV, Tutorial, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Id: nmYW6QFnpaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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