Microsoft Flight Simulator | G3000 VNAV | Tutorial Flight

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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of microsoft flight simulator i want to first start out by apologizing for any echo you guys here and you'll be hearing a lot of this in my videos we were unexpectedly um basically put in a position where we have to move our owners are selling the house because of all the house craziness so we are trying to buy our own so naturally everything's starting to get packed up and things so please forgive the echo it is something i'm aware of and we'll be resolving however now let's talk about today's flight today we're going to be back in our tbm 930 we're flying from salt lake city down to denver the same flight plan that we use in the tbm 930 guide information on that very shortly if you guys are interested in learning how to fly the tbm 930 but what we're going to be discussing today is an in-depth tutorial of the g3000 by working title their ability to now do v-nav calculations and more or less fly a v-nav descent um so we'll be taking a look at that so stick around guys it's going to be a good show if you are interested in learning how to fly the tbm 930 from microsoft flight simulator consider joining my patreon site level tier 2 or above which gives you access to all of my guides which include the a320 the g1000 and now the mo recently released cessna citation longitude these guides include everything from cockpit tours to uh full instructions on how to use all the systems creating your flight plans as well as the different types of approaches and takeoffs that are available to the different aircrafts they are extremely detailed full with pictures and identifying markers to make your flight semi experience with this aircraft as easy as possible again link down on my patreon site found in the description below all right so as i say stated we will be going from salt lake city to denver the first thing that we're going to do is get our aircraft properly fueled and weighted so we're going to bring up our weights and balances menu i'm going to take a look at our flight plan here and we're going to see how much fuel we're going to need we're looking at 1243 pounds of fuel so i'm going to go ahead and set that let's bring it up now that's going to be total trip time plus 45 minutes in reserves now that's 12 33 that's certainly close enough for what we're doing for our purposes and then we're going to set our payload scrolling down here a little bit you can see that's going to be 1 380 pounds so pretty heavy flight today one thousand gosh almost maxed close enough and let's take a look at our center of gravity push it forward towards the nose there we go all right so we got that all set up now let's do a quick uh spin around the cockpit make sure she's ready to roll so we're going to kick bill out today he's not flying with us today and let's go ahead and zoom on in so first thing we want to do is make sure that the aircraft or aircraft the air conditioning is turned off all de-icing pedo heats and initial separators are off parking brake is set landing gear is down hot air flow for engine start will need to be down at the floorboard uh manual override is disabled fuel throttle is in cut off flaps are retracted fuel tank selected alternate static air source pushed in and closed i think that's it and obviously all circuit breakers in and this aircraft are not actually modeled but still we'll walk through it all right coming up to the top of our panel here first thing we can do is verify crash bar is down ignition should be in the off position for engine start for at this moment um auxiliary boost pumps are off fuel selection should be set to manual autopilot trim system is off and emergency locator transmitter is in the arm off position and oxygen is off all right so now let's take a look at starting this beautiful bird up all right so for our startup process let's go ahead and get the door closed get that body out of the way here now you want to make sure if you're using the mix mugs mod that you close the door and then push green to lock there we go coming back up to the top panel here crash bar comes up battery comes on generator comes on ignition sets to the on position auxiliary boost pumps to the on position come down make sure the garmin and avionic systems are turned on at this point we could set our altimeter either before or after engine start we'll do it after for today um and then also make sure the pressurization switch is also turned off that was part of our pre-start procedure all right and so now we're gonna come up and give our starter a quick one mississippi two mississippi so up we go we turn our nav lights on clear the master caution monitoring engine performance looking for 13 on ng once we get 13 percent throttle goes into low idle or excuse me um yeah i was right and we're looking for 53 on the ng or basically for this number to turn green then we'll move into high idle flight idle so there it is so up to high idle and over the gate and then back into flight idle monitoring engine temps make sure everything comes down shouldn't be more than 800 degrees celsius on the inlet temperature for more than 10 seconds i believe i always forget the time i don't normally pay attention to it today i'm just trying to have some more fun with it good now let's come back up to the overhead panel for a minute we want ignition into the auto position auxiliary boost pumps to the auto position fuel selection from manual to auto autopilot trims turned on oxygen switch turned on and i mentioned this in every video because every video someone brings it up according to the real world pilot's operational handbook for the tbm 930 oxygen switch is turned on at startup and isn't touched again until engine shutdown all right so let's go ahead and come on down to our cockpit and complete the startup procedure so air conditioning to pilots comfort initial separator will remain off until taxi let's do a lights test on the landing gear handle looks good and then check that it's down and locked we're looking for flashing greens good pressurization switch we want to go to max diff or auto remember that max diff will pressurize the aircraft the fastest however it will be slightly uncomfortable for those writing in the cabin so auto is your better plan all right other than that i think we are good to go at this point so let's go ahead and move in to the pre-flight procedures all right so getting ready to enter our flight plan here first thing we're gonna do is set our barometric pressures we're looking at three zero zero five in salt lake city today so we're gonna set our altimeters standby and primary are now set now we can take a look at entering in our flight plan and getting ready to get out the door nice thing about the tbm 930s it really does start up rather quickly you can get up and rolling pretty fast so we're going to move over to the mfd menu we're going to go to flight plan add your origin obviously where we're departing from kilo sierra lima charlie and where we're going to denver kilo delta echo november and press enter again all right now we're going to move on into our procedures for a minute to enter in our departure now if we take a look at what our departure looks like today from our flight plan let's scroll up there it is we're coming out for runway three four right and taking the rugged one departure to the pretty transition from pretty well if we flying direct to camper using that as our transition onto the long z1 arrival or star all right so sorry we're using the rugged one did i say departure i'm worried i said start rugged one sid is what i meant to say if i didn't all right so let's click on here we're selecting our departure there's rugged one transition scrolling down do we find purdy and runways it means you can use all runways on this departure so we can just hit load now we're going to go ahead and come back and we're going to go to arrival and from the arrivals page we're going to be looking for the long z1 and again finding that camper transition onto runway 3 4 left as the ils approach now i may have to fiddle with the wind a little bit to make it correct but we want to fly this according to the guide as much as possible so we're going to hit load and there's our procedures complete we're not going to worry about the approach just yet now for the v nav portion of this we can enter in our altitudes but we're going to actually wait because what i have found lately is if i enter in all of my altitudes and set everything up prior to um reaching cruise my top of descent it looks like what's actually doing is calculating the top of climb but it labels it as a tod okay so we're going to enter in all of our altitudes for our descent as we approach the descent point or once we get up to the cruise altitude basically and we'll be flying today up at 24 000 feet so no concerns there everything else looks great as far as the flight plan goes so let's move on to our speed bugs come on there it goes that was weird all right rotation speed is 90 knots and let's see here best climb our best speed best rate and we are looking for the approach speed of 85 knots so speed bugs are right on where they need to be we can pull up our charts for our departure figure out what our taxi is going to look like today now i like to use the dark mode personally makes it easier to see it and let's take a look all right so we're going to be coming over here to runway 3 4 left so or 3 4 right excuse me so real easy taxi was gonna back taxi down hotel to hotel one and get on out of here so we are just about ready to go this is this is nice and easy today let's go ahead and set our transponders let's go to nav and com and we're going to go to the frequency and simulate we got a frequency today of 6137 and we're going to put her into on and then we'll switch to altitude reporting once we're ready to take off um and let's see here and i've seen different steps in that i did not hit enter when i say six one three seven then enter there we go um i've seen different procedures on this this part is a little confusing for me honestly um and i actually watched a real world video the other day of somebody sitting on the ramp like this and turning the transponder on but then i've seen other people who don't turn it on until they reach the runway now that makes sense for t cass but uh i mean i've seen it with blatantly the transponder so i don't know if that was a mistake on someone's part but i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be turned on right before you're ready to taxi anyway so good stuff there and we'll go ahead and throw an ident out and let's see here why are we lagging look at this it's having some issues today interesting huh that was odd anyway not sure what's going on with our simulator today hopefully everything upstairs goes all right okay so we have our tank set weights and balances are set lights are on let's go ahead and throw the taxi light on and we'll just be ready to release the parking brake and taxi to our runway in just a minute here let's uh yeah let's get ready to prepare for taxi all right in the preparation of taxi i'm going to turn my flight directors on i'm going to set our initial altitude for 10 000 feet there she goes and then once we climb out we'll set our uh flight level control so we can kick it up now but once we arm it it's going to trigger us but let's see here let's spin it up to 124 knots for best rate and let's turn on that inertial separator switch our navigation over to the fms for our flight plan and we are ready to depart well at least we're ready to taxi all right so final stages here taxi light is on we're going to come on down and release our parking brake actual separator is set let's get this beautiful lady out of here and that's just the master caution indicating the initial separator has been turned on watch your head warned it so if you guys have not indulged in the tbm 930 yet i highly recommend it this is such a fun aircraft i think my most enjoyable moments with it are definitely landing in takeoff not that's probably not true for just about any aircraft in simulation or flight i think landing and takeoffs are always the most fun but this one really is this one's a joy to fly whoa getting taxing a little fast my track ir batteries are dead so i'm having to use the mouse which is messing me up so okay and left up here for hotel one all right now let's get ready for takeoff all right last minute sets before takeoffs we want flaps one pedo heat install heater on and we're ready to get going and we also need to flip up bring up our landing lights as we cross the threshold all right and there's our beautiful lineup oh it was a beautiful lineup all right so we're going to give our heading knob a tap in case we need to switch into heading mode for our flight automatically aligns us with the way the nose is pointing therefore gives us an automatic runway alignment which is good a lot of times you get an instruction to fly runway heading all right let's move in closer a little bit here and let's get rolling so we're going to power up we're stable set and take off torque what's that about doesn't normally fight me quite like that there's 70 knots there's 80 90 knots at rotation positive rate wheels up we're at v2 plus 20 flaps coming up wrong way pulling that torque back on the airborne continue our climb trying to watch that runway heading all right let's go into nav mode yeah damper on autopilot on passing the marker firefly flaps are up gears up good and golden takeoff's always fun let's go ahead and increase our altitude to 14 000 at this point we turn our map on track our flight plan looking good all right locked in once we pass ten thousand we'll increase our climb rate or climb speed to about 170 knots and then move into mach once we reach about mach 0.4 all right so we have passed through ten thousand feet to come up top sorry i stepped away from my desk for a minute we can turn our lights off um oh i bumped it on my switch strobe light was turned on at takeoff i don't know if i mentioned it i have it mapped to my hotes and then i think i turned it back off so strobe light should have been turned on as we turned on our landing lights you know what i don't think i did fail all right we're now approaching 18 000 feet so we'll go ahead and set our timing pressure back to the standard so let's give this one a tap it takes down 299 or two and do the same thing here two nine nine two all right from here we're just gonna be riding nice and smooth until uh our cruise altitude just so you guys know i have the inertial separator still on because we're coming through some cloud level um the purpose of that the whole point of the initial separator is to prevent any kind of foreign debris or foreign objects from entering in the engine intake and damaging the engine okay now those foreign debris or foreign objects can be ice which icing can occurred up in the cloud level right and if we take a look at our outside temperature you know we're looking at negative nine degrees celsius so certainly cold enough for ice to form all right so anyway that's why we're running that so as soon as we either clear the cloud level or you know get into clear skies i'll uh shut the initial separator off and we'll gain some torque back the other thing we're going to do is go ahead and increase our speed to 170 knots it levels out the climb quite a bit but it also increases the air speed and gets us moving especially as we're getting into higher altitudes all right all right guys so yeah it'll be a minute i'll see you right about 24 000 feet alright guys so we actually ended up going higher we got through some got into some nasty weather so we came up to 26 000 feet um we're approaching our pretty transition but we are at our cruise altitude today so i'm going to go ahead and get into how to set up the v-nav stepping down into our fmc or fms what we're first going to want to look at actually is our charts now we can do this a couple of different ways actually here hands use what's built in right pull that up a little bit and we go to charts and we're going to be looking at arrival and let's find that long z1 oh we're still on kslc there we go let's pull that guy down there it is okay so what we're going to want to look at actually you know what no sorry navigraph the actual app is going to be easier to read for this for you guys okay then there we go long z1 okay so now i can blow this up make things a little bit easier what we're going to want to be paying attention to as we start to enter in some of these numbers here and you'll see what i'm talking about in a minute is first we're going to be watching what our final waypoint in the star is okay now i believe high mom is our final one okay we're going to be looking at 11 000 feet before the approach okay from the approach is a whole different ballgame okay and then we're going to be looking at the top one here which is actually going to be bike here at 27 000 but now we're not at 27 000 and actually we should be according to the star so let's increase our altitude because we have a restriction so take her up 27 000 feet and let's kick her let's just go into vertical speed let's just climb at a thousand feet per minute okay all right so while she's climbing out we're going to be above flight level 270 so we're going to set that altitude in and then we're going to be setting in our final altitude here now it's important you guys understand how to read these so just in case you don't i'm going to show you what i'm talking about you can see here at bike it shows flight level 270 that's 27 000 feet that you see the underscore under or underlined that means that we must be above that altitude now you come down here and you can see at flynnel uk we have to slow down to 250 knots and mean we must be between flight level two one zero and flight level one six zero so we have to be between twenty one thousand and sixteen thousand feet this is very important if they ever if you ever hear atc tell you to descend via the star okay if they tell you descend by the star they're expecting you to follow these altitude restrictions following this route okay here at dork um i just love saying that i don't know why um we have to be between 17 and 15 but then for example here at high mom we have to be at 210 knots and we must be at 11 000 feet not above it not below it we need to be at 11 000 okay so we're going to program the fms to hopefully give us a good top of descent and a good descent profile and then we'll verify it again with the star so let's go ahead and move into our tsc here for a minute all right good so coming back into our flight plan the first thing we need to do is let's find our first waypoint that was of consequence now we could do we don't even necessarily have to put the bike in yet and we'll i'll show you what i mean because we're cruising at 27 000 feet so as long as we're at that altitude we don't really need to enter that all we really need to do is come down to what was it hi mom if it picked that one yep all right and we're going to make sure we're at 11 000 by this altitude press enter and you can see it calculates all the previous waypoints and where we should be at at that time okay and so what we can do here is we can now sort of verify i'm going to try to make this a little bit smaller kind of have to in order for you guys to see this but let's do this i'm going to pull this screen down let's bring charts back up let me hide this window here we can zoom in and let's just sort of get an idea of where this begins so flannel we need to be at twenty five thousand four hundred and thirty feet is what this has plotted at and that's not gonna work because we need to be below twenty one thousand so what we can do here is we can just change this one here to flight level two one zero well you know what let's go we need to be between us let's let's maybe pick something a little different 21 and 16 let's maybe split the difference uh let's call it uh 18 500 let's just sort of go in the middle there 18 5 and press enter and it recalculates everything now down in between still coming down to 11 000 feet now we still want to check the rest of them make sure that we don't have any other corrections that we need to make so a dork that puts us between at 15 739 feet still within our limits at rg 13 645 we need to be above 13 000 so we're just barely there but we're there and then again at baba 12 08 we need to be between 12 and 14 for a target of 11 000 feet so real simple real easy way to do some calculations there and you can adjust that as necessary or as you feel needed okay now we need to do next come over here to the v nav button and we're going to enable vnav so now we've got a vertical target speed of approximately 16 and 1680 feet to maintain a three degree descent angle which is very common it's most commonly used and we're looking at a time to top of descent at 32 minutes now if we come up to our flight plan page on one there we go let's go back to the map button for a second and if we zoom out a bit we should see something that looks like a topic descent let's get a better picture of that here so what we can do here is click and then let's zoom in a bit okay and so you can see here's where our top of descent is and here's flannel so that should put us right on our altitude assuming that we hit all the necessary targeted numbers so something that we'll be managing still and i'm going to show you we get even more information that pops up on the pfd as we get closer to our descent however we're quite a ways away and we need to slow this aircraft down because we're over speeding so let's pull that power off she likes to cook doesn't she we're at mach 0.5 in this thing that's incredible with the crosswind come on darling slow down there you go my girl all right so we'll just hold her right about there try to keep her about mach 0.5 that was pretty good good cruise okay so we have our uh we have our descent plotted let's go ahead and come out of the map mode and so at this point it's just a matter of uh waiting and what i like to do is just leave that v-nav page up and you can actually put it on over here if you wanted to and that way you have a constant timer and what i like to do too is just pop it out set this on a different screen and then you know when you're when it's time to start paying attention to your airplane again but totally up to you guys and for those of you don't know how to do that you hold right alt mouse over your screen click you can do that with any of the screens pretty handy stuff anyway guys so i will see you in let's call it uh about 29 minutes all right guys catch you in a minute all right guys so we are about three minutes two minutes 45 seconds or so from our top of descent so some cool things are about to happen here pretty quick soon we'll get an alert here letting us know that we're one minute from our top of descent and then we're also going to get much like we see with the ils anyone's doing ils you get your you get your golden g up here or your green g letting you know glad slope's locked and you get that diamond you have to follow down right you have to keep it in line with your altitude tape we're going to get something very similar here we're going to get a carrot a purple carrot on this side letting us know what the descent rate should be we're going to get a purple carrot over here that we need to keep right in line with our altimeter tape just like this our blue altitude target is and then we're going to get a v up here letting us know that you know we're in the vertical speed on what our vertical speed target is so when we get to the one minute descent point one minute to top of descent i'm going to slow the aircraft down to about mach 0.4 a little slower and then we will begin our descent at when we reach our target so i'm going to go ahead and zoom this in a bit and you can see there's our tod right there we're one minute 40 seconds from the top of descent i can actually start slowing her down now so let's start pulling some of that power off one minute 18 seconds vertical speed get us ready to go all right top of descent within one minute there's our alert coming down to about mach 0.4 i'm just trying to hold that here for a minute and there's our vertical speed target and so now we can begin okay so now what we want is to start our descent at the time that this gets close okay because right now what's happening is we're below the um the vertical slope okay so we're going to maintain our altitude until it reaches us just like we do with a glide slope you hold your line until the glide slope comes down to you right so it's the same thing we're doing with our vertical slope try to get you guys as clear a picture of what's happening here as possible all right so now we're going to start our descent and now i'm aiming this blue carrot right here for our guidance carry we should be right on track as we get there oops and i got to set our altitude down that was my fault let's go back into vertical speed get your butt down there we're going to descend pretty rapidly for a second that was my fault let's keep that altitude dropping and what we're going for is we're shooting for that 11 000 foot target that's what we're going to put into the box here all right so we've got our target altitude set now as we approach again as our glideslope comes back up our scent slope comes back up we're gonna need to adjust our descent rate slow it down a little bit so this gives us our target capture but that put us a little bit beneath it so i'm going to actually descend a bit further you'll see how i'm correcting so i'm descending faster than what it wants it to but we're catching the vertical slope again let's catch that for a minute and then now we'll start slowing it down it will come off a little bit here and there it's letting capture giving us a little room to wiggle room there and back on and there we go and so from here this point on we should reach our 11 000 foot mark while staying inside our limits now remember tbm 930 doesn't have any kind of auto throttle so you need to watch that throttle yourself and we have a couple of restrictions that we're going to need to be paying attention to if you recall so let's come back to our navigate at uh for now we need to be at 250 knots that's indicated airspeed okay and then uh down here at high mom we need to be down at 210. so we're obviously well well below that we're perfectly fine there but just maintain that as we descend and that's all there is to it so i'm going to let us pull on through the descent i'll catch you guys about 18 000 feet when we set our uh barometric pressure all right so we just passed our first waypoint here flannel now you can see we got a little bit above slope here increase our rate of descent just a little bit but we were right within our parameters we need to be between 21 and 16 000 feet so we did good there we can set our altimeter for denver here which is three zero two nine today so we'll get that dialed in okay we got above the glad slope so it does i have noticed it takes a little bit i mean you got to watch what you're doing you definitely got to pay attention but still very handy easy to manage not like there's a lot to it and from here we should be able to pretty much just let it ride all the way in so we're now descending at 700 feet per minute we could match that up here it actually wants us that's helpful stupid sun let's go back over here there we go it actually wants us descending at about 630 feet per minute so we're descending a little fast it looks like that's probably why we're getting a bit of a variance we're coming below it a little bit so you know we'll just pull it back a little bit down to 600. you know as long as you don't let that variance this carrot drop too far one direction or the other you should be fine but uh so i'm just gonna continue on down and i'll catch you guys a bit closer to hi mom and start getting ready for our approach so we are approaching hi mom we're seven and a half miles away or so and you can see we've got about a thousand to go so we should be right on target with our uh waypoint as desired so next we're going to go ahead and set up for the ils approach here so we're going to come down go to audios and radios i'm going to select my nav one coming from the approach plate here you can see our aircraft coming in we're going to be looking for 111.9 on the ils today so one eleven niner press enter we got our ils ready to go yeah we're right on target man awesome system that worked out so well that's really cool and then from here we'll be monitoring our approach steps right so we're going to be coming in on kaler okay now remember we looked at kayla earlier we need to be at 10 000. so here we're going to be coming in from teller as our transition using tiller 11 000 and then as we approach kayla we'll be descending down to 10 000. and we also need to be at 210 knots which we're obviously well below i'm gonna go ahead and actually accelerate us a little bit all right at this point i'm gonna go ahead and set up our approach here i'll has three four left in the teller transition load so and we are all set and ready to go and see we got teller way up there so what i'll do is as we continue out around we'll activate the approach phase as we come past our hi mom here and actually truth be told we can probably just do so now so let's go to flight plan again go to procedures and let's go ahead and activate the approach and you can see that now is locked in so we'll fly that route once we come around from teller we'll start our descent to kaler um actually let's check our approach plate now i can't remember i'm second guessing myself hey kaler yeah so once we reach teller we'll continue our descent down to 10 000 feet or once we reach teller did i say tell her i think i said tell her good morning anyways i'll see you guys in a few minutes i wanted to catch you guys up on i made a mistake on i wasn't paying attention unfortunately i was too focused on the v nav shame on me um the star required that at high mom we were at 210 knots not below it we should have been at it so i've pushed the throttles forward to accelerate to the correct approach speed um and then once we turn on the approach then we can start our speed reduction once again but i did want you guys to be aware that i made that mistake and that i caught it so make sure that you guys are watching that on your plates as that was definitely a mistake on my part all right so we are approaching teller i've got our missed approach altitude locked in missed approaching instructions to climb to 5800 feet then climbing left and turn to 10 000 feet on heading 270. so we're going to leave 5800 feet in the box right now we're going to go ahead and turn our lights on now as we're getting ready to start our descent down to ten thousand everything else looks golden and good we already have our approach frequencies locked in on nav one so once we make the final turn onto our final heading towards kaler we'll go ahead and activate the vor to lock us onto the gl on the uh not the glide slope what's the word i'm looking for guys yeah it's gone it's gonna lock us onto the center line of the runway mercy gosh ah and it's only tuesday huh that's not good that's not good all right so we're coming up on teller so at this point i'm going to go ahead and go back into vertical speed mode and i'm going to start descending us at a thousand feet per minute and i'm gonna start pulling that throttle back 170 knots we'll do flaps one initial separators on pedo heaters tall heaters still on any ice systems were turned on and that we're looking pretty good all right so here we are turning onto our final heading now what we can do is we can come down here and you can see we are tracking the vor so let's go ahead and switch our nav source to vor1 and you can see we have a distance of 26.1 nautical miles and we got our frequency locked in now we are going to lock us down at 10 000 feet as we need to be at 10 000 by kaler so i'm going to lock us up there for a minute i'm gonna reset my altitude to 5800 feet for the escape altitude or missed approach excuse me escape altitude what are we at war there's that beautiful runway out there all right so we are now on our final approach heading all right so we've just turned on to our final approach course here we're getting center line on the runway following locking onto the localizer localizer that's what i was trying to think of earlier goodness all right and let's begin our descent once again and we are looking for 9000 by arnold i'm not going to do quite a thousand feet per minute i'm just going to sort of watch it for a minute you can see here we are actually below the glide slope so really what we could do is actually zero out that descent and just wait for the diamond to come down once the diamond come down we'll activate the approach mode and down she'll go there's 173 knots i'm going to go ahead and go flaps one and you can see the diamond coming down as we get closer again just like we did with the v-nav for anyone who's new to this this is our glide slope indicator for the ils approach we what we want to do is put this diamond right next to our altimeter target our altitude indicator and leave it there so we need to descend fast enough to make sure this stays right in line with this what we can do is because we're locked on the localizer and we have ils locked into the fms as we can just activate the approach mode here and it will begin descending the aircraft on its own which that moment has arrived and you can see there it goes takes over we gotta watch our airspeed again tbm does not have auto throttle and we are 15.4 out from the airfield almost home guys one last check of the cockpit make sure all is well actual separator heaters i'm gonna go ahead and lock our current heading in as this will be our runway heading so just tap the heading knob to center the heading uh bug on our current heading turn the speed mode off i'm sure how they got clipped on from here smooth sailing down the landing all right we're on our 10 mile final pulling the throttle back almost idle that's the warning you'll get if you pull throttles back too far go ahead and drop the landing gear now at eight miles 120 knots we can go full flaps now we're looking for that 85 knots of approach speed all right now we're just lining up to bring her home at about 500 feet we'll disengage the autopilot we're following the radar altimeter at that point all right so we're on our final approach here sorry about the delay i had to step away for a minute so there's 500 i'm gonna go ahead and disengage the autopilot here we go come on baby there's that wind and there's me kicking my rotor pedal you know what's weird is we're being blown to the left of the runway but if you look at the wind indicator on next to the cdi we should be being blown to the right right well no i guess if it's hitting the tail surface never mind i guess it would kick the nose left come on baby oh come on no no no no wow damn getting kicked all over the place guys all right come on we got this all right so pulling that throttle all the way back i'll take that all right fun little flight that was actually pretty exciting i like the weather impact on the aircraft i really do all right so we're going to clear the runway here we're going to cross the threshold lines and clean up the aircraft let's reset everything flight directors off and taxi light on strobe light off flaps up the reason why we were getting that autopilot warning because i'm supposed to use the autopilot disconnect that's on the uh stick and i or on the yoke and i didn't um anyway so that was our flight from salt lake city over to denver guys i hope you enjoyed this one i'm gonna go park the aircraft shutter down and get me some dinner i hope you guys do the same and i will see you as always in the next one
Channel: OverKill Simulations
Views: 20,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft flight simulator 2020, microsoft flight simulator, fs2020 tutorial, mfs2020 tutorial, fs2020 tbm, fs2020 tbm 930, fs2020 tbm tutorial, mfs2020 tbm 930, mfs2020 tbm 930 tutorial, mfs2020 tbm 930 autopilot, microsoft flight simulator tbm 930, microsoft flight simulator tbm autopilot, tbm 930, how to use VOR, VOR Navigation, Landing with VOR, VOR, G3000, working title, garmin, citation, longitude, cessna, controls, setup, axis, tips and tricks, vertigo, free, VNAV
Id: dymIdsCvVFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.