TBM 930 Start Up Sequence (From COLD and DARK Cockpit)

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I've always loved start up sequence videos from a cold and dark cockpit... well, this weekend I got to fly in a TBM 930 and create my own. This video shows the detailed start up sequence and I gotta say feeling a turbine start up is SIMPLY AWESOME. So much power up front. It was a fun experience! More tbm vids to come.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/upchuckair 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Cold and dark... more like hot and stuffy.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rev-777 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

very useful for the flight sim.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jandetlefsen 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
okay let's we're sitting in the TBM 9:30 cold start it is a cold morning five degrees Celsius outside 40 degrees with about a 20 knot wind blowing out of the Northeast so we're going to start with and make sure that our brakes are on parking brakes are on we're going to come up to the control panel up here and put put the main battery on and also the main generator turn that on and let the G 3000 begin to cycle for it start up I think it has the most recent data cards in the middle of the coronavirus think people aren't flying much so you've got to pay attention to keeping the airplane up-to-date so here we are we're going to cycle tell the database that that's that's good and as we begin to look here we're going to see that our torque this is our e is system down here which tells us whether there are any warnings or cautions that we need to look at but as you can see here all the needles are completely cold and so that's what so that's what we're starting with so we're gonna go through the start sequence here and the before starting the engine the crash lover is up the ADA's and start clearance we'll get that a little bit later source selector we're on the main battery we're also on the main generator audio alarms test in the TBM 930 we have a system that tells us whether the weather the systems are watching themselves and reporting back so this is a stick shaker install warning you hear the stick shaker shake install shaker and stick shaker and the stall warning or working warrant well the audio alarms di system lights are all are turn on the anti ice and we'll see oh well actually what was press this will make sure that all these lights come on here so we know that each of those functions are currently working we're looking at the landing gear lights check down and we're going to check to make sure that they that the gear is not unsafe that's the terrain a warning or terrain awareness warning system is working landing gear lights check down there tested the MFD initialized we've initialized that but one thing we need to do here is put in the fobs we're going to we're going to sync up the weight of the airplane and get it to accept the initialization and from there we can put in the flight plan but we're about ready to start here fuel onboard we've got two hundred and five gallons and more than what we need for this trip this trip will burn about 50 gallons the residual Itt which is right here is down to zero the voltage check here we've got it's it's peeling off 21 amps per hour right now but the volts are over 24 and that's what we need for a cold start cast display check just normal stuff there so what we're going to do is we make sure that the brakes are on and then we're going to begin the timer which will start this sequence here and that timer is important because we want to get our ng to more than 30 inside 30 seconds so up here on the top panel the igniter is always on auto and we're going to start the manual fuel pump and then right after that we'll start the timer and then we'll start the we'll turn the ignition on here we go [Music] okay at this point the ng when we get to 13 which we're at we introduced fuel now it has half the igniters inside burning and we want to see that 30% within 30 seconds here we have a message warning going on here but we're not gonna pay attention to that it's really important in the TBM or any turboprop to monitor the ITT for hung starts and for wet starts so we want to see that ITT continue to grow but we don't want it more than eight hundred and forty four twenty seconds or eight hundred and seventy four twenty seconds and no more than a thousand four more than five seconds at about fifty to it the TBM will introduce another set of igniters you'll hear it go on now we're into the green there the starter has come off now we'll go into going to low idle so we're still watching ITT now it's coming back down it's nice and cool we're pointed into the wind our ng is going to settle out at about 70 percent and we want to be within two percent of seventy when we're fully operational the arc prop came out of feather and is rolling it to twelve hundred and eighty rpm our torque is at twelve and the ITT is a very cool comfortable 563 degrees Celsius the oil pressure is up in the green running about 119 it's important in any airplane particularly on the turboprop to monitor what your normal oil pressure is well your normal oil temperature is this oil temperature will come up a little bit more so what we have on the cast display is the battery amps we're still pulling off on the battery the stall the stall warning and the pitot tube we don't have the heat on we'll have that out before we take off the bleed is currently off and the auxilary boost pump is on so we're going to come up dogs already blues pump and put it to auto and and it's doing this thing so now we could turn the bleed on and that'll give us pressurization and all the environmental 'z we need to fly in the flight levels the bat app will come down when it gets under 50 we'll go to the standby generator to make sure that we can operate and the standby mode if we have a main gen failure so the parking brake is on bad amp is showing just like it should until the amps get down to less than 50 and the stall and pitot heat is ready to turn on I want to rated it apart so there you have it we have a nice cool start and we're ready to begin the next phase of loading the flight data and preparing for the taxi out for our departure there we go
Channel: Airplane Academy
Views: 111,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TBM, TBM 930, daher socata, daher tbm, cold and dark cockpit, cold and dark startup, cold and dark tbm cockpit, cold and dark tbm startup, tbm aircraft, pilot, aviation, airplane academy
Id: V-z4AkMWXU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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