Flight Simulator 2020 Autopilot Tutorial

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hello everyone in today's video we're going to take a look at the basic functionality of the automatic pilot on the cessna 172s g1000 version in microsoft flight simulator 2020. now there's a couple different things that i have to say before we get started and uh that's first of all this is basically the first week that the flight simulator came out so some of the functionality might not work the way that you expect it to work the second thing that i'll go ahead and throw out as well is the fact that even though that's the case you can still have a lot of fun with this automatic pilot so what we're going to do now is we're actually going to make sure that before we even started this mission we've gone ahead and set everything up so that our flight plan is already pre-loaded into the gps if you ever find yourself in a place where you need to manually enter the flight plan you can actually come to the fpl button and dial in the individual components to it so in this case if i go to the selection cursor and i go ahead and scoot scoot down down down you can see i have my approach already pre-loaded in here you know i can also come in here too and say oh i don't want that waypoint and actually clear it right out like that which is a really really slick trick so anyway let's take a look at the flight plan slash autopilot features so basically you've got the ap button that's going to turn your autopilot on or off the fd button is your flight director that's basically going to show you what the autopilot is using in order to get you to a certain spot in the air the heading feature on the flip's eye this is going to allow you to manually select the heading the out feature is going to allow you to hold the altitude that you're presently at the nav feature is going to automatically couple your navigation data in this case it comes from the gps to the automatic pilot so it can actually fly the entire flight plan on its own the next feature is your vertical navigation mode we'll take a look at all these once we get in the air as well the big thing with the vertical navigation mode is right now it's a little wonky basically what this would do is it would automatically keep your aircraft at the correct height for whatever waypoint you're presently on the approach hold function allows you to automatically approach an airport using an ils or rnav navigation system this is actually really really slick and we'll take a look at this the bc button is a little complicated but again we will show off all these features today and that is going to give you the ability to fly an ils in reverse which a lot of people are like why would you want to fly away from the runway well if you have a missed approach you're going to want to have that button handy next one is going to be a vertical speed mode this is one of the ways that you can control how fast you go up and down your nose up and nose down buttons are actually context sensitive depending on what you're using and again we'll take a look at this once we get airborne and finally the one down here we have our flc which is flight level change mode this is one of my favorites but we'll take a look at that in a minute as well so what else do we need to know with the automatic pilot well the first thing is we need to keep track the heading knob over here the altitude knob over here and the core snob over on this side now certain aircraft actually have a speed knob as well which unfortunately we do not have control over but we can set our speed so we're going to do now is we're going to go ahead and take the aircraft off take our initial turn start heading here and then we'll start looking at the individual autopilot modes on their own all right let's roll now one thing i will say is if you built that flight plane before you took off a lot of this is going to be much much simpler it's also going to give you the ability to go ahead and control exactly when you want to do certain things all right 55 knots pull the nose up just a teeny tiny bit and we are airborne lovely takeoff there a little bumpy but i'm still getting used to the sensitivity in this particular simulator now let's go ahead and take a look at a few of our autopilot modes first thing i'm going to do is actually just press the ap button if you just press the ap button you're going to notice a couple things appear at the top first one is going to say level that simply says whatever i'm doing with this plane try to keep my wings level ap means that the autopilot is armed and pit is basically saying hold a certain pitch now what i'm going to do now is turn on the flight director you see this little pink line that pink line represents what the autopilot is trying to do since i'm on pitch mode it's trying to maintain this pitch since i'm on level mode you can see that it's not allowing me to tilt now what if i wanted to change this angle well it's actually pretty easy all you do is you come up to the nose up and nose down buttons now you can customize what angle the aircraft is traveling up and down at that is an awesome and very very easy way to manipulate things so what i'm going to do now is we're going to go ahead and take a look at the navigation hold autopilot so the navigation hold autopilot will automatically roll the aircraft so that it lines your current position up with where you intend to be based on your flight plan or a vor station again that's an advanced concept don't worry about it too too much the important thing is for that to work you have to have a valid course down here so for example if i click my cdi button you'll notice this is vor1 there's no data from vrr1 which simply indicates i can't use this as navigational data if i go to vor2 same thing i've got no line left or right but if i switch to gps you can see very clearly that we're presently off course if you actually look over here on the right it makes perfect sense because we're basically flying away so what i'm going to do is i'm going to press the nav button so now you notice that up in the top here this is switched from the word level trying to hold my wings level to the word gps meaning it's using my gps data in order to turn the plane so that it follows the course that i want to be on if i actually zoom out real quick you can see the currently selected leg is this pink one right here and the aircraft is actually taking a left turn to line it up now this is a big difference between this gps and navigation system and other gps and navigation systems is because many times if you don't point at the place you're trying to get to it actually won't start navigating towards it so this is a nice little really really efficient system so the next thing we're going to take a look at is going to be our altitude modes now the thing with altitude modes and this is going to be a bit of a shock for some folks is you have to tell at the altitudes you want to get to before you try to change the mode so if i just press the altitude button on its own without having to pre-select it in altitude it will automatically level the aircraft off there goes perfect now when it does this you can see whoa our roll mode is still being controlled by the navigation and it's trying to find about 1800 feet or in this case 1900 feet which is why it's flashing now let's say we've gone ahead and leveled our plane off the altitude is holding at the correct altitude again it's going to lock on to the nearest hundred feet so in this case 1900 feet let's say we want to automatically climb up to a different altitude so the first thing we have to do is indicate the altitude we want to climb up to this is pretty easy we come down to our altitude knob now for this particular flight let's say we want to go up to 3500 feet i'm going to use the big knob which is the back knob and just roll it a little bit then i'm going to use the little knob to roll it like this notice the airplane did not change altitude if you actually look at the current mode it says my altitude mode is 1900 feet this is what it's trying to do so now we need to tell the airplane how to get to that new altitude we have a couple different ways to do this the first and simplest way to use it is you can come over here and press vertical speed if i press vertical speed you'll get this new thing that says zero that's because we haven't ordered it how much vertical speed to use so now if i come over here and do nose up now the plane will attempt to climb to this altitude at a vertical speed of 500 feet per minute keep in mind you can create a contradictory situation where you could dial in minus 500 feet per minute which case you're going to eat dirt and long before you actually succeed now that's one of the methods and that's actually probably the most intuitive one initially the other method of course we can use is we can use the flick button flight level change what this does is it tries to hold our current speed so in this case it's trying to find 107 knots in our climb so as it tries to find 107 knots you can see it's dancing up and down a little bit now remember the best climb speed in this particular aircraft is actually 75 knots now what i can do is i can go nose down until i get to 75 knots now the plane is going to pitch up royally as it tries to slow me down to 75 knots and now as it stabilizes it's going to hold 75 knots that's indicated air speed until it gets to 3 500 feet obviously we're having a little bit of instability here i'll give it a little nudge just kind of help it out nice so this is the two main ways you can do this keep in mind if you didn't have altitude mode on you could actually go ahead and use the actual pitch controls but this will not level your aircraft off at the desired altitude so you have to be very cautious with that and you can see now that we're starting to stabilize about seven and a half degrees that's actually pretty darn good it's basically exactly what we wanted it to be for this particular climb out now keep in mind at any point you can reach over here and mash the altitude hold button in order to go ahead and make the aircraft freeze at that altitude and the event air traffic control for example tells you to do it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to let this go ahead and climb up to the 3 500 feet and then afterwards we'll go ahead and take a look at the heading hole boat all right so i'm almost there okay it's a little bit of an instability here it's going to start flashing notice the mode by the way switched over to alt 3500 feet no surprise there because we're starting to get close to it a lot of times what i do and this is true in the real world as well is you'll actually fly up to the desired altitude then turn on the altitude mode rather than using some of these modes especially while they're still tuning it kind of that early week stuff let's go ahead and take a look we're right on course we're not gonna be flying this whole flight by the way we're gonna use skip trip to make our lives a little bit simpler and quicker today all right that's looking pretty good i'm gonna wait just a few more moments not too bad not too bad let's go ahead and set our cruise rpm now a couple you were probably going well that flight level change mode was pretty good so how do i control how fast i go up and down the flight level mode well first of all you set what this is for your speed and then you adjust your throttle if you pull the throttle out you climb slower if you push the throttle in you'll climb faster it's just kind of a neat way to control that and instrument pilots love that feature because it's going to give you that ability to really really hone in the actual speed that you want to climb at without really adjusting your ground speed which is awesome now can you use the altitude mode to go back down absolutely so what i could do here is now that i'm at my altitude mode i could come down here and say oh i really wanted 3000 feet now you can go ahead and choose vertical speed mode or flight level change mode if you desire in my case i'm going to click on flc and i'm going to pull the throttle all the way back notice as the aircraft decelerates the nose of the plane now comes down to try to keep me at that speed that i was had a moment ago as a matter of fact it's chasing it just a little bit and push down there we go nice so again i'm able to sit keep roughly the same air speed again it's struggling a little bit this needs a little bit of tuning i think to get a little more accurate but once i get down to 3000 feet i can just push the throttle back forward again and i am all set and ready to go that is why the altitude hold is so dynamite by the way when you're climbing and descending double check to make sure you're using the correct mixture and everything along those lines as well yeah there we go go ahead and apply my power again adjust my mixture just a teeny tiny bit looks good and now we're down to 3000 feet hypothetically when flight level change mode works well you shouldn't have ever changed your indicated airspeed that's just a function of me being very very rough with the throttle okay let's take a look at our other options heading hold now there's a couple different ways to use heading if you take a look at this little blue thing here this is called a heading bug it is currently pointing directly at north and it actually says heading 360. heading mode allows you to tell the aircraft what heading like to go for example let's say we get a call from air traffic control that says could you make your heading 6-0 we say sure what we're going to do is we're going to go to the heading control we're going to roll it again i'm using my scroll wheel here you can also click it if you prefer go to 60 degrees you got to be a little careful there 6 0 ah so sensitive just like the row plane actually and then we come over here and press hdg now my navigation mode has been overridden by my heading mode and the aircraft is automatically going to turn itself so that we face this brand new heading by the way this little pink line if you were curious basically says where aircraft is going to be five seconds from now and you can see it does a pretty decent job of leveling itself out when it gets over here to 60 degrees got a little bit of turbulence there but there's nothing to to note notice i haven't looked at the window yet and of course now we're going off course because we took that big old turn now let's go ahead and get back to the course we just come back over here press the nav button and it will automatically snap itself back to the closest point in the course and that's all the heading control is you can really fly the plane with just heading mode and adjust altitude mode if you need it to so now what about our other two fancy modes actually really technically three but we're going to take a look at approach in back course mode approach allows you to automatically land the plane that's actually not true it's going to allow you to automatically get very very very close to the ground you as the pilot have to automatically land the plane so that is going to be a topic for a very new day but because we're having too much fun here let's have too much fun here so what i have is an approach plate this is basically what you would use as a pilot to go ahead and figure out all the details you would need to land at a given airport so in this case we're landing in windsor locks connecticut and we're going to be using runway 2 4 here this fancy fancy diagram right here is going to give us all the details we know as far as frequencies which is going to be up towards the top go ahead scroll there that's going to be the important number and things like our current altitudes that we need to be traveling at as well as our minimum altitudes and everything like that this is all very advanced stuff but for today's purposes we're going to have a little bit of fun with it anyway so the first thing i need to do is i need to figure out exactly what the frequency of the ils is lucky for us it's always right at the tippy top here and you can actually see it right now it's 111.1 or channel 48 if you needed it we also need to know the approach course with those two things in the back of our heads we can go ahead and set that up inside of aircraft let me go ahead and put that away for now and let's go get this all nice and set up so i'm going to go up to my navigation radio number one here and i'm going to preload that frequency so i need 111.1 perfect swap so now we have selected that frequency and now it is active if you skip this step you will not be able to successfully land this aircraft believe me when i say that one i've made that mistake a few times trust me we can also set that on the second navigation radio we just have to make sure we change the cdi later on so now we're going to do is we're going to use the course selector to go ahead and point our course to the one that we read on the navigational chart in this case it was 238 degrees so i'm going to go over to my course knob and i'll go ahead and crank it down to what i need it to be oh so you'll notice i can't control my course why is that that's because the gps automatically controls the course knob so in order to fix that i'll show you a really slick trick i'm going to push down on the heading thing come over to the heading button click it which actually shut off navigation mode we're actually in heading hold mode but now it gives me the ability to switch my cdi input again this is where we're getting roll information to that vor slash ils station now i can go over here and set it to the true two tree eight that we're going to need emma oh yeah this is fun of the real plane when you're in turbulence also come on i know it's going to skip on me in a second but god too far 2 3 8 lovely now i'll go back to the cdi mode back to gps come back over here press the nav button and nobody even knew that we were slightly off course for that half a second there and that's just how effective that system actually is at curling correcting to it all right let's go ahead and skip to the end now that you have a pretty good control let's say we got a call from air traffic control saying descend to well 1 500 feet i wouldn't do that in this area we're a little low as it is but we could actually go in here set down our altitude we'll say maybe 2200 feet or something like that then we can come over here and we could go ahead and say vertical speed mode we could do nose down down down at 500 feet per minute of course we probably want to back our throttle up as well again this is just another way to do it i'm a flight level change button guy and that comes kind of from a little bit of airline or stuff but do whatever works for you comfortably keep in mind you can fly this too if you prefer so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to use my travel to feature and go to final approach as soon as we get there i'll go ahead and pause and i'll show you what this approach autopilot actually does those are some pretty mountains i don't know that i'd be flying that particular aircraft at the cloud level is that close to the mountains but hey you got to do it with what you got to deal with so what's happening right now is the because we set up the flight plan in the little flight planner it's actually going to put us in a position where we're basically ready to land this plane which is awesome let's go ahead and hit ready to fly and octopus beautiful okay let's go ahead and take a look at our current situation first of all i'm accelerating which is actually not desirable you can see that we have our runway directly ahead now do you remember a little while ago that we took all that time to go ahead and actually which runway has got yeah we're good no it's got a sunrunway tree tree i see what happened here awesome let's use this as a learning opportunity then so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to go to heading mode i'm going to go ahead and cancel out my automatic pilot because this is not the runway i want to land on autopilot off and let's go ahead and start turning the plane we're actually going to cross midfield no you know we'll do a right traffic pattern for this all right swing over to this way hey like i said teachable moment as they say i told it that it was supposed to use tree 4 but because of the actual current wind it automatically gave us tree tree instead all right let's go ahead and auto pilot on we're going to go to altitude hold mode on and we're in good shape once again we're actually tremendously low so let's go ahead and see what we're going to do now you can actually see this is what we were supposed to ah tricky quickly change our approach here yeah i chose ils24 interesting very interesting okay so it wasn't perfect but then again nothing ever is good okay very nice so what we're going to do now is we're actually going to follow the runway i'm going to zoom in a little bit so you can see what we're going to do to fix ourselves we actually need to land here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn the plane around come over to motel and then come back around so the first thing i'm going to do is go ahead and grab my heading bug here flip over to heading hold mode and go ahead and spin us around all right off we go there we go sorry about that okay so here's what we're going to do we're going to go all the way around and only take us a moment to do go to this position and then we're going to approach and land on the runway using the ils system so first things first is you'll notice it changed my navigation frequency up here the reason it did it is because it switched me to that other runway runway tree tree so be very cautious if you do use that skip feature that everything you plan for actually works out the way you expected it to be like i said sometimes stuff happens right we're actually very very very very very low so let's go ahead and take advantage of our altitude mode here we can come over here and use this one as well we'll switch to vertical speed mode go nose up just a little bit 500 feet per minute should be plenty full throttle all right getting a little bit of turbulence doesn't surprise me there's a gigantic mountain range directly below us all right let's go ahead and take a look so we probably want a heading of about six zero degrees which will put us parallel to the main runway in the opposite direction it's actually going to be 62 degrees i believe perfect ah nice so now what we're doing is we're actually flying we're going to pass right over the top of the airport in just a moment and then we're going to go to motel turn around and then go ahead and do our ils approach to demonstrate this a little bit better i'm actually going to enable the ils so you can see it down here again this is all getting a little advanced for us but this is still a really really nice example so i'm going to go down to cdi and i'm going to click the cdi button notice it automatically lined itself up in totally the wrong direction notice this is lock one instead of vor because you're using a localizer approach now and now all we have to do is spin it so that it faces our correct heading again this is getting a little bit fancy but it also is going to let you guys kind of see where you can go with it oh let's see here i'm going to switch this you don't want to heading of course of 328 okay we're going to swing all the way around the other side looks like it automatically overwrote me there swap there it goes much better and now notice it automatically identified it needs to be facing the other way so this is super cool because it actually will automatically adjust itself to be on the correct course for the runway that's nice they didn't always used to do that but either way you can see that our current runway is actually directly behind us and if we wanted to attempt to land on it we're actually a little off course which actually makes perfect sense because if you look visually we need to be over here this green line also tells us we need to be over here that's a really slick trick as a matter of fact at any time we can actually turn the entire plane around and then come around and relaunch this but again this is about the automatic pilot so we want to see this thing land itself all right looking pretty good i think we fold it off i can reduce power just a little bit i know you're sitting there going isn't the whole point of this game to you know look out the window and enjoy the scenery there it is everybody enjoy all right back to what we're doing instrument flying is so much more interesting in my opinion although yes it is absolutely gorgeous and i'm sure these people just love us buzz in their houses like this nice little tobacco barn down there anyway going back to what we're doing here so i'm gonna give myself a little bit more distance i'm actually going to see notice we're only using our heading hold mode right now we're going the opposite direction where we need to go so that we can turn ourselves around aggressively and use the automatic pilot i'm actually taking a look over here at a glide slope indicator and this shows that we're completely the wrong direction but again that's perfectly fine all right just going to come out just a little bit wider here i'm trying to get my glide slope to get a little bit lower there all right looks pretty good like i said we're just trying to get out to motel and turn around i'm gonna go double check real real quickly uh we're gonna go back to our little plan here always a good idea to make sure everything's what you expected to be i think motel we're supposed to be at uh oh 2100 feet so we're going to be a little low in that regard once we get there and again this is a very advanced concept we're just demonstrating just for the purposes of showing you how you can use an automatic pilot if you had set everything up correct to begin with to go ahead and automatically land the aircraft so i'm going to go ahead and hide that again we don't need to take a look at it but i'm just checking like it's supposed to be 2100 feet we're at 1800 feet that's okay it's not gonna cause us too too much trouble i don't think all right looking pretty good ah the glide soap needle is starting to come up beautiful that's exactly what i wanted it to do this is going to tell us when it's going to be safe to turn so we're going to do with our turn is we're going to do a 180 degree turn and then basically reacquire this and then flip the automatic landing feature on pretty much all in the same breath it's going to be quite a tactical maneuver in the real world you'd never approach this steeply unless you're using a procedure turn but that is a video series for a totally different day for those of you who want to do instrument stuff later all right i think we're perfect all right let's do our 180. so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and crank this thing all the way around to 210 degrees we're basically going to come out do almost like a teardrop shape and then come swinging back in then once we get realigned with the runway i'm going to go ahead and set it up so that we can go ahead and automatically land this plane you're going to get such a kick out of this again i haven't looked at the window very much here but we don't need to by the way when you're automatically landing the plane make sure you do things like put gear down put your flaps down stuff like that and this will be very different depending on the type of aircraft you're using so i'm actually going to increase my heading a little bit i want to bring myself all the way to west because we want to go towards again take a look at my map here we want to go towards this line which in this case is this little green line here you can see we're swinging around pretty nicely you're very very nice we're actually going to be a little teeny tiny bit high if i'm not quick and that's actually fairly well aligned i'm now going to come over here and press apr two things are going to happen you're going to get a warning over here that says lock which is going to be our left right indication of where we are relative to the runway and then you're going to have gs which stands for glide slope which is going to be my up and down to my runway there's actually a possibility that we're actually going to grab the glide slope before we grab the localizer we're not going to grab the localizer until we cross this line and again you'll see all these things happen simultaneously give myself a little bit of throttle here nice nice nice slow down just a little bit that looks pretty good all right we should be crossing in just a minute i'm actually going to bring a slightly more to the right here by the way heading hold stays on until you tell it not to stay on so i'm actually going to cut this corner a little tighter again you can see where the representation we need to be here and you can see that visually here you can actually see the river down here too look at the window real fast man it is a nice day outside hey route 5 i know this route 91 i'm sorry hey there it goes cool now notice this light has turned to localizer and notice this light has turned to gs that tells me we are now in the instrument landing system which means this aircraft will approach itself all the way down to the ground without any of our input i'm actually going to look out the window yeah we're going to be right over there in just a moment now watch what happens here this little green triangle represents our up and down position if it is exactly level here that means we're at the perfect height for where we need to be this line here represents how left to right it is again people who do ils stuff all the time this is going to be a review this is just showing how the autopilot side of things actually works so you can see i'm lined up i'm on the right frequency i'm coming in nicely notice my auto altitude hold has been shut down now it's just a matter of just bringing this thing all the way down to the ground again if i were to look straight out the window there's a runway no surprise right and so far we've seen almost every single feature except for this one and you'll see why in a minute now instrument pilots all know that when you're doing an approach like this the most important thing you have is not only landing but it's making sure you know what to do if you can't find the runway so what i'm going to do real quickly is i'm going to start getting my missed approach all set up let's see here my missed approach i have to go straight until i get to 4 000 feet and then proceed direct hartford so i'm going to actually come over to my altitude knob and set this to 4000 feet you're probably saying why are we not going up it's because we haven't told that how to get to 4 000 feet this is just going to be in the event of an emergency if we like miss the runway or something like that now proceeding direct to hartford if i actually look at my flight plan real quick hfd is way down there we can actually preset that if we wanted to i believe hartford vr is 114.90 again this is advanced stuff but i want to show you kind of what we would do coming forward i can see the runway pretty nice of the synthetic vision i could see it perfectly looking out the window again the automatic pilot is flying my plane all right looks like our distances are pretty darn close oh yeah we're getting close we're getting close you can actually see we're 1.1 miles away from the actual 1.3 sorry from the actual ground all right i'm going to reduce power just a little bit again i'm not touching anything all right time to start getting our flaps in the right position we're going to prepare for landing our decision altitude i believe is 500 feet 370 feet so we have just a moment before we have to make a decision whether or not we want to land flaps are all the way down notice my back pilot's going whoa what are you doing you want to be about 1800 rpms usually the magic spot again depending on weight oh the autopilot is zipping up and down all right looking pretty good looking pretty good when this thing says 370 we have to make our decision to land pause let's look out the window i'm feeling fairly confident are you guys feeling fully confident because i'm not and we're going around so what i'm going to do now is i'm immediately going to mangle the uh press down on the heading control then i'm going to immediately go over here to the flight level change control and i'm going to immediately go ahead and make sure heading hold is on go ahead and pause real quick whoa remember the trim keeps changing even when you're on automatic pause start melting the flaps up and now we are aboarding our takeoff here whoa this thing wants to pitch up a little bit we need to adjust our speed get ourselves about so i feel like i'm fighting the controls a little here there we go nice automatic pilot definitely needs some tuning here i'm just gonna flip off the automatic file let me do it myself and now we're basically aborting our landing attempt so now this is when their final button comes along and that's going to be the bc button what the bc button does is it allows us to fly that little ils approach we just did in reverse also known as being able to go ahead and fly it basically like i said after we've already gone past the end of the runway so i'm going to go ahead and level this off a little bit i think i've got this thing pretty under control as far as settings goes looks good i'm going to go ahead and flip on the automatic twilight again there we go nice did you just see what happened here notice the localizer now says that the place we need to be is behind us now if i come over here and press the bc button it will actually keep us on this line in reverse which allows us to fly away from the runway which has an ils frequency in the other direction so that's what the bc button does so that's basically all your different functionality now of course we have to normally proceed direct to hartford so we could do that real quickly too we could swap this frequency we could go ahead snap the course i'm going to press this button real fast and it looks like it's going to be over here on our left we can go ahead and flip on navigation hold mode and off we go now we're flying to hartford like that again that's a sort of more advanced technique it's a more advanced topic but a lot of people are probably going to be curious what this is all about so hopefully this is enough this if you have any questions as usual feel free to ask them i can put together other videos if it makes your life easier instrument flying is amazing stuff but it definitely needs a detailed series and maybe someday i'll put something like that together to help you out but at the very least after watching this video you should have a fairly good idea what these different buttons do and how to make them work for you again it's on what you need to do it's all in the different settings if you're doing just basic flying the best buttons to use is really the heading hold button the nav hold button as well as the altitude hold button now just again don't worry about the too many of these little details i did a lot of extra stuff today but i wanted to show you kind of what you can do going forward getting those frequencies for example that is a totally different day as far as the topic goes but at the very least you're gonna have more than enough ammunition to get yourself successfully and the other good news is most of the aircraft in flight simulator 2020 all use the same exact system with the exception of the airliners and that's going to require its own tutorial but other than that enjoy
Channel: P Gatcomb
Views: 159,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flight Simulator 2020, Autopilot, FS2020, Cessna 172, G1000
Id: Nu3Fc1zeqjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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