TBM 930 ILS Approach - HOW TO in under 15 Minutes - Microsoft Flight Simulator

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hi guys squad here and in this video i'm going to show you in 15 minutes or less how to shoot a precision ils approach in the tbm 930 in microsoft flight simulator first thing you're going to need before you shoot an ils approach is an approach plate these are available from electronic flight bags or online places like sky vector have them or navigraph or you can just simply google them i'm using this one here which is lima foxtrot romeo sierra which is nant airport in france and we're going to shoot the ils y for runway zero three there is an ils zed which is slightly different but it doesn't matter which one you choose now the important thing is to note that the initial approach fix for runway 3 starts here at dog off this is our initial fix and the course inbound is 0 2 8 we'll need the stuff in a minute dog off as you can see on the vertical slice comes in at an altitude of 3000 feet so what we need to do to set ourselves up is we need to get to dog off at 3 000 feet and if you notice just above it makes reference to two things nt and nts nt is the actual ils system nts is a vor which just happens to be at the airfield so if you look over here you can see ils dme at one zero nana decimal niner and that is nt so d14 means this waypoint dog off is 14 nautical miles from the ils system nt and it's 15 nautical miles away from the vor dme system which is further back in the airfield at 115 decimal five nts we're going to put both of these frequencies into our aircraft so we've got maximum um situational awareness now what will happen is we will hit dog off at 000 feet on zero to eight we will fly along this heading and by 19 sorry 9.2 dme from the ils system will begin our descent down to the runway that's where we need to have captured our glide slope if we don't capture our glideslope we'll have to go mist equally we're in hard ifr conditions as you can see outside if we can't get down to our decision height and see something on the runway that's the lights or the uh the landing um the landing touchdown zones anything like that then we have to go missed how do we know what height we need to do this it's down here cat one d a decision altitude is 273 feet or 200 feet height now in the tbm 930 we can either put the barometric uh altitude in here which is 273 or we also have a radial altimeter which hits the ground directly and that's a height above ground of 200 feet we'll use the 273 just to keep it simple but you need to have this approach plates uh to hand so that you can punch in um punch it in for whatever runway you want so let's jump in the aircraft and set this up i'll leave the approach chart on the screen while we do this so that you've got it there as a reference what we need to do is need to set the aircraft up for this approach now at the moment i've only got the destination in you might have some waypoints on the way we know that dog off is a place that we need to go to there's two ways of doing this if he was on a long flight then we might just go to mfd procedures and then we'll select the approach and then we'll choose ils 3 yankee which is the approach that we want we choose the correct transition which i happen to know is normie in this one otherwise you have to figure out that norm is going to be like right over here somewhere we zoom out it's going to take us way out over here what i'll do instead is i'll show you other way of doing it so we're not going to load that in if we wanted to load that in we would choose normi and then choose load or load and activate load and activate will take us straight to normie but you can see the waypoints are going to take us to dog off anyway so what we're going to do instead is we're not going to load that we're going to do it a different way so in the flight plan i'm going to add dog off dog as our current as our next waypoint and now you can see it's rooting left towards dog off it's going to get there very quickly because uh this plane flies quickly i'm just going to slow it down a little bit so i can i can talk to you guys uh we'll need to descend fairly soon we could see that um it is currently 51 nautical away so no immediate rush we're now heading towards dog off which was on the chart our initial approach fix so let's set some other things up go to the pfd and we need to set a couple of things up here one thing to make a note of is click on speed bugs and you'll notice the approach speed is 85 knots so when we're going down on that glide slope what we're looking to be is fully configured which means landing gear down flaps in the landing position 85 knots and stable that's where we want to be on that quiet slope to keep a record of that our minimums we need to punch in now now on this plane we we have if you click here we have the barrow and the radio the barrow is the barometric pressure minimum and the radial altimeter literally measures the distance to our ground on the chart it showed both it showed 200 feet for the radio altimeter and 273 for the barometric so i'll click barometric and put 273 enter and that will activate you see barrel 273 that will activate on the display screen here barrow 273 so we know our minimum is if we don't see the runway by then uh the lighting or the touchdowns or anything like that if we don't see the runway we need to go missed now we need to set up the uh the actual main screen so if we jump over to here uh what we need to set up is a couple of navigational aids remember we've got the ils and we've also got that vor dme so we need to punch both of those frequencies in so down here again click on navcon and then click audio and radios down here that's going to give us our nav nav one nav two if you don't see that just scroll up with this wheel here what i want to do is want to get the ils into the nav one frequency so we click on that do one zero niner decimal niner hit transfer that'll put it into the active and the white then on nav2 we're going to put in the voidme which is one one five decimal five again hit transfer that'll put it immediately into active now we've got those two things in if we then jump back over here i need to start descending now so we need to start putting that 3000 feet in i'm gonna back off at the v speed and descend downwards so that we pick up dog off correctly because we're only 14 nautical away what we want is we want to display those things on here so we'll click pfd settings and then we've got bearing one and bearing two now in bearing two we want the vor dme so we'll click it so it says nav2 because we put that into the nav2 frequency and you can see it's got it now 25 nautical away nts which is correct that was the voidme if we put bearing one onto nav one that will say nt it's now picking up the frequency for the ils system 23 nautical away and then if you click other pfd settings and then go to wind and then option three i highly recommend you have that on so you can see what the wind's doing we may have a slight cross window actually no it's going to be more or less down the nose uh so click back click back again that is now set up one thing we do need to do though is we need to just check our course inbound on the ios so in order to do that we need to apply the course and and configure it for uh nav one before we do that we need to click on synchronize heading which synchronizes the heading book so push that button in click on heading for a second so that you can switch this to lock one which is the nav one and you can see the course has been selected as zero to eight if it wasn't on zero two eight you would turn this course knob here until it says zero two eight we're now going to leave that turned in because we want the system to fly the localizer because it's picked it up it says lock one we need that needle to come across but if we now click it back into nav mode what it's going to do instead of following the gps it's now going to try and intercept the localizer that we want that is the one the initial fix is at dog off so it's going to try and fly a zero to eight course inbound on the ils system using that localizer when it comes back in which it should soon if it doesn't go crazy looks like it's going a bit crazy to me but hey welcome to microsoft flight simulator uh what what we could have done is just fly the uh the heading if we just go heading mode for a second this is the way to do it manually by the way what you're trying to do is trying to get that green light to start moving across when it moves across hit the nav button and it will fly down that localizer so speed it up until we get to that point there you go needle's coming across where hit the nav button that should now turn us on to that course notice i kept the speed down into flap speed so now i can engage flaps one and then you might need to give it a little bit of throttle just to keep this speed up now what it's done is turned on to that localizer on a course of zero two eight that's not captured the glide slope that's just captured our horizontal positioning if you like so if we go back to the mfd we can now zoom that in and you can see it's now flying that zero to eight and it is localized it says lock in green so it's on the localizer we're now in flaps one which is good it's a good place to be now we need to think about capturing the glide slope now remember from that initial approach fixed the distance to the ils which was nt started at 15 dme and at 10.2 dme the glide slope was capturable so now we're on the localizer we're going to hit the approach button and now you can see it's going to say gs in white because we're at 3 000 feet it is now looking for the glide slope and we know from the chart that that should happen at about 9.2 dme on nt so i'll fast forward and what you should see is this green dot will start to come down and there it is so when you've got the the diamond in the first white dot there's two white dots you want to get the gear down now so that's going to give you a little bit more resistance make sure you stay in the white arc remember in the tbm you are in charge of the throttle nothing else if we have a quick look outside you can see why we're flying in a precision approach because we can see quite literally nothing right now now you're waiting for that green dot to get down to the second point bar and then you want to put the second stage of flaps in and then you want to get the throttle set so you've got 85 knots because that is our approach speed we want to be fully configured so four flaps now you can see the flaps coming down over here on the on the mfd and now i'm going to adjust my speed i'm going to bring the throttle back a bit we're looking for about 85 knots if this if the speed comes down just give it more throttle it will pitch for you but what it can't do is it can't adjust the throttle but look outside still can't see a thing but that's okay because we're not at our minimums yet you can see it's starting to descend so now it's starting to descend if you look at the chart we need to if the missed approach is to climb straight out on the on the heading runway heading so we'll bring we'll bring the synchronized bug click that that'll put the heading bug for us so if we need to go mist we're going to climb on the heading and the altitude we're going to put to it says climb initially to 1 300 then left turn climb to i think it's 4 000 so we'll put the altitude up to 4000 now it's going to come back on the throttle a little bit because i've let it over speed but you can see we're on the green diamond you have to keep watching this stuff so the glide slope is in green the localized in green it's all captured and we're descending on the glide path we can even verify this if you look at the glide path it says uh auspin will pass at 4 dme so when we're at 4 dme we should be at austin and before that i think it was gl ndb it says we'll be at 2000 feet at 6.2 so 6.2 nautical miles here we should be at 2 000 feet if we're correctly configured and i think you'll find that we will be so i'm going to speed this up now and you can see on the um synthetic vision you can see the runway but in real life we can't see very much we can see a flashing light but that's not good enough to land so we'll speed up watch for 6.2 dme down the bottom there on nt and that should be 2000 feet our barometric minimums are 273 feet if we can't see the runway at this point we must go missed but luckily we can see things so when do we cancel autopilot we cancel autopilot generally speaking you can do it now but you might as well leave it fully configured fly down to minimums about 300 feet with cancel and land okay well we're less than 500 feet we've got good speed we're fully configured at this point cancel it autopilot disengage the your damper and fly it manually just remember to keep your speed look at the crosswind with the wind as cluster as blustery as today you don't want to let your speed drop before below 85 so anything towards 90 is good gives you a little bit of a buffer just in case the wind shears on you and we're down and that is how you fly a precision ils approach in the tbm 930 in microsoft flight simulator give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video guys don't forget to sub for more content
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 190,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus
Id: FmKuT4C5YlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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