New Garmin Cockpit! First Flight!

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today we're in wichita kansas picking up two romeo fox shot from annual inspection having the big garmin 4.8 hardware and software grade it's gonna be awesome the first flight in the new g3000 cockpit come on board let's fly home back to new york [Music] [Music] hey everyone hope one's doing really well i'm in wichita kansas right now at the textron service center where turmeric fox has been for the past three weeks having its annual inspection done having some minor paint touch-ups and the big garmin 4.8 hardware and software installation and upgrade what that does is basically replaces all the old hardware and software with brand new solid state ssd drives new software making the system lightning fast also replacing um some of the old technology and putting brand new technology in there it's super awesome i cannot wait to share this all and show you all the features that this new software has to offer just want to say a big shout out and a thank you to rob who's the csr at texan aviation and wichita did an amazing job working on the airplane as well as all the mechanics everyone that uh spent a lot of time and hard work on the airplane so a big thank you to everyone here in wichita the texture and service center all right let's uh get into this new uh system and show you some of the cool features all right it's time to boot up the g3000 you can see how lightning fast it is now this is gonna be awesome it normally takes about 45 seconds to a minute you're gonna see how fast this boom boom boom screens are on i mean it's incredible look at that it was about 14 seconds so uh it's a it's a big upgrade it's a big difference you can see once the screens sort of all kind of align and get all loaded up you just see the first thing often people have seen my videos in the past how quick it is how fast it is but also look at the definition on the screens it's night and day higher resolution better graphics and you'll see that here in a second once still gets going all right so we we come down here to the fmc's the g3000 gtc touchscreens and you can already see look at this it's lightning fast everything's just moving really quickly but you'll see a couple different functionality things here we got the atc data link so this what this does here it's domestic cpdlc so a controller and the pilot so for instance we can do all our communicating over text so if we get a frequency change they'll send it here we just acknowledge it and you say wilco have a great day and just type in the frequency and say that's it another cool thing here which obviously we didn't have before is we have we can now put the vfr charts on the uh omni mfd and you can see how fast that is look at that you can actually see where we are on the airport um on the actual sectional which i which i think is just a really really cool feature so we got that and you can just see generally here on the mfd just the the resolution everything just looks cleaner so it's uh it's really really uh really really cool we also have uh the uh ifr low which we can see on this on this camera right on the mfd camera as well as ifr high and it's it's just really really nice you can see if we can how quick it is everything's just kind of moving around which i just think is a really kind of cool feature the other thing that we have is more advanced performance information so the perf here if we come down here we can see we have our take off and landing data which obviously we always have but now we have active perf so we can actually do have standby performance information um so two different sources as well as an active performance which just i think is a really neat feature as well as now we have if we put a flight plan in the whole thing we can get our winds and temperature aloft so basically what that does is it allows us for instance if we're flying to bermuda and we're in a non-radar environment and they say tear me a fox say your estimated estimated time for king or kine or whatever the oceanic waypoints might be right now it's only based on what we're doing at the current state so if we're at 18 000 feet and king or kind of is 150 miles away and we're going to be at 41 000 feet by then the winds will be different the speed will be different so basically you have to guess and do your best job you can do then once you get up to cruise if it's anything more than two minutes you have to let air traffic control know with an updated time now we're going to get real-time live information about this and we'll be at 18 000 feet and know exactly what time we'll be at king or kind or any of these oceanic waypoints when we get there which is going to take a huge workload off from the pilot so that's going to be really really cool and i'm excited to uh to share that and we can actually see traffic now on the ground so before you you actually couldn't see airplanes on the ground now we can actually see airplanes moving on the ground which i think is uh is really really cool so i'm pre-flying the airplane and look who's walking over what's up buddy how are you man what are you doing here i just dropped off an airplane and we can head back to new york really dude i got the right to open you want to come no way yeah let's do it all right let's go all right do you want to call for clearance yeah all right all right gender off good your break is right on your side let's take it around all right [Applause] man that's a good gpu it's it's so it slides that way with this one here clear station we are far to white point citation two romeo fox drop which south side scared the white plains airport as filed maintained five thousand expect by level four one zero one zero minutes after departure frequency one three four point eight five squawk one one two one okay we're clear to white plains is filed five thousand four hundred and ten thirty four eighty five one one two one [Music] taxi it's so tight that's better [Music] all right one right knee i'm like yep left there we go i was like dude i could hit the gym 3.1 for five thousand thousand forty seven you're upgrading one two six point seven let's see thank you it's like wait a minute the gentleman was just saying thanks sir tower is 18 too [Music] that's good teamwork getting out of here yeah boom boom boom let's see co-pilot how do i turn myself up that's so go intercom and then co-pilot volume there you go there we go a little better if you want then if you're going to do this then you can so then you have that screen oh cool and then you can basically select whatever you want on that on your side you can see like i can show you how to do like that yeah yeah it's kind of cool so that see that like hexagon building over there uh-huh so that's where they do like all the new airplane deliveries wow and then also these buildings over here is kind of where they like do like the finish prep like a week or two before delivery and then some of those buildings is where they're working on like the next generation of like what tech strong's gonna be like wow presenting um so like they have like yeah it's like super cool literally in the birth place yeah this is this is the birthplace of tech yeah okay where you were made buddy straight ahead right right here all right we'll do before takeoffs when you're ready coming right up sweet ice protection not needed fastener seats no passengers flaps 15 indicating speed brakes are down okay trims one two three times centered okay kerberry all right so left seat departure okay and you should look below the one max breaking for us leaves that'll speed breaks up anything above e1 we'll take it in the air everything's coming back to wichita service center here we'll get to a safe altitude i'll fly the airplane you'll work the radios cure h is right here right off your left side pull it up pull the checklist up then we'll just work as a team and come back to itself awesome cool any questions no questions here go around button is set okay lineups to go sweet we're up on tower awesome archer's in standby we're squawking 1-1 that's not right one one two one there's another three plus that's a brand new three plus it's like a 20 21. wow yeah that's nice power off charlie four questions about 5 000 okay lineups ice protection not needed uh we'll wait for takeoff on that okay exterior lights if you want to flip them all on yeah this bottom too that's great and um instruments and all right heats please all right one right looks good to me okay so yeah here we go let's rock and roll stable all right take a power set and achieved it airspeed the live checks by charlie julia contact departure we'll see ya quarter parts cross check is good v1 or rotate all right gears coming up there's two 10 thumbs up you wanna hit y'all damp inflate level change for me please rocket of course okay one five thousand right turn direct rocky hey one five thousand coming up for four thousand it's very intuitive yeah it is like once you get like the kind of the brains of it right can you be too much you can expect that there's a mark do you hear that oh i can see it yeah i hear it like beeping in my headset beautiful downtown wichita yep yeah i definitely got to slow down though because this is probably like my fifth airplane this week is it really oh yeah dude it's crazy yeah so uh gtn 650 750 is about as fancy as said gone okay so this is a luxury yeah that's crazy fly so many different airplanes it's awesome though it's cool i think the hardest part is remembering which tail number you're in so i'm like uh bonanza oh no one zero that's amazing right all right yeah we always i don't know if you if you do this but like any time like before it gets to the customer or whatever you always do like maintenance like a maintenance flight because you get the kinks out exactly makes a big difference yeah last thing you want is for you to show up and the plane's not right you know something happened well then yeah i know it's true all right out of 10 you want to do a uh climb check yeah let's do it right gear is up claps fire up throttles or climbing down to go off i was hoping for like a 90 knot tail win today we have like nine knots i'm like we're going west it's like almost the winter time right come on i should get a switch here to kansas city if i'm a betting man it's 24-2 24-2 i just i just did a contract trip a few weeks ago out of here to wichita in a owner's m2 yeah and i'm like starting to get the frequencies down a little bit side digits contact kansas city center on 120.2 [Applause] i got that one way off twenty four two i was kinda close archer station fox right one four thousand climbing one five maybe it was twenty four two yeah i think it was twenty point a second ago i think six three five trillion julia called me climbing saying two three zero [Applause] yeah dude so everyone youtube out there owen as he's been on a bunch of other cool youtuber videos don't have my own yet though soon you should i know i know you should at some point you got to do it yeah i'll give in at some point tick tock that influence tick tock you got instagram and if you are do you want to follow owen it's fly with owen on tick tock and instagram yeah really good content highly recommend yeah i think youtube is the next progression dude i think you kind of skipped it right because you went instagram and then people normally go instagram youtube i think tick tock but you just went straight to texas yeah oh no i kind of like being in everybody else yeah yeah it's a lot easier i just look pretty you guys do all the work yeah but uh but yeah so owen is a professional pie you play golf stream yeah which is super epic other things that's like the world of 18s that's like what i love about aviation so much is i'm pre-flying the airplane picking up for maintenance getting ready for a trip on friday and you drop off an airplane and you're i'm like dude it's like it's just like i don't know it's just like buddies meeting up in wichita dropping off airplanes picking up airplanes like the life of being a professional pilot absolutely that's awesome that's really cool so what do you think of so far the avionics very i think the first thing you mentioned when we got in there playing was like dude that loaded up quick yeah fire that up yeah uh the goals for my flights you know 90s a little older older stuff yeah nothing like this i mean it can do about the same thing but it's just i like the twisty knobs do you like it dude you know no one ever does the christine i think you're the first person to ever use the thrifting point it's so easier than i have to like go like this like twist i will say turbulence like your fingers are kind of like something yeah yeah who's this kansas kansas city kansas city stadium jeremy fox 20.5 climate change the golf echo november whiskey council for the center good afternoon there's station fox right uh 2-03 so when i was in jacksonville this summer owen was super gracious enough to you know in a goal stream yeah and i sat in there and there there's a lot of switches and buttons yeah i'm like i'm like this is cool you're going through the flow it's so it's kind of cool you know to have both sort of you fly little airplanes like bigger planes and then you kind of get like the small yeah maybe medium stuff definitely it's cool it's cool you're gonna know sir green i know i see it got a little bit of a weather we're gonna have to go around to get to the uh to the east is the right turn back to beach thank you all right so we're going to turn the cameras off a little bit because it's going to get pretty boring for the next like i don't know two hours and 42 minutes yeah a little bit and then we'll put the cameras back on for the arrival into uh into white plains so talk to everyone a little bit all right we're back it's been a very eventful flight not a lot going on but should have a cool dusk arrival for everyone coming in the weather just went marginal vfr so it's below 3000 foot ceilings so it should have a little bit of a cloudy arrival but it should be pretty chill kind of messing around with some of the new features on the uh the g3000 one of them that i really like is basically it auto-syncs all the winds aloft so it actually will tell you uh when you're gonna be at white plains because it will sink all the winds lock down your router flight so that was kind of a cool one but yeah just chilling i just like the knob oh yeah yeah and owen's favorite part is just the the frequency change knob i'm easily amused we talked about owen's instagram channel earlier but if you are on instagram i want to give me a follow not as cool as owens content but citationmax1 on instagram go check it out give it a follow and i do daily vlogs and i can keep up to date because [Music] because sometimes as everyone knows [Music] three four three two sometimes we're six eight ten twelve i don't know 20 weeks behind when we uh we post uh videos compared to when we shoot it so go over instagram and check it out bob center cheering me fox 180 there are two romeo box boss roger garage 170 at 10 10 miles broken at 1800 23 and 21. yep all right should we set up for the let's do it yep let's see what we got here a cars speedus all right it's still x-ray cool all right so sure two romeo better we'll give 2 000 because we love boston center there we go all right triple zero triple zero set up my side all right so i list one six 109 seven that bounce 163 glideslope zimmer is 2 000 mins of 639 set on both sides if we gotta go missed it's climbed to a thousand feet climbing left turn to three thousand heading one five zero in the outbound laguardia zero four four radial two heart on the 23.5 db of laguardia and hold all the three thousands we're expecting direct pharyn to join the localizer for one six that's what they normally do any questions on the approach looks pretty straightforward to me all righty let's do this here all right windshield defog system is all off that here and exterior lights zero lights are good okay complete approaches are next all right november two wrote me a foxtrot clear direct valerie direct valerie journal executive order 141 clear direct flossie cross crank at maintain 7 000. you're direct fluffy cross crank up maintain 700 140. so one cool thing that i was i was kind of messing around with i showed owen is i know he has this in his gold stream but now in the airplane when we're coming into land we actually get the 50 40 30 2010 which we never had before which is a new thing on the garmin uh software update um so i'll show everyone that there are two romeo foxtrot on your current heading interceptor operation by one six westchester descend and maintain seven thousand okay intercept the loca on the setting down to seven thousand two oh my fox all right heading center yard six two at one seven thousand all right approach is good we're loading activated that's confirmed i'll have higher awesome so we can see what we just did there and we're going down to seven thousand feet let's start breaking the speed back because we have to be at 250 knots or less below 34.62 maintain i like it we're capturing it all looking good but yeah so i was going to show everyone here under the setup ionic setup alerts so now we have the option of selecting what alerts we want when we're coming down on the approach you can see you can select this so it'll be cool to kind of hear this for the first time contact new york center 33.3 you're so lucky how quickly you were able to slow the 250 is it our goal stream oh my gosh how long does it it i mean it just does not want to slow down we got those nice variable speed brakes too we have those we have all the throttle spoils uh in a couple miles i'll be able to give you a shortcut backward 827. our 5788 amazing it's 23 degrees out wow what is this one heavy 160 load the data that's in runway is good config is standard and we're 99 on the ref one or seven to the back six uh briefed it zero any questions on it no questions for ross east ross east got it and uh yeah that is it any questions no questions avionics blind spins i checked on my side they checked over here uh wanna go wanna go field transfer is off stereo lights they're good for now faster brief no passengers seat seat belts minor on monitor on passenger safe switch for good messages nothing and pressurization sweet descending 0.5 but all right approaches are complete sweet new york approach next probably yeah do you know that frequency yeah 20.8 okay yeah see if my buddies are on you ever tour the facility i have still a bucket list it's so awesome yeah yeah it's ah see what are we passing over oh stuart stewart yep isn't the trump's 757 still parked down there without engines i know it was down there for a long time the only thing i know about stuart is that there's a textron service in here so something happens we're going there we're going to stuart that's always like our emergency brief like if something like goes down the tubes on takeoff and white plains stewart's you know 20 miles away right there 5788 and maintain one two thousand seven here one two thousand record 5788 they're at two romeo foxtrot to maintain six thousand and contact new york one two six point four six thousand twenty six four jeremy fox here they must be really busy because they only open up twenty six four when 20 points was like super super busy which has not happened in quite a while [Music] [Applause] three thousand jeremy two running on five shot reset you transform the clock three zero three one thirty thirty one two on five round one eight one two charlie reduced speed to one eight zero zero three zero three now twenty zero rhymes three one zero see like as you descend just gets darker and darker oh yeah man 10 minutes ago right out yeah tower will be next tower will be next 160 third is one six german five prepare the approach yes sir excitation six six four mike victor 1700 climbing three thousand direct car mount six six four mike victor new york spots radar contact one west of jamberry climbing one one eleven thousand up to eleven thousand six one high victor number two roaming on fire shot one eighty five out there [Music] that sounds good all right there's five out okay put the landing light on for me please thank you i don't even say it got it autopilot autopilot's away okay want to before landing real quick yes please lana gear is down three green no red flaps uh working on that flaps are 35 now okay speed brakes are down air speed is coming back and auto pilot audio auto pods away your camping a bit okay four global one eight one two charlie i lost runway one six one eight one two charlie bush's stair one six here at one zero runway one six clear one one six cleared to land one two chili 500. up caesar you said you want to cross one wi-fi obviously you can cross your dampeners away minimums minimums 50 40 30 20 10 two breaks are up right [Music] nicely done brother thank you thank you good teamwork that uh the altitude callouts and three off no it was kind of it has a nice voice very soothing very soothing all right hello everyone welcome to uh white plains we're back home after uh three weeks of not having the airplane back as it was an annual as everyone knows so good to be home owen thanks for being my co-pilot dude that was epic thanks for having me brother it worked out perfect it was awesome gotta love when the aviation worlds collide in wichita kansas everyone we'll see on the next video take care
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 52,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9TaeKzoPF-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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