Flight Simulator 2020 Basic G1000 and Autopilot Tutorial

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This guys whole channel is great.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kaplanfx 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

OP wrong link? This video is about setting up MSFS and doesn't even get into the cockpit.

Edit: Think this may be the correct link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc1fZnr7i_M&list=PLumwWCWlwh3-ea1As9uiZf9FJA0aM_Dr7&index=10&t=0s

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jarmenia 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone today's video tutorial we're going to take a look at the basics of the g1000 and microsoft flight simulator 2020. so currently we have ourselves sitting here at the ramp this is a diamond da62 twin engine monstrosity it's a very smooth aircraft it's a very easy aircraft to fly it is perfect for our particular application at this given time so what we're going to basically do is be taking a quick little flight down to groton new london airport now before i actually started this flight what i actually went through and did was to pre-set that flight plan using the flight planner that you normally work with now if you skip that step things are going to be a little bit more difficult for you when it comes to making sure your waypoints are where you want your waypoints to be so without further ado let's go ahead and get things going here go ahead and do a little quick little shortcut and save myself a second that's ctrl e for those of you who have missed that before again not going to take too too much time going crazy of course we should turn those on long before the engine started up but we'll be okay in this particular case all right so the g1000 is made of two components you have basically a primary flight display which is over here on the left and you have your mfd your multi-function display over here on the right now there's a lot of things that are going to make you a little insane when it comes to this particular version of the g1000 it's going to be a little wonky in some places and i'll try to point them out for you as we go ahead and do things so our first things first is we want to go ahead and know the difference between setting frequencies setting things for autopilot and then changing the modes of the individual screens by the way if you ever run into a situation where things that do not work you can always go ahead and flip this onto its manual reversion mode that's what this red button does but unfortunately we don't have that ability here which is kind of a bummer at the same time it's okay it works for us so let's go ahead and see what we have right now first of all you'll notice there's this pink line here this pink line is actually the pink line that's going to take us to our destination now you'll notice it's very difficult to see where that pink line actually terminates let me increase my rpm a little bit here got it so there's a couple different ways we can solve this the first thing you can do is take a look at the range option if you take your mouse over this option here and go ahead and wiggle things again i'm scrolling in in this case you can see a nice little map that shows us our little route during our flight today that works great now what if you wanted to control a certain spot of the map well good news you can do that too what you can actually do is you can push down on this button with the finger key and it's going to give you the world's teeny tiniest little cursor which is what this little thing right here is and now you can actually hit the edges of the screen with it to actually pan the main map around so you can take a look at different details that you happen to notice on the map itself which is actually pretty cool now if you want to get out of this mode you just push down on this button one more time and whoosh we are right back so i'm actually going to zoom in a little bit so you can see those taxiways very very clearly this is an awesome feature of this particular unit okay so what else do we get well we have this little thing called an inset map again going back to the pfd primary fight display this little map basically shows us everything this map shows us but it shows us just a little bit zoomed in here let me go ahead and adjust my zoom here and you can see that we can actually keep the zooms separate for both of these so i could use this one as my ability to see kind of zoomed in and i could come over here and i could change the range so that i can see everything zoomed out on that edge it actually works pretty well for that particular purpose now what do the rest of the knobs do well let's take a look first one up at the tippy top is going to be your navigation radio frequency you're going to notice that this little box right here is what you're going to be editing this is going to be what is selected in this case my nav 1 radio is set point nine to zero and then it has actually say this is would stand by it's actually set to 110.50 now if i wanted to swap these two you'd push this button that's it so for example if we wanted to dial into a nearby vor station you could dial it in like that press swap boop and now i'm good to go actually it automatically identified and you can see the needle immediately shot over because we got everything working correctly sweet so now you're going well that's pretty cool does this do anything else yeah if you're doing an ils approach it will automatically load in the ios frequency into this box so that you can do a quick swap arou when you decide to switch over to it underneath that you have your nav2 radio you're probably familiar with this note by the way that these sets of buttons are reproduced on both the pfd and the mfd so how would i change this frequency well it's a little bit more difficult but actually not really you just push this button in set it to which you'd like it to be so for example i'll do 1 1560 and i can press the swap button and now you notice i now have the ability to go ahead and swap between these two very very quickly and very very easily this works with communication radios too so for example i happen to be sitting here this is a hartford connecticut if i wanted to switch over to adis so i could check the weather and all that other good stuff i could actually just sit here and do one two six eight fifty swap let's make sure i got the right frequency ah four fifty oh you're supposed to yell at the screen louder so that i can hear it oh geez guys come on go ahead and scoot scoot down to 450 here swap hey it worked the fun thing is in the real world this is usually a guy who speaks it not a robot and now you can tell how bored he can be sometimes yeah the weather's gonna be when you whenever it's just kind of funny looks like our visibility is not great our winds260r at niner at six i should say visibility is pretty good we got a little bit of clouds good i was hoping for a little bit of instrument conditions to make this interesting i'm pretty warm outside altimeter is 3 0 0 0 which i've already set by pressing the b key and they're using runway 2 0. awesome so now while that's going i could be sitting here i'm getting ready to go ahead again i'm using my mouse wheel you can also click if it makes it a little bit easier for you so i can go ahead and come in here and say 121.60 let's go ahead and do that real quick that looks pretty good swap and now i'll be talking to the ground and of course i could request ground and all that other stuff but i'm not going to do that yet because what i really want to do is i'm going to go ahead and get my automatic pilot all kind of preset and ready to go before we even get this thing rolling so how do we do that well first things first we have our altitude knob our fms knob which lets us scoot around in different menus we'll get this during the flight more and of course we have our course as well as our barometric pressure and then if you come to this side you have both the heading selector as well as a copy of the altitude selector on this particular side so what does all this mean well if you grab the bigger on this side you can change the barometric pressure if you grab the one on the inside which is a little triangular one you're actually adjusting the course that you're going to be using on whatever vor that you have at this time so the other quick shortcut is if you hold your mouse over this where the finger happens you can just crank it to set in whatever course that you need and of course the parametric pressure i always just hit the b key to reset it in a hurry it actually works really really well so for this particular flight we're going to cruise at 5500 feet so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to my altitude knob and you'll notice you've got the small knob and notice you've got the big knob what i mean by that is if you hold your mouse and look really really carefully there's actually two different clicking zones here there's the wide knob on the outside and then there's the tiny knob on the inside cranking the tiny knob is going to go ahead and get us hundreds cranking the big knob is going to go ahead and get us thousands since writing east today we're going to set that to actually 5500 feet which will be perfect for our purposes now we want to use the gps route to get a store destination today so right now it says vor1 so how do we tell the autopilot we want to use the gps well now we're going to take a look at these buttons down here take a look right here where it says cdi if you press this button it cycles through all the different possible things that you could use as your navigation source for your navigation autopilot in this case mangling it a few times you can see that my gps is now selected if i want to use a different one i can just hit it word of warning by the way if this is the mode that you want if you accidentally press this button it will disable your navigation autopilot immediately when you swap to a different source so don't forget to re-enable it if you're relying on it speaking of which we'll take a look at some of these other buttons in just a minute but one more thing i would like to do is take a look at my transponder you'll notice that this has a little option to set your transponder we can always go back by the way so in this case i'm going to pretend this is a normal flight i'll click on the vfr button or you can just go into code and you can actually dial it in directly so we can go back and then we can go ahead and flip it to altitude mode because we're about to get rolling in just a moment so this is the way i like it uh one common thing that i always do especially when you're dealing with automatic pilots and instrument flying is i always like to set my heading to whatever the runway heading is going to be in this case i have around my head it's going to be right around 200 degrees just makes a little bit easier just mentally to kind of orient yourself as well as a double check that one during takeoff you have a nice good reference source all right let's go ahead and get rolling so we're actually doing a straight out because we're departing south taxi for departing straight out with india oh i have india today taxiway bravo taxi to hold short of 2-0 via bravo contact 119.6 diamond 2-0 via 6'4 away bravo diamond 6-4 all right let's do it now you'll notice that i've enabled those little blue lines on the ground now some of you guys the purist will be like oh you can't do that you've got to figure out where it is on the ground for the purpose of this again we're looking at the g1000 the autopilot on the diamond 62. i'm not as paranoid or worried about that um hi there i guess as the police come to arrest me because they did an illegal maneuver we could have used that push back cart by the way but man that's a little weird all right swing us around go ahead and start getting ready for takeoff here whoa watch out for the truck watch out for the truck that was close all right take a look to the right i'm gonna make sure i'm gonna cut anybody off looks pretty good to me look over to the left looks pretty good to me all right go ahead and put our one notch of flaps down that we're going to require for this flight and we have to hold short of that line right there and stop all right let's go ahead and call tower brainerd tower diamond six four is that two zero ready to go have a good day man does this thing need a lot of thrust to get rolling but that's all right we're pretty heavy all right once they've given us the approval we're pretty much good to go all right lights camera action transponder is already on go flick on the landing lights it's a good time to go ahead and start your timer i feel like this is one of those flights that you know you're doing by the hour or whatever for actual flight time you know you got to get your block time up but other than that we are ready for takeoff let's do it yeah this is not exactly push you back into your seat aggressively kind of two engine plane but i'm really not complaining because it's actually pretty smooth once we get airborne and on our way we'll go ahead and take a look at some of the other features on the g1000 go ahead and give it a little tug here try not to strike the tail airborne gear up to about 100 knots then we'll bring up the flaps lovely wait for the plane to sink a little bit because of the flaps and we are good to go gtg [Music] all right got a little bit of turbulence today we're actually flying with real world weather so it's kind of neat go ahead and start our initial turn towards our desired course and then we'll take a look at some of the autopilot functionality it's pretty good nice little twist in the river i don't see anybody with their sailboats out today but that happens sometimes i'm going to get myself in a course of about one two zero that looks pretty good right there okay let's take a look at the autopilot for a second here so just a little bit of trim beautiful okay first things first turn on the autopilot you'll know that the automatic pilot is on by doing this if you don't set any modes frequency change frequency change approve for a diamond 64. okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to continue to climb now the autopilot is basically just holding us steady we have to actually give it a mode so i'm going to come down here and i'm going to turn on navigation mode so what this is going to do is it's going to use whatever source i set my cdi to drive the left and right of this aircraft next what i want to do is i want to go ahead and set up my climb so right now we have 5500 selected as my target altitude but we don't did not tell it how to get there so there's a couple different ways we can do it we can do it with a flight level change which holds the constant speed instrument people holy smokes it is the way to fly or if we prefer by the way there's your flight director in case you want to fly these by hand or we could set it to a specific vertical speed so in this case i'm going to use flight level change mode now what is this doing this is trying to make the plane maintain a constant speed and the climb rate will obviously change if we change our engine thrust you can see it's doing a little bit of hunting here i'll give it a little bit of a hand there you go we must have just passed over a major city yeah looks pretty good concentrate down here and you can see we're pretty much stabilizing a little bit over the speed that we really want to be climbing at here now what if we want to change the speed that we're climbing at believe it or not that's not difficult i actually got to back my engines just a little bit they're getting abused here well it's pretty easy you simply come over here where it says nose up and nose down and you can simply set it so for example if i wanted to climb at 110 knots instead of 120 all i had to do is press that a couple times now why would you climb at a higher speed why would you climb at a lower speed well that brings us to our next feature tmr and ref this little menu here provides you with the ability to put in your vrr your vx your vy and display it on your little ticker here so in this case you can see my best climb speed is actually 87 knots i'm doing a cruise climb here that is not a regular climb now if you want to display that here all you're going to do is come over here where it says toggle selection cursor press it now you have to be very cautious because there's the big knob and then there's the little knob so you want to use the big knob to change between what menu you're on and you want to use the little knob to make any changes so in this case i would like to see my v y you know what why not and that's all i have to do i also happen to know that in a minute my minutes my minimums are going to be about i think it's i'm just trying to look 280 feet is what it's going to come out to be and then when you're done you can just press that button again so what else do you have here well let's take a look we also have a timer and i can see the automatic pilot is having a little bit of fun here sometimes you gotta kind of brute force and say no bad automatic pilot so in this case i'm actually gonna flick up to a vs mode stay right there go back to flick mode okay sweet alright i'll do that by hand in a minute so what you also have here is you have a handy dandy little timer this timer is so cool because you can make it count up or count down so if you're in a holding pattern for example you can actually dial this thing in for your two minutes to do that you're just going to go to toggle selection cursor once you have it selected you're going to go to the small knob just twist a little bit and then you can pick what digit you want to change so in this case if we wanted a two minute timer we could do that when we're done we press toggle selection in this case we press enter toggle selection use the big one again this is the outside knob set this to down enter good go ahead toggle selection now i can go to where it says start and boop now i've got myself a two minute timer not bad right let's go ahead and reduce my power just a teeny tiny bit oh it is working properly now whatever okay so now you can stop the timer at any time by just pressing the enter key of course you can put that away if you want to so that's how that works let's take a look at some of the other options here one you have is this little inset you can actually turn this on to be topo mode which will give you little lines around like little buildings actually it's the same mountains or you can go ahead and hit nexrad nexrad is just going to give you the weather personally i usually flick the thing off because it's just one more distraction i've already got a perfectly good display over here next you have the pfd display and my favorite thing on the pfd display is this button right here called wind this gives you the ability to show the wind like this show the wind like this or the pro way show the wind like this this one by the way is showing you the crosswind effect of that actual win in this case i'm going to leave it on this mode because this is just easy for me to understand go back now you have burning one in bearing two what does that do well if you remember we went ahead and set ourselves up on a vor station nearby so when i turn this on you're going to get this little blue line that tells you where it is and it's going to point a little needle towards it as well as tell you the identification and tell you how far away it is so for example let's go ahead and flip this over to that one let's go bearing two and grab the one over there and you can see the distances between the two spots and you can even see these little handy-dandy needles that tell you where they are that correspond to what you're doing there that is actually really really useful the other thing you can do is you can press the dme button and provide yourself with distance measuring equipment information if you need it so again it's like that by the way you can also set an adf bearing but unfortunately i don't have an adf station close enough to actually demonstrate what that would look like so i'm just going to have to leave that one out speaking of adf how would you set the adf well before we do that note that right here you can switch between this arc and this arc so you can do airliner mode if you're so inclined back button i'm going to go back then you got to go to this option called adf dma this one lets you pick the adf and dma again you can use it the same way we can use the big one to switch modes you can even change what the dme references so right now the dma references hartford vor i can use the small wheel here to go ahead and flip it over to a pvd which is obviously a significant distance this is how you can change it of course i can use the big one to go up here and set it to any vr station that i think i may need in this case i should say an adf station so you can shut that off so that's pretty much everything you're going to have on this particular pfd it's actually really really handy it's going to give you distance it's also going to give you what bearing it is you can change all your radio stations it's really solid let's take a look at the mfd now what's the magic with the mfd by the way it's a bummer this button doesn't work now what's the deal with the mfd well you got a lot of things going on with the mfd for one you have this little map thing on the bottom you can turn the weather on of course you're sitting there going i don't see any weather what's the deal this is actually selecting the weather radar's settings this is selecting the gps settings so if i click them real quickly you can turn on topo mode which you can see the effect or you can turn on xrad mode to see any sort of weather now watch this boop ah what happened this is the weather radar built into this aircraft and it's actually showing you a horizontal view if you don't want a horizontal view you can go here and switch it to horizon mode in which case you get yourself a pretty good horizontal view now the neat thing is you come back over here and turn your inset back on so that you could leave this in weather radar mode while you're concentrating on actually navigating the aircraft again that's so slick to get back out of that mode you just go back and you go back to gps or actually click well ah just click the display button my apologies now we can go back isn't that really really really cool the only other button you have on here is declutter and unfortunately i could not figure out how to make that work usually you press it if you uh okay it does work okay good so you don't have multiple declutter modes you only have on or off which is fine i'm going to declutter we don't really need it right now obviously if you're pan control you have your barometric pressure you also have a little wind enough reference up at the top now here's the fun features now this is where people kind of get a little stuck first things first if you were to actually take a look at this display here you'll notice that there doesn't seem to be anything that we can use down here to go ahead and customize things well there are if you actually grab the big knob here and roll it you'd notice you'd have multiple modes you have map mode which you've been using this whole time you have a system mode which is a great way to change your communication configuration or you have nearest mode nearest mode is handy because it provides you with nearest airports it gives you the nearest anything you need as well as the frequencies available now i can do one of these things and kind of scoot through and you can see it even highlights them on my map to make my life a little bit simpler as well as the relevant frequencies and length of runways like this runway that ain't gonna happen not in this airplane that's for sure and we can press that to get out of that to return back to the main thing we could just go boop boop and we're back here just like that a couple different levels of airports swinging over here again you can select the runway you can select these items directly just by pressing that button pretty cool now it's time to talk about the i'm not going to call it a controversial feature i'm just going to say it's that one feature that's going to be like oh okay and that's the flight plan feature boop so right now our current flight plan is taking us from hartford to a new london airport there's nothing special about that now what if i wanted to go somewhere else let's say let's um go someone chris i i'm gonna go to new haven well normally what you could do is you could actually press this button and then use this knob to go ahead and select a new destination so i can come in here and go like this and then you can go ahead and dial that in so let's say we actually want to do new haven instead okay i really wish there was a keyboard you could just type on i'm sure there isn't i just wanted the command for it h go to v and we'll do n caveman enter and now you'll notice we've added a new waypoint to our little adventure here let me actually zoom out oh is that as far as we can go or am i in the wrong mode here there we go and you can see that we now have a new destination all the way down there so what the aircraft is actually doing is flying there to grab the line and then turn us back around so that way you can actually add new waypoints now let me say i want to add another one so i'm going to go to selection cursor i'm going to go down to where i like to go use the little knob to die in exactly what you'd like to do you know let's do something a little absurd here let's say we actually want to go back to hartford keep in mind if you set the mission up properly using your regular navigation log in game you wouldn't have to go through that process now check this out now we're going to hartford first and again you can see that's sort of a click and easy way to do things now you can always quickly short circuit the flight plan process by clicking the direct button and then simply selecting exactly where you want to go so in this case uh let's go ahead and stick to our original destination here kgo okay bob yeah that makes sense there we are enter enter and now we're right back on course 4k gone and you can actually see that we've essentially short-circuited our flan here and made us go directly in that direction which makes sense because that's where we were going before so that flight plan feature is actually pretty slick but it's a little bit easier to do it directly speaking of slick i think it's time to actually start descending let's do that so first thing you're going to want to do is select the altitude you wanted to send to in this case i'm gonna come down to 2500 feet notice you don't start descending because you have to tell it how to get to 2500 feet so in this case what i'm going to do is i'm going to do a flight level change and i'm going to reduce my throttle to about let's say 30 percent what's going to happen now is in order to maintain that incredibly high speed the aircraft is going to have to nose over in order to do so i feel really bad for my passengers but fortunately looks like it's just me today so i don't have to worry about that too too much as we're starting your descent let's go ahead and take a look at the proc button the proc button allows you to select your approach so i'm going to go ahead and select the approach notice it's already selected our currently selected waypoint as where we want to go so ios runway 5 is actually not too bad if you want to pick through the other ones you can use the small knob up closer to and actually zip through the ones you want like in my case i'm using the big knob to alternate i could even do uh rnav 33 for example which actually makes a lot more sense if you ask me so i'm actually going to press enter i'm going to go back to selection mode you can also selected transition if you need it you can set the minimums oh no you can't we'll set the minimums in the other page don't worry about it and then we can choose to load it in which case you've added it to your flight plan or if you're feeling very brave you can activate it to go ahead and make it your current flight plan so watch this so now it has gone ahead and created a new series of flight plan options if i click on the flight plan button you can see this is now the approach this is where we just were this is jordan which is its first destination this is suffolk fizzer and of course runway tree tree as well so now we're good to go now remember that timer we said a little while ago notice when it ran out of time it just started going the other way now i'm going to go ahead and make sure my minimums are selected here minimum is on notice we only have barometric minimums here because we don't have a radar altimeter bummer go ahead and exit out of that mode and now we're looking in really really good shape go ahead and put that away actually you know we should probably stop that timer it's too bad the thing doesn't like pop up and start yelling at you or something like that man would that be handy now one big difference between the g1000 you're probably used to in this one is the fact in this one you can't click on the flight plan button go like this select where you want to go say i want to go to suffolk and then press the direct button that is ah such a bummer ah hate that of course we're gonna hit uh fpl a couple times all right we're about to our altitude i'm gonna bring the engine power back in 70 knots looks pretty comfortable and let's go ahead and take a look at this monstrosity it has done to us plus fpl again and now you can see very very clearly what it's got in store for us it's basically going to finish up what we just did go to jordan then go to suffolk and go to fisher now watch this oh let's see here watch this you know exactly what i'm doing jordan no jordan do you see what we just did let me go to flight playing mode pretty slick trick huh that's just one way to kind of get around that normally it's a little bit easier of a process but i'm not complaining too too much because again it still works you just have to be really really quick with your fingers in order to pull that off safely so now we're basically short-circuiting everything to go direct to jordan we're actually going to short circuit things even more and kind of save a little bit of time here let's zoom in just a little bit that looks pretty good we're going to go ahead and actually swing down this way now this is actually a gps coupled approach this is not like a fancy ils approach or anything like that so it's perfectly fine if we go ahead and kind of do it the old-fashioned manual way notice you can change these things the navigation mode will not kick you off let's go ahead and take a look at the window i haven't looked at the window like in ages i don't even know where i am geez you guys know where we are i think we're still in i think this is a new oh the sub bass i'm sure they're going to love us flying over the top of their heads yeah they're not and there we go now we're heading towards jordan pretty cool trick and normally on the real one as well as some other simulated ones it's a little bit easier to do that step you can also of course at any time go like this and you could go ahead and activate vectors to final if you needed to but again that's for a very different tutorial that's for a very different day so don't worry about that too too much so let's go ahead and land this thing i think we pretty much covered most of what i wanted to look at by the way if you're really really annoyed that the radio is bothering you you can actually come over here and turn on and off at different radio channels for one thing i really like to do is i actually like to use the communication radio my number two to go ahead and listen to adis rather than use it as my main one so you can see i've swapped that one on and i'll make sure it's attached yeah that's going to be the one i'm receiving there it goes good condition of course you're probably picking a runway we're not supposed to use it visual runway in use yeah now that's one feature that more flight simulators need so at this point normally we'd have to fly that entire approach a lot of times what's going to happen is air traffic control is actually going to tell you not to fly the entire approach they're going to give you kind of a short circuit or if conditions are nice enough they'll actually be so nice to go ahead and allow you to go ahead and land it all right i actually need to confirm that my landing gear down good all right everything looks good power's good gum full check is completed i got two white lights i got a white and a red looks good change my seating position a little higher now notice if you look really carefully that little tiny y right there just to remind me that that would have been my best climb speed [Music] cleared to land runway now notice how far off the vasey system is versus the actual big old numbers at the end of the runway [Music] jeez ah that was nice oh man the brakes on this thing are intense darn and that's it hopefully you found that a little video kind of helpful as far as the basic functionality one thing i will end saying is uh again this is pretty early on i'm sure some of these features will change and we'll just have to revisit it with a new video other than that enjoy
Channel: P Gatcomb
Views: 103,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FS2020, Flight Simulator 2020, Tutorial, G1000, DA64, KGON, KHFD
Id: Gc1fZnr7i_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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