Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 RNAV Tutorial TBM 930

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hi and welcome to microsoft flight simulator 2020. in today's video we're going to have a look at doing an rnav approach now i think the rnav approach is a little bit easier than the ils the objective here is to have fun so once you know how to do the basics of an rnav you can then go off and learn more but our objective is just to show you the basics of how to get it to operate just a quick tip if you're looking on the map and having a difficulty trying to find the airports you can always open filters you can get rid of the clouds so then you can start to see the map a lot easier but you can also go up here change the background map to ifr and if we go and have a look now at the map you can notice there's white dots everywhere there's all our airports so hopefully that might make it easier for you guys if you're just trying to wonder where and if are all airports i'm going to do a flight today from broome international airport in western australia we're going to set that as the departure i'm going to take a flight down to port hedland international airport as arrival so you can see what i'm doing in the map options here as well in this video i'm going to select low altitude airways and it's a fairly short flight the interesting thing is we're going to be coming in off the ocean now port headlands international airport does not have an ils option so if we click on approach you'll notice there's no ils option so what do we do so we've got rnav and that's what i'm going to show you so we've got rnav 14-0 we'll choose that one and we'll have a quick look and see what it's doing so it's going to come around here and then come in off the ocean to land um we'll choose a parking spot we'll try parking spot 12 i'm not sure where that is but that should be fine and then we'll click fly but you can see what i've done here to say that up from the menus i'm going to click fly so now i have a 14 z approach to port headland if you want to test this approach out yourself it's a good approach to try because it's coming in off the ocean you don't have to worry about flying into a mountain or something like that it's not a big increase above sea level either so we don't have any major altitude issues do the cold and dark start so you can see that as well maybe i have a few more things to say or pretty similar to last time the big thing with this is i realized there is a checklist so there's a lot of steps uh please don't be intimidated um this plane is not as difficult as it seems so do give it a go it's a really really fun plane to fly let's jump into the cockpit and i'm going to get started i'm just going to get the yoke disappear i'm gonna click on all these switches here all the way through the intercept i told you guys to leave um basically the intercept is to save the engine so if there's birds or something like that you turn it on it stops birds going into the engine but i don't know about you guys but i haven't seen many birds in the game we're just using the simulator here and so when they go up to 4000 they go and turn it off and then they can open it up so that the engine can get what it needs but yeah if you want to simulate that you can it's basically to stop debris and birds from getting into the engine that's my understanding so hopefully that might give you some background we've got bleed i'm going to turn that to on i'm going to have look up to the very roof up here and i'm just going to move crash bar up i'm going to click once on set battery one left click on main generator one left click on starter you'll notice it goes back to off by itself that's fine one left click on auto for fuel select and two left clicks on auto p trim ap trim the auto parts not working it's because this isn't on so we'll go down to here i'm just going to push f3 in the keyboard to put it into low idle now i've been trying to look at the keyboard commands to see if there's some other way i can do this throttle control i'm using a thrustmaster warthog joystick and throttle and i haven't really found a good way yet what i've told you guys to do is to have a look up here look at the two white triangles make sure they're both in the green when they're both in the green we can move this to high idle so if you can move it to high idle that's great i'm just going to tap f3 a few times until we can get it to high idle it looks like it's up towards high idle now there we go high idle we should be okay we're just waiting for the itt to pop up on the screen and be flashing as a bar and then we'll bring it back across the taxi so there's the itt and the white bar so i'm just going to bring it across the taxi there we go we're in taxi and we're not going to go anywhere because we're in taxi so that's good we can take our parking brake off as a final step and we've got the internet stepped on so when we go up to 4000 on this flight we will hit that switch and we'll turn that off okay but just at the moment we're going to leave that in there on position for today this guy wants to push me back for some reason i wish it wouldn't do that automatically i wish the game required you to request that service but anyway they're going ahead and done that i'm not sure where it's going to ask me to go to today we'll have a look from this parking spot um some other things we can put on we can put on our taxi light we can put on these three lights and we can put on those three lights so when we get into the air we're going to put um the taxi lights off we're going to turn off uh init serp and then it's set button but the other thing i want to prepare is just our altitude so at the moment it's not set to anything it's zero i'm just going to make it like 9000 or 8000 something like that six seven eight let's make it nine we've got nine thousand um the rest of it we don't need to set at this point in time what we can have a look at is we can see that we've got a flight plan mfd and flight plan that won't give us a lot of information at the moment if i um drag it down you'll notice it doesn't have a lot of information when we get up in the air you'll notice there's more information in here so if you're wondering why it's not all there for the approach at this point while you're on the ground that is why you have to wait until you're in the air okay so let's um move ourselves around telling us to go out to that way and then we'll get ready and hold now i've got the automatic um atc on but it's good just to have a look at what it's telling you so it's telling me to go to runway 28 and taxi and then hold short so we just wait there and then we'll come back to this screen and it'll give us information on flight clearance just taxi along slowly really good playing this one is very responsive it has a lot of power i would say it can go quite quickly but it can also stop um quite slowly it can come down to around about 80. if you're wondering uh takeoff speed and a landing speed that's easy to remember you can remember the number 80 you can take off around about 80 and you can also land around about 80. but more likely we can start pulling back around about 70 and you want to be landing at around about 90. you won't have any problems just a guide just with intention of having fun just to get you started once you know that then you can go off and learn what the real procedures are okay so we're holding up to here and i'm gonna just check our air traffic control so he's told us to hold short i'm hoping it will now say we're ready to go we just told the tower we're sort of ready and where's the tower i want to say clear for takeoff on runway 28. thank you very much we're out of here so i'm just going to not scroll my view i want to change to this view it's a lot better for me you can also push spacebar sometimes and look up again if you're wondering where the center line is putting it around about here so if we go and have a look outside you'll notice we're fairly close to the center a little bit more either but that's where you're looking for the white line so i'm putting it to full throttle and we're gonna plane up into the sky we only got the net set with warning light coming on for at the moment 60 again if you have a look at where we are on the line can you see i'm going to pull back around 80. gently pulling back just keeping it under 10 pushing g on the keyboard to bring the gear up we can watch the gear come up and we can see us taking off which is very very cool little country town broome australia and then we know we've got to turn left so we'll just gradually turn left a little bit which will help to auto pilot once we activate it we're around about 1 000 at the moment we'll turn it off around 2000 but i think in real life they use about 4000 so whatever height birds don't fly it's all turned off now and we'll also turn off our light for landing and take off and taxi so i'm gonna hit now up here the ap for autopilot engage autopilot and then i'm going to click nav now we also set up our altitude hold before so all i need to do there is click vs is the plane gonna turn and where's it doing change that to fms under pfd home now it's changing that so this will now follow that path and up here we've got vs i'm going to turn the vs on i'm just going to make sure that it's set in a up mode so i don't know somewhere around there and it'll take us up to 9000. the plane will by itself now get the autopilot and get the nav and to take us towards the line and follow this line i've got plenty of time for it to do that and we've got our nerve source here i got a little bit spun out so i'm trying to show you guys this flight plan but if we now have a look at our flight plan information and drag it down you'll notice down here we've got all our approach information so this is the important part with rnav now what we want to look at with rnav and the approach for rna 14z is we're going down to the very bottom and we want to look at the altitude so this is for the runway and this is the one just before the runway the 1750 feet that 1750 feet is important because that means it wants us to be at 1750 feet at this waypoint so if we go little zoom out we'll go have a look ahead of where we are going to be going we can see our runway's down here and pp dnf is here so what it's telling us is that the 1750 feet ppdf we need to be at that altitude so what we could do is we could set our altitude to 1600 feet and i'll show you when we look on on up here but we'll notice that our altitude will be a little bit below what this little pink square is for the glideslope so that means um after we hit approach what will happen is it'll see that we are below the required height and as the glide slope comes down when it catches us at 1600 it will drag us all the way down the rest of the way to the runway now why this is easier than the ils is before we were having to go in and we had to worry about our coms radios so we had to go into navcom that's in the audiocom we had to look up uh correct navigation and we had to make sure we entered all our numbers in we don't have to do any of those steps with this okay so now all we have to do is looking at our flight plan information and looking at this number which is for our altitude where we need to be now with rnav they have approach charts which tell them as they're coming up to the runway they need to be at this altitude at this point they need to be at this altitude at this point they need to be at this altitude at this point we need to be at this altitude at this point so they're slowly coming down according to all these altitudes the important part for us just as far as learning and before we put in the pushing the approach button is just trying to show you how it would work once you've done that then you can look up the approach charts and you can go and fly them you know accurately as much as you want but i just want to show you how it actually activates and how it works because um if you only know ils and you see our nav and you don't know what to do this will get you that far just some other things when you were talking about ils before you can look up the ils information for airports just online on the internet but say you don't have the internet or you don't want to look it up on a web page somewhere and you just want to find out that information you can actually find all that information in here so say i put waypoint info i can click on airport let's go back so you can see all the ways you're clicking on mfd the button here next mfd click on waypoint info then click on airport okay so in here you can now select airport so we can put yssy for instance and then push enter so this should be sydney international airport now sydney international airport um has a bunch of information along the side and this in the left here but the information bit is we've got freqs if we click that and we now scroll down we should be able to see the ils information can you see that and you can do this for every runway in the game or in the world especially what's in the game because we just need to know that code for that runway so yssy was sydney international airport i just knew that off the top of my head but you can get that information from the map and you come back into here type in that number and then you can get all that ils information so if you want to run out you know land on ios runway 7 you can do that here and that's where you can get that information without having to go to a web page and look it up this is a good way of getting that information so hopefully that's useful to you i'll just go through that again you can go into mfd you can click on waypoint info you can click on airport and then in here you can click on frequencies and if you scroll down you can see all the frequencies and the numbers next to them and this is what you're going to be putting in to come radios with an ils landing but again as i say we don't have to do that today and if you haven't seen the ils video please do check that out so you can also see the runways and the how long the runway is you know a bunch of information that's quite useful to know so yep that's that um i was talking about winds i think last time you can put wind information up here you can get that two ways you can get it from there and you can also get it from up here you can click on weather and you can change your weather for up here but you can also put the wind information up here so let's have a look it is in here and it's not that hard to find pft settings to see that so we go to pfd we click on this button here and we click on pfd settings and then we click on next to wind it has on and we can choose option free and so that's one way and when you look up here we can now have a little box here which tells us where the winds are coming from and what speed so it doesn't come up by default now you can also do that on here which i was trying to look for this before so if we clicked on pfd settings we left click once here you can now notice other pfd settings is probably under that and then here you've got wind you left click again and then you've got option three okay so there's a whole bunch of clicks i'll try and go through that just so you can see this is probably the easier way just click they do the same thing pfd then you click on pfd settings and you've got win straight away and you can choose you know whatever option you've got three options i just select free usually but you can also go up here click pfd settings here you can then click on other pfd settings then you can click on the wind and then you've got option one two three and you can see them change up here so you can do it two ways but just useful um i didn't mention that in the last video and it was just it's handy to know so you know when you're flying into the wind or out of the wind the other thing is when you're looking at here this is your true airspeed so that's your speed that you're traveling in in the wind so you might have a headwind coming on at you that will slow you down and so that becomes your ground speed so if your true airspeed is 250 and you've got an incoming wind of 20 20 knots coming at you your ground speed is going to be like 230 and you get the 250 you take the wind speed that's coming at you and then that gives you your ground speed okay so that's how the the two important figures here are relating to each other this is your true airspeed that is the speed you're traveling through in the wind you could get that if you're in a balloon and you had a radar gun and you watch the plane come past you while you're in the balloon that would be your true airspeed if you're on the ground with a radar speed gun and the plane came past you and re-recorded the speed that is what the ground speed is okay so hopefully that makes that a little bit clearer but i'm just explaining that in relation to the weather information here so you understand that when it says this is where the wind is coming from and what the speed of it is um that will give you a bit of an understanding as to how that relates to your true air speed and your ground speed i just want to have a quick look on external view because we're doing everything wrong here can you see we haven't got the gear in so this is the problem when i'm trying to record a video and explain things to you guys i'm not thinking about everything else now a whole bunch of things were wrong with that take off the other thing we could have done was we could have put flaps into the take-off mode so before we took off flaps to take off please do that and also make sure you get your gearing way earlier than that because we're going to damage the gear i think it has information on um your gear here i could re-record the whole video and just make sure i got my gear in but um i think it's more important at the moment for you guys to actually understand the aspects of what i'm explaining with the ils and the r nerve please put the gear in i don't want the gearing out anymore very good okay so we did some things we turned off this light and we turned off this but i got into trying to explain all this stuff to you so yeah there was that okay so it's got us up to 9000. just to explain again how you can use the autopilot to change your altitude we first go to here i'm just going to change the number i use it i just hover it above it with the mouse then use the mouse wheel to hover around i'm going to change it to 8 000 it'll do nothing until i click vs and it'll still do nothing because i haven't told it how much i want to incline or decline by in this case i want to decline to 8 000 so what i'm going to do is i'm going to push on the down decrease vertical speed i'm going to tap that twice and it's now going to decline at this rate per minute 550 down to um 8 000. you can always see what the active thing the plane is doing from up here fms autopilot mode and vs alts so just always keep that in mind that information up here this is the essentials so that you know what the plan's doing it's telling me that at the moment we can put on the your damper so we can click that as you can see the plane's going to follow if nothing else the plant's going to follow this line whether you put that your damper on or not okay so just keep that in mind if you're wondering it's not critical to get the plane to follow this line we're just trying to learn how to get the plane to follow this line uh that's not critical what was critical and what i really want to point out to you guys is making sure that you come down here so under pfd left click on this button next to that and then under pfd home it has nav source you need to change this until it says fms okay you want to say fms in here there is another way to change it so you don't necessarily have to look in here there is another way to change it you can change it up here as well so if we go back you'll see here it says active nav if you click the button below active nav just here you'll notice i can change between them and i can put it to fms okay so because i change that every time i do that it's going to take off the um the follow mode here so i've got to click nav button again to re-enable it because i've just asked it to disable when i clicked here disable you'll notice it's gone and then i go back to putting out what i want it to be it still won't do anything until i go back up here and i click nav so now i click nav and now it's going to follow the fms as the guidance so some important things we knew before because we're just trying to show you the rnav approach i think i've discussed um enough that's not our nav now we're going to go to the flight plan and we can see um we're going from bremer international to port headlands and we're going to be using the approach rnav 14 z and we know that at this altitude here we need to be at 1750. so it's recommending at ppdni we need to be at 3000 and a ppdnf we need to be at 17.50 for this demonstration what i'm going to do is i'm going to make sure i'm actually at 1600 by ppdnf now let's go have a look at the map so over here well we've got ppdni so it's saying that ppdni we are at 3 000. and then at pp dnf we're at that 1750 and then we're coming in straight for landing so we're going to activate our approach mode at pp dni just past ppdni i'm going to be sitting at about 6000 with this demonstration at ppgni and we're going to hit the approach mode i'm going to take the old hold off and what we will watch is we're going to be looking at the glide slope information now we should see that we are below the glideslope information when we are sitting at um well that that mark up there uh if i can zoom out so it's a bit clearer we should be below the glideslope information for 17.50 around about here as soon as we start having a look because we'll be at 6000. when it gets to uh ppdnf it will then see us and it will drag us down to the runway from 6000 all the way down that won't be me doing that what we do need to do and what will be me doing something will be this we will be adjusting our throttle to keep our speed stable we'll try and keep our speed about 120 and we'll bring the speed down as needed and we're also going to be activating our gear and we'll also be activating our flaps so that's the things we're going to be doing we're going to be doing the flaps we're going to be doing the gear we're going to be very on top of our throttle keeping an eye on our when our actual speed our airspeed so they're the three things we're going to do as far as the buttons we need to push well before we had to change out of um the active nav mode i've gone and changed it again on you guys but in this case example the important thing to remember is with an arnov approach we are leaving the active nav in fms mode we do not change it from fms so now for the rest of the flight without me having to to demonstrate something to you guys it should stay in fms okay so normally on a flight like this it's just fms the whole way you can leave it in fms mode you don't need to be changing it to um anything else but i just want to explain those other options to you so it's a little bit clearer what's going on you've got multiple ways of changing it to fms and you do need to change it initially to fms to get yourself on that autopilot working to get the plane following that line so you can see it will now go back to this line it will start following that line along so there's a bunch of things i'm just going to give myself a few seconds to breathe and we'll have a look at the plane outside so we made it back we haven't got much weather as you can tell so there's not a lot there but what i did mention if you haven't seen the other video is with this screen and just change it back to map so i've got a map back what you can do both these buttons here are functional okay but what i just want to point out is this map isn't is very zoomed in at the moment you can go just make sure on the mfd page left click once here for mfd and then hover above this button and you can um change the zoom so just use your mouse wheel and you can change the zoom so now you can see a much better perspective of where our plane is in relation to where we're going just handy to know because um yeah this button works and not just there for looks both these buttons work and display they do something so that's cool to know um as far as the cold and dark start went just one two three four five and six turn the ball on then i went up to here and i put on the bleed i've explained the inner except you can turn that on off as you want you probably will want to turn it on and then turn it off once you get up to 4000 if you want to simulate what they would do closer to real life then we're going to move the bar up once on source once on generator once on starter just be aware it'll click back to off by itself that's fine you go to fuel select you click once on the auto and you click twice to put it on on for auto trim your autopilot will not work if it is not on on so every other information i was telling you with like making sure the fms mode is done and all that to make sure it follows this line it will do none of that if up here this is not on so that needs to be on so that's why we're doing it in the cold and dark start process one two clicks and we're putting it on and it's ready to go okay so there's all that then i'm just trying to get this throttle to the low idle f3 then you put it from low idle to high idle and then you are keeping an eye on those two white triangles at the low idle stage once they're both in the green you can put it in the high idle but for it to go out of high idle to taxi you are looking up here for the flashing itt bar should say in big red buttons with white letters in the side itt and then that's when you can move it across the taxi and then you're ready to go the only last step really for there is to turn off your parking brake so that you can move but besides that you're pretty good once you're up in the air um you can turn off your no except if you want for takeoff you can make sure you've got your taxi light on while you're going around you can turn on all your lights you also have oxygen up here if you're going really high so just be aware of that it will tell you um we haven't gone so high for it to tell us anything but it will tell you here um oxygen required and so you've got a couple of buttons here that you can use i believe the bleed air is also associated with that it's sitting on auto and you've also got um these lights up here that you can turn on co pilot lights if you need light at night so there's a whole bunch of things as for the r nav approach we are going to be looking at mfd and clicking flight plan under flight plan we can then scroll through the flight plan we can see where we're leaving and coming to you can enter it in manually if you want obviously we did it in the menu but we're going to do the approach at rna 14z and i'm always just looking for when it's none of the approach the information down the bottom i want to know what this number is so 1750 and what that um ppd nf what that code is so that when i look here oops when i look over here i know that i need to be at 1750 by ppdnf for this to work for the rnf to connect and for it to take us down to the runway so the gps will give us the guidance down you don't have to worry about the radios on this one and that's why i call it a little bit easier you also got the timer that you can put on here your timer mode and that timer comes up here which is really cool in theory got the outside temperature today of 13 degrees celsius um one other thing i can mention to you guys i do have a toby eye tracker five and i have got it working with um microsoft flights in late 2020 the thing is it doesn't have native direct support and it doesn't work with the eye tracking only works with the head tracking i've made a video showing it and i haven't released it or uploaded it i don't know if i'm going to upload it or not but instructions on how to get the tobii tracker 5 are in the microsoft forums it is functional with the head tracking it works pretty similarly to track ir5 it works brilliantly the tobii eye tracker 5 with dcs digital combat simulator and also il2's stermovic but at the moment unless microsoft are going to talk to toby and toby talk to microsoft i think it's really in the hands of microsoft osobo and zendesk at this point if they want to put support of it natively into their game it shouldn't be too much work because they've already got track ir5 work working and the tobii eye tracker 5 is just superior if you can do eye tracking it just makes it so much easier so i have done a couple of cold dark starts of it it is functional just with the head tracking so you can at least use it um it really doesn't make much difference to me because i have check ir5 support anyway like i've got a track ir5 i also have a tobii eye tracker 5. so i have seen both of them i really prefer the tobii eye tracker 5. it just works so much better and so i have got it working in this game but yeah i haven't talked about it or released a video on it at this point in time but i have got it going i don't know if i can recommend it until really microsoft put direct support into the game then i'll probably talk about it in more depth and say look get this is fantastic it's a good option if you're looking for head tracking when you you know you're looking for an option then the tobii tracker 5 is great but that support is not there yet so i'm not going to do too much more other than just say that i have got it working and operational so we're coming along here at the moment we're around about halfway we're just sitting at nine for eight thousand i'll just practice and we'll just put ourselves up to nine thousand so we're just going to change this number up here to nine thousand i'm going to click on vs i'm going to click on up you'll notice it'll take us up once we get up to 9000 i'm actually going to do the descent so we'll take ourselves back down to get us ready for um another approach and i'll actually enter in a number of 1600 we've got no mountains or anything like that on the way here so we've got no problems going nice and low in real life obviously i would not be doing this but we're just trying to demonstrate um the process of an rnf and then you can go from there and and understand how to do other aspects of the plane but you've got enough to at least fly the plane in simulation which will be good one of my favorite views for the camera is in the showcase you can click on fixed i think in number four external and then four it's very strange there we go four see how i said four but anyway showcase and then external four maybe you just click it twice and does something no anyway this is one of my favorite views and you can see from the bottom of the plane um what's up ahead at the moment obviously we just got clear skies and a lot of water i'm gonna go back to camera click on cockpit and i'm gonna click on the pilot and landing so that will give us the ability to look all the way around nothing i need to click up here but i could put on our landing lights so we'll click twice and put our landing light on it's very early again you wouldn't be doing it this early but i'm preparing super super early you'll notice it's got us up to 9000. the vs mode goes off as soon as it gets to 9000 and switches back to alt altitude hold mode the approach autopilot or damper and then that mode is on now to explain what we're going to be doing we're basically reducing that altitude to 1600 and then the only things i'm going to have to do this time is click approach and click altitude held hold mode off and that's all i'm going to do i'm just going to click approach and alt hold mode off and then when it gets to that point the plane will actually bring us down to 1600 all the way down to the runway and we'll demonstrate how it is doing that with the glideslope information over here at the moment you can see it's got glideslope and it's got a dot now obviously the dot is way down below because we're sitting at 9000. when we get down to 1600 the dot's actually going to be a little bit above us okay and doing that for demonstrating purposes so you can see that dot com down to us at 1600 and then from 1600 without me doing anything it's going to drag us down all the way to the runway so that's why i think it's a little bit easier than ils because we don't have to worry about any of the radios with this one all we have to do at this point is click approach and we can take the altitude hold mode off so that's all we're having to do um you could put the intercept on again if you want because you're coming down low and you're worried about birds that's an option in fact we might do that on this video because we've talked about it so much as we come down still quite high at the moment so that's okay but we will begin our descent so i'm going to change this now we'll bring it down initially just to 2000. there we go 2000. now again like i say with the approach plates they would have in real life i need to be at this altitude at this point this altitude at this point this altitude at this point just for the demonstration i'm just trying to show you guys um how it works so i'm going down to 2000. i'm just putting on vertical sync and we're going to decrease we're getting that descent now it should be something like a thousand or so yeah there's a thousand there we're good and it's it's spinning down there now just keep an eye always on your speed because if you're going to decrease that speed's going to go up so you can bring that throttle back a little bit it's quite a quick plane we're going at 285 knots outside air temperature today is 11 degrees we hope you're enjoying your flight you can normally notify the passengers what the temperature is at the arrival location i think if anyone has any idea what this button does the cb light please let me know in the comments because i i haven't physically seen it do anything so yeah oh hang on look down here is that lighting up when i click this button i think it is look at that it's lit up and if i turn it off well there you go um thanks for that information guys i've got um my answer so that's what that button does so this button here is at least lighting up this but we can see the cab bleed and cab button or something but yeah it says cb light we'll turn that off and if i hover above it says circuit breaker light okay so that makes sense this is all the circuit breakers and if you want to put the light on so you can see it easier wipe that and you can see it there that's just an extra bit of light you can have especially if you're doing a night flight awesome okay so that's what that button does we'll just watch our altitude here we'll go down to 7000 we still got quite a way we'll have a look at our fuel up the top if we click our fuel we've got 37 37 so we've got plenty because we uh passed halfway pretty much and we still got over 25 percent fuel so we've got no problems 6 000 and it's coming down so we can see at ppdni it wants us to be around about 3 000. if we want we can maybe just change it to 3000 for a moment i'm gonna take three thousand and i'll drop that further a little bit to sixteen hundred so we're getting down to that altitude we've got a little way to go things happen quite quickly in this plane so that's the only real thing or the advantage of flying a cessna 152 or 172 everything is a lot slower you have more time to react and think about what you're doing when you're flying this plane everything is happening a little bit quicker but it is quite useful still i think because um you can slow this plan down very quickly and it will actually do a landing speed of like 85 or so so it can land pretty much anywhere at a cessna camp it's a pretty amazing plane very fast a lot of power but it can still land very very slowly which can open up the opportunities to land a whole bunch of runways in the game outside their temperature is coming down up of course as we uh lower our altitude now 19 degrees coming down to three thousand when we get to three thousand i'm going to further um tell it to go all the way down to 1600 in preparation for showing you how our nav will work i really wanted to explain this glideslope to you guys so you can see this and then it's a little bit above us and we'll come towards where we are our current altitude and it will when it catches us at 1600 or drag us from 1600 all the way down to the runway and that's without any calm information being put in or any of those other issues worrying about you've got the right com radio selected don't have to look at bearing information don't have to look at this data field for instance this data field is going to be empty on this whole flight there's going to be no data okay that's probably the biggest difference that you'd notice with rnav when flying this plane in the simulator as a game that there will be no data in there so before i was telling you it was really important with an ils approach we're not going to be able to do anything unless we have any data in here but in this case we've got no data and the other thing is the active nav stays on fms the whole time no need to change how cool is that you may get to a point where you know what i'm not going to do an ils approach i'm just going to do an fms approach i'm going to look for the rnav option i'm going to do an rnav approach on the runway and that's cool if you want to do that for fun that's good too but we just want to give you those options and obviously ios is um needing you to know what those numbers are so you even though i know how to look up those numbers within um within here you can click on the waypoint info you can click the airport and you can look up the airports so you can get all that under the frequencies here and you can get all the frequency numbers so you've learnt quite a bit if you have followed this video and you didn't know that already there is many uh videos out there but i just don't make it clear how to do a lot of these functions you can sit there and listen so closely and have no idea what they're going on about that's just not explaining we want to know how it works um in a simulator in this game because that's what we're playing so there's a few things we're doing which obviously they're not requiring to do in real life like looking at the map and getting rid of the clouds you know that's just we don't do that in real life so we're doing things like that in the simulator you can also look up here on your travel to mode you can see the stages that you're at it's good just to have a look we're obviously not needing to use that because we're not doing the travel to anywhere and that vlog is also useful gives us some estimated times of arrival for the next waypoint it's not the um time all the way to the end for landings just to the next waypoint so keep that in mind the um ete if you're wondering if you can run off and get a drink and come back to your computer while you're simulating how much time do i have before i need to freak out or you can look up here and have a look that will give you an idea just how much time you've got to go get a drink or make a coffee or make some tea and then come back that's that's what it's important for when we are talking about stimulation but it's pretty much fine by itself anyway we're sitting at 3 000. we can notice the glideslope button is still below us it'll be sitting basically at that number i told you guys about before that 1750 that's where that's sitting in fact let's go demonstrate that now so we're going to drop our altitude to 1600 okay i'll try and put it more on the screen so we can see this number here i'm dropping that number to 1600 now we're going to change our vs and then it won't do anything until i tell it to start going down so decrease the vertical speed which is the up you'd be rolling the button up i presume in real life and down it comes so now we're gonna decrease we'll slightly get ourselves down to 1600 this is not the correct approach don't be doing all the way out here this is very very early but we're getting ready that's the important thing can always see what's active up here so we know fms mode is active like i say that should always be fms for the whole flight for an rnf approach not changing that the only thing is you will need to hit the fms initially after takeoff to enable it because it won't be in fms mode necessarily you'll need to switch it for that to get it enabled to get your autopilot working in the first place your fms your autopilot button your nav button and if it's still not working have a look up here and make sure that your ap trim isn't on that's all the things to be watching out for just want to keep adjusting my camera and put it back into my i can look at my co-pilot see i'll go back to landing so we'll get to 1600 now that what i'm trying to demonstrate to you guys is we should notice that this little pink dot is going to actually go above our current altitude okay so our center data chooses around about here and this little uh purple dot so perhaps we will call it should be a little bit above where our current altitude is here we will notice this one here and we'll be sitting at 17.50 and we'll be at 1600 so a little bit below so i'm making it really obvious to you and that little purple dot will come down it will hit us at 1600 and then drag us down to the runway on the correct glideslope so that's what the glideslope will do and then uh fms will keep us lined up with the runway coming in straight they'll just keep following this line all the way down so that fms will do that anyway what enables this glide slope to start activating now you can notice it's just a little bit below so this is 1600 and this is 1750 up here okay or just it's a little bit above but that's what the 1600 is so it's going to be a little bit above us our current altitude it's going to hold at 1600 now and you'll notice it will go back to alt mode up here alt mode is now selected all we need to do is we need to click on the approach button and we need to click on the alt button um i think in fact all you need to do is click the approach button but that i'm just showing you what i'm actually doing i'm going to click approach and i'm going to take the old shoot off i'm just doing that to be doubly sure it's not going to hold altitude we don't want it to hold altitude but hey if you i didn't mention it already in this video just a level button if you're learning and you just want to look at scenery outside and have a good time this plane is so cool because it's got this lvl button which will just level out your flight it'll keep you flying straight as long as you've got enough throttle which is probably the case and yeah you won't crash and then you can look out the window have a look at the scenery you can jump to external view and just look around around you and not have to worry about flying the plane it's nice easy button that's available it's just called lvl and you can click that up here another cool thing to know about we know if i gear this up or not of course by always looking here at the lights so without having to look at the external we know if it's green it's down and if it's no green it's up you can always see what the color is by clicking that button looking at the green there flying quite straight at the moment i think we can zoom this in a little bit more not necessary but we can do that there we go everything's going pretty okay at the moment also you can look down here of course for uh flap information flaps are up at the moment we've got a little way to go but if we want to be doing things super duper early we could also bring our gears in there flaps out and stuff our speed is a little high not too bad i'll start bringing her speed down we can have a little look and see what the atc has been telling us they've probably been telling us to climb um you can see this do you have please expedite your climb to 6 000 that still want us to be up quite high we wouldn't be descending so early so they'll be following the approach paths to come down we're still quite low in fact um helicopters and things like that could be uh beginning to be in our range if they below stay below 2000 but we're already below 2000 all the way out here so they wouldn't be expecting that maybe 800 or something a helicopter but they might go up to 2000 be cleared there are no helicopters in this game yet um will be really exciting to see the engine for them i know so many people were keen on helicopters and also gliders could be fun they are unique they handle very very differently i've used them quite a bit in dcs digital combat simulator i think um you would find they're a different experience so we're coming along we know we've got about 15 at the moment this number up here before we tackle that next objective do a little sweep of the plane notice our air temperature now we're so close to the ground only 1600 and we can see it is now um 29 degrees celsius so it's quite warm 29 degrees celsius all the way out here airport headland in western australia at this time of year you can see what the weather is like in this part of the world quite warm and very clear and sunny ground speed at the moment is 219 knots we've brought it down towards the 200 and we'll try and land it around about 90 on this flight so i'll watch my speed we'll bring it down to about 120 so that when we are at oops when we're at the ppdnf i'll be at about 120 and then all i'm doing is going from 120 down to about 90 to land on the runway 120 down to 90 to land on the runway now unlike the ils you may find this approach won't be quite as precise in the way that it comes in but it will be very close it will be very close and then you can just do the final maneuvers to bring the plane in any time you like by just disabling the autopilot left click once and you can hand fly it in but it will get you almost down all the way to the runway and where this is important is if you can't see the runway you're flying in like rainy conditions or storms or you know you have no idea where the runway is then you can use this to get yourself close enough so that you can see the runway then when you finally can see the runway and you can disable the auto part if you can't see the runway still or the conditions are so bad on the ground that there's you know heavy clouds still right at the ground you'll have to do a mission approach and you'll have that option but this will give you a chance to get as close as possible to get that opportunity to make that decision so still about 12 minutes there this is the angle of attack information which can come up you can turn that on or off i have no idea why you would ever want to turn it off but maybe maybe that's an option for you this traffic inset i haven't found does anything i don't know where it's supposed to be doing it is there supposed to be traffic around here or something because i don't know maybe it does something in the real plane or yeah i don't know what the traffic inset does at this point in time i'm aware that a lot of buttons don't work but it's obviously we want to know as many buttons do work as possible and what they do so that's what we're trying to do put our hot air on a little bit can we we can put some air on our feet perhaps i said airflow towards the cabin or the windshield set it in the middle just cruising along 1600 here and again you can see that little pink dot just a little bit above our altitude at 1600 it's going to be just above us that's what i'm trying to point out this fuel selector i don't know why you would want to but you can actually change it yourself manually left to right left to right if you want to time it every 15 minutes or something but um we've got it on fuel select auto so you don't have to worry about that when you find some of the smaller planes like your cessna's and stuff um you've actually got to do this yourself manually there is no option where you can just click and go um auto some of them don't have that some do but um yeah some of them don't so you've actually got to keep an eye on that otherwise your plane will become a little bit heavy on one side than the other so just something to be aware of if you are flying a different plane they don't all have dysfunctionality this is um supposed luxury compared to some of those other planes but you still can do the same as what they do so you can do it manually if you want you put it on manual and then you can swap it and keep an eye on your time keep swapping between the two tanks and keep the plane nice and level you do have that option so that's cool it's good that we've got that option now some things i could think about would be the gears and the flaps probably going to put it out to full landing flaps towards the very end so just before we come around to the corner i think they would be putting the flaps on somewhere around here gear down flaps depending on what's needed but this plane can slow down very easily by itself it's a really good capacity to to slow down i don't believe it has any form of air brakes i'm used to air brakes as an option from dcs digital combat simulator i don't think there are any air brake options on this plane so you just got the flaps and you've got the gear to slow yourself down and then you've got your speed with the throttle coming a little bit closer into land now we can see the moon look at the color of the water like you've got this deep dark blue here and as we look out into the distance becomes this different shade of blue it's not just one color blue for water you know and this is just at this one particular time of day in this weather conditions but it it's just that which adds a lot to the game i believe it's going to look even better in the future because there's some layers missing or something in the game on release this video is recorded very close to the first week of release of the game so things could have changed by the time you watch this video but um it is really amazing to see the color change the dark deep blue all the way to this light blue eye in the distance that's very very cool very cool indeed and of course if you had a helicopter you could take off and just land on that random island for fun and go back again you can do things like that but i think on this plane would be a little bit challenging other than the bush planes of course they could they could tackle things like that they are also of course a lot of fun a lot less systems it's more um learning the flight model of the plane they can go super slowly and still have quite good maneuverability some of the other planes click on gps tracking mode and you'll get your plane on a map if you ever go to this map go off somewhere and you can't find your playing anymore down in the bottom right it has gps tracking left click that once and it suddenly finds your playing and you're good to go so hopefully you find that useful isoline map will give you elevation give you an idea if there's a mountain head or something as i say we're pretty flat out here this couldn't be a safer place to practice so it's super safe i'm going to come in off the ocean and come around look at the color now it's going like this dark brown color just amazing anyway i'm going to jump into the plane and i am going to begin to get our gear and stuff and keep an eye on our speed so our speed is hopefully going to come down to 200 before i bring the gear out i think you want about 170 before you bring that gear up but i'm in simulation so i'm going to bring the gear out right now i'm pushing g then comes the gear look at our gears there's the front one and the two side ones they've come out successfully and they're holding and we've got three greens okay now flaps i don't think i'd ever do this but i'm going to split them to take off flaps at the moment because i don't want to slow down too much i just want a little bit of flaps 160 which is good so the things i need to do i need to click approach and then i need to click alt and to watch it working i'm looking up here at the g and i'm watching to see if this pink comes down to us and then comes down all the way and where it's going to come down we can tell from this we know it is going to bring us down from 1750 at pp dnf that's where it's going to activate and ppdnf and we look on the map is here and then we're going down to the airport so that's where it is in relation to this fight plan but this will work for any airport you like to do i know that around the world as a as an option once you can get vnav working and you can use it wherever you like you can also then use our ils if you haven't checked out my als video please do hopefully that will help you if you haven't worked out how to do an ils landing at all and i'm still trying to come to terms with some of the buttons and unique features of this plane we've got an outside temperature today of now 29 degrees it's looking very close to that on the ground not too much wind ground speed is about 166 and you can see that our indicator speed here is 158 true airspeed is 169. just checking got that there i have landing lights on we did that super early as you know what you will want to do is perhaps change your seating position and get ready with rudder pedals because you're going to have to the other thing to be aware of is how can you get the plane into reverse thrust if you don't know you can push f2 on the keyboard so as we hit the runway use your rudder pedals at first to keep it level on the runway then once you think you're stable and center on the runway push f2 on the keyboard to get the reverse mode activated you hold it down don't just tap it hold it down f2 on the keyboard and then once you've got your speeder down below 80 50 start using the wheel brakes apply your wheel brakes left wheel brake and right wheel brake try and apply them evenly or as required to keep yourself straight on the runway and then you should eventually come to a stop and you can bring the throttle all the way back to idle but you'll probably be an idol already um as you're coming in on the runway before your wheels hit the ground you've put it in idle but if there's some reason there isn't an idle definitely get in the idle i'm not trying to go anywhere we're just trying to stop the plane at that point so i wonder if i can zoom in a little bit more yep there we go and just have a look at our field just for curious sake we've got down to 30 left on both these um left and the right a few people were mentioning that if you wanted to save fuel you could try using one engine in some of the dual engine planes and also with some of the landing challenges it may be easier if you just turned off one engine and tried using one of the engines on the double engine planes to try and make the landing challenges and get up the charts just some ideas i haven't tried this i have tried a plane when put one engine on but i haven't really done a lot with the landing challenges i do have a video of saint barthelemy where i've landed every propeller plane in the game at that one airport and just put a time stamp to all the landings there's a lot of landings in that video but in this video we're going to be doing one landing and it's coming up very soon so we can see now we're going to get in three minutes 25 seconds we're going to get to pp dng and then very quickly things will happen as we come down to the runway things i need to do i need to click approach and i need to click alt so very heavy workload for me i need to click two buttons approach and alt will set everything else up ready to go we know we're in fms mode and you'll notice this will stay in no data the whole time okay there will be no data that's the big difference with ios ios we're desperately wanting just to fill up with data and with this mode we're not worried we don't need to worry about any data in there so hopefully i've made that aspect clear to you as one of the differences between ios and rnerv that you can see in the sim always keep an eye up here just tells you what's active and what's actually happening with the plane very useful our gears are out we're unfortunately keeping them out for a very long time here we're super super duper prepared for landing i think i might just um get our camera around about here and we'll leave it there so we can have a look at it later you can also just keep an eye on this map here so it's going to turn and then turn again at ppd and i is the point that i am going to hit approach and take off the alt okay so it should um level us up for the ppd and f i don't need to worry about altitude because i'm already at altitude i'm at the 1600 already but in real life they're very worried about altitude they're trying to make sure that they've got to that altitude at that point for the descent but i've i've gone and done all this way in advance and the advantage is i'm now able to demonstrate to you that that little purple dot is above our current altitude that's what i'm making really really clear to you if i was flying this myself i probably wouldn't be sitting at 1600 already i'd be doing something much more closer to the descent required but um just to demonstrate to you i wanted to make it really clear to you that we're below the glide slope and the purple at this point in time we are in fms mode but we still have a glideslope information and you will get glideslope information with an rnav so if you don't have ils at the runway you're going to land at you have arnab as an option this is how we can execute it especially just in this in particular plane in this game we're coming very close to it now looks like we've got 30 seconds away and the plane's going to make a turn again by itself because we're sitting in autopilot we've never moved on you can see that turn have a little look at outside more interesting colors down here we've got purple water now i'm not going to concentrate on that too much i just set my camera around about there in fact no i want to zoom in so i can show you guys i want to keep an eye on this and we want to see what's happening with that dot as we come up so we've now charged the pp dng i said that the ppd and i i am going to hit approach and i'm going to very soon after hit the alt altitude mode off okay that's the two things i'm going to do at ppd and i you can see down here still no data active mode is fms so the data field's only relevant for ios this is rnav we don't have to worry about that this time coming up to ppdni it'd be pretty crazy if this all doesn't work after me explaining everything wouldn't it but i'm pretty confident this is going to work so let's see how we go coming up to ppdni i need to get ready to push approach the plane will turn by itself still actually we'll see that happen i'll just sew that outside view we'll see the plane turn by itself i won't change to view until there we go it's turning by itself i'm not touching anything there we go it's turning to any turning coming around as soon as i think it's level i will hit the approach button this little pink dot you'll notice is not moved it is still staying up there and we're turning around pink dot has not moved it will start to move when we get to this final point ppd nf okay ppdnf and then it will start to move but what we are going to do is we are going to click approach mode up here so can you see it turn approach mode on i'll just wait for it to settle it's almost got to see it there's a runway it's got it's pretty settled now so up here i'm clicking apr approach and those nav lights gone out approach mode's on okay now we're looking for this pink dot and we're looking to see this pink dot will come down to us and then it will drag us down to the runway i'm going to select this button up here turn altitude mode hold off altitude hold mode is now off i'm not going to do anything you'll notice the plane's not doing anything until we get to the ppdnf notice it's still above us i'll give you an extra outside view to give you an idea what's going on there's a runway out there way out there and circling ppd in there for coming up to it now we'll go back into the plane we'll have a little look one thing i need to do i want to put the landing flaps on so i can do things like that and just keep an eye on my speed can you see this pink now is coming down it's coming down now it'll collect us and it'll drag us the rest of the way down i've brought our speed down to help it let's quickly look at where we're at we're just almost at the ppdnf right now we're sitting at just about a hundred 1660 at the moment 100 here's the pink dot now it should come down by itself look at that it's put us into 300 450 dive it's bringing us in on the glide slope now keep bringing your throttle back so that you um not going too fast 1500 it's going to drag us all the way down to the runway how good is that that's our nerve okay so i'm not doing anything here my workload is quite simple got the gear out flaps out the plane is bringing us down on the glideslope for us all i need to do is manage our speed okay very very cool this is really really awesome and good fun absolutely good fun so please do give it a go if you haven't tried it before coming in on the ad nav approach now it's not quite as precise as what the ils you may find so you will have to at some point hand fly it in it will get us very very close to the point where we can make a decision can we see the runway in this case we can see the runway so we're going to be okay to disable the autopilot we're going to left click once on here and fly the plane just at the last moment i still bring this down can you see a little pink dot down now to 800 let's bring this down at 600 feet per minute which is interesting just as a a good kind of glideslope number to remember if you're trying to hand fly maybe 600 or so it'd be a good idea you can see us coming in it's really getting us almost all the way there so 600 now it's keeping us in line with the runway and also bringing us down on the glide slope our speed's about 100 at some point i'm going to have to take over here but i'm pretty confident we can see the runway now so maybe about 400 on 300 i'll extend it a bit longer than normal just so you can see just how far it can bring us down with dr nav but there you go 400 still going so all i'm going to do is i'm going to click autopilot over here disable i'm watching my speed 300 it's got us all the way down to 300 that's pretty good for an autopilot that's rnaf yeah that's pretty pretty good i call 200 we're going at 90 looks good so i'm going to disable autopilot now one left click and we'll just hand floating throttles to idle wheels on the ground i just put it in with the f2 on the um keyboard for the reverse and then i could let go of that push the throttle forward just to get it back into forward mode bring it back to idle and use the wheel brakes and this will come to a rolling stop and then the game will give us somewhere to go with some luck there we are we're completely stopped on the runway and we're safely down and we're at port hedland international airport we'll go choose the location to park at today so head over this way we can see the taran stuff up there we can put our mode into taxi up here just for taxi lights you'd normally be talking to them and asking them where do you want us to park or get me taxi i could bring my flaps up pushing f5 on the keyboard to bring my flaps back in we'll just zoom in a little bit and we'll park somewhere maybe over here next to the big red plane there or park on the left-hand side of him the black vehicle wants to do other things that's okay really really cool play it has good ground handling i think i don't know i really like the grand handling from a game perspective in this game it's just really cool oh my gosh there you go it's giving us a parking spot how cool is that didn't give us any information but suddenly has given us a parking spot so that's cool so we're going to park here we are in the green square mostly we'll move forward a little bit there we go cool so to shut down the plane super duper easy i'm just going to put the fuel tank to off and i'm going to go up to here with one left click and put the crest bar down and kaboom we are finished our flight i hope you found this video useful feel free to subscribe like and comment the video if you found this video useful please do share it and i hope you have learned something once you can do the r nav approach that will give you another option to land on the runway in tense or troubling conditions if it's rainy or stormy and it should hopefully add to your knowledge of the plane you can go from here and go and learn more but um i hope that you have learned something from this video thank you very much for watching and have a great day bye for now
Channel: azayomi
Views: 13,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, RNAV, rnav, ILS, Flight, Simulator, Simulation, 2020, game, carenado, orbx, Skylane, CT182T, cessna, KORS, island, orcas, fun, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, Cessna, Citation, Longitude, YBCS, Cairns, land, landing, autopilot, darwin, daher, TBM930, YGTE, YPDN, 930, tbm, ils, tutorial, guide, module, plane, aeroplane, avion, Darwin International Airport
Id: SJxBygwfyZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 17sec (4937 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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