Salisbury Steak Recipe | Hungry Man TV Dinner Remake

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kent what are you doing i'm watching tv oh you know what's on tv not nothing but guess what hungry man tv dinner i am going to show you how to skip the frozen food aisle make it on your own and it'll be the best thing ever so come on me and the duke and the big we're gonna get this one to going for you [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp and thank you lord for a beautiful day and the wind is not blowing yet you don't get many days like this in southwest oklahoma i'm telling you for sure but it's just a great day to be outside and it's a great day to relive some memories and i'm talking about memories that whoo got me through some hard times some tough times but i always sort of fell back on this little meal because i really love it you can ask shan i'll still get it out of the grocery store on occasion but you don't have to go down that frozen food aisle no more guess what hungry man yes that's what i'm talking about salisbury steak how many shame you reckon i eat since you knowed me these things folks have got me through some really hard times and i am not putting these fellers down a bit at all but folks we gonna create or recreate this whole meal and make it even better than what it is there and you remember when them frozen dinners come along what'd they call them tv dinners now why would you call them a tv dinner yes you could get that little food tray a little put it right up there set that down there and you could watch i love lucy fred sanford the beverly hillbillies gun smoke and have you one of the greatest meals in the world so the folks that come up with that stuff hey they sure helped a lot of people bring a little goodness into the house but folks we're going to show you how to do it it's really simple and it's really easy and everything that we use will be listed down there in the little link below so without further hoopla let's get to going let's talk about the star of the show yes let's give it up for the what the ground beef yes it is it's what i'm talking about we're using us some certified angus beef 80 20 a pound and a half yeah you can see in this little package there is two of these but i guarantee you folks they ain't that big when you get through cooking them so we got these two pounds here oh sorry pound and a half and i need you to get some of this original seasoning what ain't got none well the only place that you can get it is on our website and we hope you got some of it and you enjoy it going to season pretty well so about that much and then guess what we're going to use us some dry mustard now i have done this with wet mustard but i prefer dry then we're going to have to have us some ketchup about that much would be the correct amount if i was guessing a little smoked paprika i know y'all see me pouring all this stuff in there and you think this guy ain't got no sense as to what he's doing or where he's doing it he might even put some out there but the recipe and everything that you need to know about this little particular meal will be listed right down there below and i've had some of you had trouble going down there scrolling uh printable recipe click boom what's it do take you over to the blog that's a fancy word for i'm going to write a lot of recipes on the website there you got all the recipes you're ever going to need to make happy meals every day now here we have two well-beaten eggs yes and i just want you to scatter them out there amongst it and we're going to mix this up first before we add any of these bread crumbs so just get your hands in it if you want to use a wooden spoon you can we got that all incorporated in there whale so now it is time to dry this out a little which is going to be bread crumbs so we're going to start with one cup of them bread crumbs plain don't be getting none of them seasoned ones i want you to get the plain now just like when you're making biscuits i need you to just put it in there as we need it so we're going to go squashing it around here making sure that we get it all in there and more it is going to take so that is one whole cup we got to have that binder in there because with that egg we need it so everything stays together wu la hola is a done deal we're going to call it just like that needs to set 30 minutes folks okay so let me set it over here i want to show you a little something look right in here i don't know if can you see that shane there's some gravy in there you have seen me stop that up do a lot of sopping with a piece of bread i'm talking about making some sopping good gravy and what is it a pound of them white mushrooms don't be going in the backyard digging them up out of there and putting them in there because folks that'll make you see visions everywhere you'd be thinking you own maybe like the zombie show or something so stay away from one large white onion now i need you to get you a cast iron skillet or a dutch oven that's deep enough to hold all this but folks we're going to put about this much gravy in it so make sure that it has a deep sidewall to it okay well the onions and the shrooms is ready to go and the butter has melted so we're going to add just a little dab of oil in there because we need some and i sure have been fond of avocado oil and let me tell you folks this is bertha do not set plastic over there on the hot part of it in go the shrooms and the butter and you can hear that sizzle that is a good sound it is and we going to cook this down to them onions get what you call very translucent and then mushrooms get what you call it golden brown that's what i'm talking about so at this time we need to do a little seasoning here to all this goodness don't take much we're going to add us about six tablespoons of flour to this because we want this to whenever we get that liquid in there to where it'll automatically thicken itself so put a little in there at a time stir it around make sure everybody gets coated well and you got this probably over about medium heat in the house is what you're doing we got about five cupfuls of beef broth if you can find it i would tell you to buy the low sodium kind or even get that that says bone broth beef broth that's really because it's going to have less sodium in here because we've got some salt in this we got some salt in the meat hey i'm just trying to look out for your health here in the new year so just add that in there make sure that we get all that stuff sitting there on the bottom back to its original place and that's the goodness i like to forgot it's a really really good year it was we kind of have a little red wine now you can use white wine for this but i really like to use red wine i think it makes it a little better and you know it's good when it's in a plastic bottle yes and it says sutter home now i don't know where sutter lived around here he might have lived in that wood pile right there but i thank him for dropping off this little dab of wine here duke is stuck in the wood pile duker hey can you get out of there hey in goes about a tablespoon or two of red wine gotta have it folks just got to then we're going to put in some that w sauce as justin wilson was saying that lee and perrin's uh-huh and it's about that much it is which is the right amount but you're probably asking yourself why didn't we make the meat first and then make the gravy and pour it over the meat folks we're gonna make the gravy first pour it up put the meat right back in here where all these good drippings was and cook it up a little and brown it and then you throw the gravy on top that's the way to do it so we're going to just put this over medium heat let it come to a pretty good bowl to where it thickens and then we'll take it off well folks that's what i call a simmering right along and you can see the consistency gut it's got because when we put that back in there with that meat it's actually going to cook a little more and get a little thicker it's too much bubbly hey it's that's all that flavor coming out of there when that gets to that point i need you to transfer it over into a pitcher glass bowl something and that is a lot of goodness right there now you need to try to get all that in there you can set 30 minutes it did and we got it out of there now i need you to sort of divide it into i'd say like six equal pieces to start out with we'll see what we come up with duke is keeping watchful eye to make sure that my mathematics is really well he knows all about this stuff he does a tip i meant to tell you before we ever got started in this endeavor is if you're gonna work with raw hamburger meat like that if you wet your hands just a little before you start it don't stick to you near as bad i need you to flatten them out and then i need you to sort of make them a long oval yes i do and that same dutch oven or that skillet that you was using i need you to go ahead and let's just take two tablespoons of butter and drop right in there them same drippings everything that was going on set it over in a warm spot and just let it get to melting and let's make some more of these salisbury steaks the iron is hot and the butter is sizzling so it's time to add these little beef babies here that's what i would call a full boat everybody is in the life preservers have been snapped on and we're ready to go to town let the frying begin now we're just going to cook these about two or three minutes on each side till we get that good golden brown there and that's what that butter is really helping us do with them bread crumbs and everything in there it's going to make it sear over and get us a really good color we'll flip them do the same and then we're going to give them a bath yes we are folks we're going to let them have some of that luscious gravy right there it'll be the happiest beef in the world the meat has browned on both sides and it's time to let it swim in the goodness that's a prettiest sight right there it is hear that beef laughing saying bring it on we love it it is some good stuff now one thing i am going to tell you let me get this out of the way i need you just to fish down in there and lift them up just to tie it and get some of that gravy under them because you don't want to lay in the bed without no sheets do you no no they need to get some of this good loving down there under them and i need you to just put it on a low simmer now folks that is pretty hard to do on bertha and sometimes y'all have seen her do it she want to keep the whole thing so we're going to put her right up here on what i call the low simmer side because she is really getting after it and while we're doing all that remember in that picture it showed you some mashed potatoes some green beans a brownie and this good steak with that wonderful gravy well folks we're gonna have it all too so i think we should get them green beans on to going i got me about five pieces of that bacon thick cut slasher chopped her up in there let her get to browning folks i'm gonna give you a tip about green beans now if you ain't got something frozen that you put up fresh or you've got some can that you put up fresh get you some good frozen green beans best than i ever use come from sam some big old long french green beans and them things is so good but i do love some of these birds eye and fresh is always always better than them cans you buy the store so we're just going to throw them in there now you'll be thinking anybody can cook green beans yeah i hear you but no can't nobody just cook them just like i'm cooking them because i never give you the recipe yet but guess what it's your lucky day i'm gonna give it to you today people be adding water in there right now now let's get us some chicken broth that's what i'm talking about because that's what makes them good you just want enough in there to sort of cover them and then the thing that i think makes grease beans the best in the world is the original seasoning we have made fed mini a football player this meal right here with them green beans in it they think it's the best thing ever give them a little stir we're just going to cook them till they get like watching that guy that drove through the hail storm what was his name al who dante there we go so hang on folks this meal's about to come together they have come to a good simmer and got that chicken broth back hot so we're just gonna drop us about three and a half to four tablespoons of butter in there because you got gotta have it and folks just a little liquid smoke remember i've always told you this stuff is potent as snake venom it is so just a tad whoa that's a plenty right there i guarantee you you'll be able to taste it let it get that butter melted we'll taste it one more time for seasoning and whoo this hungry man dinner is about to come together do there you have it folks the hungry man meal now i'm talking this is a full-blown meal mashed taters green beans that good salisbury steak with that most delicious gravy ever and a brownie for dessert so where do you think we're going to start first son you in a line and that stuff cuts like butter i'm talking that is a good looking bite there with the mushrooms and onions make me do the he-man hungry man dancing [Music] namaste i'm gonna stay till i finish this dish i promise you where is the help culinary culinary there's one culinary there's the oven now hang on hang on let's have some manners today okay there's yours hang on wait right there good boy good boy yes he is so athletic he is thank you big so much folks that was easy and that was good but don't forget that dessert then brownie's little recipe will be listed down there below too because i am saving this until i get finished with all this stuff but hey everything we use will be down there in a little recipe down there you can click it and you can get to it hungry man thank you mr hungry man for turning me onto this so many years ago it is a great day in the neighborhood it is but even greater day that i get to salute and take my hat off to all our service men and women and all our veterans and everybody that's keeping us safe at this time those folks that are fighting the covet i mean they on the front line and they getting me done hang in there folks good news is right around the corner good things are turning on and praise the lord pass the biscuits in the salisbury steak and guess what i'll see you down the salisbury street tree [Music] [Music] break it on down and turn it on up what's tv going what you gonna do make salisbury steak chant told me to just give it a clip clap clap clap i have my fancy gloves on today you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 955,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salisbury steak, salisbury steak recipe, salisbury steak and gravy, steak and gravy, mushroom gravy recipe, how to make salisbury steak, hungry man, hungry man tv dinner, salisbury steak gravy, southern salisbury steak, homemade salisbury steak, easy salisbury steak, easy salisbury steak with mushroom gravy, salisbury steak tv dinner, hungry man salisbury steak, cowboy kent rollins steak, outdoor cooking, dinner, homemade brownies, green beans recipe, hamburger recipe ideas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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