Meatballs with Mushroom Gravy

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don't know what to cook for supper I didn't either till I opened the cookbook and I found it there it was Mama's old fashioned meatballs with a good homemade mushroom sauce gravy that goes on top come on over I'll save you a chair but I won't save it for long come on [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by the backyard whoo what a great day it is my name is Kent Rollins and we do a whole lot of cooking here Dutch oven care grilling we got you all covered everything that we use will be in the little printable recipe down there below Shannon will have it for you now as you can see with the surroundings here it is a little cloudy and dreary here but it is my kind of day folks the good Lord blessed us last night with about three and a half inches of rain I thought Noah was gonna come back biogenic we got so much rain so sort of put me in the mood for this to have some good old classic Mama's meatballs now sure the recipe is in the cookbook you say you ain't got one well shadow have you a link fixed you up with her 152 Mama's onion meatballs in a creamy mushroom gravy yep you heard me say it creamy mushroom gravy now Shannon's gonna have you a link for that remember when we did the smothered steak video and we had the homemade mushroom gravy that went with it well that's what we're gonna use folks for the meatballs today and whoo it gives it such a great flavor that as you'll see me while I go out and diced up a yellow onion pretty fine and then I didn't dice me up about six of them little sweet peppers and I hear you out there saying why don't you use a bell pepper because I like the sweetness that this here because I like the sweetness they bring out now also to go with that I have me two of them fire roasted hatch green chilies to put in there and we dice all that up after we don't cook this about eight slices of thick-cut bacon in there we pulled that bacon out about half done dumped all the peppers and onions in there and let it just get sort of soft pull the bacon back out and you see we're to that point now we want to chop this bacon up when it gets cool enough that you can handle it and it's got to be diced pretty fine and folks I could smell this when I get home from school sitting in their own kitchen stove whoo it is some of the best evening you will ever have but before we go any further this bacon has to be checked can you get right up here where folks can see here no what do you think about this yeah folks it's good bacon the big approved they like 77 tail wags going on and while you'll be looking at the camera don't slip your finger under the knife while you're chopping or it'll get mixed in there too now I'm gonna get me two pounds of Certified Angus beef 8020 hamburger meat so you can see this comes in patty form me and Shannon eat a lot of when we do I want to tell you something real close make sure you take these out the Beagle don't even like to chew on them these are half pound patties so in Oklahoma math four times a half make about two it does I want to go ahead before we ever start to put this in there and get it sort of mashed up really well all together we're going to add half the bacon the first time around half the peppers onions which is about that much then we're gonna go back in here and go to incorporating this again here we go with the other half well you think big is this gonna be 50 pieces dad it will work I promise go ahead and put her right here on this cutting board so I can get rid of this excuse me they're big now as we sit in here we're gonna go ahead and put this skillet back over here on this little burner since we doesn't let all that bacon grease absorb up in them onions and them little sweet mini peppers we're gonna add just a little oil to it about that much which is probably I'd say three tablespoons as that's warming up folks we just will do it we just wants make us some meatballs now you can make them whatever size you want but I like to make them about like a golf ball size two pounds is gonna make you plenty of me so don't think you're going to starve one two three four five six seven eight nine well lookie there about 16 or 17 meatballs our grease has got hot so let's just lay them in there we're just gonna Brown them good all the way around as you can see I'm not real level-headed today because the grease is way over yonder on the other side so we're gonna have to do us some skillet rotation but we're gonna seize them on the outside as we roll them around here and cook them what we season them with y'all know what is gonna be didn't you you can see we got two up here this one is some of that homemade mushroom soup that has got some of them good mushrooms some cream some onion some garlic folks I'm sharing to you I could just drink this right out of the bowl we're just going to warm it back up so when we get ready here the minute things won't have to cook so that's hot [Music] now I'm gonna tell you if you're in a big hurry you can also use you some of that can mushroom soup but hey try this once you won't go back to it now if you're doing this in the house 350 and you're gonna cook them for about 30 to 35 minutes but we're gonna do them in this 12-inch and we got to have the rest of this gravy in there now folks there's plenty of that gravy so let's make sure that we use it all because that's the love that takes place and then you won't do one these deals ready to last to the coals we go we're sitting on a tall trivet so it's mashed in the wet ground a little and that wet ground has been dried out today so we started with some coals around there all the way around to drive that top out so let's put a little heat on top we'll let the magic and the phone bigge well you can see we loaded it up pretty heavy around the outside edge and pretty heavy on top because this has got a lot of moisture in there with that mushroom soup that's in there and I need things to really get to bubbling and get to cooking because I want all that just to come together and all them flavors marry up we will have to rotate this just a little even out of hot spot but a much win here in the backyard so we're in pretty good shape we think we should inform you people about what's going to happen now a lot of you already know because y'all have watched this channel throughout we fittin to reach a half that figured up the other day by the Beagle is two years worth of tail wags for steak he knows how to do this they'll show them yeah see right there this is a pretty big milestone for an old cowboy a beagle and a beautiful woman but none of it would have been possible without y'all watching but I think we owe the biggest debt of gratitude to my little sweet wife Shannon who has filmed all of these and folks it just gets better every day so there's probably gonna be some kind of big giveaway like maybe a trip to Tahiti or something like that no but I tell you what I am gonna do folks y'all have seen me wear that old black hat in there for many years now when we get pretty close to that million and over me and Shannon's going to to you again in a video and we're going to tell you how you might have a chance to win that old black hat in that I've cooked for for probably eight nine years to me it is a trophy and I hate to give it up but to you fans one of y'all is deserving we'll be telling you in weeks to come so stay tuned so folks you can see that we are powerful hot on this side over here so we're gonna rotate this away so we can even some of that out so we just pick her up here and give her about a 180 degree turn does it look on level there Shan with the camera you might be asking yourself what we'll be looking for when they be getting done since you don't put all that mushroom soup on there you can't even see them the more they will firm up pretty good when you touch them with a fork all the way around and you'll begin to see some of that mushroom soup settle just a little and they might be peeking a little done heads out things have gotten a little unlevel here a little deeper over on that side of the pool where all the grown-up kids are so let's take him off just a minute give him a little tap right here and see if we can't straighten everybody up and while we got him offer will even rotate and you can see them things are firming up pretty good here to the top of them to touch these over here is hidden he can't see them but you'll be getting there well I think we'd be needed to get a volunteer to see what's happening because folks when I see him right there and he's pretty tight when you pick on him so let's just pull him up out of there lay him right here and let's cut him in half yo - lookee there I'm thinking he is almost there because while the rest of them cooking for five more minutes you know what's going to happen to this and I'm gonna eat it acnes done so what do you do when you run out of troops you call for reinforcements you do so let me get these folks over here the big says he is ready because folks this is gonna have to sit here and cool before we can even do anything to it and you can see there is some fine stuff going on that mushroom suit that we made that home-a turned a good rich golden color blend it in with all them good meat juices and then peppers and everything whoo one two three four and a five that's about enough for me and the Beagle now folks I'm gonna tell you right now you can have you some homemade mashed potatoes with this you can serve this over rice you can serve it over a piece I toasted bread you can do anything with it you want I deliver up for I could do that and that's what I was doing them let you go mmm whoo god bless you mama for showing me how to make this dish so many years ago when I was just a little tyke miss you every day I do and I am so honored that you taught me my way around the kitchen but she also taught me manners when you mix the sweetness of the little mini peppers with a good little kick of the hatch roasted green chilies in there all together they've all been roasted up in there and that little bike and grease that was cooking you get some of that biking in there to go with it it is so good it'll Mike you telling slap that back of your head and nearly break your neck and this gravy folks this gravy is what's happening this is one of them good comfort food dishes that everybody needs every once a while to make you feel good big thank you you can't eat this cause it's got onions in it know me so sorry my friend I'll cook you a t-bone steak after a while the folks we hope you learn something here in the backyard today mostly about life is simple food is that way too you just cook it with your heart and all the goodness that goes with it and you have created a masterpiece be sure and check our website out Shan we'll have it on there what's upcoming for us will be in Carbon County up there in Montana to do a deal for some veterans later on that month during Memorial Day weekend will be at wagons through warriors in Lebanon Missouri it is a great time folks come out there and see about 40 something wagons we're supporting a great cause like our servicemen and women for keeping that old flag flying there in the backyard we appreciate all that they do and the veterans folks time for another hood you know in here come on come on let me get you god bless y'all each and every one be sure and hit the like share and subscribe and I'll see you down mama's meat bone trail
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 443,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meatballs, how to make meatballs, beef meatballs, mushroom soup, mushroom gravy, mushroom gravy recipe, old fashioned meatballs, campfire cooking, outdoor cooking, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven recipes camping, dutch oven recipe, camping cooking, cast iron cooking, cast iron skillet, cast iron skillet recipe, ground beef recipe, meatball sauce, best meatballs, baked meatball recipe, how to cook meatballs, easy meatball recipe, classic meatballs, Super bowl recipe
Id: FCvPgXYjjvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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